CanadaGot a call from Montreal
CONGRATS! I wish the best for you both!
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-02 09:34:00
Canadapacket 3 questions
WOW. Thats crazy how they chaned things so quickly for the packet 3. I got mine in May and it was the old version where I only had to send back the checklist and DS-230.

I guess this totally saves them time on getting your paperwork at the actual interview. I've got 2 accordion style file folders almost full of all of my paperwork. UGH
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-03 10:25:00
Canadado the forms all have to be filled out online?
Hi everyone. I know the DS-160 has to be filled out online and then you would print out the application and confirmation page.
Besides that one form, can the others all be filled in by pen? I printed out the actual papers and did all the other forms by hand.

I ask because I read on another post that the DS-156 and DS-156K had to be completed online and you could not do them in pen.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-07 11:36:00
CanadaHow do you feel about strippers?
AHAHAHHAH. I LOVE that picture LEN. Thats the kid whos mom works at HOME DEPOT and it looks like shes riding a stripper pole but shes actually got a shovel or something. AHAHAHHAA
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-07-20 12:53:00
CanadaHow do you feel about strippers?
I agree with Sapphire. I have no issues with my man going to a strip club for a party or just as a guys night out. He's not really big into the strip clubs anyway but he knows he can go and I will never get mad. I'm the same way about porn though as well. whistling.gif I don't feel I can get mad at him for doing things or looking at things that I do too blush.gif Yes people, I enjoy porn....>LOL

Personally, living in Montreal most of my life, I have been to almost every strip club here in town (to see guys and girls strip) and most of the time it was with guy friends to watch the ladies strip. I used to have a blast going with my guy friends and watching the ladies. And yes, the scummy places were not fun but watching the girls at super classy joints was awesome.

And just to say as a side note, I have friends who have been or are strippers. And by strippers I mean dancers not prostitutes. And they were/ are not on drugs or whores...they just felt/feel that it was a way to make easy money for their education. I don't judge them for their choice to do it, in fact I have even gone to watch them dance and cheered them on.

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-07-20 10:31:00
CanadaCan you bring someone with you to the interview?
DAMN! Thanks Krikit. I guess my mom will just have to come with me and wait in line and then head off to the Tim Horton's to wait. I hate doing that to her but those are the rules so what can you do. At least she can hold my cell phone. LOL whistling.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-09 09:30:00
CanadaCan you bring someone with you to the interview?
Hi everyone. I was just wondering if my mother could come along with me to the interview to keep me company in line while waiting for the Consulate to open?

Also, can she come into the building with me and just wait with me in the waiting room while I am in the interview?
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-09 08:59:00
CanadaExpressPost envelope for interview question
Oh and also, do i fill out my name and address and all that info in advance?
Do they fill out their section themselves at the Consulate on the envelope?

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-11 13:14:00
CanadaExpressPost envelope for interview question
Ok thanks guys. I know she measured it and it came out a little bigger than 12x15. I will ask them to check the barcode as well for the mm.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-11 12:50:00
CanadaExpressPost envelope for interview question
Hi guys! So I went to the post office and asked them if they had the envelope I need and they said no. They told me that they have an envelope that is 12 1/2 x 15 1/2. When I asked her to check it in (mm) she said she has something slightly bigger than the 394mm x 314 mm.

So what do I do? Can anyone let me know what the heck I am doing wrong?
Also, is it regional, national or and international ExpressPost envelope?

Thanks guys. I really appreciate it.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-11 12:23:00
CanadaQuestion about paperwork my SO is sending me today
Thanks Sapphire. I do have my fiance's passport bio page and I made 3 copies of it just in case I needed more.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-14 12:49:00
CanadaQuestion about paperwork my SO is sending me today
I have 2 full copies of the entire I-129 file. I'm waiting to write another post tonight when I get home so that I can confirm with all of you what I may still need for the interview.

Right now I want to make sure that I am not missing anything from my fiance or co-sponsor since they are sending me the FEDEX this afternoon.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-14 11:33:00
CanadaQuestion about paperwork my SO is sending me today
Hi everyone!

So my fiance is sending me paperwork today to finish off what I need for the Consulate for the interview. I'll write a more lengthy post later asking you all if I have everything whistling.gif .

Today he is going to be sending me by FEDEX:

-updated fiance letter on intent (dated today)

-copies of cards we've sent each other by snail mail
-any other pics of us we've forgotten to print out before today
-all phone records from February until August

-I-134 filled out by my fiance
-my fiance's 1040's from the last 3 years
-my fiance's W2's from the last 3 years
-the last 3 paystubs from his job

-I-134 filled out by my co-sponsor
-my co-sponsor's 1040's for the last 3 years
-my co-sponsor's W2's for the last 3 years
-copy of bio. page from my co-sponsor's passport

Is there anything else missing from this list that you all can see that I should tell him to include to send me today? Thanks.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-14 11:18:00
CanadaDid you feel safer in Canada or in the U.S.?
You know what's funny? I've actually had that "gun pulled on you while you're driving thing" happen. TWICE.

Both times were down in Miami. Once on a main road in Miami and once on I-95 driving back home from a club. People have some serious friggin' road rage down there. Both times we pulled off the highway and headed for a gas station or somewhere very well lit and full of people.

Either way, scary as hell and SO NOT COOL.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-08 14:55:00
CanadaDid you feel safer in Canada or in the U.S.?
Hey Naked Smurf. Sorry to hear you had these problems in Montreal. The majority of people I know have had an amazing time when they've come here. It sucks you had to go through that.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-08 12:50:00
CanadaDid you feel safer in Canada or in the U.S.?
OH MY GOD! Jill. I did the same thing when I lived in Florida years ago. Looked up the sexual offenders in my area and WOULDN"T YOU KNOW IT! I knew 3 of them personally. I almost peed my pants I could not believe what I was looking at. Two of them were customers at my parents business and one of them was my local pharmacy photo lab guy. FRIGGIN' CREEPY. And YES, they are everywhere in my area where I live as well. Its scary to see all those little sex offender dots on a map so close to where you live.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-08 12:05:00
CanadaDid you feel safer in Canada or in the U.S.?
When I used to live in South Florida I ALWAYS used to say I felt safer living in Montreal. There is NO WAY I am walking outside at one or two in the morning in South Florida alone. Here in Montreal I felt safe in most parts of the city at any hour of the day. Walking downtown at 1am by yourself in Montreal was a piece of cake as the streets are always full of people.

There is way too much crime down in South Florida for my liking and I'm not too pleased about moving back there. Although I will be living in Boynton Beach (near West Palm), and its not so bad there when it comes to crime, I still don't feel super safe. I've heard some creepy stories from people living in my area. I'm totally getting a taser. whistling.gif That and a very well trained dog. My SO won't allow me to get a gun so the taser and dog will have to do.

Also, they just keep building and building in my area. I remember as a kid it was totally different. Now I feel like a sardine in a can with so many things cropping up. It seems like there is no breathing room with buildings and people all on top of each other and more people means more opportunity for crime.

I read the newspapers from my area in Florida online from Montreal everyday and the murder rate is also incredible. Montreal police had to deal with 29 murders in 2008. The year before that we had 42. Compare that to cities of the same size like Philly which has about 400 murders a year and Phoenix that has about 200 a year. The county where I live has over 100 murders a year. UGH. Still not that great of a number if you ask me.

Oh, I also forgot to mention that within the area we live there are quite a few half-way houses and drug rehab centers scattered throughout the county. I'm all for people getting better and off drugs. But the ones that don't follow through with the programs have a tendency to commit crimes for drug money like breaking into houses or cars.

I like Florida and all but I really am going to have to get used to watching my back alot more there than I do here in Montreal.

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-08 12:02:00
CanadaDid anyone use Dr. Arnold?
Thanks Jill. Good to know so i won't bust my head looking for or filling out more forms. I'm also going to take the chance and just send in my sheet then when the time comes. It'll make life easier after all the other stuff we have to fill out. And of course, all the money we have to shell out blink.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-06-19 10:22:00
CanadaDid anyone use Dr. Arnold?
So does this mean you guys just submitted the vaccination sheet from your medical here in Canada with no 693 or 693A form? Just the copy the medical office gave you?
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-06-19 10:14:00
CanadaTold my bosses about interview date approaching...slight venting going on
The reality is: they are NOT hiring someone else to replace me. Business has been really slow here at my company and the "good' boss has already stated they will not replace me and just move ahead with the people we have now until business gets better.

Therefore "paranoid" boss needs to stop freaking out and whispering in peoples offices. I haven't had the interview yet and god forbid something should go wrong and I have to stay in Canada more time than I thought.
He really needs to chill. He's acting like I murdered his pet or something.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-17 10:44:00
CanadaTold my bosses about interview date approaching...slight venting going on
Now there is a weird vibe in the office. The "good" boss is all smiles with me and acting normal. The "paranoid" boss won't even really look at me now and is sitting in my best friends office whispering to her trying to get more info out of her.

HELLO! My best friend does not have any more info on the situation. I've told her the same thing as everyone else. How rude!
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-17 10:01:00
CanadaTold my bosses about interview date approaching...slight venting going on
Hi everyone. So today I informed my bosses that my interview date is 11 days away. One took it very well and was telling me how great that is that I'm finally almost finished with this part of it.

The other boss is FREAKING OUT. He's already telling me: what is the story, what does this mean, what is going on.....WHOA THERE BUDDY.

I have already been explaining this for a year since before I evens started the K-1. I don't see why I have to go through it all A MILLION TIMES. He NEVER seems to remember anything I say and panics all the time.

I just said to him: Listen, until i actually go to the interview and get approved, I can't really make plans. He's already talking about putting an ad in the paper to find someone to replace me. According to the other boss, no one will be replacing me. It's all a big freaking circus here at my office now and it seems like no one is happy for me except one boss and my best friend who is the manager at my company.

I am even giving them 5 weeks notice. I think that is fair. If all goes well on Sept. 28th I think leaving Oct. 30 as my last day is plenty of time for them to hire someone new. But I certainly don't think its very professional of them to start looking now. I haven't even gone to the interview yet.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-17 09:27:00
CanadaAm I missing anything for the interview?
JULY09BRIDE, I absolutely agree with you on having loads of copies for AOS. My fiance is a total dumba** when it comes to keeping things organized. He totally sucks at it. He loses EVERYTHING.

I try to be super organized with everything I do. Having 2 accordion file folders helped me keep everything safe and in its place.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-18 09:29:00
CanadaAm I missing anything for the interview?
I am just the type of person that likes to be over prepared. That's why I have that many copies of everything. I just want to make sure I am not missing anything. smile.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-18 08:33:00
CanadaAm I missing anything for the interview?
blush.gif i can't help being #######. i don't want anything to go wrong.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-17 17:32:00
CanadaAm I missing anything for the interview?
I also forgot to write that I have the original vaccination worksheet from Medysis and 3 copies
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-17 17:13:00
CanadaAm I missing anything for the interview?
Hi guys! So I think I finally have everything I need for the interview a week from Monday but I just want to double check with all of you to make sure. At least then if I need something I still have a week to get it. smile.gif

Please keep in mind that I am ####### about copies and having things in order so I may have way more than I need. smile.gif

In 2 accordion folders I have:

2 copies of the I-129 and everything that went into that package.
copy of the USCIS taking the 455$ fee from fiance's U.S. chequing account.

NOA1 plus 3 copies
NOA2 plus 3 copies

copies of my medical records from hospitals, surgeries, vaccinations...etc
extra copies of pictures from all trips together
copies of my school records from elementary and high school attendance in U.S. schools in the past
3 copies of my passport bio. page
courier receipt for U.S. Consulate in MTL receiving my packet 3
packet 4 from the consulate (with letter for interview date) plus 2 copies

xpresspost envelope
131$ USD

5 u.s. passport photos

DS-156 original plus 3 copies
DS-156k original plus 3 copies
DS-160 confirmation original plus 3 copies
DS-160 application original plus 3 copies

police certificate plus 3 copies
birth certificate (2 originals) plus 3 copies
birth certificate official certified translation from (french to english) plus 3 copies
fiance's birth certificate original plus 3 copies
fiance's passport bio page (scanned and color printed plus 2 copies)

pictures of our last 2 trips
phone records from february until august
copies of cards sent to each other by snail mail
all copies of plane tickets, boarding passes and hotel room bills

medical x-ray in brown envelope
actual medical file in regular white envelope (sealed)
my receipt for payment of the medical at Medysis MTL
originals of vaccinations received throughout adulthood and vaccination booklet

new fiance letter of intent by him original plus 3 copies
new fiance letter of intent by me original plus 3 copies

I-134 original filled out by my fiance plus 2 copies
2006-2008 tax 1040's for my fiance plus 2 copies
2006-2008 tax W2's for my fiance plus 2 copies
last 3 months pay stubs for my fiance's job plus 2 copies

I-134 original filled out by co-sponsor plus 2 copies
2006-2008 tax 1040's for my fiance plus 2 copies
2006-2008 tax W2's for my fiance plus 2 copies
color scan of co-sponsor's passport bio. page plus 2 copies

I know its alot. Sorry about that. Please let me know if I missing something.
Thanks alot!

Sorry guys.....HAHHAHAH! I also have:

2 copies of my DS-230 part 1 I sent in for packet 3
original and 2 copies of DS-230 part 2 (just in case)

2 copies of my packet 3 (just in case)
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-17 17:10:00
CanadaWhat questions are asked at the interview, if you can remember....
Thanks guys! Pretty standard stuff.

I'm actually prepared if I have to be in the room longer because I actually did used to live in the States and went to school there so I won't be surprised if they ask me about all that.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-18 11:26:00
CanadaWhat questions are asked at the interview, if you can remember....
Hi everyone!

Can anyone tell me what kind of questions they were asked at the interview?
I know everyone's interview is different but it would be nice to have a "heads up" before I go.

Oh and also, how long was you total "interview" in the little closet 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20?

Thanks very much!
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-18 11:01:00
CanadaMistake on I-134...what to do?
laughing.gif ahahaha...trailmix that was hilarious
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-22 17:47:00
CanadaMistake on I-134...what to do?
I just whited it out. i'm not going to freak out over it. What's the wost that could happen? They require me to bring them a new one which I suppose I could have for them in 2 days.

Thanks everyone for all your responses.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-22 17:09:00
CanadaMistake on I-134...what to do?
Super. Thanks so much. I also whited out something on 2 of my forms and the Dept. of State and Consulate never had a problem with it.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-22 15:21:00
CanadaMistake on I-134...what to do?
He's off in another city from today until Saturday taking a class. It's very unlikely that I can get him to get me a new one. He's staying in a hotel.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-22 15:03:00
CanadaMistake on I-134...what to do?
Hi guys,

So i just realized now that my fiance wrote me down as a dependent on the I-134. I know why he did it. When we were talking about how much money he had to make a year I told him he had to include me in the "household" number. I think that made him think I would also be a dependent.

So what are my options? Can we just white out or cross out my name in that section?
Do we redo the I-134?
Do I just go to the interview with the papers "as is" and just tell them at the interview that I noticed the mistake?

Thanks everyone! My interview is Monday and of course I would notice this now....UGH
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-22 14:58:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate question
I will be using that bathroom quite to stop myself from throwing up from the nerves.... good.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-23 10:01:00
CanadaWho is waiting for an interview date in MTL?
I called DOS at 202-663-1225.

You press 1 and then 0 and you get transferred to an operator. I don't know if this is just for K-1's though.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-09 09:27:00
CanadaWho is waiting for an interview date in MTL?
AS far as i know DOS and NVC are two different offices
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-09 09:04:00
CanadaWho is waiting for an interview date in MTL?
Got my interview date for Spet. 28th at Montreal. Call DOS and see if an interview has been scheduled for those of you waiting.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-09 08:24:00
CanadaWho is waiting for an interview date in MTL?
Also waiting for an interview date. My case was completed the last week of July. Waiting for packet 4 for K-1.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-01 07:47:00
CanadaMontreal Medical Questions
I agree. Medysis was awesome in Montreal. They had an appt. for me the day after I called.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-24 14:07:00