CanadaCustoms officers killed most of visit to USA
Garnet: I hope all will turn out ok..

Email, laptop, etc.

"Federal agents may take a traveler's laptop or other electronic device to an off-site location for an unspecified period of time without any suspicion of wrongdoing, as part of border search policies the Department of Homeland Security recently disclosed." full article is:


See also:
The Government and Your Laptop
There is a lawsuit too since many consider the procedures abusive:

How to protect your data:
Protecting Yourself From Suspicionless Searches While Traveling
US DHS: Foreign Travel
Threat Assessment: Electronic Communications Vulnerabilities 2008
- PDF listing protective measures

Edited by La Souris, 06 December 2009 - 11:46 PM.

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-06 23:45:00
CanadaBirth Certificates
Flipper: you can look at this page and confirm you have the right document, it's detailed by province: http://travel.state....ocity_3531.html

Other Canadians, stop fighting tongue.gif
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-11 18:49:00
CanadaMontreal interview times
Make sure you bring warm clothes because it's supposed to be -15 C in the next few days here in Montréal... Good luck at the interview.
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-15 11:19:00
CanadaCanadian Medical to US Medical Transition
Hugglebuggles' suggestion is good. You may also want to see if you are already covered by your spouse's insurance and find and meet a doctor during one of your visits. You can also stop by a drugstore and they can see if the same drugs are available there (I did this for my birth control pills and the exact same brand is available there, so I only need to find a doctor to get a prescription...).

Good luck smile.gif
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-25 09:38:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (Chica Yeyé @ Dec 24 2009, 02:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi, my name is Len and my husband is addicted to toques... unsure.gif

I think my husband thinks I'm addicted too unsure.gif

Joyeux Noël tout le monde ~ Enjoy your friends and family smile.gif
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-24 15:56:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (lgg @ Dec 23 2009, 08:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh man, Nev, I wanted to see Avatar but we had to run a whole pile of errands today.
So, Made it to the USofA with no hitch at all. My travel was AWESOME -- thank you great weather and air canada for being on time. I was at BWI by 9am. Pretty great.

i also had NO issues at the border -- they, again, did not ask for any of my letters of ties to canada. BUT, the border guide DID take a while to type some information in the system. Was it about me? My passport? What? I'm curious, actually but they never asked me anything else but... I do wonder.
Well, just thought I'd let you all know!


Enjoy your stay! smile.gif Happy to hear your trip was fast and easy!

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-23 20:40:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Dec 23 2009, 09:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Carla, and Happy Christmas Eve Eve.

As has been well-documented in other threads, my wife arrives tomorrow too (barring flight problems, of course...), which makes tomorrow more like Christmas than Christmas itself. smile.gif

Everyone should do something nice for a stranger today, whether it's as simple as opening a door for someone with his hands full, or bringing a cup of coffee to a homeless person. Not that I think this should be done any more at this time of year than at others...but it seems easier for most to do such a thing under the guise of Christmas spirit.

I'm going to plot out something nice to do for a stranger today. Hmm...

Anyone know where I can find arsenic?

You're bad! tongue.gif

Yup, my husband's visit is the best gift ~ well, Santa's bringing a green card would be nice too... smile.gif

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-23 09:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Bonjour, thanks for the coffee smile.gif A little more than one day left before my husband arrival in Montreal biggrin.gif
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-23 08:06:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Thanks Carla smile.gif

Charles: aren't wives supposed to do it? innocent.gif
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-22 09:34:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Dec 13 2009, 09:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morning, La Souris...and VJ in general.

That's a nice looking cuppa joe there...

Trailmix -- I totally agree with you, as is often the case. And Misty too. I've taken my fair share of abuse on message boards, whether as a mod or a member, but if, after a few months of posting updates, someone came on and started dogging me about how I'm possibly being used by my SO and that it's a scam etc., I'd be pissed off too. But the extent to which Mandy posted defenses was pretty ridiculous. I'm NOT knocking mods in the least, as that forum is probably the least likely to ever need moderation...but in an ideal situation, that thread would have been closed WAY before it got to where it did.

A number of years ago when I was the mod of a mix critique forum of a pro audio site (the forum was geared towards producers / engineers putting up recent mixes and getting suggestions on how to make them better), I was vehemently accused of "cherry picking" a mixing project that was submitted (and mixed...pretty badly) by a band. I loved the song, but the mix was horrible, so I told them I'd do a full mix of the song in my home studio and if they were happy with it, I would fly down to L.A. and mix their album. Well, once one long-time mixing engineer caught wind of this he utterly blew up, and went on a multi-post tirade about how I was a horrible human being, and a bunch of other very nasty things. It was really quite something! But things eventually died down, that particular poster wound up being banned from a separate forum (and died of a heart attack a couple years later), and not only did the mix critique forum continue eventually morphed into a forum that encouraged networking between musicians, producers and engineers...and pairing up to perform on one another's recordings, do remixes etc. So...basically a "cherry picking" forum. laughing.gif

That was six years ago, and ever since then I've always taken message boards with a grain of salt. It's NEVER worth blowing up on them, since nothing productive ever comes of it. Not. A. Thing.

Are you still working in that field?

Forum drama always makes me look like a mix of wacko.gif blink.gif rolleyes.gif

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-13 09:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

I wish you all a nice Sunday smile.gif
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-13 09:21:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (lgg @ Dec 10 2009, 02:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OH yes, La Souris, I took the ++ that way!
I don't understand why bootmakers assume that all calves are the same size -- its' pretty rude, I must say!

QUOTE (La Souris @ Dec 10 2009, 02:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Dec 10 2009, 02:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yep, that's about right.
How'd you know about my calves? I have the hardest time buying boots -- those suckers don't fit into anything.

Just fry me up and call me Frog's Legs!

QUOTE (La Souris @ Dec 10 2009, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lgg Medical Report
Greenish Complexion
Cyclist Calves (++)
Light Paranoia

Dr. Mouse

You'll be fine smile.gif And the (++) was meant as a good thing. I have the same problem with boots. I'm not big in any way, just a little muscular, so, I'm curious how they design the boots wacko.gif

Clothes sizing... uh... I think I should go in the vent thread instead. It makes no sense.

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-10 14:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (lgg @ Dec 10 2009, 02:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yep, that's about right.
How'd you know about my calves? I have the hardest time buying boots -- those suckers don't fit into anything.

Just fry me up and call me Frog's Legs!

QUOTE (La Souris @ Dec 10 2009, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lgg Medical Report
Greenish Complexion
Cyclist Calves (++)
Light Paranoia

Dr. Mouse

You'll be fine smile.gif And the (++) was meant as a good thing. I have the same problem with boots. I'm not big in any way, just a little muscular, so, I'm curious how they design the boots wacko.gif

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-10 14:39:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Lgg Medical Report
Greenish Complexion
Cyclist Calves (++)
Light Paranoia

Dr. Mouse

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-10 14:32:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Dec 10 2009, 09:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (La Souris @ Dec 10 2009, 06:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Dec 10 2009, 09:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd offer to take over coffee duties, Charles, but I've been having trouble getting JUST the right mix with this new coffee maker. I feel like the guy near the beginning of Mulholland Drive..."napkin!"

I can't remember what was the beginning of that movie... just some part in the middle blush.gif

Haha. It's one of my favorite movies.

There's this scene towards the beginning where there's a board meeting to discuss the casting of a movie. One of the executives (played by Lynch's longtime composer, Angelo Badalamenti, incidentally) is brought an espresso, and it's made clear that this has happened before, with the server saying something like, "I'm pretty sure this one will be more to your taste, sir." The executive makes a great show of arranging the napkin, saucer etc., lifts the tiny cup to his mouth, pinkie raised, and quaffs. A few quick camera shots of faces at the table, looking expectantly for the exec's reaction. And the reaction? Slowly, the entire sip of espresso is pushed out of his mouth, running down his chin, and the executive uses his tongue to clear out any traces of what is obviously (to him) inferior espresso. And the entire table erupts into chaos.

Gotta love David Lynch! biggrin.gif

Oh, and La Souris...what part exactly? I can probably guess... laughing.gif


La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-10 10:03:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Dec 10 2009, 09:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd offer to take over coffee duties, Charles, but I've been having trouble getting JUST the right mix with this new coffee maker. I feel like the guy near the beginning of Mulholland Drive..."napkin!"

I can't remember what was the beginning of that movie... just some part in the middle blush.gif

Edited by La Souris, 10 December 2009 - 09:20 AM.

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-10 09:19:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Merci for the coffee smile.gif

// waking up because of "stuff" used to happen to me and I was going mad (waking up, not being able to go back to sleep, being tired, getting nervous of forgetting stuff, waking up the next night wacko.gif ) - I read that it can be helpful to write a list of the "stuff" to be done, to be remembered, and all before going to bed and it does help - I still do it when I feel too busy to remember everything. Some nights, I still wake up but I remember that it's ok, I wrote it down... and I'm able to go back to sleep.

Have a nice weekend smile.gif
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-10 07:43:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ Nov 18 2009, 09:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
mmmmmm I love Poutine!! Haven't had it in a long time. I used to work for Zellers back home in the restaurant, ( yeah I know...silly wasn't I?) and that's the first time I think I had ever tasted any. It was good!!! I think they get the cheese curds from Montreal. I'd love to know what I could use down here so I could make some. Tim probably wouldn't eat it. He doesn't like onions in his gravy! laughing.gif I wonder what milk gravy would taste like.. blink.gif Couldn't be any worse than the English fish and chips place we ate at in Victoria, when they used cheddar cheese instead. That was........different.... unsure.gif

While in Switzerland, I've done "poutine" with mozzarella and St-Hubert BBQ sauce that my mom sent me. I guess it gave them an idea of what the mixture is supposed to be... Just found that:
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-11-18 09:39:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Thanks for the coffee smile.gif

... not a big fan of the poutine myself, but the New Yorker (Nov. 23rd issue) has a little section about poutine in New York. Some content available online: http://www.newyorker...n_audio_trillin and http://www.newyorker...fa_fact_trillin

(now, I've seen something about a mix of poutine and clam chowder here in Montréal and I'll have to try that... )
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-11-18 09:13:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (LeprechaunSean @ Nov 17 2009, 04:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I grind my beans and french press.... But I've been having a hard time finding good beans here in Arizona. Other than starbucks that is. My dad bought me a huge timmies machine a couple of years ago, but it's overkill for me. My little press makes two perfect mugs. The only way they could be more perfect is with HONEY. YES I LIKE HONEY IN MY COFFEE. I'M DIFFERENT AND THAT'S OK. my mom says so. crying.gif

I like honey too, but usually, I go for raw sugar and milk smile.gif French press in the morning too.
Did you try the boards on to find good beans in your area? Hmmmm... coffee!

Here's a clip from my favorite place in Montreal:

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-11-17 04:15:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
sad.gif with my name and my accent, I have the feeling I'll always be seen as a stranger. In Quebec, we don't (we can't) change our name when we get married, and I never had the intention to do it anyway... but, I think I'd have to change my first name too, and, well, there's no way I'm changing my identity completely since I like my names! Oh well... I'll survive it tongue.gif

Edited by La Souris, 17 August 2009 - 10:26 AM.

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-08-17 10:26:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (trailmix @ Aug 6 2009, 08:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
...I am never driving to Florida again.


Oh wow! My move too Boston will look insignificant on the map ohmy.gif

Enjoy Calgary and take time to relax smile.gif

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-08-06 21:31:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Aug 6 2009, 02:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
these kids are pretty good...


This reminds me of the movie Mad Hot Ballroom

Edited by La Souris, 06 August 2009 - 01:26 AM.

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-08-06 01:24:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Aug 6 2009, 01:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my hubby says that the picture in my sig reminds him of us because he is always complaining about my hair being in his face tongue.gif


... haha, tell him the male lion has too much hair, not you tongue.gif
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-08-06 01:06:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Aug 5 2009, 11:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (La Souris @ Aug 5 2009, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Aug 5 2009, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
it has been so nice and quiet here the last few days.... the neighbors have definitely moved out kicking.gif

Yeah for you! I don't mind noise once in a while, we're all allowed to have friends over and speak a little louder... but, once in a while. Otherwise, it's disrespectful and annoying, and mad.gif headbonk.gif

yeah this definitely wasn't once in

it was almost every night for the last few months...

they left behind a lot of their ####### though.. there is a couch and some chairs and a bunch of other stuff sitting outside their place blink.gif

Well, apparently they were not respectful people... so, it's kind of normal for them to continue their disrespect while moving I guess. wacko.gif

(oh, and the picture in your signature reminds me of the Big Cat Diary show we were watching during our vacations - yeah... pouring rain kept us inside a little too often!)

Edited by La Souris, 05 August 2009 - 10:57 PM.

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-08-05 22:57:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Aug 5 2009, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
it has been so nice and quiet here the last few days.... the neighbors have definitely moved out kicking.gif

Yeah for you! I don't mind noise once in a while, we're all allowed to have friends over and speak a little louder... but, once in a while. Otherwise, it's disrespectful and annoying, and mad.gif headbonk.gif
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-08-05 22:38:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Merci for the congrats! I wish you all a good weekend, and, Len, I would send some of the best coffee from Montreal if only it was possible... because moves are not fun (dust, sweat...) and fun at the same time. Oh, if I find a way, should I send the cute barista too??? tongue.gif
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-07-31 13:45:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (MrsCat @ Jul 31 2009, 12:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (La Souris @ Jul 30 2009, 10:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just got my NOA2 and I'm home alone, jumping around with a smile like this biggrin.gif

Woo hoo! That's great news! kicking.gif

I think my mild depression has been cured, hehe. Merci, merci!

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-07-30 23:53:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
I just got my NOA2 and I'm home alone, jumping around with a smile like this biggrin.gif
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-07-30 23:32:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
QUOTE (Mephys @ Jul 21 2009, 12:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Off subject (its OT no? tongue.gif )

I have an old e-mail address with my ex still on it, and I am not using it anymore. Last year I switched on msn to that address to check for someone and came accross a picture of a baby ultrasound on his msn, wasn't sure if it was from his sister because she had a baby boy....

Well today out of curiosity I switched there and there it is, he's got a baby girl with his GF laughing.gif

I'm happy for him I guess, I don't really give a damn, except all these years where he told me he wanted me to be "the mother of his children" and blah blah blah and all I could tell him is not in a hundred years because he was the most immature and irresponsable person I've ever met laughing.gif

I hope for that girl that he changed a little bit yes.gif Cause he's going to drive her nuts, she will have to take care of everything while he's on his computer tongue.gif

MSN has a baby generator, who knew?!? tongue.gif

I don't have an email address with the ex, but some other things - that's where kitty's going too since she has chronic renal failure and he already knows how to do the treatments... sad.gif
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-07-21 12:29:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
My Mimine

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-07-20 23:18:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Kitty is cute.

Call me stupid, but one of the hardest thing for me is to leave my cat in Montreal sad.gif
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-07-20 23:07:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
When I got the narcotics question my husband said I should have counted my fingers and answered, uh, no, not in the last 6 months! - I think it's funny but I would never dare to say it!

Thank you, I am sure we'll have a good time - especially if the sun comes out.

I can send free fog to anyone interested, the weather is horrible here. I left Montreal, it was warm and sunny... and I saw Boston under the worst fog and cold, haha, it's... refreshing!

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-07-02 01:09:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Border Crossing on July 1st...

So, I visit my husband every 2 to 6 weeks, and I've never had real problems or anything. Sometimes, they ask random questions... Last winter, I was asked if I had taken any narcotics in the last 6 months.... and, I answered the truth: never.

But, this time, I had a funny one: Are you bringing any fireworks in the US today ma'am? -- I didn't even understand what he was saying the first time because he was talking to my car roof, then I understood and I think my face was like that emoticon blink.gif - and, no, no fireworks for me.

Boston now, going to Maine tomorrow biggrin.gif

La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-07-02 00:59:00
CanadaMontreal February Scheduling...
Congratulations! ... and, I hope to join you :P
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-01-12 09:46:00
CanadaNew travel rules!

Which reminded me of this program I was watching last night. It was called something like....locked up abroad?

Anyway, the first one was 2 American girls who were locked up in a prison in Peru for - i'm not sure how long - 3 years I think, for trying to import cocaine - I believe it was planted on them though (I missed the first part of this one).

The second one was a British guy who worked in the financial district and decided to go travelling. He agreed to carry gold in to Nepal from India, in a jacket that had big pockets (yes, there is some connection here haha). Needless to say they all got caught, again I can't remember how long he ended up staying in that Nepalese prison.

Then there was an American guy who decided to ride his motorcycle around Columbia and surprise! he got kidnapped. He was pretty wily though and refused to eat and pretended to be bleeding and eventually his kidnappers turned him over to the red cross.

<wanders away>

Previously, you could buy "messenger" tickets (maybe it's still possible, not sure) - you got a really low fare , but you had to give up your luggage quota to the transport company. However, I think you didn't handle the "package" and it was all legal. Since you still had to travel with the limited cabin bag, there was all kind of "tricks" on how to bring more than what was allowed. I've seen some crazy stuff while working at the airport too...
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 11:43:00
CanadaNew travel rules!
forget it then, we don't want you (or kitty) to get arrested for being armed and dangerous!

Yeah, I would call Air Canada :)

Take care Lgg and kitty :luv:
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 11:38:00
CanadaNew travel rules!
buy baggie clothes today and start sewing big pockets!

or train your cat to stay on your head, pretend it's a wig.

Seriously, I'm sorry about the added stress of improvised security procedures (F)
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 11:23:00
CanadaFavourite Pictures
in Québec city... I wish I had that ice as a kid!

the story is here, in French though:

Posted Image

Posted Image
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-01-12 09:33:00
CanadaReasons for Optimism
QUOTE (sdw @ Dec 3 2009, 08:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Dec 3 2009, 08:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sdw @ Dec 3 2009, 05:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Dec 3 2009, 08:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lgg is the proverbial levee...and she has broken!

Let's hope a bunch more of us see those tasty emails very soon!

Fingers are crossed....REALLY hoping we don't have to wait as long as the last bunch has.

Oh...absolutely! I've been banking on the hope that five months is the worst the wait could get, and given all the things that have gone on at the Montreal Consulate, it would be getting better soon.

The waiting is so painful, but it's endurable at this point. When it gets to Lgg's and HisGirl's length...that's downright hard to bear, I'm sure.

I think the biggest thing is having a fixed date. The "not knowing" aspect is probably the worst.

A date would help so much even if it's a few months away...can make plans and such.

I also find that not knowing when is the hardest part...
La SourisNot TellingCanada2009-12-03 20:30:00