CanadaAny Green Card holders Ever get Authenticated?

I cross every day and have only been "authenticated" once late last year. Just usually get my random Nexus pass check every few months.

Hi Linda. I was wondering how it was going for you. I guess they just dont like my face.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-06-17 17:47:00
CanadaAny Green Card holders Ever get Authenticated?
Maybe cause I was born in Austria ... that lil evil country in central Europe :P
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-06-17 09:17:00
CanadaAny Green Card holders Ever get Authenticated?
We also have the odd road block in our region where they check people driving through. It makes it feel like a police state sometimes. Once my wife and I were out driving to do some shopping and they asked me where we were going. Lol, I had a brain fart and my wife had to answer their stupid question. That brain fart could have raised some suspensions eh. :P

I think "Freedom" has become an illusion.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-06-17 07:12:00
CanadaAny Green Card holders Ever get Authenticated?

Same here OBX, I really hate Toronto. Buffalo is much quicker and easier to navigate. I always cross at the Peace Bridge, so maybe they are a little more lenient with this new guideline. I've actually never had a single problem when crossing there, so maybe I shouldn't get angry and discouraged just yet!

What border crossing do you use Sly?

I cross in Cornwall, Ont. I telecommute to the office in Montreal on a weekly basis but I am only there for 2 days. I work the other 3 days at home. I cant imagine if I had to do this daily. :wacko: I find it all very odd ..... is the green card that insecure?
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-06-16 18:00:00
CanadaAny Green Card holders Ever get Authenticated?
Just an update on this thread. I crossed the border again today as I do every week and they decided to authenticate me as a green card holder again. I can only imagine that their computer systems are totally lacking or they have nothing better to do than to harrase people. I am starting to consider moving the family back to Canada one day.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-06-16 15:57:00
CanadaAny Green Card holders Ever get Authenticated?

I think it depends on where you cross as there does not appear to be a uniform implementation of the rule. They take photos and fingerprints every time I clear in Dallas, but have never taken them when I clear in Montreal.

I travel one day a week by land since I telecommute and work for a company in Canada.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-05-20 11:09:00
CanadaAny Green Card holders Ever get Authenticated?

I had never heard of this, and no I had never gotten that done before. Is it just with permenant residence or do that do that with citizens now too?

See link above. It does not include US citizens.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-05-20 07:41:00
CanadaAny Green Card holders Ever get Authenticated?

Every now and then they will do finger printing and take a photo because as mentioned before since 2009 residents became a part of US-VISIT program (which previously applied only to foreigners with visas or under visa waiver program)...the strange part is that they ask you for a driver license to double check the identity. Do you look like your green card picture? :)

Lol, I haven't changed much in under 2 years. The green card picture is not very good though .... maybe I look too much like an old thug ;P
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-05-19 16:02:00
CanadaAny Green Card holders Ever get Authenticated?

Check out They started this procedure of fingerprinting and taking pictures back in the beginning of 2009.

Its just all very surprising considering that they have my whole life in there system already. Even asking for my drivers' license from time to time seems ridiculous.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-05-19 13:06:00
CanadaAny Green Card holders Ever get Authenticated?
Hi. I was wondering of any Green Card holders ever got "Authenticated" while crossing the border. It happened to me a few weeks back and I was wondering if this is something new.

The Authentication involved finger printing and taking my picture. Sometimes they also ask for my driver's license in addition to my green card. I find this all a bit odd.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-05-19 12:32:00
CanadaCan't cash CDN check in US

One trick you may be able to use if you anticipate this happening on a regular basis: my wife has a TD bank account in Canada that is maintained in US Dollars. Checks she writes to me are Canadian (and has what, to me, and probably to the banks in the US, looks like a wacky order of numbers at the bottom), but since they are made out in US Dollars, I've been able to deposit or cash them with no problem (though I have to use a teller -- Bank of America switched from envelopes to scanners for depositing checks at ATMs, and the scanner barfs at that code at the bottom :P).

Yes, I do that as well and it also works out better for currency exchange purposes. Our US bank deposits the Canadian US cheque with any problems
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-07-12 09:30:00
CanadaBargain Shopping Forum
I have used these sites in the past and got some good deals:

sly_wolfMaleCanada2008-04-02 20:28:00
CanadaMontréal Consulate and shoes!

I haven't seen this in reviews and yes I obsess over every little detail!

1. At security at the US Consulate in Montréal, do they have you take off your shoes? If so, is the floor there carpeted?

2. As far as I can tell, everything past security happens at one window or another--is this correct?
(If so, it would follow that no-one who's going to pass important judgment on you is likely to see your footwear anyway!) :lol:

Not when I went last year. That would suck especially in the winter.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-07-17 09:57:00
CanadaOur Family in Grief.
Thanks for all your kind words. I have trouble trying to understand how the good are always taken away so soon.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-08-21 18:14:00
CanadaOur Family in Grief.
My step son passed away at home unexpectedly last Sunday. He was only 20. It's been a difficult week and I wish I could take the pain away but I can't. We just dont understand why this happened .... it makes no sense, but I do know I will always be there for my wife and family.
I do love her completely.

Hug your loved ones like there is no tomorrow.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-08-21 13:09:00

Hi all, I am in Boston MA, I was online looking at the DMV website and it says Canadians can drive on their Canadian DL for upto 12 months. I have only been herer since Aug so I have a while. Just wondering do I need a copy of my driving record from Canada, how did anyone else go about get a drivers license in their state


I am in NY so I just had to go to the DMV with my CDN license, social security card plus another ID showing my address and that was it. Better to check with MA DMV since their requirements might not be the same. I think NY does not allow that much time to change your license.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-10-09 13:28:00
Canadacanada/usa income tax?

You need your SSN do you not, for someone to claim you?

Yes or a tax ID number. In my case I got my SSN in plenty of time for the tax deadline.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-10-21 12:02:00
Canadacanada/usa income tax?

If your Canadian income was while you were in Canada, then you file your Canadian Taxes, not US taxes. However, I was told that if your living in the USA and your getting an income from Canada, i.e. working online, etc...then you would have to file this with USA taxes. Canadian income generated in Canada has nothing to do with your USA taxes

Except since they are married that does change things for US tax purposes. You don't necessarily have to "live" in the US to be required to submit a US tax return. There are tax residency rules which have nothing to do with actual residency.

We got married in 2008 but I did not move to the US until 2009. We filed a joint 2008 tax return in the US.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-10-21 11:32:00
Canadacanada/usa income tax?
Hi. Best to get tax advice from a cross border tax expert, but you definitely should file a joint tax return in the US for 2010.

You won't have to pay taxes again on any of your Canadian income though. There is an old tax thread somewhere in here.


Edited by sly_wolf, 24 September 2010 - 07:33 AM.

sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-09-24 07:31:00
CanadaThrowing in the towel with the US immigration

We would not try to immigrate to the US until much later. Not apply at the same time. We originally picked the US but it is just way too long of a wait. With looking at a hardship waiver it would be at least 18 months of immigration. So Canada did not win a race but rather it would be easier to immigrate me and the children which I have sole custody of. As it is now we have been waiting 9 months for a border waiver to travel to the U.S. since he submitted it to the U.S. border. So tacking on another 18 months would be too detrimental to the kids who he has been helping raise for three years.

Wouldn't Immigration Canada still want their biological father's approval?
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-11-03 10:31:00
CanadaThrowing in the towel with the US immigration

Where in Canada could it possibly be between 65 and 85 degrees year round? Is this person being sarcastic?

Lol maybe, but they also said that they have never been in Canada.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-10-29 13:50:00
CanadaThrowing in the towel with the US immigration

The crimes were stupid youth petty thefts but fall into a gray area with consulate. We were told one official may wave us right through while the other may tell us to apply for a hardship waiver which is another 6-10 month wait. It just seems like a long time to be going back and forth as a family. We figure if me and the children go to Canada then if we decide we want to move back we will wait the required time but have breathing room to be together.

Hi. In our case it was easier for me to move to the US since bringing my wife's 2 children (at that time) to Canada would have been more complicated. We are however considering moving back to Canada once my remaining stepson reaches18 (5 years from now). Would love to move to the Okanagan valley maybe ;)
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-10-29 08:17:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude

Voter turnout is an indicator of absolutely nothing. Belgium has voter turnouts of upwards of 98%, so are they even better voters? :rolleyes:

Maybe we would get better results if we ran the elections like American Idol or America has Talent:P
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-10-21 11:17:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude

Oh well that's a medical topic, but Americans are more fun loving then Canadians from my experience. Canadians remind me of old East Germany behind the wall, all sullen with frowns and dislike to most others, while Americans are like the free living West Germans, much happier etc. Kind of a weird analogy, but at parties and such, here we talk about a ton of things and have fun and laugh etc. At parties in Canada I go to, it's all politics and local issues and stupid Americans as the topics and none of it is fun, more like grumpy old people sitting around complaining about everything...

Again I think thats all based on where you came from and where you are now. My experience has been the oposite so far. The Canadians I hung with were all crazy .... in a fun way of course. I am not finding quite the same where I am now.

Although I have to agree people from either side of the border can be opiniated about each other.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-10-21 11:14:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude

Still, the voter turn out for most elections in Canada generally approaches 65 to 70 % of registered voters; the US is lucky if they reach 50%. The last federal election was considered one of the highest turnouts ever in the US with 56.8% turnout. During the Primaries this summer here in Georgia there were some precincts that didn't even break into the teens in voter turn out.

The persistent TV ads here in the US must be turning voters off. My wife and I think its absolutely ridiculous and our read of the ads is ..... they are all corrupt. Lol, so who wants to go out and vote for someone corrupt.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-10-21 07:51:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude

Oh I'm heading back for sure! My husband holds both US and Canadian citizenship so once retirement hits for him it's back north! I just can't see using up a huge portion of retirement income to pay for supplemental healthcare.

It would be interesting to see what other Canadians plan to do. I suppose it will also depend on what happens with healthcare in the future both in the US and Canada.
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-10-20 16:43:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude

IMO it will never happen either. I do miss my Canadian healthcare though. We have insurance but only in-network coverage so I am not free to choose my own MD. That I do not like, in addition to having to pull out my chequebook for co-pays the minute I walk in the door.

Yes, it makes me think that as we get older perhaps we should consider moving back .... even sooner of Sarah Palin were to ever get elected.:wacko:
sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-10-20 13:32:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude

Everyone I know watched the election (none of them watched the Canadian election!) I find Canadians, hate americans but are fascinated by them.

Lol, I'm Canadian and I don't watch Canadian elections ...... and they had quite a few over the past few years. Its enough for me to just read the summary of the results the next day.:P

I dont think Canadians in general hate anything ... except maybe politics.

Edited by sly_wolf, 20 October 2010 - 12:33 PM.

sly_wolfMaleCanada2010-10-20 12:29:00
CanadaFebruary/March CR-1 / IR-1 Interview Discussion Thread
Bonjour :)

I'm still on a little cloud of happiness!
I think we're ready... I have to review my folder and add recent pay stubs from my husband, but that's it! (I'm sure I'll find more little details to tweak and rearrange, like, until the last minute, but I feel confident).

Oh, we even picked the restaurant where we're going to eat after the interview :P

I hope everything will go well for all of us here on VJ.

Edited by La Souris, 23 January 2010 - 01:21 PM.

La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-01-23 13:21:00
CanadaCanada-to-America Banking (Revisited)
Thanks for the follow up details; I really like the idea that this may help me keep (part of) my good credit history... I'll visit my local branch this week.
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-02-22 19:15:00
CanadaCanada-to-America Banking (Revisited)
Thanks for the info, I'll visit my local branch and ask to set it up / I did ask TD about it since I already have an account with them and they are present as TD Bank in my future location, but transfer between account didn't seem possible (the only + was that I can (and did) withdraw money with no fee from TD Bank American ATM).

La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-02-03 12:39:00
CanadaCrossing the border 1st since marriage
:) Bon voyage!
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-02-10 14:58:00
CanadaGood Luck, Froggie!
Hopefully all went well despite the little delay...
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-02-26 17:20:00
CanadaGood Luck, Froggie!
:dance: :dance: :dance:

Good luck! Sending good purrrring vibes to kitty!
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-02-24 10:57:00
CanadaDetails on Xpresspost envelope
I read that there is a suggestion box at the consulate, I'll prepare a note about the envelope and leave it in there...
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-02-26 13:48:00
CanadaCanadians feeling guilty about taking jobs away from Americans?

That's interesting, if I moved to Quebec, I probably wouldn't learn French, on the flipside if a french speaking person from Quebec moves to Calgary, I don't expect them to learn English either. Why must we put our language preferences on others?

Now if you move to Quebec (or Calgary) and there are language preferences by employer - that's a personal thing for you, not a demand from bystanders.

I'm sorry I wasn't clear... long day.

I simply think it's reasonable for an employer to prefer hiring an employee who can communicate with colleagues, customers, managers, etc.
If some immigrants are off the job market, or doing freelance, or being able to work in another language and that they prefer not to learn the local language good for them - one less thing to worry about!
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-02-15 21:45:00
CanadaCanadians feeling guilty about taking jobs away from Americans?

An accent?? Oh noes!!! I have an accent, or so my husband says. I tell him he is the one immigrating, so he has the accent. He has promised to practice saying 'y'all' :blink: I don' think that will help.

Lots of folk have 'accents' - if they are not from a particular region.

I'm not too worried, but I know I do not sound like a native speaker :P

Going back to my Bostonian lessons now :innocent: :whistle:
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-02-15 19:44:00
CanadaCanadians feeling guilty about taking jobs away from Americans?

And yet Canadians and Americans go and work all over the world and never bother to learn the language of the country they are living in - and it doesn't seem to be a big deal. Maybe it's arrogant for us as (predominantly) English speakers to expect them to have perfect or near perfect English.

I think it's arrogant... but, it's as dumb not to bother to learn English if you are moving to the USA (or French if you are moving to Quebec, there, I said it!)


La Souris who speaks English with an accent and anticipates some discrimination
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-02-15 19:20:00
CanadaTriple (not Dual) Citizenship?

That's a VERY good question, La Souris. I don't hold a New Zealand passport and never have... I'm guessing that since you're being processed through Montreal as a Canadian immigrating to the U.S., it's not going to be an issue. Probably a good idea to bring your other passport just in case though...can't hurt to have it in with your other docs.

Now I'm wondering if I should bring my New Zealand citizenship certificate. :unsure:

Dammit, I hate thinking of all these things so close to the interview.

I didn't mean to worry you... :blush: I think I'll bring my other citizenship passport and leave it in my folder in case they ask about it. I SO do not want them to ask for something I don't have ~ I'm getting nervous :wacko:
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-02-23 17:47:00
CanadaTriple (not Dual) Citizenship?
Question for the dual-citizens: did you/will you bring proof of your other citizenship to the interview? I was planning to bring my "other" passport... just not sure if it will cause more questions or not :mellow:
La SourisNot TellingCanada2010-02-23 17:32:00