CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?
Oh Sapphire, being in a place where you NEED a car is NOT FUN.

Down in South Florida there is a bus I could take but it comes every hour and who the heck wants to sit in the 100 degree weather waiting for a bus. Plus, depending where you live, you might have to walk 10-20 minutes to the actual bus stop.

I'm planning on getting a car within 2 weeks of moving. I'm lucky because my cousin sells used cars and will be helping me out with that. But let me just say, being locked up in the house all day with no way to get out and stores way too far to walk makes me feel slightly useless. I can't even go buy milk before my fiance gets home from work with his car. UGH. Thank god there will be boxes to unpack and the house to settle.

The only advantage I have is that I used to live there and have some of my old friends still living in the same town. So I know I can count on them should I need a ride or something but its got to be hard when you move and no absolutely no one. Most of my friends have moved to other states so i consider myself very lucky to have a few still there as a support system.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 08:53:00
CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?
I hear what you are saying about answering to someone Treble. I'll still be the strong, independent girl I am now but things change once married and living together. I know I'll still be able to go out and do my own thing with my own friends in South Florida and thats great.

But I also know my fiance. I will have to force him to go do things with his friends because he will want to include me in everything and thats great and all but we can't be together every waking moment....i'd go nuts. I want him to have boys night out and go watch football and baseball games without me. (i really don't like those sports). He was slightly peeved when i told him i wouldn't want to go to a yankees game with him and all the boys until i explained to him how little interest i have in that and i could be at home being productive or going out with my own friends etc and then he realized that its true. Being together 24-7 isn't super healthy either and we each need to have our own seperate interests and hobbies as well.

I don't want to be a distraction to his work either and I could see it happening. He is a writer as a side job for a movie website and its already happened other times while i'm there on vacation where he has an article to write and he procrastinates because I'm around and I don't want to be the reason he screws up a great future career in writing. I think once I move down there though and we get our initial fill of being together and setting up house and everything, it will all smooth out and our actual daily lives will come more into play with work and family functions and other activities.
It'll all work out in the end because we love each other star_smile.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 08:40:00
CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?
Thanks so much guys for all your opinions and input. I really do appreciate it alot. good.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 07:50:00
CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?
I just wanted to say that he texted me back just now and he says that he thought it over and he's sorry once again and says that I am right. He says I need to do it how I feel comfortable and settle things and sometimes all this stress just gets the better of him. Stay in Canada the extra month and a bit and settle everything so I'm ok with the move.

I wasn't looking to hear that i am right but I'm glad he did say it because at least it makes me believe he gets where I'm coming from. I'll definitely be trying to hurry my stuff up and leave as soon as I can is what I told him and I miss him and love him and don't want him to stress.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 13:05:00
CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?
To answer BermyCat- This was not a surprise that i just threw on him. This has been my plan sicne we started the process and he's always known this. Because everything is moving now that we received our NOA2, I think hes getting more antsy about it. I have always made it very clear about being here 30-90 days after i have my visa in hand.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 12:39:00
CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?
To answer Tankgurl- thats exactly what i want to do. Basically leave a month to 6 weeks after receiving my visa. Not more than that. Just to get things finalized and straightened out. I do plan on doing alot before i go.

I also forgot to mention that next week I am going to my foot surgeon and MAY have to have surgery on my ankle. This could also delay things if I have to have an operation because as we all know, if its not a major emergency they are not going to book you for surgery right away. From my other surgery experiences, I had to wait about 3-4 months to get operated. If the doctor says i HAVE to have the operation then I will stay here until its done and I get better which is about one month from start to finish. And of course I'm hoping I won't have to get operated.

To answer Trailmix- yes, i understand where he's coming from. and i know it hurts his feelings when i say i want to stay here a bit longer to tie up loose ends. Our relationship is slightly different than other people's here on VJ. We have been friends for 17 years. We met at the age of 15. At this point, after all this time, there is nothing I feel that I can't tell him and i do express my feelings to him all the time.

If it were the other way around and I was waiting for him, i can honestly say 100% that i would be ok with waiting a little while longer to settle things. Would i miss him? Of course. But would it kill me to wait another 6 weeks? No. Because in the end I know where we stand and that we want to spend the rest of our lives together.

I should also mention that yes, he is willing to help me pay off the rest of my debt. But I also mentioned that he wants to quit his job and find a new one and it's not for sure he'd make the same amount of money and if he doesn't, things would be even more tight monetarily for us. And I also did not mention that he has almost 9,000$ of his own debt to pay off and therefore I don't want him paying off mine when he should be concentrating on paying off his own.

Maybe it is selfish of me to want to stay here a few months longer. I just feel that in the end, it would definitely benefit us if i did.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 12:36:00
CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?
Thanks for that Treble. Sometimes I feel so selfish that I want to do the things I want to and get things done. Then I think to myself...isn't it worth it to take the time to do things right before leaving so i don't forget something and screw myself up in the long run?

I'm thinking the best thing to do is put off putting in packet 3 right away and make sure all my documents and stuff are all in order so I don't drive myself nuts with that and just jump the gun and possibly screw something up there.

And honestly, I think I can deal with him being pissed off with me if I do choose to stay longer than he wants. He'll get over it at some point. The more I think about it, this stuff is to important to compromise on just because he may have a tantrum.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 11:29:00
CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?
I have expressed how i feel many times now. He does get it but I think in a way he feels like i should WANT to just drop everything and run down to the states. Yes, that would be nice and I'd love to but I do have stuff to take care of.

He always has an answer for everything I tell him that needs to get done. "We'll pay off your debt from here". "Don't worry about money, I'll take care of it"....etc etc

Its really not that simple. I can't just pay off my debt from Florida....I have an ING account conected to my BMO and I can't just add a U.S. bank account to my ING. Plus, it would be nice if i had my debts PAID OFF. Something he doesn't get whenever i say that.

Don't worry about money....HAHA! I always worry. Especially now when he's hating his job at the moment and looking for something new. I know he wants to take care of me and thats great and I love him for it but being an independent girl, i get knots in my stomach thinking how much I don't want to rely on his cash which is another reason I want to stay here a bit longer and settle monetary affairs.

UGH....i hope i don't sound like a whiny baby....i don't mean to come across that way at all. Its all just very frustrating.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 11:18:00
CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?

I would totally do something like you did if given a choice. Wait 2-4 months to leave after getting the visa. But he would FREAK out. Literally. Go nuts.

All I'm saying now is give it a month-6 weeks after visa in hand and already he's acting like a spoiled child.

He did text me and apologize for freaking just now by the way. Saying hes sorry hes making me stress and just really wants to be with me. At least he acknowledges he's causing me more stress by saying these things.

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 11:14:00
CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?
I'm thinking thats what I may do. Just postpone sending in packet 3 for a month to 6 weeks and hope for the best after that.

I understand he's frustrated and wants me there right away but whenever we talk about this he always seems to forget that i'm the one leaving everything i know and love behind and i really want stuff settled before i leave for good. I guess he figures in his head that he should be the most important thing and he is but that doesn't take away from the fact that i have family and friends and responsibilities and obligations here that need to be dealt with.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 11:10:00
CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?
Hi everyone!

How long after you interview and approval did you guys move down to the states?

I just got into a little arguement with my fiance about this. He wants me there ASAP. Don't get me wrong, I also want to be down in the states as soon as possible but I feel like I have things to get done and arrangements to be made after my visa is in hand. He wants me there 2 weeks later and I don't think thats enough time to get all i need to get done finished and he's sitting here arguing with me about this.

I figure when I get my visa I'll have to call movers and see what pricing is and only then be able to schedule my plane ticket to Florida. Then of course finish packing up whats left of my stuff at my grandparents, get whatever medical appts i can in before moving, give my bosses my notice....all that good stuff.

Plus, I want to finish paying off my debt which he is super pissed about. By then I'll owe about 1000$ and i can pay it off within a month of leaving I'm sure. But 2 weeks? Definitely not enough time.

Plus, I'd like to be able to say goodbye to my friends properly and see some of my family members as well since I won't see them for god knows how long after i leave.

Am i being a b*tch by wanting to leave with all my things in order? I just want to tie up loose ends and i think thats pretty normal but maybe I'm wrong in this situation.

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 10:59:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
HAHAHAH! I figured I would actually sit down and figure out everyone I spoke to and then write it all down in a post.....Looking at it now makes me blink.gif

I must say looking at all those people I listed makes me pee myself with laughter.....I could have started the K-1 about 2 months sooner and saved myself talking to all those people and having my cousin and in-laws jump into the mix. laughing.gif But i'm glad i did it anyway because i chose the right way to go about it for me.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-06-01 18:40:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
All the lawyers we spoke to were immigration lawyers. My sisters best friend is an immigration lawer and he and his 2 partners told me to move to the States.

My fathers friend of 30 years is an immigration lawyer as is his daughter and they both told me to just move to the States.

My cousins brother in law and sister in law are immigration lawyers, they both told me just move to the States.

My future in laws both spoke to 3 immgration lawyers on our behalf and guess what? They told my in laws to tell me to move to the States.

My fiance has a friend who just graduated law school, he is not an immigration lawyer but told me to move to the States. BUT his boss is an immigration lawyer and she said the same thing....move and adjust status.

The other lawyer was not an immigration lawyer, just a family friend who is a criminal lawyer, ran the story by her and she was the only one who told us not to go that route....probably because shes a criminal lawyer. whistling.gif

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-06-01 18:18:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
Just a little update on the story of my friend. Her boyfriend most probably has to go back to the states in about 3 months for business. By then he will know how his business venture in Montreal has worked or not and depending on that, they will have to decide what to do.

I spoke with my best friend today as its my b-day and she called me and she brought up her fears today of possibly screwing herself over in the visa process. She informed me thats shes completely out of debt in exactly one year and that she will stay here and pay that off.

So she decided to take my advice and will be either doing the direct consular filing if his business here is successful and he is able to stay. He could stay another year and a half anyway and work for another corporation because his work visa is still valid but he would make more money in the U.S. so it may be a better choice to go back to Jersey. If he does go back, she will stay, pay her debts and go the K-1 route. I'm glad she listened to my advice. Now its up to her to follow through with her choices.

As for the other topic of the lawyers telling me and others to go the illegal route, well, for me its a moot point. I am already at the point where I should be receiving my packet 3 in the next couple of weeks according to the consulate so I'm nearing the end of this phase of the process soon I hope.

I will end up filing later than i thought because I am leaving on vacation to Florida at the end of this month and that'll be around the time I get packet 3 so I won't be able to start anything until I get back the 2nd week of July. Also, my future in-laws have to co-sponsor us because my fiance didn't make enough money on his last 3 years tax returns and my in-laws happen to be very well off and will have to find all the info the I-134 requires. (I truly thank God that my future father-in-law is a doctor for 2 reasons....if anything happens with my falling ill i have someone i can trust there to take care of me and also the fact that he makes enough to sponsor me. i'm very blessed.)

I'm just hoping that once i do file towards the end of july that it doesn't take months and months to get an interview. I hope those of you who are filing at about the same time will keep me posted on your interview dates so i can get an idea of when mine would possibly be.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-06-01 17:58:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
And thanks Treble for also saying you have been told this. I am not a liar and would have no reason to tell a lie on here. It would not benefit anyone.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-06-01 15:30:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
Well I don't know what to tell you Deadpool except to say that we asked immigration lawyers who are friends of ours, who our parents know and lawyers that our friends know. And when we just asked them whether we should do the K-1 ourselves or what our options were they told us to do it the illegal way and adjust from within the U.S.

They were not about to make any money off of us knowing we were going to do the paperwork ourselves whichever route we took and we told them that whether we did K-1 or K-3 or another option, WE would definitely do it.

So if you still find this difficult to believe I don't know what to tell you. Its what we were told. And I'd say at least 3 of my friends were also told this by lawyers and guess what they did? Got married and adjusted within the U.S.

My fiance works with no less than 5 people who also between Feb. 2008 and this month also married in the States and adjusted illegally on advice from counsel. So I don't know what to tell you. But I'm the only one who decided to take the legal route for the most part. And very happy I did.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-06-01 15:27:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
I'm not even going to bother recommending an immigration lawyer. They basically all say the same thing. My fiance and I asked 13, yes you are reading right THIRTEEN immigration lawyers that we knew what route to go and 12 of the 13 said for me to just cross the border and adjust my status from the U.S.

And just to say, half these lawyers were American and half were Canadian and they basically all told us to go the illegal route. So its not even worth wasting my breath over.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-06-01 15:00:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
I've informed the both of them. But he is SUPER busy with his work and trying to start a company. He's also been ill about 3 times in the past 6 months so I figured SHE would be the one to get on all that like collecting proof and whatnot. OH WELL. It's all up to them, not me. I already have enough with my own visa stuff and have no time to be baby-ing anyone thru the process. I've got my own stuff to get in order for my interview when i receive my packet 3 which should be coming to my house soon.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-06-01 09:24:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
Nope, no news on anything yet. I will totally keep you guys updated though when I do hear anything.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-06-01 08:35:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
QUOTE (Krikit @ May 28 2009, 11:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (poprocks @ May 28 2009, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hahaha! Don't you hate when that happens?! When you think you have a 'chocolate stash' and you go looking for it, only to find it vanished!!!! Grrrr! sad.gif happened to me yesterday!

KitKat and Caramilk make the world more tolerable smile.gif funny enough, both I have been unable to locate in PA sad.gif I found Caramelo for now as a sub LOL!

I had to read the thread without the chocolate bar. cray5ol.gif

Don't buy the KitKats in the US. They're horrible.

Sorry for the hijack, DomeGirl. I have nothing to add to your thread other than I have read it and agree with everything everyone has said. Oh. Except if she is still comparing this relationship to the old relationship in a dog-with-a-bone kind of way then she hasn't gotten over the old one and will never be happy until she's happy with herself. Some people have to learn the hard way, though.

I agree with you there Krikit. It is a dog-with-a-bone kind of comparison and thats why i say she needs to look within herself before making plans to go anywhere with someone new. Then what happens when shes stuck in Jersey, alone, with no friends and the relationship possibly sours? Ah well, its definitely her life....we'll see how it all works out for her.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 10:46:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
I think it bothers me so much mostly because shes asked me OVER and OVER again about visa info. Ever since February if I think back. Pretty much every 3 weeks since valentines day. I don't know how many times I've gone over the options with her and after awhile it gets old.

Not to mention she is constantly calling me every 10 days asking me if shes crazy for feeling the way she does. I've tried to be very supportive and listen to her feelings and let her know shes with a great guy and if she loves him then great...all is well in the world. She also compares her relationship to mine which is silly because once again, I've been best friends with my guy for 17 years. Not even close to being the same kind of situation.

I don't live inside her head and I can't make desicions for her. She is a big girl and will make her own choices.

The phrase: You shouldn't have an opinion where you don't have a responsibility' is very true. However she ASKED my opinion and my advice MANY times. But yes, I have no responsibility in what she does and choices she makes and thats why I'm done helping her out with visa stuff.

And as far as what she wants to do invalidating what I'm going through....honestly, i could care less. I could have totally done what she wants to do and hop the border and adjust my status from there. MANY people told me to do so....even friends of ours who are lawyers.....but i refused. Yes, I could have been with him right away but at what cost? I'm very glad I'm doing it the legal way and will never regret it. All i know is that if she gets busted for whatever reason, she'll coming running to me for a shoulder to cry on and I can't say I'll feel very sorry for her only because I tried to give her options from the beginning.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 10:17:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
laughing.gif POPROCKS you are hilarious. Personally, i don't care if she comes on VJ at some point and sees this thread. Nothing I have said here is anything that i haven't said to her face. And if she doesn't like it, well thats her problem. But believe me, somehow I don't see her making her way onto VJ.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 08:59:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
I think you are right Emancipation. You can know in 6 months or less whether you want to be with someone and are in love.

But she was in a 10 year relationship. And she started dating this new guy soon after her breakup. And just the fact thats she keeps wondering if she deserves all this new found attention and love he's showering her with makes me think she needs to take a long hard look at herself and THEN decide if this is right for her.

Most of us don't take it lightly that we are packing up and leaving everything we know and love. She seems to just be thinking of doing it on a whim and she needs to really think about things.

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 08:56:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
I agree. I would kill to be living in the same city as my man for 6 months to a year. Jiminy Krispies that would have been awesome.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 08:43:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
Sorry for the long post in advance. innocent.gif

So this is the situation with their relationship. He is totally in love with her. I mean, truly. You can tell. He really is a kind, caring guy and I consider myself a good judge of character so I believe him when he tells me how he feels about her.

She on the other hand tells me she loves him but I get the feeling shes not 100% sure about the whole relationship...
I'll explain:

She was dating a guy for 10 years and it finally got to the point where it was Sh*t or get off the pot time. She broke it off with her ex and ended up meeting this great new guy. Because of the way her ex treated her I think shes having a hard time in this new relationship because this new guy actually CARES. He takes her out, wants to be with her, listens to her and in a way I think she wonders if she deserves that because she is always comparing her old relationship to this one.

I've told her many times over the past 6 months that she's been with him that THIS is a real relationship and what she was used to was just pure abuse (as a side note, i had been telling her to break up with her ex for 5 years and she never did because she LOVED him...ugh)

I TOTALLY AGREE with you guys when you say its really too soon after 6 months to be talking engagement...but they also live here in the same city and see each other almost every day, she stays at his apt. half the i can see how feelings have developed very quickly but I still think they should date for a longer period of time.

AS A SIDE NOTE- he does not have to leave at any point soon. his visa is valid and still good for at least another year i believe. and it would really not be that difficult to extend his work visa or get a new one. he has 2 engineering degrees and people are always looking to hire him here in montreal....he's been offered many jobs by competitor companies while here now.

they DO NOT have any proof of a relationship as far as I am aware. If they have 3 pictures of them together, thats alot. they don't email each other because they live in the same town. he bought her a necklace for valentines. and technically, there are phone records between the 2 of them but that doesn't mean in the eyes of the govt that they are not just friends. I have plenty of guy friends and talk to them on pretty much a daily basis. see what i mean?

Either way, I think shes being silly and will end up getting burned. It hurts me to say that but its how i feel.
She refuses to listen to my advice and seems to think she knows it all. You are all 100% right when you say she thinks shes just gonna hop the border and adjust her status because so many people we know have done it and been successful at it. She shouldn't be rushing into things and I've told her about VJ and i think she could really care less because I've never seen her on here or heard her say she's even taken a look at this website.

All I can say is, I've tried my best to give her what info I could and I'm not going to bust my chops with it anymore. I have my own relationship to worry about and my own visa process to get through. Its sad to say but if she comes asking me for advice again, I'll be telling her to get started on her own internet research because I honestly can't be bothered with it anymore.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 08:14:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ May 27 2009, 07:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
New Jersey?

Screw giving her advice on the visa process, how about telling her to choose another state. laughing.gif

AHAHAHAHAHA! Ya, thats where her guy is from. And sorry I should have been more clear on the direct consular filing. I told her to get married here and then go and try that route. Otherwise start the k-1 process.

Either way, shes not listening and i'm tired of talking. I have my own visa stuff to think about and my own stress to deal with. plus, i'd give my right eye to be able to live int he same city as my man while going through any process available to me.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 18:18:00
Canadawhy do people not listen when you try to give them good advice? VENT
Hi guys! So here's the story.

My best friend here in Montreal works at a hospital and an American guy was admitted in Dec. 2008 and they have been dating ever since. He lives here in Montreal. He is on a work visa as an engineer. Things have not been going well lately with his company. They have been talking about getting engaged at some point soon and I've been telling her for months now that she should be gathering pics and documents to prove they are in a relationship because if they decide to file the k-1 it will be necessary as prrof of a relationship. She hasn't bothered.

I told her a little bit ago that because hes here living on a visa she should inform herself by calling the consulate here in Montreal about possibly filing with direct consular filing....she hasn't bothered.

Today she asks me once again about the visa process and I repeat all the same things and tell her she should really get on taking pics and gathering info and calling the consulate to inform herself of her options. She basically poo-poo-ed me and said and i quote: " Well if things don't start to look up in the next few months then I'm just going to pack up my stuff and go to New Jersey and live there."

I said to her, thats an option but not a very good one don't be silly and possibly do things to later get screwed over. You won't be able to work, your relationship will be placed under a microscope with the govt. and you have ZERO proof to give anyone about even having a relationship. And god forbid you should get banned. What the hell would you do then? She apparently doesn't give a rats behind because she got all pissy with me and hung up.

I'm only trying to help her out and at this point I'm done giving her advice. Why was she even bothering to ask me for options if she isn't really listening and apparently don't care anyway? Meanwhile I told my fiance this about an hour ago and he says to me that plenty of people just move there and adjust their status from within the states and its fine. A lawyer we know even recommended I do that but I totally refused and chose to do it the proper way.

We personally know 3 couples that did this in the past year and all were approved immediately and given work papers within 2 months. I think they just got really lucky and they should praise the lord they didn't get kicked out and banned for 3 years, 5 years, 10 years or even life.

I was only trying to help her out and give her options but I think my best bet is to just let her do her thing and if things turn out badly for her not tell her I told you so. If she's banned I think she'll feel bad enough as it is. Personally i think its just silly to not do things the right way while you can and they are both living here in Canada at the moment.

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 17:43:00
CanadaI got my NOA2...YIPEE!
HOLY SCHNIKERDOODLES. I got my packet 3 in the mail today. My grandmother handed me the envelope when I walked in this afternoon from work. Now I'm really pooping my pants. I was looking over everything and I know it shouldn't be that bad but its very overwhelming. I'm ecstatic yet have those crazy butterflies. I feel like i might puke....HAHAHAH!
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-06-02 17:21:00
CanadaI got my NOA2...YIPEE!
Thanks Sapphire. I didn't get the number off my fiance. I'll get it from him tonite so that I can call and verify all that info with the NVC
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-26 09:31:00
CanadaI got my NOA2...YIPEE!
YA, now is when I really start pooping my pants over the debt I have left and all the other costs of the medical and moving and such. But nothing could have made me happier than getting that paper. And my b-day is this Monday coming (June 1) so I can honestly say its the most awesome b-day present ever. And I got it from the govt. HAHAHA

Oh and a question. On our timelines it says NVC received and NVC left.

Would I have to call the NVC to see when they received it and when it left their office?

What information would I have to give them about my case file to receive that info?

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-26 08:46:00
CanadaI got my NOA2...YIPEE!
Hi guys! So for those of you who read my "whats happening at vsc?" post on Sunday nite you'll remember that I was wondering what the heck was going on.

Little did I know that my fiance had not checked the mailbox on saturday so it must have been in there because last nite he called me at 7pm when he got home from work to say "i got something here from the govt" and i knew it had to be the NOA2 or an RFE. Him opening that envelope almost gave me a heart attack.

SO YAY! I'm moving along now. I'm going to be waiting to get my package 3 which should arrive before I go to Florida for a weeks vacation at the end of June and then get started on faxing the consulate once I'm back.

Thanks so much to everyone for all your support. And yes, I will still be bugging you all for help and opinions for a long while yet. good.gif whistling.gif LOL....but seriously, a big thanks to all of you.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-26 08:39:00
CanadaInterview montreal passed
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 16:52:00
Canadaquestion about the ds-230 PART 2, what's that all about?
Awesome, thank you. I'll disregard that section then and just use the PART 1.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-06-03 11:35:00
Canadaquestion about the ds-230 PART 2, what's that all about?
Hi guys!

So I went onto the USCIS website to print out extra copies of the DS-230 and it printed out a part 1 and a part 2.
The part 1 came with my packet 3 but now I'm wondering what to do with these extra two papers that make up the DS-230 Part 2....

Does anyone know what to do with them or if I need them?

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-06-03 11:18:00
CanadaCar Import Options.
QUOTE (MrsCat @ Nov 5 2008, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Sly,

I found this old quote. I guess it sounds like this person got a letter from their loan company indicating that they were aware of the move and ok with it, and that there was a lien on the title of the car. Sounds like it was needed for registering the car. I guess that part might depend on which State you're moving to.

The other option would be to get an unsecured loan/line of credit, which would mean that the bank has no actual interest in the car, and therefore no liens on the title. You could then register it without showing a letter from the bank, since the whole title would be in your name.

I guess its weighing your options and which you're most comfortable with.

QUOTE (AndreaK @ Aug 7 2007, 12:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i imported my car the end of june and had no hassles whatsoever at the border. most manufacturers can fax the compliance letter to you quickly, but be aware that some require two or more weeks to process the request. i have a mazda that i've owned since 2003 and was manufactured in japan, and the only way Mazda North America would accept a request for the letter was by me faxing in their form, and their processing time was minimum two weeks - and they do NOT do rush requests. i actually ended up having to call to find out what was going on after 4 weeks time because i hadn't received anything yet. annoying, but i got my letter emailed to me.

other paperwork i had on hand at the border, just to be on the safe side, was all my loan paperwork, my full insurance policy and pink card, registration AND a letter from my bank with my vehicle's info on it, indicating that they were aware that i was bringing the car into the states permanently. for those who have a lien against their vehicle, i would highly recommend getting a letter from the lien-holder just in case.

also, on a K1 visa (not sure about any others), you are allowed to import ONE vehicle duty-free into the US. most people are not aware of this. however, if you've only just purchased a brand new vehicle and intend to bring it down with you, that may be a different story, i'm not sure.

i know every state is different, but here in kansas i again brought all the above paperwork to the registry with me, including the import document that the border agent completed. you have to have this document in order to register your car. also, since the US uses 'titles' for their vehicle (the 'owner' of the vehicle has this document; if the car has a lien on it, then the lien-holder has the title until the lien is paid off at which time it is transferred to the registered owner of the car) and canada doesn't, i was worried what would happen since there was no way i could produce a title like they are used to seeing. the registration for your car in canada is, in essence, your title for it; since i still had a lien on my car it was a good thing i had a copy of my loan with me as they needed that information in order to create my registration and US title for it.

hope this helps!

Thanks. The fact that I have a lease on this car is becoming a real pain. I was thinking of buying it (bank loan) but I dont want that to become an import or NY state registration problem as well ... grrrrrr.

sly_wolfMaleCanada2008-11-05 16:00:00
CanadaCar Import Options.
I am getting some mixed messages about importing a car and any outstanding loans in the car.

Is there any truth to the fact that I would have trouble importing a car if it still had an outstanding loan in Canada? I would of course plan to continue to pay any loan in Canada.

Also, what happens to any new car warranty after the car has been imported?

sly_wolfMaleCanada2008-11-05 15:18:00
CanadaCar Import Options.
QUOTE (jedinite @ Nov 3 2008, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sly_wolf @ Nov 3 2008, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks. It wont be easy getting rid of my car without taking a hit. Wish I had had a 3 year lease now ... oh well.


Put a post out on Kajiji or Craigslist and see if there are any people willing to take over your lease. You can get your lease transferred as long as someone else agrees to take it over. The other solution, is just drive it and keep yourself under the radar. Make your payments and just don't get pulled over, if you do tell them that you just moved to the State (just a few weeks), they can't do anything to you unless you admit to having your car there for a prolonged period of time. The most they will do is run your license to make sure it's not stolen or that there's no warning messages in the system on your Canadian plates.

And if you are commuting back and forth between Canada I'm sure it will be less of an issue since your car will be used in Canada. Food for thought.

I will give those classifieds a try. I should try and get rid of it as early as possible. I would also think the border agents on both sides may have a problem if I keep the car registered in Canada.

sly_wolfMaleCanada2008-11-03 15:53:00
CanadaCar Import Options.
QUOTE (jedinite @ Nov 3 2008, 02:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

When I was working the the US with my TN-1 Visa I actually did not register my car down there for a few years. I should have done it sooner and my wife (girlfriend at the time) was always getting on my case about it. When I finally took the plunge to do it, it took a bit of work to get it registered.

First, I was driving with my Alberta drivers license, so the first thing you have to do is get your State drivers license. They require you to do the written and driving test regardless if you have a Provincial driver's license.

Next, you must get a letter from your manufacturer as release letter for you to drive your car in the States. I have a Honda and even though mine was put together in Ohio I still needed this letter. I've heard stories where certain manufacturers will try to charge you for this letter. I can't remember who I called but it was a State office, and they gave me a number to call and after you call that number you provide them with your VIN and your address and they will send you out a letter stating that your car is clear for importing.

After you get this letter you may have to setup an appointment for a safety and emissions test depending on what State your importing your car to. For me it was California so I had to go to a special State inspection center. Ordinary Smog check places will not work. You wait around for 1/2 hour and they give you a paper that says your car passes emissions and safety.

With these 2 letter you should now have, you have to bring in your proof of ownership, this is where it may be tricky for you since you are leasing your car. For me I had this letter so I didn't have any issues with it. I also didn't do the importing at the border crossing, I had to do it at the Long Beach port authority since I had already driven my car into the US. Once you provide them with your papers they make copies, and they give you an import certificate letter. You can then take this letter to the DMV and apply for a license plate.

For California, you are required by the State to obtain your drivers license within 30 days of moving to the State. The only time this will really be an issue is if you get pulled over and they ask to see your drivers and registration. If you don't have your car registered yet don't show them your US driver's license as you'll probably get a higher fine for not registering your car. Admittedly, I did get a few tickets while driving with my Canadian plates and driver's license, and the officer was nice enough not to ticket me for not registering. They are typically nice about it since they know you are from out of State and out of Country.

I don't know what your lease agreement with your finance company states but you should look into closing out your lease early or having it transferred to the US if you can. Cars are much cheaper in the US so it may be even beneficial to just lease a new car in the US instead. If I can find the link to the car importation that I used I'll post it here. Cheers!

Thanks. It wont be easy getting rid of my car without taking a hit. Wish I had had a 3 year lease now ... oh well.

sly_wolfMaleCanada2008-11-03 14:29:00
CanadaCar Import Options.
QUOTE (MsZ @ Nov 3 2008, 01:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can probably get away with it for quite a while. But the question is, do you want to. And, it depends on the state. Some states have rules that you have to register your vehicle within a certain amount of time.

Other issues are insurance. If your insurance company finds you've moved and you have an accident, they might deny you.

It really isn't worth taking the chance.

Ok. Looks like I will have to buy it or get rid of it before I move. What a pain.

sly_wolfMaleCanada2008-11-03 14:25:00
CanadaCar Import Options.
QUOTE (sly_wolf @ Nov 3 2008, 10:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have seen a few threads on this subject but I am still not clear on what I should do in my case. I have a leased car with 16 months to go. I read that I could not import the car because it is leased. If I were to buy the car with loan done in Canada will this be problem when I move?


Just an after thought. How long would I be able to get away with driving the car and still registerd in Canada?

sly_wolfMaleCanada2008-11-03 11:21:00