CanadaAny ideas how to deal with THIS issue???
Hi there Kate. So i called the etat civil here in Montreal for you. They let me know that as long as he has that baptismal certificate that his priest had to register your husbands birth with the province of Quebec. Therefore he can get a birth certificate (long version of it is what he will need.) His green card will also work if he has one.

He needs a valid photo i.s. document which would be his Canadian Passport.
He also needs something for proof of residence. If he has his Quebec drivers license, any govt. correspondance from less than a year old, his medicare card...these would all work.

You would have to go here:

At that website you have all the information, phone numbers in the contact us section if you should have to call them back and also the papers to download and fill out are there. I don't know why they would be asking you for any kind of tax information. You do not need that to get a birth certificate here. You can also have this expedited immediately for a fee.

Please let me know if there are any other questions about the website i can help you with.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-05 12:05:00
CanadaMontreal Interview
CONGRATS! So happy for you!
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-13 08:30:00
CanadaMontreal Embassy Packet 3 Questions...Please Help
I have my medical booklet from when i was a child. I know I have to get my tetanus re-newed because its been over 10 year.

I'm going to be 31 in June so I'm 100% not getting the Gardasil. I'm safe on that one.

I also have one of my HEP vaccines for sure and have the paperwork for it. I had to get it when I went to funeral school so I'm good there too.

I'm hoping whatever I DO have to get won't cost me a small fortune.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-03-10 08:51:00
CanadaMontreal Embassy Packet 3 Questions...Please Help
Thank you ever so much!
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-02-27 14:34:00
CanadaMontreal Embassy Packet 3 Questions...Please Help
QUOTE (Wis-Can @ Feb 26 2009, 10:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (domegirl1978 @ Feb 26 2009, 12:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone!

I am from Montreal and my fiance is in Florida. He already received the NOA1 earlier on this month and we are patiently...maybe impatiently at for the NOA2.

I have seen many different posts on packet 3 but none that actually come from the Montreal Embassy. The closest thing I have found are the packet 3 checklists from Vancouver.

Does anyone on here have the checklist from packet 3 from Montreal that they could possibly email me or post here.

I was hoping to get a head start on the paperwork. I know some of the paperwork has to be done online throught the embassy itself but its the checklists I'm really looking for.

Thanks in advance!

I have one at home, if no one posts it before I get off work I will do it for you. Mine is from Montreal.

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-02-27 09:07:00
CanadaMontreal Embassy Packet 3 Questions...Please Help
Hello everyone!

I am from Montreal and my fiance is in Florida. He already received the NOA1 earlier on this month and we are patiently...maybe impatiently at for the NOA2.

I have seen many different posts on packet 3 but none that actually come from the Montreal Embassy. The closest thing I have found are the packet 3 checklists from Vancouver.

Does anyone on here have the checklist from packet 3 from Montreal that they could possibly email me or post here.

I was hoping to get a head start on the paperwork. I know some of the paperwork has to be done online throught the embassy itself but its the checklists I'm really looking for.

Thanks in advance!
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-02-26 11:50:00
Canadaanyone fom canada
It's a little too far for you if you are planning to go to Niagra but keep Montreal in mind for another trip to Canada. This is a great city with LOADS of stuff to do.

Downtown, the Old Port with its cobblestone streets, MANY restaurants from about any nationality you can think of, Mont Royal, name it, we have it.

I'm going to miss Montreal SO MUCH when i move down to Florida. But I'll be heading back here every chance I can get.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-13 13:23:00
CanadaMontreal Interview
CONGRATS! I'm glad it all went so smoothly for you!
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-13 12:24:00
CanadaMarrying and being married
I answered the 3rd question with the answer I could leave and he'd be like "BYE see you in 3 weeks" because I also have a weird situation. I lived in Florida for 3 years of my high school years and thats where I met my fiance. He met my whole family while I lived there and loves them immensely. We stayed friends for 5 years after high school and he would come over and hang with me and my mom and we'd always have a blast.

We lost contact for 7 years and then found each other again on Facebook of all places and now after 2 years here we are going thru the K-1. He knows how much I love Montreal and will miss my family and friends.

I'm super close with my grandparents and leaving them now as they approach their 80s is so hard for me and he knows that. Even if he can't take the time off and I can, he would 100% be ok with my coming back to Canada for 3 weeks or even more if I wanted to.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-14 11:08:00
Canadawere any of you ever majorly stressing out over finances before leaving and when in the states
Thanks guy! I feel better about this now. Hopefully I'll be eligible!
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-11 14:22:00
Canadawere any of you ever majorly stressing out over finances before leaving and when in the states
So is it that once you get your work permit in the States is when you would contact the Canadian agency to stop the EI?
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-11 14:05:00
Canadawere any of you ever majorly stressing out over finances before leaving and when in the states
Thanks Sapphire! I never thought about that and technically, it will be my best friend filling out the form.

I just figured I couldn't collect EI if I was living in the States as well. Is that possible and I was just misinformed?
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-11 13:59:00
Canadawere any of you ever majorly stressing out over finances before leaving and when in the states
In Quebec as far as I have always been aware, you don't legally have to give any notice. You can literally up and leave. Now, its "polite" to give 2 weeks notice of course and I always have in the past.

They want 2 months to screw me, like I said. but they aren't going to get the chance. I'm giving them 3-4 weeks notice and they'll need me for at least 2 weeks while they start interviewing new people and then 1-2 weeks for me to train the new haha...they will have no choice but to keep me on, even if they wouldn't want to.

Here that agency you are refering to is called "normes du travaille" for workers to complain. I have no desire to start a whole big mess with them...just want whats due to me once I leave. Thank God for my best friend who does payroll here because she'd never screw me. She's frankly thrilled to bits I am she'll get to visit me in Florida...LOL...she'll miss me but she loves my fiance and is very happy for me.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-11 13:49:00
Canadawere any of you ever majorly stressing out over finances before leaving and when in the states
My bosses will not be "letting me go". They see it as me quitting to go to live in Florida therefore I wouldn't be able to collect any EI when quitting. One of my bosses is pretty bitter about it my leaving.

They always thought I was lying about having found my best friend from high school in Florida on Facebook and reuniting with him and falling in love. That was until I said I was going to Florida for a long weekend and then a month later he was up here to visit me and they met him.

Then it became a battle with everything at the beginning. My one boss left me alone about it, just randomly asking me how everything is going, genuinely concerned.

The other boss is an A** about it. Sneaking behind my back, asking other people in the office if they know my plans, trying to get stuff out of my best friend, coming to me and telling me I HAVE to give him 2 months notice before I decide to leave....its all very sketchy which is why i am keeping everything on the down low.

The day I go for my medical will be: " I have an appt. with my general practitioner", and any other little appointments I may have related to the visa like going to the translator will be done on my lunch hour so no one figures anything out.

The day of my interview will be: "I have an appointment I have to go to but will be in the office before lunch time."

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-11 13:43:00
Canadawere any of you ever majorly stressing out over finances before leaving and when in the states
I won't be getting any unemployment money at all. My bosses wanted me to give them 2 months notice...CAN YOU IMAGINE? There's no way they are getting that. So far I have kept all my immigration information hush hush here at the office. My best friend also works with me so she also never asks me about this kind of stuff at the office in case they might be listening in.

I totally believe they want 2 months so that they can lay me off and so does my best friend. That way they can say oh well you are leaving, we need to find someone new...bye bye.... even though I've worked hard for them for 6 years.

So my plan is to go along as if everything is normal and then once I get my interview date and all goes well and I'm approved and have my visa IN HAND, thats when I'll tell them I'll only be at the office for one more month. That way, they are forced to keep me to train the new person, I'll still be making my salary and that gives me a month to call the movers, get that ready, get my plane ticket and fix all the odds and ends that are left to do.

I don't think they also realize that they are going to have to give me all the vacation time I'll have saved up then and the one weeks pay they withhold from when i first started. But oh well, they will owe it to me and since my best friend manages the office and does payroll, I know I won't get screwed.

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-11 12:54:00
Canadawere any of you ever majorly stressing out over finances before leaving and when in the states
Oh ya! I've totally changed my spending habits the past 5 months. No more shopping for clothes or shoes and all that good stuff i used to buy before. Even going to Chapters to buy a book is a big no-no considering i can easily spend 100$ while i'm in that store. LOL. My birthday is coming up in about 2 weeks and whatever cash i get for that from friends is going right into my savings pot where as usually i would buy whatever i wanted.

The only really big purchase I need to make right away in Florida will be my car and I'm hoping to buy used and not spend more than 5000$ on it. I used to live there and my parents owned gas stations and garages down there so our old head mechanic said he would try to help me out there. Thank God for good friends.

And of course my other big purchase is my kitchenaid mixer. I totally have to buy one once I'm down there. I'm a baking fanatic and thats another thing that will keep my super busy on those long days while my fiance is at work. Then he can have goodies to take to the office and I plan on donating the other batches i bake to the local abused women's shelter through my local police station. Cake makes people smile smile.gif

Oh and I forgot to mention to you all, if you want to save big on something, make it your groceries. For the past year I have been involved with mothers online and other women who coupon and let me tell you....BIG SAVINGS THERE. Many of the women i know save 40-60% off their grocery bills. Couponing at the grocery store may seem like no big deal but you can actually come away with a lot of great things for pennies on the dollar or even free. Definitely a must for those of us who love to eat.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-11 11:08:00
Canadawere any of you ever majorly stressing out over finances before leaving and when in the states
I hear you JillA.

Thats exactly what i did. I moved back into my grandparents house which is right next door to my moms. They don't charge me rent and I've been able to work my debt down quite a bit and save some money as well. All my stuff from my apt. is in their garage waiting to be moved by the movers to Florida when the time comes.

HAHA! Thats just another fee to worry about that i forgot...the movers...i figure it'll be about 1000$ for that too. ARGH!
I really hope to have more saved up. I am greatful for what i do have though. THANK GOD for my grandparents who don't charge me a penny to live with them. They are the best, i love them immensely.

I figure since I can't work while I'm there for those months before i get the work permit I'll be getting the house down there fixed up and unpacking boxes. I decided I'm going to volunteer at the local soup kitchen and food bank. It'll make me feel good to contribute and do something with myself instead of sitting at home missing Canada (which I know i will anyway). smile.gif

They say money isn't everything and thats true....UNLESS you are trying to immigrate and be with your mate...HAHAHA!

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-11 10:33:00
Canadawere any of you ever majorly stressing out over finances before leaving and when in the states
Hi everyone!

I just wanted to vent a little on the subject of finances. I don't make alot of money at my current job and i feel like every penny is being sucked down the drain.

If its not every day bills, its all those other crappy things that pop up like friends b-days or having to take my cat to the vet and spend 250$ there.

Then of course there is the matter of my debt which is not HUGE but still busting my chops every month to pay it down and fast as possible and it seems to be taking forever. I'm so afraid i won't have finished paying it by the time i'd have to move.

Then of course come all those beautiful bills that go along with the visa. passport, photos, translations, fees for this and that....medical fees that are ridiculous, FEES...FEES...FEES....ARGH!

I'm moving to Florida and being there without a car is pretty much impossible where i live. Moving from Montreal where I have taxis and the bus and metro at my disposal is going to be hard once again. After using the small amount of money I have saved for a used car I will be probably be at the financial mercy of my fiance which makes me feel bad. He says I shouldn't feel bad and i know i probably shouldn't but not being able to work and contribute sucks.

Anyone else ever felt like this?
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-11 10:03:00
CanadaDinner Dress - Ladies which one would you choose?
I'm totally down with #2. I'm a huge pinup-retro gal and LOVE that dress. with a little bolero jacket on top it would be awesome
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-20 12:25:00
CanadaHouse Sitters
Look to see if you have a pet sitting or errand service business in your area of town. They should be licensed and bonded. THAT is a big deal.
They are usually pretty reasonably priced and you can always ask for references or testimonials from other clients about their services. Just a thought
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-23 15:26:00
CanadaDoes anyone know whats happening with VSC?
Believe me, you don't want to see my on my negative days HAHA! whistling.gif

I look like this times 1000 blink.gif and sometimes like this crying.gif LOL
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-24 21:12:00
CanadaDoes anyone know whats happening with VSC?
Yup, its super frustrating but waiting is half the battle I guess.

I just got a call from my fiance. Its his sister's graduation party from medical school tonite and it really sucks when all our friends and all his family are getting on the phone with me saying how much they wish I was there. His sister and I are super close and she was sad I couldn't be there for her. On the plus side, she's moving to Long Island next Friday to do her residency so she can drive up to Canada and visit me while I'm waiting for all this to be resolved.

I'm just glad I have a great support system between my family and his and all our mutual friends. It helps so much! There are definitely those days that it hits me hard like today and their love really helps and of course all you great VJ-ers that help out as well. blush.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-24 21:03:00
CanadaDoes anyone know whats happening with VSC?
Thanks Sapphire. We figured it would not take that long (8-12 months). It seems like so many other people have gotten their approvals within 2-3 months and we have so much proof and have known each other 17 years. Not like it really matters or helps us I guess seeing as how others have gotten their stuff way faster.

I really figured I wouldn't be spending another x-mas here in Montreal. Now its looking like that will probably be the case. Its more time with my friends and family so I'm happy about that part of it. Its just really annoying on the other hand as the rest of you all know who have gone thru it all.

I'll just keep working and trying to keep myself busy and keeping my mind off all the USCIS stuff.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-24 20:37:00
CanadaDoes anyone know whats happening with VSC?
Hi all!

Does anyone know what the hold up is with the VSC? I never expected USCIS to update their online database because we haven't beeen touched or had our status change since we filed the last day of January. I have been going by Igor's list's timeline and a few weeks ago it was saying we could probably expect our NOA2 the first week of June. Now its been backed up all the way til the end of July.

What the heck is going on? Some people in other forums have said they have been mroe busy with the H1B visas and put the K-1's aside but who knows what the truth really is? I thought the service centers processed more than 25 cases a week and if thats the case then it wouldn't take 2 months to get the NOA2. I'm just annoyed because at this rate I'll be here til x-mas the way this is going. Hopefully things will change or speed up or something.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-24 20:19:00
Canadaquestion about already having an american social security number
I'm not changing my name at all. Totally keeping my maiden name. Will this make things easier for me with travelling and paperwork and all that other good stuff?
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-25 13:19:00
Canadaquestion about already having an american social security number
Thanks FaK. I was going to call today but realized it is Memorial Day. I'll give the ssn office a call tomorrow just to confirm that but I figured that was what would happen. smile.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-25 09:13:00
Canadaquestion about already having an american social security number
I don't understand why it wouldn't be removed as soon as I have work authorization.

If I actually got a job and had my work permit and an employer wanted to verify my SSN then it would be a big pain in the butt to have to explain why it says not valid for work if they did not remove that. I might not even get the job and look like a big fat liar which I would not be.

I will contact the SSN office in Florida tomorrow in the area where I will be living and ask them. I don't see what becoming a citizen would have to do with anything considering I'll be married and a legal permanent resident with permission to work.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-24 21:40:00
Canadaquestion about already having an american social security number
Thanks KCoy! I will use my ssn number that I have already to open my bank accounts and apply for credit cards and the like. At least I can do a few things right when I move and save myself a trip to the ssn office until I have the GC in hand. smile.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-24 21:30:00
Canadaquestion about already having an american social security number
Hi everyone! I don't know if anyone has the answer to this question.

I graduated from college in the U.S. and had a social security number assigned to me when i started school there. I still have this ssn but it is stamped not valid for work.

When I move back do I just have to go down to the social security office and have that condition removed off the card by showing my AOS papers when I file for that?

When some of you have moved down did yours say not valid for work until you got your work permit and then they changed it or was it just the card with the number?

thanks everybody!
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-24 20:06:00
CanadaA Happy Ending
Thats great news Ruby! I agree with Reba on telling him to go find all the comic shops he can in the area. We " comic geeks" love to hang out and talk about all the different stuff we are into. It would definitely help him out and he'd for sure find some friends there with the same interests.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-24 21:46:00
CanadaGood Luck Argent and canadian_wife !
YAY! Congrats!
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 08:47:00
CanadaEvening Gown - Ladies which one would you choose?
if i could pick a colour for #2 it would be either a black (not sure if you would see the detail as well though), a royal blue or a dark grey colour.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 14:33:00
CanadaEvening Gown - Ladies which one would you choose?
#2 for me but probably in another colour if i could pick it
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-27 14:19:00
CanadaIRS cracking down on Canadians spending time in US
WHAT THE HELL?? Is this for real? This is so ILLEGAL its not even funny. I will totally be speaking to my fiance's aunt about this as she works for the IRS. There is no way this should be allowed.

We are allowed as Canadians to own homes in the states and to vacation there for 6 months with no worries. Now we may have to pay U.S. taxes? I find this unfair. Especially for people like my grandparents who are in their late 80's and now that I'm moving to Florida will be spending 4 months at least out of the year down there with me.

Oh Mr. Ron Paul sir? Can't you get the IRS abolished like you want to?
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 17:42:00
Canada5 month US visit, Re: Montreal Interview questions
Not to hijack this thread but I also have a question about that. When it comes to vacation stays in the U.S. I have never stayed more than 3 months.

However I did lives there between the ages of 3-9 and then again from 15-18 and then again from 21-23.
I was on L-2 visas and then on F-1 visa for University.

Does this all go on the same page when filling out packet 3 or are there seperate areas for the last 10 vacations or whatever and then another area for possibly having lived there?

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 08:46:00
CanadaNOA 2 received-- Nothing received from MTL yet
I applied January 29th and got my NOA1 on February 6th.

HAHA! That would be awesome if we had the same interview date. Probably not though just because I have to wait a little bit before filing the packet 3. I'm hoping packet 3 comes before i go in June but if not then everything will have to be filed more towards the end of July.

My in-laws are my co-sponsors and they have alot of financial stuff they are getting together and I want to make 200% sure I have everything before faxing the consulate.

But regardless, WE ARE MOVING ALONG WITH THE PROCESS! YAY! star_smile.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-29 07:59:00
CanadaNOA 2 received-- Nothing received from MTL yet
QUOTE (Emancipation @ May 28 2009, 04:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ May 28 2009, 01:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Welcome to VJ, Tdot.

Oh man.. I read this as "welcome to VJ idiot"..

headbonk.gif I need sleep!

laughing.gif tongue.gif for a second there, i did to Emancipation...hee hee

Look at that...I can't even spell "too" properly blink.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 15:13:00
CanadaNOA 2 received-- Nothing received from MTL yet
Just to let you know, I also received my NOA2 on May13th. I just called the NVC yeaterday to find out what day they received my file and what day it left for the Montreal consulate. I found out it left on the 18th. So I emailed the consulate and found out they have my file and packet 3 is being sent out to me shortly.

My advice would be to call the NVC and at least get your case #. If they give you one, email the consulate, it can't hurt.
I'm sure your packet 3 will get to you soon.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 14:58:00
CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?
I also want to make some new friends while down there. I consider myself a big geek and love comics and the like so I'm going to find myself a comic book store and hopefully meet some people with similar interests. I'm also going to take some cake decorating classes and hopefully meet some great people through those places. I think using your hobbies to meet new people is a great way to start out.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 09:06:00
CanadaHow long after your approval did you move to the states?
Oh Sapphire, being in a place where you NEED a car is NOT FUN.

Down in South Florida there is a bus I could take but it comes every hour and who the heck wants to sit in the 100 degree weather waiting for a bus. Plus, depending where you live, you might have to walk 10-20 minutes to the actual bus stop.

I'm planning on getting a car within 2 weeks of moving. I'm lucky because my cousin sells used cars and will be helping me out with that. But let me just say, being locked up in the house all day with no way to get out and stores way too far to walk makes me feel slightly useless. I can't even go buy milk before my fiance gets home from work with his car. UGH. Thank god there will be boxes to unpack and the house to settle.

The only advantage I have is that I used to live there and have some of my old friends still living in the same town. So I know I can count on them should I need a ride or something but its got to be hard when you move and no absolutely no one. Most of my friends have moved to other states so i consider myself very lucky to have a few still there as a support system.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-28 08:53:00