National Visa Center (Dept of State)Peru Interviews
Thank you everyone for your information. I am feeling more and more confident that everything is in order and we will make the flight on July 10th.

Loto, here is that smiley face you asked for...
star_smile.gif star_smile.gif star_smile.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif star_smile.gif star_smile.gif star_smile.gif
Arequipa4usMalePeru2008-06-23 23:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Peru Interviews
Yes, I am excited for my wife coming!!! A bit nerveous with the timing, but I know that God has it all worked out already. Really, I am excited for all of us who have gone through this together. I can't wait to hear of your re-union too! We will both be smiling huge on the 11th!!!! kicking.gif good.gif
Arequipa4usMalePeru2008-06-23 12:28:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Peru Interviews
Looking for the experiences of those who went through the embassy in Lima, Peru...

The embassy website information says that passports/visas are available to pick-up at the DHL facility, 2 days after the interview. Is this true? What was your experience?

We gambled on this and scheduled our flight for 7 days out from the interview, but there is a national holiday and weekend included in that time frame. I know it is only a matter of $$$ to change the flight, but I am more concerned with not spending one more night without my wife.
Arequipa4usMalePeru2008-06-23 09:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DOCUMENTS REVIEW
I think ours went case complete after 2 weeks. I think the AVR says 6-8 weeks so id there are any RFEs, they are looking better with their completion times. I would say from watching people here on VJ that it averages 2-4 weeks. Some shorter...some longer
Arequipa4usMalePeru2008-06-25 16:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Medical Exam done...
Thank you for the wife is at the doctor right this minute in Lima, Peru getting her medical exam. After speaking with her tonight and getting the details I will try to relate her experience as well. It is sooooooo great that all the VJers spread share this info.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! star_smile.gif
Arequipa4usMalePeru2008-06-26 09:05:00