Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

Die Visumsgebühr muss man aber, glaub ich, ganz stinknormal überweisen...zumindest bin ich damals auch mit meiner Kreditkarte dran gesessen und hab aber gar keine Option dafür gesehen.


Danke dir!! Ich weiss echt nicht wie ich auf Kreditkarte komme, vllt weil man sonst immer alles mit Kreditkarte zahlen muss?? Hab gerade bei Roskos&Meier nachgeschaut und tatsächlich es ist eine Überweisung!!

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-02 08:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

Danke smile.png

Könnte schon hinkommen, aber ich würd den Flug mal lieber noch nicht buchen. Ich würd damit warten bis du deinen Interviewtermin hast.

Wenn alles so schnell wie möglich gehen soll, ist vor allem auch wichtig, dass du dein medical machst und die Visumsgebühr bezahlst sobald du die Case number beim NVC erfragt hast.


nee, nee den werde ich auf jeden Fall erst buchen wenn ich mir ganz sicher sein kann. :)  Genau, wenn ich die case number habe werde ich direkt das medical in Frankfurt machen (da man da ja keinen Termin braucht) und Visumgebühr hab ich auch schon auf meiner prepaid(LOL)-Kreditkarte drauf. Habe nämlich ja bei euch allen gesehen, dass man das von der Schnelligkeit mit Paket 3 was selbst in der Hand hat :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-02 07:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

Aber für's AOS braucht man doch bestimmt den offiziellen Registerauszug vom Marriage Certificate oder? Hab ich zumindest gedacht. Wir holen den nächste Woche bei der Stadt ab und dann wird erstmal Name überall geändert. Danach kommt dann der AOS-Antrag smile.png

Übrigens hab ich mittlerweile herausgefunden wie das mit der Anerkennung für Deutschland funktioniert: Man muss mit der certified copy des marriage certificate zum Secretary of State und sich da eine Apostille holen. Die beiden Sachen zusammen kann man dann bei deutschen Behörden vorlegen und das passt. Für die Namensänderung muss man dann damit zum Konsulat und eine Namensänderungserklärung abgeben. Dadurch wird das Ganze beim Standesamt eingetragen und erscheint dann im deutschen Pass.

Weiß ja nicht, ob das von euch grad wer braucht, aber schaden kann die Info ja nicht smile.png

Wir haben jetzt übrigens doch nicht im courthouse geheiratet, sondern mit officiant am "Al Bundy" Brunnen (Buckingham fountain) in Chicago smile.png


Erstmal CONGRATS ZUR HOCHZEIT!!!!!! smile.png und vielen Dank für deine Infos!!


Wir haben unser Noa2 am 21.06.. bekommen (also noch ganz frisch) und habe überschlagen und frage mich ob es realistisch ist dass das Visa vllt so da wäre dass ich am 30.08. fliegen könnte?! Hab dem ganzen ab Noa2 - Visa 71 Tage gegeben also 2 Monate und 10 Tage - ist das realistisch? Habe alle Sachen für Paket 3 schon fertig, also könnte es am selben Tag wieder abschicken.

Edited by KathaK, 02 July 2013 - 07:35 AM.

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-02 07:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

Glückwunsch smile.png Nach NOA2 geht die Zeit zum Glück viel schneller vorbei.
Noch 8 Tage, dann geht's bei mir auch los smile.png


Das hört sich super an, hast du bestimmt schon Bauchkribbeln, was :D und dann wird bald geheiratet :)!! 


Packet3 haben wir schon fertig aber dauert ja eh noch ein Monat oder so bis man überhaupt Post von Frankfurt bekommt...aber ein besseres Gefühl als das Warten auf Noa2 lol. 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-25 05:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

CONGRATS an alle die bald zu ihren schätzen fliegen!! :) Wir haben endlich am Freitag unser Noa2 bekommen und sind überglücklich dass es nun wieder einen Schritt weitergehen wird. :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-25 04:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!


Ja, das ist die endgültige Nummer; beginnt mit FRN.... Ich war beim Medical in Frankfurt - soweit ich weiß, werden da die Ergebnisse innerhalb von 1-2 Werktagen übermittelt. Bei den anderen Docs weiß ich leider nicht, wie lange es dauert.


Vielen Dank für die Antwort. Ich mein ich hab zwar noch immer kein Noa2 aber möchte halt wenn es dann irgend wann mal soweit ist schon komplett bescheid wissen, alle Unterlagen parat haben damit ich etwas Zeit sparen kann. 


Wollte eigentlich nach Dortmund und sie meinten, dass man innerhalb von 2 Wochen einen Termin bekommen würde, aber wenn man nach Frankfurt unangemeldet kommen kann und diese wohl auch (nach ein wenig rechachieren) schneller mit dem Weiterleiten der Unterlagen sind, dann nehme ich doch Frankfurt. :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-07 13:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

Hi ihr lieben, sorry wenn das hier schon gefragt worden ist. Die case number die man beim NVC später bekommt, ist das die final case number, die man dann für das medical benutzen kann oder bekommt man noch mal eine neue vom Konsulat? Und ich habe gehört, dass der Arzt in Frankfurt die Ergebnisse super schnell übermittelt wo andere Ärzte 2 Wochen teilweise für brauchen, gibt es da von jemandem Erfahrung? 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-07 05:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

Hallo an alle :))

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-05-17 15:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)15 days now, no NVC case number

Yes, I'm in the same boat as you are. I think they sent batches of two weeks of approvals to NVC and hopefully the first ones are gonna hear sth by next week. 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-06 06:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!

Noa2: june 21

shipped to NVC: july 11

case number: july 19

in transit to embassy: july 22

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-23 11:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!

Yes!  next week will tell us if we are correct in this theory...fingers are crossed!!

fingers crossed!! But I think it's highly possible. And when it once is at NVC it should only take a few days till they're gonna send it to the embassy. FINGERS CROSSED want this weekend to be over!!! 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-06 10:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!

Welcome KathaK!


thank you! You had the same theory with the 2 weeks of approvals sent in batches to NVC or? 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-06 09:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!

Hi, also TSC transfer with NOA2 june 21st.

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-06 07:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20
my fiance picked me up at JFK last night...oh my God still cant believe it!!! :) Thanks to everyone for being so great here and good luck to all of you!!
KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-29 10:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

What it means .if date changes on ceac website  it was 16 Aug mow its 20 Aug.??


we ve different embassies but for mine it meant that after they date changed they were ready for the next step. 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-25 14:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

I just had my interview and thank god I got approved!!! So happy this waiting journey is amost over. My flight is booked - 30 days till I get to be with my love again!!



Congraaaats!! Makes us 3 "Germans" that were transferred to Texas may 29th who got approved within 1 week!! So happy for everyone and congrats to Andy Ngeci!! smile.pngdancin5hr.gif

Edited by KathaK, 20 August 2013 - 05:09 AM.

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-20 05:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

congratulations to those who got their case numbers already and to those who got their visa approvals already! wink.png cheers to everyone. 


Thank youuuu!!! And I see you changed your interview date to next week, i'm so happy for you!!! :* :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-14 02:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

At Russian embassy interview dates were open for almost everyday, since we did medical and police report ahead. I had long email conversation with embassy and when our case was there for 11 days I emailed them again. Immediately I got response with "invitation" and instruction via email how to pay and schedule interview date.

Turns out in Russia you just pay $240 and schedule interview, but make sure that all paperwork is done and on hand!! 


She had interview on Monday and we are APPROVED!! Visa will be ready in few days - they say smile.png YAAAAYYYY smile.png


Congrats!!! We got approved today also!!  WIsh we could see more people from the first transfer with updates here :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-13 14:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

Congrats to all who have their interview scheduled!! Our was just scheduled today as well! September 10th, Amsterdam consulate.  TSC Transfer on 5/31... NOA2 6/25.


Congrats that's awesome!! It's so cool to see that lots of us first texas transfers will have an interview appointment soon!! :D 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-09 15:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

I haven't seen any update yet but then we also don't have a case number.  I am so anxious to get this going.  Everything is Hurry up and wait.  lol  Not my strong suit.


you're going to get your case number soon. Patience is difficult but key in this process. You got your Noa2 fast and it takes Texas some time to ship it to NVC but once it is at NVC the process is going to be very fast!! :) Goooood luck and stay positive!

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-08 10:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

Mine shipped 1 week ago today but NVC still don't have it... Fingers crossed for tomorrow... sad.png


I know exactly how you feel but stay positive. Ours was sent july 11th and we got our case number july 19th so 8 days later. Just give it one or two more days :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-30 13:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

Just checked the mailbox - No pack 3 sad.png

 have you called a DOS/NVC and asked when the physical case was shipped? Cause learned that "ready" might only meant that the electronical case was put into the system(??!)

Edited by KathaK, 30 July 2013 - 07:52 AM.

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-30 07:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20
me neither. Earliest i think could be friday
KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-30 07:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20
I really Hope so!! Lets keep each other updated :)
KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-30 07:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

You mean the CEAC-NVC case check right? It was updated 4 times. Once it said at NVC then in transit and then case is ready, after that only the date changed. They say they have my digital case but not the actual one. I hope I will get pack 3 soon.


exactly the date I mean. Mine said "ready" on 24th, then 25th they got my medical results and then the date updated friday 26th and today again. They told me the same but I feel like we might get news this week.

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-30 06:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

I am from Germany:) i'm trying to understand the system a bit...the emails from the embassy seem to be very standard and dont really mean much...when has your status been updated last or how often yet?

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-30 06:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

any Germans here from Frankfurt embassy?

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-30 04:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20
Just wanted to let you know. We received a letter (hardcopy) of DOS/NVC Dated july 23rd that our Petition will be shipped to our embassy within One week!! :)) the Electronic case and medical results are at the embassy since wednesday july 25th.

Edited by KathaK, 26 July 2013 - 10:45 AM.

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-26 10:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

Hi everybody.

It's true - even if your case status says : ready, it does not mean the embassy actually hase it already. My case is on "ready" almost 7 days. I contacted the embassy and that's what they replied :

Dear Ms. Xxxxxxx:

In reference to your inquiry, we have received the electronic, but not the physical file from NVC.

After we receive the physical file, you will be contacted. Information on the process after the petition has been approved is available at http://germany.usemb.../visa/iv/step3/ You can start to assemble the documents listed in the K-1 Visa


Hey no worries. Your timeline says that your case left nvc on thursday which means your case arrived in Frankfurt on monday. All cases that are sent wednesday/thursday arrive monday since express shipping takes normally 2-3 days but cause nobody works in the embassy on weekends it takes a bit longer. They get packages from NVC every day so it takes a couple of days till they finally have it on their table but you can be quite sure it's already at the embassy. People from Germany waited between 8-14 days to package 3 after their case left NVC (and everyone also got the notice of "ready" a few days after).

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-25 18:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

congrats!! In our case it took 8 days to get a case number, so it's gonna be soon!! :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-25 07:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20


Omg! Thank u so much... I was putting in non immigrant visas... LOL

Well it says in transit so idk why she said they were going to send it in aprox 2 weeks... But oh well... At this point im tired of conplaining! Lol

Hoping everybody the best of luck!

Thank u so much!!!!!!!


You're welcome and congrats it's on its way to your embassy!! :) Don't take their timelines serious hehe :D you're on your way!!

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-24 11:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

Hey Angelina or If anybody can help me! I need a lil bit of light in here! Lol

Just got my case number on monday when randomly an without having any expectation i called NVC.
they said that same day my case got there (or something like that) And that my case number is.... Blablabla.

Then they told me that in aprox 2 weeks (i hope is less) they will send itto the embassy.
Do u guys know how much it takes from getting number to arrive to embassy?
And also that link where you can check ur case status it doesnt recognize my case number... When is the tracking consulate link starrs to be worthy? Onces they send it to embassy? Cause if its that i might need to wait since they told me they havent sent it yet...

Ahhh!!!! So over this process

Thank uuuu


Hey, so you put in your case number and make sure that above says "immigrant visa" link:

It works from the beginning. When they haven't sent it yet it says "at NVC" and when they sent it it says "in transit". I got my case number friday and it was "at NVC" till monday and monday it changed to "in transit". Since they use DHL express it doesn't take long to get to the embassy BUT maybe it's different from embassy to embassy. 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-24 10:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

Congraaaaats to everyone who has gotten their case numbers and all that are waiting you're gonna get it soon. "up to 8 weeks" is def not true!! :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-23 11:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

KathaK, am so happy for you now that you have your case number. Lets hope and pray for further successes in our journey.


Thank you and you too!! The toughest journey is done!! :D

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-20 06:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

Just got our case number. Were shipped from texas to NVC on july 11th :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-19 21:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

shipped to NVC on July 16 and had case number July 19. Am so much happy now


Congrats!! we have the same noa2 date. yours was shipped july 16 or received at nvc july 16th? Cause our case was shipped july 11th to nvc and we don't have ours yet.

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-19 18:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20
Thank you Serpentine!! Since some ppl got their case numbers yesterday who has been forwarded july 11th also we thought of trying our luck.
Thank you Serpentine!! Since some ppl got their case numbers yesterday who has been forwarded july 11th also we thought of trying our luck.
KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-19 10:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

Can anyone tell me what the DOS telephone number is?

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-19 10:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

Hmmmm. It will be 3 weeks for me this Monday ... I have never heard ths 8 week thing from a rep when I called.. They have always said 15 business days lets see what happened when I call Monday


I kinda think it makes sense for them to send 2 weeks approvals. When i looked into the "VSC to TSC transfer" thread it seemed like till friday June 28th there were every day lots of approvals. But after the weekend monday and tuesday it was like kinda nothing and on wednesday they mailed out (almost) only RFE's. So if my theory was right and I compare it with CSC/VSC then the first numbers has to be assigned next week. My fiancé called NVC on tuesday and was also told UP to 8 weeks. Most people still say 8 weeks here but this is such a HUGE difference when we originally are told UP to. 

Edited by KathaK, 06 July 2013 - 07:09 AM.

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-06 07:07:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

I think next week the first ones are gonna get their case numbers. I still think that TSC sent 2 weeks of approvals to NVC 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-06 06:33:00