
I have no idea. But in Texas one december filer got a RFE two days ago and yesterday one december filer seemed to got approved (Congressman said so but no email yet). 

But saw that VSC approved some late february filers and even a march filer. 


GOOD LUCK to everyone of us of december and january in Texas and Vermont!! 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-14 05:21:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC december filers - where are you transfered, any news?

maybe they left cases who need more proof or more to look at in Vermont. I'm done with speculating about that stuff....we'll see and done. It's just getting really unfair for people who are waiting a month or two longer than others....

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-05-29 13:18:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC december filers - where are you transfered, any news?
If it would take so long they wouldnt have transferred them caus Then they could ve just left them in Vermont. We cannot do anything at the Moment but wait so we shouldnt go crazier than we already are. I think we re gonna hear News soon and People who called the USCIS said they told them its something good they transferred them cause it would Take a faster Way.
KathaKFemaleGermany2013-05-28 14:18:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC december filers - where are you transfered, any news?

exactly, thank God tomorrow they will be starting to work again :D

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-05-27 07:36:00
USCIS Service CentersTSC!!

We got our approval notice around 10:30 pm eastern time. 

e-mail notifcation it was shipped to DOS/NVC around 10:15 pm eastern time


and NVC case number we called always late for example called Friday at 2pm and they didn't have our case number and called at 9pm and they had :) 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-01 07:08:00
USCIS Service CentersTSC process issues??

I know how you feel but be patient. It's gonna be soon. We were the first batch who got tranferred to texas on may 29th. We got our noa2 on june 21 and on july 11th we got a notice on the USCIS status check that our case has been shipped to NVC. It takes some time but I guess your case is gonna be at NVC soon. :) 

Edited by KathaK, 06 August 2013 - 06:15 AM.

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-06 06:14:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

TSC sent our case to NVC 2 weeks after approval . NVC recieved yesterday , and today we have our new case number. Yheaaaa !!! I think we were lucky at this stage after 8,5 months waiting.



I'm so happy to hear that!! You deserve it after so much waiting!! Soon you will be back together for good!! :)dancin5hr.gif

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-21 14:52:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!



My Fiance needs the FRN number for the medical in Berlin so we must wait. Today is 2wks since NOA2 and I called the NVC. They say it has not yet reached the NVC


Should I check daily or speak to someone else?


If you were a texas transfer then most people get a notification on the USCIS status update page that their case got shipped to NVC. When people got that notification it took about 8-9 days for a case number. Seems like only texas sends out notification when they ship it to NVC, happened to us also. 


I guessed you also need a FRN case number for the medical but stay positive when you get the case number everything goes very fast. We got our case number 07/19 and yesterday I had my Interview at Frankfurt embassy. Good look for your journey!! :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-14 15:32:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

How does it take to get my NVC case number? I was approved on 7/16 and I received a text on 8/8 that my file was been shipped or transferred to the state department for visa processing. But when I called NVC yesterday and today, they keep saying me I should allow 8 weeks. Is that true?


most times when you got the "shipped" notification i took about 8-9 days to get your case number. 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-13 14:41:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Goodluck to out fellow TSC transferees who will be having their Interview and Medical this coming week. Goodluck to KathaK! Good luck my friend! smile.png


Thank youuuuu Eliza!! I think it's so amazing how our group of 05/29 TSC transfers are finally at the end of the visa journey, makes me so happy for everyone!! 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-10 03:30:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!


No you are a wonderful help, this thread is all about sharing information so thank you. Yes, I will have her ask because as you mentioned Vanessa had no such issues doing the medical beforehand. What is FRN exactly? 


the FRN case number is the number you will get from NVC and basically stands for Frankfurt. Your USCIS case number kinda disappears after it was sent to your embassy for final processing, but donno if it actually is still on the case when it arrives there. I'd ask them if you can do it with your USCIS number or if you need the case number from the embassy. :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-08 19:12:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!


You keep making it sound like we have to wait to do the medical until after we have received our NVC case number while others have done the medical before.


So which is it? As it is now, she is going to schedule the medical for next week in Berlin.



sorry that I wanted to help....I called Dortmund and Frankfurt before I had my case number from Frankfurt and was told that I need the FRN case number. But maybe it depends...I just can speak for these two doctors. Ask the doctor in Berlin if they need the FRN number or not. Vanessa for example in Munich didn't need the NVC case number. 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-08 19:05:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!



Yes, she will be doing the medical in Berlin.


I am nervous about these next steps and want to make sure no mistakes are made so we can avoid any delays.


It has now been one week since NOA2, I will wait until next Wednesday to call NVC and ask if we have a case number, correct? Or will I receive a notice from NVC?


So close, yet so far away


you will receive a hardcopy from NVC but you can call NVC or DOS and get your new case number earlier so that you can for example make an appointment for the medical faster. 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-07 17:45:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Neither can I :) but he mentioned frankfurt ;) I wouldn't dare to give advice if I'm not a 100% sure. This process is too important

I think only in munich since you did it there. :) in Frankfurt and Dortmund you Need the FRN (nvc) case number for the medical.

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-07 08:18:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Finally , after exactly 8 months waiting - Approved!

Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On August 5, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

I am so happy . After few hours I will wake up my sunshine with the news!
Now we can take a breath , it was hard process for us.


I waited for you guys to be approved!! I'm so happy that it finally happened!! Now on to the next step!!! :) dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-06 04:34:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

no still waiting to be approved...... noa1 is 17th dec 2012


my goodness, I'm sorry to hear! Did you have a rfe or just havent heard anything by now?

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-04 11:29:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Wasn't here for quite a while but wanna make sure everyone from the first transfer of May 29th got approved by now?! :) 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-08-04 02:57:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Hi folks
Can't believe it but we have an appointment at the consulate
I remember when I started this thread I never thought this day would come

So August 27 and 28th in Napoli ..... Ahhhhhhhh light at the end of the tunnel!!!!!!!!!

CONGRATS Angelina!!! It's almost done :) :) So when did your consulate received your case??

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-29 10:38:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

They won't work on cases filed in May for some time. TSC is working on DEC, JAn, and feb. VSC is working on Feb, March. CSC working on March.

No, I meant 29th may transfers from VCS to TSC transfers, so dec to january Noa1

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-04 14:40:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Congrats to all who got approved and also for the RFE cause that means you're gonna be approved soon!! Are there any may transfers who haven't heard anything or are all approved or gotten a RFE yet?? 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-04 10:02:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

guys, i kinda got the feeling that they will be done by tonight. Look, most of the couples got an approval or RFE in this thread right now and I have a very very good feeling for tonight!! :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-03 12:27:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

congrats to the approval!! Can't wait to see many approvals tonight and this week!! :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-07-01 12:37:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

I just noticed several of the people this forum are in New Jersey (or will be once you're in the U.S.).  I'm in NYC.  We should have a potluck or something after this is all over to celebrate our victory!


... and there should be booze.  We will need it.  :-P


I agree!! Actually we will be moving to new york cause of my fiance's new job but originally filed from new jersey. 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-27 19:07:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

I can't wait till everyone will be approved here. It's so heartbreaking to read this topic and I know how you feel - I think about you all tonight and hope that everyone will see the post decision activity soon!! 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-27 17:38:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Congrats to everyone who got approved and my fingers crossed for everyone who's still waiting!! :)

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-26 05:31:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

dec 5 filler ,

tired from staying all day on uscis web page refreshing the button , day 202 still nothing ... , payed thousand of dollars to lawyer who just say - need to wait , tired of beeing stucked , not able to make any afficiant move in our life , hurting my child`s heart when she sees me crying for my fiance ...

I need a break from too much focusing on this

i think if they approve us , i won`t be able to feel this big happyness that i should feel , this process hurt me too much , it stoped my life moving , it hurt my fiance`s life , it hurts our future toghether. May be it`s time to discuss he moving here with us. This what`s happening in these CSs is so rediculous .


I'm so sorry Valia and Serghei that you ve to go through this even a few days longer!! I have you in mind and keep my fingers crossed for you that tonight is the night for you!!! 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-25 04:48:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

I hope so too! 

Is it around 9-10 P.M. when people saw their notifications of NOA2?


we got the notification mail at 10:30 pm. But Angelina said she got her notification around midnight I think. Stay positive it's a new week of approvals!! 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-24 12:03:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

this will be your week guys!! I keep my fingers crossed for everyone tonight and want to see you all approved by end of this week!!!

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-24 08:18:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!


 Thank you that so sweet of you!! The last 3 days everything kinda fell together. We found our ceremony place, I got my dress and then the approval. WOW - still getting goosebumps!! Good luck on your journey !!!

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-22 10:53:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Thank you everyone for the congrats it still seems not real!! 


Thank you everyone here in this forum. It helped me so much to stay positive and to see and know lots of others are in the same situation as we are. Everyone who is not yet approved will be approved by next week!! Stay positive there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you'll be next soon!!


Valia and Serghei thank you so much much you will be seeing your approval very soon and then we can both marry our fiances in NJ!!! 


Congrats to all others who got approved last night it's just insanely emotional!!



KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-22 05:50:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!
WE JUST GOT APPROVED!!!!! Oh my God I'm still shaking!!!
KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-21 21:43:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

they dont skip they just do it randomly. We are 12/05 and when we filed I thought that would mean we would be approved before january, february, march etc. but they just don't care. 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-21 07:40:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Im still waiting for my approval too......12/28


I feel like many transferred were approved in this forum yet which is amazing!! How many are still waiting? 


I know it doesn't say sth but around my case are XXXX88-95 - 129F petitions.



XXXX89 RFE yesterday

XXXX90 RFE 06/18



XXXX93 INITIAL not transferred (alien 12/12/12)







Edited by KathaK, 21 June 2013 - 07:11 AM.

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-21 07:05:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

I guess is this one u say... Cant think about the name now...
To be honest with you i didnt want to do a lot of reaserch as far as approvls cause i feel a lot frustrated...
What is Igors list?? Sorry for my ignorance...LOL


I totally agree with you. Last night was the frustrating! On Igors list you can see how many people from Visa journey got approved each day from each service center. This link is for VSC but you can change the Service center on the upper page under "Service Center". 



KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-21 06:08:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Thanks for ur support...

Do you know that theres another forum just for people that transfered to tsc and got approved?
Did u had the chance to see it?
Maybe other people got approed and just posted over there...
Ill go to check it out...
I just dont want to leave this forum, is so helpful and full of nice people!! Other forum should join us!!!


Do you mean the "Texas 129F approval" one? I just looked on Igors list (VSC and TSC) and could it be that each day more than 8 ppl got approved from TSC this week? That's great!! I hope our time will come soon. I wish it was before the weekend so bad...

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-21 05:41:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Congrats to everybody!!

Just hope to feel like you guys! It seems inposible...


I agree it feels so far away. We have to stay positive but it really hurts.

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-21 04:24:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!
I'm so sad...
KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-20 21:54:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!
I'm so upset to see that VSC is approving march filers since days. They are 3 months behind December filers but are faster with their fiances. That's just insane ...
KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-20 16:12:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

No one knows what's going on at this point...My case is from DEC4th and hasn't even been touched since the transfer. I sent in my packet since November so my frustration is mounting...

I hear you. Our noa1 is one day after yours and it's just about time. But two more days to see approvals and who knows :) and we will be smiling tomorrow

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-20 15:50:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!



We still have TWO WHOLE DAYS left of this week for approvals before the dreaded weekend YIPPPPEEEEEEE!


Exactly!! :) Was so sad this morning but built up new Hope for today and tomorrow!! 

KathaKFemaleGermany2013-06-20 09:29:00