US Embassy and Consulate Discussionds 156
i've got two questions here about the ds 156 form.
i'm close to get my p3, but don't have it yet.
However, i did fill in electronically the ds 156 form submitted it and printed it out.
here is my questions:
1. what date should i put on the form: when i submitted it, or the date when i'm GOING TO THE EMBASSY
2. Is it ok if i did it without receiving the p3 from yhe embassy yet?
thank you very much!
B'sAFemaleMoldova2008-05-28 15:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionon-line ds 156
QUOTE (Zen Den @ Jun 5 2008, 07:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
the embassy requires the online form. if you click on the online form you should see there a note saying you should fill it out online and printed. however, you can use the one sent by the embassy as backup form just in case you need to fill out another one (for whatever reason like you made a mistake with an info etc). just read the online instructions and you'll be fine.

good luck =-)

thank you very much!
B'sAFemaleMoldova2008-06-05 10:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionon-line ds 156
Ai recived today my packet 3, and i've got there a copy of the ds 156, but awhile ago i filled an on-line ds 156 and i wonder : do i have to cancell the electronic version now?
can it be a problem that i gave my information on the ds with one barcode, but i will bring to the interview a ds given me by the embassy?
thank you very much
B'sAFemaleMoldova2008-06-05 09:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpacket 3 recieved
first: read carefully ALL of the instructions!
second send only the ds 230 (this is what they're asking for, right?)
than ds 156 most likely she need to fill in electronicaly and than print out TWO copies of that and only take them to the interview- do not send nothing from what they don't ask!
and if some from is missing in the p3, than download it from
good luck

QUOTE (Grandoner @ May 29 2008, 04:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is she supposed to fill out a DS 156 Nonimmigrant Visa Application and a DS 156K Nonimmigrant Fiance(e) Visa Application?

DO NOT sign the ds 156k before the interview!
B'sAFemaleMoldova2008-05-29 14:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionromanian medical
QUOTE (ikarus @ Jun 17 2008, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
At position no 3 on that page it says indeed that you need an additional "certificate", but only if you are registered as suffering from a chronic or neuropsychiatric disease. If you are NOT suffering from any such disease, then you don't need it, but your family doctor that issued the vaccines certificate needs to write on the vaccines certificate that "you are not registered as suffering from any chronic or neuropsychiatric diseases".

i saw that part and what got me confused is that the doctor from Bio-medica told me that i need that the clinical health s***tt no matter what.
i'll just find another doctor to get this certificate since i can't talk to my family doctor mad.gif
i just love my country protest6wz.gif
thank you for the reply
B'sAFemaleMoldova2008-06-17 14:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionromanian medical
QUOTE (fwaguy @ Jun 16 2008, 10:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Try PMing some fellow members who have transited Bucharest....

i did, but now all i can do is wait, and that's not my strong point.
B'sAFemaleMoldova2008-06-16 13:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionromanian medical
B'sAFemaleMoldova2008-06-16 12:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionromanian medical
i'm confused a little bit!
i sceduled my medical today and the doctor named the list of documents required for the exam.
besides everything i knew she named a sort of "certificate of clinical health" from my doctor.
now, ####### is this?
it wasn't in the list that the embassy gave me.
and i honestly don't think that i have to make here any tests, because all of the specialists(gyno,blood test,x-ray,...) i'm gonna have to pass at that special designed policlinic.
help, please1
B'sAFemaleMoldova2008-06-16 11:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRomanian Embassy, Moldovian citizen who speakes Russian
QUOTE (payxibka @ Sep 22 2008, 07:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Because Russian is not the official language of Moldova. If a person speaks Moldovan they should be able to understand Romanian, as it is reportedly nearly identical.

But romanian IS Republic's of Moldova state language, as weird as it may sound...
B'sAFemaleMoldova2008-09-22 15:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRomanian Embassy, Moldovian citizen who speakes Russian
that was "good luck" he-he whistling.gif
B'sAFemaleMoldova2008-09-20 17:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRomanian Embassy, Moldovian citizen who speakes Russian
Hi, Scott!
You could mail or call the embassy to ask about this.
It's ok, they won't mind to answer and they even respond to the e-mails (done that blush.gif )
Could luck, Aliona smile.gif
E-mail American Citizens:
Telephone: (+40) 21 200-3300
B'sAFemaleMoldova2008-09-20 17:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical in Bucharest.
QUOTE (412 @ Jun 6 2009, 11:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks, olesea! We'll be getting around in cabs most likely too, but I am planning to get a hotel near the embassy, so wouldn't want to ride across half of the city to get somewhere.
Thanks again!

I called the hotel "BANAT" from Moldova and made reservations. They are 5 mins away from the USembassy in Bucharest.
If you're interested, than here's the link, you can do reservations by phone.
And if you pay attention to the streets, you can get off the bus right across the street from the hotel, you don't have to go all the way to the final bus destination in Bucharest.
Don't know if it's helpfull.
B'sAFemaleMoldova2009-06-26 08:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical in Bucharest.
QUOTE (412 @ Jun 19 2009, 09:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BryantAliona @ Jun 6 2009, 08:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bio-medica is a a walkable distance.
They gave us the results the same day.
I was satisfied with it.
Good luck!

Sweet! Even better.
Did you have to bring some sort of letter from your doctor regarding your general health, besides the vaccinations? I was surprised when they asked for it, the paper describing the medical didn't mention it.

Yes, but my a**hole doctor wanted to send me to some specialized hospital to make me pay lot of money to have that done, since she heard it's for the embassy. Don't listen to noone.
And if your doctor don't wanna do it, than just pay any other doctor for a statement that says that you've never had psychological disorders and your general state of health is fine. Yes, i did bring a copy of the vaccinations.
So, did you allready go, or when are you going?
Good luck!
B'sAFemaleMoldova2009-06-26 08:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical in Bucharest.
Bio-medica is a a walkable distance.
They gave us the results the same day.
I was satisfied with it.
Good luck!
B'sAFemaleMoldova2009-06-06 19:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa for Romania (Bucharest) for inteview.

to tell you the truth I don't remember now how it was called that place.... but it was pretty nice and clean and also cheap.... 50 euro a day

Hotelul Banat, 35 euro a day
you can make reservations over the phone
Much luck!

Hotelul Banat, 35 euro a day
you can make reservations over the phone
Much luck!

Actiolly the prices may have changed, check with them when you call.
Breakfast included and it's at a walking distance from the embassy
B'sAFemaleMoldova2010-02-09 22:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa for Romania (Bucharest) for inteview.

Oh God, they need copies of all these papers? That's a lot of papers to copy.. I didn't think they would need it, thanks for telling! Hey by the way, do they need a statement from your bank stating that you have money to go to Romania? You didn't mention it in the list of documents..

No, you just write in the application that you have that money. Moldova is not that advanced and they realize that a bank account is not a common thing there.
B'sAFemaleMoldova2010-02-05 15:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa for Romania (Bucharest) for inteview.

Aliona, just read your post, thank you for the information, just as Jbly I was also wondering how to get these stuff done in order to obtain a Romanian visa for the interview… I also have a couple of questions for you..

1) "asigurare medicala (poti sa o faci la Asito pt 3-4 zile, unde sa fie inclusa si data interviului) " – Can I obtain this on the same day when I go to Asito?
2) "copii la actele cele vei trimite la ambasada" – what kind of papers do you mean? I didn't quite understand which ones you meant.. I mean I'll have a whole set of papers that I am going to bring with me to the Bucharest U.S. Embassy…Could you specify?

Thank you very much! Your comments in this topic were soooooo helpful..

1) Yes, they'll give you the insurance "book" in about 15 mins, i think it'll cost about 35 lei, but i could be wrong.
2) The most important ones, like copies of first and second notices of action, copies of the affidativ of support, the letter where your fiance states that he'll marry you within 90 days upon your arrival. For more credibility take with you pictures of you and your fiance. Just gear up to be prepared for anything. Better safe than sorry.

I'm glad i can help!
Good luck!
B'sAFemaleMoldova2010-02-05 15:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa for Romania (Bucharest) for inteview.
So, when you get the package from the US embassy in Chisinau, you'll have to put together some papers. They'll send you the list. Meanwhile, you can get the judicial record and the vaccine record to save yourself some time.
After you put all that together and send it back you need to call them to schedule the appointment. They will not schedule an interview for you before they get your package, so when you call- ask them first if they got it.
Before calling- have a date picked. Schedule it not earlier than 2-3 weeks, because you'll need time to get the romanian viza. Also, ask them when are they going to send your confirmation to Chisinau, so you would atleast aproximately know when to go.
I got in line at the romanian consulate on monday morning, got in on thursday and picked up my visa next monday. So, make sure you have enough time.
Feel free to ask anything! We've all been there :)
B'sAFemaleMoldova2010-02-05 13:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa for Romania (Bucharest) for inteview.

Thank you much for your information Aliona! I have heard that there are a lot of people in front of Bucharest Embassy in Chisinau and I think nothing has changed since 2008... But I hope everything will be ok. Has your US fiance (husband now :) ) been together with you at interview in Bucharest or you have been alone? Thank you much again ;)

Remember that you have to go to the consular section on Str. Grigore Ureche Nr.2, not to the embassy.
My fiance came with me to the interview, but if yours will not be there it's fine too, because it's not required.
If there's alot of people, than go there and ask around what you have to do, because the people are creating rules there, not the officialities.
And the fact that i even had to be there at midnight every night just to say that i'm present so i wouldn't loose my "number" was a rule maid up by the people who were waiting to get in.
Ask a bunch of people, don't go off one answer.
Much luck!
B'sAFemaleMoldova2010-02-05 13:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa for Romania (Bucharest) for inteview.

Hello Everyone! I am a Moldavian citizen. I know that I will have medical exam and interview in Romania (Bucharest). Moldavian citizens need visa to travel to Romania. Does anyone know how will I obtain this visa and if it's not difficult to get it? Thank you much in advance.

I can tell you how to obtain it, but i can't say that it's not difficult.
I f nothing changed since the summer of '08, than you'll need alot of patience and time to wait in crazy long lines and to deal with B***itt.

Eu am fost la ambasada Romaniei in iunie 2008 si nu stiu cite s-au schimbat, dar iata ce a trebuit sa fac.

Intii trebuie sa programezi interviul la ambasada SUA din Bucuresti. Programeaza interviului ca sa ai o zi libere inainte pt a trece controlul medical. Nu dureaza mult si poti avea rezultatul chiar in aceeasi zi, sau a doau zi dimineata, cum te intelegi. Interviul oricum il vei avea dupa ora 13.
Programeaza interviul cam la 2 saptamini dupa ce primesc ei pachetul sa ai timp pt visa pt Romania.
Cind pui data cind intentionezi sa pleci la Bucuresti in cerere ai grija sa fie corecta, de exemplu daca interviul e pe 27, controlul medical pe 26, trebuie sa pleci pe 25.
Cind te programezi la interviu la ambasada SUA in Bucuresti mentioneaza ca esti din RM si ca ai nevoie de confirmare a interviului pentru ambasada Romaniei in Chisinau.

Ei vor expedia un fax la consulatul romaniei in Chisinau cu o lista unde trebuie sa fie si numele tau. Va dura undeva vreo saptamina, asa ca ai grija sa ai destul timp.

Intre timp trebuia sa ocupi rind cu vreo 3 zile inainte de data in care trebuia sa intri in ambasada romana, caci erau mii si mii de oameni care erau acolo. Eu am stat la consulat 3 zile la rind si nu puteam sa plec acasa, pentru-ca se verifica din 2 in 3 ore daca toti sint prezenti, altfel erai taiat de pe lista. Eu sper ca acum situatia este mai buna, dar oricum rezerveaza-ti ceva timp si du-te la consulat din timp. Acolo este si ghiseu de informatii si daca vrei sa afli daca au primit deja confirmarae ta, sau daca ai alte intrebari- ei pot sa te ajute.
Documentele necesare sunt

*copia la pasaport (pagina 5 cu informatii si ultima pagina cu fotografie),

*copia la buletin,

*asigurare medicala (poti sa o faci la Asito pt 3-4 zile, unde sa fie inclusa si data interviului) si

*biletul de calatorie (eu am avut tur-retur, dar poti folosi doar intr-o directie),

*copii la actele cele vei trimite la ambasada

*Cererea care o gasesti la consulat si o fotografie 3x4 pe care o lipesti pe cerere, sau o poti tipari de pe

Mai cauta informatie pe aceeasi adresa ca sa vezi daca s-a mai schimbat ceva.

Succes mult!
B'sAFemaleMoldova2010-02-05 12:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy in Kishinev, Moldova

My fiancée and I are hoping that sooner than later we'll have her interview scheduled in Kishinev. Does anyone have any recent experience with them that they can share? I know they have only been processing their own visa applications since November. And info on what kind of timelines we might be looking at, or anything else really...would be extremely helpful! Thanks in advance!

Don't know how it is, but i'll tell you what: You're lucky you're going to have to deal with american staff. They'll be polite and fair and respectfull.
I had to get some documents when i went home and sucks to say, but you don't want to deal with moldovan beaurocracy and SOME retarded employees.
You guys are lucky you don't have to get a visa to go to Bucharest for the interview. That was the part that sucked worst.
Just have all you need and even what you think you don't need with you.
You'll be just fine.
B'sAFemaleMoldova2011-05-16 11:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNeed help!!!!!
QUOTE (Ash * Habibati @ Jan 6 2008, 09:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a friend who is here from Egypt. He came here on a tourist visa that is good for 6 months. His family is very well off in Egypt and much of them do live here or go back and forth - legally through visas that I believe are good for 6 months, as a tourist visa and then they must return to Egypt for a period of time before they can return to the USA.

My friend is here now and his visa is good through March 2008 but he wants to stay.... What kind of options would he have? Of course people are saying ofr him that he should marry, find someone to marry and stay that way but he does not want to do that - He wants to marry for love and in the time that it happens and not for a visa- and really I repsect him for that soo much! His family here is telling oh we have this girl and that girl you could marry to stay, etc but really he is a good person and he does not want to do it that way.

What other options would he have that he would not have to return to Egypt? I was thinking is there a way to apply for an extension? Or change it to a student or work visa? Does anyone have any information? Please let me know if you do! Thank you guys so much smile.gif you're all a great group of people and you've been such a wonderful resource. Thank you

Email -

I met my boyfriend while i was in the USA.And we wanted to get married, but at the federal court they told us this is not gonna change my status in the US.
Nothing can change your visa status in the US. So wew were told even if we do get married i'll be elegally there as long as i don't come back home and don't apply for a visa that alouds me to come back.
And since we're talkin about marrige, a k3(spouse) lasts much more than a k1(fiance).
good luck!
B'sAFemaleMoldova2008-01-07 15:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTravelling back home before naturalization

International travel must be done in the name on your passport. Have the airline tickets in that name. Use your green card to reenter the US. A lot of folks carry a copy of their marriage certificate just in case there are questions coming into the US.

Check the Moldoval embassy website for instructions. http://www.embassyrm...-passports.html

awesome, thanks!
B'sAFemaleMoldova2010-02-01 17:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTravelling back home before naturalization
Hi, thanks for help!

Here is what i can't figure:
So, my foreign(moldovan) passport is valid for another few years, however, now i'm married and am carrying a different name. Can i go back home with my country's passport eventhough my old name is on it? Would having that plus my GC and my marriage licence be enough?

Besides, how do i do to renew my passport or get a new one here, in the states?
Do i have to personally go to my country's embassy or it can be filed?

Thank you so much!
B'sAFemaleMoldova2010-02-01 16:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionApplying for citizenship
Thank you!

B'sAFemaleMoldova2010-07-31 13:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionApplying for citizenship
It's just the other day that i noticed that my GC is only valid for two years.

I know that you can apply for citizenship 3 years after you've been a resident (give or take a few months), but than what should i do?

Should i get another GC (how much does that cost?) or could i possibly apply for citizenship when my GC expires?

Besides, how much in advance should i apply for a new GC, or can i do it after it expires?

This is so confusing.
Thank you
B'sAFemaleMoldova2010-07-31 13:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
If you are still interested. My aunt got married to an American. She was a Russian citizen from Transnestria. Her interview was in Romania. She as a russian citizen (not moldovan) needed a visa to go to Romania. To get the romanian visa she either had to apply for it from Chisinau (Moldova) or Odessa (Ukraine). No difference. Best advice - go to Odessa, less crowded. Good luck!
KaterinaUSAFemaleMoldova2009-04-10 10:19:00