Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
When I went to visit Albania the first time, my husband (then Fiance) had been living with his parents for about 2 months while he waited for his interview. One day when it was just the two of us at the house I asked for some cake. He jumped up to get it for me (This was before our Albanian ceremony so he was still on his best behavior) and then he paused and looked at all the kitchen cupboards. He had no idea where the plates were!!!! This is the house he had spent his childhood in and where he had lived for 2 months without a job, so he was there everyday, but had no idea which cupboard plates were stored in.

I've seen his male cousin almost drop a glass when his sisters didn't get there quick enough with the tray to collect it and I've seen daughter-n-laws cook and serve a whole meal only to leave the room when we all ate.

We have a long and interesting fight ahead of us girls:-)
CreelFemaleAlbania2008-05-16 11:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
Traditionally it is Thursday through Sunday, but we had to have our Wed - Sat since I had to go home. The first three evenings the groom's family go to his house and party and the bride's family goes to her place (I stayed with his family since I had no one in Albania).

On the last day you wear traditional wedding attire (White dress/Black Suit) and the Groom's family gets together in the morning and parties a little and then they go to the Bride's and pick her up and they all go somewhere together (ie park, hall, etc. I had to hide in the bedroom a few hours since I was suppose to be at my families so I can't tell you what they did)

Then you have a big reception with food and dancing. When the party is over you are married. No actual ceremony takes place. In reality you can just go register as married with the Government without any service at all. We just didn't register, so it wasn't legal.
CreelFemaleAlbania2008-05-12 11:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
In-laws are no problem. They worship their son and by extension me. Although daughter-n-laws are suppose to take over all the chores since I visit for only a week at a time they wait on me like a queen. I did bring gifts the first time I met them.

We had a big traditional Albanian wedding ceremony before he got his visa. We just didn't register it with the governement so it wasn't legal and didn't mention it when he was interviewed. I don't even know if anyone but his parents knew it wasn't legal. Once we had the interview date scheduled I reserved a church for two different dates (My cousin was the minister so they allowed it). We didn't hire a photograper or DJ so the multiple dates wasn't a problem planning and once he got here we chose the closest date. I think we actually spent more on the 4 day Albanian wedding then our 4 hour American wedding.
CreelFemaleAlbania2008-05-09 12:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
I lived for over 2 months with my husband in Italy and he worked full time and I was in school so I had time to do more things and even then we had disagreements on who should do what. One day when he came home I had said I was bored and he asked why I didn't iron his clothes if I was bored. I told him I didn't like to iron. His response.... How can you not like to iron, you are a women!!!!!!

Once in America he did nothing around the house even though before he came he agreed to be the "wife" until he got a job. Once we got married it was an immediate change. I was told I could no longer talk to any male friends, even those that had been invited to the wedding!!! He doesn't do anything and gives me the cold shoulder or the no talking treatment if I don't do it.

Maybe you will be lucky and see no changes in him, but I can tell you that in my experience a wife is suppose to act different then a girlfriend or fiancee.

I would come home at lunch from my job and if I didn't fix his lunch he would be angry. We have evolved now to where he does his own lunch and I do dinner. He will put dishes in the dishwasher and start it and he mows the lawn.
CreelFemaleAlbania2008-05-04 19:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
Dito to everything, but it is really poverty driven. My husband now has a lot of clothes and complains he needs more. He has gotten over spending a lot of money on everything and bargin shops for everything. We have 3 cars all choosen by him (We haven't been able to sell the SUV he insisted we buy when he got here a little over a year ago).

Mine is hot headed and yet can turn around and be the sweetest man you ever met. Childhood family and friends mean everything and he laughs when I call someone I've met a few months a friend. A girlfriend and I coined a new phrase of tier one, two, and three friends since for him a friend is only someone you've known your whole life.

He praises Albania constantly and we have bought several t-shirts for him to proudly wear around the States praising his country. We drove around with the Albanian flag proudly displayed on our convertable the day Kosovo declared its independents. But asked if he wants to live there he quietly says no.

Let's not forget that they want you to wait on them hand and foot. He has no problem coming into the 21st century and letting me work for good money,but that doesn't mean I should give up my wife's work of making his traditional coffee and cooking all his meals, etc.

They are hard to put up with sometimes, but easy to love.
CreelFemaleAlbania2008-05-01 18:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Are they serious?
Just so you know you don't have to wait on the phone on hold to see if they received you case. You can just choose the option 1 and it walks you through entering your original case receipt number and it will tell you if they have received the case or not.
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-08-09 19:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Certificate from Italy
My fiance needs to get a police certificate from Italy. I looked up on the site and they say to write a letter to the "Ufficio del Casellario Giudiziale della Procura della Rubblica" and to ask for a "Certificado Generale del Casellario Giudiziale".

My questions are:

1) Is this the only place we need to write as I thought we needed a national and local police certificate;
2) Has anyone done this and do they know how long it takes;
3) It looks like there is no charge, but I find that hard to believe; and
4) Does the request need to be Italian and if so do any of you know how to write the request as neither of us can read or write in Italian.

Thanks for all your help!
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-08-23 19:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWrong Embassy, Italy instead of Albania
I know I have seen this before but I need help. I called NVC last night and not only had they not processed our address change they sent our documents to Italy instead of Albania. I need to transfer everything to Albania (He can't get back in Italy so is is not an option that he just goes there) and NVC just said call and tell Italy, but Italy is too busy to answer their phones and my e-mail comes back with a minimum 2 week waiting period just to get an answer to the question of how.

So, does anyone know how this works? Is there a form to fill out. This is actually the first time I've started to lose hope as I feel this has prolonged an already tedious process. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-08-24 10:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs there a minimum age for k-1 interview at Manila
I don't know if there is a minimum age in Manilla, but I know my cousin married a girl from Costa Rica when she was 17 here in California. I would not think that being 17 should matter for the USA if she has parental consent. Not sure the law in Manilla, but if it was allowed there with parental consent I think you would be fine fro her to come here.

Good luck.
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-09-08 11:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCertified Tax Return
Of course I will call the embassy Monday during the 2 hour window that they take calls. Unfortunately, their instructions clearly state "certified copy" and refer to the site for how to get it. If they'll take a transcript or my own copy that is great and will put us back on track. I haven't supplied them anything yet as this is what they are requesting with the I-134 on top of what the I-134 requests in the instructions.
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-09-15 17:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCertified Tax Return
We got our packet 3 finally from the embassy in Albania. They want a certified copy of my last years taxes. The IRS says it takes 60 days and there is no way to fast track it. Albania requires that all documents are mailed in before they schedule the appointment so our time line was just pushed back 2 months as we will have all other documents by the end of next week.

Unless you know for sure that the American Embassy in your country does not require a certified copy I recommend you pay the $39 dollars and be safe rather then sorry when you get your packet 3. :crying:
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-09-15 14:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp with Naples Consulate
Here you go. This is what they sent me.

Attached Files

CreelFemaleAlbania2006-09-18 19:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPlease help
I think it depends on where the documents are at this exact moment. The NVC sent my documents to the wrong embassy so I had to contact the embassy they were suppose to go and ask that they request them from the other embassy. You may get push back if where you want them sent does not want to conduct the interview. If they are still in the States you can contact the NVC and change your addresses and request a new embassy. They hold the documents for such a short time you might miss the window.

I suggest you call the embassy where you want them to go and verify they will take them and proceed from there.
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-10-25 12:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoomed?
Before I even started our process I was on the phone for over an hour with the Immigration division and I was assured that being deported from another country and being illegally in another country was not an automatic no for the US. They are only concerned if you were illegally in the US or deported from the US.
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-10-27 19:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionilegal in germany.. :help:
My fiance was illegally in Italy and showed up where they issued the police reports. They said said you are here illegally and he said if you give me the police report I am heading back to Albania to apply for a US visa. They printed the police report and gave it to him!! They didn't do anything about him being illegal. I know Italy and Germany are two different balls of wax, but I would try and use the info given above on how to get a police report and at least try.

Yes, we have his interview November 30th in Albania. I head out the day after Thanksgiving. Believe it or not our issue is now the Greek police report. The Greek embassy in Albania will only send it directly to the American embassy and it is still not there yet. If it doesn't arrive in time they will reschedule our interview. Very nerve racking.
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-11-10 19:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionilegal in germany.. :help:
I don't know if that is enough, but my fiance was able to get a police report from Italy although he was illegally there. They can still run a name check and see if a name pops out. Unless the document you have actually states he committed no crime and is for the time period he was there I wouldn't be so sure if it was enough.
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-11-05 19:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 Visa approved in Albania
I actually am trying to not get too excited until he has the visa in hand because when they checked his documents at 9 am they said the Greek report wasn't in his packet and would check if it was at the Embassy. When they did his interview at 3 they didn't even mention it so I don't know if it was there and ok or if they overlooked it!

With regards as to why many were turned down. My opinions as to why:

I was the only American by birth, all the other spouses/fiances were Albanian by birth and I don't know if they were US citizens or just residents.

There stories tended to be inconsistent and they answered all questions with a simple one sentence answer. My fiance talked for several minutes when he was asked a question.

Our photo's were an actual alblum I keep at my desk, so they were not just of us. They included family members, him alone, and even my pets here in the States.

They asked the other people questions like: Where did you meet? When was the next time you saw them? Was your parents at the wedding or just theirs? Did you consummate your wedding?!? She had to reask him so he could understand by saying have you had sex with your wife! They asked why the parents were not in the photo's if they were at the wedding. My fiance even heard them ask when the Father-n-laws birthday was!!

Obviously they do not know the answers to these questions and are just trying to gauge the response of the person being interviewed to see if they are telling the truth.

Again, our interview went very easy. I don't know if our packets were in better shape or if by watching us for an hour she realized it was a real relationship, so didn't feel the need to press us.
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-12-05 16:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 Visa approved in Albania
My fiance had his K1 interview at the embassy in Albania on November 30th. I had inquired with the embassy if I was allowed to go to the interview with them and they said it was not necessary. I could never get them to say yes or no, only that it was not necessary. I also called before I bought my ticket to confirm that the interview was indeed taking place and told them I was buying my ticket.

Imagine my surprise when we showed up for his 9 am appointment and I was told that I was not allowed to go inside! He was inside for almost 2 hours. When they finally saw him they collected the a fee of $100 even though our paperwork said it would be $380, and his packet 4 and told him to come back at 1 for the interview.

At 1 we returned and I was again denied entry. I asked the Albanian security guard to please call inside as I basically had permission to attend the interview. He refused.

My fiance inquired inside and they said it would be fine if I waited with him, but they would not call the front gate. Between 2 and 4 M-Th they allow Americans into the embassy for questions, so luckily his interview was not actually until 3 so I came in under the pretense to ask questions and then joined him while he waited.

Unlike other descriptions I have read, in Albania they interview you at a window where everyone can see and hear what is going on. This played to our advantage as we could hear all previous questions and one of the two windows was positioned to allow the interviewer to watch our interaction while we waited.

We were quite worried by the time they had called his name as most of the interviews took 20-40 minutes and only about half of the people interviewed were told they could get their fiance or spouse visa.

When are turn came we both approached the window, but I was told to sit back down. They started talking in English, but when my fiance said he did not speak English they brought over an interpreter. His interview lasted about 5 minutes. They asked how we met, and he gave them a spill about our whole relationship and then they asked to view pictures. Asked two questions about the pictures and then said to come back on Wednesday, Dec 6 for his Visa.

With any luck he will be here this weekend.
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-12-05 10:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa in hand and plane ticket
My fiance has his VISA in hand and his plane ticket and he will be here Friday night at 7. I am so excited and finally believe it is going to happen.

Good luck to all of you still waiting for the process to end so you can be with your loved one.
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-12-06 11:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about Albania
Good luck on your upcoming interview. We went through the process in December. Unfortunately, in Albania the same people interview you for the fiancee visa as the tourist visa. While you wait you can watch what they say to the other people as they interview you at a window in front of everyone. Our interview went fairly well, but I was there and the people at the window had watched us for over an hour while we waited. His interview took only 5-10 minutes. They asked how we met and about our photos.

We did see a lot of people get interviewed for 20-30 minutes and not receive visas. We were the only ones where the American was born here and not a recent citizen or permanent resident and I don't know if that helped. They really wanted to believe that it was a real relationship. They were concerned how we comunicated since I don't speak Albanian and he did not speak English. Having photos of us with other people seemed to be helpful.

Our appointment was at 9. They took the money and medical info and told him to come back at 1. He then waited until 3 to be interviewed. We got the visa a week later.

Good luck.
CreelFemaleAlbania2007-03-24 01:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAlbanians using other consulates? Why?
They don't have a choice of Albania. I have complained, but they haven't fixed it so we all get the first country that starts with an A:-)
CreelFemaleAlbania2007-06-29 14:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnyone know about a "Court Certificate"??
I know my husband in Albania got certificates from three different agencies inside of Albania. I didn't really understand, but something like local, regional, federal. I don't know if Kosovo is set up the same way, but if you have a police certificate that says he's clear that is probably fine. I don'r think our Greek police records ever showed up and my husband still got his VISA.
CreelFemaleAlbania2008-02-29 11:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisitor Visa for parents
My husband's parents went for their visitor visa interview today and were denied. :crying:

They were asked only a few questions:

Who is in America? Our son

How long has he been there? Three months

Do you have any other children? Two daughters

Where do they live and for how long? Are they married? One lives within 30 minutes of their house and the other in Greece for 5 years, both are married with children.

The embassy’s response? “I’m sorry you can not have a visitor visa.” When they were asked why the embassy officer said “you have to apply for an immigration visa”.

That was the whole conversation and I am at a loss as to why they would be told to apply for an immigration visa when they only want to come visit us for a month.

Of course when I called they say they only answer written questions now (they always talked to me when I called for his K-1) and that a response can take up to a month. When I asked why they need a written response now he said they had moved offices and did not know where anything is so they can never find anything to help you over the phone!! I asked if the applications were kept after the interview and he said he didn't know and doubted if anyone there could tell me.

At least he was honest that they are completely inept at their jobs.

Has anyone else had a similar situation with a vistor denial? His parents had their farm and house information and I had provided info that I was paying for the trip, but none of that was asked for.

CreelFemaleAlbania2007-02-26 13:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOur interview
Great. I am sooooooo happy for you:-)
CreelFemaleAlbania2008-03-17 15:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-230 questions 20 and 23
Correct. They send it directly to the US embassy, so you won't see it. The day we went to my fiance's interview the US embassy told him they didn't have it in the morning when he paid the cash, and then in the afternoon they approved him. We don't know if they found the Greek police report or approved him without it, but it takes like a month or more to get it so apply for it soon.

Good luck.
CreelFemaleAlbania2008-05-16 16:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS embassy tirana
We went through the process in 2006 and I think the embassy was faster than, but we got our packet 3 Sept 8 and had his interview November 30. We turned in packet 3 at the end of October so our process was pretty quick. You might want to check the Albanian member timelines and IM some people that have gone through the process more recently.
CreelFemaleAlbania2009-09-03 16:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncertified tax returns for embassy in ALBANIA
We just provided copies of our returns and they were fine in Albania with that. I stressed over it too as the certified copies took too long to get here, but they never said anything.
CreelFemaleAlbania2009-07-20 19:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow hard is the K1 interview in Albania?
I forgot to mention that I was a student when I applied for my husband so in 2005 my income was less than $4,000 and we applied in Spring 2006 when I still had no job so I had no income at all. By the time of the interview I had returned to the US and submitted proof that I had a good job and my income would be above the limit and we got approved no problem.
CreelFemaleAlbania2009-09-24 11:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow hard is the K1 interview in Albania?
First off relax.....everyones interview is different and things have changed a lot recently. Three years ago when my husband got interviewed I was there. They wouldn't let me in until 2 pm and my husband actually refused to be interviewed when they called his name until I could come in as a US Citizen. After I got in we waited until they had interviewed everyone else and then they interviewed him. Back then they interviewed you at the window and everyone could hear and see what you were asked. That also meant the interviewers could see my husband and I interact for over an hour as we cuddled, kissed, and waited. I think that me being there was in our favor, but it is pretty hard to do as they don't actually encourage it. His interview was quick. They wouldn't let me stand at the window but I sat about 4 feet away in a waiting room chair. When they started asking my husband questions in English he said he didn't undertsand and so they asked how he talked to me. I butted in that we both spoke Italian (luckily they didn't ask me to, because mine is awful). They asked him how we met and he launched into a 10 minute explanation of our beginning story together, then they looked at a couple pictures and approved us. Seeing my reaction and hearing my shout for joy once we got out the door could only have confirmed that we had a real relationship.

All that said, I do know someone who was denied and one of the questions asked was what is the fiancee's phone number and address and the fiance could not answer as he had never written and they talked over the internet. They reapplied, it took another year, but he is here and they have been married for over a year.

Just relax, and answer honestly. Most have been approved no problem and if you are not you can fight it. You seem to have a lot of evidence and proof that you have been there so I am sure you will be fine.
CreelFemaleAlbania2009-09-24 11:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGreek Police Certificates
We are being proactive and my fiance went to the Greek embassy in Albania to order his police certificates like was indicated on the website. They told him it would take a month and they would not give them to him, but send them straight to the US embassy.

Has anyone else dealt with this? He needs the documents so he can have them translated into English and he needs to read them to be able to fill out his forms for the embassy as he has been arrested, but doesn't know exactly what the charge was. Does anyone know if there is another way to get them while not in Greece?

Does anyone have the instructions that come with packet three written in either Greek or Albanian? We are waiting for packet three, but first Albania must receive our application from Italy where it was mistakenly sent.

Thanks for your help.
CreelFemaleAlbania2006-09-07 10:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDoes Conditional Residency count towards the three years?
Hi everyone,

I think I might have misunderstood the requirements for my husband to file for citizenship. I thought he had 2 years conditional and then 3 years unconditional, but I am now understanding that is is just a total of 3 year? Does that mean 3 years after his AOS he can apply to be a citizen?
CreelFemaleAlbania2007-09-10 12:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSEVERAL TRIPS, TOTAL OF 11 MONTHS
Here are the rules. If you are married to the US citizen you can cut the requirements to 3 years and 18 months from 5 years and 30 months.
Eleven months poses no hazard.

Residence and Physical Presence

An applicant is eligible to file if, immediately preceding the filing of the application, he or she:

has been lawfully admitted for permanent residence (see preceding section);
has resided continuously as a lawful permanent resident in the U.S. for at least 5 years prior to filing with no single absence from the United States of more than one year;
has been physically present in the United States for at least 30 months out of the previous five years (absences of more than six months but less than one year shall disrupt the applicant's continuity of residence unless the applicant can establish that he or she did not abandon his or her residence during such period)
has resided within a state or district for at least three months
CreelFemaleAlbania2008-03-17 15:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionExpedited Citizenship through the Military?
I found this on someones elses thread. I think they didn't know what they were telling you at the 1-800 number.

Page 3
FAQ – 319(cool.gif of the INA
May I file my naturalization application if I am a conditional resident? What should I do?
If you are a conditional resident, you may file for naturalization. If you are within the 90 days of the two-year anniversary (the expiration date on your green card) or if your naturalization application will not be processed prior to your two-year anniversary, you must filed a Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, according to the instructions on the form. If you have already filed your I-751 Petition, please notify our office so that the Form I-751 may be considered and adjudicated at the time of your naturalization interview.
CreelFemaleAlbania2008-04-07 18:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuick Question on 3 years counting
The three years starts on the date that is on your original Green Card. If you have been married three years at the time of application you can submit your application 90 days before the three years for the Green Card. So, if you married January 1, 2006 and got your Green Card April 15, 2006, than you can apply January 15, 2009 for you citizenship. If you married February 1, 2006 and got your Green Card April 15, 2009 you would have to wait until February 1 2009 to apply, only 75 or so days before your three years.

Hope that makes sense.
CreelFemaleAlbania2010-02-12 12:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFresno, CA - Oath Ceremony
No, they said the pledge of allegiance to the flag like we all did in school, but they didn't cover their hearts she told them to raise their hand. Later they said the oath to become a citizen and then of course they raised their hand to swear in.
CreelFemaleAlbania2010-07-20 13:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFresno, CA - Oath Ceremony
My husband is a citizen and we are so happy, but the ceremony in Fresno is a joke! It was a 100 degree day and there was no air conditioning in the building. When the lady announced the different countries that were represented she mispronounced several countries, including my husband's, and then laughed about it. We were given 5 minutes to go up and take pictures and 3 minutes into it she started yelling it wasn't social hour and we would see them later so go back to our seats. The actual ceremony took 10 minutes after 1 1/2 hours of waiting in the heat. The judge wasn't much better. She told them to raise their hand for the pledge of allegiance instead of putting their hand on their heart and when she said the oath for them to repeat she would string together 10 or so hard words, but when it came to the easy part she'd stop after 3 or 4 words.

Overall, I am embarrassed that the new citizens of this country had to experience that and I hope other ceremonies are better and that this was just a fluke.

CreelFemaleAlbania2010-07-20 11:28:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400: March 2010 Applicants
My husband is a citizen and we are so happy, but the ceremony in Fresno is a joke! It was a 100 degree day and there was no air conditioning in the building. When the lady announced the different countries that were represented she mispronounced several countries, including my husband's, and then laughed about it. We were given 5 minutes to go up and take pictures and 3 minutes into it she started yelling it wasn't social hour and we would see them later so go back to our seats. The actual ceremony took 10 minutes after 1 1/2 hours of waiting in the heat. The judge wasn't much better. She told them to raise their hand for the pledge of allegiance instead of putting their hand on their heart and when she said the oath for them to repeat she would string together 10 or so hard words, but when it came to the easy part she'd stop after 3 or 4 words.

Overall, I am embarrassed that the new citizens of this country had to experience that. I hope the rest of you have a better experience.

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**For more detailed instructions with screen-shots "CLICK HERE"**

N-400: March 2010 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName............Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA.....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview....Oath....FieldOffice
Sukie175..........03/02/10..03/08/10..03/08/10..04/09/10..05/08/10..06/08/10..--/--/--..Oklahoma, OK
Quantum...........03/02/10..03/11/10..03/15/10..04/09/10..04/23/10..05/20/10..05/26/10..Oakland Park, FL
EddieBhai.........03/03/10..03/10/10..03/11/10..03/24/10..04/01/10..05/06/10..05/25/10..San Antonio, TX
mimi =)...........03/04/10..03/10/10..03/19/10..03/30/10..04/13/10..05/18/10..05/27/10..Miami, FL
tekxtc............03/05/10..03/11/10..03/11/10..03/24/10..04/23/10..05/26/10..06/29/10..Buffalo, NY
tekxtc(wife)......03/05/10..03/11/10..03/11/10..03/24/10..04/23/10..05/26/10..06/29/10..Buffalo, NY

Jahan&Veena.......03/08/10..03/17/10..03/16/10..04/12/10..05/24/10..06/30/10..07/07/10..Charlotte, NC
jello.............03/11/10..03/18/10..03/17/10..04/09/10..04/26/10..05/27/10..07/23/10..New York, NY
Zonie2............03/12/10..moneyord..03/25/10..04/23/10..05/14/10..06/23/10..07/22/10..El Paso, TX
taurean...........03/18/10..03/26/10..03/29/10..04/27/10..05/08/10..06/10/10..06/10/10..Baltimore, MD
Gyenyame..........03/19/10..03/30/10..03/27/10..04/28/10..05/08/10..06/10/10..--/--/--..Baltimore, MD
Ruapilot2.........03/22/10..03/30/10..03/29/10..05/11/10..05/25/10..06/25/10..06/25/10..Dallas, TX
Marissa616........03/23/10..04/06/10..05/11/10..05/28/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Lewisville, TX
Nelson77..........03/24/10..03/31/10..04/02/10..04/29/10..05/08/10..06/08/10..07/16/10..Ft lauderdale.FL
Yazbo.............03/24/10..moneyord..04/05/10..05/19/10..07/02/10..08/03/10..--/--/--..Raleigh, NC
STL_HCMC..........03/27/10..04/07/10..04/07/10..04/28/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Ft. Smith, AR

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName............Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA.....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview....Oath....FieldOffice
JAX...............03/01/10..03/12/10..03/15/10..04/02/10..04/26/10..06/09/10..--/--/--..Detroit, MI
Rinnovi...........03/01/10..03/08/10..03/08/10..04/05/10..05/05/10..06/02/10..06/11/10..Las Vegas, NV
zimbo.............03/02/10..03/14/10..03/17/10..04/05/10..04/22/10..05/25/10..07/30/10..Kansas, MO
t310..............03/02/10..03/15/10..03/17/10..04/12/10..05/03/10..06/17/10..07/07/10..Chicago, IL
milimelo..........03/03/10..03/15/10..03/17/10..03/26/10..05/03/10..06/17/10..06/29/10..Chicago, IL
another1..........03/03/10..03/15/10..03/17/10..04/12/10..05/05/10..06/17/10..06/28/10..Chicago, IL
DenverCO..........03/03/10..03/12/10..03/19/10..04/09/10..05/05/10..06/10/10..06/10/10..Denver, CO
Muuuah............03/06/10..03/17/10..03/19/10..04/09/10..05/08/10..06/14/10..07/02/10..Phoenix, AZ

dims1.............03/11/10..03/19/10..03/24/10..04/14/10..05/19/10..06/24/10..--/--/--..Portland, OR
sundeep...........03/11/10..03/20/10..03/22/10..--/--/--..04/24/10..05/28/10..--/--/--..St. Paul, MN
Zonie1............03/12/10..03/24/10..03/27/10..04/15/10..04/23/10..06/09/10..07/23/10..Tucson, AZ
v2010.............03/15/10..03/31/10..04/01/10..04/23/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Chicago, IL
Creel.............03/17/10..03/30/10..04/03/10..04/22/10..--/--/--..06/28/10..07/19/10..Fresno, CA
SC&TF.............03/22/10..04/06/10..04/14/10..05/07/10..05/19/10..06/23/10..--/--/--..Milwaukee, WI
wjinsf............03/26/10..04/09/10..04/15/10..05/05/10..05/13/10..06/16/10..07/08/10..San Francisco, CA
A+P...............03/26/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Minneapolis/St Paul,MN

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName............Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA.....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview....Oath....FieldOffice
Example...........--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..City, ST

CreelFemaleAlbania2010-07-20 11:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400: March 2010 Applicants
My husband is so excited about this coming Monday. He's invited my whole family and all his friends to come watch the oath ceremony and then we are having a Bar-B-Q at my Mom's afterwards. He is even sending me down to Fresno Sunday, so I can prep for the party.

Congrats to everyone who has become a citizen and those who will become one soon.
CreelFemaleAlbania2010-07-14 15:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400: March 2010 Applicants
I will be married to a U.S. citizen in three weeks. My husband passed his test/interview today and is scheduled July 19th for the oath. I can't believe it, but the guy asked my husband what it was like to be married to someone 10 years older! Anyways, we are excited. I think he has invited half the state to come watch him give his oath.

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4. Remove the "Quote Coding" at the top and bottom of the list.
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6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!

**For more detailed instructions with screen-shots "CLICK HERE"**

N-400: March 2010 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName............Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA.....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview....Oath....FieldOffice
Sukie175..........03/02/10..03/08/10..03/08/10..04/09/10..05/08/10..06/08/10..--/--/--..Oklahoma, OK
Quantum...........03/02/10..03/11/10..03/15/10..04/09/10..04/23/10..05/20/10..05/26/10..Oakland Park, FL
EddieBhai.........03/03/10..03/10/10..03/11/10..03/24/10..04/01/10..05/06/10..05/25/10..San Antonio, TX
mimi =)...........03/04/10..03/10/10..03/19/10..03/30/10..04/13/10..05/18/10..05/27/10..Miami, FL

tekxtc............03/05/10..03/11/10..03/11/10..03/24/10..04/23/10..05/26/10..06/29/10..Buffalo, NY
tekxtc(wife)......03/05/10..03/11/10..03/11/10..03/24/10..04/23/10..05/26/10..06/29/10..Buffalo, NY
Jahan&Veena.......03/08/10..03/17/10..03/16/10..04/12/10..05/24/10..06/30/10..--/--/--..Charlotte, NC
jello.............03/11/10..03/18/10..03/17/10..04/09/10..04/26/10..05/27/10..--/--/--..New York, NY
Zonie2............03/12/10..moneyord..03/25/10..04/23/10..05/14/10..06/23/10..--/--/--..El Paso, TX
taurean...........03/18/10..03/26/10..03/29/10..04/27/10..05/08/10..06/10/10..06/10/10..Baltimore, MD
Gyenyame..........03/19/10..03/30/10..03/27/10..04/28/10..05/08/10..06/10/10..--/--/--..Baltimore, MD
Ruapilot2.........03/22/10..03/30/10..03/29/10..05/11/10..05/25/10..06/25/10..06/25/10..Dallas, TX
Marissa616........03/23/10..04/06/10..05/11/10..05/28/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Lewisville, TX
Nelson77..........03/24/10..03/31/10..04/02/10..04/29/10..05/08/10..06/08/10..--/--/--..Ft lauderdale.FL
Yazbo.............03/24/10..moneyord..04/05/10..05/19/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Raleigh, NC
STL_HCMC..........03/27/10..04/07/10..04/07/10..04/28/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Ft. Smith, AR

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName............Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA.....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview....Oath....FieldOffice
JAX...............03/01/10..03/12/10..03/15/10..04/02/10..04/26/10..06/09/10..--/--/--..Detroit, MI
Rinnovi...........03/01/10..03/08/10..03/08/10..04/05/10..05/05/10..06/02/10..06/11/10..Las Vegas, NV
zimbo.............03/02/10..03/14/10..03/17/10..04/05/10..04/22/10..05/25/10..--/--/--..Kansas, MO
t310..............03/02/10..03/15/10..03/17/10..04/12/10..05/03/10..06/17/10..--/--/--..Chicago, IL
milimelo..........03/03/10..03/15/10..03/17/10..03/26/10..05/03/10..06/17/10..06/29/10..Chicago, IL
another1..........03/03/10..03/15/10..03/17/10..04/12/10..05/05/10..06/17/10..06/28/10..Chicago, IL
DenverCO..........03/03/10..03/12/10..03/19/10..04/09/10..05/05/10..06/10/10..06/10/10..Denver, CO
Muuuah............03/06/10..03/17/10..03/19/10..04/09/10..05/08/10..06/14/10..07/02/10..Phoenix, AZ
dims1.............03/11/10..03/19/10..03/24/10..04/14/10..05/19/10..06/24/10..--/--/--..Portland, OR
sundeep...........03/11/10..03/20/10..03/22/10..--/--/--..04/24/10..05/28/10..--/--/--..St. Paul, MN
Zonie1............03/12/10..03/24/10..03/27/10..04/15/10..04/23/10..06/09/10..--/--/--..Tucson, AZ
v2010.............03/15/10..03/31/10..04/01/10..04/23/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Chicago, IL
Creel.............03/17/10..03/30/10..04/03/10..04/22/10..--/--/--..06/28/10..07/19/10..Fresno, CA
SC&TF.............03/22/10..04/06/10..04/14/10..05/07/10..05/19/10..06/23/10..--/--/--..Milwaukee, WI
wjinsf............03/26/10..04/09/10..04/15/10..05/05/10..05/13/10..06/16/10..07/08/10..San Francisco, CA
A+P...............03/26/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..Minneapolis/St Paul,MN

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName............Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA.....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview....Oath....FieldOffice
Example...........--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..City, ST

CreelFemaleAlbania2010-06-28 15:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview
My fiance has her interview scheduled for October 7th, 2008 at the Caracas consulate (Venezuela). We are currently arranging all necessary documents for her interview as per this wonderful site, among others.
My question is: Do I need to be there with her during the interview?I know we have all the documentation(s) required, according to the Caracas embassy, other experiences, and such.
It is not impossible for me to be there (I travel there 2-3 times a year), but again, do I NEED to be there?
I have given her all the documents needed, as well as worked with the NVC for the documents they required of me.
Thanks to all, and congraulations to the many success stories.
I shall keep all informed via our timeline and posted experiences.
Thanks again for any and all advice.
Robert LightfootMaleVenezuela2008-09-04 20:19:00