K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPossibly a stupid question...but I shall ask!
I know this may be a stupid question. But I will ask because I need to know. I am self-employed and have not filed my tax returns for 2006. I need to make sure my income is sufficient on my taxes before I send any papers to for the K-1 visa. According to 2007 Federal Poverty Guidelines for a family of 5 (this includes my fiancee' when she arrives here), the guidelines state my annual income should be $24130. Now to reach the correct amount of 125% over that amount, I would mulitply 24,130 by .25? This would give an amount of $6033.00. A 100% of 24,130 is 24310. Add the $6033 and this should give me the total amount required, $30163.00. Am I correct on this amount? If you know the correct formulation to this mathematic equation, I'd be happy to know it! :D

Edited by altimixdj, 28 January 2007 - 03:18 PM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-01-28 15:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequesting interview outside of fiance's own country?

Interesting, I know 6 or 7 guys who have gone through Kiev and have all said the Consulate is friendly and helpful (though sticklers on proper paperwork). Everyone has suggested if you do your homework and arrive at the facility properly prepared then you should have no problems. Have you checked out the reviews here on VJ about Kiev?

I will certainly check out the Kiev reviews on here. Thanks for the suggestion my good man! I hate to believe people are as horrible as others try to make them out to be. I can say my fiancee' and I are being very thorough with everything involved with this visa process! Every day I am constantly looking over all the documentation to make sure I did not miss anything or made any mistakes! I am fortunate that she shares my desire and gets things done right away! My poor file cabinets are so full of 3 copies of EVERYTHING! I'll be taking 1/3 of the files over with me in a couple of weeks and giving them to my fiancee' to have when the time arrives for her interview. I told her she better hit the gym and work out those muscles! She will be carrying quite a bit when she has to take all those files to her interview! ;)
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-01-30 07:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequesting interview outside of fiance's own country?

I would like to know what you have heard because all the reported experiences I have about Kiev is very much the opposite

I have spoke to some married couples here in my area where their spouses are from Ukraine. They spoke of the consulate staff trying to roadblock them at every turn, causing delays, and monetary bribes they had to do. One couple I can understand. They are fairly thoughtless and chaotic in their life here and their negativity does show. So I don't take too much of what they say seriously. :whistle: I personally do not know because my fiancee' and I have not had the experience yet. All of them suggested applying for a consulate in a neighboring country, like going to Warsaw, for the interview. I do not wish to take a few people's word at the situation. This is why I ask this question of going to a consulate outside the beneficiary's own country. I would prefer to believe all the good things you have heard from people you know who have gone through Kiev and the consulate staff do conduct themselves as one of the same. :)

Edited by altimixdj, 30 January 2007 - 06:59 AM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-01-30 06:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequesting interview outside of fiance's own country?
Thanks LookyWhatIFound! It makes sense to me what you have suggested. I will research further down that avenue! :yes:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-01-30 06:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequesting interview outside of fiance's own country?
I tried searching around the forum and the USCIS website for an answer, but had no luck. I was wondering if it is mandatory that my fiancee' has to have her interview conducted at a US Consulate inside her own country? Or is it possible to write on I-129F another US Consulate outside her country? I only ask this question because Ukraine has only 1 US Consulate inside her country. It is in Kiev. I've heard very many undesirable things about this particular US Consulate. People that had gone through the US Consulate in Kiev said they would recommend going through a US Consulate in another nearby country. For example, Warsaw, Poland. Do I need good reason or must file something to ask state another US consulate outside of my fiance's country? Or will this throw up a red flag for wanting to have interview outside my fiancee's own country? I was under the impression that one US Consulate is the same as the next US Consulate as in any other country around the world. I would love to hear your thoughts on this one. I know I must not be the only person who must have this question in mind. ;)
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-01-30 05:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew I-129F form is avail.

I cleared my cache and got the old form as well. Whoever saved it locally, what new changes are there?

I just filled out the new I-129F. I will be sending 03/01/07 after I return from seeing my fiancee'. To be honest with you, I could not see a difference at all except for one thing. The expiration date is now 01/31/2010. That's all ;)
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-01-30 21:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi129f questions
This is an interesting topic that I've thought about. I am not sure whether to list my fiancee' is going to work upon arrival. I'm self-employed with 2 small businesses. I have no employees who work for me. I can easily list her as being able to work for either business doing secretarial work if she wants. Of course, I have not submitted the documents that ask the question if she will work here. I'd be interested to hear some opinions about this whether I should state that she can work for either business upon her arrival or not. I'm guessing if I write "With Work Authorization", this will eliminate other documents that may need to be submitted.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-02-02 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick Question
I'm doing the same thing as you TimsDaisy with the 2-hole punch in the documents. The only thing different I did was get some some small clasp envelopes and placed the photos inside a plastic baggie inside of the small clasp envelopes. I got to hand it to everyone on here for all their advice and help with everything. My K-1 is becoming a work of art! I'll be sending at the end of this month. I'll be heading over to visit my fiancee' for 2 weeks on 02/11/07. The day after I return, it's on it's way out to my service center! I'm hoping for the best as my visa journey begins to take flight! :yes:

Edited by altimixdj, 01 February 2007 - 09:50 PM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-02-01 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresshould i need police clearance&baptismal?????

wow tnx for the fast reply...i'l update our timeline later as i dont know yet the exact date..we filed the K-1 Last. Nov-24/30 2006..IL ask my hubby for the dates..heheheh!!!anyway tnx a lot.....i've read before that u dont need to get a police clearance depending upon if u will ask to..I got my NBI..but maybe i should get a clearance just to prepare..

I am totally confused. You filed an I-129F petition for a FIANCE? Why are you calling him your hubby?

It helps to get accurate information if you put the correct information in your timeline for the COUNTRY and the TYPE OF VISA.

It turned out in another thread the person she calls "hubby" is just a nickname. I see a couple of her posts scattered all over this site asking questions that are easily and clearly understood on K-1 help section. It's a good thing that people on here have enough respect to not "toy" around with someone's situation :lol:

Edited by altimixdj, 05 February 2007 - 04:03 AM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-02-05 04:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSelf Employed question/advice

What will they ask for or need to show support proof?
I have 3 years of my tax returns that are above 125% poverty.

I have 2 companies. My IT company earns about 90k gross. I also have a photography co that loses money (because of equipment investment of 60k and travel to take the pics). I shift the money from one company to the other in hopes of getting the photog co. up and running as a second paying co. My tax returns (after all expenses from both co's) shows a net of about 23k. The photog co. will earn about 15-20k this year I think

I dont keep a lot of money in the bank. My bank statements arent anything big. If anything I run most of the stuff through my credit card and pay it off every month. I usually just cash the checks I get and stick the money in a safe I have. I know its weird but thats what I do.

Is this going to be a problem with proof of support docs?

Hey michael_d,

Your employment situation is the same as mine. I'm self-employed with 2 small companies. The questions you ask are certainly ones I had to think about also. Being self-employed has it's pros and cons. We get to write off a lot of things. But when it comes time to prove our "net income", it is usually quite low. Making it difficult sometimes to get loans, etc. What it comes down to is what line 22 says on your Federal 1040 which is your total income. It needs to be at least 125% about the Federal Poverty Guidelines for your home. For example, in my home, there is me and my 3 daughters. Adding my fiancee also, that will make a total of 5 people for my home. According to Federal Poverty Guidelines, I have to have an annual total income of $30,162. If your taxes do not reflect that you are able to meet the 125% above poverty guidelines income. Than you will need other ways of proving your support or assests. This is where your bank statements would play a part. It is recommended that your last 3 years of filed tax returns may be needed. If all of these things, total income, assests, etc. do not bring you up to the 125% above poverty guidelines, you may need a co-sponsor to assist you for your visa process.
As Thingee has said, if line 22 of your 1040 meets the 125%, you'll have no problems. :D
Any way us self-employed people try to do things, the government has things worked out where you will have to pay sooner or later. Of course, we write off as much as we are able to do so, "legally". But when our total income needs to be at a certain amount for proving something, we end up having to pay at the end of the year. For future reference, cashing the checks and sticking the money in a safe is one thing. But not claiming that "safe-guarded" money is not something to advertise. ;)
That is about the best thing I can tell you from what I have learned starting my visa process. I am leaving in 2 days to visit my fiancee for 2 weeks and when I return, that is when I will start my K1 process. Best of luck to you!

Edited by altimixdj, 09 February 2007 - 06:21 AM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-02-09 06:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage Agreements


I do not mean to upset you even more than what you are but let me tell you something.....MANY MANY MANY russian women will agree into anything just to come to US. I am NOT saying all of them but MANY. One of the things that got into my mind is this : why was/is she in such a rush to leave Russia??? I think we all know the answer to that and cost of living in Moscow and St. Petersburg is up the roof. It looks like one of her main reasons why she wants to leave Russia is because of her son so he could have many opportunities in here and many open doors which are not that easy in Russia unless you got money. Why is she thinking about "what if marriage won't work" before you guys even got married? Why does she want an agreement? It sounds as if she's ONLY AFTER YOUR MONEY AND GREEN CARD. Be VERY CAREFUL. I am Russian myself ( but came here when i was 12 through a LEGAL IMMIGRATION as a refugee, when many Russian-Jews were immigrating) I know many russian people who will use each other for green card and are willing to pay up to $30,000 for fraud marriage. Sounds like your SO got herself into a better deal, she doesn't have to pay all that to get in US. I have read on many russian dating sites that ladies were looking for a "foreign lover" especially someone from US so obviously what your fiancee is saying is a huge RED FLAG. She should be thinking about happy love and marriage she'll have with you and everything that will come along with it rather than thinking " how much will you leave her if things don't work out" Be very careful.
Do some test on her...........tell her that you loved St. Petersburg so much that you want to move there and live there and see what she'll say. If she'll agree then she truly loves you and it won't matter where the two of you are but if she'll still hint about coming to US then her intentions are documents only.
Best of luck and hope things work out for the best!

P.S. I did NOT try to offend anyone who is bring anyone from russia or ukraine!!!!!!!

NYGirl, I agree with all you had said. Especially, about telling the fiance about moving to their country to live. That is the one thing I've always mentioned and you are absolutely right. Their response to that comment will give an obvious answer whether to proceed ahead with the relationship toward marriage. All in all, because I have 3 young daughters here which I love and am devoted to them. I would consider moving to my fiancee's country later in life if she wanted to go back. Unlike the original poster of this topic that was started, I declared right away that I do not possess any assests or am wealthy in the least. I barely make it month to month with my girls. Thanks to the ex, she really did a number on me being able to earn a great living like I used to. But I learned that all that hard work to earn money was not worth it. My focus is on my own family's love and happiness within our home. My fiancee shares this philosophy and family is what our focus is on and all we talk about. She comes from a middle-class background like me. That's the only time when financial matters were discussed. But she is adamant about wanting to go to work when she is able after being here to help ease some of the burden of me being a single parent. Since we will be married, she wants to contribute to our family as much as she can.
My only advice to the original poster is that he should have never filed without knowing for sure he was in love. :unsure: If his fiancee is already looking at if their marriage will fail before it ever starts, it is more than likely that it certainly will. :whistle:

Edited by altimixdj, 28 February 2007 - 03:27 AM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-02-28 03:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer or No Lawyer
I found it quite simple to just do the K-1 myself without a lawyer. If no complicating matters exist, no use for a lawyer. You're still having to do all the same paperwork as you would you have gather and fill out and give to a lawyer. The more hands that involve themselves in your paperwork, the more likely errors will occur. This site and the knowledged people here are great at helping. Be sure to read and read to familiarize yourself with everything and you will see for yourself it is not difficult to do. But you have to stay ontop of the process. The difference is you mailing the completed paperwork yourself and giving it to a lawyer to send for you. I think it cost me about $12 to send all the required paperwork myself (excluding the $170 I-129F fee). A lawyer wanted to charge me $1500 to do the same thing. Hell of a price for a stamp! :bonk:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-03 15:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Transcript
Add in copies of your tax returns if you have them. Maybe bank statements for those tax years along with letter from the bank, pay stubs, etc. I do not see any reason why it should not correspond and be considered "unofficial" with all the other documentation backing up those tax transcripts.

Edited by altimixdj, 04 March 2007 - 03:31 PM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-04 15:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certififcate transalatio question

This might seem like a silly question, but I need to ask anyway. When my fiance goes to her interview she is going to be required to bring a copy of her birht certificate. Will it need to be transalated into English even though she is going to the consulkate in her own Country?


From what I understand, all official documents they require need to be translated into English. The translation can be done by anyone who is proficient in both the native language which the document is written and also in the English language. I am sure you will hear more from others on this subject :D
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-05 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home
In all honesty, I cannot understand why people would get themselves worked over on this topic. :huh: It is certain that the original poster has 1/2 of a brain. If things were that bad with her cousin being held against her will, being abused, etc., they would've contacted the police right away to handle the situation. Looking at what she originally wrote at the start of this thread, she only asked 3 questions. 1) Anyone there can give an idea how can my cousin go back to Philippines? 2) Her man will not buy her a ticket to go back? 3) Do you think its his obligation? That was it.
How it became the guy was conducting abuse and false imprisonment out of those questions/sentences is beyond me! There are no other facts added to make the implications that have come about to this thread. ;)

Edited by altimixdj, 05 March 2007 - 12:14 PM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-05 12:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

Well maybe one day all of us can achieve the loving relationship you have with your partner. Where are your statistics that too many people see the fiance process as a means for dating? Relationships fail even between two people from the same country. Is this your first relationship? Probably not. Why did your others fail? Did you want to leave? Im sure if you gave this forum a few sentences of your past relationships we'd have your ex's accused and hung based on your biased post. You have no clue whether or not they were in love! You assume.

This thread just goes on and on for you doesn't it? It seems that noone can post to it without you adding your two cents. Considering your judgemental attitude and inability to look at the situation from both sides without knowing more about the specifics of it I am going to ASSUME that you have much experience with FAILED RELATIONSHIPS and are currently working on your next one.

Until the OP confirms that the beneficiary is NOT being held in America against her will I can only go by whats written. You say look at the situation from both sides but how can you? Do you know the USC in this OP? As far as being judgemental - I was told I would crucify the benificiary if the USC bought her a ticket home which is absurd considering Im the one that gets sweet comments such as yours for going against the grain in a thread. This is a post something, I put my two cents in. You post something directed toward me I'll definately respond. Seems like you're the one who wants me here. xxx

It's "definitely"...not "definately". Thought I'd toss my 2 cents into the spelling bee competition! :innocent:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-05 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home

Well maybe one day all of us can achieve the loving relationship you have with your partner. Where are your statistics that too many people see the fiance process as a means for dating? Relationships fail even between two people from the same country. Is this your first relationship? Probably not. Why did your others fail? Did you want to leave? Im sure if you gave this forum a few sentences of your past relationships we'd have your ex's accused and hung based on your biased post. You have no clue whether or not they were in love! You assume.

This thread just goes on and on for you doesn't it? It seems that noone can post to it without you adding your two cents. Considering your judgemental attitude and inability to look at the situation from both sides without knowing more about the specifics of it I am going to ASSUME that you have much experience with FAILED RELATIONSHIPS and are currently working on your next one.

Amen brother! :thumbs:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-05 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home
Talk about "assumptions"! :lol:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-05 05:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank you VSC!
Lucky! :rolleyes:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-05 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help

No one knows the true motives of the poster here, but I don't see at all from her post that she is "clearly trying to commit fraud," although I can understand why it might look suspicious to some. She did not write that she 'JUST wants to get into the U.S.' although she did say she does WANT to come to the U.S. (implied from her statement, 'as much as I want to come to the U.S.' - the two statements don't mean the same thing at all!) My impression was that she does not any longer care for her original fiancé which is the reason she doesn't want to do all the visa stuff with him - it is HIM she was referring to when she said she doesn't want to be with him and doesn't love him. Yes she has another fiancé in the U.S. and I can totally see this looking suspicious but I don't think it's fair to automatically assume she is committing fraud. I think some of her statements are being mixed up here!

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-07 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help

Wow - some of you are sure quick to jump on the "FRAUD!! FRAUD!!" wagon. She's CLEARLY not asking that. To those of you that are reading her questions clearly, I think you are responding correctly to her. (I have no value to add, but had to say something about the fraud claim, because I clearly see it differently.) Clearly (clearly that's my word of the day!).

I agree with ya on this one! I never could understand why someone would be so quick to make accusations like that toward someone. I saw her first post and her second. She's not asking for assistance in committing visa fraud. She's only inquiring how to vacate the petition of the former boyfriend who filed the petition in the first place. She's no longer with him. They lost contact with each other. Giving her the impression the relationship was over and she moved. In the meantime, she found someone else who's interested in her. She had to contact the former boyfriend to tell him she received an appointment for an interview at the embassy. He never cancelled the K-1. When she did contact him, it is the former boyfriend who offered her to come here and would send her the money to get the plane tickets. She doesn't love him and doesn't want to be with him. She refused the offer. Because she has a new boyfriend in Michigan, she's trying to find out how to terminate the K-1 from her end. So it would not be used against her if she decides to marry her boyfriend from Michigan in the future. I can't see how that is fraud. Fraud would have been going to the interview and taking the offer of the plane ticket. Most of the hard work was virtually completed for her motive "just to get to the US". Since every foreign fiance'(e) or foreign spouse is wanting to come to the US, for whatever reason, it would appear that everyone is committing fraud. Right? :wacko:

Edited by altimixdj, 07 March 2007 - 01:20 PM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-07 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help

Did you all read her post?

"I dont want to be with him and as much as i want to go to the US "

Its only after people tell her that she should file a waiver & that she thinks its a better idea to wait for Michigan boyfriend.... otherwise she was excited as heck to get the cash for a flight & to be in the US. That is fraud. You are only allowed to come here if you are going to get married in 90 days! She does not deserve an apology, if I was the immigration officer, I think it was a scam.

Chill out Nanusia...Read her second post. If you just read the first it looks like she's considering running off the the US riding on Perry's petition. If you read the second you'll see that she only wanted to know what to do about the interview and medical from packet three as she DOESNT want to screw up future plans with her new guy in Michigan. Easily misconstrued but no reason to offend the poor gal. GAWD SOMETIMES PEOPLE GET TOO WOUND UP!

My sentiments exactly! :thumbs:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-07 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help
One thing we don't know is how much time had passed before she lost contact with her former boyfriend and the time she contacted him about receiving an appointment for her interview. It's obvious if her and her former were no longer in contact, I would have thought the same as her. That it was simply over. Unless, she lived in the jungle, it cannot be impossible to keep in contact with someone you love. So, she found someone new. That doesn't say she's trying to commit fraud or asking help to commit the crime. Maybe she's found love with her new boyfriend and doesn't want to screw things up in the future visa process if she decides to marry this new guy who happens to be a USC.

Edited by altimixdj, 07 March 2007 - 09:17 AM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-07 09:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help
The original post was very simple to understand. She said she didn't want to be with the guy any more after they had lost touch with each other. Even though, she received a medical and interview date. She's not trying to commit fraud from what she wrote. If she wanted to, she'd never come here and ask what to do. She'd go to the interview and grab the plane tickets. It was pretty clear that she wants to come to the US. But not with the man who filed the petition. She doesn't want to be with him. It appears she's only asking what to do next to tell the embassy she's not with her former boyfriend and to cancel the K-1 from her side.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-07 07:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed a dvice please

Drop kick her thru the uprights.....3 points

I agree with ya on this one! If the girl had balls, a good kick to 'em would do some good! :yes:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-06 22:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPresumptive Death-Philippines
I was curious. If later on in the future, the former spouse suddenly appears after the annullment, there is nothing they can do to reverse the ruling, right? Like them saying, "Hello! I never died. Where's my wife?, etc." Remember I am only curious. My fiancee' is from a country where divorces are granted. :huh:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-08 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKind of complicated story.. ideas appreciated~

posting one more time, because it seems some of you guys can't shut up even though i'm gone. :thumbs:

regardless of anyone's opinion, no, i don't think i know best. i think i know my situation, and i think i know at the moment what some of my plausible options are and what i'm currently not able to pursue.
as i said originally, i do have parental consent for getting married, and although the relationship with them is extremely, extremely strained, they've promised that they'll provide written consent for whatever i need to do.
i may seem defensive to some of you, and to be honest, the constant berating of people posting the same thing over and over again "it's a bad idea", "go back to school", "you're an inexperienced teenager who couldn't possibly know what's best for herself" bothered me at first. now it's just kind of old news, and i've come to expect it from most of you.
i am aware of the dangers. of my marriage not working out, of ending up alone, of even being deported, or ending up pregnant (which i do not plan on any time even -remotely- soon. and both my boyfriend and i are pro-choice). but if anyone thinks that the possibilities of things not working out scares me into crawling under a rock and disregarding my hopeful plans, they're really quite wrong. i wanted information on a K1 visa at the time of original post, because i didn't know much about my options. a couple of you have been really helpful, and i now know that i have a few more options that i can pursue, and i am mindful that i've obtained at least a little help from here. but assuming i haven't thought about the consequences is a little dull, i'm not mindless enough to think moving to another country and marrying at 16 doesn't come loaded with equally good and bad possibilities.

for the record, this is also not a "strop". i'm pretty calm at the moment and have tried to be previously, but would you refrain from defending yourself if people were telling you that you're heading into a trainwreck? :whistle:

You got pizzazz lady! Glad to see you came back to set your record straight! As you can see, your topic has been fairly heated on here! ;)

Edited by altimixdj, 07 March 2007 - 10:50 PM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-07 22:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKind of complicated story.. ideas appreciated~

"At the moment, I'm a 15 year old Australian girl engaged to a 20 year old US citizen. I'll be turning 16 on the 13th of April, and I'm wondering how I can go about getting a visa to be able to live with him. When I turn 16, I'll be legal in my country, and also in his state. To get married we'll need consent from my parents, which is no problem, as they've already agreed. I know it sounds controversial, but I'm really worried about which visa path I take, because I don't want to screw anything up for myself and not be able to come over to the US."

When she's 16 its legal in the US state and also in her country...whats the big deal about?

I agree. What is the big deal about? If her country and the state where she plans to marry her fiance' and live, they must think she's adult enough to make life-decisions for herself. In my experience, regardless of what is said to someone, they'll still do whatever their minds tell them to do whether it's right or wrong for them and no matter how many people are breathing down their necks. I can see the best intentions were set forth to shed some light that going through this process isn't a walk in the park. I was just annoyed seeing how rough people were toward her and how she was personally attacked in a negative way based on her age alone. :whistle:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-05 17:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKind of complicated story.. ideas appreciated~

Please do not come to the US without at least a high school education. We don't need any more uneducated citizens. Unless you want to break your back working under the hot sun in a field picking produce and live a very honorable but otherwise miserable life you would only become another leech on the system and an uninformed voter. Why do you think we are currently in the mess we are in over here?

And as for getting married at the age of 16, I would guess you are doing this to run away from family or other problems. You will find that those problems will follow you to the US. We don't need those problems here either. Get your education, make good with your family or cut ties with them if the relationship is permanently unhealthy (still far too soon to know yet, all 16 year olds hate their parents), figure out who you really are (at 16 I guarantee you don't know yet), then consider marriage and a new life in the US.

Now I don't know if that's quite true! And sometimes, people who don't have a high school education have attitudes that are a lot better than people who have university degrees...

I think these statements are too general! She didn't say she was planning on getting married at the age of 16; she was just asking about her options.

Bravo melytha! I absolutely agree with you about this girl. This poor girl really got raked over the coals for really no reason. No one here are her parents and we haven't walked in her shoes. She got judge fairly harsh in most replies to her post. She only wanted information. Instead, most turned her into Joan of Ark and burned her at the stake going by her age. :o
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-05 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I use an Immigratio Lawyer?
This post is from today when someone asked the same question. It should help give you answers to what you're looking for ;) http://www.visajourn...showtopic=57254
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-03 20:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer and ISCIS errors, big delays


Here is the quick and dirty on my I-129f Petition sent at the end of October 2006. I committed to working with an immigration lawyer before I discovered this website. I wanted to work with a lawyer because I wanted no mistakes and the most rapid processing time possible. After a month I had heard nothing from my lawyer despite calling to ask what was being done, this went on through January. I was told that a postal receipt was received for the petition in October but nothing more. Finally, at the end of January we received a notice that I had sent the wrong money amount $190 instead of $170 (my lawyer didn’t notice the error).
At this point in time we are too far along to ditch the lawyer so I am monitoring everything carefully.
So, we immediately sent in the correct amount and received back the FIRST I-797! We are now three months behind schedule!! I protested to my lawyer and a letter was sent asking that, due to the error (no notification of incorrect/missing documents or fee, back in Ocotber when my papers were received) that my case should be expedited. A few days later I received this at my email address.

From : U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

You are subscribed to Home Page for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

I just received a second one this morning. Neither of these messages showed updated documentation when I checked on their website, only my first I-797.
Are these “touches”? BTW, my lawyer has 10 years of experience but knows nothing of "touches", RFE's, or NOA's, or She did express interest in what visajourney had to say. Gracias

Yes. It's too bad you did not find this site first before hiring your lawyer. Most lawyers are horrible and have not a care in the world for their clients. Only your MONEY. :ranting:
I hope you can find a way of getting things back in order. This site is great! And so are the people! We're all working toward the same goal. Getting our loved one(s) here to be with us. Best of luck to you!
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-09 09:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFor our benefit

My fiancee's father is a board member of a ministry branch in the Philippines that my father founded back in the US, so they know each other personally: that will probably really work on our side as far as credibility, eh?

What credibility are you looking for to present? :huh:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-09 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent to Marry
Everything always looks better if it's typed. Just be sure there is a letter for each the petitioner and beneficiary stating intent to marry each other with the 90 day period. It does not have to be some long letter. Mine said,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I, Full Name, do hereby state that I am legally able and willing to marry, Foreign Fiance'(s) Full Name, and intend to do so within 90 days of Foreign Fiance'(s) Full Name of his/her arrival into the US using the K-1 visa.

Yours Truly,

Your Signature and Date

Your Typed Name

You will have to re-word the paragraph for the other person. Hope this helps ^_^
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-10 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A for K1 visa

What do I put in 'This form is submitted in connection with an application for:'?

Since I was filing for "K-1 Visa", that is what I put on mine.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-11 09:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-797C = NOA 1??

OK, maybe a dumb question but here goes: I filed a I-129F on January 8, received an I-797C, Notice of Action on January 26.

Is the term "NOA 1" just a generic term for the first notice of action you receive (with the actual form number varying depending on what Visa you are applying for)?

Also, I see that the California Service Center is now processing cases with a receipt notice date of August 21, 2006. Does that mean I might have 7 more months before a NOA 2? Or is a NOA 2 an intermediate step?

Thanks in advance for any replies.

NOA 1 = Notice of Action. We should get a 2nd notice later. I'm going through CSC also. I saw those dates they are processing now. I'm hoping they're further along than August! :blink:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-11 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa...can you just marry anyone?
niceguy, you need someone to do this to you Posted Image
If you commit visa fraud, this is what happens in prison Posted Image
I give this to you Posted Image with pleasure for all the stupidity of both threads you've started!
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-10 16:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa...can you just marry anyone?
This whole topic just makes me want to pass this onto the OP Posted Image
What I've got to say is Posted Image
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-09 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnever met fiance

Has anyone applied for I-129F without meeting the fiance in person if so what were the results[

It is supposed to be required you are to have physically met in person
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-11 20:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCertified documents/letters

When my fiancee writes a letter and signs it as evidence of awareness or legitimate relationship, same with a letter from her father of his approval, do these letters need to be certified/authenticated/noterized? Or will the originals just need to be saved until the interview?

I can't help but ask, is your fiancee 18 or older? I'm trying to wonder why you would need a letter of approval from her father to marry her? Am I missing something cultural? :blink:

Yeah, in the Philippines if you are between the ages of 18 and 21 you need a letter of approval of the marriage by the parents of the Filipina. If you are between 22 and 25, you need a letter of awareness of the relationship/marriage by the parents of the Filipina. My fiancee is 22.

Thank you! This I did not know! Learning something new every day! :thumbs:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-12 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCertified documents/letters

When my fiancee writes a letter and signs it as evidence of awareness or legitimate relationship, same with a letter from her father of his approval, do these letters need to be certified/authenticated/noterized? Or will the originals just need to be saved until the interview?

I can't help but ask, is your fiancee 18 or older? I'm trying to wonder why you would need a letter of approval from her father to marry her? Am I missing something cultural? :blink:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-12 13:20:00