United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
QUOTE (TracyTN @ Jul 27 2009, 09:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
BTW today is our 2 year anniversary. smile.gif

Happy Anniversary you two!! heart.gif rose.gif
WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-07-27 15:36:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
QUOTE (paulinespens @ May 21 2009, 09:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

This song is a crime that made me cry
WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-05-21 21:19:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
QUOTE (Leney @ Apr 5 2009, 11:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Welshcookie - completely off topic (is there a topic? lol) but on what realm do you play? i'm on thrall! if you have any horde toons there look me up, i'm a lazer turkey - Kemia, and a dk tank - Taobrotom (motorboat backwards...don't ask lol brbrbrbr)

laughing.gif hey! I play Horde and Alliance on Alleria...I just got my BE priest into Outlands! kicking.gif kicking.gif
WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-04-08 16:33:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*

'ello.'ello, 'ello......what's going on here then?

<runs away>
WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-04-03 16:13:00
United KingdomParental Responsibility Info
QUOTE (Nicoxcx @ Aug 25 2009, 04:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can't any of the pinned threads be merged?

I think the Pet thread gets a lot of attention and it would be a shame to see it drop down, but I agree this information needs to be somewhere it can be easily accessed.

The Capt is doing a site update soon. Maybe he can work it so that more than 4 topics can be pinned.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-08-25 22:41:00
United KingdomParental Responsibility Info
QUOTE (Welshcookie @ Aug 24 2009, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Such a shame we can't get this subject is so crucial, London is woeful in giving this info out clearly from the beginning of the process and often causes people delays/last minute panics.

Just to add....I know pets are important in peoples lives, but maybe it sacrificing that pinned thread for this information would serve better for people visa journeys? Just a thought.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-08-24 18:07:00
United KingdomParental Responsibility Info
Such a shame we can't get this subject is so crucial, London is woeful in giving this info out clearly from the beginning of the process and often causes people delays/last minute panics.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-08-24 18:01:00
United KingdomParental Responsibility Info
Interesting really should get pinned....
WelshcookieFemaleWales2008-06-06 02:20:00
Hi! I renewed my passport without any countersignature, they do advise it if you look very different from the photo in the passport....I do look very different than I did 10 years ago but I think that maybe visa photo that was also in my passport may have overcome that I don't know, but I had no problems.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2010-09-12 10:36:00
I didn't have a countersignature and my American sized photos were accepted.


The total fee was $204.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2010-06-16 21:08:00
Thanks Maven... (F)
WelshcookieFemaleWales2010-06-14 15:20:00
Just a quick update. Payment was taken out on Friday 4th June, I did write a pleading letter, it must have touched someones heart because I got a phone call this morning to say they have processed the passport and it will arrive tomorrow morning and they gave me the tracking number too! I'm so pleased I will get to see my dad before he has his op on Monday...what a relief.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2010-06-14 14:12:00
Thanks for the prompt reply! I just read your link though..what a nightmare :blink: I am thinking of writing a cover letter in hope of a speedy process.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2010-05-17 16:51:00
Anybody recently renewed their passport? I need to go back to the UK asap, wondering what the wait time is at the moment.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2010-05-17 14:20:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Good job Gemmie! I've been thinking about you today :dance: :dance:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2010-11-05 19:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruslil bit illegal
interesting username you have there..... :thumbs:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-04-25 15:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusex-husband's permission for child to leave the country?

jaylen_brit is correct in saying that this what US Immigration NEEDS. It doesn't really matter what the law in your fiance's country states. The US Govt. wants to ensure that the K1 Visa holder has the legal right to take a child to reside in the US.

You contridict yourself fairly badly here... You state it doesn't matter what the law is in the fiance's country and then say the US government wants to ensure the Visa holder has the legal right to take the child. They have to have legal rights in their country.

So yah, this really has everything to do with Russia's laws and nothing to do with anywhere else.

I kind of figured it had everything to do with the laws of the country you are trying to enter.....If immigration ask for written permission from the other parent then so be it....
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-03-11 04:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew girl

Bar/nightclub, IMO not exactly a healthy way to meet someone, unless you are looking for an alcoholic.

hmmm....I met my husband in a bar....and we have a very healthy relationship... :unsure: just because ppl frequent bars doesn't make them alcoholics :rolleyes:

You're right. It just makes them drunks! ;)

Hmm Acoholicly challenged? Oh wait...this isn't OT! :o

you are right! This is VJ.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-10-17 17:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew girl

Bar/nightclub, IMO not exactly a healthy way to meet someone, unless you are looking for an alcoholic.

hmmm....I met my husband in a bar....and we have a very healthy relationship... :unsure: just because ppl frequent bars doesn't make them alcoholics :rolleyes:

Edited by welshcookie, 17 October 2006 - 01:43 PM.

WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-10-17 13:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusShe's here.... what now?
Welcome to your new home Elena :thumbs: Hope you both have a great life together (F)
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-10-22 14:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow did you meet?

I don't have issues with how people meet - why would I care how people live their lives, it's none of my business. I don't assume nothing, but I have seen some horrific posts here, where men were talking about how they would go to Russia to meet like 3 women who they write to, and then decide which one is better. It makes me feel really bad, you know.

Actually, I met my husband online too, and it turned out to be a great relationship. And more to that - whenever he mentions that his wife is Russian, he always gets that: "Oh, congratulations! You got yourself one of those mail-order brides!" It really hurts to hear things like that, and I do have issues with marriage brokers - I saw a few sites on international dating, and I just got the impression that they treat women like a commodity. Sorta, "Look how many beautiful Russian girls we have here, they will all love you for who you are, come and pick one!" I happen to think that marriage brokers exploit people, and I wanted to voice my opinion on that. And I got all those insults in response... I come to this forum to share information and to seek help in all these immigration issues. But when I decided to speak my mind on something that really botheres me, I get insulted like that... I don't even want to post here any more, cause it really hurts bad when people call you stupid because you said something they didn't like.

You speak as if Russian women are victims in this......couldn't all you have said go the other way too? I don't see any 'exploitation' and if there is I think it is a 2 way long as everyone goes in with their eyes open what is the worry?
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-10-17 14:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGulag Fantasy Camp
I heart.gif Expats!!
WelshcookieFemaleWales2008-11-21 14:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBehavior you (USC man) find odd
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Nov 15 2009, 01:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Your comments about other men's wives is interesting...are you bisexual?

Actually, most women on the whole can appreciate and comment upon another woman's attractiveness without feeling awkward about doesn't make us bisexual no0pb.gif

WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-11-15 02:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNessitcha & Charlitcho

Congrats to you both!!!!! :dance: :dance:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-10-03 09:31:00
Asia: SouthUpdate
What a very happy update!!!....Pleased for you both... (F) (F)
WelshcookieFemaleWales3/23/2006 9:03
Asia: East and Pacificnew law in Vietnam about maximum age difference?

she is 21 now, I am 55

:o :o :o :o
and they said bad things about michael jackson.... :( wow

umm...the words 'consenting' and 'adults' spring to mind........

As for the OP's question....sorry I don't have any clue...
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-04-01 17:28:00
Asia: East and PacificI'm travelling to the Philippines to visit Fely for 2 months

I hope that your divorce papers come through before you leave. Is there a way for someone to send it to you in case it comes in a few days after you have left?

Unfortunately that would probably be my soon-to-be ex-wife. I'm not sure I can count on her. I'm thinking of going to the court and leaving a pre-paid Fed-Ex envelope with them.

Good idea :thumbs:

Glad to hear there is finally light at the end of your tunnel....have a great reunion with Fely :D
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-03-23 03:47:00
Asia: East and PacificVisa Journey.... are there other forums like this?
Yes there is great visa information and less drama available on other sites.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2008-11-23 01:20:00
Asia: East and Pacificshocking story
QUOTE (johncali9 @ Sep 14 2009, 12:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hey my friend
ok you must to listen
1) if love you move far way her family
2) you know some day she will get green card she will say good bye to you
3) do not let she close with relative
good luck men you know get K1 how was hard you know

####### kind of advice is that? Is he her jailer or her husband? you don't bring a women you love to a foreign country and keep her away from everything through fear she may leave...
WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-09-14 01:19:00
Asia: East and Pacificshocking story
QUOTE (calilove @ Sep 13 2009, 06:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She went to visit her relatives for a few days, because before i didn't let her go, so she left without my permission, the good thing is shes back, thank god and thank you all, i can take a deep breathe now

unsure.gif You didn't give her "permission" to visit her family? for her, I'd have done the same, you're lucky she came home.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-09-14 01:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLondon Interview.
Thanks Amanda!!...

If you follow the link Amanda posted and click U for UK ( :D ) you will info there plus a link called Reviews for will come to ppl's experiences in interview....
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-01-30 14:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLondon Interview.
Tracy....was there a link somewhere to people who went to interviews and posted their experiences??....I am not sure whether I am getting mixed up with another visa site or not.... :unsure:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-01-30 14:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYou're not going to believe this (No, it's not an approval)
QUOTE (Sinergy @ Jan 12 2009, 11:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
and remember shonjov...wasnt she in like AR for 2 yrs, then her husband was denied, and they had to file a waiver. Now to me, thats worth b1tching about.
I waited a year and a half, the last few months of my pregancy, gave birth by webcam so he could see his son being born, then raised our son alone for his first year. It was painful, real painful especially since i didnt have the opportunity to go see Edi during the process bc i was working a full time job and taking care of an infant, but i took it one day at a time. and hes here now, has been here 2 years and 6 months this month

Indeed rose.gif

And OP, your day will come too...and this WILL be just a bad memory yes.gif
WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-01-12 23:49:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYou're not going to believe this (No, it's not an approval)
I am sorry to read your pain. But, the time I have spent here on VJ, I have seen people who have had heartbreaking waits in this this process. Also, keep plugging away at any resources you have to hurry things along. Always keep a perspective in your situation, I know you said this
" My home that I made for myself? Not speaking the language of the country, not being able to work, not being familiar with where things are. Most importantly, what about my friends and family? And my cats? and my fish that live in our pond? And what the hell would I do as a stay at home wife with no kids? I'd go mad with boredom!"
But this is what most us who relocate to the US feel at first.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-01-12 23:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGUESS WHAT...
Good news! Good luck with the rest of your journey biggrin.gif
WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-02-04 13:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHey come on ...
QUOTE (verde @ Nov 20 2009, 02:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am going away for good, and within a month my husband will be here anyway

So why all the drama and numerous threads over the week? unsure.gif

I'm pleased for you that your husband will be with you soon, I'm sure everyone is yes.gif
WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-11-20 02:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHey come on ...
You have been listened to (extensively) and understood...and given been some excellent advice....I'm at loss at what more you want tbh.

Go away for a month....I don't mean that in a bitchy still for a month in every way.

Edited by Welshcookie, 20 November 2009 - 12:37 AM.

WelshcookieFemaleWales2009-11-20 00:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionim in usa
Hey! glad to see you made it Carol! I remember when you first came here .... have a great life Hun (F) :thumbs:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-02-05 17:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionA truly upsetting day in London

Thanks for the constructive critcism peeps I will take on board your comments and try harder next time not to be such a dumba-- .........

That's where your post should have ended.....


All the's to the weeks flying by.... :thumbs:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-02-05 04:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWE HAVE A VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent news!!! all the best for your marriage and the future....exciting times ahead! :dance: :thumbs:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-04-06 08:44:00