Middle East and North AfricaTuesday thread..

I do have reasons to be here (going thru immigration). I was a reader here for a year.
I will have full TimeLine soon. With a story. I Have some questions to ask in the future, so I will provide them (Probably in AOS forum).
Avatar has its explanaition (besides being jamaican flag). I possibly will PM this tthem to you later. Because if I would post it here it would stir stuff.

I think she meant that you come to the MENA forum but youre profile has Russia and San Fran so not sure what your affiliation with MENA is... not that it matters because anyone is free to post in any topic they choose....
I don't think that is the Jamaican flag... I will look for a pic of the Jamaican flag... however, if the explanaition is too offensive to explain here then maybe it's best not to have it in your avatar. Just a suggestion.
Your profile says you joined on Aug 2006... not a year ago BTW ;)

Not attacking you... just pointing out my observations.

one does not have to be a registered user to read here....only to read and post
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-05 10:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaHELP!!! I need somebody

ot pales in comparison to some of the fights i've seen in here.

Word. These ladies know how to fight :thumbs:

I am hoping to learn me some tricks ..... :D
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-08 14:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaHELP!!! I need somebody

Good point, welshcookie. Why is everyone beating up on charles when type2 is the one who started this whole mess?

What mess I Started... I joined forum, So People came with some dubious ideas. WhyWhat I have to do with that. This thread is about my new name and you all screwed it up.

I think your thread has been hijacked in true VJ style..... :hehe:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-08 13:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaHELP!!! I need somebody


Posted Image

:lol: :lol: :P
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-08 13:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaHELP!!! I need somebody

Oooh oooh oooh...can we guess? ;)

oooooo....cooool...another competition...prizes please....I like prizes... :lol: :lol:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-08 12:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaHELP!!! I need somebody
Prince Of Darkness
Posted Image

how about this? :lol: :P

oh and do we get a prize?
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-07 11:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

I locked it while I was reading what happened.

Is that like a knee jerk reaction??.....just as well we don't all possess that find of power..... :lol: :lol:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-08 17:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

wow i better check this water i'm drinking. i just saw a thread get locked, then unlocked and then replied to. :huh:

I am so confuzzed...... :wacko:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-08 17:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
<<<<<<<<<<<<<---------------I feel dizzy........ :wacko:

Edited by welshcookie, 08 September 2006 - 04:19 PM.

WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-08 16:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Wow! Thank God no one knows my deep dark secrets :whistle: Come on...everyone spill the beans about what they know about everyone else here on VJ....that ought to be fun!

Oh I know some good ones!! :devil:

Gupt sleeps with a pink blanky everynight!

Welshcookie is not really Welsh! She's is an Aztec princess.

Roi, well, he still watches Barney. :unsure: Very sad.

VP secretly lives in the international space station,a very high tech woman! While she writes on VJ, she is monitoring the atmospheric quagamaligacaca of the orbit of the whatcha-macall-it

Jenn sleeps with a blue blanky at night, maybe she and Gupt should trade!

Sorry to spoil your secrets folks! :D

You just soooooooooooo violated TOS!...... :o :o
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-08 15:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Hey welshie!!! :D

*waves* to Robert....

what ya doing over here? giving sister stina some moral support?! :luv:

mostly learning how I can better handle myself in the jungle of OT...I am learning much... :hehe:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-08 15:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

I just can't believe what Shannon said. How is she still here?

Ewok isn't a bot. He's a person with a life.

This is true.....we should follow his example.... :lol: on the other hand.... :no:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-08 15:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Hey welshie!!! :D

*waves* to Robert....
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-08 15:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

wow, can anyone come here and just post away?!

Is this like the new OT forum? :unsure:

:yes: :thumbs:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-08 15:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaMany Blessings Hachemi & Meriem
Best wishes to you both.... (F) (F)
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-12 10:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaWedding pics
Nice pics! Congrats! Hope you had a lovely time :luv:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-09 16:02:00

oh no... I think it's time to lay off VJ.. I had a dream/nightmare last night starring Gupt

:o I dreamt of Jenn3539 last night....I put it down to too much movie ponging over the past few days :lol: :lol:

did she answer the front door naked from the waist down? :lol:

::trembles off into the corner:: lol

Good grief....I would definatley have to take a break if I was having dreams like that :lol: :lol:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-17 12:01:00

oh no... I think it's time to lay off VJ.. I had a dream/nightmare last night starring Gupt

:o I dreamt of Jenn3539 last night....I put it down to too much movie ponging over the past few days :lol: :lol:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-17 11:50:00
Posted Image
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-17 10:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe state of the ME/NA forum

I am extending the olive branch here. I would like to say sorry for any ill will. although somethings are said mostly because, sometimes when backed in a corner you have to defend yourself. at the sametime its not nice to be pushed in that same corner. so starting here. shonnie is comming with a sincere heart. and publicly appoligzing. take it for what its worh or not. I think we all have said things on how we feel were we stand on issues and what not. I think there are no secrets its all old dubage. moving forward- turning the page. once again sorry to each one of you..-good day. shonnie..

Nice post Shonnie (F)

Good luck with getting your forum the way you wish it to be ladies :thumbs: (F)
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-09 13:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on the denial

you both silly of me.....the expense of travelling is nothing to us. :rolleyes:

yeah, it's real cheap, and i just spent $2900 to go attend nessa's interview and fly her back here. pocket change :rolleyes:

But you did it. You didn't make a bunch of excuses about why you couldn't.

:yes: that was my whole expenses and time is a big deal for everyone on here....but we do it.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-22 08:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on the denial

The funny thing is this thread is 7 pages long now and the OP has not come back to say one word. :unsure: I don't get why someone would make a post regarding such a serious thing and not comment?

I know. Do the phrases 'insecure' and 'starved for attention' spring to mind?

That would accurately describe the behavior. She didn't like the advice in the earlier thread and asked to have the thread closed and then opened a continuation thread.

Actually, this thread was opened before the other was closed.

Ahhhh, ok. Then why not have it closed at the same time?

or why start one in OT at all? :rolleyes: .... I was actually quite surprised to still see this thread when I got home from work....
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-22 08:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on the denial

This is precisely what I'm talking about. Flights to Europe is so cheap as compared to flights to many other parts of the world. People who think it's so easy to visit SOs in foreign countries have a very simplistic view of the world when they only know of European travelling.

And yet so many here manage it regardless......

I suppose I get pissy when you keep harping on about how much easier it is for Euro/US couples to buy the tickets for their is still a lot of money! Many of these couples also struggle to find the airfare y'know.My last ticket to the US cost $900..... I can imagine that is hardly a breeze to find for many ppl actually. You seem to have a simplistic view of european travel if anything because you don't know everyone's fiancial situation....

I disagree!! I dont have a simplistic view either! I lived in the Uk!
I think it is easy as hell for European couples. tickets are dirt cheap! infact you will find a dayum
good deal so easy. lets not talk about the fact you dont have to buy a visa either. :huh:
paksitan visa for example is $120.00. for 2 months roughly. add that to your 900.00 round trip
you have a bargain. oh and travel-o-crappy has deals for Europe all the time. :huh:

you both silly of me.....the expense of travelling is nothing to us. :rolleyes:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-22 08:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on the denial

This is precisely what I'm talking about. Flights to Europe is so cheap as compared to flights to many other parts of the world. People who think it's so easy to visit SOs in foreign countries have a very simplistic view of the world when they only know of European travelling.

And yet so many here manage it regardless......

I suppose I get pissy when you keep harping on about how much easier it is for Euro/US couples to buy the tickets for their is still a lot of money! Many of these couples also struggle to find the airfare y'know.My last ticket to the US cost $900..... I can imagine that is hardly a breeze to find for many ppl actually. You seem to have a simplistic view of european travel if anything because you don't know everyone's fiancial situation....
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-22 01:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on the denial

Welshie, what is that critter in your avatar? It kinda looks like WV roadkill..........

:lol: I have no idea....looks like nothing I have ever seen before.. :P
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-21 09:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on the denial
I have just re read the whole thread......all I saw was ppl being supportive and offering good advice....I don't think anyone has 'picked her apart' at all... :no:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-21 09:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on the denial

So the usual judgemental VJ crud has taken over yet another thread. Its so easy when it's NOT YOU, isn't it? But hey, makes a person all feel snuggly warm that he/she are always better in their views then some poor sod who obviously has no clue, eh?

We're all adults on this board, we've all been through so many scenarios in our minds. What works for one may not for another for whatever reason isn't even any of our business, so all the hot air is just ego stroking and not advice giving as you may like to label it. Folks suffer enough stress and anxiety in this process without this fluff. It's a shame really. All the helpful information gets lost in the inevitable muck.

(flame away... as is the VJ style.)

personally I haven't seen people being judgmental....just realistic.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-21 08:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on the denial

The difference between the cost of flights between US/UK to US/.... a couple of 100 pounds maybe?

Why don't you give it a try yourself and price some flights from JFK to Heathrow or JFK to Paris, and then try JFK to Rangoon, Burma or Auckland, New Zealand or Vientiane, Laos. You tell us the price difference. Is it only a couple of 100 pounds?

Not every one who immigrates to the US needs the financial support of the USC. Plenty of capable people with their own education come over to the US and acquire very high paying jobs. It is not always necessary for the USC to be financially supporting the beneficiary.

Read my post again, my point wasn't just about the cost of airfare but also the cost of time and flight time. A flight from JFK to Heathrow takes how long? Under 3 hours with a Concorde (yes, there's no more Concordes now.) But a flight from JFK to Auckland, New Zealand takes 24 hours or more (No direct flights possible).

Well actually I priced flights between Gatwick/US and US/Africa...cos it seemed more relevant ;) and yes your concord idea is moot. And I didn't say petitioner would be supporting the beneficary forever....I said months on end....looking for work in a new country doesn't alway come easy and right away. Qualifications in one country doesn't always mean they will be recognized in the US either btw.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-21 02:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on the denial
Ok...I just caught up via the now closed thread on OT. Although I am still somewhat confused about the hardship, is it about being afraid of flying? :unsure: not sure I am getting that right but if so I too also have a great fear of flying......this website and forum has been a great help to me....

And if am completely barking up the wrong tree I apologise in advance :lol:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-21 02:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on the denial

I agree with this, and I agree with the government for not issuing immigrant visas to people who haven't met. I'm sorry, but that's the honest truth.

While I agree with this in theory, I discount statements like these from people who file for SO's in European countries--especially the UK--as it's so easy--both in time of flight and cost of air fare--for Europeans to travel to the US or vice versa. It's NOT so easy for people from some other far off countries.

Nevertheless, I do agree with the underlying thought. I also believe people getting married should meet in person before getting engaged.

The difference between the cost of flights between US/UK to US/.... a couple of 100 pounds maybe? If someone has difficulty in raising money for flights/accomodation how will they cope in supporting another person for months on end?
Plus, having a person come over to live you that you have never spent anytime with physically?

Don't know if this is what has happened in the OP's case of not necessarily aiming this at them.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-21 01:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People

Offering support doesn't mean walking on eggshells...example:

Person A: our app was denied because we haven't met
Person B: why haven't you met?
Person C: don't be so fkin nosy! it's not your right to know!
Person B: I think you need to go meet your future husband
Person C: YOU.ARE.SUCH.A.B@STARD! *this* is exactly why VJ is such shite lately....WHY CAN'T YOU BE SUPPORTIVE YOU COLD HEARTED AZZHOLE!!!!!!!!

Scenario 2

Person A: Having probbos with my man, and he wants his money back...
Person B: Money for what?

I mean, really...

I always love a good summary of events..... :lol: :lol:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-22 18:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People

I think I am an A/B Negative type... :wacko:

You are one confused little kitten aren't you! :lol:

:yes: :crying:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-22 15:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People
I think I am an A/B Negative type... :wacko:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-22 15:29:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?
<--------------taking bets now..........
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-22 18:47:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?

sarah i bet you like to laugh cos you are a joke..... and as for icey leaving.. can dish it out but cant take it . hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

can I run a book?
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-22 18:34:00
Middle East and North Africahuh?
I am not sure why anyone would request for their account to be 'disabled' .... all it does is to stop you getting any PMs from other members.... :unsure:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-20 01:56:00
Middle East and North Africawednesday thread

I had a dream last night that I got a parking ticket. This morning, I went out to my car - parking ticket. Isn't that strange? In my dream though, the ticket was only for $19 for some reason, and the actual ticket was $25. I haven't had a parking ticket in years.... :wacko:

Well you will be pleased to know I haven't had any more dreams about you!! :lol: :lol:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-27 09:47:00
Middle East and North Africaooo oooo ooooo ooooo rahma is 25!
Posted Image
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-27 09:45:00
Middle East and North Africawooohooo it's thursday! yallah yallah!
Have a safe trip Charles and the best of luck!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-28 07:40:00
Middle East and North Africaage different

I dated someone who was 18 years my senior for almost a year. The relationship didn't work primarily because he had raised his children and wanted my 'undivided attention'. Even though he said he understoond my obligations, he could not cope with the fact that I had other commitments outside of our relationship and that my kids were my priority. For a 56-yr old man, he was very insecure, and I couldn't stand being smothered.

He only lived a mile away... and not on another continent.


Similar experience.....only with a 22 year gap....the older person can often be insecure. We have a 10 yr old son and I often feel sad for him that he will lose his father at a young age.
WelshcookieFemaleWales2006-09-25 01:31:00