Middle East and North AfricaWhat's that you say??? An approval??
kicking.gif Congratulations!!! kicking.gif

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Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-06-15 12:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaNO AP EGYPT APPROVED!!!! HUMDULLA!!!!!!!!
kicking.gif Congrats!!! kicking.gif

Meriem rose.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-06-24 08:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaAre we born this way? I posted this off topic...
That is hilarious!!! rofl.gif

Thanks for sharing.

Meriem rose.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-06-25 10:03:00
Middle East and North Africa2 days till I leave
Bon Voyage!!!

Meriem rose.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-06-26 09:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaFirst Jobs in the US for MENA SOs
After receiving work authorization, we wanted to wait till after we took our vacation. When we got back, Hachemi went to a boat manufacturing plant just down the road from our house. He filled out the application and they told us to wait. A man came and got him and he was gone about 20 minutes. He came out smiling and said they had hired him and he was to start the next day. He worked there for a year and decided to go back to school. He has a computer science degree and now in his second year studying computer networking. He had stopped by the Exxon convenience store pretty often to get coffee and they asked him if he needed a job. He said yes and quit his full time job to work part time and go to school full time. What is funny is everybody thinks he owns the store. He has a hard time convincing people that he does not. They think he is joking with them. laughing.gif I have been at the store while he is working and have been asked if we were the new owners.

Meriem rose.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-06-09 16:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaPrayers for one of our own
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-06-25 17:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaAre Muslims in America Unfriendly?
The mosque we attend is a small one near Mississippi State Univ which is 45 min drive. In the ladies section the reverts just about equal the life long Muslims. Even the Imam's wife is a revert. On a good day their will be about 10-15 women (plus a few children) at Friday prayer and 50 or so men. After prayer the women go around giving salams and hugs and we stand around talking for a bit. The ones that are a little "stand offish", I think are the ones that dont speak English well, (which are very few), but we try to include them in the conversations too. You get a lot of students at the Mosque that come and go through out the year. Overall I think our Mosque is very welcoming even to reverts, since there are several of us reverts already there. good.gif
As far as out in the community, I am the only hijabi Muslim in my little town. There are several Muslim men married to non Muslims here. Occasionally I will run into a hijabi while shopping in a larger town about 35 miles from here. I have said Salam and got one in return with a smile and made several new aquaintances this way. There are not many Muslims here in this part of Mississippi so it is nice to see other hijabed women out and about.
Meriem rose.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-06-30 11:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor those who have MENA spouses already in the USA.
QUOTE (Sandrila @ Jul 2 2009, 10:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just wanted to update on my husband.
We joined the gym 3 weeks ago and he has been working out so hard, I can already see the difference!
It amazes me how fast men see results and how easy it comes off for them but for us it is so difficult and time consuming. mad.gif
Anyway he is looking great and he has even starting eating better too. good.gif

Good Job Baby!

That's great! good.gif Keep up the good work.

Meriem rose.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-02 10:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor those who have MENA spouses already in the USA.
QUOTE (TamaraLovesAdam @ Jun 24 2009, 10:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Adam definitely LOST weight. Working over night, stressful manager, and meals are not at certain times since I work all day 6 days a week, plus I never cook like Egyptians anyway. (I think they cook too much food) Hes lost around 10lbs or so since hes been here. His family says hes too thin, but I think he is just fine.

Yep, stress and not eating right will do that to you. In Hachemi's case, he got a lot more exercise back home since he walked everywhere. Now he just hops in his truck and goes.

Meriem rose.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-06-24 22:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor those who have MENA spouses already in the USA.
I said MENA spouses, but did it so hopefully it will stay in MENA. I welcome responses from anyone. biggrin.gif

I am just curious if you spouse has gained weight since coming to live in the US. When we were going through the K-1 process, Hachemi lost a few pounds due to the stress of the visa process. I couldn't believe when he stepped off the plane how much weight he had lost since I saw him last. He weighed 140 lbs when he first came to the USA. Now almost 3 yrs later he weighs 172 lbs. He looks so much better since he has filled out more. His family got a computer and internet recently and he stood up on camera so his family could see him and they all busted out laughing. They couldn't believe how much weight he has gained. They think he looks healthy now. LOL. His mom thanked me for cooking for him. I thought that was really sweet of her.

Meriem rose.gif

Edited by Meriem_setif, 24 June 2009 - 10:34 PM.

Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-06-24 22:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaSay it aint so!
I agree the jail time is nothing compared to what that poor woman went through. And it's a miracle that the baby survived it all. good.gif

Cheb Mami and Sting, Desert Rose.

Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-04 08:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaSay it aint so!

This is my favorite Algerian singer. What a bizarre story.


Cheb Mami says he is persecuted because he is a successful Arab

Rai star jailed for abortion bid A French court has jailed the Algerian singer Cheb Mami for five years fo abducting a former partner and forcing her to undergo an attempted abortion.

Cheb Mami, whose real name is Mohammed Khalifati, was found guilty at a trial in Bobigny, a Parisian suburb.

He had denied the charges, telling the court that he had been "manipulated" by his entourage.

The singer is credited with bringing Algeria's popular Rai folk music to an international audience.

The maximum sentence was 10 years and the prosecution had asked for seven.

Prosecutors had said that Cheb Mami was one of a group who abducted and beat the woman, a French photographer, in the Algerian capital, Algiers, in 2005.

Still pregnant

They said she came to Algeria believing she was on a business trip, a few days after telling Cheb Mami, 42, that she was pregnant.

She said that she was drugged and taken to a villa in Algiers. There, three people tried to perform an abortion.

On her return to France, she discovered she was still pregnant and later gave birth to a daughter, now aged three.

France issued an international arrest warrant for Cheb Mami after he skipped bail in Paris in May 2007 and fled to Algeria.

He returned to Paris on Monday, saying he wanted to attend the trial, and was arrested at Orly airport.

He had denied involvement in the attempted abortion and said he was being persecuted because he was a successful Arab star.

The star showed no emotion as the verdict was read out.

But during the trial he had expressed remorse and asked for the woman's forgiveness.

He broke down in tears and admitted making a "serious mistake" but said he did not love the woman and felt "trapped" when she told him she was pregnant.

Cheb Mami blamed his former manager Michel Lecorre - also known as Michel Levy - saying he was behind the plot.

"I was in a panic and I agreed," he said. "I did nothing to stop him."

Michel Lecorre was sentenced to four years for plotting and organising the assault.

The court also issued arrest warrants for two of the singer's aides, Hicham Lazaar and Abdelkader Lallali.

They were convicted in absentia of involvement in the case and were sentenced to three and six years in jail respectively.

Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-03 23:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaGuess its my turn to share my bad news
I am so sorry for what you are going through. Take care, you are in my prayers.

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Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-10 09:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaHAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS !
whistling.gif Happy birthday to youuuuuu!!!! whistling.gif

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Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-22 20:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaGot NOA2 today in the mail !!
Congratulations! good.gif

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Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-22 21:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Anniversary Tamara & Adam
Hope you have a wonderful anniversary!! good.gif

Meriem rose.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-22 20:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
QUOTE (Amanda_Raad @ Jul 23 2009, 09:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kenza @ Jul 23 2009, 08:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Amanda- how about waiting until he gets his citizenship? (3 years i think) Thats what me and my hubby plan to do, that way you dont have to worry about visa stuff every single trip.

Yeah...that is probably a pretty good idea. By that time hopefully we will have saved up enough money. So he can get citizenship after 3 years??? Some odd reason I was thinking it was idea. We will have to think about it a lot between now and then. But we absolutely must go visit very soon!

When an PR is married to a USC, they can get their citizenship after 3 yrs instead of 5.

Meriem rose.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-23 17:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
QUOTE (Amanda_Raad @ Jul 22 2009, 06:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks ladies...I did have a very hard time getting my ex to sign for the passport, but he just did that was a big relief. We'll see what happens...just thinking things out.

I have a friend that moved to Jordan with her husband about 10 years ago. They got a shipping container delivered to their home and it was dropped off in the driveway. They packed the front of the container, then packed their car full of stuff then drove it into the container then added things in the back and closed it up. A truck came and picked it up and put it on a ship to Jordan. They flew to Jordan and I think about 3 weeks or so later a truck dropped the container off at their home in Jordan. I asked her how much did that cost thinking it was really expensive. This was about ten yrs ago and she said it cost around 1800 dollars. I am sure that it is much more expensive now a days. I thought that was cool though that they got to take all their belongings and even their car with them.

Meriem rose.gif

Edited by Meriem_setif, 22 July 2009 - 10:43 PM.

Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-22 22:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Anniversary a1angied !
I hope you had a great Anniversary!

Meriem rose.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-24 21:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Maggie!
Happy Birthday, Maggie!!! good.gif

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Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-24 21:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaI need a pic for kalentika with hummus
QUOTE (Sandrila @ Jul 23 2009, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That does look yummy. What origin is it?

There is several recipes and methods of making Kalentika and this is a version of it that Henia posted in Sultan's kitchen way back in 2007. It is a culinary specialty of Oran, Algeria

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Kalentika (Unlike the Calentica chickpea pie of Tanger and Gibralter)

I had this in Oran and it was fab!!!

1 cup warm water (100 degrees)

1 package dry yeast

1 tablespoon sugar

3 cups flour (AP or fine semolina or a combination of both)

1 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup olive oil

1 tablespoon of smen or butter

extra flour for dusting


1. Place the water in a large mixing bowl, add sugar and stir untill it has dissolved.

2. Add the yeast, let sit for about 5-10 minutes. A creamy foam should appear on the surface of the water.

3. Add the flour, salt, olive oil and smen to the proofed yeast. Begin incorporating the ingredients by stirring. When the mixture comes together in a pliable mass place the dough on a lightly floured surface to begin kneading.

4. Form the dough into a flattened ball. Fold the edge opposite of you in half towards your body. Knead the dough with the bottom of your palms away from your away.

5. Turn the dough in quarters, repeat the fold and knead (dust the work surface with flour as necessary) untill the dough is smooth. This will take approximately 15-20 minutes.

6. Form the dough into a ball, place into a large bowl and coat lightly with oil. Cover with plastic, let rest untill double in bulk. This will take about 1 hour at 75-80 degrees. I wouldn't get a barometer to measure temperatures though. Depending on the weather place the dough in a warmer or cooler place in the kitchen.

7. Punch the dough down.

Hummus stuffing for Kalentika

1. 1/2 cups cooked chicke peas.
2. 1 clove of garlic, finely minced
3. 1/2 tablespoon of ground cumin
4. Salt and Pepper to taste
5. 2 tablespoons of Olive Oil

1. Gently mash the chick peas with a fork, add the remaining ingredients, mix well and adjust seasoning to taste.

2. Divide dough into 12 balls.

3. Roll out the balls into 1/4" thick circles.

4. Evenly spread 2 tablespoons of the hummus on 6 six of the disks. Leave 1/2" along the edge clean.

5. Place the remaining disks on top of the disks that have been spread with hummus and gently seal the edges with your fingers.

6. Cook the stuffed dough in a non-stick skillet on medium heat untill golden brown.

There is an alternative method for Kalentica. The seasoned chickpeas are incorporated into the dough before it is let to rise. Traditionally it would have been cooked in a skillet, but nowadays alot of Algerians have access to ovens. Brush a 14" cakepan with olive oil and form the dough inside. Brush the top with olive oil, bake in a 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes, depending on your oven
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-23 17:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaI need a pic for kalentika with hummus
Will these work?

Meriem rose.gif

Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-22 20:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday, Sandrila
Happy Birthday!!!! good.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-24 21:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone have trouble from their ex's with taking your children to North Africa?
The gov website states that One parent having sole legal custody can obtain the passport for the child.
  • Appear in person with the minor
  • Sign Form DS-11 in front of an Acceptance Agent
  • Submit primary evidence of sole authority to apply for the child with one of the following:

    • Minor's certified U.S. or foreign birth certificate listing only the applying parent
    • Consular Report of Birth Abroad (Form FS-240) or Certification of Birth Abroad (Form DS-1350) listing only the applying parent
    • Court order granting sole custody to the applying parent (unless child's travel is restricted by that order)
    • Adoption decree (if applying parents is sole adopting parent)
    • Court order specifically permitting applying parent's or guardian's travel with the child
    • Judicial declaration of incompetence of non-applying parent
    • Death certificate of non-applying parent

Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-24 21:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaNot a religious Man
rose.gif Sorry for you loss.

Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-26 10:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
QUOTE (100% Al Ahly Fan @ Jul 29 2009, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
On of the nurses here at work just informed me that they got a call from a mother saying her 15 month old had poop in their mouth (YUCK). my first question was how did that happen? Second and I think BIGGER question is......who's poop is it? Just thought I'd share, Enjoy tongue.gif

This reminded me of when my daughter Tiffany was a little over a year old. My oldest daughter Joni, was 3 at the time. I had bathed Joni and got her out and was drying her off. I then turned to get Tiff and noticed she had something in her mouth. I put my hand to her mouth and said "spit it out." She did and a little ####### rolled out of her mouth into my hand. I then noticed several others floating in the bath water. laughing.gif

Hope everyone is having a good week!

Meriem rose.gif

Edited by Meriem_setif, 29 July 2009 - 12:24 PM.

Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-29 12:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaI lost my husband today
(((Henna Rose rose.gif )))
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-27 10:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaI lost my husband today
Henna Rose, I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. rose.gif

Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2008-07-28 09:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust thought I'd share...
Mashaallah, She is beautiful! Congrats!

Meriem rose.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-20 09:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaFrance to ban Burqas/Niqab in Public?
QUOTE (humpkinpumpkin @ Jun 24 2009, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mahboula @ Jun 24 2009, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Flower~ @ Jun 24 2009, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I for one would appriciate the banning of baggy jeans in public. tongue.gif

And the low cut jeans with the g-string hanging out in the back.

with the tramp stamp on top of it all!

I remember the day when thongs meant the flip flops you wear in the shower. tongue.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-06-24 22:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaExemption record for Non Military service
I would think a photo copy of it would do for NVC. Have him scan it and send a copy to you to print out. We did K-1 which I'm sure is much different, but Hachemi had to bring the original military exemption card to the embassy for the interview. I would be afraid to send the original. If it gets lost, my husband says it is very difficult to get a new one.

Meriem rose.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-08-06 19:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaOMG!! We are out of AP and getting his Visa.
Awesome news, Congratulations!!! kicking.gif

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Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-30 11:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in hand!
kicking.gif Congratulations!!!!!! good.gif

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Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-08-10 16:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaI can haz Friday?
I was a trauma nurse in the ER. In 2001 I had a really bad back injury and surgery that ended my nursing career. I miss working in the ER so much. I loved being a flight nurse on the helicopter too. I have reoccurring dreams about working in the ER. I am taking care of patients and everything. I will think in my dream that I did not pick up my paycheck from the last time I worked (in my dream) and I am tickled because it should be a good check. Then I get scared because I think I will lose my disability benefits if they found out I am working. rofl.gif

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Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-08-14 19:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaI can haz Friday?
It also didnt stop him from texting about 500 times a day, so I thought it wasnt that bad.

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Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-08-14 11:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaI can haz Friday?
I'm a bad mommy and even more a bad nurse. crying.gif My 16 year old came home about 3 weeks ago complaining that he had hurt his hand at the base of his thumb. I waited to see if it would get better. After 3 weeks he said it still hurt really bad and I took him to the Doc. It was xrayed and was broke. They sent us to the orthopedic Dr and thought he would just get a cast, but nooo, he has to have surgery on Monday. He has hurt his self so much since he is a goalkeeper on the soccer team and never has broken anything. I just kinda ignored him this time. I feel so bad now.

Meriem rose.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-08-14 10:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaGREAT GREAT news
Congratulations!!! kicking.gif
Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-08-13 09:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaOMG!! He got his Visa minutes ago...
Great news!!! Congrats kicking.gif

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Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-08-15 08:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaPleased to announce
Congratulations Kelly!!! good.gif rose.gif

Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-08-16 18:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaSafe amount of time
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Jul 12 2009, 07:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You go for it, life is too short, one of my favorite patients passed from a massive stroke this weekend. Yes she was old, but damn life is short, and you better grab on to what you can, and by the way when you are sitting in the nursing home one day you will have some great stories to tell. good.gif Bridget is right about children, just try to shield them as much as you can. I am off for one week, OMG I am freaking off for one week, I do have that paper that the hospital wants to publish to finish, ok, to at least get some pages started. Pray for me people. lol wacko.gif

Amen sister G_G, I was thinking the very same thing, life is to short. Good luck, Tammy. You do what in your heart is best for you and your family. I wish for you all the happiness you deserve. good.gif

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Meriem_DZFemaleAlgeria2009-07-12 22:11:00