Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Mydestinyawaits ~ August 7
FutureMrs. ~ August 14
Kkholiday2006 ~ August 14
JayDonna ~ August 14

Who else?

I don't know how you vets do it. I'm gonna be a nervous reck for the next two weeks :wacko:

not to mention the september interviews including mine :unsure:

Good luck ladies you're all in my thoughts

Ladies? Am I the only guy on the Yardie post at this time? Just kidding. I do have a question. How do you plan on getting an airline ticket to your Jamaican SO? I know at the Kingston airport a person can't enter the building without a ticket or boarding pass. Donna is not that proficient on the computer. Should she go to a travel agent there in Kingston to purchase her ticket?

Jay, I am not the travel expert, but she doesn't need the paper ticket to fly. If she has a printed copy of the itinerary it will get her into the airport and to the check in counter. They will check her in based on the confirmation code for the reservation.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-03 08:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

yeah it would be great and then Jamaica ends up with more debt.

anyhoo (I think maybe it was a typo) but books are not going to cost J$1000 that's less than US$20 so I'm assuming you meant J$10,000? That sounds more like it.

I'll ask around for more accurate fees etc and post it here.

Yes, I agree that is wayyy to little. My niece is in 5th grade and her books are like $9000 JA alone..thats only some of what she needs right NOW..High school is way expensive in JA especially if u go to a prominent HS

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that for all the books you will pay $1000. I meant to state that for one book you will pay that price. :blush: My apologies. The popular bookstores in JA have websites but unfortunately they do not list prices for all the books.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-03 08:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Hello VJ family.


I have a question - does anyone how much it cost to attend regular high school in JA? And the average cost for books, uniforms, etc? Thanks.

It depends on the school. The cost is not published and since my father paid for it, I never took much interest in the cost. I remember that I had my uniform made, down to my purple tie, so it was the cost of the material + the dressmaker's charge. Books would be about J$1000, but once again it depends on the subjects being taken. You may also want to see if the school has a program to rent the books to the students. I remember we had that at my high school, at least for the upper divisions. Hopefully someone who may be sending their children to school in Jamaica would be able to give you a better idea.
I think the government is working towards making primary and secondary education free, which would be great.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-02 18:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Beenie Man & D'Angel is getting a divorce. If you want to hear the heated converstation played on IRIE FM click below.


It's sad b/c I really wanted them to be together, just was to much to deal with.

My mom sent me the story from the Star last week about the interview. I had to email it to her. August would have been 1 yr since they were married and they have been having tons of problems for most of the marriage.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-02 18:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

So Marlon sent me money to FedEx the DS-156 and DS-157 forms, he will receive them tomorrow. It cost $43.98. I also included the interview questions that Empress provided (thanks!) as well as a letter to the consular officer conducting the interview regarding why I cannot be present. I also included the email from the embassy stating the original date of August 7. So hopefully all will go well!

12 more days!!!!! :wacko:

I love the "MasterCard" spin on this whole immigration process...too cute :lol: :lol:
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-02 14:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Have you heard that you can no longer pay your bills directly to the companies that are billing you. Now you have to go to the Paymaster outlet and pay a fee to pay your bill, there are no other options :(

Why is that? Convenience? <<Do they have to pay a "service fee" to Paymaster like you would a Currency Exchange here in the States?>> I would be pissed if I had to do that.....

That's what they say, when my husband told me about it, I was infuriated. Then there is no one that is standing up for the rights of the people to say that it's too much to ask from a country where the majority is struggling to make it day to day. If anyone should be charged a convenience fee, it should be the companies that have done away with the personnel that would accept your payments. But, the rich get richer and the poor continue to suffer.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-02 14:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Have heard about it, need to check the documentary out!

I heard that they sold Kaiser etc to a Japanese company, not sure how true that is.....It saddens me to see all of Jamaica's natural resources being either laid to waste or sold off :(

It is just crazy. You know that they privatized JPS and sold it to an American utility company. Word is that for a long time this company was not profitable, but has since been in the black since buying JPS. Now they're selling out to Marubeni, a Japanese utility company. Most all of our natural resources have been sold to outside entities. I am all for it if it alleviates some of the strain on the pockets, but it has proven to be very taxing on the people. Have you heard that you can no longer pay your bills directly to the companies that are billing you. Now you have to go to the Paymaster outlet and pay a fee to pay your bill, there are no other options :(
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-02 12:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Is it cheaper to buy a ticket to the US from the montego bay airport? Or online? Or from the US?

Any advice.

Girl I say check anywhere anyone that is cheap..I stalk the internet sites as well as call a 100 times..never know from day to day

I want him to fly into JFK for the work authorization stamp. Air Jamaica and American Airlines have direct flight to JFK.

Usually you won't find deals on one way fares, unfortunately. I get email alerts from both Air JA and AA on deals, and so far I haven't seen any specials. If I get anything, I will let you know.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-02 08:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

[Yes, I'm dying for some good ackee and saltfish :yes: and roast breadfruit, curry shrimp, brown-stew chicken..... oh yeah, don't forget thr Rum -n-raisin icecream :D

Ok, now you have me missing home so much. My cousin came up from Jamaica the other day and we got some breadfruit. It was good with the ackee and saltfish my mother cooked the other day :yes: . I know you can't have this now that you're pregnant, but when next you can, try the Devon Stout ice cream...yum

Is it cheaper to buy a ticket to the US from the montego bay airport? Or online? Or from the US?

Any advice.

Online, you can get web fares if you use Air Jamaica.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-02 08:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Anytime that happens, problems such as poverty, poor healthcare, crime etc will be solved in Jamaica.
Unfortunately it sems to be everyone for themselves to see how much they can get from the country, not what they have to GIVE Jamaica :(
Did you know Jamaica IMPORTS sugar???? :unsure:

Yes, I know, as well as milk powder since the dairy industry is pretty much non-existent. You should watch "Life & Debt". It's a documentary that was done sometime ago with how globalization and so forth have affected Jamaica's economy. It's so heartbreaking :crying: and I recommend it. You can get the documentary in its entirety on google video.

Edited by JA Tam, 02 August 2007 - 08:03 AM.

JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-02 08:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Craig said that most of Kingston is all about Green so do NOT wear ANY green from now till Election Day. He says...wear White. For example "Orange" is Westmoreland's colors.

Labor writers (green) for the soldiers and PNP (Peoples National Party) is for the police (orange).

Hope that helps ;o) ...


Is Craig from Kingston??? Most of Kingston is NOT JLP.
Ask him about Rockfort, Harbour View, Dunkirk, Brown's Town, Rae Town, Port Royal, Manley Meadows, Bower Bank to name a FEW.

Not sure where you got the orange being Westmoreland's colours???

Green is for the Labour Party, aka Laborites, nothing to do with the JDF as a whole, orange/red is for PNP, has nothing to do with the ENTIRE police force....

Thanks for clarification...... he's from Westmoreland.

That threw me for a loop as well...maybe his comment on Westmoreland stems from the fact that this is where PJ Patterson is from. I will definitely say that there are no distinct parishes that are for 1 party or the other. There are definite areas that they call garrison communities that by far are aligned with the political parties. I would just love to see the parties work for the good of the country, instead of their own selfish needs. :crying:
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-01 19:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Thanks for the warning. I was planning on wearing either orange or green to the interview. LOL. I have the same shirt in both colors.

I went to a high school that wore green uniforms, but lived in a PNP garrison. When it was election time, we couldn't wear uniform to school. Sad...
As for election day, I stayed in my house the WHOLE day!

If I am not mistaken, I think red is an issue as well. People associate it with PNP along with orange. I think Mona High and St. Andrew's High had to be careful as their uniform had red in it . The Queen's girls would take off their red ties as well :blush:
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-01 15:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Here are some tips for the interview:

1. Do not volunteer information. For most questions, the shorter and more direct the answers are, the shorter the interview and the higher the chance of success. If the question is a yes or no question, give yes or no answers only. If the question is a simple question like "What is your name?" answer simply with your name.

2. If you do not know the answer to a question, do not lie. Say, "I don't know the answer to that at this time." or "I don't remember."

3. The answer to many questions will be in the papers that were sent in the petitions. Questions like, "what are your husband's parent's names". They will expect you to know the information given in your petitions. Review everything in your paperwork with your wife before her interview, and do a mock interview to see how the information may be applied.

4. Avoid saying "I think . . .". Women do this a lot. The examiner will expect you to know not be unsure, of your answers. Also, avoid adding "umm", "you know" and "ahh" type fillers to your speech.

5. When applicable, don't just state, demonstrate. If the examiner asks a question that can be answered with a document or photograph(s), provide it along with your answer.

For example, if the examiner asks, "What does your family think of your husband?", give them a picture or two with your answer; "They like him very much. Here is a picture of him with my mother and father at my parent's home."

Or, "How many attended your wedding?" Answer, "(give a number, then say) We have some lovely wedding photos of our guests having fun. Here are a few that I can show you."

6. Give American answers for dates and times. 12/24/07, not 24/12/07.

7. Dress well, but not overdressed.

8. Try to appear calm, well organized, and friendly. Nervousness raises suspicions.

9. Remain focused. If the examiner makes jokes, smile and enjoy, but do not make jokes too.

10. Make proper eye contact when conversing with the examiner, and try to control your own facial expressions so that your face remains pleasant and cordial.

11. Be audible so that your examiner doesn't have to ask you to repeat your answers.

12. Organize your papers in a way that will allow you to retrieve them easily and quickly. Examiners appreciate order and someone who doesn't waste their time.

13. When the interview is over, always ask for the results. "What should I now tell my husband about my visa status after our interview?" Before you leave, have them explain any papers they give to you and/or any procedures they will be taking to complete your case. Try to get the examiner's name for future reference, if needed. Write it down.

14. If the interview is in another city than the one you live in, arrive a day or two early to complete biometrics and get the results of your medical exam.

15. Arrive early to the consulate, but also be prepared to wait for a time past your scheduled interview appointment time. Be careful of thieves around the consulate if you have to carry cash. Bring ID; you cannot enter without it.

16. It is rare for the consulate to give you a visa on the spot. Be prepared to return for it, if approved.

For the interview, you should bring:

1. Original marriage documents, translations and certifications.

2. Formal, long form birth certificate.

3. Copies of any divorce records or death decrees of former significant other(s).

4. Passport, with an expiration date of no earlier than 6 months. Try to have more than 6 months before expiration.

5. Police certificate with "Nothing" written on it, indicating no criminal record

6. Fingerprints (consulate will instruct you regarding how, when and where these will be taken). There is a fee for this.

7. Medical exam results (consulate will instruct you regarding how, when and where this will be taken). There is a fee for this. Make sure you get a copy from the medical examiner.

8. Passport type photos of each of you. (consulate will instruct you regarding these)

Original passport for petitioner
Original passport for beneficiary
Original birth certificate for petitoner
Original birth certificate for beneficiary
Police certificate from Jamaica
New I-864 Affidavit of Support form
New DS-230 part I & II form (leave part II unsigned)
Copy of the approved I-130
Copy of receipt letters from NVC
Past three years of income taxes (2004-2006)
Call IRS @ 800-829-1040 for tax transcript
Request via internet for tax transcript
Last three years of W2’s (2004-2006)
Letter from employer for petitioner
Letter from bank for petitioner
One year worth of bank statements for petitioner
Pay stubs from January (as much as possible)
Medical info
12 passport photos
A few phone bills
A few letters and/or cards
A few wedding pictures

I made a list of what I've seen other people say their Significant Others (SO) were asked at consulates. Make sure that your fiancé can spell your COMPLETE name.

Possible interview questions:

What's your SO's full name?

Write your SO's full name.

Has s/he used any other names?

How many times have you met?

When and how did you meet?

When was the last time you were together?

How long have you known each other?

How long were you together the last time?

How long were you together any other time(s)?

What are the dates of the visits?

What have you done when your SO came?

What did you do when your wife was in your country?

Where did you go?

Where does your SO live? Which city and state?

What does your SO do for a living?

Where does your SO work?

What is your SO's phone number?

Do you know how long your SO has had this job?

Did you have a wedding ceremony?

Please describe your wedding ceremony.

Are you planning to have a wedding at any time in the future?

Questions about the pictures; when, where and who.

Where will you live?

How do you communicate with your SO?

How do you keep in touch?

What language do you use to communicate with your SO?

How many times do you and your SO talk on the phone each month?

How many times a day do you talk to your SO on the phone?

What do you and your SO talk about on the phone?

Why did you want to marry your SO?

What did you send to your SO?

What did your SO send to you?

Do you want children?

What do your parents think about your marriage?

Do you love your SO?

What do you love about your SO?

Does your SO own or rent their home?

How much does your SO earn?

Have you ever been to the US?

If so, what type of visa?

When, for how long, and where did you live?

Do you have any relatives/friends in the US?

Where do they live?

Have you met your SO's family?

What are your SO's parents' names?

How do you spell their last name?

Where do your SO's parents live?

What is your SO parents address?

Does your SO have any brothers or sisters?

What are their names?

Where do your SO's siblings live?

What are your SO's hobbies and interests?

What are your hobbies and interests?

What do you have in common?

Do you know if your SO was married before?

How many times?

When did your SO divorce?

What are their (exes) names?

Were you married before?

Does your SO have any children?

Do you have children?

What is your SO's religious background?

Does your SO speak and understand your language?

Why do you want to come to the United States?

How old is your SO?

What is your SO's birth date?

Where was your SO born?

What do you do for a living?

Where do you work?

What do you plan to do once you are in the US?

Do you plan to work in the US?

Do you plan to study in the US?

What company does your SO's work for and what is her title?

What is your SO's favorite food?

Where did your SO work in the past and for how long?

What color are your SO's eyes?

What color is your SO's hair?

Did you prepare the forms yourself?

Which university did your SO graduate from?

Which subjects has your SO studied?

Have you been in the military?

Who is the petitioner?

Please tell me more about your SO.

Have you met his/her parents?

Have you talked to them on the phone?

Do they approve of your relationship?

Does your family approve of your relationship?

Where and when were you engaged?

When was your engagement party?

Who was there?

Was any of her family there?

Why weren't they there?

Where did you have your wedding?

Are you a terrorist?

When do you plan on entering the US?

got this from some other forum and saved it to my desktop some weeks ago

I also deleted the questions that pertained to fiances since I'm already married :D

hope this helps

Wheeew...thanks for the info, very extensive and helpful :thumbs: . I am going to email this list to my hubby so he knows what to expect even though I plan to go to the interview.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-01 15:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

How often are the elections held for PM? Like here it's every four years for the president?

They try to do it every 4-5 years, but it's up to the party in power to decide when it will be. The JLP want to make a constitutional change to name a specific date and term of power as the US constitution does.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-01 13:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I just found out the Embassy is closed on Election day. My sister-in-law had an interview date on that day and now it's going to be cancelled and rescheduled for Sept. She was applying for a visitor visa but she lives in Cuba. She only goes home once every six months to renew his work visa.

As inconvenient as that may be, it is best. I think everything is closed for that day, because most Jamaicans will be locked in their homes in case things get too volatile. I know my family will go out early to vote and stay home for the rest of the day. I wish I had registered absentee so that I could cast my own vote here in the US.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-01 13:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Yeah lets hope this election come and go w/o blood shed..It is just terrible that the ppl have to go thru this, kids can't go to school, ppl can't go to work, gotta be careful where u are at any given time. Just a mess. just have to pray for prosperity


Kimmy, can you let us know how long it takes for him to get his passport with the stamp included? From some timelines that I have seen, it looks like it may be taking longer than the 4-6 business days they indicate.
Thanks, T

Edited by JA Tam, 01 August 2007 - 12:17 PM.

JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-01 12:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Yes I read it in the Gleaner. I'm sorry to hear that. Its such ashame because I know that there is violence everywhere but its even more harsh down there because they don't have access to jobs. I mean even after you go to school and you acquire subjects, you still can't get jobs. There is just not enough jobs to suffice for the families in need. You would think that the government would acknowledge this and come up with some well thought out /but quick solutions. As long as I can remember, the lack of jobs exhisted. Most of my family migrated here to make a better living but there are those that want to stay home and they also should have the opportunity of making legal money. Like I said its violence everywhere but I just believe that Jamaica could be such a better place if they were granted more opportunities.

My prayers goes out to that family. So sorry to hear that


It's like Tanya Stephens' song "Warn Dem". I have a lot of friends who graduated from UTech and are still trying to get jobs. It is heartbreaking.

Quick question,

If we get the 2yr visa, what would I have to do? The lady didn't explain anything to him yesterday


I hope you get the 10 yr...I have been wondering the same thing if we will get the 2 yr or 10 yr. This December will be 4 years since we've been married.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-01 11:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Good Morning...

Congrats on the approval yesterday :dance:

Hope everyone is doing good...

We got some bad news out of JA yesterday and I am just asking for some prayers. Andre's family lives in the Bushy Park Scheme in May Pen. It is a pretty tight community and everyone knows everyone. Anyways Andre's barber is right down the road from his families house and he has been good friends with his barber Oliver since Highschool. Well yesterday Oliver was trimming an off duty cop (can't remember his name now) that Andre also grew up with and would play ball with every night back in JA. Well yesterday afternoon 2 thugs came to rob Oliver's shop and held them both at gunpoint. Oliver gave them all his money and some supplies and such and as they were leaving they noticed that the guy in the chair had a gun as he was a cop and they shot him right there in the chair in the stomach and took off. Well the cop kind slouched out of the chair and started crawling towards the door and the guys who were running off noticed that he had come to the doorway so they turned back and shot him 6 more times and stole the gun. All this happened right at Oliver's feet at the steps of his barbershop. He is devasted and scared out of his mind. He is petrified that they will come back for him or his kids because he could ID them and they murdered a cop. Which we all know is pretty controversial in JA or anywhere for that matter. So Andre is super upset for his friend Oliver and also the cop as they were friends but he is even more concerned for his family as they lived only a block or two away. So if you could keep Andre, Oliver and all the families involved in your prayers that would be much appreciated. Oliver has a little child that he takes care of solely as his wife is in the US so he is under a lot of stress especially now that he is out all that money. Anyways thanks for anything you can send our way.

Jamie (F)

Oh and also...I don't have internet access at home anymore and limited access at work so for those of you who have emailed me and I haven't gotten back to you...sorry :luv:

OMG -- That is terrible. I will certainly keep them in my prayers.
I just can't understand, if you get what you want, why you have to kill.
I remember 2 separate incidents when 2 gentlemen (1 a photographer for Jamaica Observer, the other a JDF soldier) were traveling on the public transportation and gunmen came on the bus. After they robbed everyone, they looked at these guys and said that they looked like cops and killed them on the bus. All you have to do to look like police is to be well-groomed. I remember when I was in Portmore with my husband after the first incident, this guy was begging $$ and then looked at my husband and said he looked like a police officer. My heart was in my throat because I would hate to lose my husband in such a manner.
My prayers go out for the community and the families affected.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-01 10:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

good cuz some people really need to be told about themselves sometimes. :yes:

When mi realize wah she do, i took a step back. She gave me money to pay for stuff she was getting and I gave her $2 change back..and u know she took it...she didn't even say that's ok u doing enough for...then I opened my eyes..

Kimmy, not to add fuel to the fire, but watch to see if within these next couple of days if she is making a move to sort out her living situation. It would be better for her to sort it out before she goes to JA, so when she comes back she will either already be somewhere else, or moving out of your place. I can see that week being stretched out and you don't want that strain on your relationship with your hubby. There might be tension in the house when he comes if he sees her child hurting his baby girl in anyway. He is not going to take it too well.

Good luck to all those with upcoming interviews. We are praying for you :thumbs: :dance:
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-08-01 09:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)


I Was in class earlier and couldn't get my mind off of you. I was so nervous. I'm so happy for you guys. Never thought I could feel this happy for a stranger :luv:

Is like..."if 1 a wi get through, is like di whole a wi get through". My heart just fill up with happiness fi Kimmy.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-31 15:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

ok thanks so they will email me or in the mail

Once you have the receipt number, you can set up email alerts. I did that with my husband's case and have set this up for my father's case as well.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-31 15:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I HAVE A ? i mailed off my app last week how do i track it can someone help me thanks

Hey Ms Nelly,

There won't be a way to track the progress until you get a receipt from USCIS that it was received. You will then be able to track it with the receipt number. (If I am wrong, please let me know someone).
Though it is a different application, I sent the I-130 for my father on July 2nd and got the receipt on July 21st. Hope that helps. :thumbs:

ok thanks so they will email me or in the mail

I got my receipt in the mail.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-31 14:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I HAVE A ? i mailed off my app last week how do i track it can someone help me thanks

Hey Ms Nelly,

There won't be a way to track the progress until you get a receipt from USCIS that it was received. You will then be able to track it with the receipt number. (If I am wrong, please let me know someone).
Though it is a different application, I sent the I-130 for my father on July 2nd and got the receipt on July 21st. Hope that helps. :thumbs:
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-31 14:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)



Residents of the New Kingston/Cross Road area are urged to be on their guard this morning since reports of a strange man running around offering amounts in excess of $100 to 'use their cellphone' have been pouring in.
The man in question seemed to be in a state of terror, he was heard to be repeating 'Kimmy a guh kill mi, she a guh string mi up if mi nuh report to har. Yuh tink tink di CO hawd, a she dread!'.
No explaination has yet been reported of this strange incident.


CONGRATULATIONS!! We knew he would get it! I'm so happy for you Kimmy.
:dance: :dance: :dance: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Edited by JA Tam, 31 July 2007 - 12:53 PM.

JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-31 12:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Interview was is now just past 11:00am there...I'm biting my nails :wacko:

I'm on the edge of my seat...I'm tracking this forum....but I'm filled with happiness for you.:joy:

So am I...Can't wait to throw the online celebration :D
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-31 11:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Me too.... :blush:

2 weeks until your big day!!! We'll be sending up positive vibes for you too :thumbs:
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-31 11:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Hey guys, thanks for the best wishes....I am a MESS...can't wait for the phone call....after waiting for sooo long it is finally here ....

Kimmy, what time is the interview? I am looking out for the good news!!! :thumbs:
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-31 10:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

So I get an email from the consular (since I always email inquiries to both email addresses) today and they inform me that the correct date is September the 4th and that they are not doing interviews on the 6th. So that solves that problem.

I think in general the consulars emails have been more informative and better written. I think is some real dimwits replying from the embassy email. I mean to just tell me to wait for the letter in the mail without double checking the system is just unbelievable.

I'm happy that you got that cleared up. Good luck on the interview :thumbs:
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-30 18:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)


Question to all of the yardies ...male & female.

What does the word - sket-telle really mean ?? Craig and I are in a big dispute and I've had some of my other jamaican friends tell me what it means, but doesn't agree.



From how I understand it, a skettel would be called a chickenhead here in the States...
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-30 17:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

How many of you USC are Jamaican either born or grew up there?

I was born in the states and grew up in Jamaica from grade 4.

Born and raised in JA...moved to the US when I was 19, then went back for awhile when I was 22. Love my home, if only they could work out the problems there :crying: Got my citizenship April 2006.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-30 14:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Girl..u don't understand..I felt so bad, he was like ur gonna call me tonight right ? and he wishes I was there...I was like close ur eyes and I will be there....I don't even wanna think about it. I told him he better pay someone $100 and use their phone after he gets out ..hahhaaa..cause I can't wait till he gets home :)

I thought about it and tears filled my eyes

Oh...before you know it, you will both be together. We're all sending up prayers for you and nuff positive vibes :thumbs: . Can't wait to hear that he was approved :D
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-30 11:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I just wanted to share this article that I saw in the Jamaica Observer today called "Why Women do it". It's pretty interesting. I love reading Tony's articles as it is such an interesting viewpoint from a man. It's quite funny that my husband and I were just discussing this very topic a few days ago: http://www.jamaicaob...OMEN_DO_IT_.asp
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-29 19:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I called the Visa Service Center (VSC).

so I already got a response for the the embassy saying I must follow the information in the interview letter. But it doesn't say which date is correct. :angry: Am I missing something? Couldn't they have just said what the correct date is and that is has or has not changed. Why do they have to be so rass difficult?

Because they don't want to admit that they did something wrong :angry:
I would think to use the interview letter because that will be your "admission ticket" to the embassy. They won't let you in without it and if the date differs, they will just send you away. Think of those that go a few hours earlier than their interview time, they are told to wait.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-27 10:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

So I call the VSC this morning just to make sure the information I received from the embassy in the email was consistent. She tells me the interview is September 4th at 12:30 pm :huh:

It's two days earlier and at a far better time but now I don't know which one to believe. The email said they were mailing out the letter that same day so i'm pretty sure it's going to day sept 7 at 7am. I sent another email double checking with them. Hopefully they will respond today. The problem is my husband is so stubborn if he doesn't see it in writing he's not going to believe me. He hardly believes that he really does have an interview date :bonk: and is waiting on the letter in the mail.

And knowing how backwards the embassy is, I doubt they will send out another letter with the date change if in fact that date is accurate. for those of you who have had your dates changed did you get an update letter?


As if the experience isn't harrowing enough, now this :angry: ...I would wait for the letter to verify the information. In your post you stated you called the VSC, did you mean NVC? I hope you get clarification soon.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-27 09:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I don't purchase calling cards. When I call JA I normally just call from my home phone. It's not that bad b/c I don't call Javon often but w/my daughter going down I wanted a way for her to call me daily w/o putting us in debt. On average I pay about $300 a month for my phone service and that includes my landline (which I only use for long distance), my DSL, and my dish network.

Wow, I am sure you can't wait to have Javon here to cut that expense a bit... I use my Western Union card to make calls to my hubby. It's 8 cents a minute for landlines and 31 cents a minute for cell phones. I add money to the card online and use that when I call him nightly.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-07-25 19:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Sep 6 2007, 01:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would say it's OK, but for peace of mind u can schedule it for the week before

QUOTE (JALOVE @ Sep 6 2007, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I made chris's medical appointment for oct 1 should it be change to somethin earlier but this is the date they gave me it seems that date is cutting it close? What do you think. His interview is on the 16th

I don't think they will make it any earlier than that. They try to make the appointment 2 weeks before your interview from what I have heard. Anytime later than the 2 week window may run it really close for it to get delivered to the Embassy.

QUOTE (12/11/2006 @ Sep 6 2007, 02:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We get tru!! Approved kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

The Experience:

Got there early, waited to get in until 12:30pm. First window 5A - Asked him to complete the DS 230 part 1 form. I think they just asked him to do that to see if he could fill it out by himself. Finger printed in Section B at window 15. The interview in Section C at window 21. We had an older white guy who approved 2 other people before us so we were praying that we received him. The two ladies at window 22 and 23 were very very very tough. They denied so many people it wasn't even funny.

Questions that were asked.

How did we meet? When did we meet? What was I there for for the first trip? Where in Jamaica was my family from? How many times did I come back to visit? What did I do for a living? How many people will attend the wedding?

That was it! The only thing is that they ask the questions so fast and if you stutter it may seem like you are lying. I had to tell Melvin to just relax because they are people just like we are. I was really reserved and mostly because I don't let those people intimidate me. I also do public speaking so that is advantage. We were so happy leaving there and people was smiling for us and just as happy right with us. It feels good!

He did make us raise our right hand and swear that everything was truthful in the paperwork. Then he tells me that it didn't look like I had much money in the bank and I was like well thats because I have come to Jamaica 5 times in the last year. Then he said you two kids enjoy yourself and hopefully you will be able to save some more money because you don't have to come back for awhile. He said congratulations and gave us the slip for Airpak.

So, we are thinking that he won't come for a little bit because he knows that I have to get us a place to stay. Airpak says 2 weeks but we know otherwise.

Thank you Jesus...I am so happy for you! kicking.gif kicking.gif I keep seeing you pop in and was wondering when you would tell us what happened. tongue.gif
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-09-06 13:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Sep 6 2007, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
TAM, mi bite mi tongue so many times fi her, cause mi know seh a my husband mi mek sacrifices for not her. And in the end a him alone matter and his kids. She swear God allow me fi bring him here fi her..damn out a order.

Mek she tan deh...I can only hope she wisens up and sees her mistakes. Though I am sure he isn't showing it, I am sure this is hurting him so much. sad.gif
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-09-06 12:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (sjb1221 @ Sep 6 2007, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sarah - you are cracking me up but doing better than me almost 3 years ago. I broke down crying.gif at the grocery store the day before Damien arrived. Mind you, it was the day before Thanksgiving so the store was packed blink.gif .

I was fine cleaning all day but it hit me when I didn't know what the buy the man to eat helpsmilie.gif I was an emotional mess.

Oh poor thing. I feel like I'm in tears right now thinking about the hubby finally being here.

Sarah - So happy and excited for you that your sweetie will be here tomorrow. You must be counting down the hours.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-09-06 12:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (Jomo @ Sep 6 2007, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Prayer, love, and patience. You will be just fine.

Hollar out if you need to talk about any of as it pops up. No one is alone in the adjustment process.

Thanks - I am sure we'll need the patience from both sides.

Kimmy - when I was looking over our interview letter I see that they have on the preference category, IR-1. I will still make sure that at POE we tell them IR-1 and not conditional greencard, since we have been married almost 4 years.

QUOTE (Jomo @ Sep 6 2007, 12:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I tried that route. Eventually when she didn't even bother to call him on his birthday and faked a serious illness to extort money from him, he wisened up. I don't have to say a word one way or another now. He sees.

This process really shows a person's true colors. If anyone had told him before that this is how his mother was, he would cuss them out. Sorry to know that he is having such issues with his mom.

Edited by JA Tam, 06 September 2007 - 12:03 PM.

JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-09-06 12:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Sep 6 2007, 12:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Kimmy! I feel like I know you (and some others)...already. Mi like yuh vibes...yuh gwaan good. Mi tink mi mad fe true when mi tink bout whaa mi about tuh hendure...but mi cyaan himagine nuh spending de rest of mi life wid mi love an best friend ova Babylon red tape.

Tonks fe de warm welcome frum oonu...

Congrats FutureMrs. nuh fret de small tings...give a mont ar two and heveryting yuh hown inna new spot hennyway. LMAO.

Despite all the stress, it worth it in the end. Anything worth having takes a lot of work. I wish you luck on the journey. From just going through this process, things have changed and continue to change. Imagine my surprise when in di miggle of mi process, dem start scheduling interview from NVC fi CR-1.
JA TamFemaleJamaica2007-09-06 11:58:00