Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 and divorce in NY
Ah - this is similar to me.

In the end, my ex spouse and his mother made an agreement I signed, basically because they wanted the house I had bought and paid on for the entire marriage and thought that taking it from me would cause me distress and discomfort. It did not - in fact, I readily signed the agreement, got my car and gave the guy the house. Now, a year later, the house is in foreclosure because, of course, he did not pay the mortgage (guffaw...).

My marriage was horribly abusive - emotionally ALL the time, physically some of the time. I was so afraid of him... When he said he was going to "get me deported" I thought for a few days that he could. Turns out, he can't and was simply using his nastiness to beat me over the head.

Your husband signed a 10 year (or 40 quarter) affidavit of support. My ex decided to go dispute that with USCIS and was basically told "umm...tough..". Your ex WILL be told the same thing. He signed - he cannot get out of it. We are NOT second class citizens (as it were) because we're immigrants. We don't have fewer human rights than our spouses - amazingly enough - though my ex certainly believed that, that's for sure. We do not have to lay down and take abuse. I didn't and in the end, realized that really, he was a lost, insecure little man with nothing on me whatsoever. I on the other hand, filed for my lifting of conditions by myself, enclosing lots of evidence as to why I left the man.

You can get a continuance - as it were - on your case. If you're not yet divorced by the time you need to remove conditions, it is possible to claim a one year extension to allow sufficient time for the divorce to be finalized. So all is not lost. You have options. When you are divorced, go ahead and file the papers by yourself, and make sure you have evidence to support your abuse. They can be recordings (which I had); papers from teh police (which I had); a temporary restraining order (which I had); writings describing what had happened to me (which I had); other evidences like affidavits and sworn statements from people describing what I had to go through (which I can easily get, should they request it).

I went fo biometrics in April and am currently waiting on the decision of USCIS, so we'll see what happens. I do know though, that I am glad I left my ex, and I really don't think I'd be here had I not. I am also sure that truth will prevail and that I had every right to get out of a dangerous situation I didn't deserve to be in.

So there are some of us on here. Don't know how many... I will always update when I get something from USCIS. Hopefully, maybe that will be soon. I hope it will be.

rose.gif rose.gif *hugs* smile.gif
JayJayFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-30 19:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOh my holy this what I think it is?
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention...


biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
JayJayFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-20 14:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOh my holy this what I think it is?

The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: WAC0810452019


Current Status: Card production ordered.

On February 19, 2009, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Case Status and Processing Dates.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
JayJayFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-20 14:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionremoving conditions after divorce
Well, I can say this: don't give up! I just got through and my card was ordered yesterday - just got the email today to say I was approved, so you can do it too!

I did have an action plan in place in case I got an RFE. I thought "I could submit affidavits from friends pertaining to the abuse" and I do know many people who would have helped me out with that. Also, more evidence of a valid marriage. More affidavits there - do you know anyone who would sign an affidavit stating the marriage was genuine? That's one idea I have.

Also, how about more photos - just send as many as you can. I think quality and quantity go hand in hand here. See if you can't submit as much stuff as possible - swamp them with photos and affidavits and more joint bills. That's what I would do.

You'll be okay! I was smile.gif *HUGE hugs* XX
JayJayFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-20 15:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCard production ordered!
Congratulations biggrin.gif XXX
JayJayFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-24 19:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionextreme cruelty on I 751
Well Hi there!

I just got my 10 year GC after filing for myself in Feb of last year, citing extreme cruelty and good faith marriage as bases for the petition by myself.

Now, I got married to my ex with no clue of his underlying nature, and then quickly found out. We stayed married (by the time of the divorce which was finalized in December of 2007) for about 2 and 1/4 years or so. During that time, I did call the police on him once and actually went to the police in person once again after that. He had a restraining order on him for a period of time also, but there was other stuff too.

Now first things first - VAWA is only applicable if you DO NOT have your conditional permanent resident card yet. VAWA doesn't pertain to individuals WITH the conditional PR status! So, in short, forget about VAWA - it's a law put into place to help family members who are abused before the get their conditional status - it's very hard to navigate and get around and involves a prima facie and a long, long wait. I remember several VJ members going through that process here a couple of years ago. So, forget that VAWA - it has nothing to do with your situation.

Now honestly, the fact that you didn't call the cops doesn't surprise me. Most abused women don't - at least, not at first. So yeah, I did - but he'd been getting progressively more and more violent and had spent the evening trying to suffocate me and hold me down, among other things. Shoving, pushing into things and trying to throw me over the top of the stairs; slapping me; restraining me (at one point he had me held down with my arms above my head - a classic suffocation move - at the bottom of a flight of stairs). Generally the dude was unfeeling and extremely cruel mentally as well - he'd try to get me to go with other women (something I am absolutely not into) and would withhold all affection for months at a time, only to dish it out in small doses when he wanted something from me.

Economic abuse was another thing I had to enjoy in my marriage. He would simply not work - he'd get fired from every job because of his crappy attitude and then would sit on his behind and watch TV like a petulant child. He'd sleep on the couch every single night, and play music until 4am - I doubt I got a good night's sleep the entire time we were together. Intimately, he was plain cruel. At one point he went to "work" a couple of hours away for weeks at a time, mysteriously never bringing home a paycheck, until I found out he'd been spending his time high, fishing and at strip clubs (oh, what we choose to ignore...).

Additionally he was a terrible drunk. He'd drink until he passed out, pee the bed (which I had to clean up) or the sofa or whatever and would get violent when drunk. At the time of his first arrest, he was apprehended about two blocks away from our house after fleeing from the police, dropped his pipe on the ground, claimed it wasn't his; had no license to drive and when they finally breathalyzed him about three hours later, still had a blood alcohol content of 0.209... In short, it was a bloody awful marriage! biggrin.gif

Anyway the reason I tell you this, years after my own bad experience is that I also told USCIS. I wrote them a series of statements explaining what I had been through in great detail. I enclosed the documents I should have given to the judge at his order of protection hearing that he demanded. I enclosed both police reports. I enclosed my counseling records - in fact, I enclosed all of my notes from the psychologist for every single session I ever attended. I enclosed my chiro's report from treating the whiplash injuries I'd sustained from being thrown against stuff. I also had been fortunate enough to think of buying a voice recorder from eBay at his saying "it's your word against mine - nobody will believe you..." and recorded him beating up our pet dog (he once kicked the dog so hard just above the eye (after I left - I came back to take him out one day while my ex was out) that the wound became infected and exploded all over the back yard (think pus, blood, the works)...). I also recorded him during a rampage he had after threatening to destroy my car.

All in all, I was honest, I also provided the USCIS with statements of insurance (I had him on mine), bills at our joint address, mortgage documents proving I owned the house all by myself, tax returns, photos, all sorts of junk I'd dug up proving yes, indeed, I had suffered under the same roof as that sonofa...for two years!

They approved me, after I sent in my giant wad, without an RFE or even an interview. In the end, I think the quantity of stuff and the statements I made gave them good leads to get in touch with people who could corroborate my story - and there were plenty of them. I'd recommend statements - by you, others, anything like that, if you intend to give cruelty as a reason.

Anyway that's enough of that! In the end, it can be done. If you're honest, honesty will prevail in the end - especially when accompanied by a massive pile of stuff to prove you entered the marriage in good faith and that he ended up being not who you thought he was...

Very good luck to you! *HUGE hugs* XXX
JayJayFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-24 19:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAnother CSC approval - 43 days !!!
I received the card today as well smile.gif
JayJayFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-27 11:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAnother CSC approval - 43 days !!!
Oop - just got the mail and what should be in it? An approval letter biggrin.gif So, they did it the other way around with me!
JayJayFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-21 10:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAnother CSC approval - 43 days !!!
No idea Wichita - I never got the approval letter like that - only the email saying my card production had been ordered! Kind of backward - I guess they do different things depending on what they feel like, huh? Some people get approval letters in the mail (not me), some get approval emails, some get this and that. Personally, I always had a hard time finding out what was going on with my case because they mucked up my case number at the beginning and transferred all of the information to a completely different database lol - one the reps couldn't access, so I always had to be transferred to a supervisor with access to the correct database in order to find out a darn thing about what was going on, which in the end was always "being processed still"

The news for me is still sinking in! I won't know if I will believe it properly until I see the card with an expiration date of 2019 on it arrive in my hand lol biggrin.gif

But anyway, people who are concerned about the time frame, take a look at my time line - I submitted my packed in February or LAST year, 2008, and it took them until now to approve my case. Practically a full year. But, I still didn't have an interview, so I guess it just goes to show that nothing is as you expect, sometimes smile.gif

JayJayFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-21 10:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAnother CSC approval - 43 days !!!
Cool! Mine took AGES and I had to call USCIS about 3 weeks ago to see what was going on. They assigned my case to an officer and bingo, today I got the "card production ordered" email biggrin.gif Hurraaaahhhh for both of us! biggrin.gif
JayJayFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-20 15:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionApproved in 6 months @ VSC!!!!!!!!
Wahoo! Nice one! I just got approved today myself smile.gif Congrats! XX
JayJayFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-20 15:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHi! Please help. Police report affect Removing condition?
Oh boy. Wow - well I can't sit here and say anything about your situation because that doesn't work (I was in a similar situation, stuck it out for two years before leaving and then filed for removal of conditions by myself - I just got approved).

The answer to your question is: I don't know. Now, with a K1 it would certainly affect getting the visa in the first place, but for removal of conditions I think they look more at you than at him. Though I do know that they background check you both - you more extensively.

Thing is though, hun, my heart goes out to you because Lord knows your situation probably isn't going to get any better. Gosh sweetie, you don't deserve this at all...

One thing I can leave you with is this: if you ever do decide you don't want to be beaten anymore, and find the courage to look at yourself and love yourself enough to leave him, PM me, because as I said above, I've been through it and removed conditions alone. So, it can be done.

All in all, my thoughts are with you. It's so easy to excuse everything a person does because you love them, and think that because one day is better than another that really, they are a "good person" at heart, but I almost got killed several times before I finally decided to leave one day (I just got in my car and drove away...). You can check out my previous posts if you want to see what I put up with before leaving.

I bet you'll get a whole bunch of "leave him" posts on here and I can't blame anyone for trying, but I know it's a lifestyle you sink into, being beaten up, and it'll take some time before you realize that you only have one life, and you really don't want to spend it being under someone else's fists.

Good luck hun - PM me if you need to talk smile.gif *HUGE hugs* to you XXX
JayJayFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-28 18:27:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCSC I-751 Status List
Put me on the bottom! I was transferred soon after I filed, and then waited for almost a year to get approved, after filing myself following divorce from my USC ex. I was approved without interview or any RFE's smile.gif

UserName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Approved
Stefanie.............07/16/07..........07/25/07........military........ON HOLD (>NSC)
LindsC...............03/19/08..........03/20/08........04/16/08........--/--/-- (>NSC)
sjjp1974.............04/22/08..........04/23/08........05/22/08........--/--/-- (>NSC)
grrltraveler.........04/28/08..........04/30/08........05/29/08........--/--/-- (>NSC)
gerard...............06/05/08..........06/13/08........07/17/08........--/--/-- (>VSC)
Buzz17...............06/24/08..........07/03/08....... 07/24/08........10/24/08
Yorkie...............06/26/08..........07/07/08........07/25/08........10/23/08 (>NSC)
dcl766 (K2)..........07/01/08..........07/02/08........08/08/08........12/19/08
Craig2006............07/09/08..........07/11/08........09/16/08........--/--/-- (>VSC)
Bocario..............06/06/08..........06/18/08........07/31/08........--/--/-- (>VSC)
summersolstice.......06/23/08..........07/07/08........08/15/08........--/--/-- (>NSC)
Canuck Carrie........06/30/08..........07/15/08........07/25/08........--/--/-- (>VSC)
jeeleebee............07/15/08..........07/17/08........08/15/08........11/13/08 (>NSC)
Expatriot............07/15/08..........07/17/08........08/12/08........11/25/08 (>NSC)
fskrc1...............07/21/08..........07/28/08........--/--/--........--/--/-- (>NSC)
Isleta521............07/24/08..........07/28/08........08/25/08........--/--/-- (>VSC)
NEDO2................08/04/08..........08/18/08........09/10/08........12/06/08 (>NSC/CSC)
Jomo's Girl..........08/05/08..........08/08/08........09/08/08........12/15/08
SnowXTC..............08/29/08..........09/02/08.....Never Received.....12/16/08
shinkansen...........09/03/08..........10/11/08........10/25/08........--/--/-- (Walk-in Bio / Div. Waiver)
Married My Love......10/24/08..........10/29/08........12/06/08........--/--/--
thefish..............10/28/08..........--/--/--........11/26/08........01/14/09 <rec'vd date

IMPORTANT! good.gif
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REMEMBER: "Date of I-751" is the date you sent your petition - NOT the date it
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NOT the date you received it.

Edited by JayJay, 28 February 2009 - 06:19 PM.

JayJayFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-28 18:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAPRIL 2012 FILERS N-400
Can someone please update our biometrics appointment to 6/20/12, thank you!
New BeginningsFemaleMorocco2012-06-11 07:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAPRIL 2012 FILERS N-400
Can someone please update our NOA to 4/23?

New BeginningsFemaleMorocco2012-04-27 14:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAPRIL 2012 FILERS N-400
can someone please add us to the list
Package sent on 4/6/12 to the Phoenix lockbox.
New BeginningsFemaleMorocco2012-04-16 13:03:00
CanadaCanadian engaged to American. Really confused, please help
K3 is obsolete.

Why not file the K1 right now and have your fiance come on the fiance visa?
New BeginningsFemaleMorocco2009-12-10 15:58:00
It will delay it by a couple of weeks. It first has to be sent for processing for the ITIN to be created and then they will forward all of the paperwork for processing of your returns. I think mine was delayed by about 3 weeks 3 years ago.
New BeginningsFemaleMorocco2011-02-25 09:34:00
CanadaMarrying in the US
If you enter the country with the intention of marrying and tell the border officer that you aren't that is fraud. I would say that if you are doing something that does not allow you to be perfectly honest in all questions that probably isn't the best idea.
New BeginningsFemaleMorocco2012-05-01 12:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTravelling back to USA
Why not contact Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and ask this question just to be safe. They have a website and an 800 number.
New BeginningsFemaleMorocco2009-07-06 09:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHappy news: I got my GC ...
New BeginningsFemaleMorocco2009-10-08 11:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionApplication for Removal of Conditions has been approved.
That's great news! Congrats!
New BeginningsFemaleMorocco2010-01-12 14:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTravel After Submitting I-751
Hi Everyone,

Can someone point me to a location where I could read the requirements for traveling after submitting the application for removal of conditions? We plan to submit the application in March and will be taking a trip in July. I checked the USCIS website and it doesn't mention anything about traveling after the application has been submitted. I also have questions on what to do if called for biometrics or an interview while out of the country.

Thanks for your help!
New BeginningsFemaleMorocco2011-02-18 22:49:00
CanadaWhich consulate in Canada?
Sorry about that. I just assumed since the list I had looked at before said only Montreal did immigrant visa's. Good news that you won't have to go as far :)
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-12 21:47:00
CanadaWhich consulate in Canada?
There are a few consulates in Canada - all of them except Montreal deal with non-immigrant visas. Montreal is the only consulate that deals with immigrant visa's. My hubby is from Edmonton and we had to trek out to Montreal (we made an adventure of it and just moved out here, his interview is next week).
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-12 21:17:00
CanadaReally need copies of ALL documents at interview?
Well I will be bringing the all the originals in with us to the interview so if they need it we can just hand it over to them. But yep you are 100% right. I will just go make copies of everything just to be on the safe side (wow I'll be spending allot of time at that copy machine lol)
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-13 12:28:00
CanadaReally need copies of ALL documents at interview?
OK if its only for our benefit then I am not going to bother (except for things like our marriage lic. and his birth cert.).

Everything else we still have all of the scanned copies on the computer and in my email so if we need copies in the future we can always just print em off :)

Thank you everyone.
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-12 21:48:00
CanadaReally need copies of ALL documents at interview?
So in the packet we received for my husbands interview on the 18th in Montreal it listed everything he needs to bring, we already have everything so thats not an issue. But when I look here: http://photos.state....t4-montreal.pdf

It says to make copies of everything (didnt say that in our packet). I'm wondering do we really have to make copies of EVERYTHING? Like his police checks, court records, I-864, tax returns, ect...??

Thats a whole lot of copies considering the I-864 alone is like 8 pages (and we have 2 of them).

Anyone that has had a recent interview for a CR1 please let me know if you were required to have copies of everything. Thanks ;)
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-12 21:32:00
CanadaDressing for Interview in Montreal
Once we are in the states we plan on saving up money to work on my sponsorship back up here in Canada (we both want to be dual to make things simple but in the long run we plan on settling down in Canada) I told him wherever we end up in Canada we have to come back to visit Montreal at least once a year, we plan on living somewhere in the maritimes so should be nice and close for us lol :)
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-14 23:50:00
CanadaDressing for Interview in Montreal
Yeah I dont plan on bringing anything except our paperwork and passports. Going to even leave the phone at home (oh my mother is going to hate me for making her wait til I get home for her to find out what happened).
Oh ok so I won't be in a panic if we leave the apartment a few mins late then. As long as we are there by about quarter to 7 I will be happy. :)

Will say I am happy we decided to make an adventure of this whole Montreal thing. (our lease was up in Edmonton so decided to suck it up and just pack up everything and move to Montreal on a whim) If he's approved its going to be bitter sweet. YAYYY I get to go back to MN, BOOO I Have to leave Montreal :( I love this city :)
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-14 19:53:00
CanadaDressing for Interview in Montreal

And don't forget to get in the back left of the elevator if you want one of the first numbers in line. :)

That is great advice - I will remember that when we get there. Thanks ;)

Also his appt letter says 8:30 (but I know its a first come type thing) do you think if we are there by 6:30 it won't be a terrible wait?
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-14 19:17:00
CanadaDressing for Interview in Montreal
Great info Inky, TY.
And I'm pretty sure I will be so nervous that I won't be able to get bored but maybe the TV will help me calm down :)
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-14 10:43:00
CanadaDressing for Interview in Montreal
Thanks Evylin, I will just keep my fingers crossed that the weather report is wrong for Monday and there will be no rain (especially since we are walking back to our place after the interview ugh)
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-14 10:41:00
CanadaDressing for Interview in Montreal
Oh wow that makes me feel better. So as long as I am dressed in clean non ripped up stuff I should be good LOL. I guess I will wear my slacks (it will help cover up the fact that I have no nice shoes). I guess the most important is that my hubby looks all nice. He has a blueish button up short sleeve shirt with a collar and black dress slacks that I will have him wear and just hopefully we don't sweat to death (I think Monday is supposed to be quite hot and icky).

Is it air conditioned inside of the consulate? If its raining is there an overhang to stand under so we don't get soaked? (we don't have an umbrella and I didn't see any at the dollar store)
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-14 10:33:00
CanadaDressing for Interview in Montreal
I'm sure this will seem like a silly question - but in your experiences with having interviews at the Montreal Consulate, what is proper clothing? I know obviously don't show up in sweats and a t-shirt but do people seem to be very well dressed there?
I am very nervous about going, my husband has a nice outfit that I Have picked out for him (dress slacks and a nice shirt) but I am planning on going with him and unfortunately, I have NO dressy clothes at all. I think it looks good that I go with him but wondering if it will hurt if I'm not dressed up nice?
Normally I would go shopping but money is very tight right now (like eating Ramen everynight type poor lol)

Do you think if I show up in a sundress and a black jacket coverup thingy I would be OK?

I know I stress too much about I'm sure unimportant matters but I want everything to go perfect, that and I'm a huge worry wart :)

Thank you everyone in advance :)
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-14 10:23:00
CanadaDo you have to bring proof of signing up for DHL courier to interview?
Got it - I signed in and did a print screen of the page and will go up and get it printed out this week for him (dang printer decided to run outta ink tonight)

Thank you everyone ;)
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-10 21:25:00
CanadaDo you have to bring proof of signing up for DHL courier to interview?
Perfect thanks. Will make sure he brings that along with then.
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-10 12:14:00
CanadaDo you have to bring proof of signing up for DHL courier to interview?
I know they ask when you arrive at the Embassy if you have already signed up for the DHL service (which my hubby has) but wondering does he need to bring proof of that to his interview? Like a print out of the page where it shows he signed up? Or does he just need to confirm verbally that he has done it.
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-10 12:00:00
CanadaAnyone have Montreal Interview on the 18th of this month?
Thank you toocool!! I will make sure to post Monday when we get home how it went. :)
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-15 22:10:00
CanadaAnyone have Montreal Interview on the 18th of this month?
Awesome - thanks Evylin :)
kkramps79FemaleCanada2012-06-12 10:37:00