K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support - Employer Letter

That letter sounds fine. It is not even required, unless your consulate specifically states they require one. You can use recent pay stubs along with or in place of an employment letter.


Thanks Jay-Kay. I am not sure if our consulate requires the letter, but I will send it just in case. I also have recent pay stubs to submit. 


Mine didn't say permanent.  All permanent means is that you're not a temporary employee, seasonal, etc.  I think you'll be fine.


Thanks ShirahBet. That makes sense, and it is good to hear that yours didn't say permanent and was fine. I will add that I am full-time employee, just so that there is no doubt as to whether I might be a temporary, long-term reserve.

QuitinavFemaleCuba2014-03-02 14:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support - Employer Letter

Hi all,


I have a question regarding the Employer Letter for the I-134 Affidavit of Support.


The VisaJourney tips give an example that reads, <<"To whom it may concern: (first name,last name) has been employed full-time with the XYZ Company since 200_ as a (name of your job), and is an employee in good standing with an annual salary of $XXXX. Signed, John Doe, Supervisor (or whatever title)." The letter should be on company letterhead.>>  However, I've also read that it is necessary to state whether my position is temporary or permanent. Does the "good standing" portion of the sample letter cover that? 


I'm concerned because I am a teacher who does not yet qualify for tenure, so my school district cannot sign anything saying that I am a permanent employee even though they told me verbally that they will offer me another contract in May. Our interview is in April, so there'd be no way for me to include a copy of the new contract. Do you guys think it would be sufficient if my school district signed the following statement?


"Christina has been employed as a teacher for XXX Public Schools since August 21, 2011. Her annual salary is $XXXXX. She is a valuable employee, and her prospects for continued employment and advancement with XXX Public Schools are excellent."


Even though I meet the income requirements and will have the other forms of supporting evidence (bank statements, tax returns, W2s), I'm kind of wondering if I should get a co-sponsor just in case the CO specifically asks at the interview whether my employment is temporary or permanent. I wouldn't want my fiance to have to try to explain it, or for it to be the only reason for denial.


Thanks in advance for all of your help and suggestions. This website and the communities on these forums have been a lifesaver as we try to navigate this process!

QuitinavFemaleCuba2014-03-02 12:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai

Sad news for us my fiancé had interview 12/16/13 India Mumbai unfortunately he got letter that stated his document will be sent to back US consulate. A  lawyer helped us the process now that we get denied she is not even willing to talk to us in regards of what do. We are lost and not know what to do. What a pain. The only thing that I can  think  of is I have kids and divorced. we have a good evidence phone, email and pics. We also met in person once. my Lawyer told us we have enough proof but not sure what get wrong.


Should we wait until we got the mail of why we were denied or consult with lawyer? should I call the embassy? Please advice

Sad news for us my fiancé had interview 12/16/13 India Mumbai unfortunately he got letter that stated his document will be sent to back US consulate. A  lawyer helped us the process now that we get denied she is not even willing to talk to us in regards of what do. We are lost and not know what to do. What a pain. The only thing that I can  think  of is I have kids and divorced. we have a good evidence phone, email and pics. We also met in person once. my Lawyer told us we have enough proof but not sure what get wrong.


Should we wait until we got the mail of why we were denied or consult with lawyer? should I call the embassy? Please advice


Edited by Ladan, 16 December 2013 - 11:02 PM.

LadanNot TellingIndia2013-12-16 23:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration Lawyer speeds up Process

It is not worth it.....I regret getting you can do your self..waste of money that is all I can say. If you need help with the praperation,  you can Google visa services in your location which is way cheaper than lawyers. Good luck  

LadanNot TellingIndia2013-11-17 23:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Fiance Visa / Green Card Questions and Help

Without knowing your (or your girlfriend's) financial situation it's hard to say, but money may be an obstacle. Even if everything else is in place--and it sounds like you can probably make that happen with some effort--you have to be able to prove that you have the income and/or assets to support a new US resident, and those numbers aren't negotiable.


disyastephens is right about the documentation, too: it's especially important for people who have met recently. There is little chance of marriage fraud with people who are married 10 years with kids and property together: however, the authorities will examine more closely documents supporting a good-faith relationship when that relationship is young and not bound by obvious keep everything that could be construed as proof of your communication, visits, and anything else that indicates planning/preparation/etc. All you have to do is be honest, but you still have to prove it.


In any case, get her over to the US on VWP already!! That will get you up to 90 days together without any paperwork (round-trip ticket, and DON'T LET HER OVERSTAY!!), during which time you will presumably have ample opportunity to figure out your next moves.:)


Good luck!

shikimoNot TellingFrance2014-02-22 08:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPettioning for has debts

I agree that in most cases it wouldn't make any difference, but the phrase "has debt" probably includes some situations that might be problematic (debt owed to the government, for example, or debt linked to legal proceedings, or really enormous quantities of debt). What kind (and degree) of debt are we talking about here, and what is its current repayment status? 


I know that France does a sort of fiscal "exit interview" for some emigrants, and unpaid debt is one consideration therein.


Another question I'd want to ask in your shoes is the role of that debt in determining a future US credit score, something (unfortunately) crucial for many aspects of life in the US. I know that if you marry a citizen with debt problems it can negatively affect your credit, but I have no idea of the consequences when the spouse is an immigrant.



shikimoNot TellingFrance2014-03-22 09:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureseffective way to get fast approval


my bad.. i was referring to USCIS not my embassy.and MARCH 18, 2014 :) thank you by the way.. so it's ok if he didnt submit papers about financial support? so those papers are for me? well, thank you..



It's normal that he didn't include financial documentation, as the financial support piece of the puzzle doesn't come into play until after the NOA2: it is then that your petitioner will have to prove that he has either sufficient income or sufficient assets to support an immigrant.


It's never too early to get that documentation ready, though, especially if you get the expedited processing that some beneficiaries from the Philippines are getting (it seems to be less consistent than before, but still happening in at least some of the cases). If your petitioner has everything together ahead of time, you can practically eliminate turnaround time between steps.


Good luck!

shikimoNot TellingFrance2014-03-28 07:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmail order bride - POE


I watch this show too. 


They are mail order brides. Only thing I can think of is that should did not clear customs before she landed in the US.


In Dublin I went through US customs so everything was sorted before I boarded my flights. there wasn't much of a queue. It only took me about 15 mins in total.



For counterpoint, the last time I came to the US I waited in line for nearly three hours...and I'm a US citizen.:)


The number of airplanes that land just before yours is as important as which line you go through in determining wait time. I knew I was in trouble when the line to get into the immigration/customs hall was so backed up that we couldn't all get off the plane at the same time.

shikimoNot TellingFrance2014-07-05 07:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F/K1 Packet Info Question

Did you check your online status to make sure no RFE was sent that you did t receive? The help line doesn't know much. Insist over and over you need to speak to a Tier 2 person because you did t include the requirements. Just keep saying it every time they say wait or call back.

Proof of meeting--were you in Korea together during the last two years? What can you each show from Korea putting you in the same country at the same time. Bank statement, paychecks, driver licenses, employment contract....anything with a date and address on it placing each of you there. a few photos together is nice but you need documentation with a date. The ring receipt is kinda useless unless it has his name and Korean address and you have something similar with your name and Korean address from the same time period.

Yeah, I have. Been signed up for the text/email updates and never received anything. Case still says in "initial review". I might call and try that. I had no idea that you could even speak to a "tier 2" person, and they are always so rude when I ring up. Oh well. I've also put in a call to my senator who deals with immigration issues, so he or his employees should be able to help shed some light on my options.

I think the only proof of meeting that we would have would be our visas in our passports. Customs takes your Alien Reg card when you leave the country. I may be able to rustle up a few things but it's going to be sparse. Do they even bother with letters of reference from friends/colleagues that know the couple? A few of our mutual friends have offered to write in.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-26 15:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F/K1 Packet Info Question

Photos are not proof of meeting face-to-face within the 2 years prior to filing the petition. That is one of the main requirements of the I-129F. You need to show passport stamps, boarding passes, credit card/ATM receipts showing usage while you claim to be in the other country with your fiance(e). Photos of the 2 of you together during those times are secondary evidence.

I do not want to alarm you, but some people that sent in only a check and the I-129F and nothing else were not sent an RFE, they were just denied and had to start again. It is possible they will send you an RFE, but you should be prepared that they could just outright deny it too.

We don't actually have any of that stuff since we met in that country and started our relationship there. I will have my boarding passes/flight schedule to visit him this December and he'll have his back, but that will be it in terms of that sort of thing.

And lovely. I'm glad I found my first gray hair *just before* reading this post. :lol:

I mean, I don't know why they would send me an NOA1 if they weren't going to give it a look. Or why they would tell me on the phone that no other information was needed for my application (twice, I might add).
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-26 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F/K1 Packet Info Question

The adult shots are listed plain as day in that first post. The thread is basically London k1 for Dummies with the essentials in plain words, not government-speak. It would do you well to understand what is going on so you can be a team to get through this.

Nevermind the Korean Police certificate. It is only available to those currently in the country. See this page and scroll way, way down http://travel.state....5.html?cid=9223

No do not mail your. stuff now. It will only delay you a very short time (a week or two) after they get your reply, they will approve. You still didn't say what is missing. If you are concerned about Skype logs, love letters, and relationship stuff...they don't need all that. They do need to know you are American, free to marry, willing to marry, and have met face to face in the last two years.

Yes, I did that this morning and we're all fine and dandy now. Late nights and anxiety-ridden read-throughs do not make for informed posts, so do excuse my momentary stupidity.

He is currently still in the country, so I've told him to go ahead and get it if he can. Even if he ends up not needing it for this process, he will at least have been prepared. He leaves the country on the 17th of December, so he has time. He also started the UK police background, as well. So I guess we're moving along.

Sorry I was unclear earlier. Yes, I am missing the passport-style photos (done last night), the letters of intent (written today), my birth certificate, and the G-325a (finished on my end, but I believe the website is down for that because he and a friend both tried to download the form and weren't able to, so I tried as well this morning and it wouldn't work for me either). So basically, we were missing everything. Don't worry, I've kicked myself about it enough since reading all of this stuff, but it is now almost all prepared and ready to go when and if they send the RFE. According to the guides here, I will need to send a few photos and the like for "proof", and I thought I would include a copy of the receipt for the engagement ring, as it was listed under the things you could send as evidence.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-26 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F/K1 Packet Info Question
Okay, just kidding about the immunizations. I get it now.

Apparently I can't edit my post to reflect that though...strange.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-26 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F/K1 Packet Info Question

So are you saying you only sent the form I-129F with no US birth certificate, passport photos and G-325a, proof of meeting in person, statement of free to marry and intend to marry? I'm surprised that wasn't returned to you in the beginning to get the essentials submitted. Normally there are two kinds of that comes immediately when the contractors open your envelope and see you left out basic essentials, didn't sign forms, or didn't send money....and one later when your file finally makes it to an adjudicator's desk and he sees something else that he needs to know before he can approve.

Taxes: you can get a visa at the London embassy without a tax return if you show other good proof of current income. Later for adjustment of status, you will need at least one and numbers off the last 3 or a valid reason you weren't required to file. Just because you lived out of the US doesn't get you off the hook for filing a return. You may not owe US income tax on foreign earned money, but they want you to file to report that money if you earned any income worldwide. Better make sure you don't have some back taxes to file because that will hold you up when it's time to file AOS.

Has he gotten his Korean and UK police certificate? Gone for his shots? Did you read the list in the UK forum of things he needs to be doing?

Yeah basically. I wish they would have sent it back so I would have known a whole lot earlier (aka not after seven months and stumbling upon this forum). No idea why they didn't send it back, but now I'm not sure whether to send it all when they ask for it or send it asap with my case number plastered all over it and hope for the best.

As for the taxes, we'll figure that out soon I suppose. I sent him the link to the UK forum and told him to read it thoroughly, so hopefully he's done so. He's filed for the UK police report and will hopefully wade through the language barrier sometime this week for a Korean one :lol: I didn't really understand the bit in the UK forum about the shots. Does the list of what he would need from his GP in England come with the NOA2? If we can get the list I can go with him over the Christmas holiday and get them done.

So much to do wheeeeee.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-26 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F/K1 Packet Info Question
Thanks! I've begun making copies upon copies upon copies of information and evidence so hopefully we'll receive and RFE (:/) and then continue on to the NOA2! I'm a bit worried about the almost two years I spent in Korea teaching, as those years were tax free (thus no tax returns to show for it), but I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-25 23:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F/K1 Packet Info Question
Thanks for the quick response! I'm hoping they will contact me soon, but I have set my standards very low with them. At the six month mark of November 6th(which I suppose is what they give us on their website to judge their response times by), I called hoping for information and they told me they were processing applications for April 16th of 2012. I filed my application on June 4th. When I called again a few days ago, they gave me the same date of April 16th for the applications.

They must be dreadfully slow. :/
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-25 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F/K1 Packet Info Question
Hello all,

I have a question that, to me, seems very stupid but bear with me. I submitted my completed I-129F form awhile ago and received confirmation of USCIS receiving it. I now need to submit the packet of evidence (everything we've managed to gather). Now, will USCIS make me start the entire process over, even though they say they have not even gotten to my month of application yet, or do you think they would attach the evidence packet (plus the G-325A) to my original application? I really get the feeling they will make me restart the application process because they seem to like to do things the hard way, but I will hold out hope.

A little background about the two of us, I am an American citizen and my fiance is a British citizen. I started this process with little help and have kind of been blundering through it until I found you guys here at visajourney. Seems like a great community and I'm eager to learn more...and to get through this immigration nonsense.

Any advice is welcome! Thanks.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-25 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC

Good luck! I hope you hear something soon!

Yeah, you too! I know it's a painful wait.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-26 16:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC
It seems like they're all kind of slow in general (have been waiting to hear back on mine for almost 7 months now), but fingers crossed VSC is speeding up.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-26 13:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE
I asked a similar question and the majority of people who responded said to wait for an RFE and send it then. One other said to send it in with your case number plastered all over it, but ultimately it's up to you.

By the way, I've been trying to contact USCIS about this and every time I get a live person on the phone, they tell me they can't answer my question and transfer me to a "tier 2" person. I have been put on hold for over an hour each time and still never got that tier 2 person to answer.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-28 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfacebook messages

Oh I think you can imagine that they have seen it all, already - and I mean they have seen it ALL. I've heard about couples sending photos of themselves going at it, to prove they have a genuine relationship. :blink: Of course, not recommended.

hahahahahahaha wow. Excellent. Yikes.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-05 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfacebook messages

Probably not, they never looked at our emails at all. But if it was a method of communication they should have at least a sampling of those.

I'll ss and print them regardless. I think I might take pleasure in their face turning red after all. :lol:
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-05 00:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfacebook messages
Do they actually care about reading your fb chats? Not sure that's stuff I'd like to share with some rando.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-04 16:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFaded ticket stubs
Macro lens can be your friend as well.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-02 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help With Your Advice/Experience!!
Follow all the instructions and don't stress out. You'll be fine.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-08 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOptions needed

CR-1 is a better backup plan, the K3 is an obsolete visa type.

I see. Thanks ^_^
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-02 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOptions needed
We've set our backup plan as the K-3.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-02 14:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa DENIED - Public Charge - pretty outraged.

Sorry to hear that. Do you mean your case is completly denied or did you receive a RFE? And what was the reason?
Stay strong and patience! We had to reapply too.
You get used of waiting :wacko:

Nah, we got flat-out denied based on lack of evidence. We had our collective temper tantrum and now we're moving on to a different visa. It's a bit more waiting, but I've had enough practice, eh? *rolls eyes*
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-08 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa DENIED - Public Charge - pretty outraged.
Sorry to hear that. :(

I just found out that we were denied too. Crappy, crappy day.
NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-04 17:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied because I am ugly???

Wow, some of you people are just downright mean and nasty. It's pretty obvious he's not making this up.  Back off!


OP, Is there any way you can be there for the next interview? That may help your case.  Also, have you talked this part over with an attorney? Maybe at this point an attorney could help you.  So sorry you're going through this!


Legally, you cannot be denied a visa because you are "ugly". This would never happen. Calm yourself.

NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 09:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied because I am ugly???

This is a joke, right? There's no way that's even close to being amissable ANYWHERE.

NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-24 22:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdenied fiance visa

England isn't so bad.  Maybe you could be a dentist, I'm guessing they don't need school there.. ha ha.

Please pursue a career in stand-up comedy. You're killing it already.

NovembroFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-13 20:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many originals of G-325A must go with the I-129F?

About to send in another week or so. Just want to clarify. Do I send four original bio pages of the G-325A form?


I believe you need four throughout the whole 'journey' and taken at different points/forms, but with the original I-129F petition it's one from both parties, along with original signatures on them and passport pic of both petitioner and beneficary. Correct me if I'm wrong!
eagle+eyedFemaleJamaica2011-06-14 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew Delhi Embassy

my fiance and I have gotten a notice on 6/2/2011 that the K-1 application was fwd to the New Delhi embassy from NVC. I called them and emailed them and so far they have no information. I heard from our lawyer that they should have it by now. Any insight thank you!!!!


There's a tab at the top of the website that says "Embassy Info" and it has reviews other members post about each other embassy! I know nothing of New Dehli, but thought that may be a help for you and your's... read all other people's experiences, etc. :thumbs:
eagle+eyedFemaleJamaica2011-06-14 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNationality/Citizenship FILL IN THE BLANK

LOL. ROFL. :rofl:

As for the question, I don't think they'll deny your application as long as they know what you are saying. Remember they will also have your birth record or passport.

If this helps, you can bypass the nationality part of the question and particularly relate your answer to the citizenship portion. In this instance the question (as related to nationality) would be what country are you a citizen of? That would be the United States of America. I don't remember what I put, but I think USA will suffice.

Don't worry... I know you're not a country! :lol:

haha thanks! I had been questioning my own meaning of existence and grammatical insticts over this ONE FILL IN THE BLANK! :D thanks again Nikki ;)
eagle+eyedFemaleJamaica2011-06-15 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNationality/Citizenship FILL IN THE BLANK
Please only post helpful advice being that's what most of us are here for. :thumbs:
eagle+eyedFemaleJamaica2011-06-15 09:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNationality/Citizenship FILL IN THE BLANK

America is NOT a continent..Please stop....!

You have the first SENSIBLE response... Posted Image

I'm finding your response to be rather, well rude to those posting to a question I had. All answers are 'sensible', that's rude to say otherwise, when someone's answering to their best knowledge and you find it best to put them down, that's not nice!! :no:

Some people do refer to America as continent, though not the name found in books, it is "the americas", etc. How about helpful advice instead of personal attacks? :yes: :yes: :yes:
eagle+eyedFemaleJamaica2011-06-15 09:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNationality/Citizenship FILL IN THE BLANK

Nationality should be answered as US Citizen.

I agree that would seem to be the best answer, but it's a limited amount of space in this box and that doesn't fit.
eagle+eyedFemaleJamaica2011-06-14 17:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNationality/Citizenship FILL IN THE BLANK
Going against the innermost grammatical nature of my being,

"U.S.A." it is!!!!
eagle+eyedFemaleJamaica2011-06-14 16:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNationality/Citizenship FILL IN THE BLANK

You can say american. Anyone who thinks differently doesnt understand that the question is asking nationality and there is no nation called America other than the United States of America. Even if you are of the Americas your nationality would be canadian, brazilian, etc. etc. American fits.

YESSS because to me that's what I'd answer to someone who asked it, instead of saying "u.s.a."; however I can see from a legal standpoint that it's not the full name of this country and then once again I'm stuck going in circles with this! Curious if it's caused RFE's or issues with simply writing "USA" (even though I feel I want to write American, just have to hold back maybe!)
eagle+eyedFemaleJamaica2011-06-14 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNationality/Citizenship FILL IN THE BLANK

America is a continent, actually 2 continents.

I am really confused by your predicament, you said that you are a citizen of the "US and A" and then you say that you are not part of the United States of America... really confused here.

If you are a US citzen then put U.S.A. ..... our country is called "The United States of America" after all so "U.S.A." would be correct...

My predicament is that if I'm asked what my nationality is, I wouldn't say to that person "United States of America... I meant to say above that I'm not United States of America, I'm United States of America CITIZEN,

Sooooo I feel by putting U.S.A. I'm answering a question that asks: What are you? And I answer: I'm a country.


And I totally understand I could be completely overthinking this here, so if I am to put "U.S.A." in the blank that asks "Nationality/Citizenship" is there anyone here that ran into issues with that answer or has a better answer??
eagle+eyedFemaleJamaica2011-06-14 16:23:00