Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I know each state is different with grants and loans, etc. But I am totally taking notes and they give you a whole binder with information and also have individualized homebuyer counseling for free. It is all through a non-profit organization here. I just went online and looked for first time home buyer stuff in MN and came up with all this info. It is out there ladies! As far as square footage, I don’t know. I am not too picky. If it is only two bedrooms with an unfinished basement that is o.k. because we could always add more in the basement and the house would be valued more later. We are for SURE staying in the city. I am such a city girl. I figure our first house isn’t going to be great anyways and we probably won’t stay in it more than 5 years too. I’m sure we’ll outgrow the house before the mortgage is paid off. The best thing about Minneapolis is whoever laid the city out long ago was way into parks. There is a park every 12 blocks or so, so having a huge yard with amenities isn’t a must because you can always just go to the park down the street. And there are tons of lakes too. As long as the yard has room for a lawn chair and a table for my drinks and People magazine. Ha, ha.

I’ll keep you guys updated. I am hoping we’ll buy sometime this summer but $$ wise, who knows. I figure homebuying is like child rearing (neither of which I have ever done so clearly I am no expert on this) but I think if you wait around until you are 100% ready you’ll never do it. Because both are such a huge financial and emotional commitment, you can never be 100% ready. So we’ll just take the plunge and hope for the best!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-17 12:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
So I went to this first time home buyers class last night. There are two more I still have to go to next week. I am so pumped at the prospect of being able to be a homebuyer! Of course we have $0 saved for a down payment (immigration took all of that) and a bit of credit card debt (thanks again to immigration) but there are sooooo many programs and grants out there just waiting to be tapped. We have been in our one bedroom apartment 4.5 years and are sooooo ready to have something of our own. I hoping we’ll be able to buy something this year. I am not adverse at all to share a room with our future kid, but I just want to be able to sit outside in a backyard and drink gin and tonics and have it be my place. When I do that on the front yard of our apt building, I look like a lush. We live on a super busy street in the middle of the city and too much exhaust gets in my drink for my liking. Ha, ha.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-17 12:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Yes Benita...Alex and Miguel must be long lost brothers! :lol: I know Miguel took the 2nd and 3rd written test in Spanish (he didn't ask for it the first time) but the actual driving test was in English.

Charity...Awww you guys are super cute. How fun!

Melissa...and a correction...JAVIER IS COMING BACK. Not "if". Sorry about Jimmy. ;)
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-14 14:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Benita…there are definite changes when coming home. Sure most everything fell into place for us and it did seem surreal, as if he never left…except for a few things. Miguel started getting really depressed about the 2nd week he was back because he still wasn’t working. He is so used to working (except, of course those 6.5 months in Mexico…hmmm) and having his own money that I think it started getting to him. He’d be asleep when I left in the morning, would drive to his cousin’s house, watch tv and come home and be asleep when I got home. I’d ask him to do a few tasks like fold the laundry and do the dishes, things that take 15 minutes total. And they didn’t get done. It totally pissed me off. I was busting my a** at work, doing the laundry, making dinner, doing the grocery shopping and the dude couldn’t wash a few dishes? Turns out he was just depressed. Once he found a job, everything seemed to lighten up. Maybe Alex is just bummed because you are busy all day and he doesn’t have anything to do?

Miguel also didn’t do swell in school and hates tests too. He took the drivers written test part 3 times before he passed…mostly because he was too impatient to study for the test and….read the whole question and read all the options…and he was also too impatient to read the correct answer the comp displayed when you get one wrong. The actual driving test he passed on the first try because he had been driving forever without a license.

Hang in there. :luv:
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-14 12:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity....YEAH ON THE WELCOME LETTER!! It seems to come almost exactly 2 weeks after they get their visa. Your G.C. should come this week. Miguel's came three days later. I was concerned about the contacting thing too but I think it is just for the green card. I can't imagine any other reason they'd need to contact us.

Congrats again!! Hopefully whenever you choose to go to the SS office again, it isn't another bad experience.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-14 08:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
So are you guys all snowed in?????????? That would be kinda fun except I hate digging my car out. Miguel starts work tomorrow! :dance: Very happy about this.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Melissa are you all packed? :lol: Good luck moving and don't hurt your back lifting anything too heavy.

O.k. G.A. starts in a few so I gotta go!

see ya'll!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-12 20:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You guys crack me up! There is no reason EVER that laundry should slow down! :devil: And....don't you wish you were at home now instead of work??
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-10 15:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I robbed the cradle too….better than robbing the nursing home, in my opinion of course. Miguel was only 19 when we started dating, he had a fake ID though, which is how he got into the club we met at. So we used to still be able to go out until the clubs stopped accepting the “Green Cards” as proof of identity and only wanted state issued ID’s. But yes, I was buying the booze for a while too. I have him by 3.5 years.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-10 13:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Nice to know I am not alone in my thinking of the snow kicking thing! I like the icicles too. But when it is really icy you have to be careful in the kicking or you can break your toe…I have not done that yet but I wouldn’t put it past me. Sometimes I kick other people’s snow off in the parking lots of the supermarket…and then Miguel acts like he doesn’t know me.

YEAH!!!!!!! IT IS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbs:

Wow Charity….Javier is a youngin’! Where are you guys planning to go on his 21st?
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-10 12:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Hi guys! How are ya all doing? Sorry LegalNet hasn’t gotten back to you but today is far from over. And if they did go with their 7 day response it would fall on the 16th……

It is snowing a little bit here, nothing worthwhile. Is anyone else besides me obsessed with kicking the snow off from where it collects in the tirewell area? Because I had to do that this morning to my car, my white tennis are all wet and dirty now. But it is so fun if it all comes off in one chunk? Am I alone here in thinking this? Do you all think I am nutty now? (I am). :blink:
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-10 09:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
AHHHHHHHHH. Crazy day at work with crazy clients! Thank god going home in 10 minutes. Hope you all have a good night.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-09 17:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Ohhh Charity I would have let her have it to! And you will, tomorrow! If she tries to be a b*itch get her supervisor and then pass along the phone number to El Paso border patrol so they can see for themselves how wrong they are! Imagine how many people they have turned away who had the correct info with them.
#$%#^ inept gov’t workers.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-08 16:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Sorry Charity the SSA people were not bright about the process. That really sucks because what I told you we brought was good enough for them. Sorry our experience didn’t help you. As for the A #, we didn’t get that until we got our Welcome to the USA letter from USCIS. The A # is on that notice type thing. I didn’t see that # written anywhere else on our stuff, just his CDJ #. But maybe I didn’t look very hard.

Take care folks.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-08 15:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Benita...are you sure Eggbear did AOS? I thought Victor got his immigrant visa. are a smart can totally fill out the stuff for the I-130 on your own. Here is a flow chart of how the NVC works. (Got it from VJ under sticky section of NVC thread)

Here is the choice of agent form (DS -3032):

Here is the application for immigrant visa (DS-230):

And the I-864 has to do with taxes..they just want copies of last 3 years.

We'll help you out if you want....In my opinion $500 is highway robbery. But if you are going to do it, I'd get to it...each day that passes is another day wasted. The phone number for NVC is: 603-334-0700. You can ask they send your info immediately to your house or go to your lawyers office and get it from them.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-08 14:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Benita…I know you aren’t afraid of doing it yourself…heck you are the one who was on top of your waiver and calling the senators, etc. What I hope he doesn’t do is charge you to for his office to fill out the forms. That is what our lawyer did for the I-130 and NVC stuff and if I would have known I would have just done it myself. I think whatever address you put on the AOS stuff is where they will mail it. I don’t know how they’d have your attys office info unless they have filed something for you regarding AOS. But I could be mistaken. Regardless it is worth it to talk to your atty about it…at least so they apologize for the I-130 stuff and see if they will offer you a deal to keep you as clients.

Good luck! Oh and I have also heard those processing dates don’t always reflect the truth either.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-07 16:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
That didn’t work for my case # either. There is a very mathematical way the case number was invented, using the Julian calendar and all, but I don’t think it has anything to do when you will have an appt. The case number has to do with the day they assigned a number at the NVC.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-07 15:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Benita….question – why are you still sticking with the lawyer? You are 3 trillion times smarter than he/she, why don’t you just file AOS yourself and not have to pay them fees? That way you’ll know you did it right.

They have messed up twice:
1. On your I-130 so you had to appeal
2. On getting your I-130 to CDJ (which would have been there in plenty of time to enter on an IR1)

I just don’t want them to mess up your case anymore.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-07 15:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
YAY Benita!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the very detailed account!! You must feel so relieved to have everyone back home together! Emily must be ecstatic. How soon can you begin the AOS? Do you have to wait a certain period of days or can you start ASAP? I hope it won’t take to long to do that…oh and chew out your lawyer for not advising you correctly.

Take care and glad you made it through without any problems. :luv:
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-07 11:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Elvia...awww what a cutie!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-07 09:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app our interview they barely asked 3 questions too. The main one to my husband was, "how did you get into the US?". Well, obviuosly they knew since we had written EWI on our applications. They didn't even look at any of our proof of relationship. Miguel's second interview experience was exactly like what Charity posted. Much less stressful.

Charity...good to hear your acid reflux and headaches are gone. Hope it stays that way! :yes:

have a good day all.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-07 09:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Elvia…ahhhh, now I remember that part you are talking about but I didn’t notice the pass off of the envelope. I could have been distracted by my husband making some comment. See, now that I missed an integral part…he’ll get it good. Don’t nobody get inbetween me and G.A.

I want to take a nap. My keyboard is starting to look soft.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-06 16:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Thanks for the update MissLiss on Benita!! Glad to know they made it home and everything is o.k. I agree with you about signs or feelings. If you think that is the day, you should defenitely go with it. A woman's intuition is never wrong!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-06 14:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Did you happen to watch when McDreamy gave the envelope to one of the nurses to give to his wife? I wonder what is in the envelope???? Divorce papers maybe? BTW I love the fact that George had his dream.... So cool.

-----No, I didn't. What are you talking about...what did I miss?? I must know!

Melissa...I would also say wait until Thursday, though I am sure it'll be hard and would understand if you e-mailed before.

Any news from Benita yet?????????
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-06 14:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
G.A....and right when the ambulance tech took her hand out, Dr. Grey put her hand in so it wouldn't explode. So she is sitting there with her hand in this guy's stomach while everyone is trying to figure out what to do. It is a to be continued show, so next week YOU'LL HAVE TO STAY UP TO WATCH IT. ha, ha.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-06 13:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Elvia…I totally watched G.A. last night. I am so addicted. Miguel started making snide comments about the show and he was immediately banished into the other room. I am very curious about next week’s show……….is it Sunday yet??? Think they’ll get back together now since he knows she may die?? Ohhhh the suspense is killing me.

Melissa…way cool on the response…only 1+ weeks until the 18th. Are you gonna call them or do you have to wait for them to contact you? Again I am sending good thoughts out your way.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-06 12:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Hey Charity....I hope your boss doesn't mind too. When we went on Monday it was complete insanity but it was also in Minneapolis. I don't know where the office is you'll have to go to but if you find one that isn't so busy, I'd reccommend it so you won't be there too long. Here is the link for SSA application. We brought his passport with the VISA, the filled out application, his license and his birth certificate...though they didn't care about the license or the birth certificate since all the info was in his passport.

When we went they said Miguel was already in the SAVE system and maybe that is why he got his number so quickly, who knows. I frankly was surprised it arrived so soon (and so were my parents who work for SSA). Either way, they will give you a letter that says "this applicant has applied for a number, blah, blah" and technically Javier can show that letter to his employer if they have any questions about his SSN. That letter is supposed to serve as a receipt and proof of applying for a number and should allow him to start working.

Glad Javier is home!! :dance: :dance: Does it seem real yet?? ;)

Edited by mnmex, 05 February 2006 - 10:25 AM.

mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-05 10:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity...the visa in the passport is all you need to apply for a SS card (and fill out the application too). Good luck!!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-04 18:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app

Charity...the photo on the green card is the same one that is on the VISA inside the they probably have them on file?? I hope so...otherwise you'll have to visit the local USCIS office which would bite. Have you guys gone to apply for the SS card yet? Glad Javier is going back to work soon. We think Miguel got a job too, at a temp agency. Which is fine. April will be here before we know it.

take care everyone and hopefully we'll hear soon from Benita!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-03 20:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Candy...yeah!!!!!!!! Hopefully any day now his number will be arriving in the mail!! My husband is still job hunting...seemed like it was easier when he didn't have status :blink: Maybe he is more picky now. He has a great seasonal job that starts every April and is exactly what he loves to do....but just to get to April is hard.

Charity...when can you send in an application to remove conditions? Is is 90 days before your 2nd year wedding anniversary or is it 90 days before his 2 year greencard expires? Just curious.

Marta...if you call, good luck. My friend turned hers in CDJ at the end of October but DHS said it wasn't entered into the system until the end of November. She plans on calling at the beginning of March. It is hard to guesstimate which date they go by and if they are behind. Whatever you choose, don't let them ruin your weekend!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-03 09:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Ashley...sorry to hear what Diane is going through. It doesn't seem fair. I am hoping everything works out and soon! Keep us posted.

Benita... GOOD LUCK TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-03 08:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Does anyone know if today was when Benita and Alex were going to the 2nd interview? Well I hope all is well for them.

Marta…sorry this I-130 stuff has caused you such stress. At least Benita’s husband will be adjusting before you and tell you their experience!! The important thing is to get your husband home.

Hope everyone has a pleasant day.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-02 09:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Glad to hear everything worked out, Charity!! You must be on top of the world knowing that it is all behind you!! That sucks about the money, but I really don’t expect anything different out of them. Isn’t that sad that we expect to be screwed over?! Wow that is a long time to wait to cross the border but like you said, with such an early flight out the next morning, you don’t want to chance it. Well relax and I hope you feel better. I got sick too. It sucked. But the gripa won’t stand in the way of the laundry!! Ha, ha. Are you guys going to go to the SSN office or did you check the box on your DS-230? Take care!!

Benita…wherever you are….we are wishing you much luck!!

Melissa…sorry to hear the senator may not have done her job, but happy to hear you have a plan. My fingers are crossed that it works.

Take care ladies!!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-01 12:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Thanks Melissa...glad to hear they arrived safely. :thumbs:

We got the "Welcome to USA letter" in the mail today...but it doesn't look really like a letter. It is instead a I-797C Notice of Action and under "Notice type" it says Welcome Notice. We are excited to have it!!

take care all!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-01-31 22:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Just stopping in to say HOLA!! Hope all is well with everyone and that Charity makes it home safely and that Benita makes it to Juarez safely. is the moving going? And way cool on you going to Mexico soon!! That is definitely something to look forward to!!

o.k. see ya later chicas.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-01-31 13:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Good morning everyone...

Well I hope everything went o.k. yesterday for Charity and Javier! I am getting very anxious to hear their story. :P Also good luck to Benita on her travels! Soon Alex will be home!! :dance:

To the rest of ya...I hope you have a great day!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-01-31 07:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Hi Ladies….

Thanks for the update MissLiss!!

YEAH Candy on the Green Card! You both must be very excited!

Hope you all have a nice Monday.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-01-30 11:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Hey all....

We just got back from Colorado visiting the was an awesome trip. And when we arrived, his social security card was in the mail! Crazy huh! It was mailed from Baltimore (headquarters) 3 days after we applied for it. So yeah...tomorrow he will be out job hunting. Perfect timing.

Charity...good luck with everything tomorrow...hopefully Javier won't be inside the consulate too long.

Benita....only a few more days until you are off! YEAH. Just think by this time next week everything will be complete.

o.k. take care all... ;)
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-01-29 23:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)FOIA
I filed for an FOIA in Feb 2007. They told me 12-18 months to process. You can call them and get the status of your case. When I called I was told I was around 77,000th in line out of 88,000 cases. I canceled my request.
Good Luck
Dave_ThaoMaleVietnam (no flag)2007-05-31 09:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)section 221g long delays
Our case was denied in HCMC and returned to USCIS. I got an email from CSC telling me that my case had expired and I may file a new one. Si I started over.
Dave_ThaoMaleVietnam (no flag)2007-09-07 13:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g
I would think twice about doing an FOIA. I filed an FOIA to view the consular notes and it would have taken 12-18 months to complete. CSC could not look at my case until the FOIA was finished. I ended up canceling the request. Then csc found my case and told me it was expired.
Dave_ThaoMaleVietnam (no flag)2007-05-18 11:04:00