Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Guess the trip to Mexico was “productive” :lol: :thumbs:
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-16 15:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app

mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-16 15:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app it a baby? or an adult extended family member?
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-16 15:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Yeah…boots. Hmmmm. I really don’t like them much because then you need to bring other shoes with you. Some things just seem too difficult. However that would combat the wet sock issue I am currently dealing with.

On Sunday/Monday it snowed 10.5 inches and last night/today it snowed/is snowing about 5. But since it is spring some of that 10.5 from before has melted, thankfully. It is the real light and fluffy stuff and I feel bad for the trees…all their branches are sagging. They need a ####### lift.

Benita…that is crazy about Alex. I hope he feels better and the swelling goes down by Tuesday. Good luck at that appt. What exactly happens at that appointment? Is it a medical exam?

o.k. chicas. Have a great day.

Oh and Eliva….that is crazy they charged you AT ALL. You are the patient and should be able to get copies of your records for free. Before paying anything, you might want to check into what their policy is about record release. I know at my job we order a lot of medical records all the time and we have to pay but often the client gets their own records and it is free. I am sure it is different from state to state and clinic to clinic but definitely don’t pay no stinking $191.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-16 10:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It snowed 5 more inches last night! Cripes! This is crazy! :blink:
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-16 08:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Elvia…even if they haven’t processed an interview date for you guys yet….with Torres’ news, you know it’ll be any day now!!

Take care and I am hoping for the best!!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-13 16:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app!!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-13 16:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Thanks guys!!!

It is so comforting to know I am not alone with this!

You all are gold stars in my book!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-13 16:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Oh things can definitely be worked out…but some of the oddity of it all is that I don’t know how to put my finger on what exactly needs to be worked out. This past weekend it got so weird that Miguel said maybe we need some time apart and I was like dude…we’ve been apart 6.5 months, I really don’t think that is what we need. It wasn’t necessarily that he wanted to separate, just that you get so exasperated as to what is bothering you both that you go for the quick fix…which in the end can be devastating. No worries though, we aren’t separating.

I think we need to do some laundry and chill out. :devil: I am such an overanalyzer that I try to figure every nuance out and it is making me bonkers. So instead this weekend I drank quite a bit of wine and dyed my hair. It turned out very interesting…not really what I expected but it is different. I am known to change my hair when I go through a change in life. My hair changed color and cut almost every other week in college…things were quite a bit more crazy back then! :lol:
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-13 16:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
No the sparks are still definitely there! There is no problem with that…just seems how we relate to each other has changed.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-13 16:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Elvia…I don’t know how to describe it except as remember before you got married people told you that your relationship would be different after you were married? (O.k., well at least people told me that). 3 weeks after Miguel and I met we moved in together, yes I know it was fast but it felt right, and it was right. Well 1.5 yrs after that we married. So we had plenty of experience living together and “acting” like a married couple…but after we were married, just as everyone had said, things were different. Not in a bad way, just a different way. And seriously I don’t know how to describe it. It kinda feels like that kind of different now. Luckily digging through my memory in my feeble mind it seems that “differentness” only lasted a few months… I hope this one does too.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-13 16:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Yeah, I think calling it a “weird re-connecting phase” is perfect. I mean it isn’t like either one of us is done with the relationship but we kinda need to relearn it again.

And he is still very interested in the goings on in Mexico, which while understandable is sometimes irritating. I mean I know there must be loads of gossip but honestly keeping up with it is hard to do out of country. I wonder if he feels weird to be back, like how they must of felt when they got here the first time. Kind of out of sorts.

I said we needed a weekend away. Unfortunately there isn’t much outside of Minneapolis for a while. I mean staying at a hotel in the suburbs would kind of be dumb. So maybe we’ll get a hotel in the city and pretend we are in a different city. I don’t know, but I do think we need to get out of the apartment a bit. It is driving us to new levels of crazy.

Also this end of winter wanting to be spring season sucks. We’ve all got spring fever and I know we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves for feeling down but MAN! am I ready to run in the sun with flip-flops on!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-13 15:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
So Javier’s b-day is tomorrow eh? Well give him a big HAPPY B-DAY from us here. I hope you guys have lots of fun.

I have finally admitted to myself that we are going through an adjustment phase since he has been back. We totally fell into place when he got back but things are definitely different. Thanks INS. No worries about us ending it but it is almost like we need to get used to living together again. Funny how it took 2 months into him being back that we’ve realized this.

I kinda don’t know what to do with myself. Three years of immigration and now it is done. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad we don’t have to deal with immigration anymore but it is weird not to have something to stress over or look forward to its end. I don’t know if what I am saying sounds crazy, but I feel kinda lost.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-13 14:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Don’t think I will work too hard. There are 4 people here. I should of stayed home….except I was getting bored. We only have 4 tv channels and I have seen all of our movies twelve trillion times. Only can stare at white walls for so long………….

So I traded the white walls at home for the white walls here!! Ha, ha.

Take care guys!!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-13 14:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
O.k. I just got to work! Why you may ask?? Because it snowed like 8 inches last night. It is absolutely crazy here. My car was buried from the plows (have to park on the street) and I couldn’t find a shovel in the apt building. I have no idea where the landlords keep it. So needless to say it took forever and a day to get here and I literally live 5 miles from downtown mpls where I work. I am totally leaving early too….I’ll go crazy dealing with rush hour.

Yeah Ashley…I saw Alicia’s approval! Isn’t that awesome. Your friend is next.

o.k. take care all.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-13 13:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Sorry to hear about Melissa & her job. I hope she is able to find something soon. At least she can collect unemployment in the meantime and not be totally screwed (right?). Maybe moving near you Charity is what is supposed to happen!!

Elvia…girl you are too funny. I mean sorry about your hand but that is funny how it happened. Miguel and I always mess around too. I am small girl but I think I am tough but I can pack a punch! We are really into boxing at our house and Miguel even bought gloves. He brought them with him to Mexico and the kids totally loved playing with them. But he only had one set so each person would put on one, well after a few bloody noses (it is instinctive to hit with both hands when you are playing around) we stopped the ringside battles. I definitely felt like one tough mama with them on! Yeah, the clinics always have to ask I guess about abuse, which is good. But my husband is definitely the abused one in our relationship too :lol: and he’s got me by like 70 pounds! I remember once we were playing baseball and the ball hit me smack in the eye so I got a huge black eye. I had one lady in the bathroom at a restaurant give me the phone numbers for a shelter! And when we were together people would look at me and then shake their head like “why is she still with him?” I felt like I had to wear a sign that said “A BASEBALL HIT ME HERE…NOT HIM”. But at the same time, I think women looking out for women is such a good thing.

Hope everyone has a good day at work. I am totally bored even though I got a crapload of things I should be doing.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-09 11:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity….hope you have fun on vacation! It isn’t easy being in relationships. Enjoy this time together and try to forget about whatever upset you two for at least the weekend.

Miguel and I had a little moment last weekend and I am sure it won’t be the last. We are both firey, stubborn and think we are always right. We’ve got to learn to compromise…which I am sure we’ll get the concept of at age 75. Ha, ha. Until then, we just recognize we’ve got attitudes and try to work with them. God help our future children! Ha, ha.

Anyways, it is FRIDAY!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you all have an awesome weekend!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-03 10:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
You rock Benita. :dance:

Helping out someone who is just starting or in the throws of immigration is the best gift that can be given.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-02 10:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Hey Benita...

There is a girl over on I2US (Melissa 30) whos spouse's stuff also had to go through the CDC. I just mentioned that I knew of someone from another forum who also had to do that and she has lots of questions. I think she just turned in her waiver last month and was told by the CDC that it will take 3 months at the CDC before they give clearance to go to DHS. Is this true? If you have a second sometime, could you PM her over there maybe with your experience?



Charity...glad everything went o.k at the DMV and SSA office. Does he have his license now then? Did he have it before and it just expired? Anyways, hope you are feeling better.

Sorry the SSA lady was ignorant and racist. That totally sucks. When that happens, I just think to myself...but my husband is so much better than who they have to go home to! :lol: after a couple of expletives, of course.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-01 15:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity...hope you feel better and good luck at the SSA office and DMV. And GUESS WHAT? Remember those questions I had on behalf of my friend about the I-129? And how she was told by the USCIS phone line it wouldn't be approved because her I-130 was already approved....well she found out yesterday that her I-129 was approved! What a bunch of misinformed idiots they have answering the phone over at USCIS. But, sadly, it doesn't surprise me they give wrong information. Anyways, she only has to send 1 form back to the NVC for her I-130 so that it gets forwarded to CDJ. She is going to wait to send it until she knows when her interview in CDJ is for the I-129. Anyways, I am rambling now.

Hope you all have a good day! :D
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-03-01 08:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Elvia….Yeah…George bugs me now. Funny he ended up at Burke’s house. Maybe he’ll hook up with that Kathy Torres doctor. The show is definitely missing some brown power…got to get a Latina in there!

Charity…good luck figuring out the b-day situation. It is hard being a wife. We know what is best for them but can’t say so cuz looks like we are telling them what to do. Last thing I want to be is a mom to a 25 yr old. I am not thrilled with all of Miguel’s friends, mostly because about half of them are single men that have no responsibilities nor anyone who cares about them, thus they pressure my man to stay out all night, etc. Peer pressure totally sucks. Elvia’s idea has worked for us in the past. But I totally think the actual night of his b-day he needs to be with you and whomever else you both invite out…but a boys night is also needed at times…just like us girls need to commiserate. Despite what anyone says though, you guys need to do what works best for YOU.

So re—the baby stuff….you know in about 2.5 weeks Elvia will be asking again (and we’ll all be waiting for your answer)
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-27 13:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Ha, Ha, Elvia….. you’ll be our homeskillet madrina. No kiddles yet, but I’ll let ya know.

Only a few weeks until Javier’s big day! Hope you guys rock like it is 1999.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-27 12:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Drama. My family is Ca---rrraaazzzyyy!!!!!!!!

Did you like G.A. last night? I am bummed because I don’t think it’ll be on next week due to the academy awards.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-27 10:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Hola chicas.

Glad Melissa made it o.k.!!

Marta....way cool on getting the letters and I "third" what the other chicas told you. Form letter, no interview, just a few questions as to if he stayed in Mexico the whole time. Easy stuff this time. The worst part is the waiting but Miguel said it was much easier to tolerate this time because he knew he was coming HOME!! Which is where Edgar will be in oh....say.....28 fricken days. So happy for ya.

My weekend sucked. But things are looking up now. Life isn't easy, is it?

take care ya'll! ;)
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-27 10:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity....once again, thanks for your information and quick response!! :luv:

YAY it is Friday!!! Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-24 08:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Oh and also thanks for the info re: selective service. I called today and was able to update Miguel’s info. It was weird, she put me on hold while she went and “pulled his file” (because they spelled his name wrong too and she wanted to see how he signed the papers)….crazy to think they have paper files and that she went and pulled it. Do you realize how many men have registered? Do they organize all that in files? Haven’t they moved forward to computers? :lol:
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-23 17:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
THANKS! When did you file the I-129?

p.s. I think they don’t know either.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-23 16:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Hey charity…I have a question for you. My friend filed the I-129 a few weeks after her I-130 approval and I think she got some [mis] information at USCIS. They said they won’t approve the I-129 if the I-130 has been approved. When did you file your I-129? When was your I-130 approved?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-23 16:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I asked our atty that question this morning in an e-mail and he responded that it isn’t necessary to contact the selective service people. He said the important thing to have for the citizenship stuff is the selective service registration number and the date they applied (which is all on the card). I kept all the notices and other ####### from them so I’ll check for a phone number tonight to be extra sure it isn’t necessary to update the information.

Back to the salt mines I go…………….. :wacko:
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-23 09:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity...totally understand. Yesterday I was bored and looked for prices to go to the Bahamas. :D If we want beach it'll be cheaper to go to Mexico. But we won't be able to tell the in-laws we are going to the beach in Mexico or else they'll want us to visit them too!! :lol: My boss and co-worker just went to Mexico (separately and to different places) and I am so jealous of their tan and photos. Crystal clear blue water, white sandy beaches....ahhhh...the envy.

Benita...Miguel registered with the selective service years ago. They found out about him when he applied for his state ID. We actually called an atty about it wondering if he had to register which was also around the time the atty asked us when we were going to file for his papers. Kind of a blessing it came, I guess. I mean we were going to apply for his papers but hadn't really thought about it at the time. We had been married for 4 months and were broke. Ironic to think it was signing up for the draft that got our act in gear. Got a question, though, if any of you know the answer. He signed up without a social. I mean it has all his information but no SSN. Do you think we need to contact them and add it so there won't be any problems with citizenship? I'll ask our atty too.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-23 08:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Holy cow Charity….are you already planning to buy tickets to go to Mexico in December?? You guys sure plan in advance. Though we should probably do that too….since it is true prices jump so high over the holidays no matter where you go.

But that is about 9 months away……you might have a little present to bring with you!! I am crossing my fingers for you and Javier! :luv:
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-22 17:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
That would be exciting Charity!! The best part is the trying part!! :devil: :devil:
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-22 11:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
So Marta….you did get through to DHS yesterday?! How awesome!!! What day did they tell you were approved?? Only 4.5 weeks girl till he is home. WAY COOL!!

I am so happy for you and little Joshua. :luv:
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-22 10:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
CONGRATS MARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

And YAY you already know when the second date is to pick up the visa so you can start counting down the days until you are all together again!!!! WHOOO ---- HOOOOO GIRL!!!

My friend was just approved through Juarez too, she found out yesterday. Very happy day.

YAY Charity on the green card. How exciting!! Now you just have to get that dang SS card. Good luck!!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-22 07:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Mexico in December….yup we are saving our money for that too. If it becomes a yearly thing or every other year thing to go to Mexico in the winter…I won’t mind.

Elvia…It is a tough call on what to believe. I do appreciate that she added that her colleague doesn’t think the same. Lets you know everyone is thinking/advising differently. I don’t know, this process was long enough, I just wouldn’t want to prolong it for the “possibility” of an amnesty. Bush has 2 more years in office, I don’t think immigration reform is a top priority. Plus….seems most amnesties came when presidents were on their way out of office……….
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-21 12:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Good luck at the atty Benita!! She is probably already there…hope it goes well.

Charity…hope you and Javier can make it down to Melissas…Baltimore is fun.

Miguel told me last night he wanted to go to the Bahamas…I told him to start playing Powerball. But the beach would be ohhh so nice….Last weekend it was -20 around here. It was fricken cold!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-21 11:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Ohhh, Ashley…I am sorry to hear that. Life is expensive, especially for problems that come out of nowhere!

YAY Melissa, you’ll be in Mexico soon..I bet you’ll hear about the AAO beforehand. It is reasonable that you do, has Laurel given an opinion as to if you’ll hear before you depart?
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-20 12:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Ashley…sorry to hear about that! That totally sucks.

Benita…figures the insurance companies would find some way to not add him…good luck at the lawyer tomorrow.

Charity…we got 2 Welcome to USA letters. They both said the same thing. I don’t know why they sent two. But the letters were in different envelopes than the Green card and came from different return addresses. We got our second Welcome letter 3 days after the first and also got the Green Card that same day in the mail. Sucks today is a mail holiday…hope you get them soon. What date exactly did you get the first Welcome letter?

Elvia…I KNOW! I really think the Mer/George thing isn’t o.k. I am wanting her and Shep to get together. It is taking forever. I don’t have much more patience. Dr. McSteamy is kinda hot though. Tough guy look.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-20 11:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Hi everyone!!

Charity…I bet the 2nd Welcome letter and the Green Card will be in the mail tomorrow or Wednesday.

Elvia…wasn’t G.A. awesome?!

Melissa…glad you like your apartment.
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-20 10:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I know each state is different with grants and loans, etc. But I am totally taking notes and they give you a whole binder with information and also have individualized homebuyer counseling for free. It is all through a non-profit organization here. I just went online and looked for first time home buyer stuff in MN and came up with all this info. It is out there ladies! As far as square footage, I don’t know. I am not too picky. If it is only two bedrooms with an unfinished basement that is o.k. because we could always add more in the basement and the house would be valued more later. We are for SURE staying in the city. I am such a city girl. I figure our first house isn’t going to be great anyways and we probably won’t stay in it more than 5 years too. I’m sure we’ll outgrow the house before the mortgage is paid off. The best thing about Minneapolis is whoever laid the city out long ago was way into parks. There is a park every 12 blocks or so, so having a huge yard with amenities isn’t a must because you can always just go to the park down the street. And there are tons of lakes too. As long as the yard has room for a lawn chair and a table for my drinks and People magazine. Ha, ha.

I’ll keep you guys updated. I am hoping we’ll buy sometime this summer but $$ wise, who knows. I figure homebuying is like child rearing (neither of which I have ever done so clearly I am no expert on this) but I think if you wait around until you are 100% ready you’ll never do it. Because both are such a huge financial and emotional commitment, you can never be 100% ready. So we’ll just take the plunge and hope for the best!
mnmexNot TellingMexico2006-02-17 12:59:00