K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 CSC K1

Good luck with yours too!
This link references I-130's filed at CSC. Where can you refine the search to include only spouses?

Sorry for the delay. I did not see your question in the copy of your post that was sent to my e-mail.

Anyway, my understanding (but I am no expert) is that, by definition, IR-1 and CR-1 visas are only for spouses. You might use the I-130 application for other family members, but the visa you would be requesting is a little different. The visa differs depending on the family member's relation to the applicant USC. For example:

- IR-1: Spouse of a U.S. Citizen- IR-2: Unmarried Child Under 21 Years of Age of a U.S. Citizen- IR-3: Orphan adopted abroad by a U.S. Citizen- IR-4: Orphan to be adopted in the U.S. by a U.S. citizen- IR-5: Parent of a U.S. Citizen who is at least 21 years oldThe VJ report to which I linked states it is reporting I-130 applications for IR-1/CR-1 visas.

Edited by En&Em, 15 October 2010 - 04:59 PM.

En&EmMaleRussia2010-10-15 16:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 CSC K1

There are members here filing I-130's for people other than their spouses.

Of course there are. But the VJ statistics I linked to regarding I-130s in my previous post in this thread relate to only I-130s for spouses. My only point is that makes the statistics I was discussing different (a smaller subset) than the USCIS statistics about I-130s that Geode was discussing.

Good luck with your application(s)!
En&EmMaleRussia2010-10-14 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 CSC K1

I looked on the USCIS at the number of 129fs approved at VSC and CSC. The volume charts show the latest month. For July, CSC is reporting 1984 approvals. VSC is reporting 3019 approvals. CSC reports 16,277 I-130 for immediate relatives. That supports your analysis of 129 versus 130 petitions. VJ shows about 75 approvals for I130 in july. It gets fuzzy from there for me. The USCIS site reports on at least two types of I130s, the VJ site separates K3 and IR1/CR1. That makes it more difficult to see if the VJ data can be thought of as a decent subset of the USCIS data.

I guess that in the long run (no pun intended) looking at the numbers is way to pass the time until CSC gets off their bums and does what they are paid to do - process K1 petitions as well as others.

Thank you! That helps. I just find USCIS's presentation to be less helpful (not to mention a few months behind).

As for the I-130 information from USCIS, my understanding is that USCIS is presenting any and all I-130s, which can be used for other family members, not just spouses. So the USCIS information includes all these applications, while the VJ stats to which I provided the link involve I-130 applications only for spouses.

Looking at the numbers doesn't help me pass the time. I do it because I want to have an idea about how long the wait will be. I saw that not much was happening, and then I have been looking for explanations and comparisons. I've looked at VSC and then the I-130s, which led me to the theory in my previous post.

At this point, I just keep looking in hopes of discovering that CSC has started processing I-129Fs more regularly. We're all still waiting...

Edited by En&Em, 14 October 2010 - 10:03 AM.

En&EmMaleRussia2010-10-14 10:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 CSC K1

Just giving this one more try.

Here is an interesting page at USCIS: http://dashboard.usc...e=2&charttype=1

Comparing the charts for VSC and CSC makes it clear that if your papers are at CSC you are just SOL.

Of course, that is assuming the data for the charts are accurate and up-to-date. Notice that the year is not listed and that the charts stop at what appears to be July 10. Don't bother downloading the raw data. It is only the numbers displayed on the charts, not the data used to create the charts.

I actually have trouble being able to compare much between VSC and CSC from the charts on the official link from USCIS.

It is interesting to see, however, that CSC receives about 2,000 I-129F applications each month.
En&EmMaleRussia2010-10-13 20:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 CSC K1

Thanks, I had seen your post before but did not know enough yet to understand it. Maybe I still do not, but it is still clear that CSC has problems.

Well, to be more clear, one of the features of VJ is that multiple people are self-reporting their application processing timelines. If the information is good enough and there is a large enough sample, we can get an idea of what is happening with CSC's overall caseload.

My opinion is that VJ has sufficient reliability in its self-reports and a large enough sample to give us a pretty good idea. Of course, the information is a little imperfect, because people make errors or don't update their timelines or whatever. But for I-129Fs, if you look at the reports from the links (the longer ones, organized by NOA1 issued by each month, approved and unapproved petitions), there are approximately 80-90 or so applications being reported each month for CSC. Similarly, for I-130s, there seem to be about 60-70 or so applications being reported each month for CSC. And from the history, VJ participants seem to follow through with reporting timeline updates at a rate of at least 80-90%.

Moreover, from these same charts (the longer ones--or even the bar graphs), you can see that CSC has processed most I-129s through May 2010, and most I-130s through April 2010. This seems to show that CSC is a little further behind in processing the I-130s--about a month (assuming the timelines for each of these applications typically would be similar).

MOST NOTABLY, based on the top reports from the links (Last 15 Approved Applications), we can see that CSC is reported to have approved only three or four I-129Fs (i.e., CSC issued the NOA2) from VJ participants during the ENTIRE PAST MONTH. To keep up with the filings, at the 80-90% reporting rate, CSC would have to approve about 70 or so applications each month. Thus, it seems that CSC is at a virtual standstill with I-129Fs right now.

For I-130s, CSC is reported to have approved four to six I-130s (again, by issuing an NOA2) from VJ participants EACH BUSINESS DAY. (Please note that I am disregarding reports from the last couple days, in case VJ participants need more time to self-report their updates.) This would equal about 80-100 approvals of VJ participants per month (assuming an average of four to five each day, with about 20 business days in the month). Thus, CSC seems to be processing I-130s at a solid pace.

Does that make more sense? Or is it too many numbers? :wacko:
En&EmMaleRussia2010-10-13 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 CSC K1
I am one of the masses who wants CSC to start moving on I-129Fs. When? I hope soon!

Here is my post that outlines the I-130 / IR-1 / CR-1 theory:

I have posted this a couple times this past week, but is fits this thread, too:

I check the progress several times each day to try to determine what CSC is doing.

Based in VJ reports, it seems CSC is focused on I-130s (IR-1/CR-1) applications, with up to five or six receiving an NOA2 each day.

You can see this in the following link:
CSC - I-130 status

Meanwhile, the 1-129Fs are having little or no movement. You can watch CSC's processing of I-129Fs here:
CSC - I-129F status

I cannot wait until 1-129Fs pick up again...

This info seems a lot more detailed than the table of "Approximate Processing Dates" that you find when you click on "Immigration Timelines." I don't really understand how that table is put together. The dates for CSC change by several weeks at a time sometimes on that chart, even though little seems to be happening on the more detailed reports based on the links above.

Good luck to all! May your love endure, and your visa come quickly!

I would very much like CSC to be processing I-129Fs, just like almost all of us. But, unfortunately, we have no control over what is happening or how CSC distributes staff/workload. I wish I did. I know which file would have top priority! (Along with everyone else in this thread and related ones.) :thumbs: But, alas, ...

- from the thread: Any recent approvals from CSC?

En&EmMaleRussia2010-10-13 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsany updates on CSC?

Precisely. I think it's the standard bull they tell callers just to get rid of them and give them unrealistic time frames. You always read posters on here talk about the various lines given to them by the CSC. Just a few weeks ago someone posted that they stated they were on April 23rd applications when we were seeing June approvals.

As long as we keep seeing daily approvals, we have nothing to worry about.

I hope you are correct. I am not entirely convinced about the five-month hold--even though it was clearly what was described to me, with that same phrase--so I thought I would ask if anyone else heard anything similar. So far, no one else has described similar information. Hopefully, it was just a poor description of what was meant to be the official five-month goal.
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-08 23:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsany updates on CSC?
Just to be clear, I know my information is somewhat disturbing, but...

I want to share information, but not cause too much stress, especially until we have more information. I have read posts about the National Customer Service Center (NCSC) giving out conflicting information in the past. Part of the reason I asked so many questions of the staff person is to be sure she was not trying to talk about the five-month goal. She clearly continued to talk about a hold, but who knows. And I think some have said that the NCSC staff does not get cutting-edge and in-depth information from the service centers.

To try to figure this out, I thought it best to compare notes with others, to see if anyone else received similar information. I am wondering if someone else has had recent contact with or without any info about a hold.
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-08 16:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsany updates on CSC?
Today I called the National Customer Service Center (NCSC) for a question about my i-129F application, unrelated to timelines.

Before I could ask my question, the staff member said, your application is on a "five-month hold." Although this could change, she said currently, CSC is not scheduled to start processing the application until February 2011.

She added other applications with receipts (NOA1s) from September 2010 are also on hold until February 2011. She said that the hold was necessary because of a significant backlog at CSC.

I continued to ask some questions:
- Was this unique to my application or to those of us with receipts (NOA1s) from September 2010?
- More specifically, was the hold applicable to applications from July, August, October, and November?
- How does the hold affect CSC's official goal of five months for these applications?

She said the five-month hold applied to all I-129Fs (and perhaps some others, but I did not absorb what she said about other types of applications). She explained that July 2010 applications were on hold until December 2010; August 2010 were on hold until January 2011; etc. She again stressed that this was the current information, and it could change.

With regard to the official goal of five months, she really did not say much, other than repeating that the September applications would be processed in February 2011.

I am somewhat hopeful that her information is out-of-date, for example, the transfer of marriage applications to Texas might be an indication that this supposed backlog is already well on the way to being cleared. While I am trying to remain optimistic, I was disappointed with this potential news.

Has anybody received similar information about a supposed "five-month hold" at CSC? Does anybody have some perspective about this?
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-08 16:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
Congrats to all the approvals! Andrea was approved in Bogota in Tuesday, March 9th. I went down there because it had been 7 months since we saw each other. I didn't really need to be at the interview, and for anyone on the fence about whether to go or not, I'd say don't worry about it if you're not there, as long as your have all your papers straight. Her interview was a piece of cake, very casual. The interviewer thanked her for making it so easy for him. He never even asked to talk with me or see additional proofs. He said it was good she was honest on her denied tourist applications by saying she was coming to see me. If anything, those helped her because it helps establish the relationship. Hervisa was delivered to her house yesterday! To everyone with upcoming appointments, don't worry, but don't slack on having your papers in order. good luck!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2010-03-14 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC

Congrats to everyone approved lately! Sorry I've been away from the thread, but since Vicky's been here it's been a bit of a whirlwind.

We're already married! 2-14-10 in Las Vegas.

Married already? Wow! Congrats!

I am leaving to Colombia in 2 weeks for Andrea's interview on the 8th. We haven't been together since August and she probably won't come for a few months, so we're due for a visit anyway. It's great to hear the reports of easy interviews and we're hoping for the same. The paperwork has been a nightmare, though, as we did all the pdf forms, then she went to pay at the bank and they said it had to be done on an online electronic version (not pdf)--of course, the embassy website says nothing about this Anyways, it's done. Good luck to all the upcoming interviews, and GIVE US DETAILS!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2010-02-20 23:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
We got our interview date FINALLY! March 9 in Bogota. I bought my ticket today to leave Mar 6, only 3 weeks away! I'll only be there three whole days, but at least Andrea and I can see each other; the last time was August.

Good luck for upcoming interviews and congrats to approvals!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2010-02-14 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC

So we got some good news Pam passed the interview last night!!!!

Way to go!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2010-02-10 01:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC

Our interview is in 2 days!!! Wish us luck! :D

2 days? Whoa! We're still waiting to get out date, which will probably be in March. Now I understand how it's hard to estimate how long this process takes since it depends so much on the service center and the embassy. Good luck!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2010-02-10 01:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
We sent in our forms to the Bogota embassy yesterday saying we are ready to make the appt and got an auto reply today we can check the embassy website for the appointment schedule, and that it could be two or three months until the appointment, so we do not have a date yet. Wow, this is not what I was expecting, I though the appt might be a couple weeks out or so. Anyways, they never contacted Andrea after we received NOA 2 or told us what to do or anything. I see why many people pay lawyers, because I'm sure many people just wait and wait and nothing happens.

Anyways, I'm a bit frustrated now since we should have sent in these papers a month ago, although the papers affirm you are ready for the appointment, which we weren't. Is the process at each embassy different? It sounds like some people are calling to make appointments. We are told not to, and everything is automated.

So at this point I'm hoping to have the appt date in a week or two, probably for sometime in March. I'll be happy just having the date so I can buy my plane ticket and relax.
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2010-01-22 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC

We never got a letter from them. Most people I have talked to said they didn't.

I never got one. We're just moving on to the next steps: gather documents, send in form saying we're ready, and they'll give us an interview date. Check the embassy's website.
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2010-01-18 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
I just saw this on the VJ homepage about a proposal to raise the K visa fee up to $350.
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2010-01-15 19:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
Hey everyone! I've been reading a lot about NOA2's but not much about the next steps leading up to the interview. If you haven't begun gathering the documents you need for the embassy, start now, because there are a lot. You should be able to download the list of the embassy's website.

Also, Andrea called to make the med appt a week ago (about Jan 8) and was told there are no more Jan appts and she had to call after Jan 15 for Feb appts. She called today and got one for Feb 1. Just be aware that it could be a long wait for appts.

Also, we just re-read the instructions the embassy has on the website and noticed that it says that interviews will be scheduled no less than 1 month in advance. I thought we could get one much sooner. It also says not to call for appts. Lesson is, look very carefully at all the information your embassy has online now, and get on things if you're trying to make this quick.

good luck to everyone and keep posting!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2010-01-15 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
I would just chill and not expect approvals before the new year. CSC will be open, but many workers will take the week off, I'm guessing. I am a fed gov't contractor and most people burn vacation the last week of the year because it is "use it or lose it". Happy new year everyone!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-12-30 12:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (charlie&pam @ Dec 23 2009, 08:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
congrats I have a feeling today is going to be the day that everyone is waiting on!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on the approval! Sometimes the notices get send out late at night.... maybe there will be some xmas eve surprises!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-12-23 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (DainandVicky @ Dec 23 2009, 09:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Hope they keep approving some more today before the holiday starts.

I feel like even after approval it just transferred from one wait to another wait, but at least there's a step or progress. Now it looks like my process may be delayed by a clerical error from the UAE on my fiancee's police clearance, and we may have to hold off scheduling our appointment even after we're eligible to do so. So, even though we're approved before you, you may get your interview and visa before us...

It will happen guys keep hanging in there, we're here cheering for you! We're all in this together.

No, the waiting game has certainly not ended, but it is a relief knowing they didn't send any RFE's... the first step is a major hurdle.
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-12-23 12:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
Approved!!!! Mine came in at 1am Saturday morning by email, saying it was approved on 12/18. Never got the text, even though I'm signed up. Sign up for both!

This is such a relief. A took a gamble by not taking VJ advice and didn't not have original signatures on it, because that would've delayed things. I had andrea sign with a heavy ink pen and use a high resolution scanner. It worked!

Anyone know what I should expect for the earliest interview date? About 6 weeks? 8 weeks?

Congrats to everyone else, and if you didn't received it and are still waiting, go directly to and check.
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-12-19 13:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
Congrats to everyone who has received NOA2! I was signed up for an email alert but just added text message alert; sounds like a fun way to find out. I'm expecting it in about a week based on the dates of the current approvals.

Are people sending any paperwork (i.e. affidavit of support) before getting the approval? Any reason to?
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-12-05 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (Beth and John @ Dec 1 2009, 10:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charlie&pam @ Dec 1 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
where do i find this igors list?

I like this version personally ... Igor's List from Berkley

The other is here ... Igor's List VJ

Careful .. you might get addicted laughing.gif

What's the difference? Why do you like the Berkeley one better? I've always just used the VJ one.
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-12-01 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
Congrats to Sept filers NOA2 approvals and to those of us who are getting ready for the next step. It is so encouraging to finally see some progress. I'm getting a little bit anxious to get an interview date now. If it's in January, then I'll prob fly down there for the interview . If it's later, then we may put off the interview (if possible) for the end of March when Andrea graduates so I can go to the ceremony and interview. That would be nice, but then I don't see her until March, which would be 7 months apart!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-27 22:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (jkminney @ Nov 27 2009, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (frenzyheart @ Nov 27 2009, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jkminney @ Nov 27 2009, 09:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (frenzyheart @ Nov 27 2009, 09:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jkminney @ Nov 27 2009, 07:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (frenzyheart @ Nov 26 2009, 09:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Soooo. All these CSC sept approvals are popping up, and I just gave myself a heart attack over it. How? Well, I was reading one of the topics, and both my text message and email tone went off on my iPhone, one right after the other. I looked at my phone and was like "NO WAY FLSKDJFLSKDJF APPROVAL!?" and darted across my room, grabbed my phone....

The text was from AT&T telling me my bill is past due (whoops.) and the email was my App Store receipt from iTunes.


Ohhhh that SUCKS! I don't have text messaging alerts so I dont have to worry about that. I figured email would suffice! Did you have a happy Thanksgiving?

Yeah, I did for the most part. I'm just happy that my trip to my grandparents was relatively drama free this year, lol.

So I went to Merle Hay this morning I had 2 stores to go to....Target and Old Navy...what a nightmare! I stood in line at Target for nearly 20 min for my ONE item! I never shop on Black Friday...that was a good reminder as to why I dont!

Wow. I'm glad I didn't have to go out in it. I didn't know if Old Navy was doing anything big or not. Did you at least get anything good out of it? biggrin.gif

Well I bought a 6 piece luggage set for 34 bucks which I thought was pretty good. It's not samsonite or anything but I figured for $34 might as well get it! Old navy had fleece sweatshirt things on sale for 5 bucks. So I got one for each of the kids and one for each of my parents. I didn't have a huge list of things to get I just knew THAT stuff I wanted. It took me longer standing in line to pay than to actually get the stuff I needed. I think my daughter wants to go shopping tonight sad.gif maybe by then all the hard core shoppers will be napping and we'll be able to go in and enjoy it. Doubtful but here's to dreamin!!

what does one do with a SIX piece luggage set?

Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-27 22:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
Yes! Hope at last!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-24 00:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
Hey jkminney I just saw that you live in des moines. i just drove through there from Minneapolis to Kansas. I'll be coming back through in a month or so... I think by then there will be something to celebrate
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-21 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
The medical fees in Colombia are like $150-- funny, because I went to the ER and was admitted to a private hospital for about 4 hours and paid the whole thing out of pocket for about $120, including all meds.

Here's some exciting news for me. I've picked out an engagement ring for Andrea when she comes. I don't think this will be a problem that she doesn't have a ring already or that I haven't officially proposed, considering the distance. It is our intention to get married. I mean, anybody can put on some ring before they go into the embassy for the interview, so they must not place importance on that.

It looks like I picked the wrong week (last week) to start checking Igor's list, what a bummer!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-11 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
One last thing, the instructions said:

Do not marry your petitioner before you have received your visa and traveled to the United States. The law requires K1 visa applicants to remain legally free to marry throughout the process. If you get married, even to your fiancé(e), your petition will be cancelled and cannot be reinstated. If you get married, your petitioner must file a new petition, and you must start your case from the beginning.

This is interesting, because I want wondering about this. I don't see how they'd know if you got married in the foreign country within a couple months of getting the k-1 visa, but it doesn't seem like something to mess with.
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-09 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (Joe+Andrea @ Nov 9 2009, 11:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know what fees have to be paid in the foreign country to the US embassy? It looks like $131 for the ds-156, but there's this DS-230 too, and it's not clear if there's a fee to that.

Any day now we'll start getting those Sept noa2's!

Ok, I finally got to a page that helped me. I went to the US Embassy in Bogota page and that gave very good information specific to getting prepared for the interview there. It listed medical exam fees and document delivery fees, and also listed the $131 fee (ds-156). I was worried for a second when I saw on another page that there was a few hundred dollar fee for the ds-230, but that must be for another visa.

I also read that any documents in Spanish or English do not need to be translated. That's a big yay! because I figured that was another expense.

The point being, check YOUR foreign embassy website and look at the instructions for the K1 packet. Here's the Bogota one, just in case you want to see what I'm talking about. http://bogota.usemba...ctionsfeb09.pdf

Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-09 12:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
Does anyone know what fees have to be paid in the foreign country to the US embassy? It looks like $131 for the ds-156, but there's this DS-230 too, and it's not clear if there's a fee to that.

Any day now we'll start getting those Sept noa2's!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-09 12:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (kizza @ Nov 5 2009, 12:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Erm.... I call bullsh!t. Is there one and only service center? When CSC stops working, VSC gets to it, and vice versa?

geez... Im getting new gray hairs everyday, Im sure.

Nonetheless. Although I was disappointed to see only 1 approval this morning, my timeline did move ahead by 12 days or so. So I am still happy. kicking.gif
But seriously, what the hell. A little consistency please. Like, 5 approvals a day from now on.

and August is approved at 56-58%... I cant remember exactly now. But Im thinking another 12-15% and they'll be working on us. yes.gif

Hey, let's not downplay the victories. Many or all of our expected timelines got moved up like two weeks. Go us!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-05 22:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
Hey everyone, didn't know there was a thread for CSC peeps, I've been over on the general sept 01 filers page and noticed it was mostly VSC peeps and they are all getting their noa2's. Anyways, I'm going to try to be on more now that NOA2 is just around the corner. Anyone going through Bogota embassy?
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-04 16:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS :p

Thanks for taking the time to put all the info out here. It has really helped us. I flew to Singapore in February and met QQ. We mailed our petition on March 29th to Nebraska. I hope it doesn't take the 90 days avg I am seeing to get approved through NSC/CSC.
TT&QQNot TellingSingapore2007-04-01 23:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
QUOTE (JVKn @ Aug 23 2007, 08:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TT&QQ @ Aug 23 2007, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
[/size]INTERVIEW and APPROVED!!! kicking.gif

QQ had the interview in the morning and again in the afternoon. Each was < 1/2 hr though she had to wait 45 min in the a.m.

In the a.m. the med check was not there from the they said it would be there by noon. She also had to go home and get the certified divorce doc I sent on Monday (DHL) that was to be delivered to her house in a.m.

It all went smoothly.. and they told her she can pickup Visa on Aug 30. We booked the ticket almost 2 weeks ago for Sept 7th.

What a relief for both of us to have this step complete. good.gif Joyous happy days.

Best wishes to everyone,

Tom - TT



Thanks Saludos...looks like you will have interview soon. We tried to get everything ready in advance so we good send in packet 3 ASAP and schedule all appt ASAP. 6 months since we have been together. Only 2 weeks now kicking.gif Best wishes...TT
TT&QQNot TellingSingapore2007-08-24 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
QUOTE (wioombeen @ Aug 23 2007, 03:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TT&QQ @ Aug 23 2007, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
[/size]INTERVIEW and APPROVED!!! kicking.gif

QQ had the interview in the morning and again in the afternoon. Each was < 1/2 hr though she had to wait 45 min in the a.m.

In the a.m. the med check was not there from the they said it would be there by noon. She also had to go home and get the certified divorce doc I sent on Monday (DHL) that was to be delivered to her house in a.m.

It all went smoothly.. and they told her she can pickup Visa on Aug 30. We booked the ticket almost 2 weeks ago for Sept 7th.

What a relief for both of us to have this step complete. good.gif Joyous happy days.

Best wishes to everyone,

Tom - TT

WOW thats awesome news. Are you the first of us April filers to be approved at the interview? Our interview is Oct 5th. 43 days to go hehe.

Congrats again

Thanks Wioombeen, we may be the first to get Visa approval for April filers, have not seen any news from others. Feel fortunate given the slowdowns after us. Best of luck to you. TT
TT&QQNot TellingSingapore2007-08-24 10:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
[/size]INTERVIEW and APPROVED!!! kicking.gif

QQ had the interview in the morning and again in the afternoon. Each was < 1/2 hr though she had to wait 45 min in the a.m.

In the a.m. the med check was not there from the they said it would be there by noon. She also had to go home and get the certified divorce doc I sent on Monday (DHL) that was to be delivered to her house in a.m.

It all went smoothly.. and they told her she can pickup Visa on Aug 30. We booked the ticket almost 2 weeks ago for Sept 7th.

What a relief for both of us to have this step complete. good.gif Joyous happy days.

Best wishes to everyone,

Tom - TT
TT&QQNot TellingSingapore2007-08-23 12:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
QUOTE (rambaldi @ Aug 22 2007, 08:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TT&QQ @ Aug 22 2007, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kmplisa - My fiance was able to call the US Embassy in Singapore and they told her when they had received the case from NVC. Each embassy may be a little different.

Tom, can you pls elaborate on the above? You mean you didn't call NVC to be informed by them that your petition has been received by them? QQ had to call the US embassy in Singapore? Hmm but I thought once the petition has been received by NVC, a different case no specific to the country will be issued...correct me if I'm wrong. So did QQ call the embassy with the WAC no? Coz if that's the case, I might wanna do that too...

And.. BEST OF LUCK FOR QQ's INTERVIEW!! It's the 23rd today now in Singapore. Let us know how it went!! biggrin.gif good.gif I'm sure it will go fine! wink.gif

I called NVC and talked to a person that told me when they got it (gave me a case number). I called NVC a couple days later and they said they had sent to Singapore. Then QQ called US Embassy in Singapore about 4 days later and they told her they had received.

Thanks for the wishes about interview...she already went this a.m. will go back again in afternoon. Will let u know story later. good.gif
TT&QQNot TellingSingapore2007-08-22 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
QUOTE (rambaldi @ Aug 22 2007, 03:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey my April filers,

I've been MIA for the past 2 weeks, coz my fiance was visiting in town, and we've been busy just catching up with friends and family..... wub.gif

QUOTE (Deron @ Aug 21 2007, 10:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I involved my Congressman yesterday and was pleased to get an very polite and attentive visa assistant. I was informed today that my case was expedited to NVC. Now all I have to do is get an appointment, any appointment, and she will then call again and get that expedited up. Man, do I feel lucky. I recommend seeing if you are also so lucky to have good representation...For once in the last few months I feel good about this process. Now I have an ally within the same government that takes eons to approve our petitions.

Thanks Deron my friend for creating this thread! good.gif Now that my fiance's back in the US, he called NVC, but no, they don't have our petition yet. sad.gif It has been 22 days...awww crying.gif I'm so envious of you now!! How did you contact your congressman?

I just found this, good.gif

kmplisa - My fiance was able to call the US Embassy in Singapore and they told her when they had received the case from NVC. Each embassy may be a little different.

We had a surprise last Friday when I was out of town. QQ called the embassy to make sure she had everything for the interview and they said they needed a certified copy of my divorce decree. I had sent a non-certified copy in with petiton which apparently was OK for CSC to approve.

This was a surprise blink.gif because it was not listed in the instructions from US Embassy in Singapore. I went to the courthouse and got it and sent DHL, she should get Thurs a.m. Also emailed her an image copy as temp backup plan just in case she does not have in time for afternoon interview. *Thought I would mention this in case anyone else is may want to send a certified copy to fiance in advance.
Keeping our fingers crossed for interview approval whistling.gif ....TT
TT&QQNot TellingSingapore2007-08-22 10:26:00