IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalling Saylin or Anyone that can help
I think I have seen a post about calling the NVC and asking for a tier 2 someone. The NVC received my case on 7/30/2012 I have called everyday, sometimes twice. I saw that someone who's case was received at the NVC at the same time as mine and they received their case number. Any advice on what I should do. one day they told me it was being entered and now they say it is in a pile in their mail room..

any help would be grrrreat,

SweetieOneFemaleJamaica2012-08-14 16:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReceived Case number from NVC-Now what
Ok, can anyone tell me what to do next. I just received my case number from the NVC....

Any advice on what I should do right now?

SweetieOneFemaleJamaica2012-08-20 10:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhy--What is going on
So I just called the NVC and the rep said that I can not login cause they are trying to send the invoice thru. Has anyone else had this happen??
SweetieOneFemaleJamaica2012-08-24 09:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhy--What is going on
So I logged into the payment portal this am to see if my bill was there to be paid, as I do every morning. I received the error message below:

You cannot make online payments for your case at this time. Please contact the NVC if you have questions or need further information.

Why would this message come up and what do I need to do??

:help: :help: :help: :help:
SweetieOneFemaleJamaica2012-08-24 08:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis today a govt holiday
Is it a holiday today. The nvc is saying it is or is The automated message an error
SweetieOneFemaleJamaica2012-10-08 07:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRE: CONFUSED - CR1-Visa Fees-Jamaica

The first 2 post are incorrect, you are applying for a CR1, you have paid your visa fee at NVC.

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.... :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
SweetieOneFemaleJamaica2012-11-05 12:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRE: CONFUSED - CR1-Visa Fees-Jamaica
OK,we have filed for a CR1 Visa in May 2012. On Friday, we just received our appointment date in Kingston, Jamaica.

I swear that I read my husband needs to pay a fee at the bank for $240.00 and bring his receipt to his interview can anyone please let me know if this is valid information? :help: :help: :help: :help:

SweetieOneFemaleJamaica2012-11-05 12:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresim so confused...PLEASE HELP

thanks so much everyone,,,oh and i did turn the caps off :blink:

So can u fill in your timeline or update us on what u did or didnt send so far??
SweetieOneFemaleJamaica2012-11-27 22:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresim so confused...PLEASE HELP
I think that you need to read the CR1 Guide, hope the link I have placed below will work.


When you send the I-130, you need to include the G-325 for each of you, along with other documentation. One G-325 completed for you and by you and the other completed and signed by your spouse. Slow down, you do not need to submit the I-864 until you received you NOA2. Please read the guide for complete details. If in fact you sent the I-130 in without the completed and signed G-325's, you will get an RFE (Return for Evidence) asking to send them in... You also need to attached passport photos of each of you to each G-325.

Good Luck...
SweetieOneFemaleJamaica2012-11-27 14:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPictures for evidence!

Yes, I did mine on copy paper!! I actully made two standard sheets with lots of pics, I did it in a collage formatt. One with all wedding and one with misc trips and pics. The guy who interview told my husband it was a nice idea and not to much pics or paper. That your wife did a nice job consolidating them :) <3


SweetieOneFemaleJamaica2013-05-03 10:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusband admits during medical he smoked weed 4 years ago

divorce him. so late in the process and he pulls a stunt like this????

WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWO :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

WHAT?????? You don't divorce him for this. Not if you really love him
SweetieOneFemaleJamaica2013-03-22 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsany updates on CSC?
Yes, VeraVimes!!! VJ reports indicate CSC approved an I-129F (NOA2) on 10-14-10!!! And the original NOA1 was from June 2010, which means it is not just an old application finally getting approved (and hopefully it is a regular, non-expedited application):
Igor's List (CSC - I-129Fs)

Let's keep 'em coming, CSC!
En&EmMaleRussia2010-10-15 16:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsany updates on CSC?

I had someone tell me that there was some kind of allocation of visas for certain types for the fiscal year. Could it be that they ran out of visas allocated and it is only now that a new fiscal year has begun that they will start approving K-1's again? I sent my I-129f on Oct 1 (not planned, it just happened that way. I am looking for some ray of hope that the process may speed up considerably.

There are annual quotas/limits for some visas, but not all. My understanding is that there are no quotas for K-1 visas.
En&EmMaleRussia2010-10-09 17:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsany updates on CSC?
I check the progress several times each day to try to determine what CSC is doing.

Based in VJ reports, it seems CSC is focused on I-130s (IR-1/CR-1) applications, with up to five or six receiving an NOA2 each day.

You can see this in the following link:
CSC - 1-130 status

Meanwhile, the 1-129Fs are having little or no movement. You can watch CSC's processing of I-129Fs here:
CSC - 1-129F status

I cannot wait until 1-129Fs pick up again...

This info seems a lot more detailed than the table of "Approximate Processing Dates" that you find when you click on "Immigration Timelines." I don't really understand how that table is put together. The dates for CSC change by several weeks at a time sometimes on that chart, even though little seems to be happening on the more detailed reports based on the links above.

Good luck to all! May your love endure, and your visa come quickly!
En&EmMaleRussia2010-10-07 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC - Five-Month Hold???

I just got off the phone with the USCIS customer service center about my fiancee visa application.

I specifically asked the agent I spoke to if there was an additional hold being placed on batches of visa applications, he checked on this and stated that the processing time is still five months for CSC and that if there were a significant back-log that they would update that time. I filed mine in August so he said that it would still be processed within the five month time-frame meaning that I should hear something within the next two months.

Thank you for the update!
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-17 15:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC - Five-Month Hold???

And, NVC is not involved with your petition at this time, USCIS is. Look at your timeline and then look at ours. Compare the two and you will have more information on when to expect something next. For now, you wait.....

but....for more information and entertainment, mvoe on over to the RUB regional forum where there a tons of folks who are in your and have been in your situation.

I don't know when I said that NVC was involved in my case. I referenced NSCS (USCIS's National Customer Service Center). I know I need an NOA2 before my case goes to NVC.

Otherwise, thank you for the info and suggestion about the regional forum!
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-15 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC - Five-Month Hold???

Based on the recent posts and timelines info, YES there seems to be some kind of hold. Some have waited beyond the five months.I find the hold unfair, because this is not a lottery, it's rather expensive for just a visa. If they have too much to handle, then they should get help by hiring more people to do the work. Overwhelming case loads from us means overwhelming amount of $$$$$$$ for the department, it means growth, opportunity, it means jobs, Gov't jobs for those who are actually unemployed. I dont understand, what the problem is, I'm begining to feel that maybe we are a nuissance to them, but we're not, we are $$$$$$ to boost the economy and more. There are those entering the U.S as we speak illegally without the wait and cost the gov't lots of $$$$$$ guess what? they get treated better than us for free. It's unprofessional I expect better service, 5- 8 months is not acceptable, not by me anyway!!

I don't think the backlog is from an increase of the fiance(e) or marriage visas, which have the higher application fees. So I am not sure that there is really a big increase in CSC's/USCIS's budget.

There have been a couple interesting theories regarding the slowdown/backlog at CSC.

First, it seemed that CSC was focusing on getting the marriage applications caught up, without doing much with the fiance(s) applications. The marriage applications now seem as current--or even a little ahead--of the fiance(e) applications. Moreover, a good chunk of CSC's marriage applications with NOA1s mainly from July and August 2010 have now been transferred to the Texas Service Center to speed up processing.

Second, in another thread, someone pointed out that there had been a huge volume of I-821s filed (Applications for Temporary Protected Status):
I-821 thread
But if you review CSC's charts, they seem to have mostly resolved their load of I-821s, at least through August 2010:
CSC data about I-821s

So I remain hopeful that the backlog is already well on its way to being cleared up. And, so far, no one else has actually posted that anyone at USCIS or the NCSC has talked about a "hold."

The holidays are probably not going to help the speed of the processing, but I hope for all of us that CSC is able to speed things up. Best wishes!
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-13 14:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC - Five-Month Hold???

The operator simply screwed up the answer to his question which resulted in a firestorm. There is nothing new or different about what is going on.
People should know that the only limit to how many calls they can make is in direct realtionship to how much punishment they can absorb. The people answering the questions dont know enough to even ask someone that does, before they respond.
I am a veteran of this waiting game & the misinformation they put out. My own case took 408 days

Thank you for the perspective.

Just to be clear and correct a minor misperception, I was not calling NCSC to request the status of my application at CSC. I read this site; I read the USCIS site; I know that I have no basis to request information about the timing of my application until a full five months after my NOA1.

I had a legitimate, independent reason to call.

Before I could even ask my question, however, the customer service rep said to me, your application is on a "five-month hold." I even said to her, I am not calling to find out the status of my application, but now that you provided that information, I have some questions. If you read my original posts, I try to explain this.

There is a lot of speculation about whether the rep was talking about the five-month processing goal or whether she actually was discussing a five-month hold. I am very familiar with the CSC and VSC goals for processing I-129F applications. I was concerned that the rep was confused. But she clearly told me the application was on hold--several times as I tried to make sure.

Was the rep confused or choosing her words poorly? Perhaps. Was the rep's information about the hold basically the same as telling me the application would take the full five months? Probably, assuming that the NOA2s can be issued the same day as the application is actually reviewed (some previous posts have said, that once the application is actually reviewed, it takes the staff person only about 15 minutes to reach a decision on a complete application).

Regardless, I shared the information the rep clearly told me and then I asked others on VJ for any similar information/experiences, to determine the validity of the information I received. At this point, most of the comments have been speculation that either I was confused or the rep was confused. I was not. The rep might have been.
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-09 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC - Five-Month Hold???

Okay, so I'm still confused. Is it they won't even LOOK at the applications for 5 months, so it could, in theory, take 10 months for a #*!$#!ing K1 visa?!? Or am I just freaking out and the person just worded it really poorly?

I just reported what I was told and understood. I thought my description was as clear as it was stated to me. My impression was as yours: My file and all of those on hold would not really even be looked at until after the hold period (unless things changed, which was also a possibility). But now I am interpreting things a little bit.

I did not ask the NCSC staff to explain very detail about the process, and I don't have all the answers about how things work at CSC. I discussed this one concept, and I have asked if others have heard similar things or if they might have clarification.

In addition, I also stated the following (which is based on posts within VJ, not on my call with the NCSC):

At the same time, some describe that the reason the process takes so long is, not because the applications are difficult, but because there are so many--a couple thousand or so each month. So files sitting seems to be part of the process, almost by definition. Theoretically, if true, they could process a complete application and issue the NOA2 the same day.

To provide a little more detail about this, some people have described that the CSC staff really needs only about 15 minutes with each I-129F file. So, if sufficient information is submitted (and if these people are correct), supposedly the CSC staff needs very little time to review a single application. Under this theory, most of the delay is just waiting for the CSC to get through the files ahead of you. If this is true, if they start processing September 2010 applications in February 2011, most of those applications could be approved right away.

Some people have responded that the five-month hold described to me is really no different than the five-month processing goal. I certainly wondered that, too, and asked the NCSC staff person how the five-month hold related to or affected the five-month goal (but I did not get a very direct response). Anyway, if the files could mostly be completed processed shortly after they were started in Februay 2011, that would be more or less true.
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-08 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC - Five-Month Hold???

How did you get through. I can't seem to get through to anyone?

I called, and then I just waited. I did not hit any numbers at all--not even to indicate English versus Spanish (like you would have to do with an old rotary phone). After about 20 minutes of holding, someone answered.
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-08 23:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC - Five-Month Hold???

I am kind of at a loss for words. So supposedly, potentially, the files are just sitting there, not being actively worked on for 5 months. So we get an extra 5 months of waiting for them to RESUME the process? I don't know what to say if this is in fact true.

If true, I sympathize with your concern. At the same time, some describe that the reason the process takes so long is, not because the applications are difficult, but because there are so many--a couple thousand or so each month. So files sitting seems to be part of the process, almost by definition. Theoretically, if true, they could process a complete application and issue the NOA2 the same day.
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-08 17:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC - Five-Month Hold???

I will call, but I have no idea what to ask about that might seem reasonable. Point me to the phone number. Oh, wait, I need a while to be calm first.

I want to share information, but not cause too much stress, especially until we have more information. I have read posts about the National Customer Service Center (NCSC) giving out conflicting information in the past. Part of the reason I asked so many questions is to be sure the person was not trying to talk about the five-month goal. She clearly continued to talk about a hold, but who knows. And I think some have said that the NCSC staff does not get cutting-edge and in-depth information from the service centers.

To try to figure this out, I thought it best to compare notes with others, to see if anyone else received similar information.

To answer your question, NCSC can be reached at 1-800-375-5283. But we can just wait to see if someone else has had recent contact with or without any info about a hold. I certainly am not suggesting that someone call the NCSC just for this issue.
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-08 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC - Five-Month Hold???

I would call a couple times and get different operators and see if they all tell you the same thing or not... very often they all say something different.

I don't really want to call back because I assume they keep records of the calls. Moreover, one of the first questions I was asked was, "Have you called about this issue before?"

That is part of the reason I asked whether others had received any similar descriptions.

Edited by En&Em, 08 November 2010 - 04:36 PM.

En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-08 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC - Five-Month Hold???
Today I called the National Customer Service Center (NCSC) for a question about my i-129F application, unrelated to timelines.

Before I could ask my question, the staff member said, your application is on a "five-month hold." Although this could change, she said currently, CSC is not scheduled to start processing the application until February 2011.

She added other applications with receipts (NOA1s) from September 2010 are also on hold until February 2011. She said that the hold was necessary because of a significant backlog.

I continued to ask some questions:
- Was this unique to my application or to those of us with receipts (NOA1s) from September 2010?
- More specifically, was the hold applicable to applications from July, August, October, and November?
- How does the hold affect CSC's official goal of five months for these applications?

She said the five-month hold applied to all I-129Fs (and perhaps some others, but I did not absorb what she said about other types of applications). She explained that July 2010 applications were on hold until December 2010; August 2010 were on hold until January 2011; etc. She again stressed that this was the current information, and it could change.

With regard to the official goal of five months, she really did not say much, other than repeating that the September applications would be processed in February 2011.

I am somewhat hopeful that her information is out-of-date, for example, the transfer of marriage applications to Texas might be an indication that this supposed backlog is already well on the way to being cleared. While I am trying to remain optimistic, I was disappointed with this potential news.

Has anybody received similar information about a supposed "five-month hold" at CSC? Does anybody have some perspective about this?
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-08 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?

This has seriously freaked me out.... I hope that the person you spoke to was just misinformed because otherwise I'm going to FREAK OUT! If they don't even start looking at our applications until February that does NOT sit well with me... what utter #######!

Crappy news, but thanks for sharing....just when things were starting to look up with half of the June apps being processed...........

I would not get too upset. So far, no one else has posted similar information.

Moreover, in thinking about things, the information the rep gave me does not necessarily conflict with the five-month goal. In fact, if other information on the VJ site is accurate, the rep's information would be consistent with saying (this is not what she actually said), "Don't expect your NOA2 early; it's going to take the full five months."

To provide a little more detail about this, in other posts on VJ, some people have described that the CSC staff really needs only about 15 minutes with each I-129F file to make a decision. I don't know if this is true, but considering the number of applications sitting at CSC, it certainly seems possible. Anyway, if sufficient information is submitted (and if these people are correct), supposedly the CSC staff needs very little time to review a single application; under this theory, most of the delay is just waiting for the CSC to get through the files ahead of you. If so and if CSC starts processing September 2010 applications in February 2011, most of those applications could be approved right away in February 2011--but still barely within the five-month goal.

So maybe the NCSC rep chose her words poorly. Maybe someone else will post something about better information than (or information that corrects) what I received. That is the potential benefit of the VJ community.
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-09 11:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
Just to be clear, I know my information is somewhat disturbing, but...

I want to share information, but not cause too much stress, especially until we have more information. I have read posts about the National Customer Service Center (NCSC) giving out conflicting information in the past. Part of the reason I asked so many questions of the staff person is to be sure she was not trying to talk about the five-month goal. She clearly continued to talk about a hold, but who knows. And I think some have said that the NCSC staff does not get cutting-edge and in-depth information from the service centers.

To try to figure this out, I thought it best to compare notes with others, to see if anyone else received similar information. I am wondering if someone else has had recent contact with or without any info about a hold.
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-08 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
Today I called the National Customer Service Center (NCSC) for a question about my i-129F application, unrelated to timelines.

Before I could ask my question, the staff member said, your application is on a "five-month hold." Although this could change, she said currently, CSC is not scheduled to start processing the application until February 2011.

She added other applications with receipts (NOA1s) from September 2010 are also on hold until February 2011. She said that the hold was necessary because of a significant backlog at CSC.

I continued to ask some questions:
- Was this unique to my application or to those of us with receipts (NOA1s) from September 2010?
- More specifically, was the hold applicable to applications from July, August, October, and November?
- How does the hold affect CSC's official goal of five months for these applications?

She said the five-month hold applied to all I-129Fs (and perhaps some others, but I did not absorb what she said about other types of applications). She explained that July 2010 applications were on hold until December 2010; August 2010 were on hold until January 2011; etc. She again stressed that this was the current information, and it could change.

With regard to the official goal of five months, she really did not say much, other than repeating that the September applications would be processed in February 2011.

I am somewhat hopeful that her information is out-of-date, for example, the transfer of marriage applications to Texas might be an indication that this supposed backlog is already well on the way to being cleared. While I am trying to remain optimistic, I was disappointed with this potential news.

Has anybody received similar information about a supposed "five-month hold" at CSC?
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-08 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?

How can you expedite your petition? I thought there is no way to do this.

It is not easy to expedite, but it is possible when a person's circumstances warrant it. See the following:
USCIS - Expedite Criteria

Good luck!
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-07 21:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
Based on VJ reports, CSC appears to have approved an I-129F (NOA2) on 10-14-10!!! And the original NOA1 was from June, which means it is not just an old application finally getting approved:

Igor's List (CSC - I-129Fs)

I hope it also is a regular, non-expedited application...

Keep 'em coming, CSC!

En&EmMaleRussia2010-10-15 17:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
I'm a September 2010 CSC filer, too. Finally, I can post after a technical problem was fixed...

Anyway, I check the progress several times each day to try to determine what CSC is doing.

Based in VJ reports, it seems CSC is focused on I-130s (IR1/CR1) applications, with up to five or six receiving an NOA2 each day.

You can see this in the following link:
CSC - I-130 status

Meanwhile, the 1-129Fs are having little or no movement. You can watch CSC's processing of I-129Fs here:
CSC - 1-129F status

I cannot wait until 1-129Fs pick up again...

This info seems a lot more detailed than the table of "Approximate Processing Dates" that you find when you click on "Immigration Timelines." I don't really understand how that table is put together. The dates for CSC change by several weeks at a time sometimes on that chart, even though little seems to be happening on the more detailed reports based on the links above.

Good luck to all! May your love endure, and your visa come quickly!
En&EmMaleRussia2010-10-07 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 K1 Filers

holly macaroni, Sept filer from CSC got approved today. :) now i really dont get the way they work since CSC has bcklog from June. :unsure: Happy for that filer, hope we all have the same sort of luck. :energy:

I don't really know, but I am guessing that person had a successful expedite request.
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-18 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 K1 Filers

So En&Em(if I got the name right) should have called if nothing would have happened in February 2011, but not now. What could the operator tell him other than what's on the website? They even suggest you shouldn't call if you're well within the 5 months mark. IMO... this is not something to worry about. And even that member who fears it will take 10 months is a bit crazy... Come on... :bonk:

Even if it's February, we only have 2 months and a half to wait 'cause this month is almost a half through. :D We just have to wait a 1/2 more... and February is right around the corner. Let's keep our strength. Yeah, I'm saying it but I cried today when I have seen the thread for the first time. :( Now I'm optimistic again. :D

Just to be clear, I was not calling NCSC to request the status of my application at CSC. I read this site; I read the USCIS site; I know that I have no basis to request information about the timing of my application until a full five months after my NOA1.

I had a legitimate, independent reason to call.

Before I could even ask my question, however, the customer service rep said to me, your application is on a "five-month hold." I even said to her, I am not calling to find out the status of my application, but now that you provided that information, I have some questions. If you read my original posts, I try to explain this.

There also is a lot of speculation about whether the rep talked about the five-month processing goal or a five-month hold. I am very familiar with the CSC and VSC goals for processing I-129F applications. I was concerned that the rep was confused. But she clearly told me the application was on hold--several times as I tried to make sure.

Was the rep confused or choosing her words poorly? Perhaps. Was the rep's information about the hold basically the same as telling me the application would take the full five months? Probably, assuming that the NOA2s can come the same day as the application is actually reviewed (some previous posts have said it takes only 15 minutes to review the application).

Regardless, I shared the information the rep clearly told me and then I asked others on VJ for any similar information/experiences, to determine the validity of the information I received. At this point, most of the comments have been speculation that either I was confused or the rep was confused. I was not. The rep might have been.

Edited by En&Em, 09 November 2010 - 11:23 AM.

En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-09 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 K1 Filers

I don't have a predicted date either although I'm with VSC. It says the same thing about their not being enough data to accurately approximate a date. Is that because of Croatia not having enough data?

Sorry for the delay in reply. I did not see the notice of your comment.

Anyway, we both have predicted NOA2 dates now. As seems to be the case right now at least, VSC is about one month ahead of CSC. But CSC seems to be picking up. I am happy about that, even if I would still like them to speed up more...

As for the delay in the predicted date for you, I think it was just that your NOA1 date was on the later end of September. The VJ system seems to need some time before it will predict an NOA2 date. I do not think it was because of Croatia. I don't think VJ takes the country into effect at the USCIS stage.

Good luck, and best wishes for a speedy process!
En&EmMaleRussia2010-11-01 05:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 K1 Filers

Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between December 22, 2010 and January 22, 2011*. booo how does it go back almost a whole month just depressing *big sigh*.... Also had them change Nigel's birth country on the receipt to UK hope that doesnt pull me out of line and put me further back! customer service asurred me it wouldn't but I am not so sure :(

At least those of you at VSC have a predicted date. We have the same NOA1 date (September 8, 2010), but because CSC has so little recent data, VJ's "prediction" on my timeline is as follows:

"There are not enough recent approvals in the timeline system to accurately approximate when your I-129f will be approved. Please see the Timeline Stats page to see recent approvals."

Even so, I don't know how much weight to put in these predicted dates anyway. I wouldn't worry too much about it. It seems a difficult thing to predict, especially this early.

By the way, I also had to correct my fiancee's Country of Birth on my NOA1. Although I had listed it on the application, the NOA1 said "Unknown." They issued me a new receipt, but the new receipt did not even list "Country of Birth."

Moreover, my fiancee switched apartments, so I also had to update her address recently.

I was also told that neither correction/update would delay the time for processing the application. I'm with you--I certainly hope so.

Edited by En&Em, 15 October 2010 - 08:15 PM.

En&EmMaleRussia2010-10-15 20:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 K1 Filers
This might be addressed somewhere in the 14 pages of postings :wacko:, but...

Is this thread intended for VSC only, or CSC too?

Good luck to all! Watching VSC compared to CSC, I sure wish I lived east of the Mississippi right now...
En&EmMaleRussia2010-10-07 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
QUOTE (Joe+Andrea @ Nov 12 2009, 05:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (elymr_r @ Nov 12 2009, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Everyone,

I got my interview date today! 1/15/09 Bogota, Colombia!!!

Good luck everyone!

You have an interview date already??? Be sure to report back with Bogota info. My fiance Andrea will doing hers there if CSC ever gets it act together. Right now I'm thinking she won't get her interview until about Feb. 1

By the way, congrats! How did everything go so fast? It looks like your interview is a long ways away, though (Jan 15)... was that the earliest they had?
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-12 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
QUOTE (elymr_r @ Nov 12 2009, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Everyone,

I got my interview date today! 1/15/09 Bogota, Colombia!!!

Good luck everyone!

You have an interview date already??? Be sure to report back with Bogota info. My fiance Andrea will doing hers there if CSC ever gets it act together. Right now I'm thinking she won't get her interview until about Feb. 1
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-12 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I've migrated over to the CSC sept thread, but I'll be checking in every once in a while. We got almost no movement last week either, still waiting for Aug NOA2's at CSC to finish up.

Good luck everyone, and remember that, if you did your research, we all started this process expecting this process is going to take about 5 months, and we're on track for that.
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-11 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
QUOTE (Jenn and Fuat @ Nov 5 2009, 05:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kjenkins86 @ Nov 5 2009, 04:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ney, I don't think your hopes of me getting my NOA2 soon are as high as my hopes.... Seriously, I'm losing my hair for christ sake.
JennFuat, I know the last thing you want to hear is for someone to tell you to be patient but if it makes you feel better: think if you were in my position, robbed of everything and is still waiting for NOA2 while people who filed AFTER me already got theirs!!!

I know!! Every time I get frustrated I think about the people at VSC who filed before me and are still waiting.. AND.. I think of the people at CSC who have yet to get the first September approval... I just know the first CSC approval is coming soon. I can feel it.. and I am hoping for the remaining 9 on here from VSC.

I should not get so worried about mine being lost I am sure it isn't.. and I should just sit back, wait and keep cheering for the rest of you smile.gif

Thanks Jenn for the good vibes for us CSC folks. My gf Andrea will be in Colombia for school until March anyway, so a quick processing won't get her here any earlier, but I'd like the peace of mind of having this approved.

VSC folks, you're paving the way for us, and I'm hoping for detailed reports on those interviews!
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-05 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
QUOTE (Luis&Alice @ Nov 4 2009, 03:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is anyone here planning to go to the interview with your fiancee?

I'm debating. I'm leaning towards not, since it is such a huge, potentially unnecessary expense. We don't have a unique case or anything, so there should be no reason for it not to be approved.

If finances are looking good, though, I may go. I have not officially proposed yet (due to distance), but it is our intention to get married. I plan on proposing with a ring and everything next time I see her. I'm wondering if it is bad if she doesn't have a ring when she goes to the embassy. In reviewing embassy reviews I haven't read anything about people being asked 'how he proposed'.

Has everyone here already 'officially' proposed? Has anyone not? I just refuse to propose over skype.
Joe+AndreaMaleColombia2009-11-04 18:07:00