
Also, am I allowed to bring my wife along to the interview, if so, what do I need to do?

The Embassy should have been told that you wished to do that when you returned the check list and visa application. She can either go with you on the day and she if they will let her in, or you can contact the help line get the e-mail code for the subject line and e-mail the Embassy to ask for her to be admitted on the day. Either way she will need to take her US passport with her.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-07-28 10:52:00
United KingdomClarify for me please Cash or Card
The visa is cash or card, the courier is card only.

I believe the 3 photos is because 2 for the embassy one for the medical. Hangover on the web site from the very old days when both were arranged by the Embassy and done the same day.

The cost not sure myself as too long ago when I did mine, but I bet it is on the US Embassy London web site.

Edited by Lansbury, 26 July 2010 - 01:10 PM.

LansburyMaleEngland2010-07-26 13:08:00
United KingdomNo Live Trace/Subject Acccess/I-601

There was no conviction, no charges pressed, never went to court. They released him with a caution. I think it was 2004 or 2005? (I realize that isn't technically "way in the past," but in terms of my fiance's life, it seems like it, so that's how I was thinking of it -- sorry if that made things unclear). This is the only thing that's ever been on his record, he's never had any other involvement with the police, so there's no chance of it being anything else causing the No Live Trace result.

We haven't got the Subject Access Form back yet.

I'm not sure what a spent conviction is. They cautioned and released him without pressing charges or anything going any further.

Sounds like he fell foul of the change where cautions were not completely deleted from the system. As you said in was theft of a packet of cigarettes and nothing more don't worry it isn't going to effect anything.

UK has a Rehabilitation of Offenders Act where depending on the offense a certain time after the sentence has been completed the offense becomes "spent" and can no longer be used against the person. The USA does not recognize the idea of "spent" convictions. Hence the no live trace his caution is on file as a "spent" conviction.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-09-15 17:20:00
United KingdomNo Live Trace/Subject Acccess/I-601

There is a discrepency between what you're stating and what the OP stated. The OP said there was no conviction.

Can we have clarification?

I would have to assume that Dodi is right...if he was given a Caution, it is the caution on there?

For the purposes of PNC records a caution is a conviction which used to come off the record when it expired and then the PNC check would show no trace. As I said in post #4 about 2004 I started to see cautions not being deleted from the PNC when they expired but remaining on the record. The OP says it was way in the past so either it is the caution which the system failed to erase (the PNC is set up with automatic weed dates on certain entries) or there is something else.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-09-15 15:40:00
United KingdomNo Live Trace/Subject Acccess/I-601
If they were really arrested for larceny it must be a very old offense because the Larceny Act was replaced by the Theft Act in 1968. Is it a CIMT probably not but there is something on is CRO file which might be more than being arrested and cautioned, I would think, because I only started seeing cautions given after about 2004 being left permanently on a persons CRO file.

They tend not to look to hard at one old caution for a minor offense so don't worry too much, just do what you are to show the details.

Since his police report came back clear,

It didn't come back clear it came back no live trace. There is a spent conviction on his file.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-09-15 11:28:00
United KingdomDo they courier the visa the day it is issued?
Normally between 2 - 7 days after the interview. I have know people wait up to 3 weeks on rare occasions.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-09-21 15:20:00
United KingdomUS Embassy London Interview
Gould chemist around the corner from the Embassy. £5 I believe to leave it there.
LansburyMaleEngland2009-12-15 16:59:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Advanced Parole. Once you enter the US on a K-1 visa you cannot leave again without forefitting your status. You must get married, and file AOS before you are able to leave the country with Advanced Parole. You just fill out an application and send it off with your AOS application and then 60 days later or so you have permission to leave the US while your AOS application is still pending.

That's correct but in the context of this thread AP is Administrative Processing. It means they are having to do additional checks, often manual background checks, but can also be getting additional documents from the applicant before the visa is issued.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-11-11 09:55:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Well...I paid the IV fee bill - the $404. IS there more?! please tell me there isn't more...

Well you should know if you have paid for the visa or not :innocent: That's the IV fee is it not.

Some of us did things a different way and then you pay for the visa on the day of interview. That's why I said if you haven't already paid the visa fee beforehand you pay it on the day. I don't know the complete list of visa applications that you pay in advance as apposed to on the day.

There will still be the fee for the courier to deliver the passport back with the visa in it. That isn't much but does depend on the delivery option you take.

Edited by Lansbury, 26 September 2010 - 06:58 PM.

LansburyMaleEngland2010-09-26 18:57:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Is there a fee for the CR1 visa interview??

There isn't a fee for the interview, but if you haven't already done so you pay for the visa on the day of the interview.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-09-26 17:41:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Jiiiiiiill we are all on tenterhooks!

Mine's next thursday, and now is as good a time as any to post my insanely stupid worry: I make right at the limit for the 125% of the poverty line thing (Mine is for 3 people and I make $27400. The problem is that I'm hourly and if I miss any time then I'm not paid--so my actual salary for the year is closer to $26000). Anyway, the point is that I'm right at the line, and I'm super worried that we'll be denied because I'm so close (though still over!) If they do, will they just give us an RFE for it or will we have to start over?

If you make the amount that is all that is required. It is black and white without any ifs and buts. Meet the requirement you are in, be below you have to find a co-sponsor.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-09-14 13:09:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

The people who answer the phones at the London embassy are usually less than average intelligence...

When our visa printing got past the 3 week mark or so, we called up to ask for the passcode in order to e-mail them about it. I was told that there was no such thing as one until I explained my situation and she gave me one.

The people who answer the "helplines" phones are not at the Embassy they are in a contracted out call center in Scotland.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-09-07 17:51:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Landed through Chicago and got stuck there, but that's another story, now over in Or as planned.

Visa process took no longer than a normal visitor visa to process and was done at the desk as normal and not in another room.

Welcome to the Pacific NW and the best State in the Union.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-07-22 15:55:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Thanks, i was wondering though as i'd seen someone say that the immigration took a lot longer due to it being a POE different to a visitor visa.

I wrote this for a reason :unsure:

LansburyMaleEngland2010-06-17 12:18:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Hi everybody! The courier delivered my fiance's visa and "do not open" brown envelope today. I was really quite excited, until I found out the "do not open" envelope got opened. Apparently, his passport was inside the envelope!!

I thought it would be OK if he tells the truth at POE - his passport was in there, and he didn't realize the envelope shouldn't be opened. But then I read a couple threads on VJ about having to get your envelope resealed by the embassy! Does anyone know what the case is for the UK?

Contact the Embassy the MBE must be resealed. Turn up in the US with it open and you run the very high risk of being refused entry.

Edited by Lansbury, 07 June 2010 - 07:57 AM.

LansburyMaleEngland2010-06-07 07:56:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Tomorrow night we leave for London for our interviews Friday morning.

Good luck, the easiest bit of the process for 99% of us.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-04-14 15:44:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

The letter of intent is listed on the Official Packet 3 Instructions Document on the website, so I wouldn't tell someone that they don't need it--I sent David a notarized letter of intent. The I-129F is not listed on the Official Packet 3 Instructions Document...

Please wind your neck in, I was making a general point having been around these forums for quite a few years and visited the Embassy in London for both professional and social reasons for quite a few years before I moved over here. I still count some of the COs in London as friends. I made no reference to any one person but referred to comments I had seen made here which no doubt made in good faith were misleading. If you failed to see that I really don't see how much simpler I can put it.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-04-13 17:16:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

I have to say the instructions are partially contradictory and also misleading at times.

Welcome to the world of US immigration. When I went for the biometrics for my citizenship application the instructions said "Bring your driving license as identification unless you are applying for citizenship when your Green Card should be used instead." On the day I was required to produce both my driving license and Green Card

On top of that, we know from various people that the original docs are not required at the embassy.

What we in fact know is that those people were not asked for the original documents. If instructions tell you to take them, play safe.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-04-13 15:08:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Well, the official Packet 3 instructions for the US Embassy in London do not ask for the I-129F, so I felt pretty safe telling the poster that it's not needed. When in doubt, OP, check the official Packet 3 Instructions for the US Embassy for London in the United Kingdom.

I think you miss the point I was making which was in general terms rather that specifics as I've also seen people told that a letter of intent is not needed when the circumstances are the same. Practice and manual sometimes are out of sync and we are not the ones inconvenienced when they suddenly line up unexpectedly.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-04-13 14:32:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

^^If they mentioned it, it might just be consulate specific. You do *not* need it for the UK consulate.

It is the other way around, the need is not consulate specific it is the Con Off manual for it to be produced. London at the current time do not ask for it. You cannot say it is not needed, rather that is not the practice to ask for it. Let people decide for themselves if they want to take it or not. Far better to understand the situation and to decide for themselves to take something not asked for than to be asked for something they don't have.

Use to read similar advice to people doing DCF in London that all that was required for domicile was to say you were moving back to the US. Of course the manual said otherwise and one day someone got asked for their proof of US domicile and denied their visa until they could prove it.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-04-13 12:23:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Just as an interjection here, I hadn't heard about VJ wiki until about 6 months after I joined VJ and I feared that they would be out of date...I think this kind of thread is a great idea because it has the freshest (is that a word? :)) information, ideally, and people don't generally point to VJ wiki here, they either point to the guides or to the regional forums...

A group of us are getting together to rewrite the WIKI and keep it up todate. We will use a lot of information we glean from this and other threads
LansburyMaleEngland2010-04-12 15:11:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Eeek... I just reread that. When you say "normally they would want a psych evaluation," is that something the Knightsbridge doctor said? We are hoping that with a note from the fiance's gp, a psych evaluation would not be needed... we're really not in the mood to shell out hundreds of pounds and wait longer for this useless step. I'm guessing if the embassy asked for psych evaluations often, more people in the forums would have mentioned that... I don't see this.

In the four years I have been following events on this and another board I cannot recall anyone posting that the Embassy asked for more medical information once the doctor had given the applicant the OK.
LansburyMaleEngland2010-04-07 16:40:00
United KingdomRent or sell my UK residency
QUOTE (Mags @ Apr 7 2008, 05:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lansbury @ Apr 7 2008, 06:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (PlatyPius @ Apr 7 2008, 07:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you sell the house in the UK, put the money in a UK bank account and draw it out as needed in the US via a debit card. Set up your online account access and you can make purchases with a UK credit card and transfer the money to pay for it from your UK bank account.

You can also PayPal money from your UK account to your spouse who then puts it in the US bank account.

Just some ideas.....

Why would you want to do it using a debit card or PayPal. That is a sure why to get the worse exchange rate and fees. Likewise using a UK credit card in the US.

We sold our house in the UK and used a currency broker to bring the money over. No UK capital gains tax in the UK as it was our primary residence, spoke to our US account and no capital gains tax was paid in the US.

Actually, what I did was used my credit card in the USA and paid the balance online using the funds in the UK. I got excellent rates, btw. wink.gif

I trying to see why this is an advantage to transferring the money over. I think I'm understanding you correctly in that you are using a UK credit card in the US and then paying the bill with UK funds, which get sent in pounds from your UK bank to the card companies UK bank.

My experience from using a UK credit card in the US and transferring money through a currency broker is the broker gives a far better exchange rate of about 8 cents over a bank and about 5 cents in the pound better than my credit card.

I'm trying to see what the gain is doing it the way you suggested as I maybe missing something which could be useful.
LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-08 12:54:00
United KingdomRent or sell my UK residency
QUOTE (PlatyPius @ Apr 7 2008, 07:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you sell the house in the UK, put the money in a UK bank account and draw it out as needed in the US via a debit card. Set up your online account access and you can make purchases with a UK credit card and transfer the money to pay for it from your UK bank account.

You can also PayPal money from your UK account to your spouse who then puts it in the US bank account.

Just some ideas.....

Why would you want to do it using a debit card or PayPal. That is a sure why to get the worse exchange rate and fees. Likewise using a UK credit card in the US.

We sold our house in the UK and used a currency broker to bring the money over. No UK capital gains tax in the UK as it was our primary residence, spoke to our US account and no capital gains tax was paid in the US.
LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-07 17:50:00
United KingdomBest comapnies to use for shipping my stuff to the US..
QUOTE (Meg and Grae @ Apr 8 2008, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i just made an inquiry with "excess baggage"

They quoted me an absoloutely ludicrous price of 476 pounds to ship 6 relativly small boxes

....keep lookin

Did they quote you for shipping by air or sea. That sounds like an air cargo price.

Air pricing goes by weight, sea goes by volume.
LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-08 13:13:00
United KingdomBest comapnies to use for shipping my stuff to the US..
Do a search of the forum there are many threads on this subject with numerous recommendations.
LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-07 16:50:00
United KingdomPacket 3 Questions
QUOTE (SusieLuvsPaul @ Apr 8 2008, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
u say you have passport photos to bring to interview, are those the ones that are from the duplicate packet or you got more recent ones of you and him? or just him? thanks!

The passport photos for the interview are just for the applicant.
LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-08 16:48:00
United KingdomPacket 3 Questions
Everything that is on the checklist, and the photos you take to the interview.
LansburyMaleEngland2008-03-13 13:23:00
United KingdomSurreal night
QUOTE (TracyTN @ Mar 5 2008, 06:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Mar 5 2008, 08:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
in the original post it sounds like you mighta been on cruise control unsure.gif

Funny how a lot of people seem to think this must have happened because I'm a ####### driver. I thought a car could hydroplane no matter who was driving. Oh well!

I drove police cars for a living for quite a few years and I've had one of those hydroplane on me and I was a Class 1 advanced. Nothing to do with your driving. The wind/air pressure changes alongside a semi it tends to suck you towards the truck. If that happened and the tires lost grip at the same time there would have been nothing you could have done.

Take no notice of those that think it couldn't have happened to them.

Edited by Lansbury, 05 March 2008 - 01:49 PM.

LansburyMaleEngland2008-03-05 13:48:00
United KingdomSurreal night
Glad to hear the injuries do not sound too serious. Good thing to be checked out, whiplash especially comes on later and can be very painful. It is the shock that is making you feel different than normal.

Beggars belief no one stopped that saw it, what is the matter with people.
LansburyMaleEngland2008-03-04 13:07:00
United KingdomTime from Medical to interview
QUOTE (Mags @ Apr 11 2008, 04:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nothing to worry about.

Only the Embassy losing the medical results. Just kidding innocent.gif
LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-11 14:56:00
United KingdomParental Responsibilty & Notarised Letters
QUOTE (Mags @ Apr 10 2008, 05:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lansbury @ Apr 10 2008, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If the child was born before Dec 2003 or the father is not named on the certificate and the parents were not married he has no rights at all and his consent is not required, for UK purposes.

It doesn't matter what special branch say. wink.gif In the majority of cases the US Embassy will NOT issue your child with a visa if you do not provide a letter explaining that the father/mother gives consent or has been absent for X amount of years.

I think you missed the "for UK purposes" on my comment.

It does matter what SB say if the airline query a child leaving the UK with only one parent it is the SB officer who will decide if they go or not. I stopped more than I let travel, the policy is if there is the slightest doubt they don't go.

I wanted to make sure the OP was clear on the UK end and didn't have any last minute very nasty surprises as they appeared when they posted to have the legislation the wrong way around.
LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-10 21:55:00
United KingdomParental Responsibilty & Notarised Letters
QUOTE (Roselinda @ Apr 10 2008, 09:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've read on some parental website that after Dec 2003 if the couple were never married, even though the father is named on the birth certificate he has no rights and therefore permission is not needed.

I was a detective at Heathrow and dealt weekly with child abductions.

The above is the other way around. After Dec 2003 if the father is named on the birth certificate he has the same parental rights as the mother.

To remove the child from the UK without his consent if he made a complaint would be an offence.

If the child was born before Dec 2003 or the father is not named on the certificate and the parents were not married he has no rights at all and his consent is not required, for UK purposes.

If you want to clarify this phone the Special Branch National Ports Controller at Heathrow via the Scotland Yard switch board. 020-7230-1212. They will give you the current information. I did that job for 5 years.

Edited by Lansbury, 10 April 2008 - 01:36 PM.

LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-10 13:33:00
United KingdomToo Soon For Return Visit?
Business people come in and out all the time.

There was one American guy came through the terminal I worked in at Heathrow so often we all knew his name and he knew most of ours. Quite an eccentric for an American, a lawyer always wore a bowler hat.
LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-15 14:12:00
United KingdomHeathrow to Gatwick
It is not the walking at either airport that is the problem with the coach it is the unknown delights of the M25. It isn't known as the London orbital car park without good reason.

Worked at Heathrow often travelled to Gatwick, best time 45 minutes, at night, worst time 4.5 hours, in the rush hour with lanes closed because of an accident, it all depends on the traffic conditions and if there is an accident on the motorway or not.

Aircraft lands 6.30am taxi to gate 10 mins walk through T3 to immigration go through immigration and baggage reclaim anything 30 - 60 minutes. Walk to coach station 10 minutes. Buy ticket 5 minutes. 75 minutes to Gatwick total time just to get to Gatwick 2.5 hours if there are no hold ups.

If it was me I go by train but then I know the way and having lived in London it doesn't worry me at all.

Edited by Lansbury, 11 April 2008 - 02:49 PM.

LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-11 14:48:00
United KingdomWA sights for the British
QUOTE (laura19angel @ Apr 23 2008, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
PS Don't do the Boeing Factory tour. It is highly boring!!

You must be joking. The Boeing tour is very interesting to anyone with a background in civil or military aviation.

Especially now as part of it will take in the 787 production line.
LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-23 21:00:00
United KingdomAffidavit of Support
QUOTE (SnowyTater @ Apr 16 2008, 10:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks a lot guys smile.gif You're like...awesome.

My SO is killing himself stressing out over there - this and finals week for university together. We're both like...AAAHHH just now laughing.gif

Look on the bright side if you can do finals week you can handle getting a visa it is only slightly harder. yes.gif
LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-16 12:37:00
United KingdomHow long can you delay returning packet 3?
QUOTE (mrssmith @ Apr 29 2008, 12:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lansbury, yes April 2009 is when husband can apply for Citizenship. But i have discovered recently as soon as they have recieved the application you can leave the UK and have your swearing in Ceremony in the US.

That makes thing so much easier/

How very accommodating and civilized, so British innocent.gif
LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-29 15:32:00
United KingdomHow long can you delay returning packet 3?
QUOTE (Poiteen @ Apr 29 2008, 03:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If they must issue the approval soon, then it is my understanding (someone jump in if i'm wrong) that the approval of the petition is good for a year.

That is what I have always understood to, but have not seen that quoted anywhere but on VJ.

The other thing the OP might need to consider. Is April 2009 when her husband can apply for UK citizenship because that can take quite sometime to get completed, the current estimate is seven months.
LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-29 12:50:00
United KingdomUSPS suck
QUOTE (william_wallace @ Apr 29 2008, 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lol. I live in the back of beyond in the far north of Scotland. 1 post office is all we have. Wishful thinking of having Fedex up here.

Price you have to pay for living in one of the more beautiful parts of the world yes.gif
LansburyMaleEngland2008-04-29 15:27:00