United KingdomSuccessful interview

I had my K3 interview today and it went very smoothly. I took a tip from someone on the forum and got there for 8.30am, even though my interview time was 10am. I got in straightaway and was out the building by 9.40am. This was much better than hanging around in the morning getting even more worked up. I was organised with my paperwork which helped, so I just handed it all over in one go. Then when I went to have the interview, it was over in 2 minutes. The lady asked me how long I had been married and had I ever lived in the US. That was it.

Thanks for all the forum help


Congratulations. Now you have the trip to look forward to and enjoy
LansburyMaleEngland2006-12-14 18:15:00
United KingdomMedical in the morning....

Hi everyone,

well, me and my daughter's medical is tomorrow morning!!!!
Im feeling rather apprehensive, not quite sure why, guess its just another hurdle to
get past.

Fortunatley (or unfortunatley!), Im a Londoner, so its only 20 minutes on the bus to
Oxford Street, so wont need to panick about the journey.. but the nerves are kicking in,
none the less!

the I134 and supporting documents are hovering somewhere over the Atlantic, so I
should be able to send in my checklist soon, Royal Mail permitting..

1 step closer eh?

Merry Christmas to everyone, think I'll squeeze in a spot of retail therapy, whilst in the West
End, if my nerves can handle it!

All the best to everyone.


Being in Oxford Street at Christmas time is far worse than the medical. :D
LansburyMaleEngland2006-12-20 17:16:00
United KingdomHow much is Medical and where is it?

I had a medical in November 2005 but that was not at the same place it is now, Jon and I are trying to get a picture of how much all this is going to cost us. We also have my daughter Alarna to pay for so we have to basically double everything, if someone could help me caculate this I would be grateful.

Thanks Janice

If you just mean the medical mine cost 160 pounds in September, plus any vaccinations needed.

If you mean the total visa cost taking everything into account including travel, photographs etc my total cost was about 700 pounds.
LansburyMaleEngland2006-12-20 17:12:00