United KingdomHenman crashes out of French Open
After all the time you have spent in the UK you should understand by now that for the British the important thing is not winning or losing but how you play the game. :innocent:
LansburyMaleEngland2007-05-29 20:26:00
United KingdomIndefinite Leave to Enter

Yeah but just because you don't pay NI contributions or claim benefit isn't a sure fire way to prove you didn't live there. You could not be working, etc.

I didn't say it was a sure fire way but it gives the immigration officer a good idea. They can then decide to do a more detailed secondary interview on a more formal basis and a baggage search. No doubt if you live in the USA your return ticket would tell them when you are going back and they might think that strange if you have ILR. By the way not having a printed ticket but a e-ticket the ticket details are still readily available.

One point to bear in mind with UK immigration. The immigration officer does not have to prove you are in breech of your visa conditions it is only necessary that they think you are. On that alone the Chief Immigration Officer on duty in the terminal has the authority to refuse you entry and stamp and mark your passport with a permanent record of the refusal.

Now as I said experience says there is a very slim chance of that happening but you did ask the question and all I'm doing is making you aware of what goes on should you unfortunately find yourself in circumstances where the information might be useful.

It's definitely a risk. Wouldn't it technically constitute fraud?

Not sure if it's a fraud or not. But if they get caught it would almost certainly result in the ILR visa being cancelled and would I believe require a visitors visa for any future visits. The immigration officer uses their stamp to stamp the passport and then puts a cross through the stamp to signify a refusal, and an entry goes on the Immigration Warning Index which is the computer that the passport is swiped through when you arrive in the UK. After that you are going to have problems every time you land.

I agree with you it isn't worth the risk and quite easy to a new UK visa if needed in the future. But each to their own choice.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-01 15:47:00
United KingdomIndefinite Leave to Enter

Yeah but just because you don't pay NI contributions or claim benefit isn't a sure fire way to prove you didn't live there. You could not be working, etc.

I didn't say it was a sure fire way but it gives the immigration officer a good idea. They can then decide to do a more detailed secondary interview on a more formal basis and a baggage search. No doubt if you live in the USA your return ticket would tell them when you are going back and they might think that strange if you have ILR. By the way not having a printed ticket but a e-ticket the ticket details are still readily available.

One point to bear in mind with UK immigration. The immigration officer does not have to prove you are in breech of your visa conditions it is only necessary that they think you are. On that alone the Chief Immigration Officer on duty in the terminal has the authority to refuse you entry and stamp and mark your passport with a permanent record of the refusal.

Now as I said experience says there is a very slim chance of that happening but you did ask the question and all I'm doing is making you aware of what goes on should you unfortunately find yourself in circumstances where the information might be useful.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-01 11:32:00
United KingdomIndefinite Leave to Enter

Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a piece of piss. True it may not be as involved as the K1 procecss - but it is certainly something I do not wish to repeat. Plus the filing fees are getting out of control.

But as Lansbury said, it's not even legal really. It depends on luck.

I wonder what would happen if you moved back tho, with a different spouse & years of no UK addess or NHS records? WOuld they figure it out & revoke it?

Quite easy to check either the immigration officer themselves or they ask one of the Special Branch officers to phone the Social Security benefits office in Newcastle and ask when did this person last paid NI contributions or claimed benefits.

With that information the immigration officer can make an educated guess how long the person has been away. I have seen the immigration interview go down hill rapidly from that point as far as the would be arrivee was concerned.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-05-31 22:27:00
United KingdomIndefinite Leave to Enter

So I am the USC and I obtained Indef Leave to Enter (ie UK version of the greencard - the sticker is also green!) through a previous marriage. I am now living back in the US, but I really want to keep my status intact. Everytime I come back to the UK, I do say that I am still living there (we still have our house) but I suppose techinically I am not.

Anyone else have this issue? Also, my US passport is due for renewal soon - anyone know how I can get my UK sticker transfered over? There is no mention of this on the britianusa website and I think their helpline number is non toll-free! I did know of another USC who used to carry both her current and expired passport as that had the entry certificate in it.

Strictly speaking as has already been said you lose your ILR once if you have left the UK for a certain amount of time. Used to be 2 years if it hasn't changed.

However coming at the problem from a different angle. For the years I worked at Heathrow Airport as a Special Branch officer I worked alongside the immigration officers on the desks in the terminals and what is written on paper isn't necessarily how it works in practice. The following is what happens in reality.

It used to be an immigration officer at a port could transfer your visa for you but this was stopped a few years ago. Now it can only be done at the Border and Immigration Agency (the new name) at the visa office which I think is still Luna House in Croydon. The cost of this is I believe now several hundred pounds. It cannot be done at an Embassy. However it doesn't need to be transferred just carry the old passport with the visa in it, the visa doesn't become invalid just because the passport expires.

The immigration officer at the port has no way of knowing how long you have been outside the UK other than by examining the stamps in your passport and by what you say in answer to your questions. Unfortunately I believe US immigration stamps a US citizens passport with the date they enter the USA so the UK immigration officer might get an idea from those. Most immigration officers I worked with if you are travelling back and forth have a house in the UK and haven't been out for more than 2 years are happy you are complying with the requirements of the visa. There were a few who were very strict and took pleasure in cancelling the visa. Most immigration officers just asked how long a person had been away and never checked the answer was correct.

Hope that helps you can certainly carry your old passport and present the visa in that, what happens then is down to how you choose to answer the questions and a bit of luck.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-05-30 12:09:00
United KingdomHoly crap

They want to close on the 19th of June.

That's 2 weeks from this coming Tuesday.


It can be done you just need to be focused, and of course you know it is worth all hassle. Congrats
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-01 11:43:00
United KingdomUK, US Banking

I am a USC. I lived and worked in the UK for 6 years, and now I am living in the USA working for the UK company remotly. I will be paid in British Pounds into my current Alliance & Leicester bank account. If I continue to do this, I have to pay £16 for the transfer from Alliance & Leicester and then my US bank charges me also. Is there a better way to do it? Is there some sort of "International" bank account I could use?

Anyone in a similar situation?

I have my company pension transferred from my UK bank each month. I use a commercial currency broker, cheaper than a bank and a better exchange rate and much better than using an ATM card and paying even higher charges.

The one I use is Money Corp. To transfer money monthly on a contract is £4 per transfer and there are several ways of fixing the amount and if you wish the exchange rate for up to 2 years. They are UK based so a direct debit sends them the money each month from my bank without any bank charge.

I just called them and they quoted me a rate 4.5 cents better than the one Nationwide has.

I really hope this isn't a scam.

I meant to add in my other post.

We have been using Money Corp for about 2 years. We got a house about 18 months before we moved over and transferred the mortgage payment each month to our Wells Fargo account using Money Corp. When we moved we used them for one off transfers of money from our house sale and then some other cash we wanted to move. Now each month we move my pension payment over to the US using them. I can't recommend them highly enough. They have always been very helpful and the transfers have always gone through without any hitch and on time.

Their exchange rate is normally between 4 and 6 cents better than my UK bank (Natwest) and the cost of a transfer is less, when it is a regualr monthly payment it is only £4 per month against Natwests £18 for a one off payment Money Corp charge £15.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-04 12:02:00
United KingdomUK, US Banking

I am a USC. I lived and worked in the UK for 6 years, and now I am living in the USA working for the UK company remotly. I will be paid in British Pounds into my current Alliance & Leicester bank account. If I continue to do this, I have to pay £16 for the transfer from Alliance & Leicester and then my US bank charges me also. Is there a better way to do it? Is there some sort of "International" bank account I could use?

Anyone in a similar situation?

I have my company pension transfered from my UK bank each month. I use a commercial currency broker, cheaper than a bank and a better exchange rate and much better than using an ATM card and paying even higher charges.

The one I use is Money Corp. To transfer money monthly on a contract is £4 per transfer and there are several ways of fixing the amount and if you wish the exchange rate for up to 2 years. They are UK based so a direct debit sends them the money each month from my bank without any bank charge.

I just called them and they quoted me a rate 4.5 cents better than the one Nationwide has.

I really hope this isn't a scam.

It isn't a scam I've got quotes from them, However as they charge no fee their rates are lower than comparable companies that charge a fee. For the sum of money I transferred at that time Money Corp, who charge a fee, were better value as their exchange rate was 2 cents in the pound better than

If you are transferring the money from a house sale those extra cents per pound can well exceed the the fee cost and make quite a big difference.

You need to research several of these companies to see which is the best value for your own personal circumstances.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-04 11:52:00
United KingdomUK, US Banking

I forgot to mention in my original reply. Money Corp has an arrangement with the US banks for them not to impose a wire transfer charge. If you are charged Money Corp will arrange for it to be refunded.

From their web site

Bank receipt charges eliminated

We guarantee that our clients will not pay any bank receipt charges when sending funds abroad*. This guarantee applies regardless of the amount being transferred or to which bank the payment is being made.
*Should a client incur such charges, Moneycorp will refund them in full.

Sounds terrible, but have you looked at paypal? It seems to be commission free to upload currency from your account and download it to your US account (or possibly it has to be another US account) and the exchange rates seem competitive. However, there may be a limit on the amount.

Don't follow why does it sound terrible. Paypal rates may be competitive with a High Street bank, they are not competitive with a company like Money Corp. Having used Money Corp for about 18 months I find them to give an exchange rate much better than a bank and their charges are less and for regular monthly payments a lot less.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-05-30 14:22:00
United KingdomUK, US Banking
I forgot to mention in my original reply. Money Corp has an arrangement with the US banks for them not to impose a wire transfer charge. If you are charged Money Corp will arrange for it to be refunded.

From their web site

Bank receipt charges eliminated

We guarantee that our clients will not pay any bank receipt charges when sending funds abroad*. This guarantee applies regardless of the amount being transferred or to which bank the payment is being made.
*Should a client incur such charges, Moneycorp will refund them in full.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-05-29 14:15:00
United KingdomUK, US Banking

I am a USC. I lived and worked in the UK for 6 years, and now I am living in the USA working for the UK company remotly. I will be paid in British Pounds into my current Alliance & Leicester bank account. If I continue to do this, I have to pay £16 for the transfer from Alliance & Leicester and then my US bank charges me also. Is there a better way to do it? Is there some sort of "International" bank account I could use?

Anyone in a similar situation?

I have my company pension transfered from my UK bank each month. I use a commercial currency broker, cheaper than a bank and a better exchange rate and much better than using an ATM card and paying even higher charges.

The one I use is Money Corp. To transfer money monthly on a contract is £4 per transfer and there are several ways of fixing the amount and if you wish the exchange rate for up to 2 years. They are UK based so a direct debit sends them the money each month from my bank without any bank charge.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-05-29 14:11:00
United KingdomWe exchanged!

I'm panicking now.

I'm going to book the removal people today, already talked to AirPets about moving our cats.

Now we're having to give away a bunch of stuff; I think we need to hire a skip but my husband doesn't think so. Ha, ha, ha.

We had three weeks to arrange our move much like you. In the end it all went smoothly but that didn't stop us panicking about everything.

You need the skip. I ended up making about 12 trips to the local council rubbish tip. A skip makes it a lot easier and a lot less time consuming.

Good luck with the move.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-04 09:16:00
United KingdomGood luck tomorrow to kins and Linababe!
Good luck hope all goes smoothly for you both.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-06 15:08:00
United KingdomWhy did you choose the US?
We lived in the UK for 10 years as I had that left in my job before I could retire on a good pension.

We moved to the US because my pension is multiplied by the exchange rate where as my wife's pension would decrease coming the other way.

Housing is cheaper in the US. We sold our London house paid off the mortgage and got one in the US over twice as big for the cash left over.

Cost of living is better and Oregon is definitely better than SE England. You can get in your car to drive somewhere and know it will be hassle free unlike England where you can bet the traffic will snarl up and make any journey a misery.

There is supposedly no age discrimination in jobs in the US and at my age I thought finding a job would be easier here than in the UK. Got that one wrong haven't been able to get a job at all.

We have a 2 year old grandson in the US who we didn't see much of.

But the most compelling reason was my wife told me we were going to live in the USA when I retired.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-02 13:23:00
United KingdomInterview today... approved!
Kins congratulations and hope all goes well with the move.

Lina - Just hang in there, you are dealing with immigration and they are notorious the world over for their love of bureaucracy. Unless all the paperwork is just so it throws their world into turmoil. The delay is very frustrating but just get them the extra paperwork they want and once that hurdle is clear you are good to go.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-08 13:42:00
United KingdomWe bought flags today

Be careful how you fly your UK flags. They cannot be flown without the US flag being flown. The order in which you fly them is regulated as is the relative sizes.

I got it wrong and one of the neighbors called the local PD. My RAF flag which I flew on Memorial Day was bigger than the US one.

It was all rather light hearted as my wife used to work for the local PD and we know most of them including the one that came. But I was very politely told to remove my RAF flag or fly a US flag of the same size which fortunately I did have.


Who has enough time in the day to call the police over a RAF flag being bigger than the US flag??!!! Some people have way to much time on their hands!!!!!! I cant believe it! :blink: :wacko:

My idiot neighbor across the road, who has a disability (apart from his brain) and has nothing to do all day. I felt rather sorry for the officer who thought it was all to too stupid but whose hands were tied and he had to ask me to comply.

Just wait to the neighbor sees the monster size Union Jack I have. It used to fly over the EMI record factory in Hayes. Roll on July 4th :devil:
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-12 01:37:00
United KingdomWe bought flags today

We bought a Yorkshire flag (white rose on blue background) and a cross of St George today...proper outdoor 3'x5' flags. I got them because I figured they'd be hard to find in the USA.

Do any of the Brits here fly their home flags in the USA? We're planning to fly the Yorkshire flag on Yorkshire Day...confuse the neighbors. :lol:

UK flags are quite easily obtainable online in the US.

Be careful how you fly your UK flags. They cannot be flown without the US flag being flown. The order in which you fly them is regulated as is the relative sizes.

I got it wrong and one of the neighbors called the local PD. My RAF flag which I flew on Memorial Day was bigger than the US one.

It was all rather light hearted as my wife used to work for the local PD and we know most of them including the one that came. But I was very politely told to remove my RAF flag or fly a US flag of the same size which fortunately I did have.

LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-11 19:19:00
United KingdomInterview...DOHHH!!
Sorry to hear of the delay but you know all you have to do is get the paperwork in order and you're good to go which takes the tension out of things.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-12 16:13:00
United Kingdomafter interview

My fiance's interview was this past Friday - they told him it'd be Weds or Thurs before he'd get his passport back. We'll let you know when he gets it - but we're waiting to book until then, too. Sucks cos he may get a bad seat on the flight over, but oh well.

Better that than having a non refundable ticket and no passport...!

Thanks that would be great I thought as I live in London it may arrive a little quicker. Is there a facility that you can pay to express the delivery?


If I remember correctly the courier will deliver it the day after they receive it from the Embassy. You can pay extra for it to be delivered by a certain time on the delivery day, but there is not an option for the Embassy to expedite putting the visa in the passport.

When I had my interview last October the courier took my mobile number and text ed the night before to say delivery next day. I lived in London and it was back in 3 days.

Edited by Lansbury, 12 June 2007 - 10:20 AM.

LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-12 10:20:00
United KingdomTravel querry

Hmm... I'd say go for it, so long as he has some way of getting there if he does end up missing his connecting flight!

If he missed the connection because the flight out of MAN was delayed the airline will put him on their next available flight out of JFK to Detroit. Even if he got stuck at immigration on a full service airline and an international ticket it would be very harsh if the airline didn't just re book him at no cost.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-13 17:16:00
United KingdomTravel querry
You don't say which London airport but I believe the non stops to Detroit only go from Gatwick.

If that is the case it will take longer than the 2.5 hour layover in JFK to get to Gatwick (or Heathrow for that matter) if you are starting out from near Manchester.

Add to the fare from Gatwick the extra cost of getting there over Manchester and if it were me I go from Manchester.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-13 17:12:00
United KingdomTrying to book flight
The courier usually delivers no more than a day after the Embassy gives them the passport, the unknown is the Embassy sticking the visa in the passport. 3 - 5 business days seems to be the time the majority are returned in but as others have said it is not that unknown for the delay to be longer
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-14 13:13:00
United KingdomGood luck to Justchillin -- interview tomorrow!
Good luck, you'll be amazed at how smoothly things go.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-14 10:19:00
United KingdomFor those who have recently had early morning interviews...

Hey all -- I need your help here. We have an early (8.30 am) interview at the Embassy on Tuesday, and we were planning on showing up at around 7.30am to start queueing. If you were a recent interviewee at the London Embassy with an 8am or 8.30am interview, when did you start queueing, and when were you let in? Did they wait until 8am to start letting the 8am people in, or did people start getting through before then? We don't mind hanging around a bit, but we just wanted to get an idea of how long we should expect to be dawdling outside from recent experience.

Thanks everyone!

We got there just before 8.30 for a 9am interview and the queue had about 20 people in it then. We were inside well before 9
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-16 11:12:00
United KingdomFlying transatlantic with Zoom

How could air travel get any more 'no frills' than it already is?

Tight uncomfy seats, lumpy pillows, microscopic bags of snacks, atrocious meals - all while being herded like cattle by abrupt and unfriendly personnel.

I guess maybe someone decided to charge us less for being treated like #######?

Having worked at a major airport, in the industry it is recognised that as little as a £5 price difference on an economy ticket can effect the purchasing choice of the consumer.

If air travel today is ####### it is because of the vast majority of passengers who go with the cheapest price. To be cheap the airlines have cut service in economy to the point of being almost non existent. In this case the consumer is getting what they deserve by only buying on price.

How many posts do you see in these forums asking where the cheapest tickets can be purchased, not who provides the best service or most comfortable seats?
LansburyMaleEngland2007-04-24 14:10:00
United KingdomApproved!!!!
Well done you can feel the weight lift off your shoulders when they say you have the visa :thumbs:
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-19 13:33:00
United KingdomMedical vaccination records

I have my medical on July 8- and i 've asked my GP for my vaccination record. The receptionist at my doctors printed off from their database a list of all my vaccinations and dates. It doesn't look very official or anything just a list with my name and DOB at the top. I was wondering what other people took- is it possible to get a 'certificate' or something of your vaccinations or will this tatty piece of paper they printed for me be sufficient?

Mine was the same as yours, it wasn't a problem. The nurse at my medical accepted it without any problems, she didn't even pass comment on it.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-20 10:33:00
United KingdomGuess what? I'm getting a divorce.

My husband chose this morning to drop the bomb on me that he's been faking it these last couple of years and he's been lying to me about loving me.

So we're getting a divorce.

I will be coming to America on Sunday, but he won't be. The weird thing is...I'm not even really upset. I'm just angry about having wasted the last six years of my life on such a fcuking coward.

I am really very sorry to hear this. He must be a complete loser, what a waste of space. I hope the future only holds good things for you from now on.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-21 11:33:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!
Congrats it's a good feeling to have reached the end of that particular road
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-21 17:10:00
United KingdomA little question about the police data & an update

I do have a question though... before I sent the police record letter I forgot to make a copy of it - I have a clean record so thats fine but wanted to keep copies of everything... Will I need the police record letter again anytime soon?? Should I send the embassy an email to say sorry I forgot to make a copy could you please send me one with the passport and visa? Or am I just stressing?

Thanks in advance.....Lina(UKC)

You will not need it for part of the immigration process but I have used mine for prospective employers who want to run background checks.

As an example I have applied for a security position at an airport which requires quite stringent background checks. I told them I have a Police Certificate from the UK certifying my lack of a criminal history, it might make a difference on if I'm considered for the job if it is easier for them to verify my past.

At my interview the Embassy gave me back the original certificate and kept the photocopy I had attached to it, as they did with all the original and photocopy documents I had to provide. So ask them to copy it and send the original back.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-23 19:12:00
United KingdomPacket 3 and the police record!


What have you all done once you got your packet 3 and it told you to print out your forms, fill them in, blah blah, then send them off straight away......but....... you can't, as you have to send the checklist with it and on the checklist, it tells you to only send it in with your forms if you have certain documents in your possesion.
I have the forms ready to go and everything else, but i am still waiting on the police record!

Do you have to wait for it before you can send in your packet?

How long ago did you apply for the police record. You will have to wait for your interview so if you applied say 25 days ago so have at most 15 days for the record to come send off the check list. You should have a very good chance of having the police record back before your interview date. Any longer than that and there is a risk of not having on the day.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-22 18:14:00
United KingdomGoodbye

Given the shocking behavior in my thread yesterday I feel this is no longer an appropriate or friendly place for me to be, especially since this site is all about family immigration and my cowardly ** of a soon to be ex husband lied his way through our marriage and we're now divorcing.

So I'm not really interested in hanging out with a bunch of happy families, especially when they're rubbing salt in my open wounds.

To the people who were supportive, thank you.

I may visit occasionally but this will be my last post for a while.

Have a safe trip home and good luck for your life back in the States
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-22 10:51:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

I just had the most terrible experience I could ever imagine travelling overseas. I'm a Nigerian American, has both Nigerian and U.S. passport respectively. I reside in U.S and I believe under the commonwealth law, U.S. Citizens has the right to enter UK for six months to visit family. I got to UK and the next thing was UK immigration grinding me for over 4hrs reason why I'm in U.K. I told them coming to visit and I was holding my return ticket. Even despite that they spoke with my family in UK at the airport to verify my visit. They refused my entry. They claim that I have my resume (CV) in my folder, that means I'm coming in to work in UK. This sound too absurd for me, not to mention money spent already.

I just want to know if there is any lawyer that can help me with this issue. I'm very furious right now. I suspecting Class action and Hate crime on this issue.

You do not have a right to enter to the UK. You present yourself to an immigration officer and request that you may be granted entry. Much like knocking on someones front door and waiting to be invited in, and much like the house owner the immigration officer does not have to admit you

The only people who have a right are those that carry a UK or EU passport of an EU ID card.

The immigration officer only has to suspect that you may not be going to comply with the conditions of entry and you can be refused. I worked alongside immigration officers at Heathrow for many years and saw it happen many times. It works exactly the same way in any other country including Nigeria and the USA.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-25 13:02:00
United KingdomIV15 Checklist Query

Hi ALL!!! :star:

Can anyone answer a query on the packet 3 checklist.
I have to send the forms with the checklist back but:

It asks for date of travel and date of wedding, do i put, ''dependant on visa'' at this point?

Also, It said to send in duplicate of the DS-156 but to NOT sign. This seems odd that you don't sign the DS-156K but they are asking to not sign the DS-156?? Even though on the form it has an area to clearly sign....

So I have sent 2 copies in, 1 signed and one not signed.
What do you think?

Thanks!!! Emma :dance:

I would put an actual date. I do believe the Embassy does look at the answer to that question when making interview appointments.

On my form I put a date of travel that I hope to go on if I got the visa in time and which was only 6 weeks from when I received packet 3. I got an interview one week before that date.

If you do as you suggest they will schedule before you those people who have given a date of travel and need an early interview. You only have to look on the interview thread to see some people get quick interviews and others are a couple of months away.

You don't actually have to travel by the date you put on the form. :innocent:
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-25 10:50:00
United KingdomUK posts being made invisible

One possible thing would be to see if we can make a post invisible but have a place holder automatically inserted where the post was that says (post has been removed for "reason to be input by mod"). This would show that something was made invisible (and could be restored later) but also tell people why it was done so there is no mystery. It would also re-enforce the moderation having occurred and provide feedback to people to calm down or stop the objectionable activity.

All that said, this does not exist and would require a custom modification to the forums software. I am probably skilled enough to code this however before I even start I would want to get some feedback on this. :)

That is a good idea
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-22 19:06:00
United KingdomUK posts being made invisible
My 2 cents as to moderation.

It is an adult board and if you post for advice or just a personal problem you cannot expect everyone to reply the way you might like. Sometimes a good kick up the rear end is as useful as a bucket load of sympathy and moderation should bear that in mind. If you post in public for all to see you must accept all opinions posted in reply.

It should also bear in mind the style of the poster on the receiving end. In this instance the person on the receiving end posts in a somewhat blunt manner and says what they feel. Good for them I like that style I do the same but I appreciate comments direct back in the same style if constructive even if critical, it should make you think. If you dish it out you have to take it and that isn't a cause for moderation.

On a board I help moderate no one moderator can remove, delete or block a post it takes two and gives greater consistency and stops spur of the moment action. Rarely is a post treated in such a manner.

Edited by Lansbury, 22 June 2007 - 04:53 PM.

LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-22 16:52:00
United KingdomPackage from Embassy dispatched today
Hope it is what you expect it to be.

If you belong to gym in the UK I think you might be impressed with the ones over here. The one I joined, $20 a month, is way better than the one I used in the UK, and a lot cheaper.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-26 11:07:00
United KingdomG-325A - Another question!
I put an I-130 application on mine
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-27 13:57:00
United KingdomWhat Can You Take To The Interview?


Just wondering, what can you use to carry your documents around in? I have a ring binder with a copy of our entire submission in but dont want to lug that around london on the tube all day! Add that to the fact **HOPEFULLY** i will have the big envelopes, I **REALLY** dont want to be struggling with all that stuff, my car keys, house keys and phone.

I was going to use a supermarket "reusable sturdy type" carrier bag, but my letter said "DONT BRING A SHOPPING BAG"...I presume a backpack / shoulderbag is a big no no then?

Cheers in advance!!


I put my documents into a folder and put that in my brief case, it wasn't a problem others had bags too. Just don't overload the bag with unnecessary stuff as it has to be searched.

On the day it will help if you have the documents in the order they are listed on the check list, that is the order they will ask for each document in.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-28 16:58:00
United KingdomIn case anyone is waiting for mail

Hmmm......on a side note, since they ask for photocopies, do you think I could have the sol fax it to me and enclose that???

If it is a document for your interview you need the original and a photocopy. They check the copy against the original keep the copy and give you back the original. If you don't take copies they keep the originals.
LansburyMaleEngland2007-06-29 11:56:00