IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWife might be pregnant, does this affect the I-130 etc????

Congratulations, nope sorry.


Nope, sorry for what?

r060106MalePoland2013-08-03 11:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWife might be pregnant, does this affect the I-130 etc????

Our first child was born  in the midst of our CR-1 process.  It did not effect our process and we were not not required to provide a DNA test.


My understanding is they typically only request a dna test when the child is born out of wedlock where the intending immigrant is entering with under an I-129f. Your child (assuming your wife is pregnant and gives birth before she enters the US) will and SHOULD NOT enter as an immigrant. They would enter as USC after you have completed a CRBA, or Form FS-240 . You will need to provide proof of marriage, the long form birth certificate of the child that lists you as the father, along with proof your your US citizenship; you will also  beed W-2's (or other documents)  that show that you have lived in the U.S. for at least two years . 


Ok, great to hear. What proof did yu give if you don't mind me asking? I'm thinking 4 years of high school and college transcripts, 4-5 years of Income Tax Transcripts and bank account and medical records. Hoping that's enough.


Read these two pages about obtaining a crba.


You need to be able to prove 5 years presence in US, 2 of which need to be after 14 years old.

I just did this for my son in June.


What evidence did you give and were you required to get a DNA test? Was the process difficult at all? Thanks for the reply.

r060106MalePoland2013-08-03 09:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWife might be pregnant, does this affect the I-130 etc????


Well I know many embassies will request DNA test. have no idea about Poland. But that will be requested at interview and will take a few months to process. but thats the proof.bu


t I know many have not needed to probably because wasn't high fraud or issues.


Not to worry it will be fine. If she has plenty of evidence at interview showing when you were there shouldn't be to hard.


You mean a lot of the embassies might not need the DNA test because of less fraud?

r060106MalePoland2013-08-02 20:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWife might be pregnant, does this affect the I-130 etc????



Been where? Where is home?


Wisconsin in the U.S.

r060106MalePoland2013-08-02 19:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWife might be pregnant, does this affect the I-130 etc????


No it doesn't effect anything. If baby is born before interview yes a CRBA and a US passport. So no problem. This doesn't delay in any way.  You need not add anything or nothing.


Oh Congratulations Daddy!!goofy.gif


Thank you! Really? That's great news. What happens if the child is born after the interview? I guess I'm a little worried about the CRBA and proving I've been here. I mean I have four years of college transcripts and Income Tax Forms/W-2s, but I then went home for the summer, so there's a gap, and the form makes it look like I can't have any gaps. Kind of confused on how to prove I was here. Thanks for the help.

r060106MalePoland2013-08-02 19:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWife might be pregnant, does this affect the I-130 etc????

Hi all,


So my wife and I just found out today she might be pregnant (she's not completely sure yet, has to get confirmation from her doctor). Would this affect the I-130 and the NVC processes at all? Or does everything take place as it normally would, the child is born and I then just submit the CRBA? We plan on sending the I-130 package at the end of August.


If it does affect the I-130 do I have to petition for them both? I'm semi concerned about it and don't want it to slow the process of bringing her here. If anyone can shed light on this that would be great. Prior similiar experiences are very welcome, because that way I can see how others dealt with it and what you had to go through.


Thank you very much!



r060106MalePoland2013-08-02 19:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage certificate discrepancy

Hi all,


This is a question I'm pretty sure I know the answer to but wanted to double check with everyone here first.


I am a junior on all of my legal documents in the United States, including my birth certificate, but on my marriage certificate it states my full name without the Jr. suffix. We got married in Scotland and they outright REFUSED to put the suffix on my name when we registered the marriage after stating they don't do that in the UK and it's irrelevant to them (to my anger), even though I asked them twice to please do so because my legal name includes the Jr. But they refused and just left my full name on the certificate minus the Jr. So, when it comes time in the next three weeks to send in our I-130 all of my documents will have the Jr. on them bcause that's how it's stated on everything here.


Does anyone think or foresee a problem for me with this predicament? Or will USCIS still recognize me as the same person on the marriage certificate absent the suffix? I realize these people can think, but this is a bureuacracy we're dealing with here. Just curious what people think. Thanks for all replies. I appreciate it. Probably a dumb question but thought I'd throw it out there.


Have a good one

Edited by Rysiu227, 10 August 2013 - 08:08 PM.

r060106MalePoland2013-08-10 20:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLast few questions before filing :)


Thanks! smile.png


I just took screenshots of everything smile.png


For email- we use Gmail, so I typed in my husband's name in the search box and got all the emails we sent to each other. It was almost 500 (50 on each page or sth)  so I took a screenshot of each page. On the last one it showed the total count.


For Facebook-  That was a pain cause we've sent each other about 35,000 messages and going way back to the beginning was pretty much impossible (browsers kept crushing on me haha). Luckily, I saved all the FB message notification emails. Then I knew what to type in the Facebook messages search box. It was also showing a date it was sent which was great. I was able to scroll up or down then to find something appropriate biggrin.png  Then I took a screenshot . I included two from each month.

Also included a screenshot of the total message count. 


For Skype- I used SkypeLogView for calls, and SkyHistory for chats. Again, screenshots.  (I emailed Skype to get a full call log but they can only provide Skype-to-phone logs. Not Skype to Skype. So stupid)


For Whatsapp-  (mobile app) Screenshots! then emailed images to myself and copied and pasted into a word document. Also found an app showing a total message count, so downloaded that and took a screenshot.  (I am starting to hate this word! biggrin.png )



Powodzenia! smile.png


Oh ok, that's great to hear and means I'm not the only one! haha :) I'll be doing the same thing you did with the emails and skype logs. For the skype chats did you take screenshots of every single chat??? If so, I'm impressed. Because that must have been a lot of screenshots. :)


Dziekuje znowu! Pozdro :)

r060106MalePoland2013-08-26 23:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLast few questions before filing :)

Thank you.. My husband still wants to include my passport bio page so we just will. Not gonna hurt right?




So, this is our cover letterDid we remember about everything??? smile.png





Attn: I-130

131 South Dearborn-3rd Floor

Chicago, IL 60603-5517


Nature of submission: I-130, Petition for Alien Relative (Original Submission)


To Whom It May Concern:


Enclosed please find my Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative for my wife, "Blueberry Pancake", and supporting documentation.


Included in this petition are the following documents:

· Cover letter

· G-1145, e-notification of Application/Petition acceptance

· Check in the amount of $420 USD

· I-130 Petition for Alien Relative

· G-325A (Petitioner)

· Passport-style Photos (Petitioner)

· Copy of US Birth Certificate (Petitioner)

· Copy of Judgment for Termination of previous marriage (Petitioner)

· G-325A (Beneficiary)

· Passport-style Photos (Beneficiary)

· Copy of Polish Birth Certificate, including translation (Beneficiary)

 Copy of Passport Bio page (Beneficiary)


Evidence of the Bona Fides of the Marital Relationship:

· Evolution of Relationship letter

· Copy of our Facebook communication history

· Copy of our Skype communication history

· Copy of our WhatsApp (free texting application) communication history

· Copy of Email communication history

· Copy of our Marriage Certificate(s) and supporting letter from Swedish Authorities (w/ translation)

· Copy of Wedding Dinner receipt

· Copy of wedding rings purchase and shipping confirmation

· Copies of our wedding announcement and photos of cards and gifts

· Copies of Facebook wedding well-wishes from friends

· Copies of boarding passes, train tickets and itineraries 

· Copies of passport pages showing entry stamps for visits (Petitioner)

· Copies of Petitioner?s email communication with Mother-in-law

· Photo pages as evidence to our bona fide relationship and marriage

· Miscellaneous evidence of trips abroad together (trips taken and trips planned)

· Copies of shipping labels from packages and cards we have sent to each other



Copies of documents submitted are exact photocopies of unaltered documents and I understand that I may be required to submit original documents to an Immigration or Consular officer at a later date. Thank you for taking the time to review my documents. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require additional documentation. Thank you in advance for your assistance.







(about 200 pages total.. )


Thanks! smile.png


Wow great package! I'm sure everything will be fine. :) Just stay positive. We'll be sending ours in at the end of this week hopefully.


Just out of curiosity, how did you get a copy of your email and skype history? Did you just take screenshots of all of the dates you sent and received messages/calls? I'm trying to figure out how to best do this and at this point have just taken screenshots of our email history showing all income and outgoing messages, along with screenshots of the program SkypeLogView detailing income and outgoing calls. Please let me know if you can. I'm really curious. :)



r060106MalePoland2013-08-26 07:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package

Being Latin, government is the very last thing I trust to do something right and then I'd probably think it 3 times, but I've learned to choose my battles and instead turn around the rules to my favor. Patience and self control is paramount with immigration: literally one has no control and not even that but the rules of the game can change and one needs to be on top of all that; not to defend USCIS but they are probably drawning in applications of all types and no additional resources; thus is best to use the time effectively to prepare, for example, for the birth, with looking into establishing a family support network. If you always look at the 'something can go wrong' side, I'd say, plan for that and be prepared. In our case, it meant we prepared 2-3 scenarios, form visa not approved to delayed move beciae of work in Poland and were already working the AOS while K-1 was in progress and though we are today about 9months before we can do the ROC, I'm already collecting pics, documents, etc; everything the even remotely could be used; in about 6 months I'll start looking at the portfolio and chosing what is the evidence we'll use.

Another preparation: before my now wife came, I was 'establishing' her credit history with credit cards and such.


Yeah, I hear you on how government can't do anything right. Well said. I'll have to take your approach and do that myself, choose my battles. I'm trying to build my ability to be patient every day, as I know it will be a very long wait till my wife and I are able to be reunited. You make a very good point. I should be occupying my time with important things and not let it slip away from me while we're waiting. I'll likely prepare 2-3 scenarios as well, just have to think about how I'm going to prepare. How did you establish your wife's credit history? Just curious.



r060106MalePoland2013-08-26 23:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package

The only reason i told you i wont send emails is because i dont really feel.comfortable when somebody read my conversations, since we'be been apart.for almost 1 year we talked about a lot of personal things.. Well, they will find everything they want with a touch of a button anyways.. Thats what i think.. I dont really have a lot of experience about this kind of things but i did read a lot.. We sent about 25 pictures with us, family members, friends and from our trips too.. We describe each one of them in the back with datea and address or whos house it was.. About your bank account, i was reading the other day that if you just open a joint account can be a little bit tricky for them or you.. I can see you are really nervous about the whole process.. We were the same way.. So good luck to you!! smile.png


What do you mean about opening the bank account? I'm a little confused. 


So you guys were approved? What did you all send besides pictures. Thanks. :)

r060106MalePoland2013-08-24 18:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package


Did you send your package already??!!
I was reading the whole post and from my point of view, i wont send them any emails, i would put as much pictures as you can, both of you with family and friends and maybe skype logs but emails is kind of weird i think..
And thats all i want to add..
Good luck to you.. And keep us posted.. smile.png


Unfortuantely, no we haven't sent the package yet. :( I just got my Life Insurance policy with my wife as my beneficiary and we're still waiting on beneficiary confirmation statements from my work showing that she is the sole beneficiary on my 401K and Pension. In tandem with that, my lawyer is redrafting my will to mention my life insurane policy number with my wife's name so she is the designated beneficiary there as well (in addition to being the receipient of all my other possessions should something happen to me). We're also waiting for the first savings account statement from our bank due at the end of this month. We just opened up a new account, as I quit my old bank because they wouldn't add her to my account. There's there co-mingling of financial assets. 


You wouldn't send emails? Can I ask why? Just curious. I'm sending screenshots of skype video calls showing both of our faces on the screen, as well as screenshots of a program called SkypeLogView showing every single skype call we've had between each other, spanning a year and a half. How many pictures do you think we should send? I was thinking between 20 and 40 but feel that that might be overkill. Idk. In addition to the pictures and logs, we're sending the above financial documents as well as ticket stubs and passport stamps for me to go visit her three times, wedding and honeymoon receipts in both of our names, scans of cards people gave us for the wedding, scans of package labels we've sent to each other and receipts of flowers I've sent her. Sound good to you? 


Thank you very much! Your input and kind words are much appreciated. 

r060106MalePoland2013-08-23 23:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package

Yes, that stance EU has taken at immigration is much softer, on the other side, some countries make it really hard to become a citizen and that might have an effect at curbing immigration in the fashion that family reunification does in the US. I do know the 3 months in the UK (although later on they added some 'special' rules for Polish people), as we had considered to settle in the UK because I had fairly decent chances of getting a job there. ANd you are right that in other countries spouses of EU citizens had automatic residence, but -and not sure if this is correct; it seemed that while a non-EU spouse was ok for residence, work was another challenge as it was first priority to the citizen of the country, second to a EU citizen and next to non-EU residents.


Spanish has something very similar to the cases and of course it does make sense because I grew up in that language; my difficulty with Polish is the pronunciation, I mean, in a romance language I have vowels to hang to and if you notice romance languages are centered on a succession of consonant-vowel-consonant (or vowel-consonat-vowel) within and across words, to the point that contractions and special rules apply when you get two vowels together. In Polish I have to really focus and concentrate to say something intelligible, and sometimes (upon looking up a word in a dictionary), I don't know how to begin saying it. But I have a lot of progress, at the beginning I could not even 'hear' words, now I do, and recognize a fair amount, I oculd even say some basic phrases. What was a big surprise is how many Latin-origin words there were. I still don't dare to speak (outside of the welcoming words) when there is other Polish people though.


Good luck and patience, it'll happen before you know it....For us it seemed a long wait, in 2 weeks it'll be 2 years since she came.


Yeah, I wish the U.S. government respected its tax paying citizens like the EU respects their's. It's quite pathetic, to be honest. I can see not working. But not even being able to live with your spouse?? What kind of joke is that?? It just upsets me so darn much. In many ways I think America should be more like Europe in that respect. 


Yeah, but I don't think Spanish has the cases to the degree Polish does. I mean, 6 endings for each noun/adjective?? Is that really needed? Just boggles my mind sometime how Polish people remember all of that. I was a Japanese major in college and I would take Japanese and its crazy writing system any day over Polish. Hands down. But yes, the pronunciation is crazy and extremely hard at times. Just today I was trying to read a worse that had about ten consonants in it and gave up after the first few because my brain couldn't process them all at once and it just was a train wreck coming out of my mouth. lol 


Thanks a lot. I'm a very cynical person and don't trust the process at all, even though unfortunately it's the only way I can be with my wife and we can live our lives. I'm always worried something will go wrong and they'll find some stupid loophole or reason to keep my wife and I apart. It's my worst nightmare actually, especially given that she's pregnant with our first child. Patience is something I have a lot of. It's just trust, positivity and hope that I'm lacking. I hope you're right. Congratulations on the two years. 

r060106MalePoland2013-08-23 23:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package

Yes the USCIS part is the longest; it's become a lot better in the past few months. Late last and earlier this year it was almost stopped to a halt and had everyone here up in arms. Just a matter of months. We had planned on trips on month 3-4 and then on month 6 in case our case took too long. We got ours approved in 5 1/2 months.


I spent the time preparing for her arrival (getting some decent furniture, cleaning house, preparing for the wedding and she was arranging all sort of stuff in Warsaw before her departure.

Polish counts as 5 languages in my book, trying to learn now but sometime is almost no hope...trying to say the dogs have pch? just beyond what my mouth/tongue can twist. My languages are all Latin-Romance and similar in grammar and lingustics, except Swedish that is fairly simple


That's exactly what I thought. It's too bad government red tape has to muck up the process so much. I read somewhere that UK Spousal visas take 3 months to process and that in the EU a spouse can't be denied entry at all because it's the EU citizens right to bring in whoever they want to marry, or something to that effect.


We'll just spend time talking and waiting I guess. I see her over Christmas and New Year's but obviously it's not the same as being together.


Wow, you really think so? Yeah, the tongue twisters can get crazy, but for me the worst part of the language is the switching of all the ending of every single noun and adjective depending on who's saying them and what place they have in a sentence. The cases drive me nuts and make no sense to me at all. Good point, they are all similiar. Maybe I'll take up a romance language to give my brain a break one of these days. lol

r060106MalePoland2013-08-23 07:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package

 The interview took about 10 minutes, with 3 simple questions. I was not there but I had talked to the Embassy staff during the process (they seemed super nice BTW). Questions -as I recall, were 'Has she been to the US and where I lived', 'Where do I work' and 'How do we communicate', this last one needs some explanation: I'm originary from South America, with Spanish my mother tongue and I also speak English, French, Portuguese, Italian and Swedish, I more or less can get by in German; while she speaks Polish, Dutch, Russian, Czech, German and at the time an acceptable English; thus, the 'How do we communicate'; we have developed a  Polish-English-German-Spanish, mostly English peppered with the other languages. Approved. I didn't feel they were trying to trip her at all, but then again, the number of Polish trying to ilegally immigrate to the US is very low if any at all; thus the Warsaw Embassy is relatively easy (for Polish at least).

PM is ok.


Oh ok. That's great news about the interview. To be honest, we aren't too worried about the interview stage or the embassy process. Just the process that goes through USCIS. I feel that it's the biggest pain in the rear from what I've read and seen on the forum etc.


Wow, you speak 6 languages? That's really impressive. I struggle trying to speak just my second, which is Polish. 


That's a very good sign about Poles not wanting to immigrate and hopefully will help our situation, which it sounds like it did for yours and likely anyone else who has gone through Warsaw. 


Cool, I'll send you a PM soon. Thanks again. 

r060106MalePoland2013-08-22 18:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package

I feel your pain, back when we were doing the K-1, we had many questions as well. On the good side, the % of RFEs doesn't seem to be unordinate high, overall at least; while it seems some countries get more than others. GIven that with some frequency there are posts here claiming fraud after marriage, and that at least some of those would be true and not just one side of the story, it is obvious that USCIS makes mistakes. So I have to think they can also make mistakes on the other end, that is, suspect of a true bona fide relationship; and thus while I didn't send them our entire biographic story, I had additional supporting documentation in case they came back with a RFE. Objectivily, I didn't think a RFE was possible. I had some prior experience with immigration on H1-B, labor certifications and citizenship filings, so I had some general idea of what kind of documentation would be better. Of course, as I got inthe K-1, this forum was always a couple of clicks away in case of doubts.


I think your case is within 'normal' parameters and you will be fine. You are checking on some doubts and that shows that you have put some thought into it and are objective enough to question  somethings and ask about that in a forum like this (lots of expertise and first hand experience as you can see). And better yet, open to follow advice of people who have been there, done that and have the t-shirt.


Finally, something I  heard in Warsaw: The level of immigration fraud is fairly low, at least in part from the fact that a Polish citizen can easily go to another country in the EU or the UK with a lot of less hassle than trying to get to the US and being illegal. Basically not worth it.


Yeah, I hear ya. I don't think we'll get an RFE either, but you never can be too careful in my eyes. 


That's great news about Warsaw. Was the interview relatively painless? Did they try to trip your wife up? I'm just curious so we know what to be ready for. Would you mind if I sent you a PM? 


Thanks again

r060106MalePoland2013-08-21 20:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package


There's no single right answer to any of the "How much...?" questions.  It's all a judgment call based on the specific circumstances.


Yeah, true. Do you think it would be bad not including email examples between my wife and I? I was just thinking of sending 4 or 5 actual emails, along with a bunch of screenshots showing the Yahoo search function that categorizes messages from certain senders by date (from the beginning to the present) of all the emails we've sent each other. But now I'm thinking maybe I won't even need to send the emails. What's your opinion? Just curious.


Thank you very much

r060106MalePoland2013-08-21 16:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package

Exactly, that is why you give them what is reasonable, but without going overboard; except in cases where is advisable that couples front load petitions.

It is possible that they use few pieces of evidence to determine validity of a relationship and as long as those pieces correlate well, then they move on with the case.


That's the million dollar question I guess. What exactly is reasonable in the eyes of USCIS? There's no set list and one will never know if they're giving the right amount to avoid an RFE or not. And then when they give too much they might get hassled during the interview because of it. It's kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Then again, what is the definition of overboard? Yet another million dollar question.

r060106MalePoland2013-08-21 15:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package

On 3.

Not what I'm saying. What I've meant is that if there are doubts about your case and it comes to separate interviews; the info you provided voluntarily beyond what would be expected could be used to ask additional questions to which one of you might answer differently than the other. For example, if I state that my now wife met my brother X during a party we had at my parents house in November of 2012; which is completely accurate and true; a question could be: What is his wife name? (of the brother she met), which she won't know because she was not there and as far as I recall, we didn't have a debriefing on who was there or wasnt' and the names of direct relatives who were not there. Our particular family situation is that within my siblings we all live in different countries, so is not that we have met that much and someone wold know the names of everyone else -simply because we don't get together very often.

Another quesiton could be how many children this brother has. There were about 15 children in this party, and while my brother has 2, only one was there. There is a high possibiity that my wife would not remember correctly this information. Thus, in terms of proving bonafide, stick to things that are much more easier to keep in your head like whether there is a life insurance whose beneficiary is the spouse; or that we have X cars, or that we have joint title on the house. Of course, I would also have documentation of joint accounts and other that would give some evidence that in fact we are together. In my mind there is no one single document or artifact that solely proves bonafide, but a combination of several that shows a commingling across time.



There is no known (at least not that I know of) threshold to providing information, only suggestions that depend in the country of origin of the applicant, which then is correlated (not saying that is a good or bad thing) to the level of fraude in such country. Some couples have literally hundreds of documents, pages pictures, etc; some have much less, in the order of 10-20 with maybe an upper limit of 40-50. I know I sent 4 pics back in the K-1 petition and planning on doing 4-5 when ROC time comes. I never sent e-mail copies (not even samples), nor Skype logs though we talked daily and e-mail 2-3 tiems per day.


Well if that's the case and they can use personal details to trip us up, details we might not remember they are from so long ago, then I don't think my wife and I will submit emails as evidence. We were going to send one email from me and one from her for each month we've known each other, which is around 22 months. But instead I think we'll just submit the skype log, chat and video screenshots, along with screenshots showing a list of all the emails we've sent, instead of sending the contents of the actual emails. How does that sound?



r060106MalePoland2013-08-21 12:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package


1. Not a big deal. It is mostly biographic info. I'm sure they have some statistical motive to have that info. Unemployed, or house maker if you wish is perfectly ok

2. Always a good idea to list what is included (this is what most people has as a cover letter). No need to explain anything in the packet itself here.

3. Volunteering too much info to USCIS is not a good idea. Not that you are lying or covering something, but esentially you want to stick to what they want. Adding too much, specially a relationship story might end up being convoluted and might even appear contradictory in some cases (some of us are worst writers than others). At same time, you are giving them ammunition for questions later. As my wife always says: "just answer the question I'm asking instead of answering other 10 questions I'm not asking".

4. The governemnt has access to anything; if the USCIS wants to get you, they have their friends at IRS and other 3-letter federal agencies to do the job. Literally, everybody and their mothers either knows or can easily find your bank account, address, phone number if they want to spend 1.99 for a report online (that will include other niceties as judgements, bankruptices, etc). That said, I've read others here reporting that they redacted such info and had no problem. Plus, they already know at least one of your accounts: you paid the fee with a check


1. Alright, makes sense.

2. Will do.

3. So if I go by what you're saying, if I give them x amount of evidence we're in a bona fide marital relationship that they'll use it against us in the interview or something? So I should give less than what other couples have given? Instead of emails, skype chats, skype screenshots, joint bank account statements, life insurance, pension and 401k beneficiary statements and a joint auto title I should just give a few photos and three emails? That makes no sense. How does one even know the threshold for how much to give and not self incriminate? What kind of ammunition are you referring to?

4. As others have pointed out, you make a good point. I won't be redacting anything.

Edited by Rysiu227, 20 August 2013 - 07:39 PM.

r060106MalePoland2013-08-20 19:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package


1.  No problem.  Don't give it another thought.

2.  See the guide for a sample cover letter

3.  I wouldn't bother for case coming from Europe.

4.  Get over your neurosis.   Your account number is on the bottom of every check you write.  It's not like you can leave out your SS#, so quit worrying.



1. Will do

2. Also will do.

3. Ok, I won't write one.

4. Well said. You make a very good point. I'll just forget about covering stuff up.


Thank you!

r060106MalePoland2013-08-20 15:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package

1) Whatever you put on your marriage license isn't a big deal.  She is currently unemployed so she is unemployed, there isn't any way around that.   I think you're overthinking it by a long shot wink.png


2) Yes a cover letter is a great idea to highlight what is in the file in what order.


3) for some countries this is a necessary thing for the interview (Vietnam comes to mind) but you can include it if you wish however, and it's not required for the USCIS. 


4) The US government can see anything they want.  You can redact the account number (save for the last 4) if you wish, there's no reason to though IMHO.  Like I said, they can find this out if they want to plus the US govt employees like this go through very strict FBI checks and training.  They seen over a million petitions or the like per year.  But if you feel better redacting account numbers, you can, but try to leave the last 4 digits (you'll probably notice receipts do that as well.) 


1) I'm just concerned about them looking at her work history seeing her as unemployed since July 2011 on the G-325A and then looking at the Marriage Certificate dated 07/06/2013 and seeing that her occupation is a Registered Midwife at that time. Didn't want them to think we lied on our marriage certificate or something because we didn't.


2) Alright, I'll make one then. Can I staple things together or is that not recommended? Maybe just paper clips and a nice folder with separate tabs? I'm trying to figure out how best to organize it for them.


3) Oh ok. Did you give one? I'm just curious.


4) Good point. I'll forget redacting it. If they wanted to steal my identity they could have done so already.


Thanks a lot for the response! They're much appreciated.

r060106MalePoland2013-08-20 14:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package

Thank you. I will surely do that. We haven't submitted anything, so I didn't think we needed to establish a timeline yet.

Edited by Rysiu227, 20 August 2013 - 09:41 AM.

r060106MalePoland2013-08-20 09:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package


r060106MalePoland2013-08-20 07:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinal few questions before submitting I-130 package

Hi all, 


Here are my last few questions before my wife and I submit our I-130 package. If I could get some input on all of them that would be great, but the first question is my primary concern as of late:


1. I've asked this question elsewhere on the forum but didn't as much of a response as I would have liked, and was hoping to get some more input. When we got married we put my wife's occupation on the Scottish Marriage Notice Form as Registered Midwife, even though she wasn't employed at the time. To both of us, the Occupation field was asking what she was (and still is), which is a Registered Midwife, not what she did currently. Because even though she wasn't employed she was actively seeking work and is stil technically a Registered Midwife both in Poland and in England. My mother agreed with our reasoning because she herself is a Registered Nurse and said that if she's unemployed she's still a Registered Nurse by occupation and could save someone's life if need be, just as my wife can birth children.


Scotland never questioned the issue so we thought we were in the clear. But today we filled out our G-325A forms at the same time and in the section on employment she put "Unemployed" in the top line and "Paid Student Midwife" in the second one, which is her only employment history the past five years. So that said, does anyone with a lot of experience on visajourney foresee USCIS having an issue with it showing Registered Midwife on our marriage certificate (July 6th wedding) but then showing unemployed on her G-325A? This is the only issue I'm really nervous about with our package. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I wanted to make sure I got it covered before submitting the petition. When I did post about this issue previously the few members who replied didn't foresee it as a problem, but I wanted some more input.


2. Should I submit a cover letter with the package, and if so, what should it entail? Should I explain the above situation with the marriage certificate or anything of that sort in the cover letter?


3. Should I give USCIS our relationship history, including how we met, how often we communicated, how often we've seen each other etc.? Or is that really not required?


4. Can sensitive information, like the bank account number on our joint bank statement, be redacted? Or will they see that as a red flag? I'm really neurotic about letting people, even the USCIS, see things like that.


Any and all input/advice is much appreciated. Thank you very much in advance!



r060106MalePoland2013-08-19 18:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - joint marital asset evidence

Nope, I just thought it was overkill.  If you want to include it, go ahead. 


Remember your wife is from poland, she isn't from a high fraud country.  Don't refer to what someone says is necessary for the Philippines, China, Nigeria or India as your gospel for you.  Those USC spouses need to go all out to prove they have a genuine relationship because of the amount of fraud.  That doesn't mean you can sit on your butt, however just try not to worry so much.  It's bad for the digestion! **wink wink**


Ok. Good points. I'll remember that. Duly noted. wink.png Thanks for the advice! I'm new to this. So please be give me a pass. biggrin.png


I would ask a different financial advisor. There is no state law requiring a SSN for life insurance. There is a requirement that there are here legally and present. Even people who are waiting for refugee status can get life insurance and they dont have a SSN. I write life insurance for tourists who are visiting the USA and they dont have SSN either. Find a new financial advisor who knows life insurance. Lawyers are horrible in giving advice about Life insurance also. I am sorry but I am not licensed in your state of Wisconsin. If you cant find an agent on your own, post your question on the life insurance forum and state your state. They should be able to help.




I have no need for Life Insurance should she die. She's the one who needs it, as she is unemployed. So there's no point in us paying for a term policy on her when we don't need it. And secondly, she's not even here yet and won't be until they approve her CR1 visa, so we couldn't even do it if we wanted to. We're living separately until then and it sucks, but it is what it is. Once's she's here we will permanently co-mingle everything and get her life insurance and the whole nine yards. If USCIS tells us she needs a policy I will tell them to go jump in a river because there is no need for one at this time.

This thread has gone on a long tangent, and it is unclear what the OP is filing for.  Also someone with K-1 in their profile made a post about his wife, adding to the confusion.  It helps everyone if you have the correct data in your profile.


OP:  What are you applying for?  Your RFE takes about an application for permanent residence.  A I-130 petition on the CR/IR-1 path is not an application for permanent residence.  You also mention that you lived in the US but the non-USC left and got turned away at the border.  Did you file for AOS before the immigrant left the US?


To everyone worrying:  Asking for additional proof of co-mingling is rare for a I-130 petition and usually only happens when fraud is suspected.  It is not a normal thing.



That's really reassuring. Thanks for lowering my blood pressure a bit. smile.png lol

Edited by Rysiu227, 05 September 2013 - 06:44 PM.

r060106MalePoland2013-09-05 18:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - joint marital asset evidence

I am life insurance agent and you can get life insurance for your wife even if she has no income at all. They probably wont insure her for a 10 million policy but a level term policy with a face amount of 250,000 should be easy to get assuming she is insurable. When life insurance companies underwrite they look at the household income, not necessarily whether she is working or not. Contact a professional agent in your area. You are probably looking at a cost of 20 to 30 a month.


She cannot have it done without an SSN. I was told this by both my lawyer and financial advisor. So other than having a policy from Poland, she won't be taking out a life insurance policy anytime soon. It will just have to be me and that will have to suffice for USCIS.

Edited by Rysiu227, 05 September 2013 - 07:44 AM.

r060106MalePoland2013-09-05 07:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - joint marital asset evidence

Just showing her on the account would be good enough I'm sure.  The signature card is a bit much IMHO, but hey, if you feel better, send it! 


Well, there's no account opening date on the statements. So I kind of had to if I wanted to not get the request the OP got with statements showing an account opening. You think it might hurt us? 

r060106MalePoland2013-09-04 22:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - joint marital asset evidence


They're not expecting the beneficiary, who lives in another country, to have all these other things done because they are hoping to immigrate to the USA.  They are often hoping or expecting the USC to have them done because they want their spouse to come to the USA.


However, I also agree this is the first time I've seen this RFE. 


Well I guess that bodes well for my wife and I doesn't it? I have a Life Insurance Policy, POA, Will, Joint Bank Account Statement, 401K and Pension Statements all referencing her as either a beneficiary, holder or agent, along with a promissory note that she signed enabling her to be on my car's title (which is being processed by the DMV). Although, the bank account statement doesn't have the account opening date and I've never even seen such a thing on a bank statement. So I'm also sending a copy of the signature card we filled out when opening the account. I'm hoping this is all sufficient to avoid an RFE. :D

r060106MalePoland2013-09-04 18:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - joint marital asset evidence

Get a life insurance policy for both of you. Some are pretty low cost. joint checking accounts and saving accounts. Joint credit cards. you can add her to your name.


My wife can't get a Life Insurance Policy for me, as she doesn't have a steady income. Only I have one for her should I die. 


I wonder if they think it's fishy if only one spouse has everything done, like a Will, POA, Life Insurance Policy and the like, and the other doesn't. My wife just doesn't have the capability to do that stuff at the moment. 


I'm a little confused too. OP are you living with you spouse? 

Edited by Rysiu227, 04 September 2013 - 05:58 PM.

r060106MalePoland2013-09-04 17:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - joint marital asset evidence

What did you include for evidence?


I suggest trying to add your name to the  USC's bank account, credit card and insurance.  You can also get a will done and he can put you as the beneficiary of his 401k if he has one. 


If one gets a Will done, will USCIS think it's weird for only one spouse to get a Will? For instance, only I have one, designating my wife as my inheritor and executor. She doesn't have one at all. Is that a bad sign?

r060106MalePoland2013-09-04 16:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow long take from the beginning to the end of the green card?

You can take a look at my timeline for another example of pleasantly surprised. See my signature below for the details as well. Good luck!



r060106MalePoland2013-09-28 22:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow long take from the beginning to the end of the green card?


Pretty much.  I thought, well the i-130 will take a year, then 4 months at NVC, then 3 months until the interview.  We happened to file right when the whole "local office"  thing started.  Ended up taking 4 months for the I-130 and then about a month to get our NVC numbers.  NVC was done in 26 days, interview was a month and a half later... total time was just under 8 months and exactly 9 from filing to green card. 


Well hopefully my wife and I will be pleasantly surprised like you guys were. unsure.png

r060106MalePoland2013-09-27 20:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow long take from the beginning to the end of the green card?

To be honest, expect it to take a REALLY long time and be pleasantly surprised when it doesn't!  biggrin.png


Seriously? Is that what you did?


When you say REALLY long, are you referring to your 18 months quoted above, or longer? I just don't know how I'm going to stomach being away from my wife for such a long time, especially given the fact she's pregnant. 

Edited by r060106, 26 September 2013 - 11:14 PM.

r060106MalePoland2013-09-26 23:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow long take from the beginning to the end of the green card?

It really depends on when the new service center starts doing approvals.  People have been sitting on their thumbs waiting. 


Good point. Le'ts hope they start this upcoming week like many think they will. Ugh, so depressing.

r060106MalePoland2013-09-26 23:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow long take from the beginning to the end of the green card?

I would say minimum 6 months, but a year or 18 months is more likely. 


18 months? Yikes. Well at least we'll probably get an IR-1 if that's the case, on the bright side.

Edited by r060106, 26 September 2013 - 07:37 PM.

r060106MalePoland2013-09-26 19:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMistake on G-325A employment section...what should I do?

Thanks a lot. Anyone else have any input?

r060106MalePoland2013-10-02 10:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASEEE GUYS HELPPP :( :( :(
Yur question your reffering to is probably related to question 21g on I-864. because,This question gives you the option of including certain other non-dependent relatives who are living in your residence as part of your household size. Such relatives may include your mother, father, sister, brother or adult children, if they are living in your residence. However, the only reason to include these family members in your household size is if you need to include their income when you calculate your household income for purposes of meeting the income requirement for this form. To be considered, any relative indicated in this category must sign and submit Form I- 864A. Dad needs to summits I-864 and he would be a joint sooner because he does live somewhere else and your wife is not a dependent financially with her dad. They both would file I-864, your wife as the petioner and her dad as a joint sponsor. Here is the link of the directions to I-864 it will guide you step by step on filling out the application.
Aidee AlcantarMaleMexico2013-03-13 09:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Visa info
Yes I believe you will have to apply for both petitions at the same tie and an mail them out together. Even if you are outside the U.S. you will still need to send it out to Chicago Lockbox. Herein the link where you can read directions and application. Directions may answer some of your questions. Not sure about the I-601 or visa K3. Best wishes!
Aidee AlcantarMaleMexico2013-03-12 23:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConflicting answers about G-325A question "This form is submitted in connection with application for"
Yes for both! Your welcome, glad to help :)
Aidee AlcantarMaleMexico2013-03-18 12:24:00