National Visa Center (Dept of State)When do NVC update for new case numbers ?
I know that the forms are generated once per week but I am wondering if I can save myself some phoning....

Do new case assignments get loaded onto the computer when they are allocated a number - like 10am or whenever or do they do overnight batches...or even once per week ?

anyone know ?

I am just knitting a noose in case we get A/R


Edited by saywhat, 16 May 2007 - 11:26 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 11:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 Barcode Coversheet

The barcode sizing thing probably has to do with not cropping enough -- the barcode image after you crop can't be too big or you will run into these problems of bumping the text to the next page. A rule of thumb would be to crop as tightly as possible, leaving almost no white border along the sides and top and bottom of the bar code.

Re: black and white printing -- I don't think that would be a problem since the importance of the sheet lies in the barcode(s). If they think about the logo being in black and white at all, they might just think you ran the cover sheet through a copier and kept the original.

james I trust you 100% on this but you know how things change and I just imagine some bureaucrat starting a campaign to fish out non original forms on the very day mine arrives - yes I am over anxious - you want to see my wife - she worries about satellites crashing through the roof I swear !
I am sure some people must put the wrong code number into the bar code generator and nvc will get annoyed at some stage

oh I know worry worry worry... readers - follow james not me !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-21 15:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 Barcode Coversheet

It took me forever to get the small one right ... it kept messing up the rest of the form every time I'd paste it in. I had to change margins in the doc. to get it right.

I'll have the hubby print it out in colour though, but that could be just my OCD :whistle:

Yes I struggled a bit too- if you grab the bottom right corner and go a bit too far it inserts another row- as you say

but as long as you make it as big as poss (and yes it still looks v small) then i reckon it will be ok - look at the original to reassure yourself..

best wishes



people on here say colour print is not necessary and I believe em - but I reckon there is no point drawing attention to the form as they shove it under the barcode reader and I will print it at my pal's house on his colour printer

take a low profile with govt departments is my philosophy
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-21 12:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 Barcode Coversheet

It took me forever to get the small one right ... it kept messing up the rest of the form every time I'd paste it in. I had to change margins in the doc. to get it right.

I'll have the hubby print it out in colour though, but that could be just my OCD :whistle:

Yes I struggled a bit too- if you grab the bottom right corner and go a bit too far it inserts another row- as you say

but as long as you make it as big as poss (and yes it still looks v small) then i reckon it will be ok - look at the original to reassure yourself..

best wishes

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-21 12:51:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 Barcode Coversheet

I am having a hard time generating the correct size barcode for the NEW DS-230 Barcode Coversheet. For some reason, what I generated through using the James's Shortcut looks bigger than the sample barcode coversheet.

I measured the size of the downloaded sample barcode coversheet, and

The small barcode (On top of the agent's name) is Width 50mm and Height 4mm

The bigger barcode (below the case #) is Width 80 mm and Height 6 mm

Is this the actual size?

Can someone who has just made their DS-230 barcode coversheet please give me some advice?

Thanks, Karina

as long as you have trimmed it in 'paint', copy it to word then right click it and format it - there is a 'size' tab...

do the same on the original download form so you know what the size should be...

james measures are inches and uk word will be set for cm - so just copy what the original form was

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-20 12:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 Barcode Coversheet

Hey greenclipse,
The instructions on James' Shortcut, http://www.visajourn...h...=117&st=135 post 148 does reflect the proper sizes for the 2 barcodes.
I just had a hard time making it work for my coversheet. :( The barcodes I generated still looks a lil' different, but after spending hours trying to tweak it, i give up! --sigh--
Hopefully NVC won't throw out my DS-230 as my big barcode on the bottom looks a lil' different.

Good luck!

what have you figured out? Does the shortcut give the proper sizes, or did you have to make adjustments?

I found that adobe photoshop2 made the barcode fuzzy- the best is the standard 'paint' program in windows xp- just cut the greyed words out, roll up the little image window and its ok- works every time- can't tell the difference from the original when i fold the paper over and compare - however I use A4 size paper and not US 'letter' so it won't fool anyone

I measured the original size on the original form by right click/format/size tab in WORD and then made sure i was getting v close to that on the finished article...someone else that bar code readers don't care if the dimensions aren't spot on - as long as they look pretty close with the naked eye- and my eyes are naked even at mid-day

the liitle one on the DS230 cover sheet (new) was tricky - and in my WORD i had to just click/hold and stretch it til it filled the box almost

just read your thick-thin-space sequence for a little bit just to make sure all your barcodes are the same and not the same as the downloaded form !--- i need a barcode reader website now to reverse engineer it and to check the barcodes i have generated
nerd or what !

phew coffee time


Edited by saywhat, 20 May 2007 - 10:55 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-20 10:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 Barcode Coversheet
Without hi-jacking this thread, can i just ask about the new DS-230 cover sheet which has two barcodes and a blue emblem top right- James isn't sure whether it's necessary to have this printed out in colour (color) so that the blue thing shows and it looks original.
I only have a black and white laser printer and we don't have a Kinko's in the UK (Brits will laugh at that name - it's more appropriate for sex shop here)- What's the thoughts on whether colour is necessary ? anyone 'got away' with sending the ds230 cover in black and white ?

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-20 04:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Tuesday actions

The automated message will instantly say "The DS-3032 has been sent to the beneficiary... blah, blah, blah. The AOS bill has been generated..." Something like that. You won't hear the "Please wait 6-8 weeks for the beneficiary..." message anymore.

As far as public holidays, the automated message says that they generated my DS-3032 & AOS on 05/28/07 (Memorial Day) but it didn't say that when I called until yesterday 05/30/07.

Hey great info !

hooray for VJ !

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-01 03:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Tuesday actions

people seem to think the generation shows on the auto system...

any confirmers of that ?

thanks - alan

*raises hand*
I can confirm that.
The actual processing of the AoS money + sending of the I-864 package doesn't show up (much to my dismay), but the AoS bill and DS-3032 do :yes:

Excellent - what do they say (approximately) --- at the moment mine says (like dalek) THE-Beneficiary- Will -receive -the- choice -of agent -form in 6 to 8 weeks...
I just wondered what it changes to when it is generated ?

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-31 10:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Tuesday actions

When I went through the NVC my message updates came any day of the week, not just on Tuesdays.

thanks for that

I reckon public holidays will throw em out a day or so...

at 1 penny per minute I think i will phone the auto system every day to see if the agent form has been generated...

people seem to think the generation shows on the auto system...

any confirmers of that ?

thanks - alan
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-31 06:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Tuesday actions
I am following James' short cuts and it says they always do actions on a Monday which are available on the auto messages on Tuesdays..

As yesterday was a public holiday, is this pushed on a day and perhaps the Tuesday messages will appear Wednesday this week ??
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-29 12:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Shortcuts

I know it. I dread listening to that voice every time I call, not pleasant at all. ^_^

Well no he won't make the top 10 of dreamy voices, but I don't want to be NVC-ist at all because at least they will talk to me and answer my emails in a couple of days - and quite sweetly too - not like the USCIS - they were scary. I am unashamedly USCIS-ist

Now they have the file and have given it a number etc I feel much more relaxed...

It's Tuesday morning for me - I know it - the voices told me so !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-01 09:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Shortcuts

I found out yesterday from the automated system (AKA Sean Connery on acid). The message wasn't there on 05/28 nor 05/29 but it miraculously appeared yesterday when I called them.

Love the Shaun Connery on acid !


He sounds quite pleasant actually - which is good as i call 327 times aday !

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-01 03:00:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Shortcuts

My husband will be e-mailing them today since I just found out that they generated the DS-3032. I'll keep you posted of how long it takes for them to respond. And yes, your wife should e-mail them again just in case your e-mail fell through the cracks.


Hi Diana,

did you find out it was generated on the auto system or did you speak to a person - some say the auto sytem can be behind the times ?


Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-31 04:23:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)when NVC notify for start generate ds3230!!!!

hello people !!!! nice to be here

last may 22,2007 the NVC assign case#, today i received emailed from NVC that they review our case...... i just wondered why until now... i haven't heard anything when i should i start process I-864....
who can shared to me what is the way of process DS3230?
how the beneficiaries know that she need to process ds3230?
i am hoping ur favorable answer...

Hello Jarl -as far as I know, the NVC do not email you unless you email them first - did you email them, and if so , what did you say ?

also, if you could copy their email onto this post (after deleting the case number for security), we could try and figure it out...


Edited by saywhat, 01 June 2007 - 12:38 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-01 12:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-3032 & AOS Bill

I cld and emailed NVC on Tues to see if my case # has been assigned. The rep told me what I needed to hear, however today I recv'd the below email. What does it mean? Have my DS-3032 & AOS bill been generated? Can I go ahead and send in the choice of agent form? Or should I wait until it reflects on the IVR system?

Good Afternoon,

Your inquiry has been received at the National Visa Center (NVC).

The Agent of Choice (DS 3032) form and the Affidavit of Support Fee
processing bill are being sent. Please allow 2-4 weeks to receive this

The correct case number is KNG2007******.

National Visa Center

Yes they are very enigmatic - I have received an email that was impossible to decipher... that was from USCIS actually and referred to 'previous approval' of my case - that got my hopes up but it had not been approved at that time.

I agree with other posters that the ONLY way to be sure is to call the human at nvc and ask if the form has 'actually been generated' and ask for the actual date it was 'generated' just to make doubly sure

Hope it has been 'generated'

alan -talkin' 'bout my generation
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-01 06:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)the I-864, how do we know it was ok ?
Hoping to mail the I-864 arthurdavid of support form soon and I know when they get it, a message comes on like 'we are missing documents' which just means that the DS-230 has not yet been processed..

My question is, if they accept it (ok it), is there a way to tell, or would there be some sort of rfe message if it was not sufficient in some way ?

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-14 11:07:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Photos
Now we are at the NVC, can I just double check about photos:

I believe the petitioner needs no photo with the I-485 form
I believe the beneficiary needs no photo with the DS-230 form

I believe the Beneficiary needs >>>

one photo for the medical plus 2 for the embassy interview ..

The only way for me to get a photo US size in the North of England is to pay £15 each so I need to know !

The only alternative is to get one at that place in London near the Embassy but that is cutting it too fine for me...

Am I right in saying only 3 photos of the beneficiary are needed from this stage ?



Edited by saywhat, 18 June 2007 - 09:49 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-18 09:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)agent form generation - whats record longest time ?

Right on schedule :wacko: they have generated our DS-3032 and AOS Fee Bill!

go get em !

email em quick and you might get the ds3032 accepted friday and IV bill generated next tuesday !

quick quick quick !

its a roll !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-19 09:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)agent form generation - whats record longest time ?

Hooray ! we both got good news today - i reckon you will both be in Denver just before it snows - and we will be in Florida just too late to enjoy the hurricanes !

4.5 months to go and i feel like packing !


I know. I'm thinking we'll get an early September interview date which is good because if we wait a month longer, my husband will miss the summer completely. He wouldn't be happy about that since the weather in his hometown is pretty hot. :whistle:

yes you guys are 2 weeks in front of us so early sept is possible - we have a london embassy interview which has a long line... so I am thinking mid October which is still ok as I am not going until Nov 5 - easier when you are together - having done k1 I know it's tough when you are not together

But I reckon that once we have an interview date then all the pressure will be off - so the last 6 weeks will be much easier - it's the uncertainty that is wearing
ok I am spending all day tomorrow on the AOS form checking it till the numbers peel off my screen and stick to my specs !
Long live "Sir" James is what I say

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-12 13:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)agent form generation - whats record longest time ?

The automated system will let you know when the DS-3032 and AOS bill have been generated. But you DO have to speak to an operator to find out when the I-864 has been generated. I called yesterday and got a really nasty operator who didn't know anything about the I-864. Then I called later that afternoon and got another operator who nicely told me the I-864 had been generated yesterday.

I called them again today and the automated system told me the IV bill has been generated.

Hooray ! we both got good news today - i reckon you will both be in Denver just before it snows - and we will be in Florida just too late to enjoy the hurricanes !

4.5 months to go and i feel like packing !


Edited by saywhat, 12 June 2007 - 10:05 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-12 10:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)agent form generation - whats record longest time ?

Can you find out from the automated thingy? or did you have to speak to a person?

yes -before it generates agent/aos fee - it says something like 'wait for 4 to 6 weeks for the beneficiary to be notified'

this morning, the auto thingy referred to the ds-3032 and aos fee being 'sent' (generated that is )

from now on though - i reckon i have to speak to the person with the loose dentures- i love em really at nvc they are so much more approachable..

OK> james wonderful short cuts >> version 2


Edited by saywhat, 12 June 2007 - 09:37 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-12 09:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)agent form generation - whats record longest time ?

They didn't do ours yet. Guess we'll try again next Thursday.

I reckon you mean tuesday !

I checked at 8am uk today - 3am eastern US and it was done !

but we got our nvc number 18th may so they sure don't rush

I reckon 3 weeks is about the longest (from nvc number to agent form) - i would have choked if it had not happened today
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-12 09:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)agent form generation - whats record longest time ?

well its comforting to know we are not the only ones - carolyn has the theory that every time i poke fun at george w, the cia tell the nvc to slow it down -

If that was the case I doubt I'd have an approved I-130 already ;)

It took 18 days for mine to be generated but I used all that time to practice on how to get the barcodes just right. ^_^

As did I. Hahaha! I also changed the date on the bill every day, and I'm still not sure it actually went out with the right date on it :D

Yes they should offer the expedited service like the USCIS do on some cases - and use the money to re-work the forms system and the computer system so we can see where we are....

I reckon the AOS and visa application forms could be sent out same day as the NVC number was allocated with an instruction to pin the check to the front and return the form and check together - the whole thing could be done in 4 weeks flat...

anyway it's hurricane season coming up in Florida and it's nice in England so I might as well relax for another week...
I could do with a 7 day sleeping pill so i could wake up every tuesday morning - check that same old message at NVC - and drift off for another 7 days ...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-05 09:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)agent form generation - whats record longest time ?

I don't know if we have the dubious honour of holding the record, but we did have to wait nearly a month for the AoSBill & DS-3032 to be generated :yes:

wow - so there is a chance it will happen one day - here is me poised with my bar codes and dollar checks - changing the date on the word payslip form every monday - waiting ....

well its comforting to know we are not the only ones - carolyn has the theory that every time i poke fun at george w, the cia tell the nvc to slow it down - I refuse to become paranoid, whatever the good evidence they are out to get me !

haha !

come on next tuesday, I don't want to be a record breaker this time ..
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-05 09:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)agent form generation - whats record longest time ?
We got our NVC number MAY 18th but I called nvc today and was told that the ds-3032 agent form has not been generated yet ...

I suppose if they only show on Tuesday mornings then the world will spin quite a few times before we get another sniff...

Looking at some timelines, it seems 7 to 10 days is average so our possible 25 days to next tuesday is going some ..

has anyone else gone that long

the lady at nvc just gave me the 6 to 8 weeks standard answer

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-05 08:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)UPS service to NVC Missouri

Oh I think you'll get your visa before November for sure. I'm glad things are working out for you.

Yes still optimistic- drove 55 miles to my old house - no cheque - then to my bank to hand in the letter canceling the cheque which went with UPS. They then spent exactly one hour on the phone to their international division and then said there would be a £12 charge to cancel it (not nil) and I would have to contact international myself and my letter was not necessary. They also said I had not been in the Lancashire branch yesterday and that the branch had not contacted international, and all the references I had been given were wrong (when I didn't go in !). They gave me a number to contact international. Just arrived back home after a 2 hour drive and tried the number - its a non-existent number !

Anyway I have decided to not cancel the original cheque as they are stupid enough to cancel the replacement cheque instead and then NVC would accuse me of bouncing canceled banker's drafts on them. I will cancel it after 'case complete'

Steeling myself for the 4 hour drive tomorrow to see if my bank has sent the cheque to my old address as they say they will (they refuse to send it to my new address even though that is accepted as the new address on file)

I am totally exhausted with all this business that I have been working on flat out for a week - all to get $70 to a PO box in America - - why cant NVC accept a credit card over the phone like a normal organization would ?

That would have saved me a week of heartache and $80 in petrol and 2 cheques for $70 and bank charges and $64 to UPS and two 4 hour return drives

just having a beer.....
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-19 09:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)UPS service to NVC Missouri
and Finally !
UPS refuses to mail (US postal service 50 cents), the fee check to NVC who are just round the corner from where the letter is at this moment:

They want to charge me another $64 to bring it back to england so I am telling them to destroy it

I will get another check from my bank and remail the fee bill via Royal Mail

My bank say I can 'stop' the check that was sent and recredit it to my account for no fee ! - I don't have to return it

3 minutes ago I rang NVC and my IV fee bill has been generated !

the sun is shining after a month of heavy rain and Carolyn has forgiven me for mailing to a PO box in the USA and has bought me a box of chocolates..

all is now at peace with the world (until the next stage in this gruesome process)

I will use fedex ($110) for the DS-230 form itself (not the fee), as their address is not a PO box and VJers keep referring to sending via couriers

It is absolutely critical that I have visa in hand for 5th November as I am 60 on the 7th of November so I wont get medicaire at 65 unless I have been there 5 years on the 7th november in 5 years - also if I arrive before 4th November I will get a 2 year conditional green card but if I arrive on the 5th it will be a 10 year unconditional..

So hitting the 5th november is crucial and I have a 2 day window to get this right from both perspectives.

I don't know how long it is from interview to visa in hand - 2 years ago with K1 it was the morning following the interview but I have heard that is longer now...

roll on visa time !

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-19 02:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)UPS service to NVC Missouri

You could do that, but it's quite possible they'd believe you and you'd be further up the creek now without any paddles, a hole in the boat and piranhas circling the boat.

Wouldn't it be possible to get yourself an unofficial agent in the US where you can send all the papers to in advance so they can send it to the NVC at your mark? Though, the only thing that needs to go fast after this is the IV bill, and there's no shortcut for it anyway. Eh. Still sorry for you, but confident it will eventually all be okay :)

Thanks chucky - I am going to just forget the whole UPS thing and mail the new check snail mail tomorrow - well royal mail 'airsure' 3 day service which i know is 10 days in reallity. Yes it can take 10 days but I reckon the 485 will be there before the 230 so that's ok..

Yes i will courier the actual 230 in a few weeks time as i reckon that does not go to a PO Box number - presumably new hampshire can sign for that...

I wont be using UPS though - they are unbelievably useless.... anyway it's a good job its the $70 they messed up and not the big one for the IV

I wouldnt really tell them that the check they are holding in their hands, from my letter they opened, is a 'parrot in a cage' , as I know they would get really confused and need psychological counselling and sue me for the cost of it as soon as I arrived


ok serenity and patience is the objective - i shall go and pig out on ginger biscuits
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-18 07:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)UPS service to NVC Missouri

Excuse the pun... but keep us "posted" as to how you get it there in the end... Will it be royal mail? Maybe fedex it to your other half in usa... and then have him/her post it USPS once it arrives...??

Monday report - Carolyn has allowed me in from the doghouse. UPS still have not contacted me so I will see what their ever changing excuses are today.

I asked them to simply stick it in the mail at their depot in Missouri city where the check now is - that way it would reach NVC tomorrow. They refused even though I paid them £32 ($64) to take it
We are both resident in the UK and the whole system seems to be USA-centric so it only works if one of you is in the US and one is abroad.
That has cost us many weeks so far as we started January 9th...

Good news is that the Halifax bank here are sending a new USD check out today for $70 so I will possibly be able to mail it snail mail tomorrow as no international couriers can deliver to a PO box in the US....

As at Friday night, the US customs still had not released it as they need someone to fax forms to the US to say what is in it - even though they have opened it and told UPS that there is only a check and a remittance advice. I have a good mind to fax them and tell em that the check and remittance advice in their hands is actually a parrot in a cage

Surreal situation, a bit like when they ask you to state that you are not entering the USA to overthrow the government - yes/no

I am constantly fighting my personal problem - which is that I tend to feel arrogant and superior and that so many people are so stupid - but this lot are just feeding my disability and making it worse !

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-18 04:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)UPS service to NVC Missouri
Just as I was beating myself up - an email came in from the nvc to say my choice of agent has been accepted and the IV fee bill will be sent hooray ! a small glimmer of light !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-15 10:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)UPS service to NVC Missouri

ARRRGH what a pain in the a55!! We used FedEx for everything, seems to of been cool so far... but am intrigued to see if this happens to me when sending.. i hope not!

just rang fedex - they will not deliver to a post box either

And neither will DHL or any other private courier... the only one that does deliver to a PO box is the USPS....

jeez how do i get it there quickly from the uk

I know the USPS has express service to overseas addresses, I assume then that the UK postal service has similiar options (in cooperation with the USPS).

I am digging myself in deeper now - i just ordered a new bankers check from my bank - it takes 7 or 10 days to get to me- i did send the original I-130 petition by royal mail - they said three days and it took 10... so 7 plus 10 - jeez

looks like i am right up the creek-again
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-15 10:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)UPS service to NVC Missouri

ARRRGH what a pain in the a55!! We used FedEx for everything, seems to of been cool so far... but am intrigued to see if this happens to me when sending.. i hope not!

just rang fedex - they will not deliver to a post box either

And neither will DHL or any other private courier... the only one that does deliver to a PO box is the USPS....

jeez how do i get it there quickly from the uk
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-15 10:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)UPS service to NVC Missouri

In your title you say NVC Missouri... NVC (National Visa Center) is in New Hampshire while NBC (National Benefits Center) is in Missouri

Maybe try:

National Visa Center
32 Rochester Ave.
Portsmouth, NH 03801-2909

i sent it to:

Return Payment to (envelope provided):
National Visa Center
P.O. Box 790135
St. Louis, MO 63179-0135

it has to go there as that is on the aos fee bill remittance advice

Edited by saywhat, 15 June 2007 - 10:38 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-15 10:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)UPS service to NVC Missouri

ARRRGH what a pain in the a55!! We used FedEx for everything, seems to of been cool so far... but am intrigued to see if this happens to me when sending.. i hope not!

just rang fedex - they will not deliver to a post box either
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-15 10:28:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)UPS service to NVC Missouri
oh well UPS waited until it was in missouri to tell me - now i have to wait forever for the check to come back to the uk - it takes 5 days to get a USD bankers check here in the uk so i will have to wait for mine to come all the way back

this thing just gets worse and worse

i have just about had it with the whole thing

every single step goes wrong - every single step is a nightmare

UPS had it in their system as a po box right from the first enquiry - and to add insult to injury, US customs have held it 2 days as they think there is a 'disk' inside ! there is a check for 70 dollars and the aos fee bill

why dont they just open it ? its just a ups envelope

oh i think i will get drunk tonight i just cant do this any more
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-15 10:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)UPS service to NVC Missouri
help !!!!

UPS just told me they will not deliver to a PO box address !!!!!

they are talking about sending the check back to england !!!!

How do VJ people get the 70 dollar aos fee to nvc ??

help !!!

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-15 10:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)UPS service to NVC Missouri
The horror goes on - sent my AOS fee bill and a banker's check (that is all) via UPS:

See below > This is where I am at ! mis-sorted and now held by US customs...UPS says it is held by US customs for 2 days cost me £32 ($64) to send....

UPS says it could be held for some time...


Package Progress
Location Date Local Time Description
KY, US 06/15/2007 12:21 A.M. IMPORT SCAN
KY, US 06/14/2007 11:33 A.M. IMPORT SCAN
06/14/2007 12:15 A.M. IMPORT SCAN
KY, US 06/13/2007 1:46 P.M. IMPORT SCAN
06/13/2007 10:20 A.M. IMPORT SCAN
GB 06/12/2007 5:40 P.M. ORIGIN SCAN

Edited by saywhat, 15 June 2007 - 02:43 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-15 02:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Open letter to the United States Visa processing dept

I read an article not too long ago about how USCIS was offered money and a program to upgrade their systems in order to cut the waiting times in half and increase efficiency. USCIS said No Thanks! Apparently, they make too much money on the "re-application" fees that are due to the long waits. The amount is in the billions.

I get so angry at the fact that Congress wants to bring in 12 million illegals to be processed in this inept system that will get priority over those of us that have been waiting for YEARS!!!! #######!!!!! It makes me made as you know what!!!!

I know , these last few days I have been driving 110 miles a day back to my old address for banker's checks etc and fighting with couriers and I am so frazzled with it all- and they are going to let 12 million law breakers have what I have fought for - just like that. I spend all my life trying not to get convictions and be healthy and squeaky clean, just so i can let uscis doctors strip me naked and fondle me around and then be interrogated at the embassy and messed around, and all my private life and assets etc exposed and thousands of dollars taken off me in travel and time and hotels and fees - and these people are going to get it handed on a plate as a reward for successfully evading the law in the middle of the night ?
They have been driving around with no vehicle title and no driving license and no insurance and not paying tax and no health insurance etc etc etc and they will be in front of me ? - in 3 years time (or 5) I will be a USC and what chance my adult son to come and join me ?
Years and years thats what - they will have to stand in line behind these people.

seems that Thatcherism has spread and there is no such thing as society and it's every person for themselves..

ok well if that's the rules then let's play hard ball !

but enough of that - the original post is about the inefficiency of the system - I can see the point about sickening people off so they give up and re-apply later and the USCIS makes money 2 or three times. But if it was just that then they would introduced a $ 5,000 one month fast track with a credit card payment system - you each send a form to uscis, pay by credit card and it comes out as a visa in 1 month. How many of us would not take that ? So I don't go for the money thing -

I think it is awful screaming bad incompetence and blind stupidity. The most obvious answer is sometimes the true one.
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-20 09:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Open letter to the United States Visa processing dept


Dear Frustrated

At last a kindred spirit ! the trouble is that once we learn to game the system using James' shortcuts , we will be spewed out of the other end of the sausage machine and we won't look back - blotting it out and leaving it to the others who follow in our wake to suffer the slings and arrows of this administrative tripe factory

I have a theory that it can't be this bad by design . It was put in place to lengthen the line at a time in 1801 or something when there were 3 people working at uscis/nvc

There can be no other explanation other than to make the line a year long to sicken off the uncommitted immigrants

It can't be this bad without an evil conspiracy theory - can it ?

Why can't they just send out a ds-230 and add the checking fee of 70 dollars to the IV fee ? and just send the IV form and say 'clip a check to the front'

I mean what is all this sending out bills first ? they could send a bill , for sending the bill, for sending the bill...
Why do they have a PO box number which cannot be accessed by any courier company in the world ?

What is wrong with them ? I could have made the whole place look space age in the beauty and fluidity and ease and efficiency of it's systems when I was 15 and covered in spots and wondering if girls made rude noises too.. Actually the space age was 40 years ago - can you image this lot getting to the moon ?
Thish ish the en vee shee presh 3 to raise your blood preshure, presh 5 to give yourshelf a shtroke, presh 9 to visit the tunnel of deshpair where you will weep alone until we get out bottoms in gear

I am sliding into a cantankerous old age and I might just become a resident complainer once I become a USC instead of a UKS (subject). I might make a hobby out of tormenting them...

Look out USCIS/NVC - I am coming to getcha !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-18 14:12:00