National Visa Center (Dept of State)The missing documents message at NVC

Yeah, they didn't like the fact that I used the word "generated" either for some reason.

Well, it's just the fact that I got the "missing info" regarding the payment and not the actual DS-230 that threw me off. If I had called and they had said the message was regarding the form and not the payment I would've sent that sucker right then and there. But they got themselves all tied up in a knot and threw my "shortcut" process out the window.

Shoot, 3 months at the NVC and I was hoping for 2, maybe 2½ max. Shucks. :dead:

Oh well - at least you will be sending the 'genuine' form in and not have to worry about whether you have faked it correctly like I will..
Yes you win some and lose some along this line and so far I have had lots and lots of trouble but my timetable is still ok despite it all...

The line for the medical could be 4 to 8 weeks and the interview can also be 4 to 8 weeks so I suppose we just dont know how long it will be until visa in hand... then we can worry about whether the green card will be wrong or lost !

Once I get that thing i am having it waterproof sealed in plastic and strapped to my body with 2,000 lb breaking strain cables !

anyway you and i are at the same stage and passed all the sticky things that could arise on th 864 form which trips some people up - the remaining paperwork is nothing really

carolyn is here in the uk so we had to satisfy them on domicile too on the 864 so phew thats in the past now...

So on tuesday i have to frame my question correctly- if i say 'is the visa form generated' they will get prickly so i have to say 'is the final immigration package' on its way to me ? thats sounds ok...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-21 02:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The missing documents message at NVC

This gets more complicated because I received and sent the IV bill on 06/22/07. I got the message on 06/28/07, got the letter regarding the payment on 07/05/07. So I still can't make out the DS-230 date.

The people at the NVC did say that it was "supposed to" have been mailed out last week. So since so much time has passed already, I'm just gonna wait for it.

But here is my question, if they said that it was supposed to have been mailed out last week, what date would you put on the DS-230 coversheet? They wouldn't give me any dates.


If you first heard last week - then using James shortcuts you would put the Monday's date just before you heard - but you are going to wait for the 'real' form now - so it that is irrelevant now - the real form will have the date on it...

I am going to call Tuesday and if they say it has gone out or is on its way, i will put next Monday's date on - the 23rd

I have 3 forms ready with 3 dates on 23rd, 30th and 6th august !

phew - I thought there had been a change of system at NVC and panicked - i know they hate to use the word 'generated' now and refer to 'the pack being sent out' - they sounded quite irritated when i said 'generated'

i reckon you will receive it any time now...

whizz it back in and bob's your uncle, fanny's your aunt and you are finished with nvc !!!! wont that be nice...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-20 11:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The missing documents message at NVC
ps - I don't mean to imply that the ds230 pack is generated or sent out the Monday following the day the check is processed as it can be delayed - but if they have already told you that it has been sent out then you can start to figure out the best date to put on it...

It all depends what they are actually saying to you...

If you reckon the ds230 was sent out a couple of weeks ago then perhaps there is no point doing the short cuts as it may be with you very soon depending on where it is beng sent to...

Edited by saywhat, 20 July 2007 - 11:00 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-20 10:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The missing documents message at NVC

Well see, the first time I got the message was on 06/28 which was a Thursday and the letter they sent out was regarding the IV Bill payment, I got the letter on 07/05. The automated message I get now is still the same and I still don't have a specific date of when they mailed the DS-230 instructions, IF they ever did.

ok I am getting that you got the message about 'incomplete documentation ' on 06/28 ? if so then that is just to do with the AOS forms so we can forget about that...

then you got the iv bill 07/05 and sent that back (straight away ? ) with a check

ok next step is to call them and ask em what date they 'processed' the check (about 4 days after they receive it )

and then here is the killer question - ask em if the ds-230 pack has been sent out - if it has then you are ok to send the DS-230 in...

I am hoping the ds-230 pack is 'sent out' or 'generated' about a week after the check has been processed... so if you have the date your check was processed then you can start to make a good guess as to when the ds-230 pack was done..

if you sent your check from the US on 07/05 then they would probably receive it about the 10th ? and process it about the 13th or 16th monday ? ask em
if so then the ds-230 would be dated the following Monday - the 23rd

if , however, they told you a week ago that it was 'on it's way' to you then the 16th might be the date.

all speculation - first job is to get the date they processed your 380 dollar check - that is a good starting point- and to ask em to confirm it has been sent - the date doesnt really matter too much cos you can work back to it then- and it is a monday

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-20 10:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The missing documents message at NVC

Well, I sure hope it's only me having that problem. I also spent hours generating the barcodes for the DS-230 and now it seems I can't use it. Some people have suggested I send in the DS-230 packet to the NVC with a ramdom date from last week, but I always think "what if they said they had mailed it in and they haven't?", you know? They couldn't confirm if they had o not because they don't have a specific date and that's what I'm stuck on.

Let's really hope you don't have that issue because you've waited long enough.


hum - well a truly random date isn't what you mean I am sure as it's always a Monday date...
So if you call em every Tuesday morning and on one of those Tuesdays they say they have now mailed it out, then you can be sure it was the day before's date that needs to go on your documents..

Did you call every Tuesday and which was the first one where they said it was on its way coz they day before is your date...

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-20 10:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The missing documents message at NVC

It's the saaaaaaaaame message I've been getting for the past month and it's driving me crazy. The info they're missing is the DS-230 and the annoying message won't go away until they receive it. It's supposed to be changed to "the DS-230 has been generated" but as per the NVC, they no longer generate the form they just mail out the instructions with no specific mailing date and we have to wait for them. It sucks. <_<

What ! I didnt know that !

Do you mean I can't do James' short cuts ?

I spent weeks getting my ds-230 ready and getting the cover sheet printed up in blue etc...

This is news to me !

tell me it's not so......

Tell me I can send my version of DS-230

aaarrgghhhh !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-20 09:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The missing documents message at NVC
Could not stand it any longer so called NVC - she says AOS 'looks fine'

also confirms Visa fee processed 2 days ago - so sweating Tuesday for final visa form generation !

So that message that says 'missing documents and we are sending you aletter - it sounds really quite dire but apparently that means its ok

what it would say if it wasnt ok I dont know..

So its ok for me, but just for the record and to help those who follow on , has anyone experience of what it says if the I-864 is rejected ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-20 06:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The missing documents message at NVC

i mean 864 not 485
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-20 05:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The missing documents message at NVC
ok so we submitted the I-864 a couple of weeks ago and I was expecting the message per James shortcuts to say

-----'some documents are missing' (because the DS-230 has not been processed yet)

This morning it said 'some documents are missing' - but went on with a rather ominous tone to say that 'a letter is being sent out in x weeks etc etc'

Is this the normal message or does it mean there is a problem with the I-485 ?

I suppose I am asking, what would be the difference in the message if the I-485 had or had not been approved ?

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-20 04:07:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

yee har isnt that lovely !

they took 2 weeks and 4 days to send it to me in the Uk (via germany)

but it really did feel good to be at your stage

its rolling now !

many congrats and happy friday the 13th - only unlucky for some!

HAHA thanks!

Good thing I am not a triscadekaphobiac. :P

thought they died out with triceratops- actually its probably 14th in australia ! that would account for it...

LOL! It appears they have been preserved through the ice age.

Apparently the email was sent just before midnight on the 13th. It also took .6 seconds to get the email from the NVC to Australia according to the timestamps. Just some useless statistics for VJ members. :jest:

Hail fellow geek ! GEEKS RULE OK !!!!

I am trying to stay away from 'event viewer ' in XP but I am so geeky !

Ok I must NOT call NVC until TUESDAY morning - I must relax and forget it all from now until then...

It is still raining heavily and getting dark at 16:47hrs but I don't care because I have put myself into a smiley trance....

ok celebration time for YOU !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-13 10:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

yee har isnt that lovely !

they took 2 weeks and 4 days to send it to me in the Uk (via germany)

but it really did feel good to be at your stage

its rolling now !

many congrats and happy friday the 13th - only unlucky for some!

HAHA thanks!

Good thing I am not a triscadekaphobiac. :P

thought they died out with triceratops- actually its probably 14th in australia ! that would account for it...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-13 10:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

yes thats the one...I used it for my change of address - just did a word document and used the xp fax and asked em for an email confirmation - they emailed about 3 days later...

It is raining heavier than ever right now so we are off for a nice afghan curry and some beer tonight - forget the nvc until tuesday morning...

good luck..

Thanks! Take care and enjoy that afghan curry. Sounds interesting!

Oh as luck would have it, I called this morning to find out if they processed the AoS Bill payment. They did. I also asked if they received any notice of my wife's email. They did not process it yet. Sooooo....two hours pass and I find out they JUST emailed her the confirmation email. What a coincidence! I'll take it.

Good afternoon,

Your inquiry has been received at the National Visa Center (NVC).

The NVC has received the Agent of Choice selection. The Immigrant Visa
Application (DS 230) processing fee bill will be sent to the designated
agent on the case. The fee must be paid according to the instructions
before the instruction packet will be sent.

National Visa Center


I never thought I'd be so happy to be waiting for a bill to arrive. :lol:

yee har isnt that lovely !

they took 2 weeks and 4 days to send it to me in the Uk (via germany)

but it really did feel good to be at your stage

its rolling now !

many congrats and happy friday the 13th - only unlucky for some!
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-13 10:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

Vylex, sounds like a good idea, I think I will wait until early next week as well. Then just for the heck of it, I'll give NVC a call and if they tell me to resend it I will. :)

I would duplicate it with a fax- can't do any harm...don't know if they have a paper fax receiver or just a screen but people tend to take faxes more urgently...

It will be ok - it's just such a grind !

I was out for a drink with an old friend last night and he said he had never known me to swear in 20 years - I was swearing - I realised that the whole thing is getting me depressed...

I know it's moving along at it's own slow pace and all will be ok - but our whole lives are put on hold month after month in the wettest dreariest summer for probably a thousand years - stuck in a rented house in a part of the country I really dislike and just waiting - and it's been getting me down. At 1pm yesterday I had the heating on full and the lights on too so I could see the screen - that has been going on 6 weeks now - constantly . So that was a wake up call and I will put the NVC stages on my calender but I am not going to let it get me down in future and I am going to busy myself with other things.

So we all have the same challenge - do what we can do and not get upset by all the delays and errors and inefficiencies and confusion - I started January 9th and there are months to go and it ain't easy.

Hang in there! It's almost over! You're practically at the final stage. I remember when I had it all planned out to apply for a DCF and then the Adam Walsh law took effect. I was devastated because it threw a wrench into our plans. I recovered from that and decided to file the I-130 right away. Although it has delayed our plans a bit, we still know that in the long run things will be fine.

Also is the Fax: 603-334-0791?

She is still waiting for the form but I can scan the one I received and have her sign and fax it. Thanks for the tip! It definitely can't hurt.

yes thats the one...I used it for my change of address - just did a word document and used the xp fax and asked em for an email confirmation - they emailed about 3 days later...

It is raining heavier than ever right now so we are off for a nice afghan curry and some beer tonight - forget the nvc until tuesday morning...

good luck..
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-13 09:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

Vylex, sounds like a good idea, I think I will wait until early next week as well. Then just for the heck of it, I'll give NVC a call and if they tell me to resend it I will. :)

I would duplicate it with a fax- can't do any harm...don't know if they have a paper fax receiver or just a screen but people tend to take faxes more urgently...

It will be ok - it's just such a grind !

I was out for a drink with an old friend last night and he said he had never known me to swear in 20 years - I was swearing - I realised that the whole thing is getting me depressed...

I know it's moving along at it's own slow pace and all will be ok - but our whole lives are put on hold month after month in the wettest dreariest summer for probably a thousand years - stuck in a rented house in a part of the country I really dislike and just waiting - and it's been getting me down. At 1pm yesterday I had the heating on full and the lights on too so I could see the screen - that has been going on 6 weeks now - constantly . So that was a wake up call and I will put the NVC stages on my calender but I am not going to let it get me down in future and I am going to busy myself with other things.

So we all have the same challenge - do what we can do and not get upset by all the delays and errors and inefficiencies and confusion - I started January 9th and there are months to go and it ain't easy.
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-13 03:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

Yeah I called them yesterday and that's when she told me that it's 5-10 business days to answer e-mails. I said so what should we do since it seems this e-mail thing is not working and she suggested sending in a letter. I don't know-I guess we could do that. And actually Javier has received his DS-whatever packet in the mail. I just don't trust him to fill it out correctly. This is such a pain! Thanks!!!

I fax em from my computer using the fax facility in windows xp

they actioned it quite quickly
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-11 10:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

Ok question. I went ahead and sent in the I-864 fee-they will be receiving it right about now-ish. So I'm assuming they will plan on generating the I-864 on Monday. My question is what else do they normally generate at the same time as the I-864? I ask this because they still have NOT responded to our choice of agent e-mails and I'm concerned about where they will be sending whatever else they want to generate on Monday.

I sent our version of I-864 last tuesday when they generated it (they received it 3 days ago ) but i don't expect their form to reach us for another week plus - I don't expect anything to be with it apart from the cover sheet..

takes em 2 weeks and 4 days to get it to the UK but US seems to get it a few days...

I would call em and have a chat > better than emails at this stage

Edited by saywhat, 11 July 2007 - 10:29 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-11 10:28:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

I sent the Choice of Agent email on June 26, and received a reply indicating that they'd accepted the choice of agent on July 6. Certainly longer than we were expecting, although still less time than it would take for the letter to reach India. The email read,

Dear Sir,

NVC has received the Agent of Choice selection. The Immigrant Visa
Application (DS 230) processing fee bill will be sent to the designated
agent on the case. The fee must be paid according to the instructions
before that form will be sent. Please allow two to four weeks for the
designated agent to receive this fee bill.

National Visa Center

Anyone have any idea how long it will take for the IV Bill to arrive?


Our arrived yesterday - 2 weeks and 4 days ! It seemed like years

but this is the last letter/form from the USA that you need..then send the 230 when generated and tat's it ! after that it is your local embassy so soon you will feel much better - i do...

Matt & Chandra

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-07 04:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

I still haven't received a response from the first or second e-mails. When I still haven't heard anything on Tuesday I guess I will call them again and see what they suggest.

Heina you should call em as soon as possible - I have always found them helpful--also can you fax them too ? ...

If you have windows xp you can do it from your computer ?

i did for change of address and they actioned it and emailed a confirmation

enough is enough and iot's time for you to bombard them nicely

good luck with it - alan
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-06 09:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

No they still haven't responded to us. I re-sent the e-mail yesterday so hopefully we'll hear something by the end of the week.

Goodness this is all starting to make me worry about ours.

I recieved an email shortly afterwards and it said this:

The NVC has received your e-mail inquiry. We are currently processing in the order of receipt.
Thank you for your patience.

National Visa Center

So hopefully the little old lady's cat is much

Hooray for the ##### cat.... at least they have it so soon they will accept are on the road now.... it starts to roll regularly now ...not as fast as we want..but its ticking...

I can't believe VJ put ##### on my post when I typed pusssssy cat ! whats this world coming to ? I wonder if it will accept 'willy' or is that too Brit to bother about ? English is too wide ranging for some program to stop

What a load of 'Eartha' !!! (NON BRITS TRY looking up 'eartha' >>>)

Edited by saywhat, 04 July 2007 - 02:22 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-04 02:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

No they still haven't responded to us. I re-sent the e-mail yesterday so hopefully we'll hear something by the end of the week.

Goodness this is all starting to make me worry about ours.

I recieved an email shortly afterwards and it said this:

The NVC has received your e-mail inquiry. We are currently processing in the order of receipt.
Thank you for your patience.

National Visa Center

So hopefully the little old lady's cat is much

Hooray for the ##### cat.... at least they have it so soon they will accept are on the road now.... it starts to roll regularly now ...not as fast as we want..but its ticking...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-04 02:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

No they still haven't responded to us. I re-sent the e-mail yesterday so hopefully we'll hear something by the end of the week.

You will get a reply from them. Don't worry.

I agree - I sent em about 4 and they responded to them within 4 days - including my faxed change of address - then we faxed Carolyn's change of address and asked for an email reply but didnt get it... so they are not infallible but they will reply to the follow up ..yes
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-03 11:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

They emailed me back yesterday confirming the Choice of Agent :dance:

Excellent ! it feels good does it not !

It starts to move now - not as fast as you like but you will feel you are on the move !

Mine was 2 weeks since today - still waiting for IV bill - hope it will be this morning - mail strike backlog permitting

Hoping for 485 form to be generated today too... next few hours will see

but any way you must be very pleased because THINGS ARE MOVING AT THE NVC !!! HOORAY !!!

Edited by saywhat, 03 July 2007 - 03:42 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-03 03:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

We actually aren't in a hurry. I just did it that way to save money. My husband doesn't know how to download anything so I would have had to actually send him by courier the copy of the DS-3032 that I received, have him sign it and send it by courier back to me (so he didn't screw anything up), then I would have to courier it to the NVC. That's a lot of money that I thought we might be able to save by e-mailing it.

This morning the NVC told me that they are supposed to answer those e-mails within 5 business days and if we hadn't received any response we needed to send it again. So I'm just going to send it again. Hopefully it works this time-if not I guess we have to go the expensive route.

Yes, you can do that. You should mention that you already mailed the choice of agent email before. Or if you have saved the choice of agent email on the "sent" folder, I would forward that email to NVC and write down the info again. I still think you will get the reply of your Ist email any day.

Heck it's awful all this mailing back and forth... My IV bill was generated 2 weeks ago tomorrow - but the UK mail strike means it's in a backlog somewhere (hopefully !)

about time the NVC sorted this awful system out so it can be done on line or by visa card.

This email system for agents forms is a bit slack security wise actually and i am surprised we get away with it... we should be able to phone for a case PIN number after answering lots of security questions - then using the PIN number we could fill in the agent forms etc on a secured site in real time and pay the visa fees instantly by credit card... no mail no nothing... this is taking me weeks and weeks and is so risky....
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-02 10:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

i only just got mine, see my timeline, its pretty normal

yes it varies a lot with their workload - i got mine in 3 days and my fax re change of address was 4 days - but carolyn's fax re change of address has been 7 and counting

All these emails are handled by a little old lady called Edna and her cat is sick at the moment - she has to keep taking mornings off to take it to the vet's surgery

I hear that the cat is much improved and she should be back at work full time soon...

LOL! I like your sense of humour, classic :)

Life is stranger than anything I can invent - that's why I know I am not insane ! haha he-he-ho-ho

Actually they have problems with rats and the staff will not go into the office where the email terminal is - the union is having low-key discussions with the management and the military are supplying nerve gas to get rid of the rats. Normal email service will be resumed Monday after the gas clears..

Don't encourage me !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-28 09:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

i only just got mine, see my timeline, its pretty normal

yes it varies a lot with their workload - i got mine in 3 days and my fax re change of address was 4 days - but carolyn's fax re change of address has been 7 and counting

All these emails are handled by a little old lady called Edna and her cat is sick at the moment - she has to keep taking mornings off to take it to the vet's surgery

I hear that the cat is much improved and she should be back at work full time soon...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-28 05:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC very slow! the agony of waiting, is this normal?

My NOA2 was generated July 9 for my K3 petition and still no NVC case number. The part about the truck that occasionally moves files across the country just blows my mind. :no: A completely random design of this process flow could not produce more pitfalls and delays than the one that exists. It really makes me wonder how it got to be this way?

It is a little known fact that when George W was blind drunk all day every day and avoiding Vietnam, he was assigned to US immigration as a data systems designer . Although he tore up all his plans when he started seeing pink elephants in hijabs hiding under his desk, his dad stuck the plans together as best he could using scotch tape...

the USCIS/NVC systems we are working with today are the product of that and they cannot be changed until george w has been dead for 50 years and the awful truth can be officially acknowledged

hope this explains it now...

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-02 15:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC has no record of our case

My NOA2 was July 2nd, I have been calling them and sent them an email a week ago, still no update or reply back from NVC. I was even asked to call back mid of August. :protest: I also cant believe that they almost doubled the fees, but the service is getting worse. Because of this, I have already prepared all the documents I will be sending them, and all ready to use JSC, but afraid that there will be a lot of changes to take place by July 31st. :protest: This waiting period is getting on me...honestly, in the amidst of the changes and their application processing, how can you keep your sanity? :dead:

AAARRGGHHH get a grip because - it gets worse !!!!! actually waiting for the visa fee bill is a real pain and it goes on and on and on...

Everybody delays you from the NVC to postal service on strike to courier foul ups etc etc

I am hoping for case complete end of next week (despite fedex fouling up) then its on to delays with London and booked up medical centre and then interview lines etc etc...

it goes on forever so please buy my book called 'how to put yourself in a trance and wake up as you leave the customs area in the US'

Until that day you will never be free to relax

Then you receive a green card in the Name of 'A Sample' and that takes 3 months to fix

then you get a perfect one and somebody mugs you and takes your wallet with the GC in it

Hey, I am a half full sort of guy as well !

ps nearly 3 weeks from noa2 to logging on NVC system and yes some do get lost as they blow off the truck on the way from California

So your relief at being finally logged just means you are onto the next set of worries

gin and tonic worked for me

good eh ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-26 15:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Still no IV fee bill, almost 6 weeks up
yes they are in a mess by the look of it - the operators are being quite off-hand as well.

I wonder if it's because they are all on holiday with the kids being off school ?

everyone is complaining about stuff being super slow..
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-06 10:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)No AOS packet yet...

Maybe you won't get since you sent it ahead of time. I never got my I-864.

Hmm... maybe I did and I can't remember since that was two months ago.

Oh my gosh... over 3 months at the NVC. This whole thing just blows. :cry:

It's weird because I sent the 230 the day after they said it was 'coming out to me' - I can't believe their system is so sophisticated that it does not mail out a form if the fake is received by them the day after the real one is generated
No way is their mail room system up to that...cant be...nope...who knows - not me

Chin up Diana - last lap gal.... the end is nigh....lets hope we get to the promised land before the asteroid vapourises us

yes it has sent me insane ! gibber

Edited by saywhat, 08 August 2007 - 11:26 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-08 11:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)No AOS packet yet...
correction - the letter i received today from nvc today is dated july 20th and says they received the 864 but not the visa fee ...

the visa check was processed by them on july 20th so this letter has crossed in the post with the check..

So I do not have the original 230 yet and it is taking 19 days to receive letters from nvc...

So that means that James short cuts have saved me even MORE time than I estimated although I can't say that for certain until I get 'case complete'
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-08 11:07:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)No AOS packet yet...

Since there are 2 parts to the NVC process, 1) is the AOS/I-864 and 2) the IV bill/DS-230, they were finished with the I-864 when I sent it and said that they were missing info to complete my case, which was the DS-230. As soon as I sent that one it now says that they are reviewing it.

Alan, I checked this morning again and... NOTHING. :huh:


Diana - nothing for me either - but I went to yorkshire this morning and left a spreadbet running on the £ and the euro against the $

that is both legal and tax free in Europe and a crime in the USA

- just got home and it has made £330 !!! drat so I cant do it in the US- just when i was getting good at it
so i think our luck is turning and it is SOON !!!!

the actual message refers to the 'checklist' being received and is being reviewed....

It is 2 weeks tomorrow since they received mine and guess what ? the 'real' 230 dropped through my letter box this morning...

So james shortcuts actually saved around 2 weeks and the email agent saved 2.5 weeks also - the 864 was not worth doing and did not save anything BUT if there had been a problem with it, doing James' would have helped so yes I am glad I did the 864 too ..

ok I am assuming the lotus position and going on hunger strike until 'case complete'

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-08 10:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)No AOS packet yet...

Hey guys,
I understand that usually the "missing info" part is about the 864. But in Diana's timeline it says that they have completed reviewing it. How can the missing info still be about it? Sure it's not about the 230?

Diana is getting the same message as me at the moment which says 'your checklist has been received' and means the ds 230 is on the system to be reviewed and the 864 is ok

she was getting 'missing documents' prior to her 230 arriving there (and getting on the system which takes 2 or 3 days)

No doubt she will confirm this soon...

right going to call em now to see if they worked all night on my file

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-08 02:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)No AOS packet yet...

Nothing as of this morning Alan. :huh:

Right that's it ! going to string myself up - florida is off- new car is off - had enough

going to live in a driftwood shack in the Canaries and Carolyn can come with me or go back and live in a snow drift in Wisconsin surrounded by raccoons and survivalists.

I am going to buy some spray paint and write 'BUM' on the wall !!!!!!

Cooked a nice chicken this afternoon though so I think I will have that first - then a pint of Timmy Taylor championship beer - then rethink it.....

something is not happening at NVC - the wheel is off - vacations ? re-training ? new computers ? I dont know but they have stopped !

They received my JAMES 230 form a week last thursday at 9am but I have not even got their original 230 yet !!

they can't even lick a stamp !

crazy !

gibber gibber rant rant stamp crash wallop grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-07 12:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)No AOS packet yet...

Thank you!

That "missing info" in your timeline, that's the DS-230 that hasn't been processed yet, right?

'missing info' means they have received the 864

then when they receive the 230 it changes to 'we have received your checklist'

then you sit and stew for a long while - then you get 'case complete' - then they wait 2 weeks to send it to the embassy

then you wait wait wait and wait and after that you wait to wait

oh dear i think it's sent me NUTS !

Hoping Diana gets her 'complete' today or wednesday then we will be the day after

Edited by saywhat, 07 August 2007 - 11:59 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-07 11:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)No AOS packet yet...

Okay, I actually did find them.

Now, I have a couple of questions:

When I create the barcode, do I put "FRA" for Frankfurt in there as well or just the numbers starting with 2007?

Also, why do I have to resize the code after pasting it onto the coversheet? It looks the same size as the one that's on there as an example. When I resize it (after converting inches to cm) it's much smaller.

Oh oh.

jasmin - i tried to do my own thing but honestly, following james' shortcuts precisely is the best way---

make the sizes what he says - eventually i downloaded 'infanview' to handle the barcode images - just like he says...

ms paint works too but infanview was a bit easier

ok link >

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-06 07:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Oh dear NVC oh dear...
Oh dear oh dear I am so sorry they pooped it up for yet another VJer

it's our lives and hopes and plans that are being trampled on and they really do owe us a greater degree of care

they spelled my name ONE letter wrong when I entered on k1 and that caused a refusal from the social security office..

This thing is not over until its over and an unconditional 10 year green card is nailed to a part of our anatomy where the sun does not shine

It's the SHOCK when it goes wrong that is so hard - once we recover its just a lingering resentment for a while - so chin up guys at least you know the answer and it is moving...

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-13 08:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Date of when DS-230 is generated

I have a feeling they will close your case as soon as they receive the new stuff you sent them. No reason to be RFE'd again.


Thanks Diana - you give me hope - just checked auto line 5.32pm eastern and no change but carolyn has typed a huge list of ammunition for tomorrow night based purely on the I-864 instructions part 4 section B ! - she is a formidable gal so if I was them i would quit now ! She did a fantastic job last friday and got the operator to go and check with a supervisor after which she got the 'promise' or 'intention' re case complete

ok i will check auto twice tomorrow then let her loose on em same time tomorrow night here...we are prepared for NVC to be really harsh towards her so a 'pass' would be wonderful and a life changing event

Don't ask me what I think about the idea to just hand out green cards to illegals after what we have been through so far since January 9th

I will keep the readership informed on the twists and turns...

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-15 14:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Date of when DS-230 is generated

it may be a totally crazy idea, but... if the worst happens and NVC wants more than they already got from you...
May be it is possible to rent a cheapy apartment somewhere in the US (in the worst kind of neighborhood) in your wife's name? If it is not possible to do long distance, it is definitely possible to do in a "long weekend" trip. Electricity and gas can be dealt with over the phone/I-net.
And if you find a friendly landlord in a Mexican neighbourhood, he will give you a month-to-month lease and may agree to do all the paperwork by mail.
So she would have a lease and electricity bill + may be a heating bill. Expensive I know, but may work :devil:

Don't give up,

That's a good idea Rika, we want to rent a place in Tampa so Carolyn reckons she would go there and try get a place on a month to month or a 3 month max...she could do all the admin for gas/phone/rent/internet etc and get a will be lonely for her to go to anew state on her own and try do all that..

She doesn't have to stay there of course, there is no reason why she can't pop back here once she has established some more evidence of domicile.. domiciled doesnt mean imprisoned in and restricted to the USA

But we have read the instructions over and over again and we have done everything thats shown under the instructions on the I-864 under part 4 (B) and having a place of residence is not necessary for domicile if its temporary absence - so we are hoping she will prevail tomorrow...
watch this space !

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-15 13:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Date of when DS-230 is generated

Yes, definitely. Don't be a stranger because I check this NVC forum everyday to see if you have any good news to share.


Hey Diana

checking auto line every 2 hours - i am so SICK of that guys voice !

plan is for Carolyn to call them tomorrow night but might suggest tonight as they got the state tax form that they asked for Monday 9.45am...

it's a balance between pushing for a result and trying not to rile them...

If Carolyn has to go back alone and start everything up for us, I am going to move my furniture out of this rented house in this area i hate (only moved here for Carolyn's job) and back to my place in the Yorkshire Dales, and then go sit it out in Tenerife with my son until they finally admit she is an American who is deserving of consideration....
Perhaps she should find the supervisors car in the car park at NVC new hampshire and sit on his hood until he admits she exists and is there.

Sorry to other readers of this thread who feel it is somewhat 'off topic' but the 'domicile' thing is something that can REALLY hurt you if you are not in the U.S. and it's worth learning all the twists and turns if you ever get into this horror prison

If we succeed then I will do a summary post with all the things we had to produce... most veejayers think that if there are no drugs/crimes attached to them and they have enough income, then its just form filling - it isn't - there is a man eating crocodile in this process and it just grabbed our legs...


Edited by saywhat, 15 August 2007 - 10:34 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-15 10:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Date of when DS-230 is generated

I see... you would not know about the US address, because they send everything to UK, and even that in a screwy way :whistle:
I am not the agent BTW, so I don't get NVC letters... OK, I guess I will have to poke my agent (he hates paperwork, and I foresee some resistance and complaining there) :P
Thank you Alan,
...NVC is still thinking over your problem?

your address should be identical to the correspondence which they already send you


Yes NVC still chewing on it.. Carolyn thinks she got a tentative 'promise' that if she sent her 'State' taxes form, then they would mark it complete...
I fedexed the form Friday and it arrived 9.45am monday...Still checking auto message all the time...
On Friday I sent an email with more info for them and also a fax. There is a ton of evidence that her absence is temporary and therefore fits the rules. We even have a letter from London saying that they wont take our case because she has temporary status in the UK and to file in Nebraska.

We are getting no sleep and we both feel ill. Day after day after day

I don't like to log on to VJ much as all the 'case completes' make me sad and I feel like everyone had a good party and got home smiling - but I am the one who got mugged on the way home and lost my front teeth.

We will call them Thursday eve and try ask for the same lady who promised us - if they still say no then our 1 year project is finished for now and we will have to rethink. To think I may have spent a year in this house in this horrible area in the worst weather since the ice age - just to be with Carolyn and to do the visa - for nothing

I think the situation is barbaric

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-15 04:54:00