US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon medical

My CR1 Visa is still with NVC but I thought I would steal a march by getting the medical done...

Rang the medical centre in Knightsbridge and they will NOT arrange a medical until packet 3 is received as they need to 'go through some things which are in the packet'

I told them it was a full immigrant visa and I had my LND2007xxxxx number etc but no way will they do it...

Many VJ folk told me it was possible to do it early, but perhaps that was in other countries

Alan -- what they are talking about is a few forms which are in the P3. I think it's an IV-18. Hmmm...I think you are also required to present your P3 cover letter too, but I am less certain about this.

oh ok - well i will just wait as it should not hold things up --

sat looking at the rain - worst for 93 years - my mum is 93 so she can't remember it this bad..

looking for the post lady and my IV fee bill - generated two weeks ago- stuck in the mail strike ?

Calling nvc in an hour to see if I-485 generated then I will go and mail that

really depressing just now - come on IV bill !

Carolyn is so depressed with the whole thing and of course June is 90 degrees and sunny in Wisconsin so she isnt used to living in the cold wet submarine that is our temporary rented house in Lancashire... she liked North Yorkshire, but this place.... sorry to any Lancastrians reading...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-03 05:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon medical
My CR1 Visa is still with NVC but I thought I would steal a march by getting the medical done...

Rang the medical centre in Knightsbridge and they will NOT arrange a medical until packet 3 is received as they need to 'go through some things which are in the packet'

I told them it was a full immigrant visa and I had my LND2007xxxxx number etc but no way will they do it...

Many VJ folk told me it was possible to do it early, but perhaps that was in other countries
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-03 04:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion regarding sending money to spouse

Hehehehe, that's funny.

I feel the same way. My husband got his bachelor's in IT and was being paid $20 a day, his days consisted of 10-12 hours on average and no, there was no over time. Then he got laid off and that was that, couldn't find work anywhere else. So what I do is I send him the money first and then call him to let him know, that way he won't refuse it. He always says he'll pay me back and I'm like "what???" Once he gets here he can get a job that will pay a minimum of $20/hr not per day and we'll be ok. ;)

And it's true... Alhumdullah and Inshallah. :yes:


Yes after quoting Groucho Marx, I should now quote Karl Marx > 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs! '

Groucho gets my vote BUT

probably Jesus H Christ (Mr J Nazareth) and Mohammad (peace and blessings etc - but can't remember his last name), and atheists too , would say the same as Karl

I reckon we should help the lower earner (without being a mug) - you can usually tell what the deal is ...

Mummy elephants help baby elephants up a slope and they are not religious at all as far as I know - so the immigration folk should understand whatever belief system they hold to .......
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-06 10:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion regarding sending money to spouse
The secret of a good marriage - 'keep your mouth shut and your wallet open ' - groucho marx
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-05 14:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionphotos and medical appointment tips

i dont want the embassy to get the medical result before they receive the file from nvc - so as soon as nvc say 'case complete' i will try for the medical 3 weeks after that...which should be about the time i receive packet 3 approx-
if they say there is a 6 week wait for the medical then at least that makes sure i get the medical before the interview...

phew ! never again !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-23 15:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionphotos and medical appointment tips

All they care about is if you have had Packet 3 yet -- if the n*mbnuts at the Embassy forgot to put in the questionnaire that is not your problem! And yes, they will provide you with another form on the day if you need it. See AlienUKGirls's post, as mentioned above: http://www.visajourn...h...ic=63569= Print off the medical form and technically you WILL have the questionnaire!

As for the photos, UK size for the medical is not only okay but actually what they want! They need to cut down US size ones. Why they tell you you'll need a US size one for that is beyond me. Photos do not have to be returned with P3 -- they are presented on the day of the interview. Now, they ask for 2 US-size photos, but they only asked us for one. Better safe than sorry though, so take two on the day.

Where are you going that it costs 15 quid each??? We had 2 done at a Snappy Snaps for around 11, if I recall correctly.

brilliant info

i will print her posts off and try it...

yes snappy snaps in leeds - used em twice and they charge £15 each photo !

they do a good job of getting the us embassy photo right but incredibly expensive...

If I dont need a US style photo to return with packet 3 i will come to london the day before and get two at the place near the embassy...

if a UK style one will do for the medical then that's great !

now we are rockin !

many thanks
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-23 15:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionphotos and medical appointment tips
searched all over the london embassy site

found a brief page on the medical but no forms etc

searched the whole site using 'medical' and questionnaire' -- no result
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-23 14:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionphotos and medical appointment tips

Try "hi, i need to schedule an appointment, case number LND . .. . ."

Did you volunteer that you didn't have the forms the first time? There are scans of the medical questionaire around here too. Look up AlienUKGirl's posted scans. There may be some in my gallery as well.

(I don't know that London has the med forms online, don't know if they are universally the same. Haven't checked though.)

No all I said was I would like to schedule a medical for my CR1 visa and I have the visa case number here...then she asked if I had received the pack yet from the london Embassy and I thought I had better say no as I didn't know what she would ask next...then she said she needed to go through some things on the medical questionnaire before she could book the appointment..

ok thanks for the time about the scans - i will root about on the embassy site and see if i can find the forms - I will be back !

Edited by saywhat, 23 July 2007 - 02:27 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-23 14:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionphotos and medical appointment tips

you can always go to the embassy website and print out the foprms. I don't think hey are particular about having the from come off of Embassy printers or not...

Hey now that IS a good idea !

then when she says 'have you got the forms from the embassy' i can say 'yes i got them from the embassy and i am looking at them right now..'


genius !

where would I be without my VJ people...

thanks ever so - right off to the website now...

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-23 14:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Still waiting for I-864 bill & DS3032 to be generated...

Usually it takes 2-3 weeks for NVC to generate DS 3032 and AOS Fee Bill after the case number. Please check today, maybe your DS 3032 and AOS Fee Bill are already generated today! Good Luck.

Thanks guys.

Nup, still nothing but that damn 6-8week message...*sigh* :clock:

Hang in there! I think you might get that awaited update this coming Tuesday too!

I just received my case number today...yay! I'm right on your heels hehe. Are you going to do Jame's Shortcuts (barcode)? At first I wasn't but now I think I am going to go for it. I want to cut down the mail time as much as possible.

James's short cuts are a bit fiddly - but use his latest version and use the'paint' program (part of standard xp) to do your bar codes.. I tried using adobe photoshop which is a pro program but doesnt work as well as the simple 'paint' program in xp

they are fiddly but try a few things - like stretching them to fit the box on the form - and it can be done with a bit of patience- and then check em to death to make sure you havent left the embassy as bogota and you have changed the name and date (to the generation date)- yes i am still checking mine - has to be perfect.....

version 2 >>>>

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-21 03:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Still waiting for I-864 bill & DS3032 to be generated...

I'm sure the tuesday morning message on June 26th will say twas generated monday the 25th. It has to be :yes:
Hang in there!

Thanks guys.

Nup, still nothing but that damn 6-8week message...*sigh* :clock:

yes I vote with the others - if it isn't today then a v high possibility next tuesday- very high !!!!

i would bet my new jimmy hat on it - (bought in gretna green last week)

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-20 11:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC

May I join this thread now that my case is with NVC?

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

No it's not - (Elton John)
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-22 02:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC

It has been just over a month since they got my Package... Still no news.. When I call they just say the wait time is normal... I thought I was very lucky with the Vermont Service center (2 weeks)... The NVC slamed on the brakes though and brought me back to reality.. :-) O-well everything cant be perfect...

are you sure it hasn't just skipped through and out to the embassy ? apparently k1's don't register on the nvc system ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-20 16:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC
I reckon nvc is really busy and is a few days behind- i called a lot last week and the human was swamped and it threw me back to the auto system...but it is just a few days i reckon...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-20 13:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC

I know we are supposed to get a receipt from NVC with # we can call. If it is not there very long basically by the time we get receipt it's already on the way to the embassy??? I do not mind if that is the case. The less time there the better. I'm going to Peru for my fiancees interview so I will gather everything and just bring it to her in person :thumbs:

Yes I did k1 and I didn't even notice NVC stage it was so fast...

After NOA2 I was giving the Embassy a hard time and didn't even bother with NVC

I told the London embassy I had done my medical and my police certificate and I was not working and could be there in a couple of hours if they had an interview cancellation - they emailed back and I was in there really quickly...that was the good old days in London a couple of years ago and they have changed it all now and made it so nobody gets a reasonable experience

Sounds exciting - you sound excited - it IS exciting ! yippee enjoy it all !

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-18 09:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC
Hi Janice - having to wait in your own country for the visa isn't being very nice ! We know !
Yes I have been doing some reading today and it seems the 'head of the family' would have to go back - all the little nippers will presumably be US citizens anyway having been born there......
Every time I give my kid an amnesty on the car loans he owes me - he is back for another one a year later - that's how amnesties work I reckon.... Same with amnesties for unfaithful spouses they say...

The poem has it right..

'So we will just pay you cash to go away-

and that's what's called paying the Danegeld
but we've proved it again and again
that once you have paid him the Danegeld
you will NEVER get rid of the Dane'

and it means an end to cheap motel rooms (MINIMUM WAGE NOW) which, if I was selfish, I would think of as a bad thing

All the illegal Irish bar workers in Boston (all the bar workers in Boston that is !) will welcome it , as many haven't been home for 7 years (I have spoken to em)

Now how much is a flight to mexico - somewhere near the border ..hum..oh ok then it will have to be Canada- lost in the woods officer and all that

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-18 06:07:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC
Up at 5am yesterday to take Carolyn down the M6 to Manchester airport - she is going back to Milwaukee for a week to check on her dad who is very ill - then I drove to Yorkshire to help my daughter with some stuff and worked on my house there which is up for sale. Then to Harrogate, North Yorkshire to help my friend fix his computer - arrived home at our rented house in Lancashire at 1am and I tried so hard not to ring NVC but I was drawn to the phone and sat that bleary eyed just to get the 'never heard of it' answer. 17 days.

It's a real pity they dont have a website like the USCIS where you receive an email notification of each stage...

While I was doing the 50 mile drive at 1am down narrow, wet, country roads, there was an item on BBC radio that said 12 million illegals in the US are to get a green cards so that they can be 'brought out of the shadows'

Presumably they won't need medicals and police histories and a year's worth of forms and huge fees.

Isn't all this a little unfair for we who line up at the turnstiles to get into this ballgame while the others are climbing over the walls and getting in for free ?

Well if you can't beat em join em - I will feel less guilty at 'gaming' the system now I know the rules - or lack of them...

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-18 01:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC
' I just want my husband to be happy - but how can he be happy when I don't have a huge ring ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-17 18:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC

I decided to start this topic so february filers can track progress of other february filers with the NVC status. I was approved on May 9, but i'm sure it hasn't been sent yet. I hear your supposed to wait 2 weeks before U call. Anyone else hear anything??? :dance:


We were approved on 1st May and it's not there yet!! I did read someone elses post who said they had been told it was taking appx 3 weeks at the moment. I'll start to panic on Monday then!


yes we are May 1 also - still nothing on the sytem as at 16 may 8am eastern
Is it in store ?
Is it lost ?
Have I got the number wrong ?
Am I a neurotic nitwit ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 09:00:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long from IV fee generation to receipt ?
WOW IT ARRIVED !!!! 2 weeks and 4 days after generation !!!!!

I feel so sorry for people who have theirs lost and have to start with a new one.. it would have cost us an extra month minimum...

I just rushed out and mailed it royal mail 'airsure' which will get there Wednesday latest I reckon... don't know if thats in time for following Tuesday generation of ds230 pack ?

anyone any experience on that ?

Royal Mail just emailed me to say there is another mail strike coming up but I don't give a monkey's because my last form is James type IV DS-230 and I can courier that as it is not to a PO BOX

so my next letter that matters will be from London Embassy hopefully in 4 or 5 or 6 weeks time.... cross fingers !!!!

YIPPEE !!!!!!!!!!! Carolyn and George W's birthday tonight so I am taking her to the 'red cat' to celebrate her's and the iv fee bill ! actually I will tell her it's just her birthday we are celebrating as I am starting to get the hang if this being married stuff !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-06 08:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long from IV fee generation to receipt ?

The NVC needs a couple of days to process the bill, so yes ... that particular monday would be lost I fear.

And they don't have hedgehogs in the US? OMG! I was already upset cos I found out this week they have no great tits and blue tits (no jokes about the species name, please, I've been through alllll that with the hubby :wacko: ) and now no hedgehogs either? *sniff*
The squirrels in the US backyard have so much compensating to do ...

I think you are a BRAVE man for picking up such a prickly load in the nude. Seriously, those spikes could do some damage. So 'nay' on turpitude, 'yay' on fortitude ;)

Wish Carolyn a happy birthday from me ... over here it's just 4 hours away :yes:

No sign today... of course the only way to get it to NVC PObox is by royal mail and they take 6 days or so - so if it comes tomorrow, I can only get it to NVC by next thursday - will that be too late for following Monday generation I wonder - I reckon yes too late - so if its another few days it won't matter as the damage to the timetable is done.

now knufflebeest what do you think of this ?

I don't think I will be allowed to immigrate now because I have been guilty of 'moral turpitude'.

I promised Carolyn I would show her a hedgehog before she went back to the US. Last night I saw one at 3am on my front lawn !

I ran out into the street naked and brought it into the house to show her..she thought I had gone crazy !

If that isn't moral turpitude' then what is ????

hey expand this >> it was just like this..she thought they had em in USA - but they don't

She doesn't mind getting a year older but she doesn't like being reminded of George W...that's why she is in the UK - she said she would leave the country if he won...

I won't remind her that his brother is running florida...

Yes it's a shame about the hedgehogs but there will be lots of new animals - alligators for us ! No dashing around the garden starkers with those around ...

Yes IV Bill arrives tomorrow - I know it ! ok it's no to turpitude unless it's that stuff you clean paint brushes in...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-05 13:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long from IV fee generation to receipt ?

Got mine today. Hopefully,yours is coming soon.

heck that warms the cockles of my heart - and there is nothing like having your cockles warmed...

You give me hope

and CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! it would be a total horror if that thing got lost as we can't control it - so you must be very pleased...

no more correspondence with NVC ! only local Embassy ! hooray !

yes I am off to the doctors in the morning and hoping for mail delivery by the time I am home..

It's Carolyn's birthday (and George Bush) tomorrow so it must be the day !

once again - smile !

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-05 12:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long from IV fee generation to receipt ?

My pal has a colour printer and is printing me up the IV cover sheet - 3 copies - with the next 3 monday dates after next monday on so I can use whichever is the generation date...

That's ossumly smart :)
Hope the bill arrives soon!

No sign today... of course the only way to get it to NVC PObox is by royal mail and they take 6 days or so - so if it comes tomorrow, I can only get it to NVC by next thursday - will that be too late for following Monday generation I wonder - I reckon yes too late - so if its another few days it won't matter as the damage to the timetable is done.

now knufflebeest what do you think of this ?

I don't think I will be allowed to immigrate now because I have been guilty of 'moral turpitude'.

I promised Carolyn I would show her a hedgehog before she went back to the US. Last night I saw one at 3am on my front lawn !

I ran out into the street naked and brought it into the house to show her..she thought I had gone crazy !

If that isn't moral turpitude' then what is ????

hey expand this >> it was just like this..she thought they had em in USA - but they don't
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-05 11:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long from IV fee generation to receipt ?
thank goodness for VJ ! it's nice to know there is someone else in this dark prison cell - somehow it's better than being there alone.

I have had a shave and a spruce up so I look human for the post lady when she arrives in 2 hours time ! come on !

Good tip about them sending another bill after 4 weeks - thanks for that info - 1.5 weeks to go...

The UK mail strike did not help matters. Well anyway this is the last document to receive by snail mail from NVC - so once this one is received it should be much safer.

My pal has a colour printer and is printing me up the IV cover sheet - 3 copies - with the next 3 monday dates after next monday on so I can use whichever is the generation date... I know the blue logo thing isn't really necessary but it will make me feel better...

Thanks folks - we WILL get there !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-05 03:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long from IV fee generation to receipt ?
Our IV bill was generated two weeks last Monday

I run up to the post lady every morning - like a wet puppy- and then slink back into the house


NVC say they won't send another until 6 weeks have passed and of course this is the one step where you can't make your own form up...the one step where you are at the mercy of fate

oh joy

most people seem to have their 'agent' in the USA

any feedback from foreign spouses who are their own agent please ? Did it go to Germany or some central point for distribution - or direct from NVC USA

So far every step has been misinformed by London Embassy, USCIS California, UPS couriers or delayed far past other people's - all except the email for the agent which went as it was supposed to ...

It really is an ordeal

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-04 12:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long from IV fee at NVC to IV form generation ?

Just noticed Erica's fee was entered into the system June7 and the DS-230 was generated june11 - 4 days later..
There is a teeny weeney tiny chance mine too might be generated monday night if it arrives at NVC today --- about 5% chance I rate it...
but Mono - me and Erica say yours WILL and we are NEVER wrong !
ok onwards and upwards !

Alan, we did send the IV bill overnight on May 31st though. So, it arrived on June 1st and then it took them 6 days to enter it into the system, and then to the next monday to generate the DS-230.
So, if yours arrives today in St.Louis it might take until next wednesday to process it.
Not that I wanna deprive you of your 5% hope, pet!

As for the 'we are NEVER' wrong ... truer words have never been spoken ;)

ah right ! once I read it right I am never wrong (we)

So it's the 'getting it entered into the system' thats the trick - after that, the following monday is a racing certainty..

ok well i am hoping its there today - tomorrow latest - so a week on Tuesday fingers crossed

however, I am off to my pal's house in Harrogate monday night to pick up the three date versions of the IV cover sheet with nice blue logos on - just to be picky - so if I lose hope for Tuesday then I have no excuse for a pint on Monday over there...

Yes its a week on Tuesday come on !

Fedex say if i call em before 1pm they guarantee it in new hampshire by 10am next day ! that's incredible from the i will do that...

Then I will be plotting how to con the medical people into giving me a date before I get packet 3...

It's all scheming !

I am going to fill my time reading the florida motorcycle driving test guide... I already have my wisconsin car license which is a straight swap - plenty to do

then i need a nation wide bank with free checking.... I have my SS number so i might convince em to open an account now...

yes its all plotting !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-11 12:00:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long from IV fee at NVC to IV form generation ?

Oh, that sucks :(
BUT! your money arrived, it did not get lost in the system, it was processed 'n all and next monday the DS-230 WILL be generated! :yes:

Ok, I just called the NVC and the lady told me that they did receive the IV bill payment and that the DS-230 will be generated some time this week. Which I translate to... next Monday. Uaaa, uaaaaaaa, uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. :wacko:

Just noticed Erica's fee was entered into the system June7 and the DS-230 was generated june11 - 4 days later..

There is a teeny weeney tiny chance mine too might be generated monday night if it arrives at NVC today --- about 5% chance I rate it...

but Mono - me and Erica say yours WILL and we are NEVER wrong !

ok onwards and upwards !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-11 08:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long from IV fee at NVC to IV form generation ?

Ok, I just called the NVC and the lady told me that they did receive the IV bill payment and that the DS-230 will be generated some time this week. Which I translate to... next Monday. Uaaa, uaaaaaaa, uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. :wacko:

Well I bet you feel better as it's the 'not knowing' that hurts worst.

It's still a bind being delayed a week or so but at least you know where you stand.

You will be all go next Tuesday morning I bet.

I will not be - I am fairly confident that I can put mine on ice until a week on Tuesday at least..

The NVC is a frustrating thing but at least we can talk to them and get details - not like the USCIS ...

oh well - I will take Carolyn to the safari park near Bath this weekend and see if we can do something else to make the time go more quickly

Good luck for Tuesday - I reckon it's a cert !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-11 02:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long from IV fee at NVC to IV form generation ?

I'll be calling them after work to find out if they did receive the money order I sent them for the IV bill. The USPS tracking thingy says they received it on 6/23 but who knows what NVC shows in their system.

Absolutely - I have seen posts on here where people had their check processed and the IV firm generated in a week or so - thats why i posted and asked if half a week was possible -

hum yes I hope the officer confirms your check is received at least - surely the form won't be later than next monday night- think i will scale down my hopes to 2 weeks from today - earliest ...

Edited by saywhat, 10 July 2007 - 10:56 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-10 10:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long from IV fee at NVC to IV form generation ?

I've been waiting since 6/22 and nothing.

Does the nvc person confirm the check has arrived and they are sitting on it instead of generating the form ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-10 10:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long from IV fee at NVC to IV form generation ?
I reckon my IV fee will arrive at the NVC on Thursday morning ...

Is it possible they might generate next Monday night ?

anyone seen em generate in that sort of time frame ?


alan (poised with DS-230 in hand !)
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-10 05:28:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 question 10 where are you going to live ?

Only trying to help...good luck to you!

I know you guys want to help - that is your motive - but too many people on VJ make a guess at an answer without reading the form in question or having any understanding of the issue..

That means that you are not helping people at all - just the opposite by guessing and giving misinformation

It could seriously harm some people's applications

question 11 clearly deals with the address to send the green card to - and I was not asking about that

- yet both of you said that was the reason for question 10 (which is the one I am asking about), which demonstrates that you had not even looked at the form before giving your answers...

I don't want to discourage you from helping, but the advice should not be a guess...

so thanks for trying to help but ....
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-16 10:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 question 10 where are you going to live ?

Perhaps you may want to use a reliable address in the US, you don't want them loosing a green-card.

I would use an address like a sibling, parent or relative of the US Citizen.

Then after arriving in USA, and have an address then file AR-11, and I-865 to update the address with USCIS.

I am a social realist and sometimes one's relatives or in-laws can be quite capable of losing the green card on purpose.

Don't you know about mother-in-laws ? - they don't make those jokes for nothing you know...

'You can chose your friends but you can't chose your relatives'


For that reason I have chosen my best friend's address in Georgia- he has been there 12 years

I think people are confusing question 10 with question 11

question 11 talks about the address to send the green card and that is done and I am happy with it...

question 10 says 'address where you are going to stay if known' - a very strong implication that it does not have to be known at the time of DS-230 part 1 although I would guess it has to be known at the time of ds-230 part 2 - ie the interview....
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-16 10:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 question 10 where are you going to live ?

Getting my DS -230 part 1 ready and question 10 asks for the address where we are going to live (If known)..

We are both in the UK at the moment so the plan is to rent a 'long stay america' room for a month and then rent an apartment for 3 months and then buy...

The fact that this question says 'if known' implies that it isn't too necessary to have somewhere fixed up..

is it ok to put 'To be arranged'

presumably it would come up at interview time by which time we will have something booked

I would recommend that you contact the NVC to get clarification on this. I think they may frown upon you putting To be arranged, since they want to have an address they can mail the green card, plus they always want an updated address for the resident alien. Is there a family member's address that you can use in the interim until you get settled?

Why would question 10 say 'address if known ' if it was compulsory at this stage ?

Question 11 asks for the address where the green card will be sent and I have given the address of a friend in atlanta......

If anybody else calls me an alien I am going to go for my phaser and it won't be on stun

George Bush - now there is an alien
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-16 09:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 question 10 where are you going to live ?
Getting my DS -230 part 1 ready and question 10 asks for the address where we are going to live (If known)..

We are both in the UK at the moment so the plan is to rent a 'long stay america' room for a month and then rent an apartment for 3 months and then buy...

The fact that this question says 'if known' implies that it isn't too necessary to have somewhere fixed up..

is it ok to put 'To be arranged'

presumably it would come up at interview time by which time we will have something booked
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-16 08:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)blue logo on DS-230
James' short cuts say he is not sure about whether the colour on the logo matters...

My friend printed out the form on his colour printer and I am not happy with the quality and the bar codes look a bit fuzzed and the blue logo is not quite the right color

When I print it on my black and white laser printer everything looks fine..

has anyone submitted it in black and white and got away with it ?

Kinkos is a sex shop here in the UK so I don't have the option of taking it there - well I suppose I do but....


Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-17 04:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Tracking - JUNE 2007 Approvals

SUPRISE!!! very few basements in Florida...the water table is too high in most will be relegated to the "screen Porch"

I can always pump out the pool and put a roof on it ?

Seems ages since I did this post - I reckon it will be a week and a half before I can send the DS-230...

I bet the water table isn't as high as northern england right now - 6 weeks non stop rain and the birds can't fly coz they are too wet

I have never seen anything remotely this bad in my 59.5 years and Carolyn just wants to get out of here !

oh well 14th august is the target for 'case complete' and October 26th for interview... fly novmber 5th - we will see
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-13 05:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Tracking - JUNE 2007 Approvals

yes i vote for 3 weeks as being 'normal' if they are busy...

It does seem an awful long time but then you wait more for agent form generation etc etc - then they approve and wait for it to go to the embassy and then wait and then wait etc etc

in between times, they generate your stuff but it doesn't arrive because your national post office goes on strike the day you expect it !
yes 2 days ago !

then you miss your train to the embassy and your photos aren't not quite right and the visa is held up past your plane departure and then they send your green card out with the wrong name on it

so the answer is to put yourself in a catatonic trance and only start taking an interest in life when you finally get your correct green card in your hand - then you get mugged and someone takes your wallet with the green card in it

actually i am a half - full type secretly - I am doing this for the third time !!!! there again I could be a masochist


He he, bad karma?

3 times!!!! Is this an annual thing for you? Or shopping around w/90-day return policy?

Return policy ? no her Ma won't take her back !

Let's just say circumstances - but I told Carolyn last night that I can't do this again - if we fail at some late hurdle then we either get divorced or we go live in a shack on the beach in the Canary Islands and live on sea fish.
Seriously, I couldn't do it - it is taking over my life with all the stuff that can and does go wrong - and now a postal strike and backlog of mail! 2 weeks since the IV was generated and nothing - haring down the stairs every time a letter comes - had enough....perhaps one morning I will slip on the stair carpet and be found deceased on the door mat with the IV bill wedged between the teeth of my cold body...
Once I get to the US I think I will live in the basement for 3 years until I get my passport - that way they can't say I have done something for which I should be deported...unless living in the basement is a crime in Florida ? The worry never ends !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-02 10:32:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Tracking - JUNE 2007 Approvals
yes i vote for 3 weeks as being 'normal' if they are busy...

It does seem an awful long time but then you wait more for agent form generation etc etc - then they approve and wait for it to go to the embassy and then wait and then wait etc etc

in between times, they generate your stuff but it doesn't arrive because your national post office goes on strike the day you expect it !
yes 2 days ago !

then you miss your train to the embassy and your photos aren't not quite right and the visa is held up past your plane departure and then they send your green card out with the wrong name on it

so the answer is to put yourself in a catatonic trance and only start taking an interest in life when you finally get your correct green card in your hand - then you get mugged and someone takes your wallet with the green card in it

actually i am a half - full type secretly - I am doing this for the third time !!!! there again I could be a masochist

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-01 08:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The missing documents message at NVC

Yeah, they didn't like the fact that I used the word "generated" either for some reason.

Well, it's just the fact that I got the "missing info" regarding the payment and not the actual DS-230 that threw me off. If I had called and they had said the message was regarding the form and not the payment I would've sent that sucker right then and there. But they got themselves all tied up in a knot and threw my "shortcut" process out the window.

Shoot, 3 months at the NVC and I was hoping for 2, maybe 2½ max. Shucks. :dead:

Oh well - at least you will be sending the 'genuine' form in and not have to worry about whether you have faked it correctly like I will..
Yes you win some and lose some along this line and so far I have had lots and lots of trouble but my timetable is still ok despite it all...

The line for the medical could be 4 to 8 weeks and the interview can also be 4 to 8 weeks so I suppose we just dont know how long it will be until visa in hand... then we can worry about whether the green card will be wrong or lost !

Once I get that thing i am having it waterproof sealed in plastic and strapped to my body with 2,000 lb breaking strain cables !

anyway you and i are at the same stage and passed all the sticky things that could arise on th 864 form which trips some people up - the remaining paperwork is nothing really

carolyn is here in the uk so we had to satisfy them on domicile too on the 864 so phew thats in the past now...

So on tuesday i have to frame my question correctly- if i say 'is the visa form generated' they will get prickly so i have to say 'is the final immigration package' on its way to me ? thats sounds ok...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-21 02:56:00