National Visa Center (Dept of State)RFE FOR FINANCIAL INFORMATION !!!! DESPAIR !

Alan -

Good luck on your journey. I went through a smiliar set of circumstances concerning the domicile issue. My only saving grace was that I had a job offer in hand. I had lived in the Philippines almost two years prior to the interview and while I could clearly show all the documentation you listed, It was placed on administrative review.

The state tax may help, but we pay taxes on money generated in the US where ever we hang our hats. It may be the same for that state. From their side of the fence, they approve applications for residence in the USA which is what you are going to have to most likely show. This is further complicated by the fact she is working there.

Until a supervisor agreed to let the job offer stand as proof of domicile, I was told I would have to return to the USA and after a "suitable period" they would consider me "domiciled" in the US.

The hard part is to establish the fact you want to live in the US when you can only state the fact.

Once again, good luck - Don

Ouch that was tough Don - hope the 'suitable period' stuff does not kick in....

If we get past the NVC I think we will be ok as Carolyn will have resigned her job in the UK - and we will have those resignation letters plus 2 plane tickets to Chicago... its just getting past NVC that is tough...

Carolyn was only in the UK a little over 2 months when she petitioned for my immigration which might help...

The options on the I-864 instructions are all OR OR OR so we are hoping that the clear intention to return plus temporary absence will be ok -

anyway we will see what they say next ...

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-12 05:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RFE FOR FINANCIAL INFORMATION !!!! DESPAIR !

No, no, no... think positive. The more negative things you think about the worse it will get, at least emotionally.

Think positive. They might review this and complete your case, they might send you the RFE sooner than expected. Don't let them win.


yeah you are right - its nearly 8 pm and i havent had an alcoholic drink yet - and there is no way i can get through this thing without drugs - albeit legal ones.

ok carolyn has spoken to them for 20 mins and i think we have may have come up with a face saver for them whereby we send then a barcoded query sheet (which i have by good fortune) with Carolyn's state taxes and an understanding that London Embassy will decide and may not accept the domicile issue. I know London does accept if the uk 'limited leave to remain' resident undertakes to return with or before the ALIEN so I dont expect a prob there but I will sweat like marlon brando on thai food, all the way to the interview

So I am busy doing this letter then fedexing tomorrow and asking NVC for email confirmation...

I wish I was religious at times like this... even a pagan then I could go and pray to a tree... as it is, I rely on my own strength and these guys could test a terminator !

all digits crossed

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-09 14:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RFE FOR FINANCIAL INFORMATION !!!! DESPAIR !


My understanding is confirmed in 9 FAM 40.41 Procedural Notes, N1.2c

Perhaps the person at the NVC is requesting some additional documents, perhaps specific additional documents, that they expected to see to demonstrate domicile. Or perhaps they are overstepping their bounds and the error will be corrected on review of what you did submit.

In any case, when and if you recieve a letter from the NVC requesting something respond to it in writing. Do no assume that your phone call is sufficient.



This is interesting. My understanding is that the role of the NVC with regard to the I-864 is to review it for completeness (all required documentation present) not for adequacy (does the sponsor qualify). .....

Yes I expect their letter in 3 weeks plus mail strikes in the uk..then i have to return it with no guarantee that they will accept what we are saying, then 3 days to load onto their system then 2 weeks to review...and then....

This is a total car crash.... a life changing event
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-09 12:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RFE FOR FINANCIAL INFORMATION !!!! DESPAIR !

By they way, Erica was approved today!

good lass ERICA

I knew she would walk it !

hooray ! and phew !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-09 12:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RFE FOR FINANCIAL INFORMATION !!!! DESPAIR !

Well that is truly unfair. I was uncertain how to prove domicile (as we both live in Canada - and I have never lived in the U.S., although I am a U.S. citizen).

I asked someone, a Canadian, who was recently approved, what he used to show domicile. For the question on the I-864 they stated 'Canada' for domicile and for proof of reestablishing U.S. domicile they included a letter from his U.S. citizen wife stating that they would enter the U.S. together upon approval of his visa.

It sounds to me like you covered all bases and she has OBVIOUSLY proven her ties/temporary absence, from the U.S.. I hope there is some solace in the fact that you did a great job proving it. The good news is it will stand you in good stead as you proceed, whether with a lawyer following up, through your wife's congressman, or on your own. I do wish you both the best of luck!

Hey thanks Trailmix - I am retired and pretty old so I have been working virtually full time on this since January 9th and feel a bit ashamed that my spirit is leaving me right now and I feel whipped..

so thanks for your words of praise because I read everything i could on this and i know carolyn is domiced per the rules whether she has a house there or not - they have told her just now to produce a US utility bill and she told em she is living in the uk temporarily - they said she is not paying US taxes and she said she has filed for 2006 and will file for 2007 and claim double tax relief on uk tax.. she has to do that as a US citizen.

they just will not give..they don't want to do this..could be my george bush cracks ?

she has quoted the instructions on the 864 to say you dont have to be living there to be domiciled but they just will not have it...

anyway too much detail !

thanks again for your support

Edited by saywhat, 09 August 2007 - 12:44 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-09 12:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RFE FOR FINANCIAL INFORMATION !!!! DESPAIR !


I'm so sorry to hear this and I came in today all happy to give you the good news that my case is completed, thinking yours would be too. That domicile stuff is just not right, it doesn't even make sense since you said you sent all of that other stuff.

Let's hope the review doesn't take longer than 10 days. I'm sure they said 10 to cover their bases, so hopefully they'll complete the case sooner than that.


Huge congrats Diana ! I knew we would be the same day so I knew you would be done today...

You must be so happy knowing the horrible pitfalls that can come out of nowhere !

So yippee ! and well done... phew you can start to agonise over how long it takes em to get it finished now !

We will get good news from Erica too when she recovers enough to tell us about the interview

Me ? 'Killed in action' - if the bullet has got your name on it and all that....

I hope Carolyn can carry us through this because I am done in. Up to recently I felt 42 but now I am really feeling my age - 59.75 ! She is really pining for the US and not ready for another winter here so I will hear plan B tonight no doubt .. she will freak when she hears her very own government are saying she has left the US and they have disowned her... The I-864 states quite plainly you dont need a house in the US to prove you are domiciled - you only need to show temporary abscence and all your personal life like banks/cards/pensions/furniture and mailing address are still there - domicile and residency are very different. Wish someone would tell NVC that.

but GOOD for you !!!!!! excellent news- now celebrate for the 4 of us !!! HOORAY !!!!!

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-09 10:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RFE FOR FINANCIAL INFORMATION !!!! DESPAIR !


This is interesting. My understanding is that the role of the NVC with regard to the I-864 is to review it for completeness (all required documentation present) not for adequacy (does the sponsor qualify).

In any event, whether the NVC made a mistake in overstepping their bounds by making the domicile determination, or whether they made a mistake in the determination that they made, or neither, this situation is one that needs to be considered in the attorney v no attorney discussions but rarely is - sometimes the USCIS or DoS turns an un-complicated case into a complicated case.

The one thing that is certain is that the letter they send to you needs a response. You can respond by providing additional information or you can respond by telling that they have all the information that you can provide and should make a determination based on it.

The DoS web site has some information about domicile here:

Also review 9 FAM 40.41 Notes, N6 "Domicile".

Then, having read those resources to prepare myself, if it were me I would have a consultation with a US immigration attorney to review the material that I had submitted and get some guidance on how to write the response. At the conclusion of the consultation I would decide whether to prepare the response myself or retain the attorney to prepare the response for me.


Thanks for those thoughts Yodrak -I feel like a mother whose baby has been snatched - only 1 in a million and it's happened to me..

We have spent the winter and spring and the wettest summer since the ice age in a rented house in a horrible area just to be near the only place where Carolyn could get work.... and just so we could be together while I spend 11 months getting this visa. Carolyn gave up a great job and sold her house in Wisconsin so we could be together and do this - now her own government treat her like she has left forever and defected to Russia or something.

I would not blame her if she regretted ever getting involved with 'an alien' and just went back on her own.

We will get to work on it when I get my morale back but at the moment I am devastated.... yes thank you
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-09 10:07:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RFE FOR FINANCIAL INFORMATION !!!! DESPAIR !

I'm not totally clued up on the domicile thing tbh, but this sounds absolutely crazy, you put so much time and effort into showing them you are doing things the correct way, then this, what a joke. I really feel for you. I know its hard right now but keep your head up and you'll get this sorted, i know you won't give up.

Thanks for the support - it's most appreciated... I have read and re-read the instructions on 'domicile' on the I-864 form and I know we qualify under the 'temporary absence' clause. They are all 'OR' not 'AND'

They really do want it both ways - London USCIS refused to take the petition because Carolyn is 'temporary' in the UK and said file in Nebraska - then NVC refuses the application on the last review before 'case complete' because she has not shown she is 'temporary' in the UK...

catch 22 I reckon....

I know Carolyn will not make her home here in the UK so this is just awful...

We have overcome every single problem all the way but this seems insurmountable and I am too tired to carry on - I hope she isn't...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-09 09:06:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RFE FOR FINANCIAL INFORMATION !!!! DESPAIR !
We knew all about domicile which is different to residence and so we covered it with lots of documentation and everyone on VJ says its never an issue unless the USC has cut all ties with the US.
So we sent a covering letter addressing the issue and referring to the instructions on the I-864 and with copies of all the ties Carolyn has - I mean even the bills for storage of her furniture in Wisconsin pending her return... We submitted the immigrant visa application January 9th - just over 2 months after she arrived in the UK !
We are really really stuck now - the adjudicators won't talk to us, the supervisor wont talk to us - Carolyn is not doing well here in the UK and her driver's license will not be valid much longer.
They are just being stupid - if it was a form or something we could sort it - this is a BRICK WALL !

I have been married to a USC for 2 years almost (married in Wisconsin), we have more than enough liquid assets - I have no convictions or health problems and have never overstayed and they just say no with no way out.... as far as I can see it's just for the hell of it - Carolyn wants to return with me on the same flight - but NO ! We have waited and waited since the middle of last winter and it's NO...

the I-864 was 'fine' two weeks ago but the final reviewer came up with this one ...

What do they want ? do they want us to divorce and call the whole thing off ? This is cruel vindictiveness just to get a thrill or justify someone's job existence...

This is not what US immigration law was supposed to stop.. I am absolutely at the end of my tether..
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-09 08:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RFE FOR FINANCIAL INFORMATION !!!! DESPAIR !

Oh god, what a nightmare, i'm so sorry to hear this. Keep us posted on what their problem is and how you get on ;)

It's Carolyn's domicile !!!! They say she is not US domiciled !!!!!

She is in the UK with me but her domicile IS US !!!!!!!

We knew about this point so we covered it by sending:

Details of her:
US 401k pension
her US bank accounts
her US credit cards
US driving license
The receipts for her furniture in store in Wisconsin

She has been in the UK since october 20th

I asked the lady how we could prove domicile if this wasn't enough and she said she would ask them to re-review it

and I should call back in (10 to 14 days)

I asked to speak to a supervisor - not possible

I asked to speak to someone in the dept that reviews the 864 - not possible

I asked how else we could prove domicile - she repeated that they would review it..



Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-09 06:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RFE FOR FINANCIAL INFORMATION !!!! DESPAIR !
We were expecting 'case complete' today..

Our 864 was received 20th july and they said it was 'fine'

our 230 was received by them 2 weeks ago today

Just called the auto line and they said there is a 'RFE on the financial information'

I know their letters take 3 weeks to come to me so this puts me back at least a month - right into mid winter given london interview dates

We put a number of bank accounts in the US and UK as 'assets' - more than $650k in cash accounts - and included statements of transactions on all of them...spouse assets are ok for inclusion. We sent a huge pack of fine details of monetary assets. So what their problem is i dont know..

now we have an RFE to sort out from England and the whole thing is holed beneath the water line...

I feel totally gutted and I don't know how to tell Carolyn. She must be wondering why she put her life on hold for a year - all for it to end up like this...

I will call when they open but I bet they won't tell me details.. these people are plain nasty for the sake of it.

Oh well, I feel like just another wildebeest dragged out of the herd at random - just bad luck

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-09 03:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Cant wait to see what name they put on my visa
QUOTE (Chris Parker @ Aug 23 2007, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (saywhat @ Aug 23 2007, 08:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I will thanck thems for there emayl and hope that the name on my veeser is speled crectly

For immigrant visas (not K1's however), by law, the approved immigrant visa application becomes the visa. So make sure you spell it right on the DS-230, because that will become the name on the visa.

On my K1, I think they tried to figure the name from the white entry card ? anyway all the forms were ok so it was a mistake at POE or transcribing the officer's record.

Luckily MDYoung was a member at that time and found a SS regulation which said if only 1 letter was spelled wrongly then they had to issue a SS number - I went back with that info and they did it.

If they hadn't I would have been 2 months without a US driver's license, bank account etc

VJ saved me..

Rumour has it that some folk were nasty to MDYoung and he doesn't post any more - that is a huge pity so I pass this on in case someone else is 1 letter out

It speaks to something when the government has to excuse its own mistakes in advance - it shows they are NOT rare.

My pal has been in the US 12 years and still shudders when he hears INS - it took him many months of heartache to get his file right and he renewed his 10 year greencard with great trepidation.

He refuses nationality though and says he is British ! - think I will take it as away out of the uscis world
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-23 10:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Cant wait to see what name they put on my visa
Just received from NVC


Thank you for your recent inquiry to the National Visa Center. This
automated email is to notify you that we have received your inquiry. We
prioritize our emails in the order in which it was received, and will
respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

cor - holy NOTFICIATIONS batman ! ... and do they mean 'they were received'

I will thanck thems for there emayl and hope that the name on my veeser is speled crectly

It wasn't when I came in on K1 and the SS refused me a number !

An old English surname consisting of 4 easy letters - and they couldn't spell it...

When I get that 10 year green card with my name spelled correctly, i will duct tape it to my body and only take it off for baths - with the door locked.

Seriously, I know they are busy, but if a job is worth doing, it's worth hiring someone who is careful and can write English.

dios nos ayudará!

Edited by saywhat, 23 August 2007 - 07:06 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-23 07:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)What does this NVC message mean?
QUOTE (rika60607 @ Aug 28 2007, 01:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I called the NVC.... and....
(drum rolls)
DS-230 will be mailed out THIS week!!!!

biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

NVC gets five stars from me today
(I hope they don't screw up in the near future!)

Yabadabadoo ! you did really well considering the payment only JUST got on file !

you dodged a whole week there !

many congrats !!!! their letters took almost 3 weeks to reach me here in the UK so I did james' and fired the 230 in same day...but its less worth it in the US

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-28 08:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)What does this NVC message mean?
QUOTE (rika60607 @ Aug 28 2007, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today "NVC is expecting return of the biographic forms by the petitioner "
dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif
So then it means DS-230 was generated, right, RIGHT???!!!
*looking for reassurance here*

PS Alan, what are my winnings?... tongue.gif

Give em a call but I would suspect 'yes'... just ask if the ds-230 'is on its way at the moment' - if she says its coming out to you 'this week' then you are home and dry....

i think it means 'yes' but check with em eh before you send james form if you are going to do that

let me know then I will give a big YES until then its a small yes ! We dont want any false hopes !!!!!

jeez their auto messages are weird

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-28 05:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)What does this NVC message mean?
QUOTE (rika60607 @ Aug 27 2007, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
they received IV bill on Thursday. Auto message said nothing about it on Friday and then updated on Monday.
Are those guys doing overtime to compensate for the Labor day weekend? huh.gif
I feel hopeful, MegDan's Timeline is ahead of mine exactly one week and her bill was also received on Thursday --> DS-230 generated on following Tuesday.
I can't say I am suffering in France (I don't laughing.gif ), but this process is driving me crazy, so I just want to be done done done with it!

QUOTE (rika60607 @ Aug 27 2007, 06:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
they received IV bill on Thursday. Auto message said nothing about it on Friday and then updated on Monday.
Are those guys doing overtime to compensate for the Labor day weekend? huh.gif
I feel hopeful, MegDan's Timeline is ahead of mine exactly one week and her bill was also received on Thursday --> DS-230 generated on following Tuesday.
I can't say I am suffering in France (I don't laughing.gif ), but this process is driving me crazy, so I just want to be done done done with it!

PS Of course you are useful!!!

ah hah ! I will bet you my flat cap and whippet it will NOT be done by tomorrow morning - when I said Wednesday I meant on the system - if you are only on the system today then I highly doubt it - of course you are going to call but mine was like yours and it takes 3 or 4 days to get on the system ----- then they need a few days to generate the ds-230

hope I am wrong but I reckon next tuesday- 8 days is your generation day...

go steady on the jambes de grenouilles - they are slippery characters


Edited by saywhat, 27 August 2007 - 12:07 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-27 12:07:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)What does this NVC message mean?
QUOTE (rika60607 @ Aug 27 2007, 05:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you Alan,
very informative good.gif
I have to restrain myself today and wait until tomorrow to call NVC then wink.gif

--- also re-read JSC
-------also find out what happened to your "chopped posts"


oops sorry senior moment ! ITS MONDAY TODAY !!!!!

yes call em tomorrow bang on 20 seconds past 7.30am eastern and you could get through with a 2 minute wait !

otherwise it gets really busy later and they wont even connect to the auto system... but you need a person...

if they have the iv bill on the system wednesday its a good bet they will do it following monday

after wednesday it is not certain - yours was thursday ? bit of a toss of the coin... as I say 35% tomorrow

hooray i do feel useful....

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-27 11:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)What does this NVC message mean?
QUOTE (rika60607 @ Aug 27 2007, 05:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
NVC just updated their automatic response.
Now they say
"NVC has received IV fee bill on 08/23/07 and will send further instructions within next few weeks. "

Sooo, I think it means they generated DS-230 package and are sending it to me this week?
Or I am too hopeful? blush.gif
Or should I call and talk to a live person and get them to admit that DS-230 WILL be sent this week?

Thanks for your opinions!

Your bump was felt in Darwen Lancashire home of the missing link...

this message does not mean your 230 is generated but there is a 35% chance it was generated last night and a 65% chance it will be generated next monday..

call em now and ask if the ds-230 is on it's way to you yet - if they say yes then its generated

dont use the word generated - they dont like it

if not i bet you my monaco t shirt it will be by next tuesday

always call tuesday please see james' short cuts for explanation

if you do them be very accurate with them and do exactly what he says - top post!


Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-08-27 11:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI'm illegal alien and she is on social security welfare. Who would pay the fees and how?
Sounds almost as plausible as the guy who wanted to know what kind of handbag he should carry to the interview...

True situations are stranger than fiction on here without making some up...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-02-06 12:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for K3 while living in UK with husband. Please help.

My husband and I are also in this mess... one question that you have not brought up that I am curious about is how you make your payment for your visa. Do you bring US cheques and use those or do they take some other currency (namely Euros or in your case pounds?).

We are planning on staying here in Germany for some time, however we want to get the visa stuff out of the way so when the chance arrises (say through his job) we would have the option to go back with out additional hassles of paperwork and extra things.

Please keep us updated on your progress - it is really helpful! I will do the same as soon as I have any extra info!


Luckily Carolyn has her US cheque (check !) book with her

sehr gluecklich ja ?

I think you can use international money orders etc but certainly not cards - that is one thing london uscis stressed...

So it depends what the US Service centre (center) will take..

Might be a good idea to email london uscis and ask them if an international money order from a european bank is ok - and if not then what...

ok i will let you all know what is happening - we are hoping for noa1 from california (nebraska will send it there again !) some time end of next week if we are lucky...

November seems a long way off but I reckon we will only just get it in time .. yes get moving now as you can always delay the final part so your visa does not expire too soon (valid 6 months)

tchus !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-02-12 08:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for K3 while living in UK with husband. Please help.
Monday morning dawns - 5th Feb - just received an email from USCIS London ..

They say we should send the application to them and they will forward it to Nebraska....

Actually we already did, and LONDON should receive it this morning

So mystery solved - you should send it to London and they will forward it with their cover sheet to the USCIS office covering last place of residence in the US...

If you send it direct to the US they will bounce it back to you after sending it round the continent...

I am still not 100% confident as I have seen vj-ers who have just had it sent back to them from London.

Anyway this doesn't look like DCF to me so I reckon it's the slow boat for all of us now...

I am hoping that London will NOA1 it before they send it to Nebraska , as someone else mailed to London a few weeks ago and got NOA1 in 4 days, - but its a slim chance I reckon...

I will report back if I do get NOA1

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-02-05 05:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for K3 while living in UK with husband. Please help.
We are in exactly the same position and have filed at the USCIS London Office...
We sent the I-130 to Nebraska (Milwaukee ex resident) -
They forwarded it to California who sent it back to us DHL to say file in London.

London will get it with the California front sheet on the 4th Feb with a request to advise us by email/phone whether they will accept it or forwarded it BACK to Nebraska or California or send it to us so we can just stare at each other with wonderment. They won't I bet.
Actually I am not so surprised as I worked for a Government organization for 3 years and computerized my job down to 4 days a month and then resigned as I was bored.... I had a dyslexic data inputter assigned me (they told me I had to have him as it was a disability) and a typist who had never typed. So it's not just the US

I really think California should have sent it to London themselves rather than bounce it - they are ONE organization after all..

Yodrak I really appreciate you watching this as I respect your utterances and I know you don't shoot from the hip.
I haven't quite figured the difference between filing at London field office (and whether that is DCF ) - and filing at London Embassy (Consulate)..

Wouldn't it be nice if London field office took it and processed it like a DCF ? Actually I don't want to use the visa until the 5th November when we have been married 2 years (want unconditional green card) - but at the moment it looks like we will either be very early (must watch 6 month validity) or very late with them sending it round in circles like pass the parcel at a party. I will post here when I learn more - hopefully this week..

I never imagined that even getting NOA1 would be so hard when I worked so hard at the package and had professional US compliant photos done etc - I have seen people on VJ faint with pleasure at a NOA1 but never thought I would be one of them !

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-02-04 15:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about X-Ray from medical exam

I was given my x-ray and told to carry it with me on the plane because customs will want to see it at the POE when I try to enter the US. How many of you had the x-ray with you and actually had it looked at? :wacko:

The officer actually sneered at it when i tried to show him it or leave it with him - I dont know anyone who has had any interest at all shown ....

However, we are all mindful of sod's law, (I don't say Murphy's law as that is insulting to the Micks), and sod's law says you will get the one officer in the history of this galaxy who wants to see it... so take the thing and leave it in the toilets while you wait for your suitcase... take the sticker off so nobody can open a bank account using your ribs as ID

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-01-25 10:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPassport

Yes they DO keep your passport....If that's your only form of ID, you'll have to get the train....

I have seen this question asked several times before and there is a way round it - I can't remember what it was - hopefully someone will come in soon and answer it...

Edited by saywhat, 07 February 2007 - 12:32 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-02-07 12:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPhoto problems at the last minute!!
snappy snaps are horrendpusly expensive - £30 quid

Gould---these guys are just near the embassy in london and you get 2 photos for 5 quid

50 dollars diff ! I can almost get drunk on that !

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-09 11:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIR1/cr1 embassy forms - packets that is

Ah right thanks - I just had a look at the DS-2001 and that is a 1 minute job...
I send in a DS-230 part 1 to the the NVC , so what is the DS-230 they are sending me, is it the part 2 ?
If so then that is 1 minute job as well - as I remember it, I have to tick a box to prove I am not a terrorist ..

oh ok well they seem pretty quick and easy so no preparation...

and the documents will all be originals for me only and none for my USC wife I reckon ?

Hey Alan -- Packet 3's DS-230 is Part 1 only, just as you sent to the NVC. Part 2 comes with Packet 4. As I'm a DCF, I'm not sure if the US-filed IR1s get another copy of this in their Packet 3, but the DS-2001 is certainly in there. Don't send the Part 2 you can download from the website, as it's not needed until interview day.

Why not wade on over to the UK forum again and ask what people with your filing status have done? I think we had at least one guy recently who filed through the US.

Edited to add: yes, the originals are for you and not your wife. Also, the London Embassy sends the medical instructions with Packet 3, not Packet 4. Technically, once you have your consulate number (starts LND2007...) you can book your medical with Knightsbridge Doctors as they will ask for it.

Ah thanks for the good old days when I did K1, I booked the medical in Edinburgh without a London embassy number as the file was still in the States - then emailed the consulate and said I was retired and could go at any time if they had a cancellation - about 10 days later i had my K1 !!! that was in the good old days - October 2005

It's the function of grumpy old people to point out that the world is closing in on us and becoming ever more restricted - crash helmets, seat belts, gun clubs, speed cameras, hand luggage, no smoking, no irish/polish/wisconsiner/mother in law jokes, trash emptied every 2 weeks, photo driver's licenses, every share deal reported to the tax people. etc etc... and no early medicals or cancellation's a one way street . Nothing gets freed up or de-restricted ... I bet my lawn mower that voting becomes compulsory in the UK in the next 5 years. Think I will become a survivalist in a tent in the woods in Oregon when I arrive.....grump grump - I will have a bacon sandwich now if it's still allowed

I digress - yes thanks - looks like packet 3 and 4 don't need preparation time and can be done in a few minutes so I can relax about those
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-14 03:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIR1/cr1 embassy forms - packets that is


You will return DS-2001, DS-230 to the embassy from packet 3

Packet 4 will contain more forms to fill out and bring to the interview, as well as where to get medical done, and a letter of invitation for the interview.

Ah right thanks - I just had a look at the DS-2001 and that is a 1 minute job...
I send in a DS-230 part 1 to the the NVC , so what is the DS-230 they are sending me, is it the part 2 ?
If so then that is 1 minute job as well - as I remember it, I have to tick a box to prove I am not a terrorist ..

oh ok well they seem pretty quick and easy so no preparation...

and the documents will all be originals for me only and none for my USC wife I reckon ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-13 12:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIR1/cr1 embassy forms - packets that is
The links in 'pinned' don't work and most of the posts deal with

We are doing a CR1 via california and I just wondered what packets we get for London ?

do we get a packet 3 and a packet 4 and what is in each please ?

I already have my police certificate (valid 12 months)

thanks alan
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-13 11:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMysterious Brown Envelope -- mistake?

The courier showed up this morning at 7.05am (rise and shine, cupcake!) with Bruce's passport and lovely CR1 visa, plus the Mysterious Brown Envelope. Now, Bruce listened very closely to the consular officer on the day of the interview, and to my repeated reminders not to open the envelope, so opening it in error is not the issue.

The problem is that there is what appears to be a printout of some basic biographical details stapled to the MBE -- name, date of birth, parents' names, address in the States, scan of Bruce's visa photo -- which has what may be a mistake on it. The item for "occupation" states that Bruce is a "Student/Children Under 16". Now Bruce is indeed a doctoral candidate, so he is a student. However, he is patently not under 16. I surmised that there are generic categories for occupations (e.g. Financial, Medicine, Administrative, etc) and "Student/Children Under 16" is one of them, i.e. students and children are lumped together for some reason. Bruce is worried that this is not the case, and that this tatty bit of A4 stapled to the MBE is going to keep him out of America because they will be expecting a 15-year-old boy and not someone 20 years older.

I'm calling the DoS at his request today for clarification, but do any VJers have experience or insight on this? I just want the satisfaction of knowing I'm right and he's wrong! :devil:

I reckon they just put the nearest category they could find in between chocolate biscuits - I would let sleeping dogs lay.
The mindset of bureaucrats is really scary and they are quite capable of recalling it for a couple of months while they sort it out if you raise an issue.
A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush so immigrate first and raise the issue after if you feel the need...
I cannot imagine it would be an issue at POE
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-21 07:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncr 1 visa via London - how long to mail out ?

The only reason mine took a couple of weeks after the interview was because they needed a corrected I-864/I-864A form - once that arrived at the Embassy, it took a total of 5 working days for the CR1 to get sent back to me - I paid extra to get it dropped off by 10am, so I wouldn't have to wait round all day at home in anticipation!

hey your interview was quick - i am told to expect 2 months + from checklist date- apparently current checklisters are late aug early sept !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-28 11:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncr 1 visa via London - how long to mail out ?

Bruce had his CR1 interview at 8.30am on June 19th, and the visa came via courier at 7.05am on the 21st. Not sure if being in London helped at all, but the "extra checks" that we were worried about for a CR1 visa never held it up. I think the other recent London CR1 people here on VJ also had speedy turnarounds of 2-3 days.

yippee! cant remember where i read that some folks were waiting a week or two- as we are 2 hours 20 minutes away from london by train (in the far frozen north), a couple of days will be fine...

good news - it keeps getting better today...

come on IV Bill ! soon after the mail strike on friday perhaps...

here is a photo of the IV Bill - describing miss lewinski
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-28 10:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncr 1 visa via London - how long to mail out ?
When I did K1 through London, i simply paid the courier in the Embassy and I received the visa at 11am the following day...

I thought I read somewhere that CR1 visas take longer - possibly weeks after the interview ?

does anyone have any up to date knowledge?

I have to ask as we have a strict timetable to enter the US (so i can be there 5 years before I am 65 and therefore qualify for Medicare) and every day counts...

thanks alan
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-28 10:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical question

ah thats very clear - i will try and schedule the medical as soon as i have the 'case complete ' at nvc.. i believe its valid for a year like the police certificate so thats ok... i like to try and get as much in front as i can...

So its 3 months to the interview from the checklist receipt ? thats really scuppered us then. I reckon we will be case complete NVC mid august - so checklist early September and interview late November ? rats we are scuppered - that means i wont get Medicare at 65 as i will be a few days short of 5 years in the country ...I was aiming for 5th november...

I dare not tell Carolyn - she thinks she will be home late fall...

Unfortunately (fortunately for us?) we didn't have to deal with the NVC so I don't have experience there. Our interview date was just over 7 weeks after we sent the checklist, and 6-8 weeks appeared to be the norm for a looooong time over at the UK forum (with a few lucky souls who had a shorter lag). Now it's slowed down again, and the hypothesis is that Embassy staff will be on holiday in August, so fewer dates available. Again, this is a hypothesis only! It could very well be that by the time you get your P3, the lag will be back down to 6-8 weeks.

Fingers and all appendages crossed !
It's been a weird day - first my AOS fee bill was confirmed as received 2 days ago by NVC -proving I did my bar codes ok !
Then I wondered where the AOS fee bill original was - it just turned up in the mail from Carolyn's ma in Wisconsin - so NVC ignored the fact that she is a UK resident - but at least we know where it went.
Then I learned good news that the visa comes 2 days after the interview
Then the good news that I can do the medical early - even before the file leaves NVC as I have the LON2007 number
Then the bad news about interview delays at London - but as you say it could be staffing shortages in August - I am dreaming of a mid October interview so perhaps we might just squeak it - especially if i say i have had the medical and got the police cert and i am ready to roll with no notice...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-28 11:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical question

just to check -the LND2007 case number that I have from the NVC stays with it all the way ? London embassy does not assign their own ?
If so, then i could book the medical as soon as NVC says 'case complete '? but that would mean that on the checklist, I would have to say 'medical already done '... or do you think its best to wait for packet 3 before booking....i was thinking that if i could get the medical done before packet 3, then they might assign an interview after a couple of weeks like last time - i reckon they only leave 5 weeks in order to get the medical done, so i was thinking, do it really early like before packet 3 ?

Yes, the LND number stays the same. (I even used it to call the DoS with a question after the visa had been delivered!) It is fine to put on the checklist that you've already done the medical -- they just want the date. You can even put down that it hasn't been done yet. As far as any of us can tell over at the UK forum, they're assigning dates in late August/early September right now, and that's for people who sent in their checklists at the end of May/beginning of June. When you choose to have your medical seems to have no impact on when you get the interview date, but when they get your checklist does.

There is some evidence that if you have an absolute make-or-break date that you MUST be in the US by, the Embassy will try to accommodate you, but this seems to be for those who are doing K1 and have scheduled wedding plans before the interview date was given out.

ah thats very clear - i will try and schedule the medical as soon as i have the 'case complete ' at nvc.. i believe its valid for a year like the police certificate so thats ok... i like to try and get as much in front as i can...

So its 3 months to the interview from the checklist receipt ? thats really scuppered us then. I reckon we will be case complete nvc mid august - so checklist early september and interview late november ? rats we are scuppered - that means i wont get medicare at 65 as i will be a few days short of 5 years in the country ...I was aiming for 5th november...

I dare not tell carolyn - she thinks she will be home late fall...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-28 11:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical question

Hey Alan -- glad to see your case is moving on a bit and you can now worry about the medical! Basically, it boils down to this: You need your Embassy-specific case number (starts LND2007...) to book your medical. When you call to book your medical, they'll ask you if you have an interview date yet. If you say it hasn't been assigned, they say "okay, that's fine. When can you come in for the medical?"

The checklist you have to send back to the Embassy (DS2001) will ask you for your medical date, so it's probably for the best that you book the medical before you send back the checklist. Other people do it differently and wait to hear when the interview will be before booking, but if you get a date and then there are no medical slots available until after the interview...well, we didn't want to even think about that.

So in a nutshell: get LND case number. Book medical. Wait for P3 to arrive. Return checklist with medical date on it. And then, of course, go to the medical, get interview date, etc etc. Hope this helps! :)

just to check -the LND2007 case number that I have from the NVC stays with it all the way ? London embassy does not assign their own ?
If so, then i could book the medical as soon as NVC says 'case complete '? but that would mean that on the checklist, I would have to say 'medical already done '... or do you think its best to wait for packet 3 before booking....i was thinking that if i could get the medical done before packet 3, then they might assign an interview after a couple of weeks like last time - i reckon they only leave 5 weeks in order to get the medical done, so i was thinking, do it really early like before packet 3 ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-28 10:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical question

We did book the medical before sending off the checklist, but we changed the date after it was sent. I called the DoS and asked if changing the date would be a problem -- would the Embassy think, "we weren't expecting this for another week...bottom of the pile for you, Sonny Jim!" The DoS said that it wouldn't be a problem at all to change the date, and that the Embassy wouldn't have a problem marrying up the medical to our file even if it was a week earlier than expected.

So...I am going to say something a little controversial here. Given that London is giving out August interview dates now, you are highly unlikely to get an interview date before the medical unless you do something like forget to schedule the medical in the first place. Why not write down what you think is a likely date for the medical (choose something in the next 2 weeks), post the thing and then make the appointment? As you can change the date without causing any problem at the Embassy, it looks like a risk you can take without consequences.

Pardon my ignorance - just catching up on the medical thing -which is the fastest way to do it ? some say you MUST have the London visa reference number ? so I would have to wait for packet 3 before I could book it ?
When I did K1 I got the medical early and then emailed the embassy and asked for a cancellation - and got an interview in 10 days !
I know things have changed a lot nowadays but what is the fastest way to do this ? If a London number is not needed, could I go ahead and arrange it after NVC say 'case complete' or is that way too early. Does the clinic insist on me knowing an interview date or can i just make one up and tell the embassy that I have already had ithe medical when they write to me ?

Looking for some new tricks

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-28 09:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEarly Medical for CR1 visa ?

My husband had his medical done even before we received our NOA2. They told us at the embassy that the medical is valid for one year, and as long as the doctor is approved by the consulate, it is very much OK to do it in advance.

In our strange case, however, it might now present a problem, since my husband resides in Poland and will be scheduled to interview in Napoli, Italy. Hopefully they won't make him go through and pay for the Italian medical, as well.

There have been a few posts about medicals in general - sort of scattered around in other threads - but can anyone confirm whether it's possible to get a really early medical in London - as soon as we get 'case complete' at the NVC for instance

We have got the LND2007.... number of course and I was thinking of pleading with the Embassy when I send packet 3 in. I reckoned that if I can say I already have done the medical and I already have the police certificate, then they might give me an earlier date. It worked when I did K1 a couple of years ago and I got an interview in 10 days - but I don't know how it works with a CR1 in 2007

I believe the medical is ok for 1 year so can anyone see a problem with having it done 3 or 4 weeks before packet 3 arrives ?

I am in good health right now so a good time to do it - and I got my police certificate 8 months early too for the same reason - if I get 'done' for something now I will have a 'clean sheet' to produce....


Heck thats a surprise because I thought you needed an embassy number - which you would not have at the pre-noa2 stage ?

Apparently the london people ask for that and won't do a medical without it

We have the LND2007xxxxxx number on our nvc file so we should be ok that way...

Yes I think I will do it now before I get a flesh eating virus or something... you never know

I can just see me at POE with my clean police certificate and medical clearance - after being done for driving whilst drunk on the way to the interview and scratching away at my newly acquired diseases...

no i would like to get the medical done so i can go back to living on sugary ginger biscuits...

just joking my US readers - of course I would not be so irresponsible and I would voluntarily give up my application in that case - er hum
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-02 11:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEarly Medical for CR1 visa ?
There have been a few posts about medicals in general - sort of scattered around in other threads - but can anyone confirm whether it's possible to get a really early medical in London - as soon as we get 'case complete' at the NVC for instance

We have got the LND2007.... number of course and I was thinking of pleading with the Embassy when I send packet 3 in. I reckoned that if I can say I already have done the medical and I already have the police certificate, then they might give me an earlier date. It worked when I did K1 a couple of years ago and I got an interview in 10 days - but I don't know how it works with a CR1 in 2007

I believe the medical is ok for 1 year so can anyone see a problem with having it done 3 or 4 weeks before packet 3 arrives ?

I am in good health right now so a good time to do it - and I got my police certificate 8 months early too for the same reason - if I get 'done' for something now I will have a 'clean sheet' to produce....

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-30 07:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon medical

I just booked my medical this morning. They asked if I had received my documents and had my case number - I explained I had my forms but they forgot to include the medical questionnaire.

The girl said no problem, just arrive a little early to fill one out. Also as the maps to the medical centres and FAQ's for the medical are on the website i don't think there is any reason why you can't book your medical using just your case number.

I booked my medical for the earliest slot - july 30th, so there's quite a long waiting list at the moment in London.

I am on a K1 visa, not a CR1, so my circumstances may be different, but I reckon you could phone the medical centre again and say you have received your docs and get the medical booked, as your next set of docs is certain to arrive before you actually get to the medical.

Brave stuff - when I am on very safe ground I am an excellent liar... but if i haven't actually got packet 3 I might be shaky...I will keep an eye on it as I expect to be out of NVC by mid august and packet 3 around 1st week in sept ... so if i booked mid Aug I should be ok for mid sept... actually i did that medical questionnaire for K1 and have a copy so i could quote from that... hum,..anyway thanks for the tip - it's a beauty !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-03 12:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon medical

My CR1 Visa is still with NVC but I thought I would steal a march by getting the medical done...

Rang the medical centre in Knightsbridge and they will NOT arrange a medical until packet 3 is received as they need to 'go through some things which are in the packet'

I told them it was a full immigrant visa and I had my LND2007xxxxx number etc but no way will they do it...

Many VJ folk told me it was possible to do it early, but perhaps that was in other countries

Alan -- what they are talking about is a few forms which are in the P3. I think it's an IV-18. Hmmm...I think you are also required to present your P3 cover letter too, but I am less certain about this.

oh ok - well i will just wait as it should not hold things up --

sat looking at the rain - worst for 93 years - my mum is 93 so she can't remember it this bad..

looking for the post lady and my IV fee bill - generated two weeks ago- stuck in the mail strike ?

Calling nvc in an hour to see if I-485 generated then I will go and mail that

really depressing just now - come on IV bill !

Carolyn is so depressed with the whole thing and of course June is 90 degrees and sunny in Wisconsin so she isnt used to living in the cold wet submarine that is our temporary rented house in Lancashire... she liked North Yorkshire, but this place.... sorry to any Lancastrians reading...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-03 05:27:00