US Citizenship General DiscussionGod

I'm just curious. If you are so intent on keeping or protecting your British citizenship, why are you seeking naturalization in the US? I for one find some, if not most of your witless banter offensive as an American citizen. Yes we talk smack about our president, and about idotic American policies, but we have the right to do so under the First Ammendment because we are US citizens, you haven't even been ALLOWED the privelege to obtain that right yet. Being a US citizen is not a right, it's a privelege, and I think using a public forum, which is hosted, and whose membership consists of 90% US Citizens as a way to mock our procedures and policies is testament to the type of "Americans" you will be.

Never mentioned protecting my UK citizenship ! This post isn't about that.

Excuse me but I think perhaps your resentment is based on a religious thing you have ? I am entitled to be unreligious both now and when I become a citizen, and I am simply asking about the procedure at the ceremony.
Keeping atheists out of the country is no part of the constitution - I have learned that much from the 100 questions.
Anyway it's too late for you - Bill Maher is already here.
I tend to be light hearted in the way I express myself and I belief that this is also an inalienable right although it isn't written down anywhere yet.
I repeat that I am not interested in discussing serving in the military or religious views or anything else - it's a fact finding exercise about the ceremony

There will be many Americans who will welcome me into the country and tolerant enough to rub shoulders with people of any religion or none. That is why the country was set up.

I like your President who has Yorkshire roots like me. I like his government. I like their policies. It sounds like I am more supportive of the American president and government and policies than you are. Perhaps you don't belong any more ?

Anyway, let's keep it factual and not get side tracked
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-13 14:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGod

Modified oath lets you state you do not want to perform combative or non-combative services for religious purposes so you can leave those two out, for other religious or non-religious reasons, "so help me God", may also be left out. But you have to send a letter with proof of your convictions to the USCIS to make any of these changes. Is it worthwhile?

I don't think that is so Nick - I know you need written stuff from your church/religious teacher etc to get out of the army stuff - but for simply wanting to delete 'god' in the oath, I don't see any requirement to 'prove' I am an atheist - How would I do that anyway? Atheists don't have a church to certify that they don't believe in god... I could send em a you tube link of my teacher on religious issues - Mr Bill Maher...

Imagine - 'we require you to prove you don't believe in god'

No, affirmation is available on demand (or civilized and affable request if you are English)- but it's the mechanics of how that works at the service - oops I mean ceremony, that I am interested in.
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-13 11:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGod
Getting nearer guys but I still don't know how it's done for people who wish to affirm rather than swear.

(My mother told me never to swear in public)

I understand I will be in a big hall with a cross section of the world's uprooted adventurers like me, but I don't know how I remember the words of affirmation - it's easy for t'others as they try and repeat what the lord's designate is saying up there - but my question is - do they give you a card to read from ?

Has anyone any personal experience of how it goes ? So far I don't think anyone has.

Edited by saywhat, 13 May 2010 - 09:24 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-13 09:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGod
Yes but how does it go at the ceremony ?

The USCIS website has a video of 300 of the huddled masses taking the oath - and they are repeating what the guy says and talking in tongues..

What do the 'others' do ? How do they affirm ? Do they do it in back room while the religious are all together and repeating the oath ?

That's the answer I seek

PS I just found that one of President Obama's ancestors (obviously on his mother's side) were a couple from Yorkshire - what fun I can have with that. If the Americans knew the implications of that, they would be happy to settle for Kenya I bet. Birthers or Tykers ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-12 23:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGod

If you wish to omit "so help me God" from your process, you are perfectly free to do so.

You can discuss this with the USCIS rep - they will tell you not to say those words, and will cross them out from the form you sign.

Not sure about giving up previous citizenship - you can read here.

yes but how does it work in a hall of 300 people ?

are we all given different cards so different people can be heard mumbling different words ?

how does it work in practice ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-12 19:45:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGod

I don't know the answer to this (and I'm a long way off) but I also wanted to add --

As you're also British and therefore entitled to retain your UK passport, are you also planning to remove the "renounce all allegiances, citizenships..."? or does that HAVE to be said?

I, like you, am non-religious and also because I plan on keeping my Aussie and UK passports I can't help but feel like I'm lying by saying what I don't truly mean (or getting into shite if I simply don't "say" it).

Good point - as you know, the UK government gets round this by saying it's a verbal oath and doesn't count so I can keep my UK passport

But your question is about the sincerity of the oath. On a practical basis, the oath does let us out of the god thing, but makes no allowance for the allegiances.

I guess we have to break it down:
Would I fight for the U.S. if it decided to invade the UK and waterboard the Queen and hang the Prime Minister? No is the answer.

Therefore I have to lie or not become a citizen ? The only way I can square this is to say to myself that I would immediately renounce my US citizenship if the U.S. did anything like that against the U.K.

By doing that mental gymnastics, I tell myself that my intention is to not have allegiance to the UK at any time during my US Citizenship, but would resume that allegiance and renounce my US Citizenship, should that become necessary.

It's a politician's trick which I am playing on my own conscience, but allows me to take the oath and express my intentions AT THE TIME. The point is that things can change so getting married or taking this oath does not bind us as permanently as having a tattoo or having a tooth out.

Incidentally, US Citizens fought for the British during both world wars and BEFORE the US came into the wars.

ps I am 62 and a national class marksman with a rifle since 1967 - but I am hoping the yankees wont parachute me into Iran

Edited by saywhat, 12 May 2010 - 07:36 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-12 19:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGod
Just doing my research for the ceremony which should be around Christmas time if I manage to pass the English test.
(must remember hood, trunk, fender etc)

I am not religious so I will need to affirm. The oath at the interview sounds pretty godless according to the the USCIS video so that's ok

The oath at the ceremony is my question:

I have seen videos of two hundred people all taking the oath of allegiance and saying 'so help me god'

I suppose I can mention this when I meet the USCIS representative at the ceremony, but do we all stand there at the oath while I say one thing and the others say another ?

I would have to remember the oath if I am not repeating the words of the head honcho who is conducting the ceremony

Anyone any experience of this please ?


Edited by saywhat, 12 May 2010 - 06:22 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-12 18:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOath letter

Interview March 30th, STILL no oath letters......I called the courthouse where the oath ceremonies take place and the next one isn't til July 16th so I am assuming that I won't get letters til mid June? However I was told at the interview that it would be 2-4 weeks....and that was 7 weeks ago...LOL

That's a bummer - some people are 'done' the same day as the interview

I will be at Yakima in the Washington State desert - they sometimes have a roaming ceremony in different towns in Washington - on the 4th July following the year of the interview no doubt...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-20 11:29:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOath letter

Yeah i love how my comment was removed for "insulting another member", but i digress. The reason i said what i said, and yes i was a little hmmmm (cant say i guess, dont wanna offend the POWERS THAT BE), was that i was very specific in my original comment. I specifically asked for those who had been to the interview and then had their oath letter mailed to them. I was SPECIFICALLY trying to avoid comments like "We dont work for the USCIS", yeah AS IF. Anyways, i got a great response above, and its really not worth getting into it, i just cant stand when people ask straight questions you have those who give crooked (for the lack of a better word) answers!! Im cool now!! i've said my peace!!

It's not a pay site you know, you have to glean what you can and sift out all the stuff that you can't use or is wrong - and be grateful for that

It's still a fantastic resource and it's free - so we can't complain of the service or that people didn't comply with our demands and instructions as to how we wish to be answered.

Piece or peace - no matter - glad there is peace
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-17 20:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOath letter

that's good info

Edited by saywhat, 17 May 2010 - 07:04 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-17 19:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport
Yes at least we are allowed to leave without an exit visa - unlike our good friend and ally saudi arabia for instance.
Those people kept me starving under house arrest for 6 weeks until I could bribe them many thousands to give me the exit visa
I will never go anywhere that requires an exit visa - never again

We do struggle with our western governments and curse them sometimes, but in comparison to places like that (where they push convicts out of planes at 20 thousand feet over the desert), we don't do so badly really.

checking in for my trip to blighty in a couple of hours - with my trusty GC in hand.

let's hope they don't read VJ for when I return in a week's time...

Edited by saywhat, 21 May 2010 - 11:51 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-21 11:51:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport

Hello my friend, this is my comment. You are dual United Kingdom and U.S. citizen, you can use either passport you have handy or available to use. You can use your U.S. passport to go to U.K., I don't know if the laws in the U.K. for the immigration office can fine you, because you are U.K. citizen and you are entering with U.S. passport. They might not even fine you, but is like a little bit not suitable at all, that the immigration officer in the U.K. seal your U.S. passport with an expiration limit (I mean because you are U.K citizen), but that is possible. My cousins is dual Colombian-American Citizen, they travel to my home country with U.S. passport, they seal it and they put on his U.S. passport timelimit of visit; other people in my country are fined because "officially" in my country when you are dual Colombian-U.S. citizen, you need both passport to travel; that is the official law in my country. Anyway, I recommend you to use the webpage of the U.S. department of State, it appears on the webpage of travel each country in the world, and in your case, United Kingdom and the requirements for dual citizens of the U.S. and whatever other country, in general ways to travel and to enter back and forth. I wish my comment help you out on something, thanks and bye,

Hey So far so good - yes it just seems to be the USA and a few more (north korea ?) where they have a problem with duals using a different passport.
I will check the state dept for duals info and I am sure they will say that you must use the native passport - but so far I reckon it's all blagging and really there is no UK law equivalent to US law even though they try to imply that there is. I have now heard from a lot of South American nationals who use the US passport both ways...

These governments don't have a law against EVERYTHING yet although they are working on it (except when they park/travel as diplomatic VIP's of course)

Thanks for the idea....
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-20 19:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport

Could be by the DOS listing your place of birth on the US Passport, they want each Naturalized citizen to have as many passports as Jason Bourne.

I love collecting authorisations and it's an acknowledged disease a bit like compulsive. Can't remember it's name but there is a club for it too.

I got a K1 and then AOS application and then advance parole then changed my mind then changed it back and did GC direct. I have GC unconditional and I did my test and got my car licence in Milwaukee and my motorbike licence in Florida and got a Florida car licence. AAA membership (pathetic)and Hawaiian airmiles card.

Now I have a Washington car licence and motorbike licence and conceal weapons licence even though I don't carry

I just love being over authorised ! The idea of two passports to a freak like me is heaven.
I am toying with the idea of a pilot's licence but I wont do it as GC holder coz of all the Atta stuff

Of course I have my UK car and bike licence and passport and FCCA accounting certificate and 25 yards elementary swimming certificate

I have to stop collecting marriage licences as I have enough now. Death certificates look quite cute but you only get one...

I remember Spike Milligan being asked to identify himself and he held up a a mirror and said 'yes, that's me'
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-20 18:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport
Last couple of replies are excellent because it confirms my strong suspicion that these countries and the EU try to bully people into doing something when they are not democratic enough to pass a law saying they must.

The US is totally OTT and draconian on everything as usual - but that's their privilege and at least they are democratic and open enough to actually pass a law saying you can't enter the US as a US Citizen and use a foreign passport.

The UK will be too lazy to figure out how to do it - especially with all the British Nationals as well as Citizens which would complicate it.

That's at least a dozen people I have heard of since yesterday who say they visit their original country on their US passport and quite a few can't be bothered renewing their original passport coz they don't want to stay more than 6 months anyway

I acknowledge the various reasons to get my British passport renewed and I will - but at least I know now that it's only convenience, and if I have visit the UK on the US one while the red one is renewing, then I can
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-20 10:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport
ok well I can't find ANYTHING to say a UK / US national cannot enter the UK on a US passport.

What I found were lots and lots of dual citizens who do just that very often and they often let their UK passport expire to save cost

I think a lot of blagging goes on and a lot of people try to apply US immigration law (which is specific) to the UK

It may be that something has changed recently - but knowing how tolerant and slow moving the UK is, I would not be surprised if this has not changed and it is still possible.

Anyone got any specific UK regulations that says it can't be done ?

I am talking about a 1 week visit by the way.

Edited by saywhat, 19 May 2010 - 07:05 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-19 19:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport

The UK IS prickly like that. They WOULD know where you're from because it's written in your passport that you were born in the UK and you wouldn't have lost your UK citizenship when becoming a US citizen.

You should apply early (i.e. when you're sure you wouldn't need it). They can be applied for 9 months early. OR you would have to apply for an emergency travel document
Here: http://ukinusa.fco.g...s/passport-fees :

"# Emergency Travel Document - $151 (* Can $151) (only available at a limited number of offices, please contact your local office for information: in the USA, in Canada, in any other country)

We only issue emergency travel documents if other types of passport cannot be printed in time. There is a call out fee for this service outside of office hours. You will need to add this fee to the cost of the passport.
# Call out fee - $217"

If you had to travel urgently, personally I would go through on the US passport anyway (it's a huge risk but depending on the reason, worth it) and hope for the best, but I would take evidence of you having applied, evidence of why you couldn't wait, your birth certificate etc.

Lets just hope it never comes to that.

Yes so far it seems that actually boarding the flight is the biggest hurdle and the fine if any would likely be less than the emergency paperwork (in total)... That would be an nightmare all that phoning and driving and standing in line etc if there was an emergency... I will apply 9 months before, but I will still be passportless for 4 weeks or so..still digging around UK info..
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-19 18:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport
ahhah ! Found this on the US State Dept site - so the problem is not getting into the US as a citizen without a passport , the problem is the airline won't fly you because of either their own procedures or security pre clearance with the US no doubt. Also if it's law, a fine will be available no doubt even if one does convince the airline. OK that's clear - now what about the UK - I will continue digging but if anyone knows then please post..

Under US law if you or your children are dual UK-US nationals travelling between both countries, you should travel with both passports. US law also requires that dual US nationals use their US passport to enter and exit the country - those who attempt to travel on their foreign passport risk being denied boarding. Further information can be obtained from the US State Department (see above).
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-19 17:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport
I would take my UK driving licence, a photocopy of my UK passport and my original birth certificate and a US passport and risk it I reckon.
You know the airlines always check to see if there is a good chance you will be admitted at the other end coz they can be fined. I have had some real struggles with BMI at Manchester who tried to stop me flying to the US once as she had no evidence my K1 was cancelled and it was out of date. Chicago immigration was fine with it. I wonder what they would do with a US passport which had a UK place of birth in it - would they insist on a UK passport ? I bet they don't even look at place of birth. If they did, I could be prevented from flying in the first place - the airlines are tougher than immigration coz it involves money. Yes I think the airline might be the toughest nut to crack.

Edited by saywhat, 19 May 2010 - 05:34 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-19 17:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport

How would they know?...even if the orange is not sticking outta your pocket? have a place of birth in your passport: usually country sometimes followed by the name of the seeing that info UK immigration might just ask if you hold a British the good thing is that usually if you are a citizen they have to let you in...might be lenghtly tough since they will have to verify that you are (whatever that entails). It's only up to the guy in the booth to make it as complex as (s)he likes...

That's a good point - I suppose it gives place of birth in US passports...

I know U.S. folk are prohibited entering the US with a foreign passport but I don't know if it's an offence and they get fined.

If it gives my place of birth as England, I suppose they would struggle to deport me
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-19 17:10:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport

I don't know about the UK, but I know for example that I must enter Italy with my italian passport and not the US one.
Probably the UK has a similar law.
Anyways, I'm surprised it takes 4 weeks to get your passport renewed. It takes one week at the italian consulate (not quite an example of efficient burocracy....efficient burocracy, what an oxymoron anyways!) and I could actually get a next-day one when I showed proof of travel...

yes UK says only mail applications to Washington Embassy and 4 weeks to process renewals...

How would they know you were one of their's anyway ? (without a lot of digging) - apart from racial profiling
at manchester when I say - 'by gum lad - 'ad forgotten how bloody wet it is - am fair nesh' and he says 'Tha dunt sound like a bloody yank - tha's a chuffin' Yorkie - I bet you could peel an orange in your pocket' (Yorkies are mean with money)

Edited by saywhat, 19 May 2010 - 02:25 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-19 14:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport
Getting a renewal on my UK passport is said by the Consulate to take 4 weeks or so

If I had to visit the UK urgently during that time, could I use the US passport (when I get one) to visit the UK.

I guess they would just whack a 6 month stamp in it and that would be that

I know the U.S. does not allow their citizens to enter with a foreign passport, but I don't think the UK is prickly like that

Am I right ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-05-19 12:44:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview is tomorrow!

Congratulations and thank you for sharing your experience! Could you be kind enough to let us know when will be your oath ceremony date? :thumbs:

June 16 he said... read his report again please
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-03 13:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionphotos and medical appointment tips

For the K1 medical appointment, all you really need is your case number to schedule one. The form is one they can provide for you if you forget it, so there's nothing special or personalized about the one you receive in the mail. If the CR1 is a different medical, however, then there may be different forms/requirements.

nope the medicals are the same - just to make sure you aren't dangerous to the clean herd in the USA.

but i rang a few weeks ago and she refused to schedule me even though I had the LONxxxx visa case number

She said I had to have the questionnaire in my hands before they would schedule it...

I wonder if I just got a crabby assistant that day ?


did you schedule before you received packet 3 ?.. there must be a correct form of words that works....

and the photos - 1 for the medical and 2 to return with packet 3 ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-23 13:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionphotos and medical appointment tips

For the K1 medical appointment, all you really need is your case number to schedule one. The form is one they can provide for you if you forget it, so there's nothing special or personalized about the one you receive in the mail. If the CR1 is a different medical, however, then there may be different forms/requirements.

nope the medicals are the same - just to make sure you aren't dangerous to the clean herd in the USA.

but i rang a few weeks ago and she refused to schedule me even though I had the LONxxxx visa case number

She said I had to have the questionnaire in my hands before they would schedule it...

I wonder if I just got a crabby assistant that day ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-23 13:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionphotos and medical appointment tips
Well I am hoping I am nearly done at NVC with my CR1 visa and can start getting ready for the London Medical/interview

Is it correct that I send 2 photos back with packet 3 and also take one for the medical ?

therefore I don't take any to the interview ?

Can the medical one be a 'normal' uk passport photo or must that be US visa size ?

They are £15 each in Leeds !

Also it would be great if I could arrange a medical as soon as I am 'case complete' at the nvc but the clinic said I had to wait for packet 3...

One veejayer told em he had received packet 3 and there was no medical form in it - and he got away with it and they made him an appointment....

Don't know if I am up to that so any more tips on how to arrange it early ?

thanks... alan
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-23 13:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDRUGS QUESTION ON MEDICAL

Just been reading about the medical on another immigration site -
they asked the applicant if he had ever taken drugs and the guy replied that he had smoked cannabis 10 years ago..
He got a rejection and there is no appeal !!
Of course the blood tests etc on the medical are designed to catch current drug users...

The law says that if you have used drugs in the the past THREE years, you are inadmissible with no waiver available. That means when three complete years have passed, you can reapply and need to show evidence of successful completion of alcohol or drug treatment program.

If someone was denied for drug use from 10 years ago, the consulate is misinterpreting the law (which happens regularly in Ciudad Juarez)

Persons who admit during the medical exam to using an illegal drug within the last three years, or who are found with these substances in their system after drug screening, are inadmissible as drug abusers. There is an exception for mere experimentation (single use). There is no waiver for this medical ground, but applicants who have been in remission for three years since the last drug use can reapply for the visa. The consulate will keep the case open during this period. They should come prepared with evidence that they have undergone drug counseling or similar rehabilitation. A single DUI conviction within the last two years will result in a denial based on the medical ground of inadmissibility for having a "physical or mental disorder with a history of harmful behavior associated with the disorder."

wow the DUI thing is interesting !

if it is a mental disorder then presumably it is a 'curable' one and the same thing applies ? that with treatment, such a person can apply again ?

and what if a resident is convicted of a DUI ? does that mean they have developed a mental disorder and can be deported ?

it gets scarier

I have been stopped by the Police and breathalysed 5 times in the last 25 years - always under the limit but it seems there are big consequences there - being declared mentally disordered and eligible for deportation ?

if being drunk is not a curable mental disorder then what is George W doing being president ?


Edited by saywhat, 24 July 2007 - 02:41 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-24 14:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDRUGS QUESTION ON MEDICAL
Just been reading about the medical on another immigration site -

they asked the applicant if he had ever taken drugs and the guy replied that he had smoked cannabis 10 years ago..

He got a rejection and there is no appeal !!

Of course the blood tests etc on the medical are designed to catch current drug users...

This is even though Bill Clinton and now virtually every member of the British Government including the home secretary (attorney general in US terms) has admitted to drug crimes !

This means that virtually NO ! members of the British Government would be eligible for a visa....

Luckily, I never did do the stuff so I don't have to lie. In the 60's I was in the Police trying to catch drug users - and homosexuals too who could be imprisoned ! Never caught either actually - Otley, Yorkshire had a cow getting out of a field problem and that was about it.

How times change ! Now the British Government is composed of many homosexuals and drug criminals (we have no statute of limitations in the UK)...

It's worth noting fellow applicants that US immigration regulations have not changed as much as British society.

You have been warned.
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-24 06:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBig age difference

If your wife is HOT, it may not be an issue................ :devil:

The 'HOT' test will show up at the medical....
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-26 02:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCR1 fingerprints ?
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Oct 15 2007, 08:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Alan,

They took my husband's fingerprints at the embassy the day of interview and at POE in Miami.


heck that's making sure !

so they have 2 sets of his - they may end up with 3 sets of mine....

yes they weighed me and checked my height etc etc but nobody seems to mention that on interview day -

I reckon they are getting some data in case they need to draft you ...

that's the nice thing about being a gimmer as I don't fancy a trip to Persia as an uninvited guest, but I won't tell em about my marksman badges just in case !

thank you alan
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-10-15 14:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCR1 fingerprints ?
When I did K1 and adjustment of status, I was called to USCIS Milwaukee where they took biometrics including 10 fingerprints..

I just wondered when they are taken during CR1 visa process ?

At the Embassy Interview ? at POE ?

Can't remember anyone mentioning them ...but I will be done with the process after Friday hopefully so they must take them soon ?

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-10-15 13:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions about interview questions
Don't get too wound up or too prepared or he might smell a rat.

If you have every question ready to fire back at him he might think you have a formula to follow

He asked me where we met and I went 'um ar well - you know - it was a wet sunday and dark and cold so I went on a dating site and there she was and we got talking. I go to the U.S. often for holidays so I dropped in and had a coffee and and expected her to be like a tank but she wasnt - she was fab ! and it sort of took off from there !.'

I could have said the month but not the date we met - as I say, if it's too polished a performance then it's not quite believable...
If you are genuine then there is nothing to worry about and there will be no trick questions to trip you up - they cant

So just relax and talk freely and it will be fine

Don't try even the slightest lie and just take it as it comes

I didnt prepare at all and you shouldnt have to

its all over in 5 mins max

Captain OatesMaleEngland2009-03-27 17:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs it worth it?
I reckon the tax thing is the biggest thing against...

You would have to renounce your US citizenship to escape annual returns if you went to another country permanently

It would help with the 'domicile ' thing when the UK (say) and USA are always tempted to fight over your financial bones when you die

It would help when visiting Wales or Scotland where they hate the English due to Mel Gibson's smears etc - I could flash my yankee passport and they might stop calling me a 'Saxon' - I actually had that in Wales on more than one occassion...
I digress
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-01-14 17:44:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow long are you going to wait before you apply for citizenship...
Considerations are:
I will have ploughed a lot of money into the US (house/car/motorbike/speedboat), and as a green card holder I could be thrown out for doing something wrong - like killing somebody with my car during a lapse of concentration... etc etc
That would be enormously costly financially and of course the main problem would be that my USC wife would have to live in Europe - and she doesn't feel comfortable living outside the US where people need parking skills (joke luvvy)

On the other hand, the US is one of the few countries that 'farms' it's citizens for tax for life whether they are resident in the US or abroad - so I could never escape the demands of uncle sam without having to renounce citizenship.

On balance I think I will do it - with the added bonus that I can tell the rednecks in the most obvious English accent I can muster, that I am an American too - so they can't tell me to love it or leave it any more and finally I will be allowed free speech and the chance to participate in making improvements

Timing ? as soon as poss - 3 years - in case she runs of with Jose the gardener and then I will have to wait 5 years...

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-21 04:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionI voted but I'm not a US citizen
Whoa hold your horses !
U.S. law is based on English law...
There are 'absolute' offences like speeding when you need no intention..
Then there are serious criminal offences where you need TWO elements
'mens rea' the guilty intent and 'actus rea' the guilty act

So if I borrow your stapler and put my own staples in and staple one piece of paper to another and then put your stapler back on your desk, there is no 'mens rea' - guilty intent and no theft

same with conspiracy /theft/assault etc etc etc etc etc - if I bump into you accidentally and break your nose there is no offence - only a civil case for negligent damages - that's why you cant be guilty of murder (murder1 in US terms) if you get drunk and leave your car on a railway crossing and 500 people die. No 'malice aforethought'

Now if this offence is as serious as it sounds then surely some 'guilty intention' is necessary. Thats as far as the felony is concerned - dont know about the USCIS element where they can act without proving a crime.

Also we all know that the website says you CAN vote in certain elections and registering to vote would be necessary to do this surely ?
Are there different levels of voter registration - local and state and national - or only one ?
If its only one then how can a person vote locally without registering (somebody else made this point)

So I don't think the felony stuff is important here if this person can show that there was no guilty intent - only a brain cell deficit.

BUT !!! I also think the USCIS don't care about that and they can bump your n400 anyway without a conviction and let you prove it rather than the courts ...

A far as 'would they know' I suspect US computerization is pretty pathetic generally and bigamy is rife as the FED dont even have a common States database of who is married - and I reckon they would not know (90%) - but sod's law says they would sweep this one and then it is a felony to claim you didnt when you did as that claim would be done with guilty intent

So having green card status only is better than the slammer. So what you cant vote in future - I wouldnt want to....

Did you vote for George first time ? I wonder if its too late to get the election result annulled ?

Edited by saywhat, 10 September 2007 - 09:17 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-09-10 09:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTaking the Oath
QUOTE (The Group Meater! @ Sep 9 2007, 12:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
According to Expedia.....

The line "so help me God" is optional, and sometimes the lines "that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by law; that I will perform non-combatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by law" are omitted as well, if the prospective citizen can prove such commitments are in violation with his or her religion.

So what about if you don't have a religion and you don't want to go around killing ? just kiddin' I waited until I was 60 to enter so they wont strap a flame thrower to my back and expect me to douse 18 year old boys and girls from other countries with gasoline and petroleum jelly mixture .

I don't mind 'bare arms' I will get a nice tan in Florida that way - not my fault if I misunderstood
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-09-10 05:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSpouse denied for naturalization
He should go to your homeland and file for residency there - then you will all be re-united immediately..

assuming of course that your homeland will accept US felons as residents

It can't have been 'moral turpitude' or he would not have been allowed to stay in the US for so long; so perhaps it will not be so important there

Edited by saywhat, 12 December 2007 - 10:00 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-12-12 21:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow long is one without U.S. passport or green card
QUOTE (Lansbury @ Dec 22 2007, 07:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey they let you in then, welcome back to America.

Now don't forget at the naturalization interview to ask why the New England football team are called patriots and not the New England Rebels.

Hey there !
got an infopass for next Monday in Tampa to start the fight for 'where is my green card'

It's one big fight

My bank in the isle of man (Bank of 'no underpants in a gale' Scotland) lost 61 500 USD coming into my account (bought at 2.065) - they sat on it a month denying they had it, then changed it back into GBP at 1.9 something (losing me 1400 GBP)
and sent it back to Barclays bank saying they had no idea which accounts to credit it to.

I have seen Barclays documentation which accompanied the transfer - it has my

all are totally correct (even they confirm that) but they couldn't find my account and I am £1400 down

big fight with them now for compo

Why is life so hard ? he wailed ...

On the rebel thing - it always makes me laugh when the U.S. says 'are you coming to the U.S. to overthrow the lawful government by force ?' - jeez they invented all that stuff - no sense of irony - they think irony is like coppery or aluminumy

Captain OatesMaleEngland2008-01-02 10:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow long is one without U.S. passport or green card
QUOTE (timeasterday @ Dec 22 2007, 05:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, it should be a straight swap. In my wife's case, she gave up the green card at the end of the interview, but only because they were scheduling her in the afternoon oath ceremony. If you have a time gap from the interview to the ceremony, i suppose they let you keep the GC.

The expedited passport service used to be pretty quick - I got my first passport many years ago for a business trip and it only took 3 days. Now the expedited service is 3 weeks. Routine service is 4-6 weeks.

My nearest passport office is Miami so if I have to appear in person then I guess I will have to drive that from Tampa...

I can do that....
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-12-22 13:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow long is one without U.S. passport or green card
QUOTE (JA Tam @ Dec 22 2007, 05:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
At the swearing in ceremony, the package that you receive will have the application for a US passport. In the case of a naturalized citizen when applying for a passport for the first time, you will need to apply in person.
Alan, I am going to scare you just a little bit, because this happened to me...I had to send my ORIGINAL naturalization certificate with the application so that I could be issued my passport. It is returned to you with the passport. I applied at the courthouse in Hollywood Florida. I believe if you go to a Passport office, then you can show them your certificate and not "surrender" it.

Since they have worked out the backlog, it shouldn't take too long to get your passport after being naturalized.

Best of luck to you.

Now THAT is wonderful info ! Knowing what I know now after 3 years of dealings with the various agencies, there is no way I am letting go of ANY ORIGINAL stuff - I would drive to Maine and pay a thousand dollars to avoid that !

great info - its 'in person' for me...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-12-22 12:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow long is one without U.S. passport or green card
QUOTE (timeasterday @ Dec 22 2007, 05:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is no sort of travel authorization issued at that time. You are given a certificate of naturalization, nothing else. At that point you are like any other US citizen without a passport. You have to go through the typical application process by applying in person at any designated passport acceptance location (see here: http://travel.state....port_1738.html).

No documents will be sent to you to apply for the passport - you need to do this in person. Your local post office is probably the best place to go. If you need one in a hurry they can expedite for extra $$.

Hope that helps!

That sounds good - so it's a straight swap at the ceremony - they take the green card and give you a certificate and there is no gap...

Phew - well I know it took my wife 3 weeks or so to renew her U.S> passport so a new one might take a little bit longer ?
With the expedited service I should only be unable to travel for a month or so ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-12-22 12:34:00