US Citizenship General DiscussionCheck that N400 again !

i did the same over and over again....
My main challenge was the Address and work
But thank God i sent it in first week in june and they never found an error,.....did my biometrics 2 wks ago..

so time to biometrics say 5 weeeks ?

time to bio letter 3 weeks ?

I am trying to get a UK holiday in after biometrics so I am trying to guess the date

I am going to try a walk in as soon as I get the bio letter - they can only say no...

I take comfort from the poster who said they forgot the marriage certificate and the USCIS simply said bring it to the interview

That was a rare burst of common sense so I hope it goes well
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-04 12:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCheck that N400 again !

My God you make me laugh!

When I said I was going to become a comedian they all laughed.

Well they are not laughing now !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-03 14:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCheck that N400 again !

Good Job, I am filing next Month Insha'allah (God Willing) and i am trying to be very careful too but i got to ask u when u were talking about the Traffic ticket, Did u check Question #16 with Yes?

and i dont see in the Instruction to not tell about traffic tickets, actually it says u dont need to submit any documents, so i am confused if i should to check it with Yes or No. some peopel say yes and the other say no, and we lost in between lol

Thanks alot.

yes you need to tick 'yes' in the box and then fill the details in on the first line of the table below it.

I put 'speed ticket' for the offense - <date> <place> and then in result I put 'fine $113 paid same day'

They are more worried about whether you paid, so make sure the 'paid date' is entered if you know it - being a dodgy payer and evasive is more indicative of bad character than the ticket which is nothing... if you dont know the paid date dont worry - just put 'paid'

I actually keep my fine receipt in my wallet in case they didn't enter it on the record and some smokey wants to put me in hand and ankle and waist chains and throw me in a cage full of violent homosexuals. Welcome to America

Edited by saywhat, 03 August 2010 - 01:17 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-03 13:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCheck that N400 again !
I file my N400 next week.

I did my N400 work 4 months ago and I check it every week to see if I can find an error.

I smugly sealed the envelope last week and declared it a 'shark'. The shark stopped evolving 6 million years ago when it became perfect.

Today I have torn it open twice already !

First change was to enter my one speed ticket 2.5 years old $113 - fine paid same day.
I read the instructions as saying no need to report traffic tickets but learned on VJ today they must be reported on the N400 - it's just that no documents need to be sent.

Sealed it all up again

Then I read about the 3 years continuous living with spouse on the day of the application - and realised we entered the USA 2 years 9 months since. Most people do adjustment of status from K1 etc so I was blind sided as we had lived in the UK. I hurriedly amended my 'NOTES' sheet and included a copy of her UK green card which started a year before we came to Florida on the US GC

Sealed it up again.

I only have 2 envelopes left so I hope that is it !

I am filing 88 days prior to my 3 year GC commencement anniversary so hopefully that will be ok

But this post is just to remind everyone to sit down very quietly and mull over the application line by line and think what else could possibly be needed.

Don't seal it.

Read it all again a week before and read this forum on VJ - you will be amazed at what can go wrong

Then file it and forget it.

PS Without VJ I would never have got to first base. Bloody immigration lawyers just make the file worse - I know !

Edited by saywhat, 02 August 2010 - 05:05 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-02 17:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSad story
I can see the dilemma though.

It's essential that she doesn't get a refusal - only a lapsed application or a withdrawn application will do.

If she went for the naturalization interview (not an info pass) then that might result in a denial as she isn't 'married and living with throughout the whole 3 years'

So info pass - yes
let it lapse - yes

Go for the USC interview - NO - we don't want a denial

As far as 'the USCIS might be kind and turn a blind eye' - forget it. We don't want this thing re-opening AFTER USC is granted

In her circumstances where she doesn't want to go out, I would write to the USCIS withdrawing it, get her to sign it, ask for an acknowledgment that it is withdrawn. If they ignore the letter (like they do) the whole thing will lapse with no problems and no denial

Yes money is one thing but nothing in comparison to a USCIS mess - keep it simple for the USCIS
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-02 17:31:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat's the yellow letter?

well....Alan, I got my bio on the 30th of June, and I sent my docs around the 20th of May, so probably by middle of Sept. you should get yr bio. So if you plan a vacation ( I wouldn't take it, but that's me, but if you have to) then I will plan it right away after the bio, as it takes 2/3 months to have the interview...........Unfortunately it takes such a long time for anything........hopefully this is gonna be our last step!!!!!Good luck!!!!!!

That's brill ta ! If I mail on monday then I am hoping to be done by the end of November
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-06 18:54:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat's the yellow letter?

Correct, the yellow letter (from what I read) is similar to an RFE but a more gentle one in the sense that it only asks you to bring to the interview certain original documents that they might ask you to see.

As for the process time, it depends but Sand is correct, 2-3 months to get the interview... then the oath.

Mein gott !

I fell into the trap of believing the USCIS when it says 5 months for Yakima and most other offices (budget is 5 months)

I mail my n400 on Monday by 24 hour mail

Any idea when the bio will be ?

I believe the interview letter is 6 weeks after the bio ?

and the interview notice period is 3 weeks from the letter ?

Its just that I am trying to plan some vacation in the UK after the bio but before the interview and I can't figure the REAL timetable

Is doing a bio walk in going to speed it up ? I hear they nearly all say ok if you turn up early with the bio letter

thanks Alan

Edited by saywhat, 06 August 2010 - 04:22 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-06 16:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSEcure community program enforced: will I be deported?


I just read this program target ANY IMMIGRANT that has been arrested and charged by the police: their fingerprints are sent to immigration and they are deported even if the offense is just a violation or disorderly conduct

I am an Italian citizen and permanent resident holding a green card since 2005, I was arrested once in 2009 for patronizing a prostitute but I was convicted only of a violation,

I am confused: is this program targeting UNDOCUMENTED immigrants only?

Please advice
thank you

Was it that busty one with the leather thigh boots ?

The women on VJ all say I patronise them but I guess you mean rumpy pumpy.

If they haven't got round to deporting you by now then you should be ok - providing your current address has always been registered with the USCIS and they haven't been looking for you !

When you apply for naturalization (if you ever do), they might get snotty about it.

You should see a lawyer before applying as it warns that they could re-look at your GC when they consider a USC application... people have been deported as a result of USC applications when they look harder at your file. Some lawyers dissuade their clients from applying for this very reason.

I would certainly go for the blow up doll option in future as a precaution
- or move to Southern California where you get it free.
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-10 18:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSome Questions for Naturization Interviw
yes if they don't say 'name 2 or name 3 ' then you just need one.

I do the minimum and it's a technique I used for my accountancy exams - for instance they ask for two US holidays

I have learned Christmas day and new years day. I will not learn any more so my mind us uncluttered

For 3 original colonies I think 'new'

so - new york, new Hampshire, new Jersey

Thats it

I wont learn any more

Its a winning technique

As Homer Simpson said - 'every time i learn something new, something old gets pushed out of my brain'.

So I will do THE MINIMUM but I will do it VERY well
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-10 20:08:00
US Citizenship General Discussionearly walk in in West Palm Beach FL?

Yes I have an USCIS account, it showed the date when they send the biometrics letter, but not the date of the biometrics.

Today I did the early walk-in, it was short and painless. Everybody was very nice, they even gave me a brochure and a CD to prepare for the citizenship exam.In about 30 minutes I was in my car again heading home.

excellent news well done

As I say, from what I can gather, it doesn't speed up the FBI checks etc as they seem to kick off from the original bio date - but at least it's out of the way

They reckon the interview is 4 to 6 Weeks after the original bio date so I will watch your progess with interest

ok now test - what kind of wood was George Washington's teeth made from ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-11 14:07:00
US Citizenship General Discussionearly walk in in West Palm Beach FL?

I was scheduled for biometrics on August 25th, but i think I'll try an early walk in because it conflicts with another thing that I have to do that day.
Did anybody tried to do an early walk in at ASC in West Palm Beach? If I do an early walk in, will this affect the citizenship process? (delay it, etc)
Thank you in advance for any advice.

Can't help with that office but lots of people do early walk in and never heard of anyone being turned away. After lunch is best when they are in a good mood. My dad said never ask anyone for anything in the morning - especially Monday morning.

I will do a walk in but :

Everyone (incl immi lawyers) seems to agree that it saves NOTHING - coz the investigation kicks off from the originally set bio date. I am going to do a walk in so I am clear for 6 weeks to take a 10 day holiday in the UK.

yippee won't it be nice to hit the finishing tape soon...

ps can I ask do you have a USCIS account to monitor it and when they sent the bio date in the mail, could you see the bio date on line on your account a couple of days earlier ? ie did you have to wait for the bio letter to arrive ?

Edited by saywhat, 10 August 2010 - 07:07 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-10 19:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat to wear for interview & possible swearing in?
ok good stuff
Ralph goes to the bank etc with his lady stuff on and he has even opened a UK bank account in the name of Pamela.

Don't know how he managed that with all the anti laundering etc

He worked with me for 4 years and we didn't know except one Monday morning he had nail varnish on and one of the girls asked him and he said 'oops I must have left it on after the weekend'

I don't know which rest room he uses when he is 'off duty' but I had visions of the Court guards trying to figure it all out when he arrives as Ralph with his kit on. I mean his n400 file photo/GC photo won't match his er.... appearance..

Guess we will never know but apparently there are some of his preference in the US so it must happen
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-11 13:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat to wear for interview & possible swearing in?

Hi Honeyblonde,

This is what me and my family wore for my interviews for the USCIS:

A few years ago, for my AOS interview (during the fall/winter) here in the USA (Buffalo, NY), me and my family wore the following:
I only brought about 2 weeks worth of clothes (spring/summer clothes) when I came here for a visit and then got married (see my VJ timeline for more info). And of course, I didn't have enough clothes then, as I had left almost all of it back in Canada and couldn't pick up my belongings while stuck here.
So I wore what I had that looked decent enough to my interview: A white sweater (lol..which was the same sweater I got married time for a formal wedding dress either when we spontaneously got married), a short sleeved pink shirt underneath (which I had bought while I was here), dark/navy blue jeans (thank goodness I had packed those), dark socks (ummm...I had to borrow my husband's larger sized socks), black dress shoes (thank goodness I packed those shoes too as I couldn't find a decent pair of shoes in my small size here), and the heart-shaped necklace I got on my wedding day (which I have now made into a keychain).
My husband wore: a green/blue dress shirt, brown dress pants, dark socks, and black dress shoes.
And yes, I/we was/were approved during the interview wearing those clothes......

Last year, when I went for my US Citizenship interview (during the fall/winter) here in the USA (Buffalo, NY), me and my family wore the following:
For the interview, I dressed in: a red velvet hoodie jacket, dark blue velvet pants, white shirt with three heart-shaped American flags on them (like my online avator), American/Canadian flags lapel pin on my shirt, dark blue socks, black sneakers.
My husband dressed in: a red and blue striped shirt, tan/brown pants, white socks, and black dress shoes.
My baby son dressed in: a Buffalo Bills patriotic red/white/blue onesie shirt, dark blue elastic pants, a diaper, a thank-heavens-for-boys white/blue bib, and matching thank-heavens-for-boys light blue booties (the ones he got when he was born and came home from the hospital with).
And yes, I/we was/were approved during the interview wearing those clothes......

And last year when I went for my US Citizenship Oath Ceremony (during the fall/winter) here in the USA (Buffalo, NY), I and my family wore the same thing that we wore for the wore for the interview (see above description).
I did not receive an oath ceremony letter (I got a telephone call instead), so we did not know exactly what to wear for the oath ceremony (which was scheduled only a few days later), so we just wore the same stuff that we did for the interview....
And yes, I/we had the one-on-one private oath ceremony wearing those clothes......
Whereby I then became a US Citizen......

The bottom line:
Dress appropriately (business-casual is fine here).
Dress comfortably.
Dress appropriately for the weather.
And most important of all:
Dress in someting that you feel confident and feel the most 'yourself' in!

Hope this helps. Good luck with your interview and oath ceremony and good luck with the rest of your journey too.


I have a friend called Ralph who is a transvestite.

he only feels comfy when he gets home and slips into his little black number (that's a dress and not what you thought)
Should he follow your advice as underlined above ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-11 10:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat to wear for interview & possible swearing in?

Not "other naturalizers". They were standing in the front of the building and once you exit, all eyes on you. The left was telling me that the right was crazy, the right was telling me if i wanted to be with the in crowd, I'd join them. They both got a big FU from me. Also, people are out there hawking certificate frames and all kinds of other ####### while you're in line.

As far as the religious nuts, I've had my fair share of arguments with them also. I used to have a friend that converted to one of those "Witnesses". He said that i needed to be one of them to attend his wedding. I said have a nice wedding. He also said that they would be having speakers at their church and I might be interested since I questioned every question they had. I said he isn't special enough for me to waste my time to go see. He should call me instead if he wanted to hear what I had to say. That pissed them the fk off. I hate it when people try to force their religion on me but I love it when they walk away pissed.

Excellent - you are awarded the SAYWHAT freedom medal

Actually it must be great becoming a citizen coz at last you can get fined or whatever and it won't go against your naturalization. I am sick of being on best behaviour. I want to risk a $30 fine for telling em to go stuff themselves or risk having a beer on deserted beach or drive my boat within 100 yards of the shore at 5.5 miles per hour or parallel park on the other side of the road against the traffic (like we can in England) or one of the billion things we can't do now we are in the land of the free...

This last 3 years 'probation' has been the most unfree time of my life ! USCIS agents are watching me behind every bush and trying to entrap me into having a crime line on my n-400.

I will sing the unchained melody when I am eventually turned loose

Edited by saywhat, 10 August 2010 - 11:25 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-10 23:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat to wear for interview & possible swearing in?

I wore jeans and a buttoned shirt when i went to my interview in Sacramento. The officer didn't mind it. I did dress up for the oath ceremony tho. The worst thing about the oath for me was after it was all done, I had Dem's to the left and GOP's to the right just giving me ####### about joining their party. They didn't let me have my moment and that pretty much ruined it for me.

eh - were they 'other naturalizers' or had they been admitted to the ceremony for the purpose of recruiting ?

I would love it - I would make mincemeat of them and tell em to get a proper job ... I do it with religious nuts who come round to my house... you are Jehovah's witness ? Why, what has he done ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-10 22:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat to wear for interview & possible swearing in?

The proper attire thing is on the interview letter, was referring to the oath letter that says no blue jeans.

Now if we can only define proper attire. Wife wore a very professional business suit, perhaps overdressed since her IO was a woman not nearly dressed as well as she was. Could have been a detriment for my wife.

Nah they can't refuse citizenship for being overdressed....
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-10 21:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat to wear for interview & possible swearing in?
White supremacist tattoos to be covered with heavy make up...

All metal piercings to be removed as they can damage the security machine

No hoodies

zips up boys

No garlic the night before

MP3 players to be removed during the oath
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-10 20:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOath ceremony
I hope we of British origin can keep a stiff upper lip...

It's a cultural thing Jeeves

and congats !

Edited by saywhat, 13 August 2010 - 06:29 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-13 18:29:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship how many years?

sorry but you are wrong tweety. the requirement is 3 years from the date on the greencard minus 90 days. so actually you can file the application after 2 years and 9 months after the date of approval on the greencard.

You are right - tweety, that was an awful mistake
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-14 11:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTravel during N-400 Application

My bf is in a similar position. His LPR is dated Nov 7th and I think he is eligible for citizenship now but he is deciding to wait until later in the month around the next time he gets paid. He wants to come back for my graduation from university late October but it will only be for about 4 - 7 days because it is all the vacation time he has accumulated so far and he is wondering if it would be a problem.

yes he is entitled to file now

however end october is critical time and he may be on interview about then if he filed now

I filed this week and i am guessing fp letter next friday, walkin monday, and interview mid october to end october

i will do my uk trip straight after fp walk in - within 2 weeks

Edited by saywhat, 14 August 2010 - 04:59 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-14 16:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTravel during N-400 Application

I think B is correct. Some members called the FBI to see if their biometrics cleared or even were processed and some got back a reply that they were processed almost a week after they were taken. So those members were waiting for a while and never heard anything from USCIS.... hence they were searching for possible reasons for the delay. Therefore, the delay is at USCIS and it is a matter of them getting to your application when it reaches the top of their stack.

That would suggest that when they come back from the fbi, they just go into the pile and they are not deliberately delayed

If they are not deliberately delayed, then doing walk ins would speed it up as they would get into the pile quicker..

we need a spy !

I don't think they have the technology to schedule them for the original FP date - I think it's like you say, that they just flow when they flow

So walk ins would speed em up compared to going 3 weeks later...

Research time on people's timelines needed !

Not now as I am trying to clean the carpets ready for the return of she who must be obeyed tomorrow... Its a new carpet shampoo machine and has sucked up what looks like 50 cats worth of cat hair...

Edited by saywhat, 14 August 2010 - 03:58 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-14 15:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTravel during N-400 Application

not sure about the timeline... but correct, biometrics walk-ins do not affect or speedup the process. Biometrics are processed by the FBI. Therefore, whenever USCIS gets to the application, they will check the FBI's background check and will move on to processing the application.

With a walk-in, they must either:

A not send em to FBI until the original FP date
B send em straight away but not resume processing until their plan date, even though the FBI has returned a report

This must be a USCIS policy so people don't all start doing walk ins thinking they will speed it up ... that's the only thing that makes sense..
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-14 15:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTravel during N-400 Application
yes that sounds right

so two or three weeks notice of bio then 5 or 6 weeks before notice of interview which itself is say 3 weeks after the appointment letter ?

Does this sound right ?

Also the word is out there that doing a walk in three weeks before bio appointment saves nothing - and the interview notice letter will still be 6 week or so after the original bio date

Have you heard that ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-14 15:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTravel during N-400 Application

A few things to keep in mind:
1. If you travel during the application is being processed, make sure you have someone checking your mail for you. Biometrics and interview can be rescheduled (if there's no other way) so there is nothing to worry about.
2. You can travel on your GC and your home country passport as long as you do not take the oath. Once the oath is taken, then you are a USC and you MUST exit/enter the US on a US passport.
3. You need to make sure you meet the continuous residence and physical presence rules - but this only applies if you are a frequent traveler.

Lastly, 10 days is not a long time, and normally you will get biometrics appointment 2-3 weeks before it is scheduled. You can always go for a walk-in if the dates are during your travel time.
Same goes for interview that it will be scheduled about 2-3 weeks later....

Hi there

are you saying the actual scheduling of the interview can be two or three weeks after the bio ?

I understood that around 5 or 6 weeks for all the cia/fbi stuff was normal (from bio date) and then they give you 3 weeks notice of the interview after that

I can't believe interview actually happens 3 weeks after bio - that can't be right
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-14 14:44:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTravel during N-400 Application
I will get my fingerprints date end of next week I reckon

I will try a walk in but by all accounts the 6 weeks or so to the interview will start from the ORIGINAL fingerprints date

Nobody has reported a gap of less than say 5 week from fingerprints to interview

I will time my UK holiday (10 days or so) straight after the ORIGINAL fingerprints date

Have a look around people's time lines but nobody gets a snap interview straight after fingerprints so you are safe to go straight after them

Doing a walk in does not seem to speed the process as it seems queued to go to CIA/FBI etc after the original FP date

I will try the walk in just to get it out of the way...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-13 18:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs a violation affecting GOOD moral character?

State governors can pardon such an incident, if gigant wants to take up his issue with him/her. Sure sounds like a case of police/judge racketeering, but gigant has to lay all of his cards on the table. He is the victim and up to him to take care of it.

He basically wants to know if someone got through the USCIS with a similar incident, so far, no volunteers.

I bet he sweats bullets at the interview if he does apply.
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-16 14:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs a violation affecting GOOD moral character?

Read some or your responses from the other boards you posted on, pretty worthless, right! And also have to realize you came here via marriage that ended up in a divorce. You didn't give the details on that, but seems to be yet another detriment for applying for US citizenship.

Also have to realize that you weren't born here, for some reason that makes a huge difference. My beloved wife wasn't born here either and she is not a US citizen like I am. Recall all my contacts with the USCIS, never wanted to talk to me, but to her, wait a second, I am trying to defend my family was my first response. Also raise hell with our governor when our DAV refused to renew her drivers' license because her conditional card was expired and what int he hell is a one year extension notice. This ended up with constant phone calls for over a week. At first they just wanted to renew her license to the expiration of her extension notice. Refused that, but I am a natural born citizen and also a veteran of a foreign war. This is the kind of treatment you are giving me for putting my life on the line so you can enjoy freedom. They broke down and issued her the full eight year license. Without her license, she would lose her job. If I was expected to lay down my life for your freedom will in like manner lay down my life for my freedom. Pretty powerful argument.

In contrast, it appears you do not have a US citizen fighting for you. You are searching for someone else in your predicament to learn how that turned out. Didn't spend hours on the net, but couldn't seem to find a case like yours. Saywhat suggests you throw in the towel, that is your decision to make. I personally detest sting operations, but I am also not in your position. Seems like you been at this for a couple of years without success, boards are apparently not your answer. Can also tell you trying to find a good attorney requires a lot of homework.

The way our system works, a judge is an attorney, normally one that isn't very successful in private practice, if his prior law firm is going against you, you don't stand a chance in court. And our legal system is as such, you can't fight it, because you are dealing with a brother hood of attorneys.

Also do not like how our USCIS works, as a natural born US citizen, they are not there to protect me against fraud, but to accuse me of fraud with stiff fines and a prison term. Didn't like that at all and certainly expressed my views to my senator and congressman. I was guilty until I proved myself innocent in direct contradiction to our supreme law, the US Constitution!

As a LPR, you are further down the list, its up to you as to if you want to take that risk or not. Sure there are a lot of details that would take forever to cover. Boards can't do that.

I don't like sting operations either - they are very close to, or over the line about 'agent provocateur'. I spend 6 years studying criminal law while I was in the Police Force in the UK and I got my Sergeant's exam and I came 4th in the UK in the Inspector's exam (Which is as high as UK criminal law exams go in the Police Force). US criminal law is based so much on English/Welsh law that even in the mid 1800's, case law in London was reported to the US and immediately incorporated into US case law.

Leaving a car with the keys in is a bit borderline, and dressing a woman officer to importune passer's by is over the line in my mind. I watch the Chris Hansen thing where he traps internet sex offenders and that seems tainted to me even though it is fingering people who 99% of the time would be carrying on this activity without the stooge '15 years olds' working for the TV/Police

I have doubts about whether these sting operations are not procuring and encouraging someone to commit a crime. I remember the police testing a tracking device and leaving a bugged bicycle outside a newspaper shop on a council estate in the UK. The longest it ever went without getting stolen was 20 minutes. Nobody was prosecuted as it's too near 'agent provocateur' in England. It was a technology test only.
The line is far higher in the UK than it is in the US. The smell of fresh coffee and bagels will tempt the most determined of dieters.

Really I don't think the police should be into scattering temptations around the town - it's too easy - it's unsporting. If someone wants to leave a wallet full of money on the sidewalk to see who is dishonest and doesn't hand it in, that should be left to 'candid camera' shows and not the police.

I still have a dim view of folks who are hanging around in alleyways at 4am and talking to real or fake hookers, but what the police are doing is cheating in my book.
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-16 10:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs a violation affecting GOOD moral character?
as per nickd's post a long way back - this is not a deportable offense.

You can live on GC in the US for the rest of your life

However, for Naturalization, the incident might be considered to refute 'good character'

So it looks like you might be denied citizenship, but your GC will remain valid as it's not deportable.

ie not a crime of moral turpitude

If this is the advice your attorney gives you then I would say it sounds correct

How important is citizenship ? - it lets you vote and serve on a jury and import relatives

If any of these are not a major concern then forget it

My friend in Atlanta has been here 15 years and stays GC. He says he is British and that's that

Edited by saywhat, 15 August 2010 - 08:26 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-15 20:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs a violation affecting GOOD moral character?

I mean,
even IF I file 5 years after my disgraced conviction, (so the 5 years statutory period prior filing is "clean", with no convictions),
who knows if the IO will still consider me a person of not GMC?,

The feeling here is that the final decision is DISCRETIONAL to the IO; is discretional if if file now and it will still be discretional 5 years from now

He/she may still deny my case, the only difference is if I file 5 years from now I have a solid base for appeal because
I meet the 5 years statutory period requirement (unless law changes and will extend the 5 years period into 10 years..)

Like you said I need a good attorney; however the cost of an hypotetical appeal or lawsuit against CIS just scares me..

Must admit I have never heard of a 5 year statutory period before which the USCIS must ignore the offense...

I wonder if there is some confusion between what the law holds against you for 5 years and how far back the USCIS can go. I think they are two different things.

I think the USCIS can go back to when you were born as another poster suggested...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-15 19:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs a violation affecting GOOD moral character?

The board of Immigration Appeals of CA ruled in favour of an immigrant with the same situation; I am in NY;
Legally if I am denied I have ground to appeal and win, but like you said, I dont want to fly too near the sun,

I can wait to become a citizen, but what if the statutory period of 5 years will not count when a IO make a decision?..

THe advices that has been given me so far go from "you will be deported" to "oh you will be fine"..

mY mistake is I am asking for advice in the wrong place, and its my fault; i should ask for advice to attorneys not to n400 applicants..

i appreciated any contribution by the way and thank you, there s lot of emotions involved here

what does this bolded sentence above mean ?

Do you mean the 5 years as a GC holder before you are eligible to file on your own ? Or are you under the impression that after 5 years, any legal problems become statute barred ? Or are you thinking there is a USCIS rule that says any offenses older than 5 years need not be mentioned and do not count ?

What does the 5 years refer to ?

ps I used an attorney at K1 - I told him what to do and he said no you don't need to. I said I would get an RFE if he didn't do it. He said no I do these every day, you won't get an RFE

He submitted it and I got an RFE

There are plenty of people on here who know that these immigration lawyers are a very mixed bunch and some do more harm than good, they add time and they cost.

In your case you need a good one - a bad one will do more harm than good
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-14 20:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs a violation affecting GOOD moral character?

BE THROWN Out for a conviction of a VIolation??

Are you an educated individual or you just finished elementary school??

A violation is not even a crime offense, not a CIMT; and then what 6 months are you talking about? I was out for 5 and half months

This offense is the only disgraced event that happened in almost 10 years of living in US,

I employ US people, I help the economy of this country, I tell you I am a serious individual that on March 2009 made a mistake at 4am in a Street in Queens

The big picture is different that what you think of me..

Certainly if there is a risk then I will not file the N400;

I pray God that immigration laws will not change 5 years from now:
what if they change the laws and they make all immigrants with ANY kind of conviction uneligible for Citizenship.....

One aspect is the conviction and whether it is moral turpitude - but what I am trying to make you understand is that 'good character' can be demonstrated or rebuked in a number of ways. We had one guy on here who had been refused because he hadn't paid speeding tickets - not for the tickets, but the lack of payment

Beats me how a guy like you can come on here for help - and when he gets advice he calls the helpers 'uneducated'.

Seems to me you are not too bright yourself if you put yourself in so much jeopardy. You were panicking about getting back inside 6 months because of the volcanic ash and you said your total days out were pushing the limit too (50% of three years !). Then there is this matter of the hooker that you are trying to sell as if it's not even a real offense. You are pushing the limit in so many ways but you are clever and we are dumb ?

My son is just the same - he blames all of us stupid people in the world as he staggers from one self induced crisis to the next. He is clever, we are stupid.

You are flying too near the sun Icarus.
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-14 18:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs a violation affecting GOOD moral character?

Those offenses have to be reported, if not, deportation is in the books. Was sympathetic as I know how crooked some of our law enforcement works. But if your speculation is true, gets some gal to petition for him, comes here, gets married, then divorced, gets US citizenship and petitions for someone else to come over.... That would certainly raise a big red flag with immigration. But I assume this is just speculation.

yeah I don't know what's happening but if the 6 month AND 50% rules are being bumped and what with the midnight rambling too, I am glad I am not turning up for that interview - and if I was the lawyer, I would want paying in advance.

Makes my two and a half year old 10mph over $133 speed ticket and 80 days total absent in 3 years look quite pretty.

I did look lustfully on Liz Hurley but they don't know about that unless they really do implant brain chips..
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-14 16:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs a violation affecting GOOD moral character?

Do you just have report offenses for the last five years? Am under the impression that it starts from the day you were born and even offenses in the foreign country. Could be wrong on this, usually am, where is the ruling on this?

You are right - I was going by his earlier post and got the idea that his lawyer was saying 5 years would let the offense slip and I just passed over it. Now you mention it, it doesn't sound right - what a murder 6 years before is ok ? nope.

I would not be hasty about filing if I was in these circumstances.. He must have an alien he want to bring in desperately as getting the vote in exchange for this risk doesn't make sense -

HE needs an ACE lawyer ... and to take his time about deciding ...

In an earlier post he said he was somewhere round the limit with both the 6 months absence AND the total days (50%) out of the country. Add a hooker offense to it and this application is bound to really blow up I reckon.

Edited by saywhat, 14 August 2010 - 03:29 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-14 15:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionRenouncing Citizenship
QUOTE (Just Bob @ Dec 8 2009, 03:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First of all, define what you understand as "permanent." I know you can't even step in the same river twice, so when somebody as intelligent as you states a permanent move, I'm confused.

You don't like the idea of a President Palin, and I'm sure you will share this sentiment with about 150,000,000 Americans, probably 100% Democrats--with the single exception of Joe Lieberman--and a few Republicans as well. Would renouncing one's citizenship be the right thing to express one's feelings? Wouldn't voting be a better way to do that to begin with? And what if the unthinkable happens and the country goes through 4 years of unspeakable hell, will you be afterward, in the phase of recovery and healing, try to become a LPR again?

What if you're in the Kingdom, and some Schmack becomes Prime Minister? Are you then renouncing your UK citizenship as well and move to a non-EU country?

Finally, and please forgive me for being frank, renouncing one's citizenship in my opinion must rank among the most stupid things a human can commit. There's no permanence in life, and there's no way to know who's going to be on the trigger button in a decade or two, the same way there's no way to know how big the pile of sh*t is going to be that hits the fan in a quarter Century.

The best line of defense is having options. Sh*t can happen in the US, and sh*t can happen in the UK. Right now there are more Muslems in England than in Pakistan (and may Allah bless 'em all), so it's anybody's guess when things start to get ugly when and where.

Just food for thought. Peace, mate!

Yes I like options...

I am thinking that I might be mid 70's and in a mind to return to the elephant's grave yard to get free health care before I die and don't want the hassle of buying turbo tax in the UK and sending tax returns to the US Embassy in London and having foreign UK tax disallowed which it is at certain limits..
It might be that President Palin has dismantled Medicare in the US as it's a socialist invention that was fought hard against by even moderate conservatives, let alone Mrs Palin.
With no Medicare I would be out of here.

The comment about President Palin was a get out if they asked about tax - I would say it was the Prezzy and not the tax that was the motive. Actually she would be my main reason.
Take your point about the Muslim population as I lived within 6 miles of 150,000 Muslims and many golden domes in the UK.
It was like me and the cowboys round here - as long as I didn't talk politics or religion they were fine but it was people from that very community who carried out 7/7 in London..the UK's biggest terrorist attack ever.

I like the idea of having the run of 2 continents, and doing my taxes might not be much more hassle than going to London to renounce, so it's an option I am bearing in mind rather than planning. Bit like getting married - if divorce was not allowed, how many people would get married. Not me.

So it's nice to know I will still have options. Jeez don't fancy turbo tax when I am 80 - hard enough now.

The 7 July 2005 London bombings, also known as 7/7, were a series of coordinated suicide attacks on London's public transport system during the morning rush hour. The bombings were carried out by four British Muslim men, three of Pakistani descent and one of Jamaican descent who had converted to Islam, all of whom were motivated by Britain's involvement in the Iraq War.[1][2]

At 08:50, three bombs exploded within fifty seconds of each other on three London Underground trains, a fourth exploding an hour later at 09:47 on a double-decker bus in Tavistock Square. The explosions were caused by home-made organic peroxide-based devices, packed into rucksacks and almost certainly detonated by the bombers themselves. 56 people were killed, including the bombers, and about 700 were injured.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2009-12-07 21:40:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionRenouncing Citizenship
QUOTE (elishav @ Dec 8 2009, 01:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lucyrich @ Dec 7 2009, 07:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
INA 212 a 1 E: Any alien who is a former citizen of the United States who officially renounces United States citizenship and who is determined by the Attorney General to have renounced United States citizenship for the purpose of avoiding taxation by the United States is excludable

So it's not just the visa waiver program, but if they determined you renounced citizenship for tax purposes you'd be inadmissible no matter how you tried to enter. I don't know exactly how they determine whether your citizenship renunciation was for tax purposes, nor do I know what enforcement means they use.

I would like to take a stab at this though I am not speaking from experience.

I could be mistaken, but I read that particular passage to mean someone who renounces their citizenship in order to avoid tax debt.

The official website for renunciation actually makes mention of the use of the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) after reununciation. I put in the quote below. So should you decide to cut and run from the United States, there is no official barrier against your entering the US under the VWP.
This is in section D under Dual Nationality/Statelessness "Even if they were not stateless, they would still be required to obtain a visa to travel to the United States, or show that they are eligible for admission pursuant to the terms of the Visa Waiver Pilot Program (VWPP). If found ineligible for a visa or the VWPP to come to the U.S., a renunciant, under certain circumstances, could be barred from entering the United States"

Interestingly enough, your renunciation also does not have an effect on your military service obligations. Does that mean that the selective service can enlist you into the US armed forces even though you are no longer a citizen? Oh, the wording on these things. wacko.gif

Wow that's what I was looking for.

It looks like a Brit would just be put back in his original VWP position as long as he isn't a big earner or has millions in assets in which case he is taxable for 10 years after

As I am over military age (and too old to vacuum too I tell my wife), I would be clear on that front.

One more problem solved and it isn't un-windable. Many thanks for that.

That's good stuff

Captain OatesMaleEngland2009-12-07 19:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionRenouncing Citizenship

Here are the statistics of those who renounced their US Citizenship and moved to Canada according to a survey conducted by the Academy of Canadian Studies.
The year 2000 was 5,828. The year 2005 was 9,262. The year 2006 was 10,942.

The same studies reveal a decrease in Canadians moving to the USA.


Edited by saywhat, 07 December 2009 - 07:32 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2009-12-07 19:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionRenouncing Citizenship
QUOTE (lucyrich @ Dec 8 2009, 12:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
INA 212 a 1 E: Any alien who is a former citizen of the United States who officially renounces United States citizenship and who is determined by the Attorney General to have renounced United States citizenship for the purpose of avoiding taxation by the United States is excludable

So it's not just the visa waiver program, but if they determined you renounced citizenship for tax purposes you'd be inadmissible no matter how you tried to enter. I don't know exactly how they determine whether your citizenship renunciation was for tax purposes, nor do I know what enforcement means they use.

Yes that's really interesting - I wonder if it means that if one actually owes taxes and one skips off then one can't come back, and if one is up to date with taxes then it's ok...

I wonder if they ask the reason on the renunciation form - a bit like a survey - if so then something like 'I can't stand President Palin and I don't feel at one with my fellow citizens' would be a the best answer.

Seems like a murky subject. I bet there is a lot to it.

Edited by saywhat, 07 December 2009 - 06:52 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2009-12-07 18:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionRenouncing Citizenship
I am planning to apply for US Citizenship next year and just collecting data about it.

I know that the US is one of the very few countries in the world who require their citizens to pay tax if they are non resident. For instance, I don't pay UK tax on my UK income as I am LPR in the US.

I know that many people make their money in the US and then go back to their original countries as USC's and then renounce citizenship in order to get the IRS off their backs.

If I ever end up back in the UK as a USC, I would probably want to do that if I was going to be there permanently. Annual tax returns are a major bind and I would be paying UK tax again and doing double tax relief which is limited

ok the question is this :

If sometime in the dim and distant future, I were to renounce US Citizenship, would I be banned from visiting the US on the visa waiver program with my UK passport ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2009-12-07 15:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Interview Tomorrow

hello Vjers!!
Just want to share the good news! I passed the interview this mOrning! I am so happy!
It wasn't really bad at all. At first they go over with my applications and ask you some questions about my trip to/from U.S
Then we start the reading test. They ask me to read "When is the Columbus Day?"
Then after that they test me on writing. they asked me to write "Columbus Day is on October"

whooo whoo! Thank God. Now just waiting for the oath-taking appt letter.

That sounds easy - you got em both wrong and still passed !

There is hope for me yet...

congratulations !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-04-30 12:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionBecome a US Citizenship without doing exam
Black adder:

HER: There are two things ye should know of the wise woman

HER: First - she is wise - and secondly...

Black adder: She is a woman ?

Her: - oh you know her then - why didnt you say so

Edited by saywhat, 30 April 2010 - 11:43 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-04-30 11:42:00