United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

Hmmm, yes, I'm sure that was your motive.


Jen won't be back for a while - she doesn't like to cut corners at meal times


You really should ask your fiancee's permission before posting her photo in a public forum.

I wonder how long it took her to train those snails to stand still ?

They are a french watch actually - when they have all gone round once - its an hour
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-21 17:23:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

Hmmm, yes, I'm sure that was your motive.


Jen won't be back for a while - she doesn't like to cut corners at meal times


You really should ask your fiancee's permission before posting her photo in a public forum.

I wonder how long it took her to train those snails to stand still ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-21 17:13:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

Hmmm, yes, I'm sure that was your motive.


Jen won't be back for a while - she doesn't like to cut corners at meal times


You really should ask your fiancee's permission before posting her photo in a public forum.

Your not my fiance yet
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-21 17:10:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

Hmmm, yes, I'm sure that was your motive.


Jen won't be back for a while - she doesn't like to cut corners at meal times

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-21 17:00:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

Hmmm, yes, I'm sure that was your motive.


Viper was in my sights, I saw the shot, I took it, there was no danger- I was only below the hard deck for a few seconds
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-21 16:44:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

I am going to have to leave to go home to feed the family, though. You'll have to carry the torch....

Visions of Romulus and Remus


Very clever.

Ok, so it's definitely NOT love....

Edited just for you: I thought you were LEAVING?

Sorry Jen - the voices made me do it....I was saving that for someone else but you stepped on the trigger as you were leaving

edited just so we can bond

Edited by saywhat, 21 May 2007 - 04:38 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-21 16:37:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

I am going to have to leave to go home to feed the family, though. You'll have to carry the torch....

Visions of Romulus and Remus

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-21 16:33:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

Anybody who knows this thread is about, or was about, or will be about is crazeeeee.

And what the EFF are you Brit lovers doin in Russia?

Posted Image

There are enough Russian ladies to go around - as long as they go around fast enough -
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-21 16:29:00
ThailandIs it Common for a Thai woman to be uncomfortable saying "I Love You"?

Action speaks louder than words that's for sure, especially in a long term relationship. But to establish a relationship, some mutual understanding should be shown, mostly by words, especially when there are two differenct cultures involved. Then, once that is established, saying I love you every 5 minutes, once a day or none at all should depend on their relationship.

I do like to hear my husband say he loves me once in a while, or else it'll feel like being with a roommate with benefit :whistle:

I know what you mean. After a year or two, the mushy stuff declines and then you are left with reality. I have known women who's personality makes me want to love them very, very much - but then their habits and the way they run their lives makes me know I could never be with them full time. Chain smoking, boozing cheap wine, credit cards etc.

Then there are the others who are not all lovey but who's personal ethos is the same as mine. They don't run up big credit card debts on junk or chain smoke or leave you standing at street corners when they turn up 45 minutes late.

These people who 'fit' with who YOU are, are usually much less lovey dovey but are much more 'suitable'

At that point you realize that you cant win and you make a mature choice. You get married to a suitable one and the woman hopes he will change to being 'everything' she wanted and the man hopes she won't change.

Her wanting him to change, changes her - and he is crestfallen and feels duped seeing she has changed

This is the universal experience so it's best to be appraised of what is up ahead

Edited by Alan the Red, 01 September 2011 - 10:55 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2011-09-01 10:53:00
ThailandIs it Common for a Thai woman to be uncomfortable saying "I Love You"?

I'm not sure why people need to hear words when actions speak louder. My Thai wife tells me she loves me everyday when I walk out the door to go to work. I suspect she assumes that is what should say in America.

I know she loves me, I don't need to hear it on a regular basis. I've met "girls" on the first night that told me they loved me. Probably had to do with the 300 quid I had. Talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words

You have it down and thats for sure !

In the words of Adam ant

If the words unspoken
get stuck in your throat
send a treasure token token
Write it on a pound note, pound note !

I had a gf who opened my fridge and took a bite out of each of my tomatoes and put them back. She knew I was unemployed and I had little to eat. Then she insisted on cocktails in the pub. I should have seen the signs. What she said was irrelevant - its how you get treated. She ended up seeing me 3 nights and another guy 4 nights.

Rather have a coy one that treats me right
Captain OatesMaleEngland2011-08-31 23:26:00
ThailandIs it Common for a Thai woman to be uncomfortable saying "I Love You"?

I didnt say i love you until he became my husband. I love you is so special for us.

I dont hug my parents as well. I kiss their hand as my respect or when saying good bye. Maybe Thai similar to Indonesia?

Yes these cultural things are so weighty.

For instance it is very important for Americans to say they 'LOVE' America. I have never heard an English person say they LOVE England. It's the 'stiff upper lip' I suppose plus other cultures reserve the word 'LOVE' for people (or pets !)rather than a country which has many facets to it - some of which I am sure they don't love.

Now I am a US citizen, I live in fear of an American asking me if I LOVE America because I know the reaction if I say -"Well no, it's very nice and doesn't rain as much and the roads are big and so are the parking spaces and the cars and gasoline are so cheap and I am happy here" - because I know that is not enough - it's LOVE or get out. I think Americans probably mean something else and that is where the translation fails.

So far it hasn't happened. I am a good citizen and I obey the law and pay all my taxes and would not hurt America, and do everything to be loyal and to assist it - but I would struggle to say I am in LOVE with everything.

So I could well imagine another person saying that they need to have a history of actual love before they could say they loved a person.

In many marriages, it sets off with "I love you" and then grades down to tolerance at best - so setting off slowly and getting that full relationship first before blurting out "I love you ", is preferable, and more valuable when it eventually arrives.

I was single 18 years between marriages and encountered women who said that after 3 dates - it's really unsettling and not at all welcome.

I reckon an honest retecence is much better than a forced statement
Captain OatesMaleEngland2011-08-30 22:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Multiple Convictions
3 lousy bodies and they call me a mass murderer !

Seriously - Repent and praise the lord for his forgiveness ! - that goes down well in the US

In the UK they just lose your records anyway so no forgiveness is needed....
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-01-26 10:56:00
United KingdomTax on property in the UK after moving to US
QUOTE (HikerMark @ Aug 29 2009, 01:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (saywhat @ Aug 28 2009, 11:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also be VERY careful with Foreign Passive Investments (ISA unit trusts etc) The IRS hates them and taxes them up to 100% all the way back. I had an isa with a £100k profit and I dumped it the week before I emigrated
In the land of the free they dont ban stuff - they just tax it at 100%

Thank you for bringing these rules to my attention. I hadn't realized they existed and will now evaluate if it is worth me retaining my UK investment trusts and VCTs, although some of the VCTs I need to keep for a few more years to keep the UK tax relief I got.

The tax joys of being affected by two tax systems. smile.gif

Super - forewarned is forearmed

There is good news because death duties are a lot easier to legally dodge than in the UK - the UK considers everyone 'deemed' domiciled for at least 3 years after leaving the UK and they get you for inheritance tax...

Even after 3 years, if you had income and bank accounts and a house in the UK, they would possibly take a pop at 'considered domicile'

I will have my pension and bank accounts in the UK, but if I become a USC next year then that will help me to escape the UK inheritance tax net when I pop my clogs - and they say I will one day
Captain OatesMaleEngland2009-08-29 12:00:00
United KingdomTax on property in the UK after moving to US
QUOTE (HikerMark @ Aug 23 2009, 11:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As a US resident you will be taxed on your worldwide income. It does not matter if you remit the foreign income to your US bank account or not. The income received anywhere in the world is taxed.

As rental income is not earned income it will not qualify for the US foreign earned income exclusion so, it will be fully taxable in the US.

However, you will get some relief for any UK tax you pay on the rental income. Depending on the amount of the rental income and any other UK income you have, you may have no UK tax liability as you will still get the full UK personal allowance.

The key to remember about living in the US is that they tax your income wherever it arises in the world and that the UK will tax you as a non-resident on your UK source income. So, there is an element of double taxation for which there is some relief to make sure that income does not get taxed twice.

One other thing to remember about the rental property in the UK is whether your are using an agent or directly managing it yourself you will need to complete the HMRC form NRL1. If you don't, the agent or the tenant is required to deduct basic rate tax from the rent before it is paid to you.

Yes all that is correct

I have only found one exception to 'all worwide income' and that is government SERVICE (not 'old age') pensions from government departments/local authorities/quangos etc

I have one of those

They are taxable in the UK but not in the US until the resident becomes a citizen.

Mine is smaller than the UK personal allowance so I dont pay tax in the UK or US - a nice anomaly and it wont last because next year when I become a citizen, it will be taxable in the US. The UK will keep taxing it at zero and the US will start taxing it at full

Also be VERY careful with Foreign Passive Investments (ISA unit trusts etc) The IRS hates them and taxes them up to 100% all the way back. I had an isa with a £100k profit and I dumped it the week before I emigrated
In the land of the free they dont ban stuff - they just tax it at 100%

Make sure you sell your house within the IRS regs for tax free - or they will get you on the capital gains on that

Yes you have to know UK and US tax at the same time and it's a minefield. The US does not mess around and they have 10k min fines for undisclosed bank accounts and this can go huge plus 10 years min in Fed prison

The UK tax authorities are quite gentlemanly compared to the US but TAX is not a joke in the USA so be very careful

Do your homework and call the US tax people free for advice - they dont ask your name and they are very friendly

I wish I could find something else to mop up my personal allowance in the UK but not be taxable in the US - but govt SERVICE pensions are the only anomaly i can find..

I report all my income from everywhere to the cent - and i still worry

Edited by saywhat, 28 August 2009 - 05:46 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2009-08-28 17:42:00
United KingdomBefore you permanently move to the US

Yes, I understand having to wait a *little*longer to see someone in plastics - but to make him turn up for four days in a row, allowed no food and water all day (in the midst of one of the few July heat waves they had ever seen) was a bit much. We couldn't even be given a ball park as to when he might be seen. We weren't offered the first cup of water or tea. I WAS obnoxious. I think my high point was on day three around noon, and shouted 'Even prisoners of war get three square meals a day under the Geneva Convention!' - it was at this point they finally produced cups of tea for the scores of us all waiting to see someone in plastics.

But I digress - we have successfully hijacked this thread. Oops!!

yes lets leave it to get back on track...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2012-07-19 13:25:00
United KingdomBefore you permanently move to the US

I did have treatment in the London Bridge Hospital, but that was private.

Otherwise I have never been in a inner city hospital so could not comment.

I had my appendix out in a private hospital - lawns/squirrels/silver trays/a selection of newspapers

It was a perk of the job

Unnecessary operation following a bad curry

I hate money being part of the deal - all those fixed smiles and have a nice day

Give me some altruism any day

Harrogate public hospital was very similar to the private hospital but without newspapers and silver trays
Captain OatesMaleEngland2012-07-19 12:57:00
United KingdomBefore you permanently move to the US

I had a 7 hour wait with my Father in A and E.

Just seemed so disorganised. Sleeping on beds in corridors is not unknown.

Infinite demand, finite resource.

Its always the same in the inner city ghettos...things are much better in Cheltenham and Harrogate and Bath and Surrey

Can you imagine the emergency room in Washington DC Central on a Saturday night ? LA South Central ?

..gun shot and knife wounds and crack addicts etc - getting a twisted ankle fixed would be a challenge - and not free

I saw 14K for tests lasting 4 hours...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2012-07-19 12:46:00