United KingdomNaturalization wobbles

Nope. I found his comments pretty offensive.

Yeah but it made my point more effectively than I ever could - and showed I didn't dream the existence of these people up
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 19:33:00
United KingdomNaturalization wobbles

I am a red blooded, redneck southern boy, by choice / grace of God..... :thumbs:

With that being said, I share your views of killing the Mexican teen, as well as killing civilians during war. :yes:

I could imagine being called up (not now thanks my feet hurt) and having to kill some poor kid on the other side because the government says so - and I would probably do it as I haven't got the guts to refuse. But I would be truly ashamed of myself if I laughed about it and shot his mother too as an 'example' to the other villagers.

Reading some of the comments on the net, I think there are plenty of such people around. It could be because the US population is 5 times the UK, that these people nearly always seem to be American.

Anyway the percentage of Americans willing to do that stuff will go down by .00001 % when I become one - so my existence will not have been in vain. Heck I have found the meaning of life - at last.

I applaud the fact that all real Southern redneck boys don't fit the stereotype.
That's great and helps
ps Buddy Holly from Lubbock, Texas was WONDERFUL
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 19:28:00
United KingdomNaturalization wobbles

It's a load of old cobblers about "taking sides" in this day and age. Please. In our post-modern universe, it's a mere philosophical construct. Bob, it's not your place to tell Alan what he needs to feel before taking citizenship. We all have our own feelings about allegiance, and frankly, as a USC born and bred who spent the bulk of her adult years in another country, my own feelings about what I owe to whom are up in the air. Why should I get a pass simply because I was born here? If Alan wants to become a USC and has issues with how he feels about the government and the people of the US, what should keep him from taking it? They are much the same as my own.

10 down =0 !

grrr bomb Ilkley Moor ? bomb my fish and chip shop ? I should cocoa

Edited by saywhat, 11 June 2010 - 07:11 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 19:10:00
United KingdomNaturalization wobbles


you cannot get the 'right' answers if you're asking the wrong question.

Becoming a US citizen does not require you to agree with the majority of Americans when it comes to immigration policy, and it worrying about the Japanese who won the war after all(*), is misguided also.

My position is, if you have even the slightest doubt that you are ready to become an American, you're not ready. How can you detect the slightest doubt? Easy, yet effictive exercise:

The Oath of Allegiance requires you to kiss goodbye any and all allegiance to Merry Old England. Forget the Japanese; imagine that we're entering a war against Great Britain over the horrible, man-made oil catastrophe BP caused, after thousands of Americans got poisened, the wildlife got extinct, and the economy destroyed for a century to come. The big man (or Sarah Palin) got all the votes in 2012 and once again there's a draft and they ask you to bomb the living sh*t of your British hometown.

If you don't think you're willing to do that, you're not ready to become an American.

(*)They won the war because your Camera is a Canon, Nikon, or Sony, because your car is a Honda or Toyota, and because your TV is a Panasonic. America is done. All we have left to export is weapons and violence . . . and production, of course.

Same question for David Soul (who) starsky and hutch - he became a british citizen - is he ready to bomb the USA - I doubt it very much.

I think any Brit who naturalizes here and IS prepared to bomb his friends and relatives and the people he went to school with in his country of birth should hand in his old passport.

It'll be a cold day in hell when I hand in my UK passport

I think there are all kinds of American and the ones who demand that I kill my grandchildren and sister etc as the price of the citizenship are the ones I am talking about that really worry me. In a word - YOU

ps don't call me mate unles you are prepared to try and procreate with me

Edited by saywhat, 11 June 2010 - 06:57 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 18:53:00
United KingdomNaturalization wobbles

I'd respond but I have trouble understanding British.

No such language - it's English and those pesky provincials clinging to the fringes of the island only borrow it. A bit like.. er hum

Her indoors keeps saying 'British Accent' and I go what Glasgow ? Belfast ? Swansea ?

I have some genes from these sub cultures but don't tell anyone as I am trying to have em extracted in midnight sessions at the local hospital. Actually my vowels are far more accepted in Belfast than London and I can rap their lilt too - so I can. Those same vowels will have me disembowelled in some parts of Glasgow/Swansea.

You will never go back to cocaine once you have tried branston pickle or HP Sauce. Do it before you die.

ps it's England that is going to win tomorrow - not UK

whay aye the lads and gang doon the toon anawayanshite !!!!
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 16:11:00
United KingdomNaturalization wobbles

To the OP: There are crazy Americans and there are normal Americans. But more than either of those categories is the largest group of American... the apathetic Americans. Fit into any one group and you'll belong. No single American fits in to the whole but we all fit in to our little pieces of America. I'm full aware there are people in this country who'd not consider me welcome in their company and that's ok. If they showed up at my workplace I'd probably have to call security anyway. We're too big to be one happy family. All you have to do is find your little corner of heaven.

And no, it probably isn't gonna be in Connecticut. Connecticut sucks.

That sounds good

It's too big to be this or that or t'other so no point trying to characterise it.
Find them that you can stand and stick with that

Yes that sounds a brill plan

All in favor say branston pickle

carried ! ta muchly

Been to Baarston Mass and NYC but never connectyourcuts but it looks so busy that I would be better off in Darwen Lancs, the pits of the world bar none but where they have imported Timothy Taylors championship ales from Yorkshire.
This place here is ok with no income tax and 300 days sun and mild winters - but safety harbor, florida was ace too and so many ferriners that there is no united front of brown shirts. Actually 90% of the permanent people in my condo area were from all over the US and nobody from Florida - and they were all winos and Gin poppers too - excellent people.
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 15:28:00
United KingdomNaturalization wobbles

One of us! One of us! :D

So pleased you chose to join us on the dark side. I'm sure Owl will have us breaking out patiotic lingerie in celebration.

I don't know whether to add you one on or not

I think we are at 2

Whatchit - I am recovered and looking for owls, barbecued on an elm wood fire
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 15:11:00
United KingdomNaturalization wobbles
Yes I was just thinking passport for practical purposes originally

Then I got into the constitution thing for the test and I liked it

Then I started to come over all Utopian and idealistic

Then I got brought down to earth by all the brutishness of people online

Perhaps I should re-wind and just do it for practical purposes and take it from there.

People are going to do their things and say their stuff whether I am here on not so it's not like I am voting for their attitudes or furthering their aims by naturalizing.

As far as Hiroshima is concerned, I can't speak against it as the Brits fried far more people in Hamburg and Dresden with less reason. It's just the attitude diff - in England they say it was terrible but necessary but some of these online jockeys laugh at the pictures and say 'teaches them not to mess with the eagle' and 'look out anyone else who wants to mess with us' - with no sympathy at all for all the kids who were fried - nothing - just callous

Looking at it another way - if I go back to the UK then these people will be here with one less opponent. If I stay, I can vote etc with like minded Americans and that will be my best way to lessen their influence.

Talked myself into it.
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 14:02:00
United KingdomNaturalization wobbles

I think you will find an ample amount of people who would disagree with that. But my point is, if your desire to become a USC is thwarted by the ignorant, then maybe you need to do some sol searching and decided if this is something you really really want in the first place. I'm sure it's a big decision.

Yes but the decision should be based on facts. I don't want to be North Korean coz they have a personality cult thing that is much worse than the founding fathers blah blah and is accepted by the majority from what I can see. Same as Germany in '33.
My suspicion so far is that it's regional in the US and I would be more likely to mix with people in favor of lynchings in south carolina or mississippi than I would in seattle.

If that's the case then all I have to do is make sure I am in the right part of the US and not worry about the other States - and then see myself as a Washingtonian or a Massivechewsetsian or something - and then the US passport is just a gateway to that. Perhaps that's the answer.

Edited by saywhat, 11 June 2010 - 12:53 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 12:53:00
United KingdomNaturalization wobbles

I didn't read that whole thread but what I did read in defense of the border patrol was that if he felt his life was in danger, he had no choice.

Which I agree with.

We hear rocks, we don't really know the mitigating circumstances. We don't know if they were pebbles, stones, boulders, etc. There is a difference to being right in opinion vs being right by the law. I think it was a tragedy that the boy was killed, but I also think that the BP agent may have felt his life was in jeopardy, which would change the motivation behind the shooting.

I agree with that and maybe he was scared and fully justified. My point is that even if it was a pebble and the officer didn't feel he was threatened, there are many who say that showing disrespect to a US uniformed official at the border IS reason to kill the boy.

That is the sort of stuff that throws me and I hear that kind of thing every day - mostly but not always online
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 12:33:00
United KingdomNaturalization wobbles
I really do feel all woozy at the mo as there is so much news and internet stuff going on and it's just overwhelming

When I try to find out how people really think, whether the US culture really is brutal and coarse and unfair and unfeeling, I get a lot of feedback telling me it is so.

I guess I just need reassurance that it's a minority - and the majority are not in favor of machine gunning illegal immigrants at the border etc

If I went on some websites and asked about that, I guarantee that at least 50% would say they were for it and they would feed the bodies to US pigs to lower pork costs for the US consumer.

Perhaps I should turn my telly and computer off and take walk and say good morning to my neighbors. They all seem charming and polite and well mannered, but is it they who go home and then post their real feelings which are just plain nasty ?

What is this society I am planning to wed ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 12:19:00
United KingdomNaturalization wobbles

The great thing about America is the right to state your beliefs, so long as they don't incite crimes (yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater and whatnot). You may find others' opinions repulsive, but they might feel the same about yours. No one is 'right' or 'wrong', and the good thing about America is that you can coexist knowing the Constitution affords you that liberty.

If you're going to naturalize while looking down your nose at how 'awful' a certain % of Americans are, then best preserve your Britishness and don't become 'one of us/them'.

You see there we have it. There is right and wrong. I say killing a 15 year old boy as an example to his friends not to throw stones is wrong. I accept this may not be what happened at all, yet there are people who think that it's ok even if that's what happened and that's what's making me uncertain about this society

If the majority of Americans say that's just a matter of opinion and they don't give a damn either way what happens so long as people stay off their lawn, then that confirms my doubts.

Not reassured so far...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 11:56:00
United KingdomNaturalization wobbles
dash the editor won't let me in to correct the spelling mistakes !

ps does anyone regret naturalizing on 'cultural' grounds ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 10:37:00
United KingdomNaturalization wobbles
ok Naturalization time looms and a few weeks ago I was on board and looking fwd to it. I like the Constitution and the high minded ideals.

Now I am having big pre-marriage wobbles

I am fiscally conservative but I believe in 'fairness' and I am 'anti violence' and that brands me as 'socially liberal' though not a socialist. I pick and choose my policies.

I have met some really scary attitudes on line and I really don't want to be at one with these people and I wonder what percentage of the American population are like this and whether I can whole-heartedly join.
A That mexican kid should have been killed for throwing stones and praps the others will learn not to mess with us
B We a-bombed the Japanese and that will teach em not to attack the USA (In the UK we say it was an awful, terrible necessity to kill 100,000 civilians and we don't cheer it)

Can any UK ers who have naturalized assure me that these people are a small % of the population ? What do Americans think ? It;s not a party think - it's more about crudity and violence and uncaring attitudes.

Are they really so big in the US ?

Can I ever 'fit in'

Edited by saywhat, 11 June 2010 - 10:34 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-06-11 10:29:00
United KingdomLondonderry wins City of Culture

Good question. :mellow:

Bon jovi young Elmo

The City of Culture people excel themselves once more

I remember when it was Glasgow and Rab Nesbitt's episode

Everyone normal was laid around drunk and stealing manhole covers etc and the local politicians were poncing around trying to look sophisticated for the Euro politicians while ripping as much off from the deal as they possibly could. The Patagonian flute players were a bunch of con men from Paisley.

Can't see it being much different in 'stroke city'. I can just see Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams touring the historic walls with the boys from Brussels
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-07-17 11:36:00
United KingdomLondonderry wins City of Culture

Derry, which was short-listed alongside Birmingham, Sheffield and Norwich, will take the mantle in 2013.

yes but what will the name be on the tourist pamphlets ?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-07-17 10:38:00
United KingdomMedical Friday, and i'm looking forward to it!

Thanks Dodi, it really is nothing to worry about at all...a breeze really!

I wish Peter all the best for his.

Don't get lathered the night before
Don't do dugs in all your life before

The Lady Doctor I got in London made Linsay Lohan look ugly. I know guys who will pay good many to be handled by such
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-02 18:21:00
United KingdomMedical: worried about secondhand marijuana smoke
Hope they are not California bound - sounds like they are not short of junkies there either.

The main thing I have against drugs is the kind of people who use them and the kind of people who one gets the stuff from. I just don't want to be around them

Look out when you get to the US as a conviction for being a part of those parties can stop the naturalization process and even result in deportation with sufficient surrounding circumstances.

Look at what happened to John Lennon for instance and many more. Thank goodness you woke up to the possibilities before anything went wrong as it puts you in a fix with the USCIS for YEARS

I have never heard of passive smoke leaving a trace in blood even if they do do a random test but heck - note to self - don't mix with those people who use that stuff - and despite what those people say, there care plenty of interesting things to do and interesting people to know, and decent parties with people who don't do it.

I was trained to detect that stink when I was a 19 year old Police Officer and I would get out of any place where it was being used - firstly because of the USCIS, secondly because of the type of people in there and thirdly because of the stink and only fourthly because of the stuff itself.

Edited by saywhat, 03 August 2010 - 01:58 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-03 13:57:00
United Kingdomnon-immigration related
The ####### cheney do-it-yourself waterboarding kit is immediately recognized Americana anywhere in Europe and the electrified version also doubles as a tea pot/kettle
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-03 17:44:00
United KingdomCan my wife wait here with me?

She would not be here for the duration of the wait, probably just from the end of september until january. We already know that we will be using a co sponsor and her father is doing this, he said if she is in the UK when anything arrives that he wil send it out to us priority mail and we will return it priority mail.

ok dont give me anything to chew on - keep it simple or the whole thing gets bogged down...

the slightest 'not normal' situation makes em reach for some obscure rule so don't give em chance.
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-05 20:13:00
United KingdomCan my wife wait here with me?

This is sort of kind of off topic, but relevant at the same time.

How is your wife going to sign an affadavit of support if she is living and not working in England? I mean, if she is independantly wealthy, let me know, cause I will do housework for electronics...LOL.

In all seriousness though, if she is not working, and doesn't really have any ties to home, I doubt they would let her in for that long. Aside from that, the wait is likely to be more than a year, so it's not likely that she will be able to wait with you the whole time anyway.

I was harassed in Manchester because I flew there instead of to Edinburgh (hello cheap flights...), and that was JUST to visit for 2 weeks. I wasn't even asking for months and months. 2 weeks! It probably didn't help that I was up for about 19 hours straight at that point, with a severly sprained back, a nicotine craving, and a morning grumpy-iness attitude...LOL.

Along the same lines - be very careful with 'domicile'. The sponsor must be 'domiciled' in the US

It came up and bit us at the last moment as we were living in the UK. She got a UK green card in chicago at the UK Consulate in 20 minutes flat simply on grounds of being married to me !

She just scraped in as US domiciled as she kept her bank accounts in the US AND she paid State tax in Wisconsin

Without the Wisconsin State tax return, my US green card would have been denied on the grounds of the US sponsor not being US domiciled.

You can cover this risk by reading all about it and covering the requirements by various means.

ps if she had previously lived in a non income tax State such as washington state or florida, we would have been snookered.

Edited by saywhat, 05 August 2010 - 12:17 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-05 12:15:00
United KingdomDumb stuff Border Control does

At least he made your workday amusing :)

yeh he had a weight problem too - he was the same shape as a beach ball. He went on a high fibre diet and my secretary who was sat directly behind him had her hair blowing in the wind all day

He used to say 'pardon me' at the top of his voice. I could hear it from the next office

We went on a staff development thing with a lot of jumping around. He collapsed and my boss gave him mouth to mouth. It was some workplace
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-10 11:46:00
United KingdomDumb stuff Border Control does

I hope that you live somewhere near your POE! That would be such a hassle if you didn't! At least my issue only took a phone call (fingers crossed). Now the trauma of trying to get a driver licence begins!

The actual test is laughably simple - short and sweet

a UK test is 65 billion times harder

book a test centre out in the sticks - no traffic - I did
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-10 11:41:00
United KingdomDumb stuff Border Control does

It's crazy how often they mess these little things up.

When I went to get my SSN sorted out, they said they couldn't find me under the K1 status, and that when I went through border control, the guy processed me under a Student visa. I have no idea how this happened, because we had a lengthy talk about my visa. So I made an infopass appointment to get my status changed back over, but when I got there, they told me I was entered under a Tourist visa (B2). They said they couldn't do anything about it, because they were "immigration" and not "border control". So I had to go back to the airport I entered at, and get them to change it on their systems, and then wait 2 weeks and go back to the SSO.


It just gets dafter

The people who process this stuff must be on sleeping pills and affirmative action for uneducated people who are long term unemployed

I once took a job and I got issued with a dyslexic data entry guy.
On the first day he said he was nipping out to the shop for some 'semi-skilled milk'

I used to give him a lift home sometimes but I came to work on my motorbike one day. He said 'I am not going to get on your pavillion' (pillion)

It was all day long and he had us in stitches - the boss just told me to forge the results at the month end coz the data was such garbled junk. it was local govt so it didnt matter
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-10 11:22:00
United KingdomDumb stuff Border Control does

I don't think these systems are very sophisticated... 7 months AFTER I had changed my name due to a divorce, somebody stole my identity and used my SSN and my FORMER married name to take out a loan that ended up in default and on my credit report. I sent them a nasty letter asking why a company would allow somebody to borrow money using a SSN that doesn't officially match the name (I got no response....). I know this wasn't related to immigration, but it makes me think that the presence or absence of a middle name would not be much of an issue.

My wife works on personnel computer programs and told me all the documents needed for new workers in order to prove they are allowed to work in the US.

The illegals MUST produce all sorts of documents and they do ! They are really easy to forge.

The government quite happily accept that an individual with a single SS number is working at 1257 jobs at the same time !

This has to be govt complicity as any computer system could detect this forgery stuff if they wanted to

The guys at my rifle club say I should have spent 500 dollars on these forged documents and driven across the Mexican border.

A worker at the factory 1 mile away was told his SS number was invalid so he pulled out a different one with a different name and gave them that and said "my mistake, I gave you the wrong name and SS number ! " - the firm accepted it ! He is suing the company now for health and safety which hurt his arm.

It's incredible. It's unbelievable - but this is all out of my local newspaper !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-10 10:30:00
United KingdomDumb stuff Border Control does

I didn't think that it would be a problem, but I think it's an interesting issue because of how 'security' conscious they are over here. You'd think that ALL documentation would have to carry a full name or at least the exact same name.

There are 12 million illegals and half of them have 3 forged documents which work fine...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-10 10:15:00
United KingdomDumb stuff Border Control does

Got to love US bureaucrats! I managed to get in touch with Customs and Border Control and I just have to fax the relevant pages of my PP / Visa and I-94 and they're going to fix the system.

Yes, I did put First, Middle and Surname but I had a space between first and middle. I take 'given' name to mean your full given name as I take 'christian' name to be the name I was christened with. I guess that I'm not up with the play when it comes to US bureaucratic conventions. I would have thought the I-94 should reflect the info given in your PP / Visa though. The guy at SSO said to me, is this your first name or first and middle? I told him first and middle and he didn't have an issue with it. I went back in to get my number and that's when the District Manager told me about the mistake. I'd never have known otherwise.

Do you think it's an issue for AOS since all that paperwork asks for your middle name as well? If you're SSN doesn't have a middle name doesn't that make it easier to use one fraudulently? It would be interesting to pose this to someone in charge. I harassed the poor guy at USCIS on the phone about giving a SSN to a non-existent person and letting the non-existent person into the country :)

Neither my mother nor father had middle names so that's not unusual. (they couldn't afford them)

In the US - the most Christian of countries - they have to avoid religious references because their Constitution forbids it - so they don't say 'Christian name ' on official stuff

I will do the 'so help me god' when I naturalize as they put you through hoops and have delayed special ceremonies otherwise

The whole deal is contradictory and hypocritical. One minute they say the Constitution guarantees you any religion or non. The next minute they have you swearing to god and in god we trust etc. You will get used to it.

It's a new country and they don't have it all sorted out

Make sure you get this sorted now and before AOS or it will bite you later and you will get 'Elvis Armordinnerjacket' on your GC

Don't believe anyone and get it all in writing
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-09 22:04:00
United KingdomDumb stuff Border Control does
I saw one person who answered a question 'n/a' and when they got their green card it said their country was 'Netherlands Antilles'

I kid you not

the ape creatures of the indus valley could do a better job
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-09 20:47:00
United KingdomDumb stuff Border Control does

Just got back from the Social Security office. It turns out that the border control guy managed to put my name into the system as my first and middle names being just my first name. Still got my SSN but now need to deal with more rubbish at DHS trying to get that corrected. Checked my I94 and they are listed with a space as well as with a space in my passport. Interesting that they let a non-existent person into the country and allowed said person to receive a SSN! :thumbs:

I had one letter of my surname spelled wrongly (My surname has 4 letters so that was too difficult for them)

An expert VJ member pointed out that one letter wrong can be corrected quickly at the office. I showed them the regulation and they did it. It saved me months of correcting it which would have meant no driver's license

You could say they have done one wrong on yours in that they didn't put a space between your first and middle names.

That is 1 character wrong

Try it - it might save you 6 weeks

What illiterate apes they are

Edited by saywhat, 09 August 2010 - 08:21 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-08-09 20:20:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

Yeah you're right

I will have to let her down...

I bet she grinds her teeth and wakes up screaming every night at 3am and scratches her batty when she gets up at 5.30am and spends 2 hours in the bathroom and buys 15 toilet rolls every week....... I don't mind suffering for my art but there are limits

Do you realise that circumcision is virtually unknown in the UK but is pretty much universal in the USA ?

Told you they were culturally different !

That could be a topic heading on VJ - I DARE YOU ! off to bed bon soir !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-07-14 02:26:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

I don't think I could ever lay off pork products. They're in my heart, they're in my soul. They'll be my breath should I grow old.

Yeah you're right

I will have to let her down...

I bet she grinds her teeth and wakes up screaming every night at 3am and scratches her batty when she gets up at 5.30am and spends 2 hours in the bathroom and buys 15 toilet rolls every week....... I don't mind suffering for my art but there are limits
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-07-14 02:20:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

She's 51 now and she is still absolutely gorgeous. Lucky her.Posted Image

I would have a circumcision for her and lay off the pork chops too - and that's saying something

Well the pork chops anyway... I would see if there was some wiggle room (no pun intended) on the other
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-07-14 02:08:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

Yeah, it is pretty awesome in my room.

heck I hope she doesn't end up like debby harry

I was never totally sure that I wasn't anti-semitic until I saw Susanna
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-07-14 01:57:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

I'm shorter than Susanna by three inches. Maybe I should try this mens' shirt thing you suggest, but I draw the line at backcombing. This IS 2010, after all.

I also have a fairly strong sense of self-preservation and suspect calling a copper an ape would probably mean the Glock, not the Taser.

Mein gott I have found you at last !

In your room is the ultimate:
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-07-14 01:47:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

I thought Susanna pooped like the rest of us; clearly I was wrong.

How dare you !

How dare you spit on my delusions ! I mean beliefs !

I am gutted to the gut, bath, bed and beyond

Susanna is a godess and walks like an egyptianne

I must admit that she dropped a few points when she stopped back combing but...

apart from being from Ca and subject to shower head measurement and pepsi bans, she is /was pretty damned perfect for someone with a flat chest

Did you see how tiny she was ? and how good she looked dressed ONLY in a man's shirt ?

Can't beat a small bird in a geezer's shirt

Please go out into the streeet there in CA now and shout susanna susanna - why did you stop back combing ?

When the cop reaches for his Tazer and gets his Glock by mistake - shout 'It's your Glock you dumb ape'---he will appreciate your assistance

Edited by saywhat, 14 July 2010 - 01:38 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-07-14 01:38:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

Ummm, I think my holes are regulation size; it's been a while since I checked though. Or indeed since anyone checked.

Disgraceful neglect of duty .

CA Govt too bizzy checking illegal tunnels under your house - looking for smuggled Pepsi - when they should be up a ladder in your bathroom measuring your douche holes for non conformity

Every time I have been to Ca its been hissing it down so I don't know why you are short of water. What's wromg with GIN ? Wake up and smell the sealions !

Do you know Susanna Hoffs ? She lives in CA. I would so pass her bathroom as legal in a totally corrupt way ....

She probably doesn't have a bathroom coz she doesn't do that stuff - like the queen doesn't

Walk like an egyptsheanne... Susanna where are you now ? How is your shower Susanna?
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-07-14 00:22:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

Is it true that the size of shower holes is regulated in CA ?

How big are your holes ?

Anyone who could produce so much aluminum with no thought of the energy required to remelt them is likely to have a shower with illegal holes

It's disgraceful what goes on in CA. I can't believe it's only 760 miles away

In order to become a CA shower hole size checker, it's necessary to be a USC

On 1st January when I get my certificate, I will apply for this job and sort you lot out !

Edited by saywhat, 14 July 2010 - 12:06 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-07-14 00:04:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

Proof I run on a Coke Zero drip feed (please pay no mind to the gigantic thing of cat litter):

Posted Image

Yep, that was the past six months in Coke Zero.

Being in possession of more than 6 such cans (full or empty) in Ca is a fellerny and punishable by 754.3 years in jail in solitary confinement in a concrete box with a toilet kept at -45 centigrade and a visit every night from 27 aggressive lesbians (no appeal, no parole, no phone calls)

What you mean we are barbaric ? It's justice that's what it is.

I pity any country that doesn't have penal conditions like us - they are just envious and they are under the thumb of kings and princes and dicktators and they should shut up and go back to Russia unless they are from Russia in which case they should go to North Korea or wherever those people who don't like us come from - I forget - but wherever ok
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-07-13 23:52:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
Good evening Farmer Giles

The reason we have come to your house is to tell you that we found your daughter in a car and she was having unlawful sexual intercourse with her boyfriend

What ?

I said, she was having unlawful sexual intercourse

What ?

He was fXXXing her !!!

Oh, well, why didn't you say so ?

(An actual conversation North Yorkshire 1974)
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-07-13 23:22:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

One would think so, but alas, no.

Got to catch you first

Blow into this

But officer, I have just thrown that out
Captain OatesMaleEngland2010-07-13 23:11:00