K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe "Official" APPROVAL Party

Thanks for all the love and support to push us through to the next step. I look forward to sharing and reading about all of our future success stories. From tragedy to triumph... What was funny is that I was gathering the new list of APPROVALS the BAMMM... I rec'd the offical email. I thought it was a joke sent by "vartan", "william33", or "Iniibig ko si Luz forever". LOL! BUT THIS IS THE REAL DEAL...

Thank goodness...

So happy for everyone!!
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-01 20:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage before K1 Interview
Before finishing reading all the responses, my initial thought was to go through with the ceremony and celebrate with all your guests, but don't actually get married. Maybe I'm simpifying things, but that seems okay to me, since you're not getting married. Then when you arrive in the US, just have a quick civil service or religious ceremony based on your preferences.
Good Luck!! :)

Edited by danielm2, 31 July 2006 - 11:01 PM.

danielm2Not TellingChina2006-07-31 22:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetition Checklist

HI. You have WAY too much. Too much can be bad. Definitely narrow it down. Good luck!

A. How we met story (include my train ticket)
B. Evidence we have met in past 2 years and have an on-going relationship
- Copy of my Student ID and Transcript from while in China only matters if you met at college
- Copy of bank receipt from in China
- Copy of my apartment's Household Registration Receipt do you own the apt? If not, delete
- Copy of flight itinerary
- Copy of plane tickets
- Color Copy of my Chinese Visa
- Our pictures together (about 12) make it more like 7 max
- Copy of our train tickets from traveling together
- Copy of our Beijing hotel receipt
Copy of our tickets to see the Da Vinchi Code
- Copy of 4 letters I wrote her take out 2, maybe all 4
- Copy of our text messages (5 occurrences)
- Copy of emails (2)
- Copy of QQ Chat (1)
- Emails (5) make it 2
- chat transcript (2)
- Call Log from my Calling Card
- Copy of receipt of received calls to her home in China from her phone company
- Copy of my bank statement showing how many calling cards I've bought
- copy of Xue Jing's email with my grandfather, sister, brother (1 of each) only use one perhaps [
- Copy of receipt of a couple gifts I got her
- letter written by a mutual friend of ours saying our relationship is real, etc. (appropriate??)
5. Dan's Information
A. G-325A
B. Copy of Passport
C. 2 passport photos
D. Copy of Birth Certificate (both Sides)
E. Free to marry, intend to marry, no criminal history, explain my love statement keep this brief. It's only a letter of intent to marry
A. G-325A
B. Copy of Passport
C. 2 passport photos
D. Free to marry, intend to marry, no criminal history, explain my love statement ,
E. Paper clearly showing her name and address in Chinese Characters and Pinyin
- Include note saying in much of our communication I call her "Allie," the English name I
gave her, but that this is not an official name.

(1) For the G-325A, for the question: "This form submitted in connection with application for," how do we fill this in??? I thought for myself and Xue Jing, for all 4 copies we "check other" and then write in "I-129F Petition for Fiance." Is this true?? I've read in a couple other places this is how you fill out the first form, but the other 3 you "Check Naturalization" and then write in "I-129F Petition for Fiance." Any help??????
check other & write in I-129F Petition for Fiance

(2) For this petition, what, if anything, has to be notarized??

(3) The I-129F and G-325A's will be signed and dated. But for all the other copies, evidence, etc, does EVERY PAGE have to be signed and dated??? For example, the I-129F question 18 supplement will many pages. Does EVERY PAGE need to be signed and dated at the bottom, or just sign and date the final page of the supplement??
I didn't date anything aside from the forms except checklist, letter of intent & photos.

Kind of in the same vain, will every copied email need to be signed and dated??

Thank you so much Devilette! I definitely appreciate your help and suggestions. And I must say, CONGRATULATIONS ON THE APPROVAL!! I hope everything can go very smoothly for you and your fiance, and I wish you all the best.

Hmmm, does anyone have any experience entering addresses in China into the forms?? I need to enter my address I had while living over there, as well as all my fiance's addresses??

Thanks Alot!
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-02 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetition Checklist
How does this look?? Dan and Xue Jing's Petition:

1. Cover Letter (Signed and Dated)
2. Check ($170)
3. I-129F
4. I-129F Question 18 Part B Supplement
A. How we met story (include my train ticket)
B. Evidence we have met in past 2 years and have an on-going relationship
- Copy of my Student ID and Transcript from while in China
- Copy of bank receipt from in China
- Copy of my apartment's Household Registration Receipt
- Copy of flight itinerary
- Copy of plane tickets
- Color Copy of my Chinese Visa
- Our pictures together (about 12)
- Copy of our train tickets from traveling together
- Copy of our Beijing hotel receipt
- Copy of our tickets to see the Da Vinchi Code
- Copy of 4 letters I wrote her
- In China Communication
- Copy of our text messages (5 occurrences)
- Copy of emails (2)
- Copy of QQ Chat (1)
- Communication after I return to America
- Emails (5)
- chat transcript (2)
- Calls
- Call Log from my Calling Card
- Copy of receipt of received calls to her home in China from her phone company
- Copy of my bank statement showing how many calling cards I've bought
- copy of Xue Jing's email with my grandfather, sister, brother (1 of each)
- Copy of receipt of a couple gifts I got her
- letter written by a mutual friend of ours saying our relationship is real, etc. (appropriate??)
5. Dan's Information
A. G-325A
B. Copy of Passport
C. 2 passport photos
D. Copy of Birth Certificate (both Sides)
E. Free to marry, intend to marry, no criminal history, explain my love statement
6. Xue Jing's Information
A. G-325A
B. Copy of Passport
C. 2 passport photos
D. Free to marry, intend to marry, no criminal history, explain my love statement
E. Paper clearly showing her name and address in Chinese Characters and Pinyin
- Include note saying in much of our communication I call her "Allie," the English name I
gave her, but that this is not an official name.

Hmmm, how does this look?? I've spent awhile trying to prepare it all. Just waiting for Xue Jing to send me a couple more things and then I'll be mailing it in!! So excited!

I just had a few quick questions too:

(1) For the G-325A, for the question: "This form submitted in connection with application for," how do we fill this in??? I thought for myself and Xue Jing, for all 4 copies we "check other" and then write in "I-129F Petition for Fiance." Is this true?? I've read in a couple other places this is how you fill out the first form, but the other 3 you "Check Naturalization" and then write in "I-129F Petition for Fiance." Any help??????

(2) For this petition, what, if anything, has to be notarized?? (Is it just our personal statements saying we intend to marry??)

(3) The I-129F and G-325A's will be signed and dated. But for all the other copies, evidence, etc, does EVERY PAGE have to be signed and dated??? For example, the I-129F question 18 supplement will many pages. Does EVERY PAGE need to be signed and dated at the bottom, or just sign and date the final page of the supplement??
Kind of in the same vain, will every copied email need to be signed and dated?? For example, at the end of the email write something to the effect, "This email was sent by Dan to Xue Jing July 3 and Xue Jing replied July 4. This is a copy of our actual email and I certify it to be legitimate. (sign my name) (date it).
Any thoughts?????????

(4) ***For people with a Fiance in China*** How did you/should I fill in her address?? It's not the same as an address in America. For all her address's should I just say see separate supplement and then write out her address the way they would in China. For example:
China, Beijing 100083
Hai Dian Qu
Dong Wang Zhuan, 10 Hao Lou, 232

Okay, I'm getting there :) Any help or suggestions that could be offerred would be much appreciated. Thank you all. Take Care!!
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-02 09:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGreat News from Lawyer!!
Wow, glad to hear!! I hope your process is a quick and smooth one!

Just a quick question, could you post the name of the lawyer you contacted for the free consultation (or message me)??

So far everything is going smoothly with me, but that seems like it could be a useful bit of info for future reference if things take a turn for the worse or get alittle complicated. Thanks!!

danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-03 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSigning??
Okay, thanks for all the tips!! that's definitely the kind of feedback I was looking for. I don't think there's really any set in stone format. I'm just waiting for a couple more things that Allie will send me to arrive, and then we can finally mail our petition in. In the meantime, I'm over-analyzing everything WAY too much. You know, just trying to make it idiot-proof :) haha.
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-03 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSigning??
At the bottom of the cover letter, all supplements, etc, we as petitioners are suppose to sign and date those papers. What is the correct format to do this?? Just simply sign and date the papers or also include some sort of statement??

All I did was simply sign and date the papers. For example:


(sign) (date)

I haven't sent the petition out yet. Just waiting for my fiance to send me the copy of her passport.
Ahhhhhhh, right now I'm just second guessing myself on everything!!

Thanks Alot!
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-03 19:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresE-mailed Lagos consulate & this is their response.

Hmm, is this only a specific consulate (Lagos) situation??

If this were the case, I'd be ecstatic. I'm just graduating college and will have a sufficient job to support my fiance in no time, but I don't have that job as of yet. If the I-134 wasn't necessary for this K1 process, I could rest alittle easier.

Any thoughts on this??
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-04 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am new at This!!
Welcome! I wish all of us with fiances in China the best of luck :)
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-04 23:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWilliams33, Uling and Kitkat need approvals to !!!!
Wish you all the quickest of roads!!
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-07-31 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp, support

Hi Dan,

You're taking a very level-headed approach to all of this, if that's any consolation to you. Most people cannot see beyond their own hurt to acknowledge someone else's perspective, so I give you a lot of credit for being able to do that with your family.

There are many things I could say here, but not knowing your background, or much about the cultural issues as hand, I will share a few of my thoughts..

First, most parents want the best for their children. They have a vision for what their children's future is going to be like. At first, the vision is vague and full of 'warm fuzzies' like financial security, happiness, love, good friendships, grandchildren, a close-knit family circle, etc. As children grow and start to choose their own path, the parents' vision generally adapts... your father and step-mother saw you as a Christian, wanted you to remain faithful and share in the family values and ideals, marry a Christian, and continue to be 'one' with the family circle. They saw you achieving your law degree, having a fulfilling life, and giving them grandbabies to love and help raise in the same traditions as those that were applied when you were young.

And now, you have introduced a stranger, whom they've never met, and announced your intention to make her part of the family. They don't know her, her background, or her family, despite what you've been trying to share with them. You are deviating from their vision and they are broken-hearted as a result.

Rather than realize that you are an adult capable of such decisions and trying to adapt, they are lashing out and threatening to revoke everything that made you feel secure. This is your step-mother's chance to retaliate for whatever came between you before, and she's taking it. Right or wrong, it's something you have to deal with.

Take dwar's advice to heart. You are an adult, making adult decisions. Regardless of how you feel about your family's stance, if you feel as convicted as you say you do about your situation, than you must follow your heart. You will find a way... but you will have to do this together. You must be sure that your fiancée is going to support you in all of this... What does HER family think of the situation? Will you have any support from them?

One other thing I'm going to add, before you get bored reading this... IF you find out down the road that this is NOT the right path... that she is NOT the one... PLEASE don't pursue it just to spite your parents for the hurt they have caused. You sound too mature to do this, but sometimes people get caught up in the momentum of their own actions and don't take the time to step back and evaluate what is really happening.

YOU are the one who must be at peace with this situation. You may be severing ties with your family for the rest of your life. Make sure you know in your heart that she is truly worth it.


Thanks for the help, suggestions, and support everyone!! I really really appreciate it. This is the first time in a few days I've had a chance to respond.

Well, things have cooled down alittle, but it isn't the same, and I don't think it will be the same as I had mentioned. When I saw my parents for the first time I was extremely friendly, overtly friendly in order to try and make no tension appear.

I lived at home for a couple days, and nothing of note took place. And in the meantime, I made plans to move out. I was talking with one of my best friends for alittle while, and he gave me the keys to his apartment, said he'd be away for alittle while (going on a camping trip with our other friends and then seeing parents), and when he gets back we can work something out. Sooo, as of today I'm won't be living at home.

Obviously this had to be done. Although I think it is very unfortunate because then I won't be around my siblings and parents on a day to day basis. Yes, the situation was bad, but that really would have been the last time in my life it'd be possible. In the future there is no way we'd be living with them, and the chances are slim we'll even be living within 100 miles of them. Buttttt, this is the only way to work things out. In the ideal situation I could still live at home, but this isn't it.

So, everything has worked out on that end. Plus, I've organized everything so now I just need my independent study to get approved, and then I'll be able to graduate in December!! Things are working out just fine!! Unfortunately, as far as my parents are concerned, they still do not agree with anything I'm doing and think what I'm doing is horrible. But now that I am out of the house and "their territory," hopefully the playing field will be alittle more even and the communication more clear.

As far as the money situation goes. I think next week it will be transferred over to me. Piratess&Swede , yeah, I'm not a minor, and the money is in my name (but with him as the custodian), but it is alittle tricky cause it's not in my possession. I didn't even know about the money until I was like 17 or something. My dad has always been in control of it and takes out checks when it comes time. He's a banker and is no trouble for him, so there was never any issues. But with the current situation, I'm not sure what my step-mom is capable of, and along with that, how the money could possibly become the central issue in this situation. I'm not a person who is concerned about making this much money and then buying that car, but I need it to pay for school and it's a part of the following 1-2 year plans of ours, so if there were to be issues with that, ahhhhhhhhhhh. but hopefully come next week everything will be okay.

Jen and Jamie, thank you for your advice and support. I definitely took it to heart and it helped me consciously and subconsciously. In that type of situtuation and when having those thoughts, the smallest bit of support seems like the world. Thank you.................

Okay, I think things have settled down now for me now, so I'll be back to posting regularly. Thanks for the help, and hope everyone's journeys continue well!!!
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-11 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp, support

You dont need to explain anything.

Block 2

Put your mailing address (po box)

Block 14

put your physical address (it says address is where fiancee intends to live, dont worry about that as you can change it on the forms you will fill out when your fiancee receives packet 3 just prior to interview)

The G-325A asks for your residence, not your mailing address again use your physical address for last 5 years.

You could have (most people do) more than one address in that block on the G-325A


I have a comment to make about your issues with your family. Probably going to catch hell for this, but here goes anyway.

Okay I know that there are cultural issues at play here, but there is one solution to this whole problem.

You are 22 years old right? Then the way I look at it, you have two choices.

1. Live with them, under their thumb and do what they tell you to and give up on your fiancee or

2. Move out, get a job, build your own life!!!

I know this seems harsh, but I have raised 5 children and my rule was the same for all of them. If you live under my roof, accept my food and depend on me for your financial care, then you live by my rules, period. If you want to live by your rules, and do what you want, then you are free to move out anytime you please and live your own life without my interference. There was never any middle ground there.

Okay I know, I am what most would consider a hard ###, however my feeling is if you are an adult and cant support yourself and mommie and daddie have to do it for you, then you have to live by their rules.

sorry, i messed posting my reply up somehow......i wrote this:

"hello dwar49,

you're not catching any hell from me. i know and understand what you mean. i think what you said is very appropriate.

that is what has to be done, it was probably a mistake to even try and come back and live at my parents house in the first place. the circumstances of the past few days have created issues that will never go away. from here, i don't know...................."

Good luck with your current situation, We'll pray for you. At times things get tough you have to get guidance from God, and let to rest to him. With that said on a human level, i saw from your timeline you'll be graduating this coming december so Congratulations to you for all the hard work, you are almost there.

At 22 you are still young gentleman and with a college degree you have a full bright future ahead of you, This may sounds harsh but the 1st step is to break the embilical cord from your parents, If they can't understand the way you feel about your fiance, and they are not being supportive A part time Job, something to get you going until December, once you graduate you can get a Full time Job and become more Independent as such, you'll be able to Support yourself and your fiance when she gets here, you won't have to ask your parents for affidat of support.
All i can say for now stick to your guns, and they will soo come to realize how much she means for you.

God Bless!

Thank you so very much Nikita2Charles :) I know it is cliched, but I appreciate it more than you know. I think everything happens for a reason, and that includes even the current situation. God will help everyone through this, and I know I will be given the guidance to find a way. God never gives anyone anymore than they can handle, whether they know it or not.

I think right now I need to find a way to get some rest and eat something.

Have a great day!
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-08 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp, support

Yes you can use the PO box as your mailing address and list your physical address differently.

thanks ramos, i appreciate it :)

and dwar49, so do you mean for the I-129F Part A Question 2 just put the P.O. Box for my address? And then my physical address for my G-325A? Or should I add an attachment for both forms explaining the address situation?.........

thank you
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-08 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp, support
Hello everybody,

Thank you for the help, advice, and support. This is just so hard. I didn't explain it so well, but the relationship with my step-mother is basically ruined. When we first met about 5 or 6 years ago, due to circumstances things just didn't get off on the right foot. In my mind that was buried and in the past, but apparently not in hers. She has some of the most hateful things to say, and yes, good or bad, that is her perogative as a parent. But also good or bad, those words have consesquences and reprecussions. I don't think there is anything left of our relationship, and if there is, where will it go if I am not welcomed when I continue with Xue Jing.

And my father, I respect his opinions and everything he has to say, and I appreciate everything he has given me in life. I can't complain at all. But it seems like their requirements are I should be eternally grateful (which I am, this is absolutely true), but also then live the way they see fit because of what they've given me. That I guess is not their "real view," since they even said that this is my life. But then why is it turning into a their way/thoughts or nothing?? Especially when it comes to religion, our communication is not the best, and then they aren't able to understand at all where I'm coming from or what I have to say. And the worst part is, I of course still believe, but just have different views, opinions, etc. And Xue Jing believes and has her beliefs, but they aren't in the same vain as theirs, so this is creating a huge problem for them, one in which no understanding can be let in.

I'm not asking them to agree with me. But why does it have to be so hateful?? They are basically making me choose between them and Xue Jing. I'm still not explaining this clearly, I just don't know what to think. I can't loose my cool or rationality, but there's so much to deal with already, and now this? Having the relationship with my dad and stepmom in such turmoil, and then how that affects my 4 sisters and brother. I'm not being over-dramatic at all when I say things will never be the same again, and I am just completely lost on what to do. I could see if I was doing "something wrong," but I think I'm doing just fine. If they want me to introduce them to some people who are going down the "wrong path," I'd have my pick of many. We are just coming from 2 totally different perspectives, and there seems to be no meeting of the two.

Aussiewench, thank you for the support. I really appreciate it. I don't think we've ever communicated on here before, but at a time like this, receiving kind words from you holds great meaning.

aselano, yeah, i hope it will all work out, but it really is at the point of no return. I am not being over dramatic at all. they are not willing to learn or even try to understand at all. and i understand this! i know what type of personalities and beliefs they have. so i understand how this is a big deal for them, any girl i would have ended up would have been a big deal. but why is there no understanding at all, especially when they can see that these are my real plans, feelings, and future. they shouldn't blindly approve of everything i do, but is this the best way to handle it? with such, in my mind, hate? i think it is not all about mine and xue jing's situation, other underlying issues are playing a driving role.

dwar49, so would I put my P.O. Box in as the address for the I-129F, Part A, Question 2?? And then would I put my current living address in the G-325A address section?? In your opinion, any other attachments or explanation that would need to be given?? And I'm sorry, I don't know, would I just go to the post office to get a P.O. Box, and how much would that go for? Thank you...........

john_and_marlene, yes, I am well aware of the requirements of the K1 process. In Guangzhou, they require the I-134. And even thinking beyond that, the I-865 once it comes time for the Adjustment of Status procedure. These are all things I am constently thinking about. My money situation is this, my grandparents left me, my brother, my sister, and our 2 cousins some money for college. This is an opportunity that hardly anyone has, and I am forever grateful for it. i have only used this for college, helped when i moved out on my own, and then going to china to study. When I graduate, I will have around $10,000 left. My step-mom has always thought this money was bad for us. She had it much harder growing up, and I totally understand this. Now, with the situaiton the way it is, who knows if the money will be taken away from me. The whole religion aspect comes back into play. It was my "Christian grandparents" who worked hard for this money, so this does not mesh with my current situation. I just don't understand at all; they don't understand at all where my beliefs lie, and is this a requirement? So my step-mom says that she will do all she can to get this money taken away from me. Sooo, maybe finishing college won't be in my immediate plans anymore, who knows. I don't even care about the money, it's just everything else. I have all the confidence in the world that in the future I will be able to find a good job, and Xue Jing also has an international law background, everything will work out in the future. but right now, i don't know how the next month or year will go. and the implications this has for our K1 process has me very concerned.......

Handy Andy and a Sandwich, ahh, thanks for the advice. I definitely took to heart everything you had to say, but that just isn't the reality of the situation. It has gone from sharing what could possibly be the happiest news (other than kids) i ever have to this, to my dad saying that it was a mistake i stayed in china and came upon this situation. it is all about emotions and religious beliefs for them, it really is. and those are the things that can't be changed or understood easily, especially when the convictions are so strong. other thoughts, opinions, and concerns can be talked about, but we are not at a point of discussion, it has gone way past that. so that is why i'm at a loss for what to do. i have been up for hours upon hours now, and haven't eaten anything in over 24 hours. i think what you suggested is a good idea, i have been at my college and i will see if there is somebody i could talk to.

okay, thanks for all the help. i'm just really at a loss. i feel there will be no understanding going on: they won't change, and i have no intention of changing mine and Xue Jing's plans (because i love her and this is OUR future, this hasn't been questioned in my mind for 1 second), so where does that leave us? I don't know. And factoring in the irrepairable damage that has already been done within my home and what will most certainly quickly spread to many of my relatives, I just don't know................ I don't know how it got to be this way............
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-08 09:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp, support

as you can see from the time line below, xue jing and i have our plans. i am 22, got back from china june 20, and am living at home currently.

unfortunately, my dad and step-mom aren't happy about our situation. this evening i had a talk with them and it did not go well at all. they don't understand me, they don't have any idea what my beliefs are or where i stand, or what kind of a person i am. they have absolutely no idea what type of relationship the 2 of us have. they are mr. and mrs. suburbia who "know" everything and "know" how it should be done. and apparently i've now become an "aetheist #######." they are christian, and they are all tied up on this issue. they don't understand me, xue jing, or anything. i don't know what to do..........

i can't communicate anything to them. i am just so so so lost right now. basically my family life has just gone to shambles, and xue jing is still so far away. they expect me to choose?

i just don't understand them at all?? yes, parents are suppose to give their children advice and share their opinions with them. but why does it have to be like this?? i guess this is what happens when religion is involved. i guess this is why there's so many problems in the world today. i just don't get it. i have no idea what to do.

but this will not change what xue jing and i do. we will continue to make final preperations for our K1 petition and continue on. But now, I don't think I'll be living at my parents home. And if I am, I definitely do not want visa materials being delivered there (in case of sabatoge). How do I do this?? I think I will go try and live with a friend or friend's family until things get smoothed out. And even if things get more smooth, I don't want my parents house to be my mailing address. How do I do this?? Just put my current address as my friends family's address?? Even if I'm not necessarily living there, that would be the most stable address I have, so should I put that as my current address?

i'm probably not making any sense right now. i'm just lost and can't believe this situation. i'm a 22 year old guy. when my mom committed suicide it was a terrible situation, but i was able to "deal with it," and didn't even shed many tears. but this, before tonight i couldn't really sleep, eat, live life. now, i just feel like everything is caving in, and i'm on the verge of tears and a breakdown. i just hope things can work out, but who knows.......

i have that question, and i guess i'm just looking for some advice. i left my family's home and now have ended up at my school's computer center. it's 2:15am. anything anyone would have to offer would be extremely helpful, whether they have experienced this situation or not.....

danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-08 02:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick NOA1 Question

I just received in the mail my NOA1. Yeah yeah yeah!!!

Anyways, for the case type the form reads:

Petition for Fiance (E)"

Is this the way it should be?? I've just never seen the "(E)" anywhere. I'm sure it's nothing, just trying to stay on top of everything.

Ahhh, a good feeling to have something definitive in hand, now it's just back to waiting. Congratulations to all the recent approvals!!

The extra e is male vs female...

male is fiance
female is fiancee

okay, thanks alot :)

haha, you can tell i'm a clever one....................
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-09-22 08:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick NOA1 Question
I just received in the mail my NOA1. Yeah yeah yeah!!!

Anyways, for the case type the form reads:

Petition for Fiance (E)"

Is this the way it should be?? I've just never seen the "(E)" anywhere. I'm sure it's nothing, just trying to stay on top of everything.

Ahhh, a good feeling to have something definitive in hand, now it's just back to waiting. Congratulations to all the recent approvals!!
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-09-22 07:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies
My name is Dan, I'm the USC, and I'm from Milwaukee, WI. My fiance is Li Xue Jing/Allie and is from China. She was born in the north east part of China but technically calls Shanghai home now. We're in the very final stages of gathering all our documents to submit the petition. I REALLY hope to have it sent out to the Nebraska Service Center by August 15. Right now I'm just waiting for Xue Jing to mail me a couple more things, and then it'll all be a go.

I should be graduating from college with 2 degrees in December (2006). Hopefully at about that time we'll also be receiving our NOA2 (please please please), and then I'll go to China to wait with her. We can prepare the P3/P4 documents together and wait it out. I just returned from China on June 20, 2006. I had been studying Chinese in Beijing. After a hopefully quick and successful K1 process, we plan to return to the United States upon which I will find a job and Allie will study English for a semester or so. Once things are stable and money starts to come our way, we plan to buy our home and have children. i really can't wait :)

The only thing that could mess this plan up is if I can't graduate in December. I'm having a geography profoessor that is being a REAL pain. I'll graduate for sure with my degree in International Studies and Certificate in Asian Studies come December, but if geography is a no go I'll still be going to China in December no matter what (or as soon as the NOA2 comes). If things happen this way, then we'll both be students for a short while when we come to America.

Right now it's extra tough for me too because my parents (ahem, step-mom) are not fans of China or my current situation at all. And they don't even know we plan to get married yet! I really can't talk to her about any of it. The family situation is stressed right now because of other issues, and I am feeling the brunt of her disdain and down-right hateful scorn because she doesn't like that I went to China, let alone that I now have my "Chinese" "girlfriend." Sooooo, in dealing with not being with Allie, and then having to be in this type of situation everyday, I'm gettting like 4 hours of sleep a night. So stressful. I should move out, but it'd be pretty dificult to find an apartment for just a few months, and then I don't have to worry about change of address forms etc. I don't need to give the CSC any extra reason to delay work on our petition!

I don't think I need to tell anybody here how hard it is being away from your most loved one. But hey, we all know what kind of ending we'll have. I just keep telling myself it will all work out.................. But that advice is still so hard to follow.......

I wish us all luck!
danielm2Not TellingChina2006-08-04 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Started on K-1 in June

That's the law in Wisconsin. http://county.milwau...arried22000.htm

Yeah that I knew and it is a crumby law too but as far as filing or mailing in the I-129 before that waiting period is up. I will have the final divorce decree(lol not sure of the spelling)before the waiting period starts. Seeing as it does not say that I can not get engaged within 6 months there should be no problem?? Oh dear this is all very interesting.
Jen&AllenMaleScotland2012-05-09 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Started on K-1 in June

Here is a tip... be sure your divorce is final including any waiting period required by your State... BEFORE you file 129F

This is the first time that I have heard of waiting for the "waiting period" to be over. In Wisconsin that is 6 months! Not to be rude but is there a second opinion on this? Thanks again!
Jen&AllenMaleScotland2012-05-09 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Started on K-1 in June

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

You started good because you found this site B-) Welcome to VJ!!!!

I agree! This site has given me more info then the lawyer I saw.
Jen&AllenMaleScotland2012-05-08 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Started on K-1 in June
Just any hints I suppose. We are just nervous as everyone is when starting this process. So at this point we will follow the guides and flowcharts and hope for the best.
Jen&AllenMaleScotland2012-05-08 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Started on K-1 in June
Its a long story, but they all are. I am from the states and she lives in Scotland (UK). We will be filing for the K-1 middle of June when my divorce is final. We met online and she has been here twice for 3 months each time on VWP. I have not been there yet but I am hoping to go there in October for her cousins wedding. Any hints, tips, good lucks I would be grateful for.
Jen&AllenMaleScotland2012-05-08 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFees for K-1
This may seem like a simple question but i am having a problem finding the cost beyond the I-129F cost of $340. Is there a cost for her when she goes for the interview other then the medical? Thanks for all the help!
Jen&AllenMaleScotland2012-05-10 21:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intenet

Looks good to me! Posted Image

Thanks so much for the help! One more thing done on the list. :)
Jen&AllenMaleScotland2012-05-21 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intenet

The filing location is not important, but if you feel better, you can do the:

The USCIS Dallas Lockbox


P.O. Box 660151

Dallas, TX 75266

And yes, please change the red! It's been put like that, to highlight the areas on which you need to add your own information!

Thank you very much for the advice. Here are the letters. Do they look alright?

Fiancé Letter of Intent

HERS (She is UK)

Jennifer Middle Last
United States Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
P.O. Box 660151
Dallas, TX 75266


Dear Sir or Madam:

I, Jennifer Middle Last, do hereby state that I am legally able and willing to marry Allen Middle Last, and intend to do so within 90 days of my arrival into the US using the K-1 visa.

Yours truly,


(Print name)


Fiancé Letter of Intent

Allen Middle Last

United States Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
P.O. Box 660151
Dallas, TX 75266


Dear Sir or Madam:

I, Allen Middle Last, do hereby state that I am legally able and willing to marry Jennifer Middle Last, and intend to do so within 90 days of her arrival into the US using the K-1 visa.

Yours truly,


(Print name)
Jen&AllenMaleScotland2012-05-21 22:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intenet
I am using the example form for the letter. This is a dumb question but what do I put as the filing location. And an even crazier question, it can be in all black not part in red right. Sorry for the crazy questions but we just want to make sure we get this right the first time.
Jen&AllenMaleScotland2012-05-21 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAssembly
Thanks for all the replies! That website gave a bunch of good info too. I think I am set. Mailing the end of June, fingers crossed.
Jen&AllenMaleScotland2012-06-12 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAssembly
I am sure this has been asked and answered on here before. There is so much info available! We will be mailing our petition next week and we are wondering what is the best way to assemble the materials. I know not staples. But paperclip then or like a report holder type of thinger. Any ideas would be great. Thanks!
Jen&AllenMaleScotland2012-06-12 08:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 year limit for K-1?
Thanks everyone for your prompt responses! biggrin.gif
lhamiltFemaleGermany2008-02-24 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 year limit for K-1?

My SO and I are planning to file for a K-1 visa. When I looked at the instructions for the I-129F form, it says you "have met in person within two years before your filing of this petition".

Does this mean that you cannot have met the person further in advance of two years? Or that you have simply met at least once within two years before filing?

I ask because my SO and I met in March 19, 2006, but we have been flying to see each other every four to eight weeks since then. We're wondering if we need to rush and get our paperwork submitted by March 19, 2008.

lhamiltFemaleGermany2008-02-24 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS Marriage - Does it have to be in the 50 states?
Hi Everyone,

As my fiance and I are preparing to submit our initial K1 forms, we are thinking about where we'd like to get married. He's in Germany, and I'm in Wisconsin. I would REALLY like to have a destination wedding b/c there's no way we're going to find a location that will work for all our friends and family spread across the US, UK, and Austrailia.

My question is - does the marriage have to take place in the 50 states, or can it be done in a US territory, like the US Virgin Islands: St. Thomas, St. Croix etc?

lhamiltFemaleGermany2008-04-17 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChanging address upon submission of I-129f package
Thanks Dora!
lhamiltFemaleGermany2008-04-21 07:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChanging address upon submission of I-129f package
Hi All,

Just wondering about your thoughts concerning changing addresses upon submission of I-129f. I've had my condo for sale for the last couple months so that when my fiance arrives, we can move to a different state where he'll have job opportunities.

My concern is about changing addresses after the form is submitted. I would assume that it is highly not reccomended to change addresses after submitting, but if it is unavoidable: What is the process to update your address? What are the risks involved?

lhamiltFemaleGermany2008-04-21 06:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Questions

I'm just reading over the G-325A form to make sure that I have all the information. I have a couple questions:

- Who fills the G-325A form out? Is it me (the US Citizen) or my German fiance or both?
- Where the form says "City and Country", do we not list state?
- Where the form says "File Number", do I just say None?
- What should be entered in the Father's City and Country of residence if he is deceased, do we just enter Deceased?
- For fields where there will be no entry, i.e. extra lines under employment and residence do we enter N/A, Not Applicable or a line through the text box?

Thanks for your help!
lhamiltFemaleGermany2008-05-01 19:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow often are processing times updated?
Does anyone know how often the CSC processing times are updated? I've been patiently waiting to see the times for California updated, and it looks like they haven't been updated since July 31st...sigh...
lhamiltFemaleGermany2008-10-17 04:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments
QUOTE (Ana&D @ Jun 29 2008, 03:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I assume you re filing for K1, right? What they need at this stage is evidence that you two have met in the last two years. As was mentioned, pictures are secondary evidence. What you need to include is evidence like boarding passes for the flights to see each other. If you don't have those, include the copy of passport stamps. As an example, we showed our IDs from the cruise line with the same date and cabin number and boarding passes for our vacation trip that showed same flight/date and adjoining seats. Anything that shows you two were at the same place at the same time will work. Save proof of on-going relationship (charts, emails, pictures) for the interview. Yes, you can include couple emails/pictures, but don't go overboard. Best of luck and a speedy approval!!!

Hello! When you say don't go overboard..well I have probably 40 emails from throughout our relationship at different times and 30 photos and cell phone records of different time periods. I guess that is too much? I just want to make sure they can see that it is genuine. I also have copies of our E-tickets for travel, unfortunately in the beginning we didn't save the actual boarding pass stubs, well I can't find mine! Thanks for all the advice!
english_loveFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-29 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Jun 29 2008, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I thought that but then I thought what would tons of other evidence have to do with the affidavit of support? Perhaps he/she is talking about letters from others who know them as a couple??? If that's the case, then no, you don't need them. If you are meaning original letters of intent... yes, you do need them. wink.gif Some have been approved without them but some have not.

Really just wanted to clear any confusion as to what is requested as when I answer a question here I always think about everyone else coming to read for their own knowledge that's basically how I learned what I have so far. wink.gif

I there, yes I was talking about letters from others who know us. My friend went a different route, the C1 I think??? and she had to provide those letters. Thanks for all of the input everyone!
english_loveFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-29 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments
Hello again! OK, I was just wondering about how many passport photos you send with the I-129F, is it 2 or 1? And on average how many photos of the two of us should we provide, I have about 30 right now! I think that might be too much. And are the affidavits necessary if you have a ton of other evidence? Thanks for all your advice!
english_loveFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-28 20:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhoto size
Hi all! Does anyone know if the photos have to be a certain 4x6 or 3x5??? And if they are ok to be color printed from home?

thanks everyone!
english_loveFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-30 14:47:00