Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (PattyS_boyfriend @ Feb 28 2008, 12:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Feb 28 2008, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (PattyS_boyfriend @ Feb 27 2008, 08:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aunque desde el viernes pasaso sabia que la visa esta aprovada pues USCIS me mando un correo electronico con la aprovación, hoy es el dia oficial donde recibí la NOA2 por correo ordinario, la aprovación oficial y escrita por USCIS. Yo llame esta tarde al NVC, pero todavia la visa no ha llegado o no esta registrada en el sistema de la NVC.


Lo que aprobó el USCIS fué su petición, no la visa. La visa la aprueba el cónsul en la embajada en Bogotá el día de su cita.


Gracias Diana por correjir mi vocabulario, pero es que para el caso es lo mismo visa o peticion en el lenguaje de la calle visa o peticion son palabras intercambiables. Pero, si le queremos llamar correctamete y mas tecnicamente a las cosas, diriamos que la peticion K-1 de visa para fiance(e) no ha llegado todavia a NVC.

Gracias Diana. Este foro no es la calle. Este foro es para las personas que quieren aprender como son las cosas en el proceso de lograr una visa. Entonces, gracias a dios que tenemos personas aca como Diana que saben como son las cosas. Tenemos que llamar las cosas correctamente y tecnicamente porque sino, se confundan la gente que van a leer este foro en el futuro. Todos los formularios de las agencias tienen que ser llenados correctamente, no que "casi asi" Cuando una habla con USCIS, NVC, o la Embajada, no hay palabras intercambiables.

margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-28 17:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Feb 27 2008, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (margara&john @ Feb 24 2008, 09:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Quiero hacer los tranduciones de los registros civiles de mi Margara y Daniela en Colombia. Sera que alguien me podria recomendar un tranductor en Medellin?



Aquí está la información del traductor que usamos en Medellín.

Cl 49 DD 81 C-36
Colombia - Antioquia, Medellín
Teléfonos : (57) (4) 4215040

Es un viejito muy formal y muy serio y la oficina está en su casa en el barrio Laureles (creo).


Muchas gracias Diana. Pareces la profesora de este foro. Aprecio mucho todo que haces para ayudarnos

margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-27 17:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Feb 26 2008, 03:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (cecilia herrera @ Feb 26 2008, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Chicas disculpen mi ignorancia, que significa TOUCH, siempre veo TOUCH y fechas, no comprendo que es eso, yo espero el NOA2, y me dieron un codigo WAC...., y siempre me sale lo mismo, gracias de antemano por su respuesta whistling.gif

Una vez registre su recibo con la página de internet del USCIS, puede ver si ellos le han tocado el caso o no. Cada vez que ellos hacen eso, la fecha en la página de internet cambia y significa que le hicieron "touch".


Hola a todos,
Les cuento que ayer mi Margara envio paquete 3 a la embajada por fax y servientrega. El Miercoles en la noche voy a llamar NVC a ver si saben la fecha de la cita. Muchisima gracias a todos que me han ayudado. Todas son super amigable. Me hace sentir bonito que todovia hay gente que ayudan y apollan otras aun si son desconosidos.


margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-26 18:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1

Frankstv y Diana,
Gracias por la informacion. Diana, espero los datos del señor en Medellin. Gracias de nuevo

margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-25 16:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (CamyCar @ Feb 24 2008, 07:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
JAJAJAJAJAJJAJAJAJ, Para la reunion hay que llevar de todos los aguardientes, del Antioqueño, Caldense, El del Quindio para celebrar con Pattys y su amorcito y de todas partes de Colombia, gracias por acoger la idea y claro que si Andres, seria genial, vamos a seguir calentandola en la mente y luego la podemos hacerla una realidad, y Cary te dire que es verdad este foro tiene una bendicion especial te lo aseguro. abrazos a todos, Carina

Quiero hacer los tranduciones de los registros civiles de mi Margara y Daniela en Colombia. Sera que alguien me podria recomendar un tranductor en Medellin?

margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-24 23:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (gigi673 @ Feb 24 2008, 08:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
bueno les cuento que ese dia estaba muy asustada, llegue desde las 7 am y la entrevista me la hicieron a eso de las 12 del medio dia, asi que vayanse bien desayunaditos, tambien bien abrigados porq hace demasiado frio. cuando la oficial consular me llamo, al principio fue muy amable, pero luego me pregunto que si yo tenia familia en U.S.A. yo le dije que un tio en miami, me dijo que desde cuando conocia a mi novio y yo le dije que desde junio de 2006, inmediatamnete me dijo que porq razon yo habia solicitado la visa de turista en abril de 2007 y habia mentido diciendo que no tenia familia alla, que esa mentira era muy grave y que a un oficial consular no se le podia mentir, entonces yo le dije que esa solicitud me la habia llenado una agencia de viajes y ellos habian puesto eso. yo casi me pongo a llorar porq pense q no me la iba a dar. pero luego ella se tranquilizo y solo me pregunto que cuando habia conocido a mi novio en persona, yo le dije que en mayo de 2007, por cuantos dias?, yo le dije q 4 dias, no le preocupa haberlo conocido solo 4 dias y querer casarse? yo le dije q no porq mantenemos contacto diario, que si el conocia a mi familia? le dije q no, q solo por camara en internet. que en q trabaja el? le dije q en salud ocupacional, y luego me pregunto q si yo habia cometido algun delito o habia estado en prision, le dije q no y enseguida me dijo su visa fue otorgada y dirijase a la oficina de Domesa. eso fue todo, fue muy rapido.
espero q les sirva de algo estas preguntas.
besos y mucha suerte a todos...

Gracias por compartir tu historia. Es que mi Margara tambien tiene familia aca y tambien una agencia lleno su formulario en su cita de visa de tourista. Estubimos super preocupadas por eso. Ojala en nuestra cita nos van a entender tambien

margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-24 10:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (CamyCar @ Feb 22 2008, 07:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hola a todos en el foro.
Nydia y Diana, perdonen que las siga molestando, pero quiero preguntarles, si estaría bien que mi hijo y yo nos pongamos las vacunas, pues estas me sientan muy mal y me da miedo que me vaya a enfermar y la verdad esperamos que luego de la aprobación de las visas podamos irnos lo mas rápido posible, pues no podemos quedarnos muchos días, mi amor tiene que ir atender el negocio, que me aconsejan? La embajada muy gentil me envió un email diciéndome que ya tienen mi nueva dirección, yo les envié un email diciendo de este cambio y no me respondieron, pero al enviar el segundo si, me dicen que tienen mis papeles y que me envían el paquete numero 4, no ha llegado, pero como les conté ya tenemos la fecha de la cita que es el 31 de Marzo, espero sus consejos, A todos como siempre les envío un abrazo muy grande y les deseo a todos muchos éxitos en sus procesos, gracias a Di-s ya casi termino, Carina

Felicidades. He leido en el otro foro que tu novio puede llamar a la embajada y pedir que ellos le mandan paquete 4 a el en los estados unidos. El otro foro dice que el correo en Colombia aveces es MUY lento, pero que cosas de la embajada llegen a EEUU muy rapidos. Despues que paquete 4 es con tu novio, el puede mandarlo a ti con fedex. Tambien dicen que la gente de la embajada son mas rapido de ayudar un ciudano americano que les llama en ingles.

margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-22 21:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (CamyCar @ Feb 21 2008, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Hola, FELICIDADES Osita Y Carina. Les deseo muchisimo suerte en las entrevistas. Todo les va a salir bien. Diana, gracias por contestar. Yo miro todo eso igual que tu. Es que tengo toda la de mas en orden y listo. He revisado todo como mil veces, y lo de su hermano de margara es la unica cosa que yo no puedo controlar. Ojala cuando nos miran como la familia feliz que somos, todo nos sale bien. El lunes Margara va a mandar paquete 3 a la embajada. Gracias a todos por los consejos y ayuda.

margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-21 15:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (cesar @ Feb 20 2008, 03:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kgnj19 @ Feb 20 2008, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hola a todos necesito ayuda. Mi novio tiene la cita el 14 de marzo y me acabo de mudar de NJ a FL no se q hacer. A el le llego el paquete 4 y pues que tengo q hacer para cambiar la direccion?

Intenta llamar al Department of State (DOS) al 202-663-1225 x1 x0

Alista tu BGT#

Hola a todos,
Hoy hable con Margara de nuevo, y vamos a llevar la niña a la embajada. Como dicen, mejor prevenir. Aparte de sacarla del colegio y la pereza de estarse en la embajada todo el dia, no le hace daño a irse con nosotros. Claudia, aqui es donde lei el otro caso http://www.visajourn...h...t&p=1594035

Tengo una pregunta. Margarita tiene un hermano aca en EEUU. El vino aca hace 10 años con visa de tourista y nunca regreso a colombia cuando su visa se vencio. Entonces, el es aqui ilegalmente. Una pregunta en la hoja DS156 es si Margarita tiene familia aca. No podemos decir mentiras. Yo creo que ellos ya saben y si no, van a saber cuando nos toca a adjustar status. Entonces mi pregunta es lo que sigue. Tiene familia aca algien que ha ido a la cita y que paso? Tenemos todo listo y en orden aparte que eso y tengo mucho miedo


margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-20 18:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (la vida es bella @ Feb 20 2008, 10:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (margara&john @ Feb 20 2008, 09:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (la vida es bella @ Feb 20 2008, 05:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (margara&john @ Feb 19 2008, 10:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Paulis @ Feb 19 2008, 06:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
John, si miras la DS 156K es la que dice claramente que no se debe firmar sino en presencia del consul. En la entrevista obviamente, la DS-230 parte 1 ¨SI¨ va firmada.

gracias Paulis. Es que en la hoja OF-169, dice en ingles que "Also attached: form DS-230 (completed but not signed)" Tambien adjuntado: hoja DS-230 (completo pero no firmado). Cada cosa con eso proceso me confunda. Dicen una cosa en una hoja y despues dicen el contrario en otro lugar. Que pereza todo eso. Lo bueno es que toda esa bobada tiene mucho valor (a tener mi cielo aca conmigo)




Hola Claudia, Gracias por tu respuesta. Voy a decir Margara que se firma la hoja.

Otra pregunta: Saben si una nina de 8 anos tiene que ir a la cita? Es que la nina, Daniela, es en lo mismo caso que su mama. He leido en paquete 3 que ninos que tienen menos que 14 anos y estan en el caso de su mama no tienen que ir a la cita. Pero un senor en el foro en ingles me conto que cuando se fue a la cita su novia, le tocaba a llevar su hija el dia sigiente. osea que dijeron que ella logro la visa, pero solo si se lleva su hija a conprobar que si existe la nina. Mi Margara vive en Medellin, y no quieremos sacar la nina de escuela por una semana entera. Entonces ellas iban a ir a Bogota solo un dia por lo de medico. Despues, Margara y yo por unos 3 dias por la cita. Asi la nina solo falta un dia en el colegio. Gracias


Hola john yo tengo un niño de 8 años tambien el va a estar conmigo en Bogota pero no en la embajada me perece muy extraño porque si tienes Un niño y lo piensas llevar A USA debe hacer los exámenes médicos en Bogota tambien.
Donde leiste eso????


Margara Y Daniela van a ir a Bogota a hacer las cosas medicos. Pero van a ir y regresar el mismo dia. Osea salgan Medellin a las 6 de la manana y regresar en la noche. Asi Dani solo falta un dia de colegio. Yo lei eso de menores en paquete 3. Bueno, en paquete 3 en ingles que baje de la pagina de la embajada.
margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-20 11:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (la vida es bella @ Feb 20 2008, 05:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (margara&john @ Feb 19 2008, 10:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Paulis @ Feb 19 2008, 06:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
John, si miras la DS 156K es la que dice claramente que no se debe firmar sino en presencia del consul. En la entrevista obviamente, la DS-230 parte 1 ¨SI¨ va firmada.

gracias Paulis. Es que en la hoja OF-169, dice en ingles que "Also attached: form DS-230 (completed but not signed)" Tambien adjuntado: hoja DS-230 (completo pero no firmado). Cada cosa con eso proceso me confunda. Dicen una cosa en una hoja y despues dicen el contrario en otro lugar. Que pereza todo eso. Lo bueno es que toda esa bobada tiene mucho valor (a tener mi cielo aca conmigo)




Hola Claudia, Gracias por tu respuesta. Voy a decir Margara que se firma la hoja.

Otra pregunta: Saben si una nina de 8 anos tiene que ir a la cita? Es que la nina, Daniela, es en lo mismo caso que su mama. He leido en paquete 3 que ninos que tienen menos que 14 anos y estan en el caso de su mama no tienen que ir a la cita. Pero un senor en el foro en ingles me conto que cuando se fue a la cita su novia, le tocaba a llevar su hija el dia sigiente. osea que dijeron que ella logro la visa, pero solo si se lleva su hija a conprobar que si existe la nina. Mi Margara vive en Medellin, y no quieremos sacar la nina de escuela por una semana entera. Entonces ellas iban a ir a Bogota solo un dia por lo de medico. Despues, Margara y yo por unos 3 dias por la cita. Asi la nina solo falta un dia en el colegio. Gracias

margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-20 09:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (Paulis @ Feb 19 2008, 06:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
John, si miras la DS 156K es la que dice claramente que no se debe firmar sino en presencia del consul. En la entrevista obviamente, la DS-230 parte 1 ¨SI¨ va firmada.

gracias Paulis. Es que en la hoja OF-169, dice en ingles que "Also attached: form DS-230 (completed but not signed)" Tambien adjuntado: hoja DS-230 (completo pero no firmado). Cada cosa con eso proceso me confunda. Dicen una cosa en una hoja y despues dicen el contrario en otro lugar. Que pereza todo eso. Lo bueno es que toda esa bobada tiene mucho valor (a tener mi cielo aca conmigo)
margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-19 22:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (vivi @ Feb 18 2008, 07:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (upertuz @ Feb 18 2008, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (vivi @ Feb 16 2008, 09:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
no sabia que ra necesario enviar la copia el pasaporte hasta donde entendido es solo el Of-169 y el 230- DS pero si estoy en lo incorrecto alguien por favor corrijame ahhh y la carata comentando cual es el numero de tu caso eso es todo

hola vivi mi nombre es kellys yo tan solo tengo 3 semanas en los estados unidos y pienso que mis datos para poder recomendarte son los mas actuales pienso yooo.
para el paquete 3 tienes que anexar:
1. carta de presentacion donde este el numero de tu caso ante el nvc que inicia con BGT mas 10 digitos, tu nombre completo, direccion y para que visa aplicas.
2. DS-230 parte 1. firmado
3. of-169 firmado.
4. la fotocopia de la parte biografica de tu pasaporte.

eso es todo verdad.

Hola buenas noches ....muchas gracias por toda la informacion no saben de cuanta ayuda son

Hola. Mi nombre es John y voy a tener mi cita en Bogota en Abril. Kellys, FELICIDADES y gracias por la informacion, pero tengo una pregunta. Por lo que yo lei en paquete 3, dice que tengo que mandar todo que tu dijiste, pero que Margarita (mi novia) no debe de firmar formulario DS230 parte 1. Mi pregunta es si tu firmaste DS230?

margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-18 23:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhen should we schedule the medical exam
Margarita lives far from Bogota (Medellin), but I think a trip to Bogota with Daniela (her daughter) could be a fun thing for them, even if it is for a medical exam. The trip won't cost us too much, and I am too much of a worry wart to try to use a diferent doctor or facility than the ones listed on the Embassy page. Love this site!
margara&johnMaleColombia2008-01-25 09:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhen should we schedule the medical exam
QUOTE (bora bora @ Jan 24 2008, 08:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (margara&john @ Jan 24 2008, 08:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone. I am John, and I just joined the site today. This site is GREAT. I have spent the last couple of hours reading all kinds of helpful things. Our case has been sent to the embassy in Bogota, and we are trying to get all of our things ready. Looking at other timelines, it seems that most people have their medical exam within a couple of days of the interview. We would prefer to go do the medical exam right away (maybe 2 months before the interview). Would this be a problem? Thanks

You have to see where the approved doctors in Colombia are located. My husband had to have his medical days before the interview because the closest doctor was actually STATES away. So, we scheduled an appt with a doctor in Rio - where the interview is. We waited until we had an interview date because of this.
If there is a doctor where your fiancee lives she should go now.

Thanks. She has to travel by air for the medical exam (same city as embassy), but I do not want to leave it until the last minute. I will be traveling with her to the interview, but I am only able to make my trip a few days.
margara&johnMaleColombia2008-01-24 21:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhen should we schedule the medical exam
Hi everyone. I am John, and I just joined the site today. This site is GREAT. I have spent the last couple of hours reading all kinds of helpful things. Our case has been sent to the embassy in Bogota, and we are trying to get all of our things ready. Looking at other timelines, it seems that most people have their medical exam within a couple of days of the interview. We would prefer to go do the medical exam right away (maybe 2 months before the interview). Would this be a problem? Thanks
margara&johnMaleColombia2008-01-24 20:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDAS certificates
QUOTE (cesar @ Jan 27 2008, 12:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (j and c @ Jan 27 2008, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
.....trying to get the docs in places like medellin or cali can take weeks.......

Do you think I could tell my fiance to start the process of getting her 'pasado judicial' in Cali since we haven't received our NOA2 yet? If so, where can she go to get it?

I know you said getting it in Bogota is easier and takes only a couple of days but some of our fiances can't afford to spend a lot of time in Bogota and don't have flexible schedules from work/school.

Any advice is appreciated, Cesar.

Margarita went to the DAS office in Medellin and got the proper paperwork for the Migratory document (leaving and returning to colombia). She then had to pay at a bank. Once she had paid, she delivered her papers to DAS. She was told that she can pick them up in Bogota in 3 business days, and that they will be there until she picks them up. For her Certificado Judicial (police record) she scheduled an appointment with the DAS office in Medellin and went to an interview. She then was able to pick that up at the DAS office in Medellin 3 business days later. I would wait until you have the inteview date, because we are not sure if her Certificado Judicial is only valid for 1 month. It says valid for 1 year, but the man at the DAS office told her it is only valid for 1 month as far as the Embassy is concerned
margara&johnMaleColombia2008-01-28 17:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDAS certificates
Hi everyone. My fiance, Margarita, went to pickup her Certificado judicial today. It is only valid for 30 days. At the DAS interview she was asked if her CJ is for a job or to leave the country. She said it is to leave the country. If our interview will be in more than 30 days from now, does she need a new one? She is also having a great deal of trouble getting her Migratory document. We have called DAS and she has gone to the office in Medellin, but she is still confused about how to get it. Our case has allready been sent to Bogota, so she needs to get the Migratory doc ASAP. thanks
margara&johnMaleColombia2008-01-25 17:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTax return notarized?
Wow, this site is great. I wish I had found it sooner. Thanks so much to everyone for responding.
margara&johnMaleColombia2008-01-25 09:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTax return notarized?
Hi everyone. I have been reading posts on the afadavid of support. In some posts I read that I need a notarized tax return from last year. Does that mean I just take my return from last year to a notary, or do I need to order this from the IRS. My income exceeds the poverty level, and I have paystubs, w2, and letter from my employer. Thanks
margara&johnMaleColombia2008-01-24 21:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionphotos
On the instructions in packet 3 it says that the photos can't be digital. My Margarita cannot find a place that takes nondigital photos in Medellin. She says everywhere does digital photos. Here in the US, I had mine taken at Kinkos/Fedex and they were digital. Is this just an old rule that is no longer enforced?
margara&johnMaleColombia2008-02-11 23:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (maviwaro @ Oct 12 2008, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sounds like there are intentions to bring the child to the US. If that's the case, then perhaps applying for the secondary visa would be worthwhile in case the father has a sudden urge of benevolence towards the end.

Hi everyone,
After almost 6 months of waiting since issued their visas in Bogota, my girls are finally here! We had a long day of travel (left Margarita's house at 3:30am and arrived at our house 11:00pm), but we are so happy to finally be together. Thanks for all of your help. We'll be around in the aos section.

Good luck to everyone

margara&johnMaleColombia2008-10-12 14:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (ColombianoGringo @ Apr 30 2008, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks guys. He has apparently already been suspended. I really don't care if people insult me, but a man's wife is off limits.

We are just happy to finally have our appointment scheduled. It will be 328 days from filing to interview. That is just insane. We have everything ready, so we just have to sit and wait another six weeks. I'll be looking into airfares tonight.

PP, You're right about San Andres. We loved it. We were in Cartagena a few months ago and it just doesn't hold a candle to SA. We will be going back to SA first as soon as we can, but I've told my wife that we are going skiing this winter. It should be pretty comical to see her on the snow. She comes from a very hot city in Colombia were my mom and her family are from and has never so much as seen snow. She seems cautiously optimistic.


Hi everyone. I bought Margarita and Daniels's airline tickets. I go to Medellin Saturday, October 4. Sunday is Daniela's first comunion and a party celebrating both the first comunion and goodbye/goodluck Margarita and Daniela. Monday we pack all of their stuff, and Tuesday we come back to the US.
Colombian Gringo, good luck with your wife dealing with the cold and snow. I am in Wisconsin, and this is a big issues for us. Margatia and Daniela complained of the cold in Bogota (I wore shortsleeved shirts). I estimate that it was in the 50's to 70's while we were there. I don't know how they are going to handle the sub-zero temps in Milwaukee. Last winter we had some days of negative temperatures (not including the windchill). That ####### Tony wasn't just picking on you. He posted a rude comment on one of my pics too. As I looked more, I saw he posted rude comments on a lot of people's pics... what a loser.

margara&johnMaleColombia2008-05-01 07:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (faith11 @ Apr 28 2008, 12:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (santamartachicago @ Apr 27 2008, 06:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif Hello Everyone... good.gif

I want to say thank you to all of you for the kind words, support, and information.

kicking.gif We got approved on April 17th, and she got her visa delivered on Tuesday 22 at her apartment in Bogota.

I have been trying frantically to get all the travel arrangements moved around since my injury. The Dr thinks I will be able to travel by the end of May.

kicking.gif Thank you all...God Bless you all innocent.gif

tongue.gif I feel like the luckiest man in the...WORLD kicking.gif

heart.gif I appreciate you all heart.gif

Eric & Dayfenix

CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOU AND YOUR GIRL. good.gif good.gif good.gif .

congratulations Eric!!! Hope you get good news from the doctor
margara&johnMaleColombia2008-04-28 07:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (ColombianoGringo @ Apr 16 2008, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well. My wife came back from the local DAS office and it turns out that you can request the "Carta Migratoria" anywhere, but it has to be picked up in Bogota. They had originally told her she could get it at the local office in her city. I am going to see if one of my relatives in Bogota can pick it up for us. Does anyone know she needs to pick it up herself? What a pain!

The local DAS office is getting her the "Certificado Judicial". Is the "Certificado Judicial" from DAS the only "police" document she needs or does she also need to get local police certificates from the cities in which she has lived? I am pretty sure she only needs the DAS certificate, but she is unsure and requested that I ask.

Thanks for all your help.

Hi everyone,
Sorry it took me so long to post my embassy experience. I arrived in Bogota Tuesday night at 7:30, and Margarita and Daniela were waiting for me (they arrived at 7:30 also). We took a 10 minute taxi ride to our apartment ( The apartment and Don Alberto were great. 3 berdooms, 2 bath, kitchen, and nice diningroom. 24 hour a day doorman. It was super close to the embassy and the banco de credito is right across the street at a mall that has a couple of restaurants. I highly recomend the apartment. Wednesday morning we went to the lab and Dra Gonzalez. The lab was pretty quick. We got there at 7:00 and Margarita was 5th in line. Daniela and I had to wait outside, but Margarita was out of the lab by 7:35. We went to Dra Gonzalez office and had to wait 45 minutes because she was running late. The 45 minutes was no big deal when we found out that they didn't need more vaccinations. They got their's like 6 weeks ago, but the Dra said it was fine. We then went to the Banco de Credito to pay for the visas. Thursday we went to Salitre Majico. It's a theme park and it was pretty fun. Friday morning we got to the embassy at 6:40. Line 4 was super long, but in line 3 there were only like 20 people ahead of us. Young women walked through the line and asked to see our papers. they then pt green stickers on us. Just after 7 we were called to the front of the line and let into the embassy. We were then sent to get a folder. The folder has a list of the documents and the order that they need to be in. We wiated another 20 minutes until Margarita was called to a diferent window. She turned in the folder and we were sent to another area. 25minutes later Margarita was called to another window where they took her fingerprints. Maybe 45 mintues later Margarita was called to another window. She was asked for our proof of relationship and the interviewer verified that everything from the folder was correct. The interviewer then called me to the wndow and asked me just a few questions. When and how did you meet? How many times have you visited and what did you do on the visits? Did you meet her family? When will you get married? Who are the people in this picture? (it was a pic of me with Margarita's family) Then the interviewer sent me away and asked Margarita the same questions. The interviewer called me back up to the window (Ithis time with Margarita) and told us that our visa has been approved. We went to the Domesa area and paid the delivery fee, and were out of the embassy by 10:30. The whole experience was pretty easy. They actually do a good job of making it go smoothly. I was super nervous, but everything worked out well. The only thing that struck me as odd was that nobody ever asked me for my passport or any other type of ID. I just thought that was strange. I'm so relieved that we have the visas for Margarita and Daniela, but the wait isn't over. Because of my strenuous work schedule, they aren't coming until October. I work 7 days a week from May through September. We think it will be better for all of us if they come when I have more free time. At least I have plenty of time to prepare the house and buy them clothes. They live in Medellin and found Bogota to be very cold. I loved the weather in Bogota. I never wore a sweter or jacket. Next winter in Wiisconsin is going to be rough on them. Maybe it was 45 or 50 in Bogota, but it gets below zero (not counting the windchill) here. Thanks so much to everyone for your help. I can't imagine how things would have gone if I hadn't found Visajourney.

margara&johnMaleColombia2008-04-16 20:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpack 3 twice
has this happen to anyone else, anywhere around teh world?

i am very puzzled, i call the visa information place few weeks back because after a month of waiting (since i send all documents they requested on pack 3, and paying and the rest steps described there) i call the visa information place to schedule an appointment and they told me i should wait for pack 3 i told them i ALREADY had it n follow ALL the instructions and that is why i was calling but they were as useless as the first time i call.. so ikeep on waiting, my fiance sent emails to embassy and this past wendsday i got a pack from embassy but when i open it it was PACK 3 again, NOT the pack 4 i was waiting.. *sighs*
so i plan on calling tomorrow n try if the visa information place works at least once!!
Mrs. BFemaleEl Salvador2006-07-23 23:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionProving Marital Status
i think it depends on the country; i live in El Salvador and here you can get that at the "Alcaldia" since its the place where marriages are inscribed so if they have no record there then it will means he is single, hence will issue the document for him, maybe he can ask at ID place or something, dont know how it works there
Mrs. BFemaleEl Salvador2006-07-29 16:11:00
Asia: SouthText messages?
Hi there - I have AT&T and I text to India daily. Mostly I text to Mumbai, but I've texted to Gujarat and Chennai as well. My fiance has Vodafone. I have $9.99 a month plan for 100 international text messages. After that it's $.20 to send and receive......Hope that helps!
JLRSRKFemaleIndia7/8/2008 21:15
Asia: SouthFrom VCS to Mumbai
Hi all,

My petition has left the NVC and is on it's way to Mumbai. I was told it left the NVC on 7/30, but using the tracking method posted elsewhere, it looks like it was really 7/31. I still haven't received the hard copy in the mail informing me of the actual date it left. I called and was told 7/30. Anyways, my question is what is the general timeframe based on past experiences that the Embassy will mail Packet 3 to my fiance? Is it about a week? I'm in the process of gathering up the documents I need to send to my fiance, but would just like to know what people have experienced. Also, I make well over the 125% requirement, so will the last 3 years taxes, letter from my employer (of 10 years), and the Affidavit of Support I-134 be enough, or do I need to to the bank and get the info that it says on the I-134, like date account opened, total deposited in a year and balance? I was thinking no.....did anyone need it at the Interview? Also, if anyone has recently interviewed there and would be willing to share their experiences, please let me know.

Ok - I"m done rambling :-)

Thanks to all who take the time to read this and respond!

JLRSRKFemaleIndia8/3/2008 16:24
Asia: South3 Years Taxes from USC?
Hi again.....Is it really necessary to have three years of tax information submitted? So it would be 2005, 2006 and 2007. I have '06 and '07....I just can't find my copies of '05. I submitted them, so I know I can go back to my accountant and ask for copies, also, I'm sure they are in the house somewhere, I just don't know if I need to go that far to look to find them? Any ideas? I make well over the 125%, so just need to know if I need all three years. My fiance will interview in Mumbai.

JLRSRKFemaleIndia8/3/2008 19:34
Asia: SouthHow Long ?? NVC 230 recived to Case Complete
Oh Ok...thanks for the reply - I was getting nervous :-0
JLRSRKFemaleIndia8/11/2008 10:15
Asia: SouthHow Long ?? NVC 230 recived to Case Complete
Hi All,

I'm a bit concerned! We got our case from the NVC number and I confirmed that it was forwarded to the Consulate in Mumbai. Since we were too anxious to wait for Packet 3 to come in the mail, we were told we could pick up a duplicate packet at the Information office or we could download the forms from online. We chose the latter option. The only thing we needed to fill out was the DS-230 part 1 and the applicant statement. In your posts, you say to you returned it to NVC?? You've sent it back to the NVC in New Hampshire? I thought when I spoke to a lady there she said once it leaves there, it's all in the hands of the consulate? Am I mistaken? Can my fiance fill out the DS-230 form and just drop it back off at the Consulate?

Thanks all,
JLRSRKFemaleIndia8/10/2008 21:43
Asia: SouthPacket 3 Submitted - Mumbai
Thanks Stevi!

Also - thank you so much dimp_123!! I called the DOS today and was told my fiance's interview date is 10/8/08 at 7:30 am!!!!! I am on cloud 9 right now!!!! My love will be here with me by end of October....yay!!!!

Edited by JLRSRK, 02 September 2008 - 02:07 PM.

JLRSRKFemaleIndia9/2/2008 14:06
Asia: SouthPacket 3 Submitted - Mumbai
QUOTE (dimp_123 @ Aug 28 2008, 04:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
after 2 weeks of transfer you can call DOS to find out the exact date of interview.
normally they told 2 months just to be safe but u never know you can be lucky to get one sooner.
call DOS .........

Thanks for the reply Dimp_123.....really dumb question - what is DOS? Department of State? I'm guessing? And if so, that's here in the US.....sorry for sounding so dumb!!!
JLRSRKFemaleIndia8/28/2008 16:55
Asia: SouthPacket 3 Submitted - Mumbai
Hi everyone,

My fiance submitted Packet 3 on 19th August to the Embassy in Mumbai. They told him at the counter it would be 2 months for the interview. I'm hoping that it will be in October. I know on the 15th of the month they post the interviews online for the following month. Anyone who has gone through the Mumbai consulate have any input? Does that sound like a proper timeframe? He'd have his interview for sometime in October? As you can tell, I'm too anxious to wait till 15th Sept! Any thoughts are welcome!

JLRSRKFemaleIndia8/28/2008 11:04
Asia: SouthPCC Translation
Hi All,

I know that all documents must be in English, however my fiance's PCC is in his native language, Gujarati. Where do we go to get it translated? Thanks all!

JLRSRKFemaleIndia8/19/2008 11:00
Asia: Southhelp with VFS/medicial
Hello - You cannot get a copy online. You can go to the Information counter at the Consulate and pick a copy up. My fiance did that. He said it was very easy and quick. You just need your case number and a photo ID.
JLRSRKFemaleIndia9/18/2008 18:38
Asia: SouthPCC from Passport office in Ahamebad / Mumbai
Hello all,

My fiance has his interview scheduled on Oct 8 in Mumbai. Today we found out that he has to be present at the passport office in Ahamebhad (spelt wrong) to get his PCC from there since that is where he got his passport from. Do you think we'll get in time for his interview?? He also still has to get the Mumbai one....I am so upset - I have a bad feeling it won't happen.....I know he won't be able to submit his stuff to the VFS office b4 the interview, but I'm wondering should we just postpone it? And if we do, any idea how long the reschedule might be??

ANy thoughts/advice is VERY appreciated!!!

JLRSRKFemaleIndia9/19/2008 21:21
Asia: SouthDocument submission before interview
Hi Kurt,

My fiance was told he has to get the police report from each place he's lived in India and also from the passport office that issued his passport. He's from Gujarat, so we need the police report from his local police dept, then the passport office in Ahmedabad, and then he's been living in Mumbai for the past 7 yrs, so we need one from Mumbai. He has "influence" so I'm hoping that will allow us to get them ASAP. I know we won't be able to submit 10 days, prior, so I think I'm gonna send an email to the consulate and just give them an FYI and see what they say.....hope it works out!!! thanks for your reply!
JLRSRKFemaleIndia9/21/2008 10:09
Asia: SouthDocument submission before interview
Hello again,

I'm just full of questions lately as we get closer to the interview! As I mentioned in a previous post, we may have a delay in getting my fiance's three PCC's. I'm hoping we get them before the interview, but I know for sure we won't get to submit them to the VFS office 7 days prior to the interview like suggested. In packet 4, it mentions you can bring the documents directly to the interview however it's strongly encouraged to take them to the VFS office prior. Has anyone done this and if so, what was your experience?

JLRSRKFemaleIndia9/20/2008 18:55