PhilippinesWhy are so many American Men connecting with Filipina's

Some real dumbasses on here, still, and and prolly always will be.  Sorry, Charles, but it's true.


The Philippines is a MATRIARCHAL society.  Look that up, read it, and understand it before you think they are a subservient group of women.  Some may be, but most aren't.  My wife isn't.  And I don't know very many who are.


But dedicated, loving, and jealous?  Yes.  Mine is.  And most I know are.  Also, harder working than most of the men in their society.


Why am I with mine?  What attracted me?  First, it was the glance across a crowded room.  Then a conversation.  Then a kiss I remembered for months afterwards, though it wasn't a sexual kiss at all.  But very sensual.   She kissed my core.  And then there's the scent... my wife doesn't seem to understand, but her smell without perfume draws me to her like no woman before.  


Lots of things.  The beauty.  The hair.  The brown eyes that can be at once so full of love, and yet drip venom.  It's not about a race, nor a country. I wasn't looking for love when I found my Pinay.  But I'm thankful that our paths crossed, and very glad she saw something in me worth keeping. She's no better than a woman from any other country, except.... she loves ME.  And that makes her one of a kind.


Very well spoken !!! Thanks for your comment..... :-)

cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-06 20:03:00
PhilippinesWhy are so many American Men connecting with Filipina's

Uh oh, she's from Angeles.




I think what might be going on with your comment is a generalization based on information that is pretty negative about the area of Angles City....


From my understanding, because of the influence of Clark Airbase filled with the American military during WWll that prostitution and easy women was very prominent.


If you actually think about most cities, there are good area's and bad area's and the influence of military bases all over the world certainly has created some negative identities in the culture of those area's.


That does not mean that those areas in general have not changed and are still that way.


I have made 4 trips to Angeles City in less than 9 months and have seen the good and the bad......but in general.....I see a nice place with lots of ambition, new construction and more worldly change for the good.....


Please do not generalize your thoughts like is not fair to the people that are good and really understand.


Just my thoughts....





cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-06 20:00:00
PhilippinesWhy are so many American Men connecting with Filipina's

Uh oh, she's from Angeles.




What does that mean...I am trying to there something wrong with Angeles City ?



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-06 16:11:00
PhilippinesWhy are so many American Men connecting with Filipina's

If you don't mind me asking.  How did you guys meet and where is she from?  Have you filed for a fiance' visa or gotten married already?


We meet over 9 years ago through a good friend of mine that is married to her older is just in the last year that we reconnected :-)


We are on the path of the fiance' Visa, our interview in Manila is next Thursday. We plan on getting married here in Seattle on September 28th if the rest of this process goes ok. She is from Angeles City North of Manila.



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-01 12:08:00
PhilippinesWhy are so many American Men connecting with Filipina's

My Story-  I had gotten a divorce and was in the dating game here in the Seattle area and was getting very frustrated over the opportunities.... :-(


I was whining in my office one day...crying.gif  about how disappointing my options were....


One of my co-works (a Filipino Man) asked me if I had an open mind about dating....I said "yes"... so he pulls out of his pocket a picture of a Filipina that lives in the Manila area who was the cousin of a co-worker of his from his 2nd job at Costco. 


So I get connected up with this lady on FB and we start communicating for hours at a time every day....I am sure you all know how that goes...... :-)


Our upfront agreement was to just be ourselves and tell all with the utmost of honesty so that we could see if we were compatible and would want to move forward in a relationship.


After a few weeks of very positive conversation, I decided I wanted to go meet her in the Philippines so I booked a flight.


It was then that she told be about her two young was that ever a shock....!!!! She had deceived me...I had told her in the very beginning that I had already done the kid thing, they were raised and gone and I was not interested in raising anymore.


She had lied to me and tried to put me in a position to come and see her anyway.....her reasoning was that when we were finally together that she would be able to convince me to accept her and her kids..... "not" !!!


I was devastated over all this.....cray5ol.gif


I was talking to another very good friend of mine, Bill (My Scuba Dive Instructor from over 20 years ago) who had been very happily married to a Filipina for over 16 years. I shared with him all about what had happened....he told me that his wife (MaryAnn) might have some ideas for me...idea9dv.gif


Backing up a bit......Bill had a house here in Seattle and also one in Angeles City North of Manila.  9 years ago, he was actively teaching diving in the Philippines and asked me if I wanted to come down and do some diving....I said yes and then put together a trip with my then current girl friend and some other local divers.


So, we went to the Philippines and went diving with a group of divers that Bill had put together, little did I know at that time, my future wife was also on that trip....and was Bill's sister-in-law....dancin5hr.gif


So I was reconnected with Dahlia after 9 years and both of us have been full speed ahead with each other ever since....She had been working in Abu Dhabi for 7 years when we connected again and she agreed to fly and meet me in the Philippines so that the flight I had booked would not be wasted.  


We both took a chance....we spent  over a week together on the island of Palawan and had a great time...... it was heart.gif at first was not work at all to be was so easy, we got along extremely well and accented each other in our personalities. I had never felt this way about anyone.....she actually cared about me in a very sincere way...I could feel it in her her touch...


True love is a two way street....and needs to be unconditional from both parties for it to work......for the first time in my life, I felt like I had true love coming back to me rolleyes.gif


After 9 days....I proposed to her in front of her whole family in Angeles was I ever hooked !!!!


As time has marched forward, our bond has only strengthened......she moved back to Angeles City from Abu Dhabi and we have been planning ever since trying to make the wedding bells happen for both of us. 


This site and everyone on it have been a great help in moving us forward and we will be forever grateful to all of you.


Here's to the best results and happiness to everyone dancin5hr.gif







cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-21 11:57:00
PhilippinesWhy are so many American Men connecting with Filipina's

Yes, Thanks for a great job of managing is appreciated :-)



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-21 11:03:00
PhilippinesWhy are so many American Men connecting with Filipina's

Merry one and find out. You won't regret it!


I am working on that !!!! :-)





cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-19 00:10:00
PhilippinesWhy are so many American Men connecting with Filipina's

I am sure this topic has been discussed before....but it is certainly an interesting question.... !!!!


Why are so many American Men connecting with Filipina's ??


Share your story...we all have something in common, just wondering what that is :-)


Guessing this will be a very active thread.......lets have some fun with it !!!





Edited by cjmc, 18 July 2013 - 04:35 PM.

cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-18 16:34:00
PhilippinesMy FIANCE felt disconnected during my K1 Interview - 08 August 2013

Thank you so much dahlia for your prompt feedback, greatly appreciated. The cases you have told me about other's PCC issue lighten up more my burden. Have you elaborate all your work history in the biographic data during the application process?




I did at DS-157 (question # 12).

cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-12 09:44:00
PhilippinesMy FIANCE felt disconnected during my K1 Interview - 08 August 2013

Hi dahlia0811, im a member here bt i belong to F2A category group. Well, being so excited & tense for the last end of this journey w/c is the interview im trying to read interview event that would give me strenght & positive feeling. I am so much happy & relieved with your story, i also worked in Abudhabi & having no police clearance gives me soo much headache sad.png i feel so hopeless that this may cause the issuance of my visa to be refused my the consul sad.png you have mentioned that theres no need to produce one, can you please help me with this?is there a link where i can print it? After i read ur story i felt so happy & positive smile.png it somehow gave me much hope that i & my baby be reunited with our loveone. Again, congratulations & godbless!

Hi dahlia0811, im a member here bt i belong to F2A category group. Well, being so excited & tense for the last end of this journey w/c is the interview im trying to read interview event that would give me strenght & positive feeling. I am so much happy & relieved with your story, i also worked in Abudhabi & having no police clearance gives me soo much headache sad.png i feel so hopeless that this may cause the issuance of my visa to be refused my the consul sad.png you have mentioned that theres no need to produce one, can you please help me with this?is there a link where i can print it? After i read ur story i felt so happy & positive smile.png it somehow gave me much hope that i & my baby be reunited with our loveone. Again, congratulations & godbless!


Hi Hopesoon,


This is Dahlia using cjmc page.


I will be home tomorrow and look for that link and send it to you.  I came across also at this FB status message:



told him that I have done all that and the only way to get a PCC is fly back to China. He said not to worry because they will help me and told me again that I did well. During the waiting time, I heard one of the Filipino CO talking to a lady who worked in UAE for 6 years that she needs to provide a PCC, she explained her side. The CO told her to sit, I talked to the lady and listened to her story. She was called back to window 72 and I bet you'd be able to imagine how happy she was that she doesn't need to provide a PCC since it is really hard to acquire one. I suddenly felt that there is hope,
Though it maybe case to case basis.  After I told the Filipino Consul that I resigned and went back here last Feb., then he said I don't need a Police clearance.
I will keep it in mind to post it tomorrow when i find the link.
Good luck to your interview.

cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-12 08:48:00
PhilippinesMy FIANCE felt disconnected during my K1 Interview - 08 August 2013



This is Dahlia using cjmc page....


We discussed about the need of filling out the DS-230, the list from the US Gov. page, but it clearly explains that this form is required for IMMIGRANT Visa Applicant only.  So I did not fill it out, just brought a copy of it.  I guess i forgot to ask that to the CO to clarify it.


Maybe VJ's had some input about it.


Congratulations!!! Got your visa approved too.  I am just wondering how many days we can actually check the Visa/Passport status.

cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-12 08:42:00
PhilippinesMy FIANCE felt disconnected during my K1 Interview - 08 August 2013

Congratulations!!! It's my turn on Monday YAY! Wish me luck guys!!


By the way I have questions, can we staple some documents? For example the Proof of Genuine relationship, I have around 10-15 pages of chat and call logs, and will it be okay to staple it? Also did you staples other documents like DS 156 and other forms? Or will I just leave it that way -- Unstapled?


We used paper clips and alligator clips to keep things organized.....



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-10 20:22:00
PhilippinesMy FIANCE felt disconnected during my K1 Interview - 08 August 2013

Camano Island smile.png


Really close :-)



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-09 03:42:00
PhilippinesMy FIANCE felt disconnected during my K1 Interview - 08 August 2013

So awesome!! Congratulations! smile.png We will be neighbors wink.png have a safe trip!!


Where are you located ??



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-08 19:55:00
PhilippinesMy FIANCE felt disconnected during my K1 Interview - 08 August 2013

Thank you and congrats... what was your hotel rates by chance?


For a single room it was 1650 peso and a King Room was only 2200 peso....a very good value for a clean, nice place to stay.





cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-08 15:04:00
PhilippinesMy FIANCE felt disconnected during my K1 Interview - 08 August 2013


Casa Bocobo is great if you're on a budget AND expect to be treated like royalty. We prefer to stay in a better place and be treated like a normal person.


We'll be staying at the Bayview Park Hotel for 5 nights later this month.  The cost is only P100 more for a much better room, in an undeniably better facility.  Breakfast and other standard hotel amenities are also included in the price (not free). WiFi may or may not be included, but most of our time will be spent going out, busy doing other things, or sleeping anyway; we also have a broadband stick if we get desperate. And considering we wont have to pay taxi fare+tip to/from the embassy due to its close proximity, Bayview Park Hotel is a much value for us..


I'd explore other options before settling on Casa Bocobo for the seemingly low price.


We also have stayed in several places in Manila, including the Bayview and it was ok, yes, the room was bigger, but wifi did not work in the room, it was more expensive, and the people were not as accommodating......different impressions by different people, that is ok... :-)


I see your points and understand that the decision on where to stay is based a lot on what you might be doing....If you just need a clean room for a night or two with friendly, accommodating people at a good price then Casa could be a good choice.


We will be going back to Casa Bocobo again in a few days getting ready for my trip back home to Seattle.





cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-08 15:02:00
PhilippinesNVC to US Embassy in Manila


HI Cj,


This is exactly what has been driving us nuts.....we have had our MNL case number for almost 3 weeks, and didn't know that we could already take action.

Curious now about the this mandatory? First time I am hearing about it actually....


That is the great thing about this site and all of Hank's hard work to try and keep us informed in real time on what is going on.


Thanks again Hank and all that contribute to this great forum !!!!



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-19 20:14:00
PhilippinesNVC to US Embassy in Manila


Hi CJ,


It's interesting how many seem to be going this route.....Have you been able to secure an interview date?


Thanks! smile.png


I called NVC one morning really early (15 days after NOA2) ...verbally received our Case Fiancé paid the Visa fee in the Philippines the next day and was able to set the appointment for the interview on line..... that part was easy. Now to just get the medical and CFO completed...



Edited by cjmc, 19 July 2013 - 07:43 PM.

cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-19 19:43:00
PhilippinesNVC to US Embassy in Manila


Hi CJ,


It's interesting how many seem to be going this route.....Have you been able to secure an interview date?


Thanks! smile.png


Yup...our interview is scheduled for Aug 8th at 7:30 am... :-)



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-19 19:37:00
PhilippinesNVC to US Embassy in Manila


HI Hank, thank you so kindly for the fast reply!


So even though the embassy is telling us that they have NOT received our case file, we can proceed anyway with paying the fee, and then calling to schedule the appointment?

Sorry to be beating a dead horse.....just want to be clear. Thank you sir smile.png


Yup...that is exactly what we did and still have no written verification of our Case # from NVC nor that our file has been shipped to Manila and received....


We are moving forward just like Hank indicated.... :-)





cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-19 19:04:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?

I am located in Mill Creek, Bride is from Angeles City, Philippines :-)

cjmcMalePhilippines2013-06-25 17:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC


NVC will not email your MNL # just by asking them.  You have to request it by email and they will reply to your email, make sure include all the required information in your email:





You are required to provide the following security information with each inquiry to receive a case specific response:

* NVC Case Number or USCIS Receipt Number (Place in the subject line of the e-mail).
* Petitioner's name and date of birth.
  ( NOTE: If the visa petition is employment-based, include the employer's company/organization name instead of the petitioner's name and date of birth. )
* Principal Applicant's name and date of birth.


Hi Hank...I did all that by email but never received a response, so then I called them and they said they would send out an email confirming our Case  Number, and still nothing....they also said that the notice with the Case Number will usually only go out once the file has shipped....just saying... :-)


Ohhhhhh....."As the NVC Turns" !!!!



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-22 20:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC

anyone approved recently got your MNL case number yet? i just called NVC today and they told me to that they have received my files from ISCIS and to wait 20 business days for them to access my files and give me my case number. to those who have been approved and got their case number how long did you have to wait? thanks


We waited 15 business days.....called and was able to verbally get our MNL Case Number, I still have not received it in writing or by email even though I have asked them twice to please send it to me :-(


Our NOA2 was was sent to me on 6/13/13 and I was able to get our MNL Case Number on 7/4/13


According to the NVC Website, our file is still there and has not been forwarded to Manila :-(


I am getting a little worried because our interview is set for Aug 8th and without the file there.....I am not sure what will happen !!!!!



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-22 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long does it usually take from NVC to the US Embassy ?

Our approved petition was sent to the National Visa Center last July 18. How long does it usually take for the NVC to do background clearance and send to the US Embassy in Manila? Anybody from the Philippines here? smile.png Thank you!


We received our NOA2 on June 13...we were able to call and get our MNL Case Number on July 8th, still have not received our written notification of our case number and the file is still at NVC.


I am wondering also how long it will take, our interview date is Aug 8th



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-23 08:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMY INTERVIEW DATE AND MEDICAL EXAM

Looks like you have it all figured out, now relax !!!! You will do just fine dancin5hr.gif


My fiancé is having her medical tomorrow (Aug 1st) and our interview is on Aug 8th



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-30 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC MAY FILER GOT APPROVED things can really start moving along....





cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-10 07:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 filers K1

The CSC received our package on 2/25/13 and sent the NOA1 to us on 2/27/13....we received our NOA2 approval on 6/13/13 :-)  now waiting on the NVC notice, any idea how long this is currently taking and then the notice from the US Embassy in Manila ??


Thanks for any input :-)



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-06-19 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot my Fiancé's NVC Case Number, now what???

From what I have to wait for the embassy in Manila to confirm receipt of your K1 package from the NVC, and then they invite you to pay the processing fee's...once paid, then you can schedule your interview. This is exactly what we are waiting for now :-)


Cheers !!!

cjmcMalePhilippines2013-06-19 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAttorney vs. filing yourself

This forum contains all the information and guidance you need to do it just need to read, read and be very accurate with filling out the paper work, use a highlighter as you go through the forms to point out important steps and information, make lists, keep a file.


Some of the attorneys I am sure will just keep you in the dark on what is going on just so you think they are doing great things for you.


Just how I feel about that subject :-)



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-10 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of on going relationship

It is really important to label your pictures of important events, with family.....etc with dates and names clearly marked...


cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-20 07:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of on going relationship

I believe that "Quality" is better than "Quantity"..... Pick some important messages over time, highlight important words, feelings, ideas with a yellow highlighter.


Make it easy to read and easy to understand what you are trying to communicate....I think reams of information will only cause the reader to glance over the information because there is to much, and then not grasp your point.....try and get your point across quickly and easily...


Just my thoughts...


Good luck !!!





cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-20 07:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI have a question..maybe a few.

Hello people just wanted to say that I am a newcomer and am wanting advice with the procedures with the K-1. So my fiancee and I have been together for quite some time and is wanting to come over to the US to see me first before I will go see her and also wants to stay with me till I go to the Philippines. I know that when applying for the K-1 the requirements are for me to go over and see her first . I already have everything planned for me to head that way at the end of November. If everything goes well we both want to start on the paper work ASAP. Again we don't plan on starting the K-1 till after November. Will her visiting me cause us any problems in the future when applying for the K-1.


We tried for the Tourist Visa and she was denied...:-(  My thought was to have her come visit me for 3 weeks in the US so she could see what my life was all about....


From everything I have been reading, they are very tough to get....instead for me, I visited my love in the Philippines 4 times in 9 months and spent as much time with her and her family as I could.


I documented each trip with pictures and copies of all the travel worked very well. I was with her for the Visa interview and our file was almost rubber stamped because of my history of visits.


Good luck on your path forward on your VisaJourney !!!





cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-09 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfusion o the Letter of Declaration of how we meet (merged)

The Date you put on the letter on the top is the assumed date that you signed it and is not necessary to have it next to your signature...lots of people do that but it is ok the way you did it.



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-08-11 07:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-693 form question

The process is for K1 calls for filling out the form I-693 form. However My finance has the medical exam CD and Vaccination worksheet from the test DR. at the country where she did her interview.

Do I still need to fill the form and what do i need to do for the sectionCivil Surgeon section. Please help me to understands as what to do for this process.



irahajjarNot Telling02014-04-20 10:21:00
PhilippinesReceived Our Case # today :-) A Great experience with NVC !!!

Thanks everyone....we are paying the Visa fee today :-) !!!!

cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-08 21:17:00
PhilippinesReceived Our Case # today :-) A Great experience with NVC !!!

congratulations! we actually have the same NOA2  Date June 13,2013, Ours are from Texas transferred from Vermont. NVC told us to wait for  8 weeks.

Wished ours was as fast as congrats again!


WoW !!!....Did you call them and that is what they told you ??

cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-08 08:10:00
PhilippinesReceived Our Case # today :-) A Great experience with NVC !!!

We have applied for a K1 Visa with my fiancé in the Philippines.......


Our NOA2 date was 6/13/13.... I just called NVC when they opened at 7:30 am Eastern time...


The wait was only about 5 minutes and I talked to a really nice man about getting our Case #.....he said "Are You Ready to Write" ? Oh yes I said !! I also had my fiancé on Skype so she could hear everything.


The man verified all our information and added my fiancé's email address for further notices.


He gave me our case # and said that our package would be sent to the embassy soon !!!


Now to pay the Visa fee in the Philippines, schedule the medical and honey has a lot to do now and away we go !!!


Thanks to this site....we understand what to do :-)


Cheers..... !!!



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-08 07:09:00
PhilippinesDrivers Lic for Washington State

My Fiancé has a current drivers license from the Philippines, does anyone know what the rules are for driving legally in Washington State once she arrives...


I know that once she has established residency (when we get married) that she then has to go through all the normal licensing tests to get a WA State license...but what about her driving before that ??


Thanks in advance for your help.



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-15 11:26:00
PhilippinesNOA-2 Approved!!

It is really a good feeling to get that part done......still a ways to go..... :-)


It is easy to get frustrated....but Hank will be there to help calm you down.....!!!!


Thanks Hank for all your help !!!





cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-16 13:06:00
PhilippinesCultural Differences

And then there is driving.... smile.png


My wife had never drove before, and I have a long bed double cab truck... guess what she learned to drive in?  And yup she has her driver's license.


Wow !!! Would have loved to seen her do the parallel packing test :-)



cjmcMalePhilippines2013-07-18 15:24:00