IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSeeking advice on NVC and speeding up the Visa process
Questions from last post still stand, if anyone would like to take a stab at it.

So I was reading through the shortcut site that trailmix linked to. Right now we're still at the point where we're trying to get the invoices paid for the IV and AoS. In trying to make this as fast as possible, I was looking ahead to when we assemble the IV package.

There's a check-list on the link:

"BARCODED Cover Sheet (to be printed from web when your status is PAID online for IV bill)
You OWN cover sheet listing what documents are in the package, so they're easy for the reviewer to locate
Completed DS-230 part I & II and ONLY part I signed by beneficiary.
Photocopy of the beneficiary's passport biographic data page.
Original/certified copy of beneficiary’s birth certificate.
Original/certified copy of beneficiary’s and petitioner’s marriage certificate.
Original police certificates of the beneficiary.
Original/certified copy of military record, if applicable.
Original/certified copy of divorce decree, death certificate, etc. of previous marriage, if applicable.

I was thinking the sooner my husband got these things, the better, and we should try to get as much as possible done beforehand. A couple of questions: for the original/certified copies of the birth certificiate and marriage certificate, can we send photocopies or must we send originals? (sounds self-explanatory but I'm just making sure). Will either of these be returned, or are the copies for the NVC? I ask because we only have one copy of the marriage certificate and if I order another one, just trying to estimate the time that will take.

Thanks again in advance! :)
andiclareFemaleEngland2010-05-31 08:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSeeking advice on NVC and speeding up the Visa process


You can go ahead and pay the affidavit of support fee, they don't have to be done in a particular order as they are completely separate.

I recommend you have a look at these shortcuts, gives you a step by step guide on how to get through NVC quickly.


Good luck

Thank you for replying, and thanks for the link. I'm saving it on my computer for a reference. I guess I should go ahead and pay the $70 fee then? I never got a letter telling me to do this is my only concern, but it is right there on the NVC status page when I log in, that I have this invoice amount due and unpaid, etc.

Based on what I wrote do any of yall have any opinions on if we could possibly get this done to where my husband could come to the US for good before July 30? Before the baby gets here. Is it hopelessly naive to even consider it a possibility? I still haven't come to terms with being alone here, going through this without my husband. But if I have to, I have to. I know there are no guarantees. Just looking for some honest opinions...
andiclareFemaleEngland2010-05-31 02:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSeeking advice on NVC and speeding up the Visa process
Hi all,

This forum has been recommended to me by many people, so I thought I'd give it a try. We basically need some advice as to how to get through the NVC process as quickly as possible because my husband and I are currently on different continents (me in the US, he in the UK) and we have a baby due inn 2 months. Also, I'm sorta trying to work this out in my head so please forgive the length of this post.

Quick run-down of our situation-- I am a US citizen, my husband is a UK citizen. We were married when he was here on the WVP in Nov. 09 and we started the I-130 application process in January.

We got pregnant on our honeymoon, and I'm currently 7 months along. Baby will be due end of July or very early August. The past few months have been very hectic.....I spent 2 months in England with my husband and his family, then moved back to the US to a new city (near Kansas City, KS) to be closer to my mom and my brother's family.

The plan was for my husband to stay in the UK until his Visa was approved, and then to join me in the States about mid-July. This would ensure (or so the plan went) that he got here in time for the baby to be born, and also gave him more time to continue to work in England and add to our savings (since he woudln't be authorized to work in the States before his Visa came through.) Due to poor planning on my end and a mix-up with changing my address when I moved, some paperwork that was sent to me never arrived and in going around and around with the USCIS trying to get my address changed (seems like such a simple thing, but I had to do it 3 times before it "took"), we had to have some documents re-sent and ended up delaying the whole process by at least 2 months.

So, earlier in May I learned from the USCIS status website that our I-130 had been approved and the USCIS had handed over our case to the NVC. I've received a letter showing that I've been chosen as my husband's agent and an Immigration Visa invoice for $400 to start that process.

Looking online, I have a few questions. First of all, I haven't received anything about the Affadavit of Support yet. Seems I should have received an invoice for that as well...? I have a joint sponsor in my family ready to assist me in filing this, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. When I go to the NVC website and put in our NVC #, it pops up a screen saying that the $400 IV fee and the $70 AoS fee in our case haven't been paid and it gives me options on how to pay them. We're working on getting the money together for the IV fee- should have that done this next week. I have enough to go ahead with the $70 AoS fee now though-- so should I go ahead and pay it? Seems like from what I'm reading, there is a step-by-step process that needs to happen in sequence, and I don't want to mess the order up. Since i haven't received an invoice for the AoS in the mail yet, would it be wise to go ahead and pay online?

I'm coming to terms with the fact that we might not be done with this by mid-July, and my husband might not be able to get here in time for the baby. :( We had never had any guarantees otherwise, but from the info we had, we'd thought that it would work out just a bit quicker than it has. And then of course we had the delay in processing the I-130 with the address change situation. My husband coming over on the WVP in the meantime isn't an option anymore because we can't afford the extra round trip plane ticket for him to go back to England once London calls him for his medical and interview.

So...we're just wondering if yall think, given the info I've given you and the processing times, if there's any possible way this could all be done by the end of July? Even if my husband has to miss the baby being born, obviously we want him to come over ASAP after.

I'm not looking for a quick fix or any guarantees...just want to make sure we're doing everything the best way so as to not delay this whole thing even further.

Thanks in advance for any replies... :)
andiclareFemaleEngland2010-05-30 23:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to send off the IV & AoS-- final advice
Hey everyone!

You can look at my previous thread on my profile to see my situation if you need to. Basically, after a year of a big I-130 mess and multiple moves (across the country and once to England for 2 months- which delayed our whole process), we're finally ready to send off the final paperwork to get my husband's visa. I've tried to call the NVC for the past 2 days just so I could go over everything one last time...but I couldn't get through. I know they're frequently busy, but this was worse than usual so I thought I'd come here instead!

Just a couple of quick questions. I have used the resources linked to me in my last thread and up at the top of the forums so I have most of the info please don't tell me to search the archives or read that same info again. :) I just wanted some quick advice if I could. I'm 9 months pregnant at the moment and I think it's giving me a bit of a brain fog...sometimes I need to have things spelled out for me lately. I really do appreciate yalls patience and knowledge btw.

ANYHOW...ok on to the questions. We have the IV application and the Affadavit of Support applications filled out and ready to go. Along with the cover sheets with the barcodes showing we've paid the fees, etc.

My questions are more about practical details, for those who've been there, done that. :) First question: Should I send the IV application package along with the AoS package? Or send them separately?

Also, we wrote a letter requesting that the NVC expidite our case due to our baby being due in 2 weeks, and the fact that she's going to be special needs in her first couple months and will be spending some time in the NICU, unfortunately. We definitely all want my husband to be able to be here for her (and, truthfully, for me too) during this time. So the NVC call center gave me a separate address to send the expidite request letter. In addition to sending it there, would it be a good idea you think to include a copy of the letter with the IV and/or the AoS package(s) as well?

Third thing is, we are using a joint sponsor (my cousin) since my own income isn't enough. So should I send both my I-864 and my cousin's completed I-864 together? Should I print out an AoS document cover sheet w/barcode for each I-864? Or will one suffice?

As for the proof of citizenship that my joint sponsor will need, will a copy of her birth certificate do? (I couldn't find that info anywhere.)

So, anyhow....thanks for reading through this if you've made it this far. If anyone can offer ANY answers to these questions or any other tips or advice for us, please, please do so.
andiclareFemaleEngland2010-07-20 12:41:00
United KingdomConsulate question concerning K-2 visa London
QUOTE (Mags @ Jun 9 2009, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is the father's name listed on the BC?

If so, I think she will need legal documentation (from a solicitor) stating that she does not know the whereabouts of the child's father and that he has never been a part of his/her life, and so on.

The UK has differing laws concerning child responsibility, however, when applying for a USA visa which involves the child American laws are followed by the consulate.

I know of quite a few K-1/K-2 applicants that have come unstuck at this point (including myself) so I'd cover all bases if you can, beforehand.

No, in our case the BC of my fiancee's child states "father unknown". We don't know of any legal documentation that we can obtain. We just want to be sure that the BC will be enough for the US consulate.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-06-09 11:01:00
United KingdomConsulate question concerning K-2 visa London
We're about to send off our packet and get things going my fiancee's K-1/K-2 visa. When we get to the interview stage in London, does anyone think we should get documentation for her proving sole custody of her child or will a BC with "father unknown" be sufficient? I've read a few reports that show some were asked for more proof such as a legal document. She saw a solicitor recently and all she got was advice saying she really didn't need anything except the BC and that the only legal document she can get is a residence order. We looked it up and are unsure of it's purpose and we don't think it applies.

Can someone shed a bit of light on this? Recently a friend of ours who is also filing K-1 from the UK called the US embassy and she was told that even though there's a father's name on her child's BC, she doesn't need additional documentation showing that she's the sole parent. Now maybe they neglected to tell her that she needs a letter of consent from the father, I don't know. This contradicts several things I've read so naturally we're a bit confused.

I'm thinking that in our case, all we need is her child's BC. Any info is greatly appreciated smile.gif


*note - this was originally posted in the K-1 section and thought that maybe this might be a more appropriate place to post hoping someone may have had a similar concern or experience to share.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-06-09 09:10:00
United KingdomAffidavit of Support
QUOTE (gmjdmj @ Oct 13 2009, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have gotten conflicting information in reference to question 11 on the I-134 here in the UK forum. I filled out the I-134 based on the example forms here on VJ, then I was looking today and a few people had said that London prefers that you answer question 11 differently. On the example, you don't mark intend or not intend and write how you intend to support the fiance and then I am hearing that you should mark intend and how you intend to support. I have already sent my documentation to my fiance and will send a revised form if I need to but I want to make sure if it matters or not. Does anyone know the correct answer on this? I saw a forum about it back in August but I couldn't find a clear answer...Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for posting this question and thank you to the folks who cleared this up. I had to go back and reprint mine with the adjustments and sending them off asap. Glad I found this!
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-22 09:37:00
United KingdomDo I wait to send off Packet 3 checklist?
Thanks!! I booked our Medical now! 9th Nov! smile.gif
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-24 13:28:00
United KingdomDo I wait to send off Packet 3 checklist?
QUOTE (TeamMoran @ Oct 19 2009, 05:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for your reply. Sounds like you're well ahead of the game!

My BC is a replacement, as I've misplaced the original which is irritating. It's typewritten (whereas my old copy was the handwritten original) so I asume it's the archive copy. The name was misspelt, omitting one letter, and then struck through with the typewriter. It was then re-typed alongside, with a number in brackets. I'm hoping it's all going to be okay!

Thank you for the vote of confidence, but this feels a bit more reactionary than I'd like. We're doing what we feel we need to do so as not to raise any eyebrows. The name is in fact spelled different than the one listed on her G-325a so we're playing it safe by getting the correction done and a new copy.

Your situation sounds easily remedied. If it were me I think I would contact the office of records where you were born and ask for another copy and make sure the name they have on file is indeed the correct one. Even if for simply piece of mind and one less thing to worry about. Claire only had the short form initially and requested the long one when we found out she would need it. Unfortunately, the error went unnoticed until only last week putting us in a bit of a pinch since we're eager to get her documents and checklist sent in asap.

Good luck smile.gif
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-19 18:31:00
United KingdomDo I wait to send off Packet 3 checklist?
QUOTE (TeamMoran @ Oct 19 2009, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you mind if I ask what was wrong with your BC? After reading this, I've checked mine, and my Mother's maiden name was misspelt and corrected, obviously at the time of them generating the certificate. I'm now thinking I might need to get this seen to. What do you think? I'm so conscious, like everyone I'm sure, of he tiniest thing tripping the whole process up!

Claire (beneficiary in the UK) was looking over her documents and discovered that her long form BC had her mother's maiden name misspelled. There was no correction, just the misspelled last name. It wasn't easily found since the spelling as it currently appears is nearly identical to the actual spelling. Apparently someone made an error and it was overlooked by her father when he signed off on the BC so that's how it is on file. She had to call the office she obtained her BC from and asked what she needed to make the correction, gathered up the necessary documents and posted it off today, next day post with tracking. Included in the packet sent was a signed letter from her father stating the request for change, a copy of her mother's marriage cert and a cover letter briefly explaining the contents and what needs to be done.

I suggested to Claire that she get the name of the person she spoke to and request her direct line so she had a contact there that was familiar with the nature of her situation. Claire explained that this is very time sensitive and is required for her visa processing. The woman at the office was very nice and gave her name and direct number saying she would be happy to oversee it and it would take about 2 weeks, possibly up to 4 depending on how much the judge had on his plate.

I can fully understand being very conscious of every detail, and you're right to do so. One wouldn't think that a document like a BC would have incorrect info, but this one did. Like you and so many others, we want everything to be perfect so as to avoid unnecessary delays or problems.

If you don't mind me asking, what did yours look like? You mentioned it was misspelled and then corrected? I'm assuming they didn't do the correction directly to the actual BC making it look dodgy. If so, I think I'd request another one that looked like it is supposed to look.

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-19 16:25:00
United KingdomDo I wait to send off Packet 3 checklist?
QUOTE (Claire and Troy @ Oct 19 2009, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thats awful that your corrected Birth cert was incorrect again! I will have to keep an eye on them to make sure that doesnt happen to me!

Thank you for your advice. I will send off our forms and attatch a note saying checklist to follow - waiting on Birth certificate correction. Would that be ok?

Yes, I do have my police certificate done, and im planning on booking my medical late this week. (getting over a cold)

Thank you for your reply. I will let you know the outcome smile.gif


Hello, Troy here.

Being the cynic that I am, I'm wondering if stating that we're waiting on a BC correction might prompt unnecessary questions at the interview. Maybe a note attached saying waiting on required documents (BC or Police check, etc), checklist to follow or something like that.


Thank you so much for replying smile.gif

What did you send in with yours?

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-19 12:36:00
United KingdomDo I wait to send off Packet 3 checklist?

Thats awful that your corrected Birth cert was incorrect again! I will have to keep an eye on them to make sure that doesnt happen to me!

Thank you for your advice. I will send off our forms and attatch a note saying checklist to follow - waiting on Birth certificate correction. Would that be ok?

Yes, I do have my police certificate done, and im planning on booking my medical late this week. (getting over a cold)

Thank you for your reply. I will let you know the outcome smile.gif


Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-19 12:20:00
United KingdomDo I wait to send off Packet 3 checklist?
Hello all.

I just received packet 3 in the post today!! biggrin.gif Very happy indeed but feeling a little lost on what to do now as im waiting for my Birth certificate to be corrected. (My mother's maiden name).

I have only just managed to get together the documents needed for the name change, and I sent it off today, Special delivery. (which I know wont help with the postal strike, but hoping it will get there in good time to speed up this situation)

I have been told this could take up to 2-4 weeks for the Birth certificate correction! sad.gif

What should I do about the packet 3 checklist? Do I chance it and send it off now, hoping I get the Birth certificate in time for the interview? Or wait until I hear it had been processed and is on the way to me, all done and corrected?

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated right now. This has really got me confused on what to do, and I dont want to delay anything for us! Its awful! sad.gif

Thank you for listening.

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-19 07:18:00
United KingdomLong Form Birth Certificate for London Interview?
Hello its Claire here.

It should be easy enough for you to get your long form Birth Cert.

If you check this link above, you can search up the register office home town where your fiance was born and contact them over the phone to arrange a long form Birth Cert.

They will ask for your fiance's full name, date of birth, both of his parents full names. It costs about £7 - £12 but I cant be fully sure.
Im sure if you call them early and pay over the phone you could possibly have your Birth Cert in the post the next day or two smile.gif

I hope this helps you.

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-11-30 14:09:00
United KingdomLong Form Birth Certificate for London Interview?
QUOTE (pigtails86 @ Nov 30 2009, 10:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (English Muffin @ Nov 30 2009, 09:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, your fiance will definitely need their long form birth certificate.

ok thank you so much. Do you know the best way of going about getting this quickly? I have seen people say to order it from Is this right?

My fiancee ordered hers over the phone. She called the records office where she was born and arranged delivery with a fedex pickup. When I speak to her later today I will ask her what the name of the office was that she phoned.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-11-30 11:38:00
United KingdomWho's still waiting on an interview date?

Hi-- we also submitted our paperwork for K-1 interview in London in December and have not heard anything either. How do you contact the Department of State? Thanks! Hope we all hear soon!

Taken from another thread..

DOS number : 1 202 663 1225 and then press 1 and then press 0
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-04 17:19:00
United KingdomWho's still waiting on an interview date?

The lady told us absolutely nothing we didnt already know. She didnt even seem to know what he was talking about hmm...

When I was phoning them I always stated, "Good morning/afternoon, (name of person), my name is xxx, and I'm calling to inquire about the status of a K-1 petition that's been sent to London. I am hoping you can give me some information on it's progress." Initially they had no info, then after a few weeks it changed to "It looks like all of the paperwork is there and approved but there's no interview date set."

I hope everyone gets their dates soon :)
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-04 14:09:00
United KingdomWho's still waiting on an interview date?
We didn't get our date till Dec 7th along with several others. Claire called the extortion line before I woke up and they said no date set, then I called DOS just after noon my time and I was told we did have a date set.

Based on the trends over the past few months I'm guessing people will have good news this week or early next.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-04 11:11:00
United KingdomID at interview

we have our k1 interview in the morning too (8am). i haven't read anything of needing a second form of ID so hopefully wont be asked for.

good luck for tomorrow!

Thanks for Good luck wishes :) Good luck to you too!

Also, thanks to you and snowbunnies for the replies. I was having a mini anxiety attack over nothing I guess. Whew....
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-04 17:16:00
United KingdomID at interview
We have the interview tomorrow and we are going over the documents and have discovered my Fiancee does not have any other photo ID other than her passport. We're hoping that is sufficient to complete the interview process. I've read that additional ID may be required in some places but I can't find anything specific to London.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-04 15:40:00
United KingdomQuestion for anyone who has had their interview already...

I am planning to attend the interview with my fiancee in London soon, so I want to know..

did you see any of the guys there for their interviews wearing ties?

What about a "sportcoat" (suit & tie) ??

I was considering wearing at least a tie, but what do you all think? (both ladies and guys please reply)

Thanks! :)

My Fiancee went in a nice sweater (jumper) and black jeans with nice shoes. Had it been me I'd have gone in what I consider business casual. I don't think a suit is necessary but that's me.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-06 01:05:00
United Kingdomus citizen married uk citizen...

Hi, im a us citizen, born in us but lived in uk most of my life. My husband is from the uk. We have 3 kids whom were all born in the uk. I would like to know how to get them a us passport. I do not meet the requirements set out by uscis, for the kids to get them in the uk. Can I travel to the us with my kids, using a holiday visa and apply for passports in the us?? i have been told that their uk passports must be stamped with an I-551. Can someone tell me if this just means legal entry into the us or do I need to file some sort of paperwork for the I-551 stamp to be issued. any help would be gratefully appreciated!

I'm not sure how many people here would know the answers to your questions. If you and your kids have valid passports, US or UK, I'd think traveling under VWP would be permitted. You may want to call the US Dept. of State and make an inquiry.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-08 11:15:00
United KingdomItems allowed into the embassy?

Telepathy at work. I've just asked the very same "silly" question in another forum. When they say originals, they don't specify that it's just the beneficiary's originals, and whilst it would be ludicrous to think they want the beneficiary to have the USC's original docs at interview, they are the masters of ludicrous, so I thought I'd just check too. We await clarity from the clever people.

Dunno about clever >.> but as far as the ID question goes, Claire took a copy of my passport but was not asked for anything from me, the petitioner, aside from the affidavit of support and its supporting evidence (tax returns, wage slips, etc).

Hope this helps.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-08 13:18:00
United KingdomNot in System

Well if you speak to a rep at the NVC they can give you the Case # and that's what you need to book the medical. I've never heard of anyone getting an interview date over the phone from NVC.

I believe the difference is in the type of visa being applied for. K-1 vs K-3 vs CR-1
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-12 14:49:00
United KingdomWhat to do re vaccinations before the medical?

Thanks for the link, Claire and Tony. On the right of that page it says "The vaccinations may also be performed by the Embassy's physician on the day of your medical examination if you so wish." When you click it, it gives a list of prices for the vaccines! These appear to be added costs, on top of the already exorbitant £180 fee for the medical. If that's the case, perhaps my fiance's GP prices might be cheaper for these.

Yes its really worth getting them done by your local GP, it will save you money for sure. The vaccinations are added costs on top of the Medical fee, so its worth doing them now. Plus the medical fee has gone up to £190 for Adults, £95 for children.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-12 09:25:00
United KingdomWhat to do re vaccinations before the medical?
Congrats on getting your NOA2! :)

I would advise your fiance to check this website and make note of what vaccinations are needed, then make an appointment to see your local GP or Nurse to have them done before your Medical exam in London. Make sure you get them to print your records of having them done :)

Good luck :star:

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-12 04:45:00
United KingdomInterview US Embassy London
It's my understanding that if you're using tax returns then a copy of your w2 is pretty much a given. I'm not sure about transcripts. I'm sure someone will clarify. I used tax returns with all schedules, letter, w2, and pay stubs.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-13 22:05:00
United KingdomInterview US Embassy London husband has his interview in London on Feb. 2 - does anyone know how long it takes to actually receive the visa after the interview? Also, is there any additional mailing fees we can pay to get it to him more quickly - just wondering as I need to book his flt back to the US & wasn't sure what day to book it for?

Thank you!!

If approved, you will be told the approximate wait. I've seen them take anywhere from 3 days to a month to be received. I think typically you're looking at 8 days average. The safe answer here is to wait to book any flights until visa is in hand.

As far as the fees go, there is a premium service but its not for faster delivery, just an earlier delivery, such as before noon, etc.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-12 15:55:00
United KingdomWhat Forms are to be signed when sent with packet 3

I send the DS-230-1 signed, the DS-156 x2 un-signed, DS-156k un-signed, and the DS-157 no space for a signature.

Correct. I know the post you're speaking of and it confused me too. We did it just as the VJ embassy page suggested and had no problems.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-21 21:03:00
United Kingdomstressing

hi-- its been a month since we sent packet 3 back to the london embassy and as of today, they still have not entered it into the system! does anyone know what the average length of time is for them to schedule the interview? is it normal for it to take this long? is there any way to get them to process the packet already, or do we just have to patiently wait? we have plans in the u.s. for the end of march and were really hoping my fiance would be here by then!! grrrr... so frustrating to helplessly wait!

Based on what I've been reading here it seems London is running behind. Prior to December I think it was taking about 2 weeks before they were showing up at the DOS as logged. I read somewhere on the forum (sorry can't find the thread) about them being approximately 4 weeks back. Something about bad weather and holidays being a big part of the delays. I don't know how accurate that information is, but I certainly hope to see them get things caught up soon.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-19 23:05:00
United KingdomCover Letter with Packet 3?

Did any of you put a cover letter when you returned packet 3?

We did. It was a last minute thought for us, but we thought it would be nice to add one to show exactly what we were sending in since we were doing K1 and K2. It also helped us with making sure everything was all there as we read through it. One of those optional things and easy to do.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-24 22:49:00
United Kingdominterview date!!!

whew-- after lots of waiting, i called DOS today, and we have our interview on feb 23 at 9 am!!! so happy and excited!!!

Congrats! :)

On another note, that certainly bucks the trend we've been seeing with interviews being scheduled during the first week of the month. Just when we think we have them figured out, they go and pull a fast one ;)
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-27 13:36:00
United KingdomCoping with the move from the UK to the US
Excellent topic.

I have been trying to prepare my fiancee for the change and obviously there's no way I can account for everything. What I've done so far is to locate places to get items from the UK such as world market and online shopping for food and other various sundries.

Another thing I've managed to do is making new friends local to our area from the UK. Even a few friends from VJ so they can share their experiences and talk about home and the adjustments they're making. I'm curious to hear what others are doing.

Thanks for starting this, SunDrop :)
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-23 16:23:00
United Kingdomlogging of packet 3

Hi everyone, can anybody tell me how they found out that the embassy had logged packet 3 into their system as I sent mine a couple of weeks ago and I’ve still heard nothing (hope it’s not been lost).
Im getting worried because the expiration period for my NOA2 is on the 6th of Feb and I don’t want them to think I’ve abandoned the petition. I was slow gathering the info together and visiting my fiancée for nearly a month
in-between didn’t help. Would phoning them help confirm that we are still perusing the petition?

Yes, call the DOS and inquire about the status of your case. I've read here in many places that petitions are extended while actively in processing, but you may want to check with the DOS or call the embassy for your own piece of mind and due diligence.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-02-04 10:20:00
United KingdomFlying on Monday....

Hello all, I'm flying out to Dallas on monday with my shiny new CR1 visa :) I've looked through the reviews of the POE, but I still have a couple of questions. 1) which line would you advise me to stand in at immigration. and 2) Which forms do I fill in on the plane? the White landing card I assume? Anything else?

thanks guys!

Thanks for posting this. I'm flying out tomorrow morning to pick up my fiancee and returning on the 10th through Charlotte. I wonder if they will let me in the same queue with her. I suppose they can always tell me to go to the USC queue if they don't like it.

Good luck and have a safe journey!
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-02-05 11:20:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

It could have been a typing error, or perhaps he meant the NOA2 (forgot what the proper name for that one is).

But, don't worry. I don't recognize I-135, no one asked me for one at the embassy, and I got approved just fine. I think it's probably at typing error.

Probably this thread - http://www.visajourn...howtopic=240362

The OP appears to be referring to the I-134 affidavit of support.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-02-04 10:37:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Answering a question for Justine and David.

I dont know if the long form BC should be hand written, as far as im aware they should be typed up on certified paper etc.

I had a few issues with my BC with my mother's maiden name being spelt wrong. I called the local registery office in my birth place town and arranged for a new one to be ordered after the corrections were made. So I would advise David to call up his birth place registery office and ask if his one is suitable and if not he can arrange a new one over the phone for about £7 - £12 smile.gif it doesnt take long in the post, a few days or so I would say.

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-12-14 11:31:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
After seeing people posting their dates I called DOS and they told me ours is scheduled for January 5th. biggrin.gif

Glad to see things are moving again!

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-12-07 12:53:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
I called DOS today. Nothing yet.

The woman told me that London received our packet on the 20th...wrong. London may not have opened and or processed it till the 20th, but it was there on the 9th.

Hoping we all get some good news soon. smile.gif
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-12-04 16:43:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Hey all, Troy here.

Claire and I are beginning to feel a little anxious over the wait as well. DHL shows our P3 forms were signed for on 11-9. I phoned the DOS on the 20th to check on things to find out that everything is there and was told, "the forms have been accepted and approved but there is no interview date yet". I'm not exactly sure when they approved it but it was nice to find that out. Checked again today and got the same reply.

I'm hoping by the end of next week we see things moving along. smile.gif
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-11-30 19:46:00