United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
I guess this is a good time to chime in and give congratulations to everyone who has their dates. Hoping this will be a good year for everyone! Claire and I are very excited to be a part of it and even more excited to begin planning our moving/travel arrangements.

Good luck and best wishes to everyone!

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-12-07 14:13:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Good luck to all those interviewing tomorrow! kicking.gif Looking forward to seeing some happy news smile.gif
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-12-28 23:12:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
A big congratulations to the approvals! I'm so glad to see happy people getting xmas early! Just a few more weeks for us, and hopefully a happy report to post.

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-12-17 13:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 forms questions and clarifcation - London

Any information on any of the questions posted is appreciated. I'm pretty sure we know what to do, just trying to clear up a few things so we are confident we have it all in order.

For example, what do we put on the I-134 for my fiancee's daughter? Do I need to list my kids on the I-134 and does it count toward the household income if my kids are with me on weekends? Little things like that. Question 1 is our immediate need since we're not sure which forms to duplicate for K-2 and how many. We don't want to overlook some detail that could impact our chances for approval.

I likely will keep the income part simple and just list my wages as they seem good enough to satisfy the requirements.


Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-09 10:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 forms questions and clarifcation - London
We are currently waiting on packet 3 and I have some specific questions regarding the forms and I-134.

1. When my fiancee fills out her forms as required on the packet 3 checklist, does she need to duplicate them for her daughter? I think the answer is yes, but on which forms and how many for K-2 derivative?

2. I've read that I need to fill out an additional I-134 for my fiancee's daughter in addition to naming her on her mother's I-134. Is this correct? (child is listed on I-129f form)

3. Regarding the I-134 form; If I did not claim my 2 sons on my 2008 tax returns, are they required to be listed? Both children are claimed on my 2007 returns along with my ex-wife (filed jointly). In my decree of divorce, dated May of 09, it states that my ex-wife will claim both our sons on her taxes every year in exchange for lower monthly support.

4. Since I am paying child maintenance and have joint custody, is there anything I need to know or do on my I-134? Both my children live with their mother and I get them every weekend as stated in my decree.

5. I earn roughly $39 to 40K per year in wages depending on overtime (2008 returns show 41K). Is this sufficient to be listed by itself on the I-134? Should I list my home? I do have a mortgage on it, however there isn't much equity since it was refinanced approximately 5 years ago. The only other asset of note is my vehicle.

I'm just trying to wrap my head around all this so we have everything in order. We don't want to get caught with our pants down for an oversight or something else that could/should have been noted.

Thanks and Regards,

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-08 23:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs a letter from my bank really necessary?
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Oct 13 2009, 01:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Claire and Troy @ Oct 12 2009, 10:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I realize this is a consulate specific issue, so anyone that has been through the London embassy please chime in. As always, all replies are welcome.

I have checked the embassy website and I can satisfy the stated minimum requirements for proof of income with my tax return for 2008 and a letter from my employer with pay stubs.

My concern is that I've had some unexpected expenses recently that has brought me to what I would consider dangerously low on my account. I will recover in a months time or so, however, I don't want a CO scrutinizing my expenditures or current balance. In fact, the more I think about it the more I loathe even providing that type of sensitive information. I'm thinking in addition to the other items I already have maybe a letter signed by a bank officer showing direct deposits from my employer over the past 6 months would be sufficient. Another thing that concerns me a bit is the deposits are net amounts after child maintenance garnishment which is required by law in my state.

Researching the forum has revealed the general opinion on this is optional, but again, we are submitting these documents to London and any experiences or advice is welcome.


It is optional and with what you state, unnecessary. That said...

A bank letter states...

!. When you opened the account
2. total deposits in last 12 months
3. Current balance

Current balance is not important if your income exceeds the guidelines. So get one if you want, it will do no harm. Then again, it will do no tharm not to have one with the evidence you already have.

Thank you for the reply.

I have read tons of information on what people are gathering for evidence and I have seen people talking about bank statements, etc. I guess that's where I got confused. I'm not opposed to providing deposit information so much as I am the actual statements. Balance, in my opinion, is no one's business and proves nothing in regard to my actual income.

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-13 09:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs a letter from my bank really necessary?

I realize this is a consulate specific issue, so anyone that has been through the London embassy please chime in. As always, all replies are welcome.

I have checked the embassy website and I can satisfy the stated minimum requirements for proof of income with my tax return for 2008 and a letter from my employer with pay stubs.

My concern is that I've had some unexpected expenses recently that has brought me to what I would consider dangerously low on my account. I will recover in a months time or so, however, I don't want a CO scrutinizing my expenditures or current balance. In fact, the more I think about it the more I loathe even providing that type of sensitive information. I'm thinking in addition to the other items I already have maybe a letter signed by a bank officer showing direct deposits from my employer over the past 6 months would be sufficient. Another thing that concerns me a bit is the deposits are net amounts after child maintenance garnishment which is required by law in my state.

Researching the forum has revealed the general opinion on this is optional, but again, we are submitting these documents to London and any experiences or advice is welcome.

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-12 21:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionError on Birth Cert- seeking advice

Thought I'd document this here in case anyone else runs into this issue.

The process seems to be as follows...

Fiancee's mother needed to obtain a copy of her marriage cert and send it to her - done
My Fiancee drafted a letter for her father to sign stating a request for the name change and he didn't notice the typo at the time he signed for the Birth Certificate. It also states hardship to travel so he will not have to appear in the county in which this processing needs to take place since it is several hours travel - done and waiting for him to sign it.

These documents are being sent off on Monday to the proper office, next day post.

My Fiancee was told that this could take 2 to 4 weeks to process as it needs to go to a judge for approval. She explained to the office that this is time sensitive, but they said that there is no way they can expedite this, and to get the documents to them asap!

This will quite possibly put us well into November before we can complete the Packet 3 checklist, which we are expecting on or around the 23rd of October if the time lines we're seeing hold steady.

Does anyone know if sending in the checklist a month out from packet 3 processing is acceptable?
We really don't have much choice other than saying that my Fiancee misspelled her mothers maiden name on her G325a, which could cause them to request a BC or other documents from her mother which would really F*** us. No sense in trying to slip this past anyone. It is way too important.

If someone could please shoot me answer to the packet 3 question I would really appreciate it. I've already spent several hours researching things and my brain is mush.


Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-15 09:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionError on Birth Cert- seeking advice

We have contacted her mother and she does not have a marriage cert. She told us it was "taken off her" when she got her divorce. She does have her BC and a passport showing the correct maiden name.

I guess now we wait till tomorrow to call whoever it is that keeps these records in the UK to see what we need in lieu of the marriage cert. What a mess. Here we are smiling about how close things are and now this. #######!

It isn't like the name is completely different, just a single typo that doesn't even make it sound different. A freakin vowel in the wrong place coming back from almost 30 years ago to chuck a wrench into things! *sigh*

Had we caught this sooner it wouldn't be such an issue.

Quick note to anyone reading this. Don't trust a damn thing! Check it, check it again, and again, and then again! Rinse and repeat ad nauseam.

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-14 11:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionError on Birth Cert- seeking advice
My Fiancee, the beneficiary, has just discovered an error on her birth certificate (long form) regarding her mothers maiden name. This has us both seriously on edge. The NVC has already sent our petition to the London consulate and the G-325a form has the correct name but it doesn't match the name on her long form certificate. We do not know how this error occurred but it is how the UK has it on file. This isn't a gross error, but an error none the less. There's an O where there needs to be an E. She has called to see what it would take to get this changed and it's going to take weeks and her mother needs to find her marriage cert which we do not know if she has it or not.

We're both freaking out quite a bit. I'm trying to keep her calm and help seek out a resolution to this. How closely is this looked at? Do we proceed with what we have? We're not sure of anyone else has dealt with this but naturally we are devastated at finding this error this late in the process.

Help please!

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-14 09:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa stuck in London
QUOTE (Claire and Troy @ Oct 19 2009, 11:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Odd thing is we got our packet 3 letter today dated Oct 3rd and postmarked the 14th.

Correction - It was dated the 8th, not the 3rd.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-19 12:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa stuck in London
QUOTE (Robbie&Tami @ Oct 18 2009, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance's visa has been stuck in London since the end of July and we haven't heard anything from the embassy. Anyone know of the best way to contact the embassy?

I called the DOS on ours a few times and they told me it had not been received by the embassy. Odd thing is we got our packet 3 letter today dated Oct 3rd and postmarked the 14th. I called the DOS 3 times this month and every time they said the embassy didn't have it. Seems the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing.

I'd still take the advice on calling the DOS. I would also look into how to contact the embassy directly.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-10-19 12:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPlease help!
Hey all, Troy here.

With the K-2 Visa information being so hard to find, we were hoping someone here could answer the question posted by Claire.

Mainly the question pertaining to the DS-156 and minor child intending to study. Do we tick YES or NO? I'm *assuming* no since this is a non-immigrant petition. I saw in the example on the intending to work bit and it says something about with authorization, which is understandable since technically a K-1 visa by itself doesn't allow for work.

Obviously we don't want to assume anything. Anyone have any experience with this?

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-11-04 13:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPlease help!
Thank you for your response! smile.gif

I've not tried calling the Embassy yet, I thought I would try my luck here first star_smile.gif but its definately worth the pace of mind, thanks for the advice.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-11-02 06:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPlease help!
Hello all.

I am in the middle of filling out our packet 3 forms and I have a few questions to ask as im a little stuck.

I am filling out the DS-156 for my daughter.

QUESTION 33: Do you intend to study in the U.S? Should I fill out yes seeing as she is only 7 years old, or is that for older children that want to go to college? and do I attatch a photo to that form, or do they do that when we go to our interview?


and filling out form DS-157
QUESTION 17: List all educational Institutes you attend. Include vocational Institutes but not Elementary schools. Do I leave that blank? or write None? as she only has Elementary school.


Thank you for your help!


Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-11-02 05:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Tomorrow....Any Last Minute Tips?

I know, I am just very shy by nature, I even get sooo nervous at Job interviews! Imagine this sort of interview which someone decides your future! In about 12 hours I have to get up and get ready to go.............. !

You should come join us over on the regional UK forum here on VJ. Very good consulate specific info there. We just had our interview on the 5th and even though we were approved, it was slightly different from most of the others due to a K-2 derivative attached plus a few other things. Most, however, have had an easy go with it. My take with the consulate in London is as long as all of your paperwork is in order, requirements met, etc,. it should be much like a drive through "would you like fries with that?" ;) Some have described it similar to waiting at Argos.

Good luck!
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-07 15:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed Help on Questions on I-134

Looking at the example form:

Do not check either one, place this in the space provided for 11. "N/A ( K1 visa process for permanent residence )"

You may want to check what the consulate wants to see. Example; The embassy in London does want to see the "I Intend" box ticked yes with a short statement. Just an FYI.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-25 15:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK VISA FEE TO INCREASE TO $350 FROM $131
Ran across updated info while searching for updates on this issue...

Proposed Schedule of Fees

I'm guessing from what I've read this is a revised proposal thus extending the public opinion grace period out from 9th Feb, 2010?
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-02-26 16:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRecieved email for NOA2 today
Approved and on to the NVC!

What an emotional ride this is. I know we still have things to do and a ways to go, but we feel like we've just hurdled a mountain.

We were watching other couples get their approvals and trying not to get down. We just kept telling ourselves, "Our day will come". The feeling today is just indescribable!

As we celebrate our milestone today, our hearts are wishing the very best for others still waiting.

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-09-23 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Visa Approved and Received
Congratulations!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-09-26 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Visa Approved
My suggestion is to focus your energy in getting all the consulate required documents in order for the next stages.

All the NOA2 is saying is that your I-129f petition was approved by USCIS. The NVC will have to do their checks and balances and if everything is in order it's forwarded off to the consulate where the beneficiary will be applying.

Give it a week or so, then call the NVC to get your new case number that you can use to track it's status from there.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-14 12:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting England
Honestly, the cloak and dagger stuff is just plain silly. Just state the truth. I visited my fiance several times during our visa process and never got much more than a few additional questions. "I'm here to visit my fiancee and friends." The worst grilling I ever got was being asked the names of the people I was there to see. It's much easier when you're being honest and not having to think something up on the fly.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-02-25 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew couple to the forum seeking advice
QUOTE (Mike N Julie @ Dec 2 2008, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One thing I noticed VJers didnt touch on is the parental permission issue. I dont know much about her country but here in the US, a father can be present at the birth of a child and named be on the BC but it don't mean ####### unless they were ever married. The woman is alway considered the Custodial Parent if there was no marriage when the child was born so she does not need the guys permission to remove her from her country. How do I know this because I was in the same boat. I have had my daughter the day she was brought from the hospital but in the eyes of the Law I had no rights because we had never been married and she could come take the child with police escort at any moment and there would have not been a damn thing that I could have done about it. What went in my favor in court I kept a log everday from birth and she's 3+ now. So I decided before that happened I took her to court got Sole Custody and Child Support for my daughter. But please have her check before she removes the child from her coutry just to be safe.

She will be seeing a solicitor to make sure she has all necessary documentation proving sole custody.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-12-03 01:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew couple to the forum seeking advice
Claire and I really appreciate the responses, thank you. I searched over the UK section and I think I found what we needed regarding her daughter and we're feeling much better about it now.

Hopefully I will be able to file our petition soon! Wonderful forum! biggrin.gif
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-12-02 19:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew couple to the forum seeking advice
QUOTE (Haole @ Dec 1 2008, 10:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's a start!

Also your age gap dain't much to be concerned about.

Ahh thanks for the info. It appears I named the wrong form. Silly me tongue.gif My brain has once again begun to leak from pouring over webpage after webpage.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-12-01 23:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew couple to the forum seeking advice
Hello everyone.

My name is Troy. A little nutshell history on us;

My girlfriend Claire and I have been lurking this site since about March of this year seeking information. We've known each other since September of 2006 speaking almost every day (Thank God for Skype) and finally meeting in February of this year in England. She has since been here on holiday and we're dying to be together permanently. I am a US citizen and she is from the UK. I've been separated for quite some time now and currently awaiting my divorce decree so Claire and I can formally declare our engagement. We're both hoping to marry and reside here in the US and have decided on going the K-1 route. I've read so much information on the net that at times I thought my brain was going to explode so I have decided to bring our questions and concerns here. Mainly for the information sharing, partly for our own sanity.

A few of our immediate concerns about the visa process..

1. My girlfriend has a 6yo daughter that I just love to pieces who already looks to me as a dad. The father was never named at birth and as a result was designated as "Unknown". This was due to the boyfriend at the time trying to cheat the system. This same man also went as far as declaring himself deceased to avoid any monetary obligations for another child by a different woman very near the same time. I'll refrain from posting my feelings on that and him for maybe some other time. Anyhow, would she still need some sort of parental permission or court order to allow her daughter to accompany her to live here? I can't find any information on the father being designated as unknown relating to this.

*On a side note, the supposed father is currently residing in the US having married a US citizen.

2. I have 2 children of my own (10 and 11) and was curious if they counted toward my annual income in regard to the I-134, and if so what should I expect the minimum income to be?

3. I'm 42 and Claire is 26. I've been told by some that the age difference could possibly present a problem for us. Is this true?

That's about all I have for now. I'm sure we will think of something else smile.gif
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-12-01 23:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerns regarding final decree of divorce and K-2
Thank you for the replies. I'm pretty solid on the K-2 process now.

I spoke to my attorney and basically he told me that the wording in the decree means that even though both parties have waived right to appeal the decree isn't final for 30 days even though it doesn't say exactly that. Evidently they leave that open for *any* appeal and the court has jurisdiction over the decree for 30 days from filing. He also said that remarriage would likely not be challenged but didn't think it was worth the risk for something this important.

We're both a bit sick over the news. Some would say, "It's just another 30 days". But after what we've already been through with waiting on things, putting our lives on hold,'s yet another obstacle that is creating more heartache.

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-14 13:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerns regarding final decree of divorce and K-2
Hello everyone.

It's been quite some time since we've posted here and are just now about to begin our K-1 process. We have been waiting for quite some time for my final decree of divorce and it's finally arrived.

Our concern is this.

In my decree it states that parties are prohibited from contracting marriage with any other persons until (30) days after the entry of the decree, unless an appeal is taken, and that any marriage contracted before the expiration of that date shall be voidable until the decree becomes final. An agreement which waives the right to appeal from the granting of the divorce and which is incorporated into the decree shall be effective to shorten the period of time during which the marriage is voidable. My ex and I agreed to include such an agreement waiving the right to appeal.

I'm not looking for legal advise but I'm a bit worried about the wording of the decree since we've been planning to begin our filing as soon as I had it in hand. Thoughts?

Also, it's been a bit of a struggle to find the exact process one uses to facilitate the K-2 visa for my fiance's child. I think I have most of it nailed down, however there remains some gray areas. I've found conflicting reports about whether or not a G-325A is required for her child who is under 10 years of age. Most sources say no. I've also read that children under age 14 are not required to attend the visa interview in London and was curious about how the visa is approved and issued without the child being present.

Thanks for reading,

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-14 01:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion concerning K-2 and interview in London
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Jun 5 2009, 09:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (payxibka @ Jun 5 2009, 09:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
being pragmatic about it... with "Father Unknown"... who could they possibly expect you to get a permission letter from

True, but Ukraine for example, requires you get an official document of "no father". Some consulates do not and I cannot say for sure about London. Alla has translated a few of these "no father" documents and has one herself as her father was "unknown". There is an official name for this document and about everyone knows what it is (forget the name now) She still carries the thing around but no one has asked for it in a few years laughing.gif At one time a mother in Ukraine with "no father" for her child needed this even to get medical care for the child, though I think that has changed now.

Thanks for the replies. I'm pretty sure we're ok on this. I'm going to re-post this in the regional forum in case someone may have other information.

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-06-09 09:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion concerning K-2 and interview in London
We're about to send off our packet and get things going my fiancee's K-1/K-2 visa. When we get to the interview stage in London, does anyone think we should get documentation for her proving sole custody of her child or will a BC with "father unknown" be sufficient? I've read a few reports that show some were asked for more proof such as a legal document. She saw a solicitor recently and all she got was advice saying she really didn't need anything except the BC and that the only legal document she can get is a residence order. We looked it up and are unsure of it's purpose and we don't think it applies.

Can someone shed a bit of light on this? Recently a friend of ours who is also filing K-1 from the UK called the US embassy and she was told that even though there's a father's name on her child's BC, she doesn't need additional documentation showing that she's the sole parent. Now maybe they neglected to tell her that she needs a letter of consent from the father, I don't know. This contradicts several things I've read so naturally we're a bit confused.

I'm thinking that in our case, all we need is her child's BC. Any info is greatly appreciated smile.gif

Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-06-05 19:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhats the hardest part
The hardest part....

For sure the waiting part is very hard, but I think the unknown is even worse. Not knowing when. Trying to plan.

Its really hard being away from my honey. Not being able to kiss him, hug him, just a simple touch...
... it really opens up your eyes being in a situation like this. The simple little things that many people take for granted is something we will cherish forever.

On the plus side - Thank god for Skype!!! kicking.gif


Claire <3
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-06-30 08:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAwaiting Interview Date
QUOTE (RhysBeynon @ Dec 1 2009, 08:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone,

As you can see im pretty new to this so im just looking for some help at the moment.

My fiance and i filled our I-129f application and it was received August 17th and the cheque was also cashed, since then we have heard nothing and are waiting patiently for our NOA2 and interview date.

My question is this;

I have a HUGE file of evidence of our relationship i.e. phone bills, plane tickets, letters and cards and so forth.

When i finally have my interview date what information should i look to take to the actual interview? As i have so much information the file i have really is huge, so could i take the whole thing with me or not?



While you're waiting on NOA2, you may wish to have a look around the Consulate and UK forums. Lots of good info to be found.




Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-12-01 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen to get medical appointment

Should I get my medical appointment BEFORE I send the checklist back to the Embassy? I don't want to get my interview date until I'm sure I can get the medical done beforehand.
How long will I have to wait for the medical appointment compared to the wait until my interview after I send the checklist back?
I also want to make sure I get my police certificate before my interview.

Thanks everyone I don't know what I would do without Vj its soooooo informative.

You can schedule your medical as soon as the embassy in London has your case logged into their system. IIRC, you will need your medical exam *before* your interview. I believe this requirement changed in October? Can't exactly remember. As far as your police check goes, get that done now, assuming you're already past NOA2. I didn't look at your time line to verify where you're at. It can take 10 days or so to get it back in the post.

Drop by the regional UK forum here to get more consulate specific info to London. There are some good folks there that will help you out along with some very good information already posted you can read though.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-09 16:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupplement to Question 18
I believe there are a few schools of thought on this. Some provide an attachment, some do not. In my case I simply stated the facts in the space provided as I didn't want to overload the information, keeping is simple, yet informative with just the facts.

I think I wrote something to the effect of, "We met in an online game chatroom and quickly became close friends. We decided to take our relationship further after exchanging photos and speaking on Skype. Met in person of 3 times beginning on x date in x place, then x date in x place, etc. spending x amount of days together"

That's not exactly how I wrote it but similar. My approach was to satisfy the question complete and simple, yet resisting the compulsion to write an essay that IMO wasn't necessary. With that said, had I not been able to fit what I waned to say in the box, I would have attached a letter.

I personally think it's up to you how you want to do it as long as it satisfies the person reviewing it.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-11 19:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKI and Divorce

Don't assume that just because it is not a high fraud country that a question may not still be asked, either in the form of an RFE or at the interview. I married my husband 12 days after I got my decree absolute because my divorce proceedings suffered from serious delay and we had had to postpone the ceremony twice. I had been separated from my ex for a long time at that point and had been living with my husband for a while when we got married. I was still asked in the form of an RFE to explain the timeline of when my former marriage began to break down, when I met my current husband, when I filed for divorce, who initiated the divorce and why there was such a short time in between the absolute and the wedding. Yes, there is a difference between filing for a CR1 via DCF like we did and filing for a K1, but be mindful that this is not necessarily a cakewalk. It won't be an impediment, but be aware there might still be a question asked! :star:

Just like to add that in my case our petition was dated the day after my 30day post decree wait was up (mandatory in state of Kansas) and it was approved without RFE. At the interview my fiance was asked 4 or 5 questions about my previous marriage and ex wife. She new everything about my previous relationship and was able to answer them all without issue. The CO seemed satisfied and moved on.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-20 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 - Filling I-129F

Hi Gary,
My two other kids are married and will not travel with me.
It was a bit confusing because I understood that on the I-129F he would have to mention the name of the child who will receive a K2 visa.
Now I realize that he has to mention all of my kids regardless of who will travel with me.
I realize I will have to mention that at the interview..right?

You will need to more than mention it at the interview. You will need to include separate forms for the K-2 derivative visa when you mail in your packet 3 forms. I was instructed that it's basically K-1 x 2 except the DS-156K which is only for the fiance(e). I'm guessing K-2 needs to appear for the interview as well since she's 18. I realize this delves into consulate specific info, so you need to look into what they want to see.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-02-04 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmedical exam causes of failure
One of the biggies I've seen to raise a red flag is admitting to the physician the abuse or use of illegal drugs at any time. It's my understanding that it could cause one to be denied a visa and or determined inadmissible to the US depending on the circumstances.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-02-25 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge Difference Red Flags?

I figured it would be fine but I'm a worrier :P Thanks so much guys!

I too worried about this as I am 16 years older than my fiancee. In your case this should not be an issue. The consulate in London never even questioned it ours.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-02-26 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI sent my K1 app the same day my divorce was finalized... now stuck!
I really don't think you will have anything to worry about in Canada. I was technically married when I got engaged and I filed my K-1 paperwork the day my 30-day wait was up on my divorce decree, (required for the state I live in) so I was free to marry on that day.

The consulate in London asked my then fiancee about 5 or 6 questions regarding my last marriage and my ex-wife. Since we share everything she was well prepared for all of them and had no difficulty at all answering. The CO seemed not to have a problem with any of it. I think the CO asked if she knew I was married when I proposed, when I got divorced, how long I had been married, how long I was separated, why it didn't work out. Nothing scary. I believe the CO was simply determining that everything was above board and no sneakiness on my end. The CO even stated that it looked like I had no reason to divorce until I met my fiancee, which is the truth.

You should be fine.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-03-08 10:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSeeking advice on NVC and speeding up the Visa process
Questions from last post still stand, if anyone would like to take a stab at it.

So I was reading through the shortcut site that trailmix linked to. Right now we're still at the point where we're trying to get the invoices paid for the IV and AoS. In trying to make this as fast as possible, I was looking ahead to when we assemble the IV package.

There's a check-list on the link:

"BARCODED Cover Sheet (to be printed from web when your status is PAID online for IV bill)
You OWN cover sheet listing what documents are in the package, so they're easy for the reviewer to locate
Completed DS-230 part I & II and ONLY part I signed by beneficiary.
Photocopy of the beneficiary's passport biographic data page.
Original/certified copy of beneficiary’s birth certificate.
Original/certified copy of beneficiary’s and petitioner’s marriage certificate.
Original police certificates of the beneficiary.
Original/certified copy of military record, if applicable.
Original/certified copy of divorce decree, death certificate, etc. of previous marriage, if applicable.

I was thinking the sooner my husband got these things, the better, and we should try to get as much as possible done beforehand. A couple of questions: for the original/certified copies of the birth certificiate and marriage certificate, can we send photocopies or must we send originals? (sounds self-explanatory but I'm just making sure). Will either of these be returned, or are the copies for the NVC? I ask because we only have one copy of the marriage certificate and if I order another one, just trying to estimate the time that will take.

Thanks again in advance! :)
andiclareFemaleEngland2010-05-31 08:34:00