United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Hey all, Troy here.

Claire and I are beginning to feel a little anxious over the wait as well. DHL shows our P3 forms were signed for on 11-9. I phoned the DOS on the 20th to check on things to find out that everything is there and was told, "the forms have been accepted and approved but there is no interview date yet". I'm not exactly sure when they approved it but it was nice to find that out. Checked again today and got the same reply.

I'm hoping by the end of next week we see things moving along. smile.gif
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-11-30 19:46:00
United KingdomTickets!
The rates change all the time so keep plugging away at places like expedia, etc. Booking over a month out and choosing non-peak travel days (Tuesday-Thursday) is a good rule of thumb but not always the best way. Play with the dates and see what you come up with. I've dropped over $400.00 off a fare once by changing the return by one day. I've played with mock bookings for days/weeks till I hit a fare I could afford.

I was traveling to and from Portsmouth and typically flew in via Gatwick, then took the 1.5 hour train ride right from the airport rather than wait 7 hours for a puddle-jumper to Southampton. One month open return to Portsmouth Harbour cost me about £20. Luton looks to be about the same distance.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-03-24 16:03:00
I was still having issues wrapping my head around what a caution is so I had to look it up. https://www.askthe.p...ontent/Q562.htm
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-28 13:10:00

actually on the contrary he told the truth about everything including that he had a caution 7 years ago (I know, what was he thinking) and that's prob what caused the doctor to question him so intensely and give the test...

our attorney said that if anything came back positive that he would be banned from the us for 3 years but I'm not sure how accurate that is...

it is going to totally SUCK if he can't come home next week after being apart 6 months! it is what it is and we will find out soon enough but just from a rights perspective i think it would be INSANE to not approve someone or bar them from the US if they smoked...there is a huge difference between smoking and doing or partaking in hard core drug activities... there are so many worse things to be concerned about....

I am so ready to be done with all this immigration stressful and looooooooong!!

You mentioned in another post that your fiance hasn't smoked in "ages". Depending on how that is defined will largely determine his outcome regarding the drug screen. He's the one who knows how long ago it was and can do the math based on some simple research and comparing it to the US Federal guidelines (assuming that's the standard in which the consulates work).

I don't know what a "caution" is, but if it's something that will show up on a police check then IMO it was wise to disclose it.

I guess if you two have a strong reason to believe there will be a positive test result, you may want to begin considering other options, such as moving to him in the event of a denial or bar of entry. Not trying to freak you out, just sayin, worst case scenario and all.
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-27 20:32:00

Thanks...I guess we will find out next week at his interview...

I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a situation where someone could re-take the medical if they feel the results were inaccurate? It probably would depend on the interview officer...conditional?

If you're referring to a drug screen being inaccurate on a positive, I'd think that would be a very tough sell. For example, if there's a marijuana positive combined with admittance of past use and a conviction of possession....I think you see where I'm going with this.

I don't know your situation so I won't speculate further. Good luck!
Claire and TroyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2010-01-27 17:18:00