Thailanddocuments required by US immigration in BKK
Here is a link to a thread with a similar question, that may be useful.

JD63MaleThailand2011-06-23 11:30:00
Thailanddocuments required by US immigration in BKK
No. You need to contact Ning on this board and get her input. Thai custody laws and what the consulate accepts are complicated. You will likely need signed documents from the father, signed, in both thai and english, giving his permission to take the child to the US. I don't know if it has to come from a judge, but am nearly certain it has to include the father, and may or may not need to be legalized by a lawyer or judge in some fashion.

As I said, contact Ning, she's been involved in these cases.
JD63MaleThailand2011-06-23 11:24:00
ThailandVaccination question
Great, the next step after that is finding a Civil Surgeon in the US that can help you with that after entry. Try to find one others recommend, or go to the county/regional public health clinic who do it at cost.

A bit off topic, but this was actually the most stressful part of our whole visa journey. My wife and I actually went to two, the first at the university hospital has a cookie cutter approach to these, and they had only done the full work up. We tried to convince them otherwise, but they went ahead anyway, and I insisted we only needed the vaccine worksheet. Finally the doctor admitted that he doesn't do those, the travel nurse does, and I would have to make an independent appointment with the nurse. It being summer travel season in a college town every student at the university needed to see the nurse as well, so it was going to be a 3 month wait, and I wanted to file ASAP.

So we had to go to another, who also insisted on the full work up, but actually read and understood the vaccine worksheet. He insisted on testing antibodies for the vaccines, which cost more than the boosters themselves, because she had an incomplete history. So about 600 dollars poorer, I finally got the thing signed.
JD63MaleThailand2011-06-27 15:20:00
ThailandVaccination question
It's broken down by age, so that's going to be the dependent factor on what is required. If you guys plan to have more children then your physician will likely recommend a TDaP instead just TD, so the baby can have some protection from pertussis, but that is perhaps a different question.

My suggestion for the physical will be to make sure they are using the current forms. Some other posters have had difficulties and had to get new forms signed because the hospitals were using old ones. Check that. The rest they will fill out for you. If she goes to that today, with an incomplete vaccination history, she will get a TD booster and an MMR, they do this every day for everyone they see without a history. She likely has already been immunized for these, but without records they will give these anyway. You can then deal with completing the form in the US and they can assist you in additional immunizations or antibody tests as they see fit.
JD63MaleThailand2011-06-23 11:20:00
ThailandVaccination question
She'll get a MMR and a TD booster. They will then mark those categories "insufficient time interval" and she will get a reevaluation by the CS in the US when you file AOS. My wife got a blood test confirmation for antibodies and then they signed the form. Since she has an incomplete vaccine history I would guess something similar would be your case as well.
JD63MaleThailand2011-06-20 10:59:00
ThailandMedical Form DS2053 or DS2054
There was a case someone posted awhile back where they used 2053 and they got sent back to do a 2054. I wouldn't use an expired form unless they refuse to fill it out.
JD63MaleThailand2011-08-30 16:58:00