Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
First of all congrats Wendy!!! I'm so happy for your good, long awaited news!!! kicking.gif

Just to update you all Resul and I now have a beautiful son! Thanks for asking Debra! He was born on 12/5 and I'm trying to get this new mommy role together! It's not easy as I'm up at 4:30am feeding him right now! LOL! But he is so worth it! I was told in my 7th month that I was having a girl... Well on the delivery table they told us it was a boy! What a shock as I had a totally PINK baby shower! Now we have plenty of BLUE clothes thanks to great friends and family members! He's a perfect, healthy little boy, thanks to God... He is a little cholicy (gassy) and that is rough, but getting a little better. I will try to post some pics when I have 2 free hands! His name is Mehmet Can.

Happy and blessed New Year to yo all!

PS- Thanks for yor PM Mina and I promise to write back soon!

Good luck all!
~Debbie luv.gif

QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Dec 29 2008, 02:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
awatwerlily your "baby" is almost not a baby anymore and still oh so cute-you going to have more? biggrin.gif

I just cannot get over Wendy and her good fortune...I am so happy for you two! I am thinking of Julia and Onur too and waiting to hear the good news someday soon! Meanwhile, I know you two are spending much needed time together after this AP slap in the face!

I am still working on the document package that we need to return to Ankara so we can get an interview and am starting to save for Ankara. I hope to go in 6-8 weeks and we are hoping to get that interview lined up for the same time...insallah!

Deb and Resul-wheres your sweet baby pics? I am so happy for you. What a most sweet 2008 surprise. are you enjoying your time off from poo?? offtopic45vn.gif I'm still swimming in it until I can escape to Ankara! rofl.gif

Everyone have a happy new year!!! My thoughts are with you all!!

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2008-12-29 04:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thanks Tanya!
I hope to hear from those who have experienced this phase too. Congrats to you and your husband too! Take care...

QUOTE (tanyakaraman @ Dec 3 2008, 09:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, congratulations Debbie! I hope your delivery goes smoothly on Friday!

As for the lifting of conditions, I don't really know how difficult it is as we haven't reached that point yet, but I do know that we plan on doing it ourselves without a lawyer's assistance (as long as it doesn't involve rocket science, I am a DIY kind of girl smile.gif)and lots of others here on VJ have as well. Hopefully one of them will come forth with some tips for you! I have heard that the process is currently taking quite a long time...

Best wishes to you and your husband and your soon to be arriving beautiful bundle of joy!! rose.gif


QUOTE (Deb_Res @ Dec 3 2008, 09:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Merhaba Everybody!

I know I haven't been on here in ages... But we had quite a surprise on April Fool's Day when I found out that I was pregnant! Who would have thought I'd become pregnant, naturally on our own at the age of 43, and 6 months after my gastric bypass??? God is good! I have had a fabulous pregnancy without any complications and I am actually giving birth to our little angel girl on Fri. 12/5. I just found out yesterday that she has to be a c-section since she is lying sideways in me and not down in the birth canal... But she's coming exactly on her due date and she's already over 8 lbs.! We are very excited and feel very blessed that this miracle has happened to us... star_smile.gif

Meantime... I received a call from our lawyer's office informing us that we need to make an appt. to start the lifting of conditions process for Resul. His anniversary is on 4/24/09. I saw online that the application fees alone are going to cost us over $500! My lawyer has not told me the cost of this service yet, but I'm imagining it will be well over $1000 which we can not afford with a new baby coming in days! My question is for those of you who have gone through this process is it something we can do on our own and how difficult is it? I looked at it and it seems do-able, but just want some opinions. Are they very tough with this process? I have seen that it has taken about a year for people to get their 10 year green cards, is that correct? Any info and advise would be great!

If you don't hear back from me right away you know what I'll be doing! I will post some pics once our angel arrives! Take care and good luck to all!

~Debbie luv.gif

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2008-12-04 08:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Merhaba Everybody!

I know I haven't been on here in ages... But we had quite a surprise on April Fool's Day when I found out that I was pregnant! Who would have thought I'd become pregnant, naturally on our own at the age of 43, and 6 months after my gastric bypass??? God is good! I have had a fabulous pregnancy without any complications and I am actually giving birth to our little angel girl on Fri. 12/5. I just found out yesterday that she has to be a c-section since she is lying sideways in me and not down in the birth canal... But she's coming exactly on her due date and she's already over 8 lbs.! We are very excited and feel very blessed that this miracle has happened to us... star_smile.gif

Meantime... I received a call from our lawyer's office informing us that we need to make an appt. to start the lifting of conditions process for Resul. His anniversary is on 4/24/09. I saw online that the application fees alone are going to cost us over $500! My lawyer has not told me the cost of this service yet, but I'm imagining it will be well over $1000 which we can not afford with a new baby coming in days! My question is for those of you who have gone through this process is it something we can do on our own and how difficult is it? I looked at it and it seems do-able, but just want some opinions. Are they very tough with this process? I have seen that it has taken about a year for people to get their 10 year green cards, is that correct? Any info and advise would be great!

If you don't hear back from me right away you know what I'll be doing! I will post some pics once our angel arrives! Take care and good luck to all!

~Debbie luv.gif
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2008-12-03 09:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
star_smile.gif Congrats Julia! Excellent news! star_smile.gif
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2008-03-15 23:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thanks Deb! I really don't have any new photos! I keep saying I need to take some, but forget and more time slips on by! Congrats on the 10 year green card to you and John! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

QUOTE (Debra&John @ Mar 8 2008, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> have accomplished so much..!! Congraulations kicking.gif kicking.gif

just dieing to see new photos. whistling.gif

So glad to hear all is going well for you both....sounds like Resul is enjoying driving ;-)

Take care,

QUOTE (Deb_Res @ Mar 8 2008, 07:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
[b]Hi All! smile.gif

Wow! I haven't been on here in quite a while! Took me almost an hour to read all the posts and catch up! So glad to hear good news and progress from most of you and for those of you still waiting for your loved ones keep the faith and all will happen before you know it! heart.gif

Resul and I are doing great. He finally received his drivers license in Dec. and now loves to drive! He never drove in Turkey and was afraid to drive here. And he finally got a car and is in heaven! He switched jobs in Dec. also and is working for Whole Foods. He feels it's a good company to work for, but like most of us he wishes he were making more $$$... So now that he can drive and has a car he can start looking for a better job.

As for me... Nothing too exciting! Healthwise doing great since my gastric bypass in Sept. It's now 6 months and I'm down 100lbs. kicking.gif The weight loss has slowed down considerably as expected, 5-10lbs a month now. We also joined a gym in Jan. and Resul and I go 3-5 nights a week which has contributed in the weight loss slowing down due to building up muscle mass that I have lost over the 6 months. But losing lots of inches! good.gif

Speaking of Hamsi! I read some posts! I do not eat anything from the sea! Can't stand the smell! We too go to the Turkish market in Patterson and he bought those frozen Hamsi! Well! I wanted to die when I came home and walked into the house smelling of fried fish! He fried up the whole package, heads and tails piled high!!!!!! I actually had to leave and come back an hour later! He said if they were fresh it would not smell that bad! Of course he tried to get me to eat one , but I'm not as brave as the rest of you! biggrin.gif

That's all that's going on with us for now! We hope to go to Turkey sometime this year, but no dates yet...

Hope the rest of you are all doing well and have a wonderful Spring! rose.gif

~Debbie luv.gif

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2008-03-08 23:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
[b]Hi All! smile.gif

Wow! I haven't been on here in quite a while! Took me almost an hour to read all the posts and catch up! So glad to hear good news and progress from most of you and for those of you still waiting for your loved ones keep the faith and all will happen before you know it! heart.gif

Resul and I are doing great. He finally received his drivers license in Dec. and now loves to drive! He never drove in Turkey and was afraid to drive here. And he finally got a car and is in heaven! He switched jobs in Dec. also and is working for Whole Foods. He feels it's a good company to work for, but like most of us he wishes he were making more $$$... So now that he can drive and has a car he can start looking for a better job.

As for me... Nothing too exciting! Healthwise doing great since my gastric bypass in Sept. It's now 6 months and I'm down 100lbs. kicking.gif The weight loss has slowed down considerably as expected, 5-10lbs a month now. We also joined a gym in Jan. and Resul and I go 3-5 nights a week which has contributed in the weight loss slowing down due to building up muscle mass that I have lost over the 6 months. But losing lots of inches! good.gif

Speaking of Hamsi! I read some posts! I do not eat anything from the sea! Can't stand the smell! We too go to the Turkish market in Patterson and he bought those frozen Hamsi! Well! I wanted to die when I came home and walked into the house smelling of fried fish! He fried up the whole package, heads and tails piled high!!!!!! I actually had to leave and come back an hour later! He said if they were fresh it would not smell that bad! Of course he tried to get me to eat one , but I'm not as brave as the rest of you! biggrin.gif

That's all that's going on with us for now! We hope to go to Turkey sometime this year, but no dates yet...

Hope the rest of you are all doing well and have a wonderful Spring! rose.gif

~Debbie luv.gif

Attached Files

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2008-03-08 10:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
kicking.gif Happy New Year to all!

Again I have not been getting updates to this thread! I don't know why I am not getting emails when you all send messages? But I had a little time to come on here today and get caught up! How are all of you doing? Welcom to Merk and JULIAFERNO! It's great to have you guys on here with us and I wish you the best!

I hope you all had a great holiday season! Resul and I are doing well. He finally got his driver's license!!! And he recently got a new job and it is FT and more $ so that is good! As far as my weight loss I have lost almost 90 lbs to date. Had a little stall in between, but that is par for the course. But I am finally feeling so much better!

I'm glad to hear all of you are doing well! I can't wait to hear how Wendy's trip was! How did you make out Debra on Dec. 20th? Mina, glad you can finally relax and enjoy some time off! Awaterlilly, how are things going for you? And your "little bunny" is so gorgeous!!!

Take care everyone and have a healthy, happy 2008!

~Deb luv.gif
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2008-01-01 12:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Merhaba and Happy Thanksgiving to all! rose.gif

I'm sorry to say that I have not been getting notices when someone posts on this thread up until today! I see I missed a lot and I hope none of you think I was being rude and not answering your posts... But I'm glad I finally got a notice to check out todays posts because I never have time to come on here unless I get a notice of a new post! So hopefully I will start getting them again.

Anyway... To catch you all up I have been doing ok since surgery. To date I have lost 77lbs. (31lbs. prior to surgery in Sept.). It's a new part time job for me trying to make my new stomach happy! It's very frustrating trying to figure out what to eat, what will sit well, and trying to get all the protein in that I need in a day. I am often not feeling too well with neausea and vomiting. Everyone who has had this surgery and is past the 1 year anniversary ensures me that it will get better in time... Hurry up time!!! But I can't complain, it could be much worse...

Resul finally got his driving permit in late Oct. and has a 12/28 date for his driving test! I can't believe that they make you wait 3 months before you can take the road test. He's not happy with his job, he was hired PT but getting FT hours and over the last month they have cut his hours to 20 or less which is not good. Unfortunately he has to stay with it until he gets his driver's license and can go look for a new FT job. Right now he can at least walk to this job in 10 minutes. But fortunately his hours are back up right now due to the holidays.

Other than that we are doing great!

good.gif Wendy I was so happy to hear that you will go to Turkey in a few weeks to see your honey! Hooray for you! It's going to be such a wonderful reunion for the both of you! Have a fabulous trip and savor every moment!

biggrin.gif Awaterlilly! Your daughter is getting so big and more beautiful everytime I see your new avatar pic! You are so blessed!

kicking.gif Good luck on your new journey of lifting conditions Debra! I hope you hear something this week and your file is transfered to CA like you wished for! Keep us posted.

yes.gif And Mina I know you are soooooooo busy right now in retail! I 've been there and done that years ago and I feel your pain! Keep your chin up and see that carrot dangeling before you to go PT after the holidays! Lucky girl you! Glad to hear your hubby got his old job back and is driving! Hooray! Hopefully Resul will be driving soon!

I will try to add some new pics to our profile for those of you who want to see the progression of my weight loss! Thanks for asking and wishing me well! Take care and get ready for the holidays they are just around the corner now!

~Debbie luv.gif
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-11-22 22:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Isn't the incline great! I love Pittsburgh too! I still have a few good friends that live out there. I need to take a trip out and see them soon... Sounds great! If we ever go out that way I will contact you prior! Thanks Wendy! Have a good week! good.gif

QUOTE (wendya @ Sep 26 2007, 03:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, I know of Slippery Rock. My sister, mother and niece and I went to Pittsburg over the Labor day weekend. I love Pittsburg!! The view from the incline is amazing!!!

I only live 30 min. from Lancaster. When you and Resul visit the area drop me a line, maybe we could meet for lunch.

Talk to you later,


QUOTE (Deb_Res @ Sep 26 2007, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh, you are in a great location! Hershey's! Yum! I went to Slippery Rock Univ., 45 min. north of Pittsburgh, so that's all the way on the western side of PA. No where near you... But I love PA. I hope to take Resul one weekend to Amish country, Lancaster area this fall. It's so beautiful there and he loves farmland and animals. Have a good day Wendy!

QUOTE (wendya @ Sep 26 2007, 08:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh Deb, so sorry you have to return to work on Monday. I am so glad everything continues to go well for you though. I am fine, thanks for asking.

I live 20 min. from Valley Forge, PA. It is a great location. Only 60 min. from Philadelphia in one direction and 60 min to Hershey (yum chocolate) in the other.

What college did you attend in PA?

QUOTE (Deb_Res @ Sep 25 2007, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for asking Wendy! I'm doing good. Still experimenting with trying different soft foods. Unfortunately it's back to work for me on Monday helpsmilie.gif crying.gif mad.gif wacko.gif How's everything going with you? Where in PA do you live? I went to college in PA. Have a good night Wendy! rose.gif

~Deb luv.gif

QUOTE (wendya @ Sep 25 2007, 04:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (awaterlily @ Sep 19 2007, 05:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Deb - thats awesome! Glad to hear all is going well. Keep us posted with your progress.

Wendy - I haven't had a peach pie in forever. Sounds wonderful. BTW..have you ever checked out I love cooking/baking and I love that website for finding new recipes and inspiration. I have so many apples even baking pies won't put a dent in my supply. LOL I guess I'll be baking lots of yummies for friends ;-)

Thanks for the compliments on our daughter! I wish you all could hear her laughing's so darn cute!


Hi Everyone,

Just had to write something because we were back down at the bottom again and we need to be at the top!!

So, how is everyone doing?

Deb, another week down. How is everything?

Awaterlily, how did the apple pies come out? I bet they were delicious. Oh, and I know what you mean about little ones laughter. There is just something about it that makes you smile from ear to ear!!!

Well, Take care everyone.


Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-09-30 09:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Oh, you are in a great location! Hershey's! Yum! I went to Slippery Rock Univ., 45 min. north of Pittsburgh, so that's all the way on the western side of PA. No where near you... But I love PA. I hope to take Resul one weekend to Amish country, Lancaster area this fall. It's so beautiful there and he loves farmland and animals. Have a good day Wendy!

QUOTE (wendya @ Sep 26 2007, 08:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh Deb, so sorry you have to return to work on Monday. I am so glad everything continues to go well for you though. I am fine, thanks for asking.

I live 20 min. from Valley Forge, PA. It is a great location. Only 60 min. from Philadelphia in one direction and 60 min to Hershey (yum chocolate) in the other.

What college did you attend in PA?

QUOTE (Deb_Res @ Sep 25 2007, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for asking Wendy! I'm doing good. Still experimenting with trying different soft foods. Unfortunately it's back to work for me on Monday helpsmilie.gif crying.gif mad.gif wacko.gif How's everything going with you? Where in PA do you live? I went to college in PA. Have a good night Wendy! rose.gif

~Deb luv.gif

QUOTE (wendya @ Sep 25 2007, 04:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (awaterlily @ Sep 19 2007, 05:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Deb - thats awesome! Glad to hear all is going well. Keep us posted with your progress.

Wendy - I haven't had a peach pie in forever. Sounds wonderful. BTW..have you ever checked out I love cooking/baking and I love that website for finding new recipes and inspiration. I have so many apples even baking pies won't put a dent in my supply. LOL I guess I'll be baking lots of yummies for friends ;-)

Thanks for the compliments on our daughter! I wish you all could hear her laughing's so darn cute!


Hi Everyone,

Just had to write something because we were back down at the bottom again and we need to be at the top!!

So, how is everyone doing?

Deb, another week down. How is everything?

Awaterlily, how did the apple pies come out? I bet they were delicious. Oh, and I know what you mean about little ones laughter. There is just something about it that makes you smile from ear to ear!!!

Well, Take care everyone.


Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-09-26 10:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thanks for asking Wendy! I'm doing good. Still experimenting with trying different soft foods. Unfortunately it's back to work for me on Monday helpsmilie.gif crying.gif mad.gif wacko.gif How's everything going with you? Where in PA do you live? I went to college in PA. Have a good night Wendy! rose.gif

~Deb luv.gif

QUOTE (wendya @ Sep 25 2007, 04:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (awaterlily @ Sep 19 2007, 05:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Deb - thats awesome! Glad to hear all is going well. Keep us posted with your progress.

Wendy - I haven't had a peach pie in forever. Sounds wonderful. BTW..have you ever checked out I love cooking/baking and I love that website for finding new recipes and inspiration. I have so many apples even baking pies won't put a dent in my supply. LOL I guess I'll be baking lots of yummies for friends ;-)

Thanks for the compliments on our daughter! I wish you all could hear her laughing's so darn cute!


Hi Everyone,

Just had to write something because we were back down at the bottom again and we need to be at the top!!

So, how is everyone doing?

Deb, another week down. How is everything?

Awaterlily, how did the apple pies come out? I bet they were delicious. Oh, and I know what you mean about little ones laughter. There is just something about it that makes you smile from ear to ear!!!

Well, Take care everyone.


Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-09-25 22:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
biggrin.gif Hi Wedy & Awaterlily,

Thanks for your support! I actually went to the doctor yesterday and he was pleased with my progress! I have lost 14lbs since 9/10 and he up graded me to eat some soft foods! Whoohoo!!!! I had 3ozs. of mashed potatoes and 4ozs. of a fat free/sugar free yogurt! It was so good to eat something! So as of now I have officially lost 45lbs. since mid July(I was on a high protein liquid diet for 2 months prior to surgery and lost the other 30 some pounds). I go back to the doctor in a month and I return back to work on Oct. 1. So things are going well, thank God... Thanks for asking and keep the faith Wendy, your time will come for your love to be with you. Just take 1 day at a time and try to talk to him everyday if you can, that helps. And Awaterlily, your baby is absolutely gorgeous! You are so blessed to have a little angel! innocent.gif

Take care now,
~Deb luv.gif
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-09-19 09:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (wendya @ Sep 15 2007, 11:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Deb,

So happy to hear everything went well and you are back home and on the mend.

Best Wishes,


Thanks Wendy!
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-09-15 13:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Debra&John @ Sep 10 2007, 03:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gastric Bypass surgery.......I am so excited for you Deb.... wishing you the best! good.gif

Please keep in touch and let us know how your doing.


star_smile.gif Hi Everybody,
Just wanted to give you an update that my surgery went well on Monday and I was sent home on Wednesday good.gif . It feels good to be home. Still sore, but getting a little better every day. Thanks for all your good wishes. I'll keep you posted...
~Deb luv.gif
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-09-15 09:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed the summer. Resul and I have been busy working too... It's hard being on different schedules and trying to do things together, but we did a few day/weekend trip to Atlantic City and area boardwalks. But the big news is that I'm having Gastric Bypass surgery tomorrow morning! I have been pursuing this since April as it is a long process to be approved by the insurance company. So I will keep you all posted as I hopefully become the incredible shrinking woman! wink.gif

Take care!
~Deb luv.gif
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-09-09 13:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Have a wonderful trip to Turkey Mina! Relax, enjoy, and eat lots of bread!!! :lol: Can't wait to hear about it when you return! Take care.
~Deb :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-07-29 13:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Wendy,
Our fingers are crossed for you and Yilmaz that he receives his visa on Monday! Best wishes! Keep us posted!
~Deb :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-07-15 12:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Oh yes! The tea! He must have several cups per day! And OMG! The sugar!!! He practically goes through 10 pounds of sugar a month just in his tea! I forgot about the sugar! It's amazing how he stays so thin! I don't get it! :lol:

Have a great day all!
~Deb :luv:

Thank you Katie, Kaan, and Deb and Resul,

I was laughing out loud when I read your posts also. I have experienced the same things. I do, however, find these "idiosyncrasies" endearing!! (As I am sure you do too, Katie and Deb).

I know what you mean about the tea. It is a good thing I love tea!! At least I don't put the amount of sugar in mine as Yilmaz does. (and for such a little glass).

I tend to get very hot, and if I don't wear a jacket or bundle up, Yilmaz is always telling me I am going to catch a cold.

Ah, our Turkish counterparts, they make life worth living!!!!

Have a good day everyone!!


Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-06-07 07:17:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Katie & Kaan!
This made me laugh and I read it to Resul. Yes, of course I can relate to the bread and air conditioning, and the no ice in drinks is true too! But I have to add one that you didn't mention... And when I heard this one I laughed so hard. Did you ever hear the one about not eating fish and yogurt at the same time because you can die??? I didn't believe him! I said it had to be Turkish urban ledgend or something. So he said if you don't belive me ask Tolga (a Turkish friend of ours). So when we saw Tolga I asked him what happens if you eat fish and yogurt together? And he said "YOU DIE"!!!!!!!! :lol: I almost died from laughing! Have any of you heard this one?

Thanks for the laughs!
~Deb :luv:

Hi VJ forum,

It's Kaan's wife, Katie. Kaan came across this thread and had me read it to laugh about the bread and AC topic. I just had to add a few other observations/questions:

1. Does any other person notice that their Turkish spouse/fiance hates ice in drinks?....apparently, it can add to chances of catching a cold.
2. Also, does your spouse/fiance insist you drink water after eating ice cream to avoid a cold?
3. If you follow these precautions and avoid AC, and still nazar (the evil eye) catches up with you and gives you a cold, does your spouse insist you eat 2 lemons sprinkled liberally with salt? :)
4. Do you notice your spouse or other Turkish friends of his/her arrive fashionably late to events, but in Turkey when they drive they cruise through the roads as if they must get to their destination in the SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE...ignoring trafic guidelines, lines on the road, lights, stop signs and passing other cars even when it is clearly dangerous to do so?
5. About Turkish cuisine, is any dish complete without salt of tomato paste?

Well, that's all I can think of right now. Is my spouse not a typical Turk or do some of you notice the same trends? By the way, I think he has been "Turkifying" me because now I do dry my hair asap after a shower and avoid the AC some, and I drink water faithfully after eating ice cream.

Take care everyone,

Katie (and Kaan)

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-06-06 21:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to share the news that Resul and I had our interview on April 24th and he was approved for his greeen card! The interview was a piece of cake! Lasted only about 20 minutes. So he is anxiously waiting for it to come through the mail! We are happy to be done with all this governmaent "madness" for at least the next 2 years! Hope you are all doing well!

(L) Deb & Res (L)

Attached Files

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-05-02 19:50:00