Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSiberia to Separate from Russia to become Part of the USA

People from New England area...Boston, etc.. don't have the letter "R" in their alphabet. Their another bunch that can't speak right. Kentucky does look nice, and it has better weather than here...but I'm not so much on the humidity they have back east. Here it's dry and cold and easy to breathe. The tree's here aren't big and It looks just like Eastern Russia.

Wasilla is pretty good size...they have a super Walmart, Best Buy, Costco, Sears, etc... everything there is pretty new. It's grown fast so it's a little crazy. And ya I know Sarah Palin...I'm renting this place were living in atm from her mother in law. Her in laws live here in Dillingham, but I knew her husband Todd from Prudhoe Bay (work), her sister in law from the bar I used to frequent (her sister in law is a gaint meth head now) and I saw Sarah plenty of times at the grocery store in Wasilla when I lived in Big Lake...which is right up the road from Wasilla. Were moving back to Big Lake as soon as my wife finishes her schooling here for her dental thing. She's on contract until next winter and then it's back to civilization for us. :dance:

ha i didn't wanna say anything about civilization, i didnt wanna be rude, but hey, i live in SE KY.. it's not very civilized either, but we do have Walmart lol. especially comparing to magadan, it's a huge city comparing to our little town here.
thats crazy that you know sarah palin ahah, where we live, it's a total bible belt, so most of the people are republicans and they loooove her :S
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-13 19:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSiberia to Separate from Russia to become Part of the USA

How did you end up in Kentucky? Iv'e been there once before but those people don't speak proper English...southerners. I couldn't understand a few of them when I was there.

Nothing like Brighton Beach here...most of the Russians here that Iv'e met are from Eastern or Southern Russia. Brighton Beach got all the mafia criminal types from Western Russia and Eastern Ukraine. Other than the Old Faith Russians here...who have been here for a few hundred years, Russian speaking people here don't really seperate themselves from everyone else. We all kind of just blend in together. Most of the guys I worked with at Sakhalin were Alaskans and a lot of them married women from Russia. Now when you go to a high school hockey game, football game, etc... you hear a lot of Russian being spoken in the stands from the "Russian Hockey Moms" as we call them here.

Here's an example...

My wife and I live in Western Alaska near the Bering Sea (Dillingham) but my parents live in Wasilla, Alaska near Anchorage...which is like Little Russia. So anyways we fly over there to visit my parents and I take my wife to visit a friend of mine who married a Russian gal when he was working at Sakhalin. They invited another couple over ...which happens to be another guy that is married to a Russian gal (Sakhalin again) and they brought friends with them who were a Russian couple from Eastern Russia that immigrated here. We decided to have a barbecue and bonfire ...middle of winter mind you and it was around 0 degrees outside ...but you would have thought you were in Russia or Belarus at the time. More Russian was being spoken there than English. :lol:

i was an exchange student to begin with and i came back to go to school, then stopped going to school ,met my now husband and the rest is history ahaha. i love kentucky, aint nothing like appalachia lol. funny that you said that they don't even speak english, because now, when i hear someone from new jersey or massachusetts speak, i think that they sound funny ahah.
is wassilla a small town? does everyone know sarah palin there? lol sorry, but i had to ask.
i actually enjoy not having any russians around, if i wanted to be around them, i would have stayed home lol.. when i go to tennessee and meet some russians, i speak to them for a couple minutes and that is just it...
down where i live, we have a lot of mexicans and that's it, havent met anyone from any other countries. i like weather here, way different from Magadan.. we just had our second snow of the winter the other day.

Edited by MariyaB, 13 January 2012 - 07:27 PM.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-13 19:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSiberia to Separate from Russia to become Part of the USA

It's like Russia is taking back Alaska slowly but surely. :unsure:

lol @ that statement.. id like to visit alaska and see for myself, but from the looks of it, it's like Magadan but with McDonalds :). but when i watched sarah palin's alaska on TLC, it reminded me of home.. i'm sure you know what im talking about since you've been to Magadan.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-13 19:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSiberia to Separate from Russia to become Part of the USA

Magadan is Anchorage, Alaska's sister city. There used to be direct flights from Anchorage to Magadan via Aeroflot. We have two Russian teachers here at the university...she is from St. Petersburg and her husband Victor is from Magadan. Funny thing is she teaches English and Spanish at the university here. :lol: My wife goes to church with them but most of the Russians living here are "Old Faith", but more and more Russians are moving here. In fact Wasilla, Alaska has three Russian churches. Old Faith of course, the newer faith Russian Orthodox Church, and now the former FSU people living here built there own Russian speaking protestant church. They got in a p*ssing match with the priest at the ROC church and said "fck it" and built their own church. Services are done in Russian with an English translator for the kids who don't speak Russian so well. It has people from Russia, Ukraine, Kazahks, name it...even a few Bulgarians. And a mile down the road is a Russian food store with Russian movies.

It's like Russia is taking back Alaska slowly but surely. :unsure:

yeah they stopped flying those planes they year i came over here, so i had to make a round-the-world trip just to get back home.. where i live, there are no russians whatsoever.. oh well..
is there anything like "Brighton beach" over there ahah? i can only imagine how many russians are over there,because seems like every green card lottery winner gets sent to alaska lol
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-13 18:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSiberia to Separate from Russia to become Part of the USA

It's the same here. I like the people from that neck of the woods. I worked at Sakhalin Island, and spent a few weeks in Magadan and those peole were totally cool....other than the few who tried to rip us off...but it happens. My wife's uncle lives in Vladivostok and he's about as cool as it gets. He used to import cars until Tsar Putin put an end to that with the taxes but he made a killing. He speaks perfect English and passes himself off as an American at bars and that guy has more pick up lines than Iv'e ever seen. He's the one who gave me a bachelor party that I'l never forget. He's not allowed to speak to me anymore now unless the wife is there. :(

If Russia Far East was a part of the US it would make a killing. It would be like here in Alaska. Those people would have oil money up the ####### and be living a heck of a lot better than they are now. Between Alaska and Russia Far East...those two regions would run this country. B-)

you said Magadan and my heart dropped ahah, it's my home town and i love it! though the weather is brutal and summers are short, i'm proud to be from there, i would give everything for Magadan to be a part of US aha, no kidding, i love it that much.. we have everything from gold to salmon.. anything! a lot of people from Magadan immigrated to Alaska, in fact my history teacher from School back home had just moved to Anchorage this passed summer because she won a green card lottery lol.
but as u might have noticed, most of the cars that people drive in Magadan are Japanese, it's normal for us to have a right-hand drive car.. but by the looks of what you just said, that's gonna be no more :(
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-13 18:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSiberia to Separate from Russia to become Part of the USA

Those are actually Canadian companies. Alaska Gold, Nova Gold, etc... all Canadian. All our gold, nickel, Alaska is mined by Canadian companies. They use Alaska names so the locals here don't go ballistic. A few years ago I helped construct a ball mill at a mine and most of the workers there were Canadians, Australians, and South Africans. :angry:

on the second thought, you are right about them being Canadian, that slipped my mind, but you are right.. either way, the point is that Russia's mining companies are ran by foreign investors almost 100% of the time.. all of the resources pretty much belong to them.. russians just claim the territory and that's all
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-13 18:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSiberia to Separate from Russia to become Part of the USA
i'm from Kolyma, was born and raised there and let me tell you, about 80% of gold and silver mines are ran and invested in by Americans (specifically from Alaska), the other 20% belongs to Germans haha, so most of the resources that are being mined there are being exported or sold to the US. i don't know if you would consider Kolyma as a part of Siberia, but it's a Far East for sure.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-13 17:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFound an old girlfriend on
seeing how the OP, from what i've seen, prefers Russian females.. the same is with his ex-gf, who prefers american men... there are different ways to go about getting what u need, the OP's ex considers fooling americans into thinking she looks better then she really does, as one of them lol

Edited by MariyaB, 15 January 2012 - 04:27 PM.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-15 16:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

I do not keep track. Show me the post please, where I questioned your intellect. This is not a personal thing, you are wrong. There is no mail order business selling women, period.

they way you answer, it quite frankly, comes off as i'm better than you and i know better.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 21:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo


He's a guy who really loves his wife, even if he types stuff on here about her that some of us don't understand. I don't know why he feels the need to get all defensive about cultural perceptions if they don't apply to him. And I don't know why he feels the need to be cruel to half the VJ readership just to prove his devotion to his wife. We can all clearly see he loves her. It would be a lot more fun if we could enjoy that with him without being degraded by him. Like he says, basically we are all got here on the same boat.

thank you, i'm not the only one who takes his posts this way.. even if he does it indeirectly, after reading anything he writes, you feel like you've just been hit with a brick.
and by no means i'm saying he's getting to the point that way, he, in most cases, IS the troll.. he passes it as a simple opinion and then BAM! lol
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 21:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

When did I say something about your intellect? :unsure:

seriously? are you in a haze? or do you not keep a track of what you're saying?

Wow really? You're gonna go with the "you disagree with me, therefore you are a troll" bit again? At least show some creativity, man!

that's what Gary is saying.. hello? have you been reading the same thing i have?
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 21:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

Um...she just said you are wrong. Did you catch that?

do what?? you must be a bad psychic, cause that is not true..
giving your opinions left and right is one thing, but misinterpreting what i say is another.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 21:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo
Gary, you really are a fruitcake ahah. if someone has an opinion that differs yours, you just don't take it very lightely.
to me, this is just a discussion, and i won't give it another thought after i close this page, you, however, are trying to prove me wrong so bad, that you're constantly saying something about my intelect.
just because you or Why_Me are older then i am, doesn't mean ####### to me... had i not mentioned my age here, you would never know.
as a matter of fact, you two ARE acting like everything i'm saying about an American man.. just because i'm not agreeing with your opinion, it makes me dumb.
not the case, sorry.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 21:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

If it's so "demeaning" to women then why are there literally tens of thousands of them on those foreign wife sites? Did someone hold a gun to their head to sign up?

Explain that please to those of us who don't know any better.

it's their fault too, apparently they are fine with it, so who's at fault? they see the life they want on tv, a guy from US approaches them and they run to them with open arms so that they would get them out of the hell they're in.

And I think your totally full of it. Either you really are only 22 years old and oblivious to life in general, especially in regards to any man marrying a foreign spouse, or your just trolling for whatever reason(s).

eeehhh wrong answer
if i was trolling, would have went after the fact that you are having trouble spelling "you're".. but i'm not

Edited by Mrs.Brock, 06 February 2012 - 09:19 PM.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 21:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

Gary, you can't be as naive as you pretend. You know full well that there are boo-koo bunches of agencies in the FSU that specialize in helping foreigners meet FSU women. Before you get all bent, this happens lots of other places. There are dating services in Ecuador. There are chat cafeterias in the Philippines. These places/services don't exist so the locals can meet the locals. They exist so the locals can meet people from other countries. We can safely assume that these services/places don't exist out of some philanthropic desire of the ownership to bring happiness to their patrons. They exist to make a profit. So, it looks life spouse shopping.

True mail order brides no longer exist because of the meeting requirement of the K1, that is for sure true. The big difference though between foreign women (or men) listing themselves on international dating sites versus US folks on is that a culture is being "sold" as much as a partner. People are persuaded that a foreign partner will make them happy because of the culture or values instilled from another country. IMO that's not good. People are just too different, no matter where they are born. It's just as possible to get a lovely FSU woman as it is a dud.

i think he just argues for the sake of it... you tell people grass is green and they jump out of their skin to prove you wrong.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 21:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

And what? had you ever talked to your husband before you met him? You are really being silly now. Are you against blind dates? Are you against friends "fixing up" their friends with dates? An agaency arranged a MEETING of two people,adults, both interested in marriage and with similar interests according to profiles they submitted. what is the problem?

They will meet and then the will talk and then they will communicate and then they moght get married sometime in the future. Just like the rest of us did. I never talked to Alla before I talked to her, then I talked to her, carried her bags, she asked me out for coffee, I asked her out for dinner after the what? I asked her to marry me four months later after lots more visits and lots more communication. How does it matter HOW WE MET and talked the first time?

I still do not get what you are talking about, there are no mail order brides, no one picks wives for you, no one sells women.

one last time, i'm telling you, because proving a point to you is like talking to a wall. to me, it is DEMEANING to do that to women, just pick them out of the catalog okay?

the IS NO mail order business, it was banned LONG ago.

not according to that special.. hence the name "e-mail-order bride"

google "mail-order bride".. you mean to tell me noone does it? there are thousands upon thousands of sites.. just because it's illegal, doesn't mean it doesnt exist
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 21:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

Well it's nice to hear that men never get played like a toy. It's all the man's fault and if he get's p*ssed after he was suckered and then wants to send whoever back for using him for a visa...well that goes against all the rules.

Now how do I cut my testicles off so I can have that frame of mind? I mean only a douche would think it doesn't go both ways. Any guy here lose a house to a woman? Come on now speak up? And if so did you get p*ssed, or did you just say; "I'm a stupid mother fckr and I deserved it no matter what the circumstances were." ?

actually i said it went both ways, but you hear more about men being done wrong, then women.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 20:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

It is required by law in order to get a visa that you must have met IN PERSON and you must show evidence of a relationship, which usually involves communication and further visits. Where on earth do you get the idea that you pay someone and they give you a woman you have never met or communicated with?

from that special.. the second guy that was coming to Russia to meet up with the girl that the agency picked out for him, he said himself that he hasn't talked to her directly, only through the main woman who runs the agency.

I was being facetious. Showing ridiculousness by being ridiculous. But at least you see what happens when, or if, we allow certain people to make rules over other people's lives where they have no business

gary, i never said that there should be a ban on this whole mail-order business, but to ME, it's demoralizing.. like i said, i'm telling you one thing, and you're talking about another lol
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 20:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

Well, I think there's a tendency to be bitter when things do go awry, and people lash out. That's human nature. So if the relationship broke up, no matter the reason, the guy is going to want to lash out by having her "deported." People get crazy when relationships go down the toilet. One particular VJ member had a marriage that tanked, and now he's making noises like he was somehow scammed. Before it all went to hell, it was all great, never a bad word to say. But when it went to hell, all of a sudden he's being scammed. Not because he's being scammed of course, but just because there's a tendency among some to blame anyone but themselves.

you hit the nail on the head.. and the US citizen is always a victim lol
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 20:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

mox, in cases where the relationship goes south, we see it all the time. Soviet partners or otherwise. "How can I send him/her back to their country" is the title of those threads.

I don't know what Mrs. Brock means (she can speak for herself) but to me, I wonder why someone would have this on their mind when a relationship ends. It implies that the relationship was less than loving before it failed.

they would have it in their mind exactly because they played with a toy, got disappointed in it and now are looking for a return policy.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 20:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

But I get the impression you think there is a large majority of women who come over here and are turned into virtual slaves, unable to do anything or even think their own thoughts without their husbands holding "everything over their head." I'm sure it happens, but I seriously doubt it's in the majority. In fact, I'd be willing to bet the instances of this kind of abuse are about the same as the levels of abuse nationwide in US marriages.

nah, i'm not saying that the majority are, and i'm not just talking about RUB women, i just brought RUB up because the special was about that.
i guess where a lot more people write about their bad luck then their good one on here, that's why i took it as a majority.

It's all about Hugh Heffner and Viagra. Those two make life worth living imo. :thumbs:

i saw a special on him, THS on E! i think, and his gf Holly said that Hef doesn't need viagra, she said she "surprises" him and he's ready to go lol

Edited by Mrs.Brock, 06 February 2012 - 08:14 PM.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 20:13:00