K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIn love-Tourist visa or Fiance visa?
I think you do not understand all that is involved in getting a K-1. A 6 month wait, interview and fees for this, gathering police certificates and fees for these, translations of all her documents and fees for those, filing the petition and fees for this, a medical exam and fees for that, and if your girlfriend does not live in Moscow, travel expenses for the medical exam and interview, as well as possible travel to gather police certificates. Additionally, you will spend a lot of time researching and gathering information for the many documents that you must file. It is not a cheap or easy process. I would never want to go through this unless you are ready to be married. Even then, maybe it is not worth it :-) The money and time would be better spent meeting her somewhere else.

I thought the K-1 gives you the option to marry or decide against it, without consequence. It's definitely a possibility that we could end up marrying after 3 months, because like i said, we are definitely in love. It's also a possibility that we'll need a little more time to decide to marry. Having her stay with me for 90 days and then determine our next course of action seems like a reasonable thing to do.

WaitinggentMaleUkraine2010-05-28 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIn love-Tourist visa or Fiance visa?
Why must she meet you in the USA? For example, neither of you needs a visa to meet in the Dominican Republic. Before we were married, I met my future wife twice in the Dominican Republic and we had a very nice time at a resort there. You can also meet without visas in Kiev, Ukraine which is a very nice city or Odessa, Ukraine if you want to have a vacation on the sea.

AI suggest meeting her there.eet in her country

The fiance visa is inappropriate because as you state, you just want to spend a bit of time together. The K1 process is a months long marathon for a different purpose altogether. And if you do decide that you want to get married at some point and start the K1 process in earnest, it won't have helped at all to have misused that visa choice in the past. Choose the visa option that matches your actual intent.

WaitinggentMaleUkraine2010-05-27 19:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSticky Problem - Need Advice
My Ukrainian wife arrived in late February on a K-1 visa, and her son has his interview in Moscow for his K-2 visa on August 25th. Her son's passport expires in September, so they traveled to Ukraine to get a new passport. The problem is that her son is still 17, so they will not issue him an adult passport, and the child's passport is only good until he turns 18, on February 11th. As I understand it, he must come here within 1 year of his mother's arrival, so we planned on him coming on his February break from the University, but this new passport will also be expired before he completes his visit to the USA. And also, if I remember correctly, his passport must be good for 6 months after his interview, and it will expire about 5.5 months after the interview. Any ideas???
WaitinggentMaleUkraine2010-06-29 15:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion
For entering the USA on a K-1/K-2 visa, is the expiration date of the passport an issue? Must there be a certain amount of time remaining on a passport to be allowed into the USA?
WaitinggentMaleUkraine2010-07-06 11:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion
My wife came here on a K-1, and we plan to bring her son here on a K-2. I understand that he has 1 year to follow his mother to the USA to get his green card. Does that mean he must actually step foot in the USA within 1 year of his mom, or do we simply need to get his K-2 visa before 1 year has lapsed, but he can still wait up to 6 months after getting his K-2 to enter the USA? In other words, will his K-2 expire on a date 1 year after his mom entered the USA, or will his K-2 give him 6 months to enter, allowing him to actually arrive in the US 16 or 17 months after his mom arrived?
WaitinggentMaleUkraine2010-09-14 09:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOkay maybe I was a fool

Huh, didn't know that... I'd process packages for people from home :D

Jim he said he sent it anonymously... so I don't think they'd think bribe. My first thought was "terrorism" actually.

OP - It does seem like you were just trying to be nice and I hope it doesn't affect you like Jim's saying it could :D

Hi heart was in the right place. :)
drbilldcMaleUkraine2010-10-06 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresobtaining old marriage certificate from another country
Thank you for your reply. Believe me my fiance' is divorced, lol. I guess we were just reading into this too much. The London embassy doesn't give you much to go with, just a letter saying go to this site. Thanks again and good luck with your interview!!!! take care.
Debbie&DaveFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-23 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresobtaining old marriage certificate from another country
My question has to do with obtaining an old marriage certificate from Finland. My fiance' is in the United Kingdom and under the direction of the packet 3 info online at the US Embassy in London, we are to assemble the following:

Termination of Prior Marriages: Married applicants must obtain an original marriage certificate, or a certified copy, bearing the appropriate seal or stamp of the issuing authority.

Can someone please explain if we are to try and locate the original marriage certificate from 20+ years ago? We have the original divorce decree but are confused if he needs to obtain the original marriage certificate. The previous marriage had taken place in Finland and we are unsure how or whom to contact regarding this. Has anyone else had to do this? Or are we reading into this wrong. Please help since this is the last document we are in need of prior to sending notification to the Embassy he is ready for his interview to be set up. Thanks for any help and suggestions.
Debbie&DaveFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-22 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVaccinations requirement List

Can anyone tell me where we go to find a list of all the required vaccinations my fiance' is required to have ? He lives in the UK and his GP said to bring a list to him for review and if any are needed.
The US london embassy site was not too helpful...

Thanks Deb
Debbie&DaveFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-26 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew VJ Member K1 VISA QUESTIONS?
I am newly registered member to VJ but I have been looking at the board for some time now. I will be traveling to Ghana to visit my fiancee in Mid-May and we want to apply for the fiancee visa when I arrive I will be staying 10-14 days. What items are needed for us to apply? I know that I will need my divorce decree from my previous marriage (which I have) anything thing else? I am a little confused about should he start the process before I arrive and then do certain things when I get there?
Also, about how long will it take to find out if he is approved when we go to apply? Because if they deny him he says that he would want to get married in Ghana..which I don't want to do (just b/c I want to get married here in my church) but if that will speed up the process I guess I will. Any and all information is appreciated! Thanks in advance.
ghanalove1FemaleGhana2010-04-20 18:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Timeline and previous marriage-HELP?
SD I have been watching the boards for some time no and I am just trying tying to figure out realistically what is the time frame for my fiance and I if we do a fiance visa? What if I apply for it in October/November? When is it possible that he could be here? I am in Michigan. I really wanted to get married here in my church but I don't know if doing a spousal visa is better time wise and to just get married and to get it over with?
It's just him and I no children.
Also, I don't know if this will be a road block for me but I was married for 6 years to a man I met here in the states he was from Ghana also. I we divorced 2 years ago and I applied for him to get all his papers. Will this be a road block for as far as getting the visa for my fiance? Will this look suspicious to them? I'm just really concerned about that.
Any advice and experience would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks and Good Luck to all you!
ghanalove1FemaleGhana2010-09-17 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Co-Sponsor Financial Income Change?
So, what about if I add my income to it does that work as enough to sponsor us 3? Like I add my income with my mother's income to be enough to be one collective income to sponsor us three?
ghanalove1FemaleGhana2010-10-04 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Co-Sponsor Financial Income Change?
I am going to be starting the K1 process and I have a question regarding a co-sponsor.My mother will be my co-sponsor for my fiance' and I because at this time I do not have a sufficient income at this time since I am substitute teaching and going to school for my Master's degree. The situation is that my mother is having some health issues now and she is off on paid administrative leave until she meets with her company doctor . Anyway, she may have to go on short term disability and then possibly later long term. Is she has to go on short term disability it will reduce her income at the time. She will only get 66% of her normal income. But I think that even with that reduction we still would be able to qualify together but I am just wondering: Will they consider her current income or her income from the past year? She made well enough to qualify in the years prior. So, do they look at the current income? Like a current paycheck or such or do they look at the past years tax returns?
Thanks for all your help!
ghanalove1FemaleGhana2010-10-03 22:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Relationship Question

I would like to include the snail mails and chats as proofs of our relationship. My concern is there are some parts of the chats/mails that sounds too personal (i.e. kinky). Please do not think I am a freak or something LOL. But what if there are some parts of the mail/chats we don't want them to read, what should I do about it? Thanks a lot.

Well I am a Newbie at this, me and my husband to be are in the process of gathering our info to submit our I-129f but from what I have read, I think you can make copie and black that stuff out with a black marker. Hope this i helpful.
pursegal21FemaleJamaica2010-09-10 21:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOkay site is confusing...
Be sure each of your signatures are ORIGINAL and not photocopies.
JenTFemale02008-11-26 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee is pregnant
They should expedite all cases were children are involved, pregnant or not. Also do some research about bonding while in the womb and fetal development. This bonding has a major effect on how the Father perceives his child and makes the bond stronger in life, also the father interacting with the baby (speaking closely to the stomach) builds bonds that will carry on throughout life (baby will already know the sound of the fathers voice even before birth). Not to mention stress on the Mother passes through the placenta straight to the baby subsequently raising the babys blood pressure thus making that baby whos mother had high stress, more susceptible to diseases like Diabetes and other major problems (all because the mother was stressing alot throughout the pregnancy)
Children are our future, and future care takers, to not put them 1st is definitely inhuman.


Anyone who has been on this board for any length of time whatsoever has probably come across posts from members who's SOs have abused their children... every situation needs to be evaluated on its own merit, considering the circumstances, for the sake and safety of the children involved. Look what's happened to cause the need for the IMBRA...

As for the words that have been said about people's opinions within this thread, all I can say is that I have also been slammed as an OP with people's 'opinions'... when I got defensive about it, I was told to expect varying opinions and not to post otherwise (that's a paraphrase, obviously, but that's what I heard...)

A poster has to be prepared for opinions, and accept them as such, even if they are presented as facts. People get judgmental, even though most here make an honest effort to be open and compasisonate. When people are only given limited facts, or have personal experiences that cause them to feel strongly about certain subjects, there's going to be controversy. I'm tending to treat people's posts like child rearing advice... I listen to it all, gather the facts myself, and then make the best decision for my own circumstance.

JenTFemale02006-05-18 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee is pregnant
Can we stop and give this guy a break? It's his first post, just starting this process, and now has a baby on the way. Remember when you were just starting all of this?

Every case is evaluated on its own merits... no one has A CLUE as to how these are prioritized anyway... those of us who are stressing out about the IMBRA delays have enough to worry about without taking on the worry of how many pregnancy cases go before us as well.

Everyone's patience is being tried these days....
JenTFemale02006-05-18 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow Long Do We Have to Know Each Other Before Applying for K1
I used an attorney for my I-130 because our relationship was out of the norm. I am way older then him, we got married 4 months after meeting and he's from a Country where many people find it hard to get a Visa. It was a personal decision and I don't regret it but I love VJ and it made me smart enough to get pictures of me with his parents to send and phone bills, things my attorney was surprised that I had.
carolynhotstuffFemalePakistan2009-09-25 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling card proof?
After reading your post I called Comcast back. You are right it will cost me 9 cents a minute to call his cell phone. I am blessed that he has a land line in his home so I can call him on that and call his cell phone in emergencies.
carolynhotstuffFemalePakistan2009-09-25 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling card proof?
After reading this post I called my cable company and they do have an international plan a lot cheaper than the calling card I was using. I got rid of my movie channel and will pay for the international calls instead. Through Comcast I will get 300 minutes for $14.95 per month to call 100 Countries. I didn't realize I could already call Canada and PR for free. Also I can request phone logs with the number I called and the minutes.

Thank you guys for all your help because it is so important when you get to the Embassy stage to have proof of ongoing relationship.
carolynhotstuffFemalePakistan2009-09-25 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
congrats and good luck on the rest of your journey!
carolynhotstuffFemalePakistan2009-10-06 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally K1 petition approved
Congradulations I am so happy for you.
carolynhotstuffFemalePakistan2009-10-09 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious employment???
You can call your old jobs and ask for the dates you worked there. They should have that information.
carolynhotstuffFemalePakistan2009-10-09 23:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresam i wrong or is it just faster than i expected.
Congrats on you NOA2. When you talked to USCIS did you ask them to send you another letter? Seems like you need to read the guides so you can start to get ready for your interview. I hope someone else will answer your questions.
carolynhotstuffFemalePakistan2009-10-23 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiled for I-129F, question about Medicaid
I don't really have expert advice to give you I just wanted to say congrats on your pregnancy.
carolynhotstuffFemalePakistan2009-11-03 00:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about length of courtship affecting CO decision
Just so you know... it is my understanding that a US Consulate/Embassy can not turn away a USC from its doors. Now, they might only be open between 1 & 3 in the afternoon, but you should be allowed into the Consulate/Embassy when she goes for her interview.

Good luck!
July09BrideFemaleCanada2009-03-01 02:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOn current k1 timelines
QUOTE (brnidokiegurl @ Apr 3 2009, 09:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Asking a in general question on the k1 since i been away from it for while. After filing fr N carolina so prob vermont how long is a k1 taking until interview. When i did our first it was like dont plan anything much until at least 6 months is it more or less now, trying to tell my BIL he WONT be here to marry in JUNE

To be honest, it almost depends upon which consulate/embassy to go through for the interview. We filed in September 08 (through CSC), and got an interview date for 4/16 on 3/27 (in Montreal, Canada).

I figured about 34-36 weeks, from beginning to end. We're actually 6 weeks ahead of that; we just got lucky.

So, try counting the avg. number of weeks for your interview site... that might help determine the dates.

Best of luck!
July09BrideFemaleCanada2009-04-03 23:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview on Thursday, 4/16
I can't believe we finally have our K1 interview in Montreal this Thursday! I'm so excited, but nervous all at the same time. I'm double checking everything Sunday evening and making copies on Monday. Any last minute advice as to "extras" I should make sure we have? blink.gif
July09BrideFemaleCanada2009-04-10 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you check up on the case?
QUOTE (chris-ayen @ Apr 11 2009, 08:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rainschild2007 @ Apr 11 2009, 06:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Once you get your NOA1 you can register here: https://egov.uscis.g...ntextType=CU_EN.

were already have the NVC letter with MNL case number but im trying to enter our case # at website to check our appointment but error appears.we havent called the embassy yet for scheduling our interview

If you have an MNL #, that means your paperwork has been sent through the NVC to Manila. You can call the Department of State to see where you're at in the process... 202.663.1225 (press 1, 0). You will need your MNL case number in order to find out any information. Best of luck to you!
July09BrideFemaleCanada2009-04-11 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat next after the NOA2?
QUOTE (Karin und Otto @ Apr 11 2009, 09:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ralphh11 @ Apr 11 2009, 07:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We just received the NOA2 in the mail today. So what is next?

Also - do I need to change her home or employer address with
someone (it has changed since we filed the application).

Not sure what to expect from here, though I think I will be receiving some
sort of packet in the States with information about her interview and/or what
to bring with her to it. Is that correct?

Best advice is for you to read up on the process - you're on Step 4 on the VJ K-1 Flowchart (a good overview of the process) http://www.visajourn...amp;page=k1flow The guides will give plenty details for the steps ahead.

That is best... check out the flowchart. Things will seem to move faster now, but that is because your paperwork will change hands more often. You're on the downhill slope now... best of luck to you! smile.gif
July09BrideFemaleCanada2009-04-11 08:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan K1 visa be reprinted?
QUOTE (Badgerella @ Apr 12 2009, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know what happens if one's passport, with an unused K1 visa in it, gets lost or ruined/destroyed in any way?

I asked the staff at the Embassy here in Zagreb, but they knew the answer only for B2 (visitor) visas. They've had no problems with K1s ever so the person couldn't give me an accurate answer. B2s get reprinted (if the passport gets stolen, or washed in a washing machine, etc.), but you have to pay the fee and do the interview again (as much as I understand, you won't be denied).

Has anyone ever had it happen, when it comes to K1? Or does anyone know what happens? Do you have to go through the entire process again (starting at the USCIS level), or would it still work with just an interview at the USEM?

I'm asking because I had my visa issued last week and I won't be using it for many more months (I'm aware of its validity and willl use it before it expires, though!). The visa is, of course, in my passport which I use pretty often and would like to continue doing so before I leave for the US. Passports can be stolen, lost... or customs officers can just, say, have a bad day and stamp some wrong page....

Curious... what country is Zagreb in? My grandfather, when he was a child, his family got their US passports from the office in Zagreb. My mother and I are trying to do geneaology work and we are curious as to where Zagreb is now. Thanks!
July09BrideFemaleCanada2009-04-12 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresg 325a employment Q
I'm filling out the g 325a form & I came to the employment question. I am self-employed. In the last 5 years I've worked at 2 different locations, but still remained self-employed. Now, I put my name as employer(correct??) but what address do I put? The location where I worked or my own? I did/don't work from home.

any help would be very appreciated!!
CDAgirlMIFemaleCanada2009-03-08 21:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 new fees vrs proposed changes
QUOTE (MARM @ Nov 27 2008, 05:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wioombeen @ Nov 27 2008, 05:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I started a K-1 awhile back before the new fees went into effect. Unfortunately things didn't work out at that time. We will be filing again though. The new fees and there whole revamping of the system was just about to go in effect when I was going through all this.

I was just wondering if anyone can tell me if the anything has changed since then besides the increase in fees. Is the wait time shorter? is there less paperwork? is filing easier? are there more agents working at processing apps? stuff like that. thanks for anyone who offers any insight into this. or any other info that you can add to this. thanks.


Wait time is longer, especially this year, as my attorney said, she has been doing K-1/K-3 for 8 years, and she has never seen such long wait periods such as the ones this year. The paperwork is about the same, you can check the guides here on this website. Supposedly, there are more agents working at the processing applications: VSC and CSC are the only two that do I-129F application/ fiance petition/K-3/Spouse petition processing. Basically, if you are planning on filing again, anytime is a good time to file, as long as you fulfill all the requirements for your case, their is no accurate indicator of which month is the best to apply, etc. as every case is different, pple get RFE's, some nationalities are from high-fraud countries, so that may take longer, basically, look at the guides for K-1 here and ask any questions as you move along in the process.
Good luck!

yeah its to bad. I was always a big supporter of the new fees as long as the things they proposed would actually take affect. It is to bad that something like this is not treated like any other paid service. If the services promised are not provided then you should get a rebate to old prices or some kind of compensation. I honestly think that if they cannot make good and what they promised they should not be allowed to continue charging these fees. Seems very misleading to me.

But there is no way to police that. And after all its only a few hundred bucks to be with our loved ones so we will wait and we will pay. It is not like we are after something we can just put on hold to prove a point. hehe oh well. thanks fofr the info. That is what I was after so I have an idea what to expect.

wioombeenMalePhilippines2008-11-27 18:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 new fees vrs proposed changes
I started a K-1 awhile back before the new fees went into effect. Unfortunately things didn't work out at that time. We will be filing again though. The new fees and there whole revamping of the system was just about to go in effect when I was going through all this.

I was just wondering if anyone can tell me if the anything has changed since then besides the increase in fees. Is the wait time shorter? is there less paperwork? is filing easier? are there more agents working at processing apps? stuff like that. thanks for anyone who offers any insight into this. or any other info that you can add to this. thanks.

wioombeenMalePhilippines2008-11-27 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespregnancy and your visa
QUOTE (Chuck and Grace @ Nov 10 2008, 08:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rmncm @ Oct 14 2008, 08:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well you can accually use a pregancy to your benifit if your smart about it. I was able to get our case expidited from nvc to USEM due to a letter I wrote to the NVC. The NVC fowarded our case with in 2 days of the expididte being approved to USEM and then USEM had our medical and interview schedualed in just a few days. Check out my sig and then my other post for more info.

Sorry, I couldnt find your other posts related to the letter you wrote. I am very intersted as I am writing a letter now. My Fiancee and I just found out we are going to have a baby, and when she went to the doctor, they found some irregular mass on the fetal stem. I dont know how bad this is yet, but I want to get her her ASAP. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I know everyone wants there fiancee here ASAP, and I was waiting patiently (sort of), but now I am really concerned. To avoid complications as well as to make sure I am at the birth, I want my child born here in the US. But more importantly, I want to make sure my Fiancee and baby get all the medical care they need.

I found it. Thanks. I dont know if it will help to send a letter or not, but if there is anything I can do to help - especially when it concerns their health, I think I should try.
Chuck and GraceMalePhilippines2008-11-10 20:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespregnancy and your visa
QUOTE (rmncm @ Oct 14 2008, 08:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well you can accually use a pregancy to your benifit if your smart about it. I was able to get our case expidited from nvc to USEM due to a letter I wrote to the NVC. The NVC fowarded our case with in 2 days of the expididte being approved to USEM and then USEM had our medical and interview schedualed in just a few days. Check out my sig and then my other post for more info.

Sorry, I couldnt find your other posts related to the letter you wrote. I am very intersted as I am writing a letter now. My Fiancee and I just found out we are going to have a baby, and when she went to the doctor, they found some irregular mass on the fetal stem. I dont know how bad this is yet, but I want to get her her ASAP. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I know everyone wants there fiancee here ASAP, and I was waiting patiently (sort of), but now I am really concerned. To avoid complications as well as to make sure I am at the birth, I want my child born here in the US. But more importantly, I want to make sure my Fiancee and baby get all the medical care they need.
Chuck and GraceMalePhilippines2008-11-10 20:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyers are a waste of money!
QUOTE (Old Dominion @ Nov 16 2008, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For most people, it seems to be simpler to complete the paperwork themselves than deal with an attorney. I'd only observe that any lawyer who advertises that you'll get a visa more quickly through his office is simply a liar. USCIS cannot be rushed by anyone, and generic answers is all that a lawyer can give. The same answers as the USCIS would give you, if you called.

Unless there are serious questions about your case, your lawyer should get the NOA2 quite soon.

I agree. I considered a lawyer, but after looking into what the lawyer wanted me to provide, i was wondering what the heck I needed him for. Frankly the paperwork to fill out is not so difficult, it is compiling all the other things. Since you have to do it anyway, you may as well fill out the paperwork too.

Regarding the comment about lawyers being gold diggers, I send an email to a law firm that said maybe $2000 for a K1. I was thinking it was really high, but the web-site looked good, so I thought I would pay extra if needed to have a good lawyer headbonk.gif . They called me, I explained my situation and they send me a quote for $12,000. R U KIDDING? I ignored them, so they called me again, I told them the price was ridiculous - I even asked it that included airfare or something - they werent even in the ballpark. They said it didnt even included the visa fees. So I asked for a breakdown. They said no problem. I got two line items and a total. They did call again and agree to reduce the price to $10,000 - WOW, what a bargain. rofl.gif Fortunately, I found this web-site and never looked back. Of course I am not through the process yet, but I cant see any reason i would hire a lawyer. If I were to get rejected for some reason and couldnt figure it out, then I would consider it, but nothing here is rocket science, just time and effort - which you need to make whether you have a lawyer or not.

Good luck!!
Chuck and GraceMalePhilippines2008-11-16 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow does K2 approval come?
In case anyone else ever has a similar problem, here is the email I got back from Tokyo Embassy (Cost about $21 to ask a question - Sure am glad this site is Free).

Note: Questions are limited to 1000 words.
Your web-site says my Fiancee's daughter is required to attend interview with her. My Fiancee lives in Japan, but her daughter lives in Philippines. Her daughter doesn't have a visa to visit Japan. NVC told me the interview must take place in country where my Fiancee resides. NVC said they can't separate the visas for another interview for her daughter in Manilla. I read not all embassy's require children to attend the interview. I requested an expedite on this case because my Fiancee is pregnant with complications. Do to pregnancy, I need Visa quickly for her & the baby's health & financial reasons. Since the visas are tied together it's likely this will delay the process for months in efforts to get a Japan visa for her daughter. Can you wave the requirement for her daughter to attend the interview & expedite my fiancee interview? If not, please let me know what I can do to quickly resolve this situation.

In accordance to the immigrant regulation, each visa applicant regardless of age must present at his/her visa final interview for Fiancée visa application. Under no circumstances can this requirement be waived. Since you have filed the K petition for both of your wife and daughter, if they wish to obtain a visa in Japan, both of your wife and daughter need to attend their finial interview at US Embassy in Japan. In the case that your daughter cannot come to Tokyo to have her visa interview, you may request the case to be transferred to Manila once your wife's application has been finalized in Japan. Your daughter may apply for her visa at the US Embassy in Manila once the case has been transferred there.
Once the Embassy receives a K case from the NVC, we will send the visa applicant instructions to prepare all of the required forms and documents. The length of processing time varies from case to case according to its circumstances. It is important that to avoid delays, you follow the instructions sent to you by the Embassy and take immediate action. Failure to respond to the instructions or take action in a timely manner may result in the delay of your application.
Tokyo Visa Service/s

So, Now I have two choices. Try to expedite a Japan visitors visa or have my Fiancee have her interview, then transfer the case to Manila for her daughter. I think quickest way will be to try to expedite a visa to japan, but at least there is a back-up option also if that is denied.
Chuck and GraceMalePhilippines2009-01-07 00:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow does K2 approval come?
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jan 5 2009, 09:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Chuck and Grace @ Jan 5 2009, 05:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jan 5 2009, 07:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Charles/Gabriella @ Jan 5 2009, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jan 4 2009, 11:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is not USCIS approval specific to the dependant child. They will now be invited with their parent to apply for a visa. Their approval is derivative.

So basically when we get to the consulate for our interview, she gets approved, then they automatically issue a K2? And for the K2, I assume that we need to have the childs photos and passport ready at the interview?

Thanks for the further clarification,

The child will get their own P3 and P4. Follow the instructions in the packets.

I called NVC today to ask about this. They said our daughter needs to be at the interview also, so now I need to try to get her a visa for Japan. But in the mean time, since this will be a rush and there are other complications that require this to be expedited, can you help me out with P3 and P4? what is this? What is required of them? I have the birth Cert (no father named, so shouldnt be a question of custody), what else do we need for the children?

Read the Guides with regard to P3 and P4. Also see the Consulate's website for their requirements. Can the daughter travel alone?

No, the daughter cant travel alone (She is only 8, Very Shy, and this will be her first time to fly), but if I move quickly and Japan can approve a visa quickly, my Fiancee is actually in the Philippines right now, so maybe she can go to Japan with her mom. The problem is, my fiancee hasnt got the packet from the embassy yet (The embassy should receive from NVC today), so no proof right now that I can use to get her daughter an expedited japan visa, unless they will accept other documents, but most of those are in Japan also. When the embassy does send the packet, they will send it to the Japan address, so unless my Fiancee is back in Japan, she wont get it. Seems like yet another trip to the Philippines will be required.

Regarding P3 and P4, I am obviously asking a stupid question, because I dont even know what P3 and P4 is, but I will try to find it. Thanks.
Chuck and GraceMalePhilippines2009-01-05 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow does K2 approval come?
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jan 5 2009, 07:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Charles/Gabriella @ Jan 5 2009, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jan 4 2009, 11:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is not USCIS approval specific to the dependant child. They will now be invited with their parent to apply for a visa. Their approval is derivative.

So basically when we get to the consulate for our interview, she gets approved, then they automatically issue a K2? And for the K2, I assume that we need to have the childs photos and passport ready at the interview?

Thanks for the further clarification,

The child will get their own P3 and P4. Follow the instructions in the packets.

I called NVC today to ask about this. They said our daughter needs to be at the interview also, so now I need to try to get her a visa for Japan. But in the mean time, since this will be a rush and there are other complications that require this to be expedited, can you help me out with P3 and P4? what is this? What is required of them? I have the birth Cert (no father named, so shouldnt be a question of custody), what else do we need for the children?
Chuck and GraceMalePhilippines2009-01-05 20:59:00