K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 June 2010 CSC Filers

Thank you so much for all the great help with my questions. I just realized we have the same NOA1 date and both had July 12th changes. Hopefully CSC will kick it into gear like VSC has in the last month.

Yes, we are in the same boat :). I also hope that CSC will speed up. It's so exciting! :dance:
SeverinaFemaleGermany2010-07-14 03:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 June 2010 CSC Filers
Yep, time to learn patience :bonk:. Good luck to all of us!
SeverinaFemaleGermany2010-07-13 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 June 2010 CSC Filers

Hi Severina--I saw your German flag and thought I'd respond, though I'm a May filer. My understanding is that checks are all forwarded to Texas from (at least) the CSC, but that your case will return to California for processing. That's what happened with mine; it definitely went back to California after the check was cashed in Texas. Too bad, because I've seen people speculating that the 8 day approvals we're seeing from the VSC are really files that were sent to Texas for processing. Maybe you'll be lucky, though, and yours will stay there. Best of luck to you! ~Ellen

Hi Ellen, thanks for the information. The whole thing is still a mystery to me, why cash the check in TX and then work on it in CA? It's weird. I think - like everybody else here - I just try to figure out how long it's gonna take. The question of all questions. Well, maybe I should consider a fortune teller :). Or I finally learn how to be patient :D. I hope K1 will go fast and smoothly for everybody here. Best of luck to you, too,

Tschüs ;)
SeverinaFemaleGermany2010-07-09 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 June 2010 CSC Filers
Hey J, was your check also cashed in Texas? Cause ours was and I'm wondering now if that means that our package was sent on to the Texas Service Center and - if so - things will go quicker. Seeing that quite a few people went from NOA1 to NOA2 really fast got me really excited :dance: :D.

Edited by Severina, 09 July 2010 - 12:45 PM.

SeverinaFemaleGermany2010-07-09 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 June 2010 CSC Filers

bah, wrong topic. sorry! don't see an edit post button either.

Wrong topic or not, I feel exactly the same way ;)
SeverinaFemaleGermany2010-07-03 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 June 2010 CSC Filers
Hey, thanks for the welcome. It's a bit confusing with the two threads, still trying to figure out how everything works here :-). For instance the smilies...
Anyway, we sent our petition to the CSC today and I'm so really glad that it's finally done :-).
SeverinaFemaleGermany2010-06-28 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot in through Detroit! Had a small bump to overcome...

Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear about these awful POEs at Detroit! I will be going entering through Detroit as well. I can't believe that they would ask such personal questions, or lay out your undergarments like the way they have. I'm so sorry for the way you were mistreated! sad.png

Also... I was surprised to read that the K1 is valid six months from the date of the medical, rather than of the visa issuance. I had never heard this until today. Can anyone explain why this is? Thank you!


Don't worry too much. Just stay calm, keep smiling and bite your tongue. Like I said for me it was OK every time apart from some unfriendliness and remarks that showed that these people are not very well educated rolleyes.gif.

SeverinaFemaleGermany2013-09-16 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot in through Detroit! Had a small bump to overcome...

Hm, so Detroit seems to be really bad. I guess I was lucky, I never really got hassled when I came back through DTW. But when my husband (USC) entered last time he was treated really rudely. The immigration officer asked him where he worked. And when my husband told him he said "Oh, I heard you guys sit around all day and don't do nothing". I find stuff like that inacceptable. I know that since 9/11 things are more tensed and and stressful at the airports, however, I find it very frustrating to be treated like this. It's abuse of power in my opinion.

SeverinaFemaleGermany2013-09-16 08:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFREAKING OUT
Congratulations! That's sooooooooo fast!!!
SeverinaFemaleGermany2010-07-08 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help......!

"Member number" sounds like a credit union account.

The I-134, combined with a copy of the tax return, contains just about everything anyone would need to steal the identity of someone in the US. It wouldn't be difficult to get access to someones bank account if they knew their name, birth date, social security number, current address, bank and account number.

How was the co-sponsor's package delivered to you? Was it hand carried by your fiancee, or delivered by a courier or mail carrier? Was the package left outside your home where someone could have examined it? Was it opened when it arrived?

I totally agree with that. It hit me just the other day - when I thought that Fedex had delivered our I-129F package to the wrong place - that these documents contain my fiance's and my complete life. Copies of passport, my bank account statements to prove that I have withdrawn money in the US while visiting him, birth certificates, detailed information on the forms about our families and ourselves etc. etc.. Talking about identity theft...if all this stuff gets in the wrong hands ANYTHING could be done with it. It's the most scary thought. I tried hard not to panic and after my fiance made some phone calls to Fedex we were assured that the stuff was delivered to the right place. In the meantime the check has been cashed so I suppose everything is OK - still waiting on the NOA1 though...

It is very disturbing to think that someone at the Embassy might have done anything wrong. Well, the sponsor should really talk to her bank, they can look in to it and should be able - at least that's possible in Germany - to get the money back. That's a really frustrating and embarrassing situation. Good luck and all the best!
SeverinaFemaleGermany2010-07-11 04:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe got an Interview date!!!
Congrats! You are really lucky :yes:
SeverinaFemaleGermany2010-08-18 04:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRejection Notice. One or more of the following field(s) were not completed: 'Part B Address'

You're right, like I said, I went by the example forms and thus assumed it would be OK to abbreviate State or Province, as long as Country etc. was written out in full. So I could just correct p.2 of I-129F but send in again all the other original pages and forms?

Well, I live in Baden-Wuerttemberg and I wrote "Baden-Wuerttemberg" if there was enough space. If not, I wrote "BW". I was also very worried about this and looked up the official abbreviation to be on the safe side. Everything went fine. I got my interview appointment yesterday. I wouldn't worry too much. Easier said than done, I know :). Good luck!
SeverinaFemaleGermany2011-01-19 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIMPORTANT: Waiting time form Package 3 to Interview Appointment

Hi everybody,

I have a question and maybe some of you experienced members can help me out. I received pack 3 last thursday and sent off my documents the same day, they arrived Jan 28, 2011. How do you think it'll take to get my interview appointment?? My consulate is Frankfurt, Germany. Thank y'all so much for your help in advance. Just missing my honey and wanting to be in the US ASAP. How are y#all doing with the process? Best to you all, Dodobird!!!

Hey there,

I sent the checklist on January 3 and got packet 4 with the interview appointment on January 14. It seems that they make your interview appointment according to what you stated as desired travel time on your checklist. I wrote June 2010 and they gave me March 29 as interview date. That was too late for me because I have to give notice for my job and my appartment a long time ahead. So I send a short e-mail and requested an earlier date and four hours later I had the reply with the new appointment on February 28. So no problem at all :). Don't worry, after the long waiting time for USCIS things go so much quicker in Frankfurt.
SeverinaFemaleGermany2011-01-31 17:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA approved
Congrats! That's awesome! :yes: I have my interview in Frankfurt on Monday and I'm getting really excited :girlwerewolf2xn:
SeverinaFemaleGermany2011-02-25 08:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan i marry in EVERY state and county as foreigner with K1 VISA?

PS: I remember the thing with the translated passport. It cracked me up since our German EU passports are in German, English and European. There's nothing to translate no0pb.gif.

SeverinaFemaleGermany2013-05-19 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan i marry in EVERY state and county as foreigner with K1 VISA?

Hey Mampfred76, greetings from one Baden-Wuerttemberger to another smile.png. My husband and I got married in Dearborn/Wayne County two years ago and it was no problem at all. I think we only needed our passports and perhaps our birth certificates. And it cost way less than $150.00, I think it was around $20.00 or so. Apart from that we needed two witnesses. At any rate I can recommend the courthouse in Dearborn, very pretty building and the judge who married us was really nice. Ich wuensche euch eine schoene Hochzeit, Nachbar smile.png. Let me know if we can help you with anything.

Edited by Severina, 19 May 2013 - 10:34 PM.

SeverinaFemaleGermany2013-05-19 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

OK...finally heard from my dead beat lawyer about what my RFE is for and now I just feel like strangling him...turns out he did not include my G325 form with the 1-129f petition. I have to go to his office Sunday to sign a new one. Question is #######...I paid this guy already so don't suggest I "fire" him...but should I ask for a damn rebate? What a colossal waste of money...not to mention time. I am relieved it's not more relationship evidence but does this even mean they even went over the whole application or could they just have seen the form missing and stopped reviewing? I guess basically my next question is when you get a RFE is that all that is missing or can basically you get another RFE after you give them a missing form?

Oh gee, that is SO annoying. Come on, how can the lawyer forget to send a form :bonk:. I'm so sorry to hear that. Well, I don't know exactly how this works with the RFEs, I've been asking myself whether you can get more than one...? Wouldn't make much sense though cause you would think that they check the whole petition and then request ALL the missing information. But making sense is not exactly what the USCIS is about, right? :wacko:. It is so frustrating. I wish you all the best and that your journey will go speedy from now on. Thanks for what you wrote about our story...yeah, it took us a while but now we hope that we can be together soon. It was a tough week. My fiance was in a hospital for heart problems. Thank God he is doing better now. But these are the times when you REALLY hate this whole process and waiting.

Keep the faith and since you have already paid the lawyer try to make sure that you keep in touch with him as much as possible to watch what he is doing :devil:.
SeverinaFemaleGermany2010-08-28 02:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

I am heart sick :crying:....after waiting till it was over 5 months and could ask why our file was never touched since the initial NOA1...I got a case update today via the website showing a RFE. My question is long now till I receive the notice that tells us what the RFE is for? I am extremely upset about this. If it's a request for more evidence of having met within the past 2 years..I have nothing more to send them than what I already sent. Neither one of us have boarding passes directly into the others country since we always used Maine to fly in and out of (NB canada is way too expensive to fly in and out of) and we would drive over the boarder where they never would stamp either of our passports. The evidence we supplied was a bunch of credit card statements showing charges on our credit cards from our partners locale...hotel receipts and boarding passes to and from Maine...depending which one of us were visiting whom ..we never fly at same time(as when he came to me he'd drive into Maine and then board flight from Maine to NY...and I would fly into Maine he's meet me and drive me into Canada) of our hotel receipts has both names on it although most were either in my name or his... The rest of our proof was only "secondary" ..tons of pictures together..but none with time stamps (my camera doesnt have that feature)..and lots of phone records. What do I do if they ask for more primary evidence and I have no more to give them? I read here on the forums they do not accept evidence you have acquire since your initial filing..I just wondering if this ever happens that you just don't have anymore "old" evidence from prior to filing for K1 and what happens then.. so does that mean you would have to start all over again refile and pay again? I hope not because we are going broke on the expenses for our visits and what this whole k1visa will cost..not to mention the ton of extra time this would take. although I still don't know what the RFE is for ...I cant shake the feeling that I just dont have enough primary evidence.

That's really frustrating to have to wait for the RFE to see what it's about. A real torture :(. But perhaps you worry about the wrong thing. The RFE might not be about more evidence, maybe some mistake in one of the forms which can be fixed could be anything. And very often I have heard that as soon as you will send in the requested information you will not have to wait for NOA2 much longer. Somebody is working on your file that's for sure :yes:. Best of luck to you (F).
SeverinaFemaleGermany2010-08-20 16:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE and clearing immigration at O'Hare

Click on POE just to the right of the Embassy/USCIS button

Thanks guys, found it!! Sounds like Chicago is a good one to go thru. That is a relief!!
jacameroFemaleEngland2011-11-06 20:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE and clearing immigration at O'Hare

Basically he arrives at Chicago and goes to customs where he turns over the sealed envelope(s) he and the kids got from the Consulate in the UK. They may ask a few questions but it shouldn't be anything to worry about as everything has already been approved. He will complete some forms for the green card and SS card. 6 months is a catch all worst case kind of thing. 30 days is more realistic at the outside. My wife arrived in September and by the time we got home from our 2 week vacation her SS card and green card were in our mailbox.

Oh wonderful! Thanks for your insight, that makes me feel better!!! Did your wife's SS card arrive without you having to go to the SS office to file for it? We checked the box to have it sent to us, but then I read that it's best if you go down to the office and apply for it in person as it might not come automatically. Thanks!!

jacameroFemaleEngland2011-11-05 20:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE and clearing immigration at O'Hare

just to let you know if u go up to top of the vj page and click on the tab reviews embassy/consulates /poe u can read reviews of different airports and there ratings for in same boat which place to have my husband poe at..

Thanks! I just went there but found no POE reviews, only embassy and interview ones. I wish you best of luck on finishing your process!!
jacameroFemaleEngland2011-11-05 20:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE and clearing immigration at O'Hare
:luv: Hello everyone! Well after being married for 4 years and working for 3 years on this immigration process, finally my husband has got his and his 3 children's visas in hand and will be flying from Manchester, England to Detroit, Michigan to be with us forever this Friday, 11/11/11!

Now he's stressing over going thru immigration at Chicago O'Hare, which will be his first POE to the US. Can anyone who has gone thru it fill us in a bit on what happens, what they ask, if it was hard or easy, did it take a long time, etc?

Also we went the IR1 route as we thought he'd be able to work right away when he got here. But the letter he got back with his passports and sealed envelopes mentioned something about filling out a green card form at customs and waiting six months?? That's why we didn't go the K3 route, to avoid the six month wait so he could work straight away. Did we misunderstand? Are there additional fees for this form?

Thanks everyone! We are so excited, but still feeling anxiety over this all until I pick him up at the airport Friday night!!


jacameroFemaleEngland2011-11-05 19:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 vs K-3??
QUOTE (rmncm @ Oct 8 2008, 05:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To clarify, With the CR1/IR1 visa, you have to pay the $400 IV Bill (DS230) for each person immigranting (4). Best case is it will be done in 6 months worst case 12 months and a average of 8 months. Not 90 days. Even a K1 will not get approved in 90 might be able to get a expidite but you might as well catch the real Santa Clause on XMAS morning then hope to get a expidite.
Start here...;page=compare



Thank you so much for the links! I'm checking them out now. I do appreciate all of you, for your invaluable help and information!!!


jacameroFemaleEngland2008-10-08 18:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 vs K-3??
QUOTE (Haole @ Oct 8 2008, 05:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just backing up EVERYTHING Diana has posted!!!! good.gif good.gif

Adding that AOS can take over a year in some cases. Even can be placed in deportation proceedings! Doesn't happen much but!~!

OH NO!!! That's not good to hear. But I seriously doubt they'd hold him in deportation proceedings as he has never done anything wrong. He has no police record, not even traffic tickets. So there is no reason for them to deny him nor do anything like this to him. But it still is a scary thought. Plus I hate the sound of over a year. I have heard of others coming thru in 90 days...I like the sound of that much better! So I'll send up positive thoughts and energy to make this all flow quickly and smoothly! Thank you for your input, it is all valuable to hear!

Many hugs,

jacameroFemaleEngland2008-10-08 16:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 vs K-3??
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Oct 8 2008, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You're correct. If your husband comes in with the IR1 visa, he will be able to work as soon as he gets his green card in the mail, which can take anywhere from 2-7 weeks. With the K3, he would have to file for AOS and wait for his EAD to be approved and that can take 3 months at a minimum. That visa is such a hassle.

As for the NVC fees, the AOS is to pay for them to process the financial info such as form I-864 and necessary documents. The IV Bill is the actual visa bill and that also pays for the processing of the DS-230 and all other documents you have to send with it. The good thing is that after you've paid both fees, you won't have to pay anything more. Well, besides the medical stuff.

I think you made a smart choice, especilly because you will probably have been married for more than 2 years at the time of interview and he will automatically get his 10 year green card, instead of 2 years.

Good luck!


Thank you again Diana! We hate to wait longer, but we think it's the smarter thing to do. Makes it easier on us, and he can keep working there while we wait and save up money to bring here to get us by till he can find work. Instead of sitting here out of work waiting for the permission to come thru and worrying about money. So tho our hearts tell us one thing, necessity tells us another. Thank you.

Oh, also, my husband was wondering what questions they ask at the interview. He just wants to be prepared and he's kind of nervous about it, he says it feels like he's getting ready for a test or something LOL Plus, what kinds of medical expenses are there? What needs to be done and how much it runs cost-wise? Thanks!


jacameroFemaleEngland2008-10-08 16:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 vs K-3??
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Oct 7 2008, 01:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know it sounds pretty confusing but it really isn't. You pretty much have two choices, either the CR1/IR1 or K3 visa. The CR1 visa is for couples who've been married for less then 2 years at the time of interview, this means that the beneficiary will have to apply to remove conditions two years after entering the US in order to receive their final 10 year green card. And yes, it has a cost of $545 happy.gif . An IR1 visa is for couples who've been married for more than 2 years and the beneficiary will receive their 10 year card after he/she enters the US. Nothing more to be done.

The other option is the K3 visa which was developed a few years ago when CR1/IR1 visas were taking years to be processed. The K3 visa was supposed to be faster than the other one but now days they're taking almost the same amount of time. With a K3 visa, the beneficiary won't be able to work until he/she files for AOS/EAD which has an additional cost of $1,010 and a wait period of at least 3 months. In my opinion, if you can wait a few months for the CR1 or IR1 visa, go for it and disregard the K3 visa.

Now, if you decide to file for a CR1, you will have to send in form I-130 for everybody, so 5 forms total. Then, when the case gets to the NVC for processing, you will have to pay their fees for everybody as well which are $70 for the AOS and $400 for the IV Bill. But after that, you're done.

With the K3 visa, you will have to pay for AOS for everybody as well. $1,010 for your husband and $600 for each child if filing at the same time. If you only file for your husband at first and file for the children at a later time, you will have to pay $930 for each child.

As for the financial issue. You will have to prove that you can support all members of your family, including his with your salary. If you can't, then you will definitely need a co-sponsor. For CR1/IR1 visas, you will have to show IRS and salary documents when the cases arrive at the NVC (before the interview). For K3 visas, you will need to have this info ready at the time of the interview. Here are the Poverty Guidelines that will show you how much you would need to earn in order to be approved. In your case you will have 9 family members to support, so your salary should be $49,000. That's just an example.


Diana, thank you so much for your invaluable help. We discussed this last night and feel for the cost of a couple of extra months, it's worth it to save thousands of dollars. And if the interview isn't scheduled until after August 11th, then we'll have been married 2 years and he can get straight in with the 10 year green card and we won't have to lift the conditions. At this rate, it probably won't be until August anyway when this all gets done!! I'm glad you mentioned there were additional costs on the back side, we didn't know that (the IV Bill and stuff...what is that anyway, I never heard of it before??).

We definitely will need a co-sponsor, even when I was working full time I only made $32,000 so I wouldn't have been able to do it on my own even then. They sure set their expectations high, don't they? The other thing I wanted to ask, going with just the I-130, that will enable him to work right away won't it? That was the way I understood it, while the K-3 won't let you. Which is stupid, they don't want you to resort to public funds, but then hobble you by not letting you work right off, how do they figure people are supposed to start supporting themselves?? Sheesh! LOL Anyway... thanks again for your help!!


jacameroFemaleEngland2008-10-08 08:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 vs K-3??
Well, after advice on a Yahoo group I belonged to, reading on here and dozens of calls to the USCIS I'm still confused. Just when I think I've got it figured out and have a plan of action, something gets brought to my attention that I didn't know and puts me back to square one.

I haven't got a timeline on my profile as we haven't started anything yet LOL I'm afraid I'll still be here trying to figure it out one our 5th anniversary ::sob::

But here are my questions, hopefully someone can help me sort it out so we can start. My husband (we were married Aug 11, 2007) was born and raised in England and I am American (born and raised in Michigan). He has 4 children he'll be bringing with him, age 12, 9, 8 and 3. He has sole custody of them and getting a note from there mother is not a problem.

We had planned on going the route of filing one I-130 with the children on it under their father, then the I-129F (K-3/4) along with the I-765 work visa form.

Now someone pointed out that the I-130 might come thru before the I-129F as our forms will process out of California and they are pretty quick. They also said if we just go with the I-130 he won't need to file the work visa form as he'll be allowed to work as soon as he gets here. Also they said we don't have to worry about filing the I-485 (AOS) this way as well. And that the hidden thing the USCIS doesn't tell you is that if you go the K-3/4 route, you have to file and AOS on EVERYONE, even the kids, as soon as you are approved to come to the US. Is this so? I had never heard that before. I was told it could take up to 2 years on the I-130 alone before he'd be allowed to enter. Yet someone told me they only had to wait 90 days?!

Also they said to ask on here what questions they ask in the interview process, as a father with 4 kids coming in might raise their interest more than a single person coming in. In terms of how they will be supported here. I am currently unemployed and taking college classes. I hope to be done in spring and hopefully working by the time he arrives, but also my ex husband offered to be sponsor for us, since even working I doubt I'll make enough to meet the guidelines as I have 3 children of my own as well. I was told by USCIS that the sponsor doesn't come into play until the 2 year mark. But someone told me today that isn't true, if we go the I-130 route (sans K-3) then we will need to prove financial support with the co-sponsor at the time of the interview before the visa is granted. I was also wondering if someone could tell me if this is true as well?

Seems everything I was told via the USCIS helpline is apparently not true?? Just when you think you have it all figured realize you don't!! Thanks so much for the help!! I'm so overwhelmed and confused... wacko.gif blink.gif

Dazed and Confused in Michigan
jacameroFemaleEngland2008-10-07 10:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresName change??
QUOTE (Thai family @ Oct 8 2008, 09:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jacamero @ Oct 8 2008, 09:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband and I got married in Aug 2007, but I haven't changed my name yet (mostly due to my children and their school). I plan to, but was going to do it when he arrives here in the US with me. My question is this, should I do it now, before we begin the visa process? Will it appear better and be better for us if our names matched during all this?


My gut feeling is that it might make a difference, since the USCIS's and DOS's decisions allow room for discretion. Legally it is not required, though. More and more people are not changing their names when they get married. I think it would be at least a point for you in the "proof of bonafide relationship" category, however.

Thai Mom

Thanks so much, both of you. I know they couldn't legally make me change my name, as that is everyone's right here in the US to change it or not. But I HAD planned on doing it anyway, and wondered if it might make it look "better" in the since of presenting a bonafide marriage, like you said. We do have one of those, and I don't want it called into question on any level. And I don't want any hang-ups during the visa process!!

Thanks so much!!!!
jacameroFemaleEngland2008-10-08 21:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresName change??
My husband and I got married in Aug 2007, but I haven't changed my name yet (mostly due to my children and their school). I plan to, but was going to do it when he arrives here in the US with me. My question is this, should I do it now, before we begin the visa process? Will it appear better and be better for us if our names matched during all this?

jacameroFemaleEngland2008-10-08 20:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical question
QUOTE (marie620 @ Mar 4 2009, 12:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My Husband is from England. He too was missing some. He went to his GP and they gave them to him prior to his medical. If your husbands GP wont, he should find another GP. My husband didn't have to take any kind of document either to his GP first!


If your husband consumes ANY alcoholic beverages at ALL..... Make sure he is very careful what he says at his medical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Luck.

Thanks everyone for the info!! As soon as we get his friends to get off their thumbs and go down and do the 2 sworn affidavits we can file the I-130s and start this weird and wonderful journey!! And thanks for the tip on alcohol, he doesn't drink so it shouldn't be an issue, but I'm just curious, what would they do if he does??
jacameroFemaleEngland2009-03-04 09:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical question
QUOTE (e-migra @ Mar 3 2009, 03:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

When I had my medical I was worried too, because in Portugal the chicken pox vaccine is not on the national vaccination plan, and I didn't know how to get it. During the medical exam the doctor said it was ok, and he just wrote on the report that that particular vaccine was not appropriate for my age (if you see the medical form, there's that option for each vaccine). So, I think they'll be fine if they have all the regular UK vaccines.

You can always call one of the official clinics and ask.

Good luck star_smile.gif !!!

Thanks so much! Does anyone know how I can get a phone number for one of the official clinics to ask? Much appreciated!!
jacameroFemaleEngland2009-03-03 15:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical question
My husband is in England, he called his GP this morning to find out about getting the immunizations done for himself and his 4 children. His doctor's office told him that they won't give them without some type of document saying what they need and why. To both our knowledge, there is no such document, right? Is there a different way we should be going about this? I got the list of immunizations needed off one of the sections on here, but have never read or come across a form to be taken to the doctor's to get the shots done?? Thanks for any help!!! blink.gif

jacameroFemaleEngland2009-03-03 14:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 Last Updated on

Thank you. smile.gif

For the touches - you would just log into the USCIS website, and anytime the date changed, that was a touch.

Oh ok, thanks for letting me know!!
jacameroFemaleEngland2009-08-15 11:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 Last Updated on
QUOTE (Malrothien @ Aug 15 2009, 11:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashlesha @ Aug 15 2009, 08:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hey Malrothien, so it seems like your 130 was approved few days after it was touched.

I am hoping the same stands true in my case. Keeping all 10 fingers crossed smile.gif..

That is so, but please don't take mine as the average case, because it isn't.

Wow, congrats on it going so quickly! We got our NOA1 on April 17, 2009 and just got our NOA2 back on our 2nd anniversary (Aug 11, 2009)!! Now waiting for the NVC contact. I was wondering, I see lots of people knowing their stuff was "touched", how do you find this out??? Thanks and best of luck on the rest of your journey!
jacameroFemaleEngland2009-08-15 11:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWOO-HOO Received NOA2!!
QUOTE (evanscholly @ Aug 12 2009, 10:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Thanks everyone for the congrats and advice, it's all much appreciated!!!!
jacameroFemaleEngland2009-08-18 17:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWOO-HOO Received NOA2!!
kicking.gif My husband and I are SO excited! I received our NOA2 today, on our second wedding anniversary!! What a great present and how cool is that??

So another step down. We can't wait to be together again! Can anyone give an approx time frame as to how long the rest of this goes until he can move here to the US? Thanks! I wish everyone the best of luck! good.gif


jacameroFemaleEngland2009-08-11 23:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRequest for evidence for children
QUOTE (NArocks @ Sep 18 2009, 05:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
However I beleive they are in the I-130 stage and there was no requirement for that permission unless it has changed. That comes at the NVC level.

JAcamero does the hubby have any custody documents?

They didn't ask for a permission in the list of things to submit with the I-130, so we didn't submit one. But if that's what they want (permission from the mother), it will be easy to get since she doesn't want them and doesn't care. But yes, my husband has a custody document with his divorce papers.

QUOTE (NArocks @ Sep 18 2009, 04:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Take a deep breath may be something as simple as a missing signature. Please let us know once the RFE arrives what it states.

It will be fine smile.gif and I think it is wonderful that you are going to love the WHOLE package. I have goose bumps

Thanks, you are sweet. They are great kids, I love them all like I do my own. I have 3, so we'll have 7 total once he gets here LOL We got the Brady Bunch beat by one!! hahahaha

but yeah, we are hoping it's something really simple. I'll keep ya posted, thanks for the reply!!
jacameroFemaleEngland2009-09-18 18:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRequest for evidence for children
QUOTE (Haole @ Sep 18 2009, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just a guess. if one of the kid is over 14 they need a G325A. I assume you submitted 4 dfferent I130S

Yep, we sent in 4 different I-130's for them. The oldest is 13 and will turn 14 in March. The rest are 10, 8 and 4 years old. Thanks for your help, it's appreciated!!!
jacameroFemaleEngland2009-09-18 15:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRequest for evidence for children
QUOTE (Otto und Karin @ Sep 18 2009, 03:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
RFE does not indicate a path to a denial. You should not worry (I know you will any way, but try not to) - wait for the RFE notice - could be something simple.

Thanks for the reassurance! You are right, but I still worry LOL I will let you all know if it's something simple. I love the flags you have at the bottom of your post, where'd you get them? Thanks again!
jacameroFemaleEngland2009-09-18 15:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRequest for evidence for children
QUOTE (MsSheka @ Sep 18 2009, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jacamero @ Sep 18 2009, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband was approved (he's from England) by USCIS back on Aug 11 and has been in the NVC for a while now, but his 4 children that are coming were still back at USCIS. Today I got 4 emails from them requesting more evidence for the children. I called the office to see what they needed and they said they didn't have that information and I should wait for the letters to come in the mail. My husband and I are wondering what in the world would they require for children? Should we be nervous they will deny the children?? Has anyone else gone thru this?? Thanks everyone!!

is he listed on their BC?(birth certificates)

Yes, he's on all their birth certificates and he has custody of them due their mother abandoning all of them. And thanks for the reassurance on not to worry. I'm trying not to, honestly!! LOL But I'm sure it's something simple. My husbands went thru fine, with no requests for evidence at all. So he told me not to worry, that if he went thru fine, there shouldn't be a problem with the children. I'll keep you posted if you'd like. I appreciate it!!
jacameroFemaleEngland2009-09-18 15:03:00