IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Service Request Management Tool (SRMT) online for Forms I-90 and N-400

  • Currently customers contact the 1-800 number to make a service request, which is then sent via SRMT to the Field Office or Service Center
  • Enhancement will allow customers and representatives the opportunity to use SRMT directly to submit a request directly to the Field Office or Service Center responsible for the case without calling the 1-800 number
  • Will be accessible through
  • This service will be piloted for customers whose case is Outside Normal Processing Times for the Forms I-90 and N-400
  • We plan to offer this online service for all form types currently handled by the call centers


Service Request Management Tool (SRMT): When an application or petition is outside of target processing times, a petitioner may contact the National Customer Service Center (NCSC) to request an inquiry into his or her case (SRMT). Given the USCIS goal to adjudicate O and P nonimmigrant petitions within 14 days, USCIS has taken steps to ensure the NCSC generates an SRMT when an O and P nonimmigrant petition has been pending for over 14 days. It should be noted that for e-filed cases, the processing time does not begin until the supporting documentation is received at the service center. This information was added to the “Instructions for electronically Filing Form I-129”.

Many thanks Wade- I should have been able to look it up myself. I really AM tired :wacko:
I suppose this means I have to phone our friends and ask for the SRMT number. I'm prepping myself I'll be told- "I'm sorry sir, but it shows there was no service request placed- you must have misunderstood."

celldocMaleIndia2011-01-23 20:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
So I finally had time to email

Almost immediately I receive an automated reply from the same email address stating the following:

Thank you for contacting the Texas Service Center National Customer Service Center (NCSC) Follow Up e-mail account. The purpose of this account is to assist petitioners, applicants or their authorized representatives who have contacted the NCSC number (1-800-375-5283) with an inquiry but feel their inquiry was not adequately addressed within 30 days or who feel that the response received from the National Customer Service Center (NCSC) was not sufficient. This auto reply message will serve as a record of our receiving your inquiry. The TSC NCSC Follow Up e-mail account will try to be responsive to all requests. However, please note that you will not receive a response to your inquiry if you did not first try to resolve your issue by contacting the NCSC, or if you are not the petitioner, applicant or a designated representative of the case you are inquiring about.

If you are asking for a status update you must contact the NCSC. We will not respond to your status update inquiry.

In order to assist you in a timely manner, please include the following information with your inquiry (Send a follow-up email including this information if it was not included in your first request to this e-mailbox):

  • The service request management tool (SRMT) inquiry number that you were given when you called the NCSC,
    • If you have called the NCSC and they informed you they are unable to complete a SRMT please provide a brief explanation.
  • The date that you contacted the NCSC,
  • Your name and receipt number and/or A-number, and
  • If available, the name of the NCSC Customer Service Representative you spoke with.
The Texas Service Center will review your e-mail and respond through this e-mail account or through the US Postal Service.

If you feel the decision on your case was made in error, to protect your rights you must follow the regulations and file any necessary motion or appeal within the allotted timeframe.

I'm sure this has been posted before, and perhaps I missed it because I'm quite tired at the moment, but if someone can tell me, what in the world is a service request management tool (SRMT) inquiry number?

My petition had been expedited by a Tier 2 Officer- however I hadn't been given any SRMT inquiry number.

Any thoughts?

celldocMaleIndia2011-01-23 20:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I have a feeling that there is no sound reason to this and that our situation is a prime example of bureaucratic inefficiency.

I second that.

-Fellow tree-hugger
celldocMaleIndia2011-01-23 18:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
In the December jobs report, the nation lost 85,000 jobs from the economy.*

Furthermore, the report shows only modest private-sector job growth and offers slim hope that the nation's 15 million unemployed are going to find relief anytime soon.**

I think this is one of perhaps a few other reasons news media outlets won't cover our story.

Created Twitter account.............

I like my twitter name, appropriate.

lol well played sir... well played
celldocMaleIndia2011-01-22 18:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

When I e-mail the Dep. Dir at TSC and others on Monday, I am including this picture of my son undergoing a breathing treatment back in Thailand. He has had pneumonia and now bronchitis, hospitalized many occasions..........

I get pissed more and more as each minute passes............

It's not worth much, but I'll say it nonetheless- I truly hope your son gets to the States very soon. I completely understand your concern- pneumonia and bronchitis are certainly not easy to deal with.

Really, all the best this coming week.

celldocMaleIndia2011-01-22 17:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Well...I"m on Linkedin as well and I sent her a nice E-mail....and asked her to be my friend.....Posted Image

Nice. If she befriends you please do let me know! :)
celldocMaleIndia2011-01-22 17:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I am a LinkedIn member, I just sent her this invite:

Hello, I am taking a stab that you may be the one that e-mailed me this the other day:

Good Afternoon
Thank you for your inquiry. This file will be requested for review.
Thank You, Officer Garza

As you can see, I am persistent in resolving my situation. Would like to hear from you.

Wade Grant

lol dude that's brilliant! :rofl:

I'm on LinkedIn as well and had the notion of contacting Garza- have you heard back from her yet?

celldocMaleIndia2011-01-22 17:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOMG...After nothing for 3 mos, I got a touch and am in Post Decision
celldocMaleIndia2010-11-30 18:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYES, OUR IR1 APPROVED!!!
CONGRATS Loto, all the best to your family!!! :thumbs:
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-02 19:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhite spots on chest xray

Hello friends!
my wife jst went for her medical exam in India. They noticed some white spots in her chest x-ray and now making her go through some sputum test. I'm freaking out guys!! She doesn't have any symptoms of TB, pneumonia and is very healthy. She doesn't have any hx of any major illness. What should I expect out of this thing?? She has her visa interview in Jan..please, help!! Thank you all!

Hi! First of all, I hope all is well with your wife.

The wife of a good friend of mine had undergone a chest x-ray- and it showed a couple of spots in the lung fields. Of course, like you, he and his wife freaked out. An astute colleague of mine noted that the wife has very long hair which she has the habit of braiding. The day of the x-ray, her hair had indeed been braided, and she hadn't been told to lift it for the examination. Apparently, the lumps of her thick braided hair showed up as "nodules" on x-ray.

She did not have TB or any other growth in her lung.

I hope you and your wife have a similar positive outcome.

All the best
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-12 16:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Did she actually put the smiley face on?

TSC don't deserve it, but when we're all through this, she deserves a bouquet of flowers from us. Her assistant Cindy has also got our backs too.

I second that- I'll be more than happy to send her a bouquet when we're all well on our way :thumbs:
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-11 14:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

My Senator told me 30 days ago that my case was with an officer. Does not make sense for me to be tranferred if that was true. Do you suppose they just told her that to get them off their backs?

Based on what we've been seeing on this thread, I'd wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. :angry:
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-11 14:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Got this last night, transferred to NVC:


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: WAC10**********


Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On February 10, 2011, we shipped this approved or re-affirmed case to the Department of State for visa processing. For more information, please contact them directly.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results
listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current
processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Check Processing Times.

*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

celldocMaleIndia2011-02-11 14:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

With almost 400 pages in this thread, and people starting to split between those who stayed at TSC and those transferred back to CSC, would it be a good idea to start a new thread for the CSC to TSC back to CSC people? Or would that just confuse things further?

I think we're fine here. I see no reason to split the thread. I think it's good we have 400 pages, it gives us VJ cred and people take notice when they see a topic with 200,000 views.

I agree, we have all been through this together and continue to support each other no matter who is moving off to CSC or to NVC.
Heck, we've been cell mates for the past three months...let's just keep within this thread. I'm comfy here. lol

I agree! We're all in this together :thumbs:
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-11 09:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Congrats to EVERYONE that has been approved.. :thumbs:

And for the friends that we have made here in our journey from CSC to TSC to the Black hole, that haven't been approved yet.. we're praying for you. We hope the door opens for all of you as soon as possible. We're still with you all, as this forum of 392 pages, is a big family. And we're not going anywhere until everyone is approved. Then we can start to organize the reunion, so we can drop our trousers, and send the moonie pictures to the TSC. LOL

thanks so much for the support- and the laugh! :rofl:
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-11 08:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

We feel ddevestaded... hopless...forgotten...cheated... and right now a little confused! While yesterday we got an email that said we where transfered to CSC now we just got another email that said where transfered again to a USCIS office.
What makes me more mad is that my noa1 date is july 1st or according to them july 8th.. still we got transfered with all the Aug. filers while it seems all the July filers are getting approved...

That's really odd... I wouldn't panic just yet. Perhaps these messages you're getting are mere automated responses generated by the USCIS computer system as your file is being worked on. I imagine some of the errors made in the computer system at the TSC would perhaps first need to be rectified, which may in turn be leading to these messages.

Hopefully this is a GOOD sign in that your petition is ACTIVELY being worked on, keep teh Faith! :thumbs:

Also, not all August filers have been transferred- some of us, like myself and NascarFan, have no clue where we stand :blink:

celldocMaleIndia2011-02-11 08:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I second that Val and Gary! We indeed need a DOC to be with us in the next step! Hang in there DOC we are waiting for you!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

Thanks so much Tina- the concept of feeling a connection with people in cyberspace has really dawned on me these past few weeks by way of my VJ family :)

I really would have been much more distraught than I am now had I been facing this all alone!

Here's to each and every single one of us being reunited with our loved ones in the good ol' U.S. of A. :thumbs:

Happy Friday!!! :dance:

celldocMaleIndia2011-02-11 08:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I've lost track Saleem - have you heard anything? Are you still at TSC or have you gone to CSC? I'm rooting for an approval for you.

Unfortunately I haven't heard anything. As far as I know, I'm still at the TSC.

As always, thanks for the well-wishes, I'm looking forward to joining the NVC club someday :)

celldocMaleIndia2011-02-11 07:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Wow, almost 5 more pages to go through........

As stated earlier today, I had an interview with Cindy Carcamo of the Orange County Register about this whole USCIS screw up. The paper took an interest in my story due to my sons health condition. The interview was much longer than I expected, probably because she was "old school" and took notes on a note pad, she did a lot of writing, LOL

I provided her with a copy of the Alert that was posted on USCIS website the other day, all pertinent emails for everyone that I had contacted at USCIS and other documents from USCIS. All in all about 3/4 in thick!!

She took interest in how my Congressman had basically ignored my plea for help, I threw him under the bus big time. Someone that I previously met many years ago and HAD respect for. He lost quite a few votes due to his inaction.

I provided her a link to this thread a few weeks back and she has been here reading.

I brought up waitingonthelords specific situation and Rachel's roller coaster ride yesterday and today.

The article will be in print and online soon, she was not able to give me a specific date but assured me it would be published. I am about to send her some pictures to include in the article, she wants a wedding pic and some other misc pics.

As soon as the article is posted online, I will let you guys know. Although we have some traction now, it would be advisable to comment on the story when it is available.

Good luck all!!

Thanks so very much for all that you've done... I'm glad your son's out of the hospital :thumbs:
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-11 06:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
Wow I got to sleep for a few hours and I miss out one MORE approvals?!?

That's FANTASTIC :thumbs:

CONGRATS to all those who've gotten approved!!

WaitingonLord, especially you, I'm so very happy for your family :)

Well, it's Friday baby, come on TSC, MAKE MY WEEKEND!!!!
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-11 06:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I reported it straight away. I suggest we all do the same. He's a trouble maker.


:rofl: I needed to read this...."exquisite incompetence"!! This has made me laugh for the first time in the last few hours...

That makes me smile in return :)
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 22:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I feel so badly for everyone (including myself and my dear wife in Indonesia (Lanny). But maybe something good will come out of this. Lets all not lose faith and we will turn to Him for comfort, believing that he has our best interest at heart although it is certainly hard to see it now. But I am sure that He does. (the Lord). He will dry out tears!

celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 22:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I am so mad! I just got message that says i was transfered baack to CSC! what the hell! im an earlly July filer and got transfered with Aug. filers! I wanna cry....

I really hope that the transfer works out in your favor. It seems TSC has been anything but efficient when it comes to advancing "approved" petitions (or anything else for that matter).

Who knows, in the long-run, you may be better off!
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 22:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I also got approval on Jan 25, 2011. But I don't understand the optimism. TSC hasn't actually sent any to the NVC have they/ - I mean that NVC actually has in hand? notice that TSC has sent 3 email saying that it is approved and shipped -- Jan 4, Jan 28, and Feb 7 --- aviatorbill
Here is a post by cntamp from this morning.

I think that I've been approved TWICE! by TSC

Posted Today, 08:04 AM

No wonder they've delayed other people's approvals. They've been too busy approving mine!
I received a hard copy I-797, Notice of Action for a I-130 on JANUARY 4 that my petition has been approved and sent to NVC.

On January 29, I received the following message in an email from TSC:


Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On January 28, 2011, we shipped this approved or re-affirmed case to the Department of State for visa processing. For more information, please contact them directlynuary 28, 2011, we shipped this approved or re-affirmed case to the Department of State for visa processing. For more information, please contact them directly

Now last night I received this message in an email:

On February 7, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

Soo my timeline is completely screwed. Does all this mean I will receive 2 visas and I can give one to my wife and sell the other one on Ebay?

P.S. Still waiting for the NVC case#. I call and the AVR tells me they have not yet received the case.

Wow- that's disturbing.

This exquisite incompetence knows no bounds it seems.

celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 22:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

congrats entropy!!! Give him the Carlton celldoc!

Comin' rrrright up!
Posted Image
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 21:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Yes, I'm a veteran... Thanks, so happy :whistle:

I had no idea you were a June filer. CONGRATS again to you and yours :thumbs:
Posted Image
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 21:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center


Check this out....This will help you guys!!!

Thanks Miami-Bro, we've been made aware of this bulletin :thumbs:
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 21:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

One word... APPROVED. :yes:

CONGRATS!!! :thumbs:
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 21:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Post Decision Activity

On February 10, 2011, we shipped this approved or re-affirmed case to the Department of State for visa processing. For more information, please contact them directly.

does it means im on nvc phase now? :wow: :)

congrats to all who also got approved!! :D and to those who still waiting.. you'll be the next too! :D

Wooooooooooow- CONGRATS!!!!! :thumbs:
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 21:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Me too celldoc. I've contacted:
NCSC (x4)

Of all those.... the Ombudsman is the only one that gave me any info... I think they lost ours bro.... sad to say.... but they either lost them (because of the status that they in)... or.... they are shoved so far back in a corner that they can't be seen :wacko:

Dude, I hear ya loud and clear! I've placed 2 service requests which yielded 2 bullsh@* incoherent letters telling me absolutely nothing. I've placed an expedite which has, as far as I can tell, been an exercise in futility. I emailed the TSC once, received the standard-issue Legend of Garza reply about 2 weeks ago, and again, bubkiss. I haven't emailed anyone else yet, as I've just hit the 6-month mark. I think I'll do so in a couple of weeks. :bonk:

Edited by celldoc, 10 February 2011 - 08:59 PM.

celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 20:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I thought I would be happy to hear something today, I rather it have been an approval though. I'm just tired and I'm sitting here with my face wet from tears. I just want this to be over with. already.

Hang in there- you know you're not alone! You've made it this far, so far from August 9! We're almost there! :)
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 20:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Just got an email....jumped up for joy...then read that I'm being transferred back to California. I don't even care about anything anymore.

You and I have the same NOA1- be happy that you at least received some type of communication that confirms that your application hasn't been lost somewhere in the black hole :thumbs:

I'm still waiting to hear something, anything!! :blink:

Edited by celldoc, 10 February 2011 - 08:19 PM.

celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 20:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

DELIGHTED for you!! Posted Image

Does that mean they have started the evening batch process? We shall see!

GOOD LUCK everyone!

Come on TSC, open the floodgates!!! :thumbs:
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 20:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center


CONGRATS to you and your family Rachel!! I really am happy for you :)
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 20:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

yeah, I had a conversation like that yesterday with USCIS and yesterday with my's all pointless.

Do you think we'll get a storm of approvals tonight?

I don't know about a storm of approvals- I wouldn't be surprised if we saw an approval or two tonight based on the past few days' activity.

As always, I'm hoping for the best for ALL of us :thumbs:

celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 19:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

hell yeah, do that thang Carlton! You tha man!!!

Since you have brought me great joy with the almighty Carlton, I say you should be approved next :dance:

Thanks bro, the fact that you guys are all getting approved has really made this wait a little more bearable- gives me hope that my number's coming up! :thumbs:
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 14:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
Hey gang, WOW I'm gone for a few hours and I miss out on MORE approvals??

Speaking of which, massive CONGRATS to you guys!

Rachel, I'm so happy for you that you paperwork hadn't been lost after all. :thumbs:

My case hasn't been touched since last November- but it's only been 186 days so I suppose I shouldn't be complaining just yet :innocent:

In honor of all the folks who got approved.... I bring Carlton back :D

Posted Image
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-10 14:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

No, I did get an update & email tonight (a few hrs. ago) You guys will get it also ;) Just a matter of time judging by the amount of emails sent tonight!

I hope you're right :)
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-09 22:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

its official...NOW I can really dance!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Dance man, I say DANCE!
Posted Image
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-09 21:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Well Doc.... looks like it's You, mrs.T and me... still no "touch" for me today.

Ditto, no touches since 11/30/2010.
celldocMaleIndia2011-02-09 21:55:00