IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

My 7th month of waiting has started...

I feel for you, really. I'm hitting the 5 month mark and if I'm this anxious, I hate to imagine what you must be going through. As usual, if I am able to obtain any additional info that I think may help us in any way, I'll be sure to share.


celldocMaleIndia2011-01-03 12:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I'm here to join all the angry mob against being transferred and waiting too dang long. My NoA1 was Aug 9th, got transferred to TSC and then they notified me yet again with this email:


The last processing action taken on your case



Your Case Status: Initial Review

The I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN was transferred and is now being processed at a USCIS office. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283."

The difference being there is no date like it said before. I was hoping this ment they were actually looking at my case and not saying, "hey it's in our office and we'll get to it when we can" cause they already told me that. My wife is getting ready to work overseas and that means a 1-2year contract, she can't go back to the philippines and get an interview if it's approved. I hope we get notice soon because this is getting redicuouls, almost 5 months and no apporval.

You and I have the same NOA date, Aug. 9. Yay for us. :thumbs:

I agree with Jenny- a service request couldn't hurt.
celldocMaleIndia2011-01-03 11:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

As for me, no matter what happens to my case, I will never forget the insensitivity and bureaucratic bungling of our collective cases by USCIS and NVC.

I have to share this with you- I had spoken with a Tier 2 Officer on the phone who was distractingly short with her answers. She "looked my case up" on her computer. To my shock, unlike the other two Officers I had spoken with, she did not confirm that my application had never left the TSC. To the contrary, she told me my application had made it's way to the foreign embassy, who "denied" my application and had subsequently sent it back. She had the gall to tell me that maybe the legitimacy of my marriage had come into question. This completely pissed me off. Furthermore, she nonchalantly informed me that the USCIS would contact me in the next few "months" to request whatever other material I could possibly send that would "prove" the legitimacy of my marriage. To throw salt on the wound, she added that this time if my application got "rejected", there would be no possibility for my wife to join me in the States. Ever. According to her, we are allowed "2 strikes", and that's it, after which there is no chance of appeal.


I of course hung up and called back, spoke with another Tier 2 Officer, told him the garbage I had just been fed by a fellow Officer, and this guy basically disputed all of the above and once again, like before, told me that my application had never left the TSC.

celldocMaleIndia2011-01-01 10:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Does anyone know if ANY ONE, has been moved onto NVC and onwards from TSC? It seems to me TSC are on complete lockdown, and despite posturing, have actually achieved nothing whatsoever since all of us were transferred.

Happy New Year Val and Gary!!

I've been wondering the same thing- thus far I haven't seen any posts on VJ answering this question. I brief Google search also didn't yield any satisfactory answers.

All the best- cheers!
celldocMaleIndia2011-01-01 10:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Celldoc: My background is in Electronic Engineering Technology (for Honeywell and John Fluke Instrumentation). I am an analytical type person and most call me a perfectionist. No, I don't have any formal training in law (it makes me sick to my stomach when I see what is going on in the courts in this country). But I have had several friends who are lawyers and I like to keep track of what is going on especially in the legislative branch of our government. I filed the I-130 (NOA1 is August 6) and then filed the K3 (NOA1 is August 30). I think that my appeal in January to my Senator and/or representative will be more along legal lines of what they (the USCIS) have done and are doing. We will see what happens.
It would be interesting if we could find someone in the media to take up our cause. Does anyone have an inside track on anyone in the media that would be interested?

So you're a "perfectionist". Not to be disrespectful, but what does that mean?? That term is relative, and frankly speaking, just tells me you're another educated brick in the wall, like myself, without a background in law- again, like myself. It's nice that you have friends with law degrees- so do I (from places such as Harvard, Yale and Northwestern). The pertinent question is however, do any of them practice Immigration Law? For example, I have a friend in Boston who was a Rhodes Scholar, went to Harvard Law School, and now works for the Environmental Protection Agency. Can he help us in our cause? Absolutely not, and clearly not because he is not educated enough, but simply because neither is he up-to-date with the immigration arena, nor does he have contacts who can pick up the phone and call a higher-up at the USCIS.

My 5-month mark is approaching, and like you and the rest of the gang here I too have been given conflicting information regarding not just my case but also the goings-on at the USCIS/TSC.

In my opinion, our primary goal should first and foremost be obtaining an education from a reputed immigration attorney. It clearly will not suffice to merely have brief conversations with friends who are lawyers. And when I say "immigration attorney", I mean one who has solely been specializing in this arena for some time (which would presumably mean he/she would have political connections that would be able to actively help).

As for media attention, I personally think it's wishful thinking to think that some media giant is going to run with this story on any meaningful national scale. With that being said however, even one or a few local articles regarding this issue may help give it some sort of political legitimacy and draw the attention of a government official or a prominent attorney. Who knows.

As I had posted before, I'll try my best to continue researching our issue. In the meanwhile, for those of us who continue to contact the USCIS/TSC, I think it's important to document the date, time and content of our conversations. The more thorough collective data we have at our disposal on VJ, the greater our chances of efficiently continuing to chart inconsistencies and formulate a less murky picture of what may actually be going on.

Just my 2 cents.

I wish upon all of us a happy, fruitful, and healthy new year, and pray for speedy reunions with our loved ones.

celldocMaleIndia2011-01-01 10:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

If technically the USCIS is not attaching the K3 petition to the I-130 petition, they are sitting on the K3 same as if it were an I-130 which in effect is still the same as attaching the K3 to the I-130.

Thanks for the clarification.

Is this something you've figured out or something you've been told by a legal counsel?

Edited by celldoc, 30 December 2010 - 12:50 PM.

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-30 12:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

It hasn't even been 5 months for me and I'm starting to lose it


I don't have a clue!!! Looks like it was approved, BUT still needs some more "processing" before they forward it to NVC. I think those simple servants at USCIS need to be processed OUT OF GOVT. SERVICE!!

Wow Dan... I'm truly speechless. I read and re-read your letter several times, and I'm not entirely sure what to make of it.


celldocMaleIndia2010-12-29 21:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Better to do something than to do nothing. What have you got to lose, really? Except time.

I agree- the more calls made by affected individuals to the USCIS regarding issues, the higher the likelihood that something may be looked into, and who knows, someone might even try and resolve such recurring issues.

It's too easy to say "oh nothing will happen, the USCIS is this and the USCIS is that". The point is, without action it is a certainty there will be no reaction; at least with some action, there's even a glimmer of hope of there being some type of (hopefully positive) reaction.

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-29 18:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

TSC is in a state of mass confusion. First they code into our case status "Post Decision Activity" as if it has been approved when it hasn't even been looked at yet. And then they code in to our case updates on Nov 24th that it has been sent back for review to the USCIS from the Dept of State (NVC) also when it has not even been looked at yet and in fact hasn't even left TSC.

So it just occurred to me that the people that have gotten an approval (NOA2) in the mail without email notification don't really have a NOA2 approval because someone else from TSC has coding in a command (by mistake) to send out the NOA2 approval letter. Why else would NVC not have a case number or the file?

Yes, I am all for seeing if we could get the news media to take up a crusade on our behalf. Where would we start?

The K3 visa was suppose to alleviate these kinds of problems by issuing a non-immigrant visa while the spouse waits for immigration approval. But the USCIS has found a way around it (evidently) and it seems to me that they are illegally circumventing the law.

I second what you're saying, although I can't say I agree with the "illegally circumventing the law" thing, at least not without proper legal documentation.

I bet you I know who has all the answers-

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-29 17:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

just called USCIS and they would not put in a service request for me. They said I have to wait 61 days until the day of transfer (january 3rd), did any of you get that information when you called? Such bs....I asked about why people are getting approved in September and they said the same ####### about some cases taking longer. Im pretty pissed off right now.

Is it me or are different people being quoted different numbers?

I'd say call again. The first time I called the agent said to call after my 5 months was up to put in a service request. The second time I called the agent did just that.

Ok that just answered my question :)
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-29 17:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

As you can see from my time-line, my petition was approved by TSC on 23 November (119 days ......GREAT!).............But wait; there's more.......I still have not received a NVC case number!!!! My petition is stuck in limbo somewhere between TSC and NVC. It's time to face the fact that all of us who were transferred from CSC to TSC got hosed by the incompetent immigration bureaucracy. "We" have all sent emails, called USCIS / NVC, and have contacted our Representatives and Senators, many times, but to no avail (yet). I read we must be patient, give the system time to work, 5 months, 6 months, holidays, blah, blah, blah......As for me, I'm tired of waiting. I served my country proudly and honorably in the U.S. Navy for 23 years, and I think I deserve better treatment than this. AS DO ALL U.S. CITIZENS!!! I truly feel for those foreigners currently living in hopeless situations, and I believe they deserve our help. But.......U.S. Citizens who are trying to do the right thing, and bring their fiances, spouses and children to this country legally should not take a back-seat to ANYONE. Perhaps we could start a grass-roots, political action group that would force Congress, the Administration, and the mindless bureaucracy to sit up and take notice of us. If we don't do something now, this situation will only get worse for future filers. COMMENTS?? SUGGESTIONS???

All I can say for now is I completely echo your sentiments. In what little free time I have, I will try to do some research in terms of what (if any) recourse we, who evidently are getting/having gotten hosed, may have. The immediate problem I see with our "group" is our abysmally small number. In order for any voice to be heard in any large bureaucratic arena, the cumulative voice needs to be loud, which can only result from a large backing. We don't have that backing. I see absolutely no way of knowing how many (hundreds? thousands?) of other applicants are in the same predicament as us. Also, I don't have the money to hire a top-notch immigration attorney who may have the legal know-how on how to negotiate through all this efficiently.

As a side-note, I'm sure you've heard this before, but I'll say it anyway as a fellow American- thanks for your years of service.


Edited by celldoc, 29 December 2010 - 01:52 PM.

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-29 13:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I completely agree. Just the idea of sending in something hand written and then getting a rfe for missing a date or signature 6 months later seems so archaic. It's slightly embarrassing on the part of the US government as well. I hate the idea that I could be with my husband if we decided to file the 129f and get married in America. That process seems more fraudulent than me flying to another country getting married over there and then waiting longer to file the i130.

And jenny I think (speaking for others as well as myself) we were all so excited about being transfered earlier. Getting touches every other day and post decision activity. And now the need to post only comes when someone has talked to a uscis rep. We're all still here and watching this thread and everyone has been great support! So don't stop posting and don't get discouraged. I just got off of skype with my husband, and when I look at him I realize why I (and all of us) are doing this. :)

Well said Sarah! I don't think I've recovered from my state of shock ever since I was told that the immigration process is quicker if one were to solely get engaged overseas as opposed to getting married like I did. How is it that my government isn't going to expedite a certified, bonafide marriage over a non-certified intent to marry???

The sheer utter lack of logic in this is remarkable.
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-29 13:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Is this how US treats its citizens? Very strange!!! I would understand if let's say you were a resident, but a citizen.. humm... this system needs to be improved... very much! Unbelievable what you have to go thru just to do things legally, what a discouragement. While some politicians wanted to make illegals' life in the US easier... Looks like being a citizen of US is less important than being an illegal. Incomprehensible!


Like I said- baffled
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-29 12:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Just a thought... i wonder all those American spouses, can you unite and do something? I mean you know your laws, as USC you have rights, so why American citizens have to suffer from such injustice [not speaking about foreign spouses]? Shouldn't be like that! Posted Image

I understand what you mean- being an American Citizen I myself am baffled by this entire procedure. Honestly, what disturbs me the most is the fact that I've received different- and one time conflicting- information from Tier 2 Officers regarding my application.

Simply baffled.

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-29 11:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Good info.
But I haven't even been alive that long so I don't know how long it would take for them to complete the background check on me. Sorry, I'm complaining again. But, alas, I feel more hopeful than before.

I feel the pain sister!!

I'm in my early 30's and I too find myself wondering what in the world is taking the powers that be so long when it comes to going through my application and conducting all associated checks- this must be at least the umpteenth time I'm having my records validated! :yes:

Like you, I also think that the waiting period is unreasonable. The problem is, it's unreasonable from our collective perspectives- and evidently not from the USCIS's :wacko: -Which leaves us in this precarious, helpless limbo :bonk:

Keep the faith.

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-29 07:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I don't see why they would even contact previous employers or landlords...that seems like bs to me. It has no relevance to a bonafide marriage.

I read somewhere on a USCIS site that the background checks done at this stage had nothing to do with employment/landlords. These checks are deeper, FBI/Interpol & name checks. I think the USCIS reps are saying anything right now to appease us and get us off the 'phone. I don't think even THEY know what is going on at Texas.

Thanks Val and Gary for the clarification.

I think it's shortsighted to think that FBI/Interpol checks are routinely performed in relatively short periods of time for all individuals. Common sense dictates that that time frame will vary from one person to the next.

To give you an idea of how long a mere background check takes WITHIN the U.S. for a U.S. citizen, consider the following- when applying for a license to practice medicine in any given state, the (very thorough) background check takes an average of about 3 months.

So imagine the levels of checks that must be occurring on an international scale.

All things considered, there simply is no way that emotionally editorializing scattered facts mixed with fiction will allow for any healthy discourse. To me, it's becoming clearer everyday that we're not going to be provided any thorough, detailed, and reliable explanation as to what has been transpiring with our individual applications, both before and after the CSC-TSC transfer, at least for the first 6 months from what I have been seeing.

As unfortunate as this is, it's nonetheless a reality we're all dealing with together.

Like some of you guys, once my 5 months are up I'll follow suit and pursue a Service Request, perhaps contact my Senator, and whatever else you guys may have been told to do by your respective legal counsels.

I'm hoping for the best outcomes for myself and all of you :D

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-29 06:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Celldoc, you're back!

Back?? I've been here all along! And I've been trying to stay as optimistic as possible- you guys have been a source of support in a weird way without even trying. :D

Here's to the new year!!

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-28 19:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Hello all,

Well, I had a pretty good experience with USCIS today, our processing date has already come and gone. We were due on December 9, but with everyone else we were transferred to the Texas Service Center.

I called the National Service Center today, and of course because of the transfer, the Tier 1 rep couldn't help me to much with the detail, except to tell me that I needed to wait until January 2,2011. He did contact a Tier 2 rep to see if they could submit a SR for me, and of course he could not do anything for me. After explaining to them the situation, and being very polite and nice, they transferred me to a Tier 2 Rep. After the 14 minute wait I was able to speak to the Tier 2 rep.

The Tier 2 rep, took the information that I had, and we chatted a little. She did explain that I did need to wait for the 60 days to pass before I should be calling. But she did manage to submit a SR for me, with a new number to find out what is going on with the case. She also explained a few more things that I did not realize about USCIS, in regards to there processing. My eyes were opened as we had a 20 minute chat about how things really did work at USCIS, and it's made me a little more paitent with there process.

The rep explained to me, that sometimes it is not the USCIS that is holding up the process, it can be the checks they are doing and the fact that there can be a delay, thanks to the employers not returning the information in a timely manner. So be paitent in this holiday season, as we all have loved ones that are waiting too.

She did provide me with a Service Request number, to follow up with the USCIS in 7 days. I know that is still next year, but at least with talking to them, and hearing the explanations, and getting the follow up SR #, I feel better today. So hopefully next week, I can post up something more then what I have.

Keep yer chins up everyone,


Hi Thomas, many thanks for sharing your experience! What the Tier 2 rep told you basically confirms my suspicions. I would like to think that the USCIS begins work on cases in the order they are received, however like you were informed, each individual applicant has a unique background that needs to be checked. Part of the checking process perhaps involves contacting prior employers and landlords, and so there are a number of potential rate-limiting steps.

Thanks again for the info- cheers and all the best to all of us!

Edited by celldoc, 28 December 2010 - 07:21 PM.

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-28 19:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

And is it just me or has the number of people who post on this thread tapered off quite a bit in the last month? I think people are losing hope. I know I am...just a little bit every day...

For what it's worth, I'm still here! :thumbs:

I just haven't been saying much because I have the same sentiments/concerns/frustrations as you guys who are actively posting. Needless to say, my thoughts/prayers are with all of us.
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-28 15:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
Congrats U&S!!! Thanks for sharing and giving the rest of us (ESPECIALLY the June/July filers) a glimmer of hope :thumbs:
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-16 05:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
Has anyone recently called the USCIS, spoken with a tier 2 Officer, and been given an ETC reference number?

I called this afternoon in regards to the USCIS inadvertently sending me an erroneous notice about my application. The Officer again confirmed that a computer mistake had been made by them- and this time gave me a receipt number prefixed by "ETC". Before I could ask what good this receipt would do, I was paged at work and had to abruptly end the conversation.


Edited by celldoc, 13 December 2010 - 07:53 PM.

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-13 19:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Just wondering if any I-130 petitions at all (from the transferred batch from CSC) have been approved by TSC? Seems like more USCIS bungling at our expense!!

I believe so- I refer you to Saylin's awesome post:

Created a spreadsheet for you guys: https://spreadsheets...9UTnY4dWc&hl=en

Included the person's name, type of visa, country of beneficiary, NOA1 date, and date of transfer.
Taken from people who posted in this thread. I'm sure there's others out there that got transferred, but I don't feel like hunting them down on other threads. *lazy*
I'll continue to add names and edit the spreadsheet as more people post.

Analyze away! :D

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-12 17:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
I'm curious to see if anyone receives any helpful information after having contacted their Congress representative or the Ombudsman.

Edited by celldoc, 12 December 2010 - 04:55 PM.

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-12 16:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Guys, have you seen this? http://www.visajourn...-noa2-received/
Someone from CSC got NOA2 just after 3 months of waiting... while some have passed 5months already... Why USCIS is so unfair? Posted Image

:wow: Unbelievable. I'm just a little over my 4 month mark, so I don't have the right to start complaining- nonetheless I agree with you.
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-12 16:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Just wanted to pop in and thank everyone for the support through this process ... good luck to you all

same to you! :thumbs:
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-12 11:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I agree, they don't seem to be following any pattern as far as NOA1 dates. What I don't understand is that they were apparently competent enough to approve those few cases (that we know of) a couple of weeks ago, but since then they have done NOTHING except send out bogus update emails that don't make any sense whatsoever.

I just hope they get their act together soon and get us ALL approved in the next month or so.

my concerns echo yours and those expressed by the rest of the members here. we all comprise such a minute portion of the CSC-TSC transferee group- i wonder what the actual NOA2 stats must look like for our group in sum.

as a side note, i have to say i'm glad i comprise a part of this small representative forum of transferees- as many of the folks here have said, it's nice to be able to share our individual knowledge and opinions with people facing the same struggle.

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-08 20:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

The last 15 csc cases to be approved according to igor's list include 3 june filers, 0 july filers, 1 august filer, 10 sept filers and 1 OCTOBER filer. I just don't get it. I'm still within the 5 months but my heart really goes out to those who have passed the 5 month date. I admire your courage. :) (F)

i'm curious- anybody take the time to tally which countries these august, september and october filers represent?
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-08 20:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

:ot: Cold??? He got about 8 inches of snow in 1 day last week and I just want to stay inside until summer. :lol: Stay warm and best wishes to you both.

:ot: my deepest sympathies brother :D
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-08 09:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Great that you succeeded in pumping so much info out of them. They basically admitted their error. Fuel to the fire...thx for sharing.

Your handle leads me to believe you fix mobile phones or are an incarcerated physician.

LOL... close but not really- i'm a physician, and i also do research on cancer stem cells :D
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-08 05:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Thank you, fellow Floridian!

Representin' South Florida! Woot woot!! :dance:

:ot: by the way- what is up with the cold?! this is my first winter in Florida, having recently moved from Boston- I was expecting shorts weather all winter long.

-oops, there i go again with the wishful thinking :no:
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-07 20:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
After having read what some of you guys have written, I thought I'd call our friends up at the USCIS to have a chat.

I specifically inquired about my I130 being in the "Post-Decision" phase. The tier 1 representative was nice enough to escalate me to tier 2 after I thoroughly and petiently explained my concerns. The operative word here is "patient"- you should at least sound patient. Remember folks, these people don't have to escalate your call unless your specific case necessitates it- so being outwardly polite will, without a doubt, get you farther along in this conversation, as opposed to verbally expressing whatever anger you may be experiencing.

Mr. Tier 2 explained that workload can be moved around from one service center to another- as we all are well aware of by now. In our case, our files had obviously been transferred to TSC.

Mr. Tier 2 then mentioned that TSC, for the past few years, has been used to processing only employment and refugee-related submissions. They had stopped, for whatever reason, processing I130s some time ago, at least for the past 3 or 4 years. With that in mind, TSC then received our batch of I130 applications (hundreds, thousands?).

So Mr. Tier 2, in an indirect manner, basically said that those of us who received emails/texts/snail mail letters stating that we were in the "Post Decision" phase were in all likelihood victims of some peoples' incompetence- also euphemistically referred to as there being a "training issue" with some folks. This is an issue they are "looking into".

Even though my I130 status on the USCIS website states that I am in the "Post Decision" phase, I was clearly told by Mr. Tier 2 that my application had never left TSC, and furthermore, still hadn't been looked at! -Which is fine, I suppose, since I haven't hit the 5 month mark. It just sucks that I had unnecessarily- and apparently needlessly- gotten excited thinking some sort of decision had been made in regards to my I130. Wishful thinking.

In sum, Mr. Tier 2 suggested to call back 90 days after the CSC-TSC transfer date- for all of us, that would be early-February. He did add however, without offering any substantial proof, that my application, just like the rest of yours, may be looked at sooner than the 90 day period ends. I suppose that there may be some truth to that because, if I were in their shoes, and I had hundreds to thousands of applications to go through, I would deliberately give a very lengthy grace period (like say, 90 days), as opposed to giving a more "realistic" yet shorter grace period, knowing it really wouldn't take me that long to do the processing, simply to avoid getting irate phone calls from people saying they hadn't heard anything within their allotted timeframe.

I didn't get around to inquiring about the reason(s) behind other August/September filers getting approved- I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten any specific coherent answer.

That's all the news I have for now.

Edited by celldoc, 07 December 2010 - 08:08 PM.

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-07 20:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Well, since my last post, there has been no touches on our I-130. So I'm in the same boat as all of you. But there has been one VERY positive development. I couldn't wait to see my wife again, so I went back to see her for her birthday and of course my own. I returned to the US from that visit on November 21.. wishing that I could have brought her with me. And we're staying positive, but now I can only hope that we are moving along. As she told me last night, I'm going to be a father.. :) Seems our visit was a bit magical!

Everyone keep being positive.. :D

At least I'm going to be more positive then ever now, Seems that my Christmas gift came early this year..

Keep smiling gang!


celldocMaleIndia2010-12-06 08:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

let us know if you receive anything in snail mail! i think youre the only one of 5 of us who has had i-129f touched today who has been moved to "post decision activity" (i keep checking ours LOL)
wonder if they have approved your i-130 and touches on your i-129f is closing it...

hey gang, i hope each and every single one of you is doing well!

just an update-

i received an NOA yesterday (12/04/2010) via snail mail basically reiterating the same info from the email I had received on 11/29/2010, regarding my I130 being received by a USCIS office from the State Department for review.

Online, my I130 remains in the "Post Decision Activity" phase.

So here's a summary of my timeline:

08/09/2010: NOA1 (I-130) Received text & email with case number
08/26/2010: I-130 Check Cashed by USCIS
09/09/2010: NOA1 (I129F) Received text & email with case number
11/02/2010: Cases Transferred to Texas
11/04/2010: Both cases touched
11/28/2010: I129F Touched- Received text and email saying case is being processed at a USCIS office
11/29/2010: I129F Touched
11/29/2010: I-130 Touched- Received text and email saying Case Status changed from "Initial Review" to "Post Decision Activity"
11/30/2010: I-130 Touched
12/01/2010: I129F Touched
12/04/2010: Received letter via snail mail stating I-130 was received by a USCIS office from the State Department for review.

i know how a few (all?) of you are getting discouraged and disheartened being forced to stay apart from your loved ones for so long- i'm right there with you. however today, as i was speaking with my queen via Skype, i couldn't help but be thankful that, since we must be apart for some time, at least it is in this day and age when we can see each other face to face, live, albeit via a glossy computer screen. point is, i reminded myself that things could always be worse- we could have existed in an era (not too long ago) when even a rare brief phone call would have been seen as a luxury experienced by very few.

wish you guys the best!! :thumbs:

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-05 15:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Yes, you're right, your NOA1 date would be August 14. Updated the spreadsheet :)

many thanks for the interesting spreadsheets!
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-02 19:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

New Information for Filers transferred from CSC to TSC and then to "USCIS Office"

Hey everyone, we were one of those couples who's petition moved to TSC and then got the notice that our case had been moved to a "USCIS Office". I just called USCIS to inquire where my petition was and the "officer" told me it was still at TSC and is being processed there. It never went anywhere.

I think these TSC agents haven't been processing I-130's for a while and are a little green on how to update the system correctly. :bonk:

thanks for sharing, wishing the best for myself and all of you guys :thumbs:
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-02 13:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

When you hear busy tone, redial immediately and put it in a loop until connected.

I have tried 157 times this way to get connected on a worse day :star:


wooooooooooooow :wacko:

i got through after 6 tries, and now i've been placed on hold

Edited by celldoc, 01 December 2010 - 07:48 PM.

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-01 19:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

let us know if you receive anything in snail mail! i think youre the only one of 5 of us who has had i-129f touched today who has been moved to "post decision activity" (i keep checking ours LOL)
have you tried calling NVC to see if they have your case? 603-334-0700
wonder if they have approved your i-130 and touches on your i-129f is closing it...

that's an interesting theory... i'll certainly keep you guys posted. i tried calling that number you gave me several times but it's always busy!

celldocMaleIndia2010-12-01 19:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Good luck on your interview tomorrow morning!

I second that- best of luck champ :thumbs:
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-01 18:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
an update for the touch conspiracy theorists out there-

08-09-2010: NOA1 (I-130) Received text & email with case number
08-26-2010: I-130 Check Cashed by USCIS
09-09-2010: NOA1 (I129F) Received text & email with case number
11-02-2010: Cases Transferred to Texas
11-04-2010: Both cases touched
11-28-2010: I129F Touched- Received text and email saying case is being processed at a USCIS office
11-29-2010: I129F Touched
11-29-2010: I-130 Touched- Received text and email saying Case Status changed from "Initial Review" to "Post Decision Activity"
11-30-2010: I-130 Touched (in the "Post Decision Activity" phase)
12-01-2010: I129F Touched (still in the "Initial Review" phase)
celldocMaleIndia2010-12-01 18:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

:thumbs: West Palm Beach Florida are you? Gary and I are right outside Orlando.....:star: We seem to havae a similiar timeline!

make that 3 for Florida - I'm in Miami B-)
celldocMaleIndia2010-11-30 16:36:00