K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestouched!!! que es eso???
QUOTE (M&J @ Aug 15 2007, 10:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (?C and P? @ Aug 15 2007, 08:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Siento mudo apenas visto el otro poste en lol inglés


You´re welcome¡¡¡
malego77FemaleMexico2007-08-19 19:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSecond time: K3 or IR1
Hi Claireg,
No, I'm not filing until March. I'm just organizing all my paperwork for Mexico and US at the same time. I have done a lot of research on DCF in Mexico as I was trying to decide whether to do it or K-1, or CR-1 in the US. In spite of the lack of data available, we will be doing DCF since it should be the fastest and cheapest. (It is actually $70 cheaper than the regular IR-1/CR-1.) However, I am also awaiting an email response from them. :)

Here are some links showing how some people got their NOAs from the embassy: (in person)
Family Immigration - DCF 2007
(a letter)
DCF Mexico Letter
The VJ link I posted earlier was from someone who called and got theirs.
It seems most people who do DCF in Mexico get their petitions approved within a month or even a week or day. You don't really need to know the NOAs, what is more important is making sure Packet 3 gets to you and doesn't get lost. I'm not sure whether your Packet 3 comes from Ciudad Juarez or from NVC.
Good luck!
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-01-24 12:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSecond time: K3 or IR1
Here's one email address I have for the embassy:, although probably a phone call would get you further.

You have to factor in mailing time, but you do want to be on top of the embassy to know when it gets tranferred to NVC. (My understanding is that DCF in Mexico gets transferred to NVC for interview scheduling and possible security checks?) Another reason you want to be in contact with them is to find out if they have tried to send Packet 3 to you and to make sure it doesn't get lost in the mail system.
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-01-22 16:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSecond time: K3 or IR1
Yes, claireq, if you filed through the consulate, you did "direct consular filing" - DCF. There is no offical name for it, DCF is the internet term. I'm estimating 4-8 months with 4-5 being my guess, since regular processing has been very quick for Mexico lately.

I'm really interested in your timeline because I will be doing the same thing soon and I'm wondering how long it will take as well.
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-01-22 15:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSecond time: K3 or IR1
Oh, that's good then, that you filed DCF. The one person who posted a thread on DCF in Mexico only took 4-5 months.
http://www.visajourn...p;hl=dcf mexico

I don't know what their current processsing time is but I would bet you would be able to move around June or July or definitely before September. *That is a guess.* Make sure you email or call them for approval notifications, and if you get your I-864 paperwork and the other stuff for the interview ready before they send you Packet 3 you can get your interview even faster since you won't take a month or two to send it back. If regular processing times are 6-7 months, it would be probable that a DCF would be faster, but as I said, there isn't really any current data regarding Mexico DCF processing times.
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-01-22 12:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSecond time: K3 or IR1
Also, on a re-read, what Dakine says is true. You have to go to Ciudad Juarez no matter what. So the money for AOS is on top of Ciudad Juarez.

You can't use the visa and then not use it. The K-3 is like an add-on to the IR-1. The IR-1 is the hamburger and with the K-3 it is the combo, if that helps. You can't drink the pop and eat the fries and then say you don't want the combo. :P

The only way people can go back to the original IR-1 petition (I believe) is if the K-3 is denied.

Other posters: Please note they already filed the I-130.

Edited by Lia792, 22 January 2010 - 11:47 AM.

Lia792FemaleMexico2010-01-22 11:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSecond time: K3 or IR1
I'm confused about where you filed your I-130 because that would change my response. (DCF or regular US filing)

I don't think you can file K-3 if you did DCF but that is pure speculation.
If you do file a K-3 based on a US filing, you have to file AOS. Plus, K-3 can actually slow down your petition rather than speed it up according to some things I have read here that they hold up your I-130 approval at USCIS to be at the same time as your I-129F. Plus, you would be saving a lot of money by just going for your IR-1. ($1000+)

You might want to check out recent Mexico timelines. I have been following them pretty closely and there seem to be few cases over 8-9 months. Lately 6-7 months seems to be the norm for a US filing of the I-130 as well as K-1s. And if you did DCF it should be even faster but there are no recent timelines for that.
Good luck!
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-01-22 11:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLast leg of IR-1 process...
Oh, now I understand about the visa. The IR-1 visa should be exactly what they want then. On VJ people talk about AOS a lot, so you will realize that using a tourist visa with intention to immigrate and do AOS is immigration fraud. It's a really bizarre thing, but people can only do AOS if they did not enter the country with the intent to immigrate - not that many don't do it, but that's the legalese of it. That's why they gave her such a hard time, although clearly CBP does take that kind of stuff overly seriously. Since you didn't lie, that is definitely in your favor.

A lot of people do hole themselves up in the hotel, and supposedly there is a mall close by, although I don't know how safe I would feel staying in a public place as I have heard about daytime shootings at the Wendys and Dennys nearby. Although from the way the most recent massacre is being talked about in the news, I hope they might put some changes into effect regarding safety. Supposedly SOs cannot go into the actual medical exam, but there is a lobby at one of the medical clinics. All of this is nearby the consulate. Here's a link to threads about CJ and where to stay and stuff. The most universally recommended place is the Holiday Inn Express Las Misiones but it's not the cheapest.

Once you have the visa I doubt they would give you any trouble with customs. At the embassy, they will suggest you "activate" the visa at a specific bridge they tell you in Juarez - it changes per person. It is up to you whether you want to do that. There are specific times which I can't remember at the moment, but it's something like regular business hours. Those are the times when they are prepared to process the visa. I have heard about people coming later and having the CBP complain a lot. Since it is an IR-1 visa (multiple entry) you can or not do that, and then enter POE wherever you feel most comfortable.

Do you mean flying in to CJ or out of Mexico? I really doubt they would allow her to enter the US with the last fiasco, so I would just fly into CJ's airport and avoid that. As far as POE after getting the visa, I bet you will have no problems at all so it's really up to you :)
Mmm the warning about the drug ban - most of the people that got it were not drug users at all. They "inhaled" once, some of them many years before the interview, and for some reason that meant they could not come into the US for 3 years. The people at the medical pressure and pressure the beneficiary to say they did drugs. That is the only really bizarre element I have heard about in the interviews in CJ.

Good luck with your interview date. I'm not really sure who you should get in touch with about the interview date and Packet 4, so NVC might send you to the consulate to call them, but I'm pretty sure NVC schedules for CJ and issues the letter, although all of Packet 4 (what you need for the interview) is on the CJ embassy website.
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-02-04 10:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLast leg of IR-1 process...
Hi Adan,
1. :time: I'm confused as to where you are at. I assume your case just got sent through USCIS and now you are about to do Packet 3. Have you already sent in your I-864 and DS-230? NVC schedules appointments for Ciudad Juarez and my understanding was that as soon as they process those documents I just mentioned they send you your interview date and time and Packet 4. So you would need to be calling NVC not Ciudad Juarez regarding an interview being set up. It takes a bit for it go get from USCIS to NVC; other members would be more knowledgeable about that timeline.

2. You can't go into the embassy with her for the interview at CJ, but you can accompany her for the trip if you think it would comfort her. Plus, Ciudad Juarez is a dangerous place for a woman to be alone.

3. Medical Exam: only at the 2 places listed on the embassy website.

4. You can show up any day, but I think you have to be quite early or they don't give you your results that same day.

5. I have yet to hear of any beneficiaries living in Mexico having luck with bringing vaccination records from a Mexican doctor. I HAVE heard of being getting double vaccinated at the medical clinic because the clinic will not accept their records.

6. Most likely she won't be rejected although I would definitely watch out for CJ's habit of banning people for 3 years when they admit to having tried drugs at any point in their lives no longer how long ago. You can look up inadmissibility; there is criteria for that. If you don't have all the required documents, they can delay a visa until you have them. I don't know if she needs police certificates. That is something you should start looking into ASAP. Sometimes embassies deny people if they don't have enough proof of a bonafide relationship although I can't really think of any CJ cases like that on the boards. They can also deny for health reasons or really any other reason they feel like, but CJ is usually pretty easy for straightforward cases.

7. DHL: you have to pick up the visa at the local DHL. It can take anywhere from hours to days. You can't have it sent to your house or another DHL or pick it up at the consulate. They are weird about that.

8. They can reject her if for example she has a criminal record or something that the Embassy ignored but that happens extremely infrequently.

The US govt tends to prefer that people with chances of immigrating apply for immigrant visas, so you should fare better than with a tourist visa. Did they explain why they took away her tourist visa? I am concerned that they took it away and how that might affect your case. Most people say to allow for extra time as things are a little unpredictable with the medical exams and when they give you the visa. It is a minimum of 3 days, one for the medical, one for the visa interview, and one to wait for the visa. It could be two but that is highly unlikely and most people end up spending more than 3 days there.
Good luck!
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-02-03 19:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill my visa be taken away?
Mmm...I recommend you read the guides to understand your visa options so you can see the pluses and minuses of each one. Since you guys seem to live close to each other, I would probably go with getting married in the US and then for you go to back to Mexico and you guys can do a CR-1.

Reason I wouldn't do DCF being you: He would need to get a FM-2 or 3 and that takes at least a month of paperwork and a job offer in Mexico or other paperwork and as far as I know it requires six months of residence in Mexico.

Reason I wouldn't get married in Mexico being you(regardless of the foreigner's status in Mexico as tourist or FM-2/3): I am in the middle of doing it right now, and my eyes get round as saucers every time I have to go to a government office to find out about more requirements. First of all, a foreigner marrying a Mexican needs a permit from the Instituto Nacional de Migracion. You have to find out your number of Registro Civil before that and get their requisites and check the availability of your date. We went to get the requisites from the INM and then it took us about a week to organize all our paperwork. Then, they took a week to give us the permission. That permission cost $2653 pesos or something like that.
Next, we went back to the Registro Civil and they looked over what we had already put together, and they told us to make 3 copies of every single document (I'm talking about 300 pages of paperwork, my thesis was DEFINITELY shorter and I literally wrote a book) attend a talk, and get our blood analyses. They also changed some items on the list and gave us more things to fill out. The Registro Civil charges $3000 pesos a domicilio where I live and $700 pesos to have the wedding at the Registro Civil. Now, we are finishing up the rest of the paperwork and copies and planning the wedding details. I am very organized and it is about a month's work of paperwork and probably about 10 combined visits to both offices. Also, it is very important for his transcripts or degrees to have an apostille for the FM-3 and his birth certificate needs to have an apostille and translation by a (Mexican) "traductor perito" for the wedding docs. Secretary of State Offices usually do apostilles, but it depends on the state.

You can also get married at a courthouse/ Registro Civil and then plan a bigger better wedding when you have the visa and more time to plan it in luxury. Also, you should think about what family and friends you want so where you want to have it, Mexico or the US.

Anyhow, since you live so close together, and I doubt they would take away your Sentri Pass unless they somehow asked and you had to answer that you had married an American and were going to visit your husband, a CR-1 is probably more in your benefit so you don't have to adjust status. Just my two cents' worth, but if I were you, I would take a half an hour or so to read over all the guides thoroughly and think about options.

Edited by Lia792, 19 February 2010 - 10:45 PM.

Lia792FemaleMexico2010-02-19 22:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I go with my wife for the Interview?
Actually, the Chennai website is unclear. It recommends you keep to a minimum but doesn't limit you:

This review indicates that you can:
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-01-28 00:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approved, now what?
Hi Pav,
I am also just about to file DCF...Mexico City. How about you? I imagine the letter you got in the mail contained the forms you were asked to send. (?) that would make it Packet 3. The OF-169 is just a checklist, so you may as well add it, and I think the I-864 is required before the interview for DCF, but I don't know what you should do about Parts I and II. Maybe someone who has already done their interview at Juarez can confirm? Just out of curiosity, how long did it take them to send you Packet 3, if that is what you have?

I came across a variety of answers about Mexico's military service. Some people put yes and included the cartilla, and some people put no. Google ds-230 and "military service" or "cartilla militar." Interestingly enough, one link suggested to put "yes" and that the cartilla includes your branch of the military and rank and other information needed for the DS-230. My husband says you might have to go to the offices of the "Defensa" if you want to get another copy, depending on whether you choose to say yes or no. I guess the point is arguable.

So, unfortunately, I don't have enough information to give you definitive answers to your questions, but hopefully my thoughts will give your thread a bump.

There are a bunch of us filing DCF in Mexico on the DCF forum if ever feel like stopping by. We already have a couple threads. :)
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-03-25 21:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAfter Interview is Completed
Hi Ike & Elena,
Staying with relatives is really a best-case scenario for CJ, in my opinion. It's a minimum of 2 days (medical, appointment, and then pick up the visa if it is same day) but chances are it will be 3 and then the problem is no one really knows how long it will take.

We just got our NOA2 today, so we are far from done yet, plus we are doing DCF...I got my information from reading a lot of forums and the consulate website over and over again.


The 2nd link is for non-immigrant visas but the note about courier services is also the same for immigrant visas:

The consulate also says that people who get out of their interview by a certain time - I want to say 4pm, but I can't find the webpage - tend to receive their visas that same day, and others get theirs the next day. You also have to consider the day of the week of the appointment and for example, if her interview is on a Monday, she has to get there by at least Friday for the medical.
Good luck!
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-04-28 23:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAfter Interview is Completed
Hi Ike&Elena, you have to wait in Juarez to pick up the visa in DHL. Sometimes it is available the same day, and other times the next day, or even a few days later. I consider it to be extremely difficult to plan a ticket to visit a city everyone wants to get out of ASAP. Don't forget the medical also has to be done in Juarez and that can sometimes even have unforeseen circumstances such as having to speak with the psychologist or a sputum test (I think that's what it is) in cases where they suspect TB. They are also famous for giving out 3 year drug bans to anyone who admits during the medical to having taken any form of drugs ever in their life.

I have, however, heard of a very few, select cases where the individual was waiting for some form of papers about a waiver, I'm not sure if it was the visa or not, but they traditionally have to wait weeks in Juarez, and I had heard of maybe 2 people on that were able to get them to send the DHL package to their home city in Mexico rather than waiting. Hence, she can ask the staff when she fills out the DHL form if it can go to her home city, but it is very doubtful that they will say yes.

She may also be confused that they will tell her she has to cross into the US immediately. You don't have to cross over immediately, although since a CR-1/IR-1 is a multiple entry visa, it shouldn't be a problem if she does. Technically, it's not such a bad idea, because they start making the green card after POE.
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-04-26 05:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow long after DS-230 (packet 3) submitted to interview?
Hi Pav,
You're the one furthest ahead in DCF here at visajourney, and I think a month is about what it takes to get the letter with your appointment, but you can always contact them on this form:
They also have a phone number on the CJ website, but they charge an arm and a leg.

Also, they have an appointment list on the CJ website, and you can search with your case number to see if you have been given an appointment date yet.
Good luck and I hope you get it soon!
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-04-30 16:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVaccination requeriments for Ciudad Juarez Mexico
Hi Sheyla,
It depends on which visa you will be interviewing for in Ciudad Juarez. Other members may explain, or if you go to the K-3 threads, you may understand that it's more likely that they process you as an IR-1/CR-1. Was your I-130 approved at the same time as your I-129F? And you posted this in the CR-1/IR-1 forum so it's even more confusing...I don't know about K-3s, but I know K-1s don't need their vaccines until AOS in the US.

An IR-1/CR-1 case usually only gets a few vaccines in Ciudad Juarez. By spending a lot of time researching on the internet, I have found out that most men (I didn't research women) get 3 vaccines:
Tdap $56
MMR $40
Varicela (Chicken Pox) $56

Total: $152 + the cost of the medical + 10% IVA/VAT tax

A lot of people post their medical exam experiences in Ciudad Juarez at this forum: if you want to look for more details and see if there are any differences for women.

I would definitely NOT recommend getting the vaccines before the medical, especially, when as I said, you will probably only get 3. I have heard of many stories of people coming to the medical exam with recent vaccine records and still getting those exact 3. They really don't care if they double dose you after a recent vaccine and what effects that might have. I have never heard of anyone who was living in Mexico (eg not living in the US before the CJ interview) getting them to consider their vaccine records valid. I have only heard of a few cases where the people had recent records from the US which the nurses? accepted. I recommend you read the website I suggested to get a sense of what they do at the interviews and medical exams.
Good luck!

Edited by Lia792, 12 May 2010 - 12:10 PM.

Lia792FemaleMexico2010-05-12 12:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical on Sunday?
BTW, I have heard that there is a train in Copper Canyon in Chihuahua. I don't have any information about how safe that is or how expensive, but it's a possibility if you don't want to stay in Juarez for the weekend :dead:
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-05-21 15:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical on Sunday?
No, sorry...I haven't heard anything like that...Sucks that you got a Monday appointment, but congrats on getting it! Was it mailed to you? Check out Juarez visa forum for ideas for where to stay and where to eat as they have a whole section of the forum dedicated to that. Also, be careful if you buy a return ticket because many people don't get their visa from DHL when they expect it. We are considering buying a one way each way but haven't decided yet. I have had luck finding some flight and hotel packages on orbitz, etc, but from what I've heard they don't continue at the same price if you have to stay longer.

Good luck!

Edited by Lia792, 21 May 2010 - 03:21 PM.

Lia792FemaleMexico2010-05-21 15:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmedical envelop is opened
Hi Claireg! I'm glad you are doing ok in CJ. I was just thinking about you. Where are you staying? My husband will be at La Quinta and he arrives there the first.
What time is your appt at the consulate? If it is not too early, I would stop by the medical clinic beforehand, if not, I guess you will have to try your luck at the consulate. I think it should be ok, although I've never heard that specific question before. Good luck on Monday and hopefully you will be able to pick up the visa very quickly.
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-06-27 00:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSocial Security Number
They took 2 months for us and we went last week and applied again. Also, look into making an appointment for the office because we had to wait an hour for anyone to see us and they wanted my husband's birth certificate, green card, and passport.
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-09-20 13:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespeople waiting for the noa2
Still waiting for the NOA2 since March 2. No touches. Ive called USCIS and they said the same thing that the website says, that my application is being processed. So in a few days it will be five months of waiting between NOA1 and 2. Do I have cause for complaining too my senator at that point?
gerrymeridamxFemaleMexico2009-07-25 22:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresquestions about filling out form I-130

I'm filling out form I-130 for my wife-to-be. I will mail the form right after we are married.

1. First it asks me who the relative I'm petitioning for is... I checked Husband/Wife
Later, in "information about your relative", it says "list husband/wife and all children of your relative". Should I list myself?

2. It asks for last address that I lived together with my wife and the dates. I'm not yet married but I'm planning to send this form as soon as we get married, so that we don't waste any time. So how can I answer their question?

1) Yes.. you list yourself
2) Since you will send the form AFTER you get married.. the address will be the one you will be using at that moment.. where will you live with her after get married??
Marisol73FemaleMexico2010-02-27 12:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHappy birthday to us :)

Our I-130 got approved yesterday and i got the email today :dance: what an awsome birthday present for my hubby today and for me tomorrow :D It only took 47days after the NOA1..i was expecting it sometime in may!!

If anyone has any tips please please let me know! thanks

Marisol73FemaleMexico2010-03-25 15:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresinterview in ciudad juarez!!!
Timeline Please!! and congrads!! timeline.gif
cici_ortizFemaleMexico2009-03-04 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMEXICO K1
lornaNot Telling02006-03-03 15:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis Checklist email from NVC is normal?

Did you guys get email from NVC entitle Checklist after submission of I-864 form (AOV)? I got following email from NVC although my friend has also sent I-864 as joint sponsor for our case. I sent filled DS-230 and other supporting documents one day after I-864 sent. I think they just processing the mail up to yesterday and will email me again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow after getting DS-230 and joint sponsor paper.

What I need to do ahead? I didn't understand the email fully. Any Vjers who understood the final part of email can explain me. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Here is the email:

May 21, 2012
NVC Case Number:................................
Dear -------NAME---------------:
We have reviewed the documents which you submitted in support of an application for an immigrant
visa. Please review the information listed under each applicant's name and provide any documents
which are indicated as missing or need additional information. You must submit the required
information. Failure to provide the requested information will delay your immigrant visa interview.
Please read the enclosed information to determine where to send all required copies of missing
documents. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please call the National Visa Center at (603)
334-0700 between the hours of 7:30am and midnight ET.
Please include a copy of this letter with your correspondence and write your case number clearly (exactly
as it appears below) on the upper right-hand corner of all documents.
From the date you mail or transmit the requested information, please allow 20 business days for NVC to
review this documentation/your mail. When we complete our review, the NVC will notify
you/petitioner/beneficiary/attorney with information regarding the next processing step.
If a period of one year passes without contacting the NVC (by e-mail, telephone, or mail), all
submitted fees and documents will expire. Upon expiration, the fees and documents would need to
be resubmitted in order to continue the immigration process.
Case Number: ..........................
Beneficiary's Name: .......................
Priority Date: ............................
National Visa Center
Case Number Barcode Cover Sheet
.. You must use this cover sheet when you physically submit forms
and/or supporting documents to the NVC.
Place a legible copy of this form on the top of each submission and
mail to the address given below.
Note: Failure to use this cover sheet will delay your visa.
Use this cover sheet only for the case number indicated
Information for any other case(s) being mailed in the
same package
must include the cover sheet for that case.
National Visa Center
31 Rochester Avenue, Suite 100
Portsmouth, NH 03801-2914
.. Do Not use this cover sheet if you are submitting forms and/or
supporting documents by e-mail (Electronic Processing).
Instead, type your NVC case number in the subject line of the
e-mail message. Follow the directions on to correctly scan and submit
forms and documents.
case number.....
*nvc case number*
INSTRUCTIONS FOR: .....Applicants Name......
______CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTIONS:_________________________________
When responding to the National Visa Center, please include the bar code sheet that came with this
Failure to include the bar code sheet may cause a delay in the processing of your case. The bar
code sheet should be placed on top of all documents being submitted for this case and mailed to the
address provided.
______1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 1:_______________________
The National Visa Center is waiting for an Immigrant Visa Application to be submitted for this case.
The Principal Applicant and any other Applicants who will be accompanying him or her to the United

States must now download and complete an Immigrant Visa Application; please visit the following
website for instructions: (click on the link for "submit Visa application and civil documents")
Please submit the Immigrant Visa Application form(s) and required supporting documents for each
Applicant in one package to the National Visa Center
; sending this information separately will delay
your visa.
______F - FINANCIAL EVIDENCE:______________________________________
The NVC has received the information you have submitted in reference to
the Affidavit of Support. Please be advised that the Affidavit of Support
information you have provided does not appear to meet the minimum
income requirement according to the current poverty guidelines to sponsor
the intending immigrant(s) for this petition.
The consular officer will make
a decision regarding this requirement at the time of your interview. In
order to avoid delays, you may wish to submit an additional Affidavit of
Support (Form I-864) for a/another Joint Sponsor to the National Visa
Center to assist in sponsoring the intending immigrants. To view the
current poverty guidelines, visit

If you decide to use a Joint Sponsor to assist in sponsoring the intending
immigrants, please note that you the sponsor may not use Form I-864EZ
and will also need to submit Form I-864.
[ML7 05/21/2012] NVC case number




Edited by PRINCESS-007, 22 May 2012 - 06:04 PM.

PRINCESS-007FemaleMexico2012-05-22 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCiudad Juarez
Any help would be really appreciate about the following,
We are planning to get married before the 18 birthday of my son, because our attorney told us it would be easier and faster his visa process if we get married while he is 17. (my fiance is a US citizen)
We have agreed he will continue studying in Mexico and maybe when he finish College might want to move to USA if he decided to.
My douth is which visa is the right for him, our attorney told us regardless the type of visa, we should marry before he turns 18 years old.
what should i write in the fiance form in the point where they ask if my son will follow me? i wrote a yes, but not sure about it. I dont want to make a mistake.
On the other hand, does anybody know that if a fiancee visa is approved in Ciudad Juarez (mexico), do they send it by mail or give it to you thae same day at the interview?

What are some of the questions the oficer ask during the interview?
marimar22FemaleMexico2006-11-07 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help
Im going to the interview in Ciudad Juarez next week, the letter of the consulate at CJ mention me and my son as the traveling applicants, but im going just me, because my son and i have agreed he will continue studying in mexico and may start for his visa process at a later time but want to visit during his vacations, hes 17 years old and we are goinna marry before he reach 18.
Today when i called to the Consulate they told me i wont have the inetrview if my son is not with me, because my case includes my son and me.
Do you have any idea if this is correct or maybe if i explain the officer what happened will they just receive me? i really dont know what to do.
Please help.
marimar22FemaleMexico2006-11-09 14:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSecond time: K3 or IR1
Thanks for the email. I shall see if this one works!

It is just basically to contact the embassy to get information. We tried phone calls, leaving messages, writing emails...they just don't give a s.... Finally we filed the i130 just praying all the info we had was right.

I see on your timeline that you didn't file i130 yet? Just wondering if with DCF we am going to receive a NOA1. I read somewhere that with DCF we don't receive it .

Here's one email address I have for the embassy:, although probably a phone call would get you further.

You have to factor in mailing time, but you do want to be on top of the embassy to know when it gets tranferred to NVC. (My understanding is that DCF in Mexico gets transferred to NVC for interview scheduling and possible security checks?) Another reason you want to be in contact with them is to find out if they have tried to send Packet 3 to you and to make sure it doesn't get lost in the mail system.

clairegFemaleMexico2010-01-24 11:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSecond time: K3 or IR1
Thanks for the info. Wouahou this was quick for them ! 4 months is nothing.
I am not sure if I filed DCF or not. I supposed so, because I sent the papers to Mexico City DF instead of sending them to the US.
Anyway keep the fingers crossed!

Oh, that's good then, that you filed DCF. The one person who posted a thread on DCF in Mexico only took 4-5 months.
http://www.visajourn...p;hl=dcf mexico

I don't know what their current processsing time is but I would bet you would be able to move around June or July or definitely before September. *That is a guess.* Make sure you email or call them for approval notifications, and if you get your I-864 paperwork and the other stuff for the interview ready before they send you Packet 3 you can get your interview even faster since you won't take a month or two to send it back. If regular processing times are 6-7 months, it would be probable that a DCF would be faster, but as I said, there isn't really any current data regarding Mexico DCF processing times.

clairegFemaleMexico2010-01-22 14:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSecond time: K3 or IR1
Thanks for the detailed answer!
Well as I had a GC before I already have my SSN (filed taxes all theses years), and my driver license...
I don't think after 15 years of marriage they will be in doubt of the relationship....(hummmm) ...Will they? :)
We are semi-retired - a change in these forums !- and we have no intention to work in the US (pension from the US gov).
We are doing a DCF i think (?) - sent the paperwork to the embassy in Mexico-

Well the question was really this:
Is doing BOTH (K3 and IR1) increase my chances of moving in the summer?
After getting the K3, I had no intention of doing AOS but wait for the IR1 and go get it in Mexico.
This strategy is designed only for me to move in the summer (because school starts)

He he...never had a Stokes is it?

You still have to go to Cuidad Juarez no matter what visa you do.
You'll get a 10 year GC with the IR-1.
Sounds like your main problem will be in meeting the minimum poverty guidelines and showing domicle.
Yes you can go back and get the IR-1 after using the K3 to enter the US.
Are you thinking of doing a DCF?
Just a few reasons why to go with the CR-1. If you are eligible for a IR-1 then you would be nuts going with a K3!
The K3 has to adjust status which cost $1010 + $131 visas application fee.
Have to go thru the cost and hassles of getting a I-693 also.
K3 normally has to do biometrics and have a AOS interview. Time off from work cost the petitioner. PLUS the hassles of submitting the paperwork and going for the interview. Tain’t fun.. Especially if denied or questioned. Ever done a Stokes interview?
That’s the second interview if they are in doubt of your relationship.
Also a possibility of being deported. Yeah doesn’t happen much but it happens.
K3 has to wait about 90 days after they file to get EAD or GC so they can get SSN and be able to work.
CR-1 can work as soon as they get the GC and SS card in the mail. Normally with 6 weeks.
Can’t do a LOT of things without SSN. Like work or get a drivers license in some states.
Some K visas don’t get GC for a LONG time.
If petitioner goes belly up before you get GC you stand a chance of being deported.
If the petitioner loses his/her job after the interview you don’t have to worry about getting a co sponsor to adjust status!
CR-1 cost about $470
Get their GC and SS card in the mail within 6 weeks of arrival.
No biometrics , dealing with civil surgeons, AOS interviews, going to SSA for SS card.
I’m sure I’ve missed a few things.
Bottomline is anyone that goes with the K3 the way things are now are masochist!
Yeah I did but at that time K3s were a LOT faster. That’s not the case anymore.

clairegFemaleMexico2010-01-22 11:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSecond time: K3 or IR1

We were married in 1995, me French and he is a US citizen. Had the baby also in 1995 :). Filed and got the green card and stayed 10 years in the US. Moved to Mexico, Cancun (diving, snorkeling, warm weather...) in 2005 and so I had to give the GC back filing the I407.
Now it is time to move back again to the US....We are moving in June/July. Only six months to go and we filed the I130 16 Jan. Still waiting for NOA1.
I now have two choices to enter the US either with the IR1 or the K3.

If I go only with the IR1, and considering our timeline, then if I dont get it before this summer i can always enter with my tourist visa (but i can only stay 3 months) and go out to pick up in the consulate. Then if something bad happens -like any delay or anything else- i am stuck. (me in Mexico or France, the kids at school in the US)

I could file the k3 considering that the two visas are different and that would increase my chances to get something before my departure....and k3 is also a little bit quickier.

Now the problem of money is not a problem because to get the IR1 we have to go to Ciudad Juarez 3 days in the hotel, airplane ticket, taxi, there is no difference between paying the fees for AOS or going to CDJ 3 days.

Now if i get the k3 and enter the US, and then my I130 is approved, do i have the right to get out and go to CDJ to pick it up? Is this possible to "replace " the K3 by the IR1 once it is received? Do I have to redo all the medical etc...or the medical done for the k3 is also valid for the IR1.

In short, can I "do" the K3 and then when it is received, can I invalidate it in order to get my IR1 directly or do i have to go absolutely through the AOS process?
clairegFemaleMexico2010-01-22 10:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical on Sunday?
Hi, I didn't get it in the mail yet, but called the 900 number and got a LIVE person very quickly! This is great to know in advance because the mail is so slow, I should receive it in two weeks approx. Now making the plans.... Probably, yes, we will buy only a one way ticket. I have the interview Monday at 13h, so I don't expect receive the visa the same day anyway.

No, sorry...I haven't heard anything like that...Sucks that you got a Monday appointment, but congrats on getting it! Was it mailed to you? Check out Juarez visa forum for ideas for where to stay and where to eat as they have a whole section of the forum dedicated to that. Also, be careful if you buy a return ticket because many people don't get their visa from DHL when they expect it. We are considering buying a one way each way but haven't decided yet. I have had luck finding some flight and hotel packages on orbitz, etc, but from what I've heard they don't continue at the same price if you have to stay longer.

Good luck!

clairegFemaleMexico2010-05-22 09:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical on Sunday?
I saw that on the website they say it's open only Monday through Friday....I am so excited to have all the week end to visit CDJ.....:( :( perhaps i was hoping for a recent change?
clairegFemaleMexico2010-05-21 14:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical on Sunday?
Just a quick question for the Mexico goers.....Is it possible to do the medical on Sundays? My interview is programmed on a Monday....
clairegFemaleMexico2010-05-21 14:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmedical envelop is opened
Hi !! We are staying a la Quinta, too...I have reservations to leave on Tuesday, i think it's enough time to get the visa. My appointment is Monday at 1pm , so I am to go Monday morning to the clinic to see this problem...These plastic envelops do not hold the heat of CJ !!! I was wondering if it is a common problem but it looks like that I am the first...

La Quinta is perfectly fine but not too many things to do around.....Already got all the good deals in Sears and Liverpool and dining out is not very diversified...

Hi Claireg! I'm glad you are doing ok in CJ. I was just thinking about you. Where are you staying? My husband will be at La Quinta and he arrives there the first.
What time is your appt at the consulate? If it is not too early, I would stop by the medical clinic beforehand, if not, I guess you will have to try your luck at the consulate. I think it should be ok, although I've never heard that specific question before. Good luck on Monday and hopefully you will be able to pick up the visa very quickly.

Edited by claireg, 27 June 2010 - 12:55 PM.

clairegFemaleMexico2010-06-27 12:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmedical envelop is opened
Just had the physical yesterday that went very well. They gave me the envelop which in fact is a black plastic bag sealed at both ends with 2 CD's hanging outside. I realized when I came back to the hotel that one end of the envelop is not properly sealed, only half of it is.

So I get several solutions:

1- Go to the consulate like that on Monday and hope nothing goes wrong. After all, it's not my fault.
2- Try to seal it myself
3- Go back to the medical and explain to them and hope they will not confiscate my exam and that they will gave it back to me in time for the interview which is the same day, and that they will seal the envelop again.

Did something like that already happened to you? What are your experiences?

clairegFemaleMexico2010-06-26 18:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat are the associated fees with the -130 petion process?
QUOTE (Hopeful_1 @ May 4 2009, 09:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I-130: $355
NVC I-864: $70
NVC Visa fee: $400

Hope this helps smile.gif

what visa is this referring to?

Sarah and ArisNot TellingMexico2009-05-20 14:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa in hand!!
kicking.gif congrats!
Sarah and ArisNot TellingMexico2009-06-19 15:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPls help. I need advice pls!!!!

I say go for the earlier date, and be prepared !!! 

I say go for the earlier date, and be prepared !!! 

Charles MeliaNot TellingAmerican Samoa2013-10-08 21:22:00