National Visa Center (Dept of State)ds230 divorce certificate for petitioner or for beneficiary
I think that you must attach the divorce certificate of the person in the couple who is divorced, if both are, so attach both certificates. Good day
malego77FemaleMexico2008-04-18 22:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I864 questions
QUOTE (Moka2008 @ May 10 2008, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone!

I am helping my mom filling out the I-864s for visa petitions for my mom's brothers (my uncles) and their family (total 10 members with 2 separate petitions). So, including my parents, its a total of 12 people. My Dad retired and my Mom doesn't have a job. The only income they have are social security, some apartment rental income and my Dad's retirement IRA. While preparing the I864 and I864A (my Dad), I ran into the following questions:

1. when I count the total number of household for one petition, do I count all 12 members in each I-864? or if I include 8 (2 +6 from my uncles) and then 6 (2+4 from my other uncle) or 8 first and then 12?
You must count the total member of one of yours uncle family plus your dad's dependants and fill the respective I864. Put the household size. Next, the second I864 count your other uncle family plus your dad's dependants and put the other household size.

2. On my Dad's I-864A, there is a place where I need to put the names he is sponsoring, there are only 5 spaces, what should I do for the 6th family member of one of my uncle? I think you can attach a piece of paper and put all the members' name on it. And in the form you can put a note like "See piece of paper". And put the total amount of members in question number 10.

3. for the current income for 2008, since they are not really working for an employer, has the option to take out their IRA account and rental income fluctuate with the rental expenses. Could I use an estamite based on the average from the past 3 years? I have obtained the 2005/2006/2007 tax info as support.
I don't know how does ir work for retire people. But he needs to have an income of about 62500 (for a household size of 12). If he doesn't meet the poverty guideliness he can use a co-sponsor.

3a. As the types of income they report every year is not fixed or can't really be predicted until the year end, is there any other support they need to provide to NVC besides the tax transcript from IRS?
Bank accounts and documents of propierties can help him.

The following is what I have ready, but I don't know if I need to get more documents?
IRS tax transcripts for 2005 2006 2007
I864 (My Mom, the petition)
I864A (My Dad)
Do I need to get more documents? and what documents?

I guess I want to get it through once, NO RFEs!!!!

Thanks in advance for all your help!!!

malego77FemaleMexico2008-05-11 23:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAre petitioners allowed to be with the beneficiary during interview in Mexico?
No. They are never allowed in. There is only one case if you visit the Juarez reviews where I think the spouse or fiancee was asked to come in.

Also, Juarez is a very dangerous city, at least at night...
CNN reported that they just asked for UN peacekeepers, so that is another important consideration.

I for one think the immigrant visa embassy should be moved to a more pleasant and safe and easier to access location such as Cancun. I have been seriously considering putting together a petition for such a move because I think it is wrong and unsafe for potential immigrants and US citizens to be forced to travel there. mad.gif

Lia792FemaleMexico2009-12-06 19:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAre petitioners allowed to be with the beneficiary during interview in Mexico?
QUOTE (Terca @ Dec 5 2009, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
tongue.gif bump.

No. They are never allowed in. There is only one case if you visit the Juarez reviews where I think the spouse or fiancee was asked to come in.
Lia792FemaleMexico2009-12-06 19:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaConfundida! ¿ Visa k1 o k3?
Hola Danilu,
La visa K-3 ya no es practica porque tarda casi lo mismo que la CR-1 pero es mas cara. (Lo siento, no tengo acentos en mi compu.) Si van a hacer una visa, deberian ver las opciones de K-1 y CR-1 (I-130.)
Estoy en el proceso de casarme aqui en Mexico, y es un relajo. Primero, necesito el permiso del Instituto Nacional de Migracion y el tramite puede tardar desde una semana a 35 dias. Donde vivo cuesta aproximadamente 2600 pesos. Desde el momento en que les dan el permiso, tienen 30 dias para casarse, pero no hay forma de saber cuando van a dar el permiso, entonces es casi imposible saber cuando va a ser la boda hasta tener el permiso. Tu prometido tendria que tramitar eso y quedarse mientras esperan este permiso.
Segundo, estamos haciendo el tramite del registro civil que es lo doble como soy extranjera. Este tramite tambien se necesita hacer 8 dias antes de la boda y pues es bastante. Cuesta entre 800 a 3600 pesos aqui pero cambia de lugar a lugar.
Seria lo mismo aun siendo el turista en Mexico y tardaria igual, hasta mas de un mes para conseguir esos permisos. Minimo serian dos semanas y la verdad es que dudo que harian todo tan rapidamente.
La visa K-1 es bastante cara porque aunque no tarda tanto - 6 meses a un anyo para Mexico ahorita, tienen que pagar 1010 USD para ajuste de estatus cuando llegues a EU. Ademas, no puedes trabajar hasta despues de llegar, casarse, y hacer el ajuste de estatus segun lo que yo se.
CR-1 is menos barata porque no hay un ajuste de estatus, llegas y te dan el green card casi inmediatamente y puedes trabajar y todo.
De todos modos hay que ir a Ciudad Juarez para la entrevista.
Entonces, lo que tienen que reflexionar es:
Donde se quieren casar? Con una familia? Con las dos? Vendrian la familia del otro a la boda en la otra pais?
K-1 seria mas facil en que se casarian en EUA y evitarian los tramites del gobierno Mexicano
CR-1 tendria tramites en Mexico. Sin embargo, podrias trabajar inmediatamente al llegar. El tiempo de las dos visas es casi igual.
K-3 cuesta mas que la CR-1 y realmente no es mas rapida.

El requisito para la K-1 es haberse visto en persona en los ultimos dos anyos. Necesitan asegurarse de otra evidence como llamadas y textos y emails en el caso de solamente una visita.
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-01-24 22:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPort of Entry from Mexico
The K-1 is a one-time only entry. You don't have to enter right away or even from Juarez. I'm not sure why they say that in Juarez but I think it refers more to marriage visas than fiancee visas.

I have heard that they do take away the B1/B2 visas and I have also heard of people retaining theirs. But you can't cross over with one of those when you have a K-1 granted already anyways (that I know of.)
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-01-08 16:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTo Go or Not to Go
I would try to go to the consulate to get the letter. I know that has worked with some K-1 people in the past when they haven't gotten their letters. I don't think they will let you into the medical without the letter. Maybe if you show your old letter? I dunno but it seems like timewise you are in a crunch if you don't have the letter to do the medical and if you don't have the medical before the interview.

Good luck!
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-02-07 10:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTo Go or Not to Go
Have you tried calling NVC? Supposedly NVC schedules for Juarez...I would definitely be in Juarez right now if I were you...Don't forget about the medical and make sure you print off the online list. I know other people have had trouble getting in touch with Juarez too.

Um I think you answered your own question earlier. You said you got the interview letter but wanted to re-schedule. So, I'm assuming you re-scheduled and the letter never got to you, because as you said, you just changed your address...

Edited by Lia792, 07 February 2010 - 10:03 AM.

Lia792FemaleMexico2010-02-07 10:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americanvc tramitacion
Hola Sergio,
Lo siento por el fallecimiento de tu suegra y la situacion dificil en lo cual se encuentran.
No hay tantos aqui que tengan tanta experiencia con waivers, y menos que son fluidos en espanyol. Yo te sugiero visitar este sitio: porque tienen un foro en espanyol y te pueden ubicar muy bien en cuanto a waivers. Yo tampoco soy muy buena en mi conocimiento de waivers, y se que en ese sitio van a ser muy buenos. Por si alguien aqui te quisiera ayudar en ingles, voy a traducir lo que escribiste.

For English speakers, here's a translation of Sergio's post:
Hi, my name is Sergio and my wife is petitioning for me. I just sent the 3032. NVC received it and my wife just printed off the I-864 to send it. My question is if I have had (?) the I-130 since September and we paid the $70 in October, but then my mother-in-law died in and the whole petition stopped, and we just started it again, I am afraid that I will be denied and punished since I was illegal for 10 years. Another thing is that my main basis for the waiver was my mother-in-law's illness. That turned out to hurt my petition and my wife has been depressed since my mother-in-law died. I don't know if going to the psychologist can help my petition. I don't want to spend so much time in Mexico because my wife works and I take care of a store. If I am gone, my wife's credit will be damaged because she won't be able to pay all the bills. Thanks, I don't know if you can help me.
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-02-24 22:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRenewing Child's Mexican Passport
I don't know if this would be any help, but if you read further down, it talks about single mothers:

10. Si registré a mi hijo, menor de edad, como madre soltera y deseo tramitar su pasaporte ¿Me requerirán el consentimiento del padre?

No, en este caso la presencia del padre no es necesaria para realizar el trámite de pasaporte del menor, únicamente necesita el consentimiento materno, ya que es la persona que ejerce en exclusiva la patria potestad

Question 10. If I registered my child, a minor in age, as a single mother and I wish to get a passport for him, will the consent of the father be required?

No, in this case, the presence of the father is not necessary to obtain a passport for the minor. Only the maternal consent would be necessary, as she is the person who exclusively holds parental custody.

So even if he was registered in the US with an Amerian father, was he ever registered in Mexico? And was he registered with her as a single mother? Those are also things to consider. You might want to find a day when your "friend" the clerk is not there and see if someone else can be more helpful. And there are also the ones who are waiting for a "mordida," not that I think it is a good idea, but it is always possible that someone is trying to use extortion on you.
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-03-03 08:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRenewing Child's Mexican Passport
The Mexican government is not known for being reasonable.

Here's something that might help you:
El permiso podrá otorgarse en cualquier Delegación de la SRE ubicada en la República Mexicana o ante Notario Público y deberá hacerse válido dentro de los 30 días naturales siguientes.

En el extranjero el permiso correspondiente podrá otorgarse ante cualquier Representación de México en el Exterior y deberá hacerse válido dentro de los 45 días naturales siguientes.

If you don't speak Spanish, or anyone is curious, it says:
The permission can be granted in any delegation of the SRE (Secretary of the Exterior) in the Mexican Republic or before a Notary and will be valid for the following 30 natural (as opposed to business) days.

In a foreign country, the corresponding permission can be granted before any Representation of Mexico outside the country and will be valid for 45 natural days.

There also is a note below:
9. ¿Qué requisito adicional necesito para tramitar el pasaporte de mi menor hijo si su padre o madre perdió la patria potestad o la tiene suspendida?

Deberá exhibir copia certificada de la resolución judicial en la que se decretó la pérdida o suspensión de la patria potestad y del auto por el cual haya causado ejecutoria.

What additional requisites do I need to obtain the passport of my minor child if his father or mother has lost parent rights or they are suspended?

You should exhibit a certified copy of the court resolution in which the loss of suspension of the parental rights was decreed and the judicial decree by which it may have been carried out.

So if you read that, you might want to consider getting either permission from the father, or a copy of the court documents, translated if they are in English.

This is the website for the Secretaria of Relaciones Exteriores so they need to uphold this information. If they won't help you at one office, go to another. I've never tried the talk to a supervisor technique in Mexico, but it might work. If my husband and I have children, we are going to try to avoid registering them with Mexico because of all that ridiculous paperwork and especially due to the mandatory military service.
Good luck!
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-03-03 08:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTravel warning!please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How did it go? I hope you guys had a safe, fun trip.
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-04-26 06:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTravel warning!please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You just want a taxi known as a "radio taxi" that have to radio back to their base or the ones known as "taxios de sitio" or taxis with a site rather than the ones driving around on the streets. Technically they warn never to get in just any taxi driving around on the streets and only get in the the two types I just listed because some of the ones just driving around are not registered and are just criminals looking for someone to pick up. I use tripadvisor a lot down here to give me advice on fun places to visit:

That is a taxi guide and they have other safety info and tourist info, too.
Also, as good as the food on the street looks, it is really easy to get food poisoning in Mexico. I tend to recommend chains like VIPS and El Porton to foreigners so they can eat good food without vomiting it back up. You are generally safer stomach-wise eating in a restaurant than eating from a stand on the street because they have minimal refrigeration on the street. If you do get sick, just take a dictionary and go to any of the pharmacies that say "consulta medica" outside. I have had good luck with them and the costs are minimal - about $5 to see the doctor and usually a max of $50 for the medicines.

I just spent several days there last week finally getting to see a lot of the cool stuff there so if you have any questions feel free to ask! It depends on what you want to do and like to do. I recommend tripadvisor for getting a sense of the places that would be interesting to you.
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-04-12 09:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTravel warning!please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you haven't bought your tickets yet, I would look into flights to Cancun and stay at a resort there. That would be a lot safer, more fun and more romantic. It was a lot cheaper for me to fly to Cancun than Mexico City last year.

If you have already bought your tickets, there is a lot you can do in Mexico City in a weekend. I would go to the Castle in Chapultepec and there are enough different museums and activities there to keep you busy. Downtown Mexico City is pretty cool; you can go to the zocalo (the main square) and see the Cathedral and the National Palace and the ruins of Tenochtitlan. Mexico City is one of the largest in the world, so you need to follow basic precautions just as you would in any large city. You should google Mexico City and safety and you will get a lot of tips. Beware of changing money at the airport because some people have been robbed after they leave the airport and there is a suspected link with the money changers. Watch out for the taxis. You only want to use certain ones (check the google search for specifics.) This is serious because there are kidnappings and robberies in the cabs. I used the metro several times last week and although I have heard a lot about robberies on the metro, it was ok in the day just a lot of people came on selling stuff. In Mexico, foreigners should think twice before wearing expensive jewelry or showing expensive gadgets in public for their own safety since many of those things are way outside of the average salary here. Drug crime is not that common in Mexico City but robberies and kidnappings are. Obviously, it is a bad idea to do drugs in a country where people are killing over it and where the penalties for it are quite severe.

This is from the US govt:
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-04-11 22:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIs this an African thing?
Is age important in his culture? Sometimes cultures with different languages and mindsets don't focus on the same things we do in the West. I know some of my Middle Eastern friends that don't follow the Western calendar at home have a hard time telling me their American age or even their Islamic calendar age or that of anyone in their family and actually, they get a little angry if you remember their birthday. I wonder if that might relate to what you are experiencing, even though Benin is a completely different place. You can try drilling him on that information before any interview if you have one so that he will be able to answer it all correctly.
Lia792FemaleMexico2010-04-30 23:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPort of Entry from Mexico

Del Rio (across from Acuna) should be very prepared & able to process someone entering with a family-based visa. (If in doubt, call the port and ask.)

Ok, this might be a really stupid question, but I'm new to all of this. Once my hubby gets his IR-1/CR-1 visa (I'm thinking positively), he has to enter through specific cities? I'm from New Jersey. Can't we just get a flight from Mexico to New Jersey and when we arrive to first city in US (whether it's Houston or Newark), they check his sealed envelope?
jaremediosFemaleMexico2010-01-26 16:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americacarta de antecedentes no penales for Mexico
Although I'm doing DCF, I think the documents are the same as if I was in the US.

On Packet 3 of Ciudad Juarez, it says that Mexico is one of the countries in which you don't/can't ask for a police certificate. My husband, Mexican, says they have something called carta de antecedentes no penales. Will he need that for his interview or is it known that in Mexico, they don't give them? Should we get it por si las moscas?
jaremediosFemaleMexico2010-02-14 19:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americalooking for people who translated Mexican wedding cert.

I understand that this translation has to be done by a certified translator, check for a list of them at your local court, it's called Lista de Peritos autorizados por el Tribunal Superior de Justicia. Where in México are you?

I tried to translate it myself as I read here on VJ that you just need someone who is fluent in both languages. However, I got frustrated trying to get the format to look the same. In the end, I sent it with a "certified" translator and when I got it back the date of our marriage was wrong! haha! I learned my lesson.

I'm in Oaxaca. Are you in Mexico? Are you doing DCF? If so, I've opened a topic in the DCF forum for all us in Mexico going through the VJ. Maybe you should join us.
jaremediosFemaleMexico2010-02-19 20:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americalooking for people who translated Mexican wedding cert.
I am USC and my husband is Mexican. We're going through DCF in Mexico. I'm trying to translate the Mexican Acta de Matrimonio from Spanish to English. Anyone have a template that I can use?

jaremediosFemaleMexico2010-02-08 20:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaShipping from Mexico
QUOTE (TBoneTX @ Sep 6 2009, 02:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Contact the major shipping-companies -- DHL, FedEx, UPS, and any other that has offices in both the U.S. & Mexico -- and ask their advice.

The larger issue is to never, EVER presume issuance of a visa. If you weren't planning to be around in Juarez while he's interviewing, STRONGLY consider it.

Yikes, you are making me nervous. I go back and forth on whether or not I am going to Juarez with him. It is going to be expensive and I would have to miss work to go. At my job it is a really big deal to miss work and I am coming up for review this year. Also, it would cost a plane ticket and a week to go to Juarez. Believe me I am still considering it. From what I have read even if I go to Juarez (which is not the safest of all cities) then I would not be permitted to be with him in the consulate or in the medical checks. If we are notified in time then I will do what I can to go with him. I would hate the decision to stay home to make the difference in the visa decision.

QUOTE (?PinK ButTerfLy? @ Sep 6 2009, 02:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (gerrymeridamx @ Sep 5 2009, 05:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When my fiance goes to his interview he will leave his home in Merida. How can he ship things cheaply ahead of time so that he doesn't need to move everything with him to Juarez and then to the US?

Hello, he can use multipack their prices are good, most bus stations have multipack. fedex is too expensive and its the same thing.

If he is sending his things to Juarez he can use that and multipack sends things to the US too smile.gif

He would be sending his things directly to KY instead of to Juarez and then KY. Sorry I wasn't clear about that. I use multipack in Mexico their store was right in front of my house, but I had no idea they sent things to the US.
I called DHL and they had really high prices. UPS was half the price of DHL but still kind of expensive. He just wants to send 4 paintings and some boxes of clothing. So I estimated around 100 pounds of boxes and UPS said $400 and DHL $800. UPS has ground shipping. We don't cafe how long it takes. I am going to try to contact Multipack to see if it is cheaper.
gerrymeridamxFemaleMexico2009-09-06 11:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaShipping from Mexico
When my fiance goes to his interview he will leave his home in Merida. How can he ship things cheaply ahead of time so that he doesn't need to move everything with him to Juarez and then to the US?
gerrymeridamxFemaleMexico2009-09-05 17:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAt the Consulate
QUOTE (thepizzadude @ Aug 29 2009, 08:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (gerrymeridamx @ Aug 29 2009, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I’d love to know how long it was between when your consulate received your 129f and set your interview date.
Looking at the “Consulate K1 Visa Historical Processing Times” it seems like it is usually more than a month
(sometimes two or more) between when the application arrives and the interview time.
But I wonder how long until you knew when your interview was.

Depends on the embassy.

Yes, but I was looking for personal experiences.
gerrymeridamxFemaleMexico2009-08-29 19:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAt the Consulate
I’d love to know how long it was between when your consulate received your 129f and set your interview date.
Looking at the “Consulate K1 Visa Historical Processing Times” it seems like it is usually more than a month
(sometimes two or more) between when the application arrives and the interview time.
But I wonder how long until you knew when your interview was.
gerrymeridamxFemaleMexico2009-08-29 19:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (Allie and Nigel @ Aug 19 2009, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well here i am....stuck on AP they received our stuff Aug 14th, called today and they said we're in bloody AP!! #######!

Just keep calling and talking to a person. Hang in there.
gerrymeridamxFemaleMexico2009-08-19 16:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (Ian and Lisa @ Aug 18 2009, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (gerrymeridamx @ Aug 18 2009, 10:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I called NVC this morning to ask how to get my file into the automated system so that I wouldn't have to call and ask to speak to a person every day. The person I spoke with said that K files are never put into the automated system because they move through NVC so quickly. Then she said we have already sent yours to the CDJ embassy as of yesterday. So, after 15 days we are out of AP and our application is on the way to Juarez. Every step has been frustrating so far but it does feel great when the process moves forward.

Congratulations on making it to the next step! smile.gif

Thanks so much Ian and Lisa. I'll keep sending you guys good vibes.
gerrymeridamxFemaleMexico2009-08-18 22:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
I called NVC this morning to ask how to get my file into the automated system so that I wouldn't have to call and ask to speak to a person every day. The person I spoke with said that K files are never put into the automated system because they move through NVC so quickly. Then she said we have already sent yours to the CDJ embassy as of yesterday. So, after 15 days we are out of AP and our application is on the way to Juarez. Every step has been frustrating so far but it does feel great when the process moves forward.
gerrymeridamxFemaleMexico2009-08-18 22:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP


There is a spreadsheet, which I will try and find for you, made by one of us who were at NVC.

Times on the average now seem to be in the order of 3 weeks, and sometimes less. We were there for 7 and a half weeks, and at the end of last years times were on average 50 days. A few of us went over that.

I think you are talking about the timline that is in my signiture. It is the link that says "Stuck at NVC list"
gerrymeridamxFemaleMexico2009-08-15 13:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
I just found out this morning that our visa has been selected for AP. Our NOA2 was July 27th and on Aug 3rd we got a notice saying our case had arrived at NVC and should be forwarded to the consulate in a week. I called NVC hoping to make sure it had been sent along (because it is so expensive to call the consulate). I was really bummed to hear the news. I hope it gets out of NVC soon. It looks like from reading this thread that times vary vastly.

gerrymeridamxFemaleMexico2009-08-14 14:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCiudad Juarez Interview

Can you please share with you story about interview in ciudad Juarez. I going to have to be doing the same soon... ( My Fiance is sending the 1st package today to the Uscis... very nervus... and I really want to be prepared for everything that comes my way..... I'm a planner , jeje headbonk.gif
here are some questions that would be good be answered but you have more to tell me please do... tell me what happend to you! thank you

how long where you waiting for before you got your package?
How many days where you in Ciudad juarez?
What did you do on those days?
What did they ask you in the interview?
how long was the interview?
did your fiance go with you? was your fiance allow to go with to your interview?
If you where denied a K1, why?
anything else please say
cici_ortizFemaleMexico2008-08-22 11:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWhat happened to the Mexico forum?
hey! welcome to VJ here is the Juarez form http://www.visajourn...h...&start=2850
cici_ortizFemaleMexico2009-02-24 20:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to list our child on the DS-156K?
QUOTE (tglea @ Feb 24 2009, 08:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance and I have an 18 month old child together and obviously he will be coming with us to the USA. However, he will be traveling as an American citizen since he has his passport and report of birth abroad papers. We did list his name on the 129F form because it said to list all children of the fiance. Not sure if we put his name on the DS-156K or not. It says to list all children and if they will accompany you to the USA. He will, but he won't be getting a K2 visa to do it. We will be putting her daughter's name there because she will be getting a K2 visa. I would hope that the visa officer will be able to see the difference in the children and not make a big deal if something is filled out wrong. However, I really don't want to chance it and have the forms filled out incorrectly and have that be the cause of denial or having to fill them out again and return the next day. So is that section on the application only to list all children or is it to show the children who will be getting a K2 visa? Thanks.

hey... can't help you on this one blush.gif (No kids)

but I can adivce you to post on these forum for more replys



cici_ortizFemaleMexico2009-02-24 20:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHelp with I-134 for Mexico. I'm lost
Yeah Mexico is different!! You don't need this form for mexico but it is always good to take it with you just in case! You need lots of proof that you Fianee won't become a public charge!

PS remember to post forums about US Embassy and Consulate General Discussion in the link below.....


Edited by cici_ortiz, 24 February 2009 - 08:21 PM.

cici_ortizFemaleMexico2009-02-24 20:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVisa handed over same day in Juarez still?
Yeah almost everyone has said it takes two days..... you show have left an extra day for just iin case.... But who knows maybe you will be one of the lucky ones and get it the same day!

PS: once you you fianee goes to the interview can you please post your Joureny at Juarez on the Juarez consulate forum?

cici_ortizFemaleMexico2009-03-19 19:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaentereing the US by carvia the US/Mexico border.
QUOTE (TBoneTX @ Mar 30 2009, 01:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (cici_ortiz @ Mar 30 2009, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We just got our K-1 Visa last week!
Si, man! smile.gif
I was wondering what the process is to actually crossing thru the border...Ex: what do they ask you, what are the things they ask you to do? and about how long it would take to actully cross there? I will be traveling with people that I am not Comfortable sharing my visa status with and I really don't them to over hear anything personal.

I will be crossing thru the Colombia International Bridgelocated on the US mexican Borderin the city of Laredo, Texas
For the best information, see this link:

Scroll down to "Facilities & Crossings" and call the phone number for the appropriate bridge (or, the general phone number at the top of the page). A Customs & Border Protection agent will be happy to tell you everything that you need to know. Among the questions that you already have, ask how best to handle questions at the CBP's inland checkpoints (25-50 miles inside Texas) when you are stopped there, which you WILL be.

Let us know if the above referral pans out for you, and be sure to post what they tell you, for the benefit of others here.

Thank you!! I will call then ASAP!!

QUOTE (TBoneTX @ Mar 30 2009, 01:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (cici_ortiz @ Mar 30 2009, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We just got our K-1 Visa last week!
Si, man! smile.gif
I was wondering what the process is to actually crossing thru the border...Ex: what do they ask you, what are the things they ask you to do? and about how long it would take to actully cross there? I will be traveling with people that I am not Comfortable sharing my visa status with and I really don't them to over hear anything personal.

I will be crossing thru the Colombia International Bridgelocated on the US mexican Borderin the city of Laredo, Texas
For the best information, see this link:

Scroll down to "Facilities & Crossings" and call the phone number for the appropriate bridge (or, the general phone number at the top of the page). A Customs & Border Protection agent will be happy to tell you everything that you need to know. Among the questions that you already have, ask how best to handle questions at the CBP's inland checkpoints (25-50 miles inside Texas) when you are stopped there, which you WILL be.

Let us know if the above referral pans out for you, and be sure to post what they tell you, for the benefit of others here.

cici_ortizFemaleMexico2009-03-30 13:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaentereing the US by carvia the US/Mexico border.

We just got our K-1 Visa last week!

I was wondering what the process is to actually crossing thru the border...Ex: what do they ask you, what are the things they ask you to do? and about how long it would take to actully cross there? I will be traveling with people that I am not Comfortable sharing my visa status with and I really don't them to over hear anything personal.

I will be crossing thru the Colombia International Bridgelocated on the US mexican Borderin the city of Laredo, Texas


Edited by cici_ortiz, 30 March 2009 - 11:34 AM.

cici_ortizFemaleMexico2009-03-30 11:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaChanging Name on passport
star_smile.gif very soon my fiancee and I will be married.

We would like to know how to change my name to my married name ona El salvador passport to avoid any possible problems headbonk.gif

Can anyone tell me exactly how one would go about doing this? Thank you!!! smile.gif
cici_ortizFemaleMexico2009-03-31 14:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHola a Todos
QUOTE (pupita @ Sep 11 2008, 10:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
blink.gif Algui que haya tramitando su visa k1 en la Cd. de Mexico. Soy de Puebla y mi prometido de US estamos esperando el NOA2 Yo quiero pensar eso ... Porque mi novio pago un Abogado y no tengo respuesta... El abogado envio nuestro papeles julio 18 2008, quiero saber tiempos de tramite ... y experiencias... innocent.gif

anybody that is transacting the visa k1 on the Mexico City... I'm from Puebla and my fiancee he is from US, and we are waiting the Noa2 ... i think that becouse my fiance did the tramit with a lawyer and i no have answer from him... the lawyer send our papers july 18,2008 ... i will want to know times and and experiences star_smile.gif


No te ha dado tu abogado el NOA1 (Notice Of Action)? Pidele este documento y te sugiero que lo tramites tu directamente. Ya que tengas este número, puedes checar cómo va tu caso directamente en línea en
Este trámite tiene un promedio de 6 meses para recibir el NOA2, tengo entendido que a partir de ahí el trámite es más rápido. Yo acabo de recibir mi NOA2 apenas esta semana y estoy un poco confundida pero con gusto te ayudo y oriento en lo que pueda.

Te sugiero que busques aqui en GUIDES donde viene paso a paso este proceso.

ARIANNAFemaleMexico2008-09-13 20:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK-1 Visa CDJ questions

Hi there everyone.
Was kind of wondering about the packet my fiance "should" be receiving, do they usually get it, and if so how long does that take in you all's experiences, and is there anything really all that important in there. Oh and to fill out the DS-260, says we need an invoice number but on the letter the NVC sent, it doesnt contain one. Is that somewhere else?

As for the medical, can it ONLY be done in CDJ prior to an interview? at the 2 listed locations? and as for the ASC biometrics, can this be done elsewhere earlier on? like in Guadalajara?

Appreciative of any responses :)






PRINCESS-007FemaleMexico2012-05-19 16:11:00


PRINCESS-007FemaleMexico2012-06-12 09:48:00

A mi me dijeron que tienes que seguir las reglas del consulado de donde iras a la entrevista. Entonces si dice que lo llevas debes llevarlo. Es mejor tenerlo y no necesitarlo que no tenerlo y te la piden. Cuando yo hable con el USCIS me dijeron que no podían darme información de que necesita o lo que no necesita el consulado en Chile tengo que hablar con el consulado en Chile. Si es muy difícil que sacas ese papel yo le mandaría un email al consulado en Juarez y preguntarles si es necesario llevar porque te dijeron que no pero querías estar 100% segura. Suerte en todo

gracias por tu consejo!!!! pues decidi llamr al consulado!

hable al consulado y me dijieron que si las tengo llevar que es un nuevo requisito, que antes no se requeria pero ahora si y que las actas originales se quedan ahi en el consulado y no se regresaran.

y que tenia que ser en forma larga y no abstracta (comprimida o tamaño carta)
me dijo que llevara als que tenia y que si el dia de la cita piden mas recientes pues solo tendre que mandarlas por dhl.
PRINCESS-007FemaleMexico2012-06-11 12:54:00