K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch Filers with NO APPROVAL yet.

I've finally decided I'm going to try calling to see if I can find out anything.........which number should I call? Just the customer service # on the USCIS website? My petition is at CSC.....

Well, I called, and the girl I got was actually really friendly and helpful. As usual, she told me it was still pending, but she did check to see if she could find anything else, then told me that they're processing petitions with a date of Feb. 1 right now. Who knows if that's accurate or not, but it's better than what is listed on the website right now for CSC processing times.
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-07-31 15:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch Filers with NO APPROVAL yet.
I've finally decided I'm going to try calling to see if I can find out anything.........which number should I call? Just the customer service # on the USCIS website? My petition is at CSC.....
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-07-31 09:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch Filers with NO APPROVAL yet.

today it has been 140 days for my I-130 and 130 days for my I-129.
Just saw the timelines of other people from India and most of them got their interviews on average 155-170 days after NOA1 :crying: INJUSTICE OR WHAT

Is there any one at CSC whose been waiting longer than I have?

Yes, just a little bit.

Edited by jlgherrera, 25 July 2007 - 04:24 AM.

jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-07-25 04:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch Filers with NO APPROVAL yet.

Can everyone Sound off who's not yet approved? How many of us are there still?????

Still no approval on K3. Is there anyone else left who filed as far back as me and still has no approval?

I guess I am missing something, why do you need to wait for 129F approval when your 130 is approved? You should move forward with 130. 129F through K3 only helps to bring your spouse to the US sooner if the 130 has not been approved. You show an NOA2 for I am assuming that is approval (or did you mean something else?) I am just wondering if there is something I have misunderstood about this process.

Even with my NOA2 in March for the I-130, it will still take more than a year at this point to get an interview for Mexico. If I get a K3 interview first, I'm going for it.
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-07-19 04:29:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch Filers with NO APPROVAL yet.

Can everyone Sound off who's not yet approved? How many of us are there still?????

Still no approval on K3. Is there anyone else left who filed as far back as me and still has no approval?
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-07-18 09:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch Filers with NO APPROVAL yet.


Thanks for your encouraging words.
Today we reached our 95 day mark from our NOA1.
107 days.. :unsure:

95 days not a big deal then...

What else can I say...Wish we all have behind us.
But I thought that we'll be approved in this month.That 's why we are SO frustrated.

I am now at 126 days since the NOA 1, and I feel so hopeless. I can't live here in Mexico much longer. I just want to go home with my husband!
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-07-14 08:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch Filers with NO APPROVAL yet.
LvivLovers.........don't worry, you're not alone! I've noticed that there are less and less of us March filers remaining with no NOA2. We thought we'd have something by now too. Something has to happen soon.
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-07-05 07:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch Filers with NO APPROVAL yet.
I just tried the USCIS number from here in Mexico, and heard a message saying that number could not be reached from my location! Has this happened to anyone else?
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-07-03 19:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch Filers with NO APPROVAL yet.
Should I be counting our time from the date we got our NOA1, or from the time it was transferred to CSC, three weeks later?
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-06-28 10:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch Filers with NO APPROVAL yet.

OK everyone. I got some news today - not good new, mind you, but it may shed light on other people's delays:

I wrote my Congressman who said that the official recieved date was changed to May 1st, 2007, 35 days after they actually recieved it. Aparently, they don't count the other office having recieved it first - they've started the clock over, moved the goal posts. Damn.

So everyone who was moved to the CSC or is in the CSC, you may expect longer delays.

Somehow, that is actually a little comforting. At least there is a reason.
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-06-27 04:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch Filers with NO APPROVAL yet.
us touches since April 26
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-06-20 10:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPetition sent to what?
Well, I called. The agent told me our petition 'qualified' on Sept. 19, whatever that means........hopefully it means our packet is on the way.
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-09-24 16:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPetition sent to what?
Thanks for the info! If I call Juarez, should I just ask if they got the petition, or if they've sent our package, or what?
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-09-24 04:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPetition sent to what?
Our approved K3 petition was sent to Ciudad Juarez the first week of September. I know we're waiting for a package with instructions to prepare for the appointment.......but how soon should we expect it? Will it also include our interview date, or does that come later? Also, do they only send the packet to the beneficiary, or also to the petitioner's US address?

Sorry, I couldn't find info that specific anywhere. Thanks in advance!

Edited by jlgherrera, 23 September 2007 - 09:53 PM.

jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-09-23 21:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved March Filers past NVC
I'm feeling really frustrated and discouraged...........I called the consulate in Ciudad Juarez a few weeks ago, and was told that our petition was there and had been 'qualified' on Sept. 19. The guy told me I could expect an appointment letter in 2-12 months (!!). So I called again today to see if there was an appointment scheduled. I was told there was none scheduled, and he told me I could expect an appointment letter in 5-8 months! I know I probably shouldn't believe anything they tell me, but I'm freaked out. I mean this is a K3...........I thought the whole point was that it was supposed to be quick. Someone please reassure me that it will be soon!
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-10-09 10:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved March Filers past NVC
Ours was forwarded to Ciudad Juarez in the beginning of September. I called the consulate this week and was told it 'qualified' on Sept. 19. So now we're just waiting..........
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-09-30 22:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved March filers - petitions forward to NVC
My parents called Friday saying we had a letter from NVC...........they have our petition.
jlgherreraNot TellingMexico2007-09-02 20:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I have a job when I get at my interview?
Thanks Princesahispana, I will feel much more relax after all this process. good.gif
Mary Y MarkFemaleMexico2008-07-10 11:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I have a job when I get at my interview?
Hi everybody,

We just sent our I-129F and our visajourney just started but I have a question, Since my boss noticed I am going to move over the states she started giving my troubles so I told her that I am leaving this september, but I am worried about to get at my interview after that month and get troubles for dont be working, somebody know if be out of work can get us troubles in our process? unsure.gif

I will appreciate your help.


Edited by Mary Y Mark, 10 July 2008 - 10:55 AM.

Mary Y MarkFemaleMexico2008-07-10 10:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow did you bring your car to USA?
cray5ol.gif comun y corriente, suena feo pero es cierto!
La realidad es que no podemos venderlo en Mexico en el precio que nosotros queremos, practicamente seria "regalarlo" el carro es modelo 2006 y yo creo que con lo que nos den por el en Mexico no podemos comprarnos uno por lo menos del mismo año y kilometraje que el de nosotros. Ademas del valor sentimental, pues el carro lo hemos tenido con nosotros todo este tiempo (casi dos años) lo sacamos de la agencia y como ya sabes como se devaluan creemos que podemos explotarlo por lo menos otros 5 años mas para que valga la pena la devaluacion...
Mi esposo es quien lo traeria, el tiene la doble nacionalidad y el carro esta a su nombre por ese lado no habria problema.
El detalle es que no se realmente cuanto se pueda gastar en legalizarlo aca en USA o si solo puede estar como un tipo de permiso no se...
Estamos concientes del gasto que implica pero cruzo mis dedos para que alguien me diga que no necesariamente tiene que legalizarse
malego77FemaleMexico2008-06-02 18:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow did you bring your car to USA?
Hola, gracias por responder. En realidad el plan si es traerlo por tierra, osea manejandolo. Pero mi duda es si hay que hacer un procedimiento legal algo como legalizarlo en USA o solo se compra el seguro del carro que es reglamentario tenerlo en USA?
malego77FemaleMexico2008-06-01 12:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow did you bring your car to USA?
Hola, si alguien trajo su auto a USA que procedimiento hizo? Es muy caro?
Yo se que se puede traer solo comprando el seguro reglamentario en USA, pero no se si es cierto.
Gracias por la informacion que me compartan.

Hi, how did you do to bring your car to USA? It is/was expensive?
I know that I can buy a insurance here in USA and I don't need to do more strictly, but I don't know if it's true.
Thaks for share me info.
malego77FemaleMexico2008-05-31 21:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeticion de madre, ERROR de nombre en el acta de nacimiento
Muchas gracias. Veremos que sucede. Buen dia.
malego77FemaleMexico2008-07-17 16:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeticion de madre, ERROR de nombre en el acta de nacimiento
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Jul 17 2008, 03:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yo supongo que los oficiales de migración están acostumbrados a nuestros apellidos dobles ''' mi consejo sería llenar la forma con el nombre que aparece en el acta de nacimiento y si hay algún sitio donde diga "other names used" ahí ponga el que aparece en el otro documento. No está de más añadir una carta de cubierta explicando la discrepancia.

Si, yo tambien creo que en teoria asi es con nuestros nombres pero nunca sabe uno cuando podra haber problemas futuros. Me parece muy bueno tu consejo solo que no te entendi si llenar como aparece el nombre de ella en el acta de nacimiento del peticionario o como aparece el nombre en el acta de nacimiento de ella?
No se quien podra ser mas exigente imigracion, cuando mandemos la forma aqui. O imigracion en el consulado debido a la coincidencia de los nombres...
Ya vi y si hay un espacio en la forma para poner "other names used"....
malego77FemaleMexico2008-07-17 15:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeticion de madre, ERROR de nombre en el acta de nacimiento
Hola. Finalmente estamos llenando la forma para pedir a la mama de mi esposo. El es ciudadano. Estamos llenando la I130 pero nos topamos con un problema. Veran, el acta de nacimiento americana de el dice que es hijo de Guadalupe Lopez. En el acta de nacimiento de ella su nombre es Ma. Guadalupe Lopez Reyes. Mi pregunta es que debemos hacer?
1) Llenar la aplicacion para ella como Guadalupe Lopez y concuerda con el acta de nacimiento de quien la pide pero no con el nombre que ella tiene en el acta de nacimiento de ella o,
2) Llenar la aplicacion como Ma. Guadalupe Lopez Reyes y concordaria con su acta de nacimiento (de la beneficiaria). Mi esposo en dado caso el podria probar que si es su madre por el acta que le dieron cuando legalizo su doble ciudadania (mexico-americano).
Me preocupa que se hagan mas lios porque yo se que en su momento ella tendra que probar con documentos que es la madre legal de quien la pide, por ese lado conviene llenar con el nombre que ella tiene en el acta de nacimiento. Pero por el otro lado imigracion puede ver que no es el nombre de la madre tal y como aparece en el acta de nacimiento americana de el...
Que hacemos??
Mil gracias de antemano.
malego77FemaleMexico2008-07-17 15:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaResidencia a traves de empleador
Gracias por la informacion. Muy util. Saludos.
malego77FemaleMexico2008-07-19 22:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaResidencia a traves de empleador
Gracias por su tiempo en responder. Yo se que existen las visas de trabajo pero no se si sea diferente el proceso para obtener la residencia a traves de empleador. Esto ultimo se que existe porque conozco personas que han obtenido su residencia porque su jefe o patron los pidio. A este ultimo tramite es al que me refiero. No se si despues de la visa de trabajo el puede pedir la residencia a traves de el patron...
malego77FemaleMexico2008-07-18 18:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaResidencia a traves de empleador
Hola a todos. Mi cuñado tiene una compania en USA. El quisiera pedir a mi hermano que vive en Mexico. Hay algun proceso que el pueda hacer como empleador para el arreglarle residencia a mi hermano??. Mi hermana ciudadana ya lo peticiono a el pero como saben la espera es muy larga y queremos ver posibilidades para traerlo mas pronto a USA. Por favor cualquier orientacion al respecto sera muy apreciada.
malego77FemaleMexico2008-07-17 17:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTENGO LA VISA CR-1....Y AHORA QUE??????????
Yo entre con visa K1. Solo te puedo desear mucha suerte y animo que todo saldra bien.
malego77FemaleMexico2008-06-02 19:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRegistro civil traducido y apostillado???
QUOTE (chiqui_78 @ Feb 11 2008, 02:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hola, tengo una duda el registro cicil tiene que ser traducido por un traductor oficial?. Tine que estar apostillado?

Tengo un registro civil ya traducido oficialmente y hasta apostillado pero ese esl del 2005, Me puede servir para el ajuste de estatus o tiene que ser reciente??

Te refieres a tu acta de nacimiento?? Si es asi, no necesitas apostillarla. Yo misma traduje mi acta de nacimiento para el AOS solamente notarice la traduccion. Hasta ahora no ha habido ningun problema mucha gente en VJ lo ha hecho asi. En las instrucciones no dicen que deba de ser reciente pero al menos yo si mande uno actualizado.
malego77FemaleMexico2008-02-11 15:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDO we NEED?carta de antecedentes no penales
QUOTE (Lisa&Edesio @ Nov 1 2009, 05:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Welll since no one posted about this and I have has herd some say yes we need it and some say no. We are not going to take a chance we are going the play it on the safe side and get it anyways. I do not want to go to the interview and get denied just because we do not have it. whistling.gif

According to the CDJ consulate, Mexicans don't need that letter for the interview. But as you said, the best thing is to have it anyway. You never know when they are going to ask for it. Personally, I didn't need it. My mother in law had her interview this past September and she didn't need it neither.
malego77FemaleMexico2009-11-06 23:07:00
Asia: Southco-sponsor??
QUOTE (fiance visa @ Feb 22 2008, 02:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Guys,
My fiance's interview is on the 4th march...
And so far I thot that since my co-sponsor is not self employed I wont need any tax papers! I wud really appreciate if someone cud tell me by personal experience what all is reqd.....( it just gets awkward to ask my uncle for all these personal details unsure.gif )
since my personal income is a I still need a bank statement...I have negligible savings???
pls help....dont have much time!!

The income tax for the last 3 years are neccesary. If your co-sponsor have W2 he can show that. If you're not working for now I think that a letter explanation of unemployment would be fine, but i think that the most important thing is that you show them that you're planing to get a job o explain why not you're not able for work... It's my opinion.
Have nice day
malego77FemaleMexico2/22/2008 11:51
Asia: SouthTo notarize or not to notarize?
QUOTE (Rohini @ Nov 6 2009, 10:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you have or haven't what are your experiences? Suggestions? Would love to hear from those who interviewed in Mumbai.

Affidavits of support don't need to be notarized anymore.
malego77FemaleMexico11/6/2009 23:12
Asia: East and PacificCurrent Status: Denial Notice Sent
QUOTE (Haonie @ Apr 5 2008, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (malego77 @ Apr 5 2008, 10:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Haonie @ Apr 5 2008, 08:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I withdrew this case a year ago. I now receive this notice. It weird. Anyone has any ideas. Thanks


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: WACXXXXX…..

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Denial Notice Sent

On April 3, 2008, we mailed you a denial decision notice for this case I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). The notice explains why the denial decision was made and the options that may be available to you. If you have not received this notice within 30 days of the April 3, 2008, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Case Status and Processing Dates.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

If you withdrew it correctly (informing to USCIS) you don't need to do anything I think, anyway you aren't interested on the petition, are you?

Just a curious why it took them for a year to reply back. I withdrew my petition at US Consulate but also notified "CC" to USCIS, NVC and my Attorney.

Yeah, the USCIS misteries, who will understand them?
malego77FemaleMexico2008-04-05 23:24:00
Asia: East and PacificCurrent Status: Denial Notice Sent
QUOTE (Haonie @ Apr 5 2008, 08:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I withdrew this case a year ago. I now receive this notice. It weird. Anyone has any ideas. Thanks


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: WACXXXXX…..

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Denial Notice Sent

On April 3, 2008, we mailed you a denial decision notice for this case I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). The notice explains why the denial decision was made and the options that may be available to you. If you have not received this notice within 30 days of the April 3, 2008, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Case Status and Processing Dates.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

If you withdrew it correctly (informing to USCIS) you don't need to do anything I think, anyway you aren't interested on the petition, are you?
malego77FemaleMexico2008-04-05 21:54:00
Asia: East and PacificVaccination Supplement
Is that for the K1 visa? or for AOS?
In my country I didn't need any TB test neither in USA for Adjustment of status and was approved. I don't what are the rules about why some countries need to do that
malego77FemaleMexico2008-06-02 18:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAOS and I-765 forms
[quote name='stuartgoc' date='Apr 10 2008, 09:21 PM' post='1745249']
Would you know if I can use my own income, Terry the US Citizen is a full time student with a part time job.....I have been working in the USA for the last 4 years and make more than the 125% 0f the poverty level. I can't find an answer to this anywhere!!

You can use your income/assets to help your spouse to reach the poverty line. But you can't do it by yourself (only your income). It's better look for a co-sponsor. Good luck
malego77FemaleMexico2008-04-10 21:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anybody still waiting for case number from NVC after 5 weeks??
QUOTE (Wes&Steffi @ Nov 16 2007, 09:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am going insane. We were approved from CIS on October 10th for our I130 and as of today still no case received by NVC. Is anybody out there that is still waiting for their case number from NVC after 5 weeks??? We are going insane. My husband finally called our congressman yesterday and faxed our approval notice to him and he will look into it. this seems to go on and on. I am loosing hope. Is there a special time or day that would be best to call and see if they have received our case...
Please need advice!!!!

Just when we called to NVC (after 5 weeks) they have sent the packet to the embassy. Good luck.
malego77FemaleMexico2007-11-17 19:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Confused about most recent tax year for I-864
QUOTE (Tiane @ Apr 3 2008, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have only two tax transcripts for the tax year ending dec 31st 2006 and the tax year ending dec 31st 2004, I did not work in 2005, 2007 or 2008(this year). However, I could only get a statement of non-filing for 2005. They won't give me a statement of non-filing for this most current year 2007 because you can still submit taxes until June. How do I go about giving them these transcripts? Do I write a note explaining why I don't have 2007 because you can still submit taxes or do they only want 2006, 2005 and 2004 since this tax year is not over yet? I'm so confused about this.

You can attach a explanation of unemployment letter, also you can provide proofs wich support your statement (as school records). And you must look for a co-sponsor or joint sponsor.
malego77FemaleMexico2008-04-03 16:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)ds230 divorce certificate for petitioner or for beneficiary
I think that you must attach the divorce certificate of the person in the couple who is divorced, if both are, so attach both certificates. Good day
malego77FemaleMexico2008-04-18 22:14:00