Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
NEVER EVER, send regular mail or regular USPS Priority Mail. It took a month to get to fiancee. Since this mistake Ive used DHL & Fedex. Fedex was around 30 dhl was 40.00. Dont sent anything in a box, customs with DHL will hold it & charge you excessively to have fiancee pick up & pay fees. Send a letter size packet.

How should I send Marlon some underwear and a video game? :help:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-04 17:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Wow, I seriously need to catch up!

Congrats to those who are getting married, been married, and those with interview dates approaching!

Jill ~ My prayers are with you and a cure has to be found!

Ricardo ~ Welcome! This board is an inspiration and it keeps me sane! May it also keep you sane in your process!

To those of you adjusting to having your hunny here, patience, it will all work out!

To those of you waiting as I am, again patience, it is a long road but never give up!

Darlene ~ You must be excited! Heck I am excited for you too!

If I missed anyone I apologize, I am learning everyone though! Of course I need to be more active on here! I've been working at Blockbuster all last week since my other job was closed, I go back to my normal schedule tomorrow! Marlon and I got to talk finally! He called me this morning at 6:30am! We talked for a good 1/2 hour and it was wonderful! He should be getting his divorce decree any day now, as soon as he gets it he will DHL everything to me. SO here's hoping to file in the next 2 weeks! My Christmas was good. My New Years was kinda sad, I miss my mom :crying: But I did watch a lot of episodes of the 4400 :D I am such a scifi geek! lol

Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-01 15:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
The Embassy should also be closed Tuesday, January 2nd as a National Day of Mourning for Former President Gerald R. Ford.

I have a 4 day weekend :dance: .

Wow, he was the prez when I was born!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-29 16:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hey Everybody
Sorry I've been out of touch--many thanks from both of us for all the help. Yes, he's here, arrived 12/9. So, you understand why I've not been around for a minute. The weddingi s December 30th. I'll post photos. I have to catch up and read all the news on the board.

Dwight, too

Welcome Dwight!
Happy Holidays!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-22 12:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Alright, so I've been thinking about what I can do next...I am going to see if I can file a waiver to overturn their decision...I don't know if it will work or not, but I will give it a shot...but in the meantime, I have been seriously contemplating what our next step will be...we both still want to get married nest year, only now it HAS to be in JA, which isn't a real issue for me..the issue is what to do afterwards? I am entertaining the idea of moving down there for a year or 2 until we are able to file again, but I'm not there anyone here who has lived down there? I know that it will be difficult, and there will be alot of things to get used to, although I am not completely unaware. Whenever I go to see him, I stay with him in his one room and without any of the comforts of resort living...I've gotten used to the idea of being biggest concern is finding a job...I will receive my Master's degree in Professional Counseling in May...are there opportunities available in that kind of work down there? I would like to stay in that field or something similar like social work, but I'm not sure what JA has to offer. I have been doing some research on the internet, but alot of the programs don't offer contact information, and those that do, haven't responded to my inquiries. What do I do? I know they offer jobs to Jamaican nationals first, but still, do you really think that I could work down there? I'm not even expecting this great pay or anything...I just want to be able to keep my head above water....or do you think I should try and stick it out here for the next couple of years and wait until he can reapply?? I don't know...if anyone has ANY advice, could you throw some my way? And for all those that will be in JA for the safe and be blessed!


Well it would seem that you certainly have alot to think about! I would suggest that you do some serious research before you move to Jamaica! You know how poor a country it is. I don't think I could bring myself to live there because we have it so much better over here in the US! The decision is yours ultimately, I would just want everything to work out for you!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-21 16:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Does anyone have the address to texting cell phones from your computer?
Thanks a bunch.

I'm not sure about Cable & Wireless

Ummm, how do I do it? :wacko:

got into your e-mail and where you would put the to put in his
write your message and send.

Maybe paying 15 cents is worth sending a longer text message? :huh:

Cool Beans thanks!
Is there a certain number of words though?

Yes there is. I can't remember but I want to say like maybe a sentence or less.

Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-15 14:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Does anyone have the address to texting cell phones from your computer?
Thanks a bunch.

I'm not sure about Cable & Wireless

Ummm, how do I do it? :wacko:

got into your e-mail and where you would put the to put in his
write your message and send.

Cool Beans thanks!
Is there a certain number of words though?
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-15 14:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Does anyone have the address to texting cell phones from your computer?
Thanks a bunch.

I'm not sure about Cable & Wireless

Ummm, how do I do it? :wacko:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-15 14:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Good morning and TGIF

I would like to second that! :D

And I am "thirding" that!! :lol: :lol:

It's all good :luv:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-15 14:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Does anyone have the address to texting cell phones from your computer?
Thanks a bunch.

I'm not sure about Cable & Wireless

You mean I can send free text messages to Marlon's digicel?!?!?!?!? :o
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-15 13:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Good morning and TGIF

I would like to second that! :D
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-15 12:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Argggh, why do I end up posting wrong when I try to add a new topic? lol

See my post outside of this thread :o
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-12 19:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Thank u everyone for your thoughts and prayers...the lady at the Embassy told us that his test had come back clean, but because he admitted to the use from a couple of years ago, that was enough for them...I just feel like I'm at a complete loss...I don't even know what I can do, if anything...we would still like to be married--does anyone know if we can get married now, and then just wait? I don't thoughts are rambling right now...I haven't been able to concentrate on anything, eat, or sleep...

This is just crazy!!!!!!! My heart goes out to the two of you. (F)

I think the problem is that the Government has their rules. It sucks but I bet answering "yes" to that question is an automatic denial -- no questions asked. This just breaks my heart.... (F) I can't stop thinking about you.....

I can't stop thinking about you guys either! My heart is with you guys!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-12 16:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hi all...well, I just want to start out saying that I thank each and every one of you for the help that you have provided along the way for our K-1 journey. As you may know, our interview was on Thursday, and despite our best efforts, the visa was denied--due to his admitted marijuana use from about 2 1/2 years ago...You know, a couple of weeks before the medical I said to him, if they ask you about drugs just say that you've never used seemed fine then...he was like "cool"...but on the day of the medical he said that the doctor kept asking him had he used drugs in the past 3 years, and INSISTED to him that they would test to make, because I live here, and I guess I just know that weed can't be traced back any further than 30 days or so, I never really thought that that would be an issue...I just assumed that people pretty much knew that, but I guess not...unfortunately, he told them the truth because he was fearful that they would somehow find out and would deny him the visa...and for his honesty we have paid the price....I have never seen a man cry so much before in my life...and I have truly never felt more broken spirited and hopeless...I don't know where to go from here because I just knew that everything was going to work out according to plan...this has been the most devastating experience of my life....I wish everyone up here luck, and please please please heed the medical warnings---THESE PEOPLE ARE SO CANNIVING AND SNEAKY!! This was a hard lesson learned...I'm not sure what other options are available to us...we've talked, and we do both agree wholeheartedly that being together is what matters the most in the world to us...its just knowing what to do next (if there's anything we CAN do) that is the I said before, thank you for your well wishes!! I will definitely continue to post here and be of any help if I can...the actual interview experience-NO PROBLEM! Everyone have a wonderful evening and a good day at work tomorrow!!

OMG! My heart goes out to you and Gregory! I feel so bad knowing that you guys were almost there! I will say a prayer that there is something that you guys can do!

Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-11 21:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I just went out and checked my mail box.. I got my approval letter today my case has been forwarded to the NVC :dance: :dance:

YAY! Congrats! :dance: See, and you were worried for no reason! I am soooooo happy for you! Good luck on the next leg of your journey!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-05 02:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

OMG! I am so excited! I was able to get the phone call list from my cellular company and it only cost me $15.00 :dance: It has every call I have made to Marlon in Jamaica since he moved back in July! So it is possible, just keep hounding those cellular companies and tell them that you MUST have only the international calls made to submit for the K1 Visa! I am so happy! Now I am off to start assembling my I-29 packet, excuse me if I come back and ask alot of questions! lol YAY! :dance:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-04 18:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is making it through all of the crazy weather that we've been having the past week or so...I swear I'm going to catch pneumonia--my body doesn't know how to act w/ all the weather changes....

I just wanted to let u guys know that I leave for Jamaica tomorrow morning!! :D :D :D I am SO READY and SOOOO nervous!! The interview is scheduled for Thursday @ 7:15 am so send all the prayers and luck you have our way!! All of the paperwork is finally in order, and we've been going over possible questions. Now we're just hoping that things go well!! I will find an internet cafe and let u guys know how it turns out!! Thank u all for being SO supportive and friendly!!!


Good luck! Don't get sick and make sure you tellus all about it! YAY!

Hello Family!!!

It feels liek I have been gone for so long and I have waaaayyy to much reading to catch up on!! I hope everyone is doing well. We have been good for the most part. The medical issue (eating chicken bones) has cleared up and we are permanently off of chicken bones!!!!

We just found out yesterday that Duane's son was taken to England by the son's mother!!! (wicked women) :devil: I guess she left on Thursday but she left no forwarding address or phone number. :( Duane almost fainted when he heard. His eyes filled with water and I could not get him to talk or eat all day. He just sat in the house quiet all day..... :cry: His mom is going to file a police report in Ochi and I called the Jamaican embassy in Washington DC today and will call the American Embassy in England later. I just do not know what else we can do. Duane had custody of his son and raised him a lone until 1 year ago. We filed the paperwork already for his son and we were just waiting to get the birth certificate sorted out. He is just so hurt and devasted and I do not know what else to do.......Any idea????

ALSO......We have our AOS interview this Thursday and I want to make sure that I have everything ready. I also had a question about the EAD.

We filed in September and we have not received any information about the EAD. Can we inquire about this status at the AOS interview?

Also.....I gathered the following items. What else is needed/missing for the interview:

Original Marriage certificate.
Wedding Photos
Additional Misc Photos
Copy of bills with both our names
Copy of SS card for husband
Copy of Joint Bank Account Statement
New Updated Employment/Income Verifcation
Copy of my last two recent paystubs

Anything else??????

I appreciate your help!!


OMG! I am so sorry that you and Duane have to go through this! I will keep you in my prayers and I sincerely hope that there is something that you guys can do!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-04 15:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Thanks FutureMrs.

I am definately hanging in there :yes:
Congrads on Mailing your I-129F :dance: :dance

[font=Comic Sans Ms][size=3]
Thanks in advance! We are still waiting for Marlon to receive his divorce decree from Birmingham, England, once he gets that he will be mailing me everything I need from him so we can file. I so hope we can file before the I29F form expires the end of this month! I have been on pins and needles waiting becuase I am soooo anxious to get the first step done! I will say that I am so happy to have Marlon and the fact that he already obtained his police records from Jamaica. However, he needs to get them from Scotland Yard as well because he lived in Enland for over 6 years. I can't help but feel so overwhelmed about the whole process! I am so glad to have found this website as well as this particular forum because I love to read the success stories of the people here and I don't feel so alone! So thanks to all of my Yardie family :thumbs:
Well, if only I could learn more about the elusive and bossy Jamaican man! rofl :help: Anyways, I am off to shower and head to work. So thanks again! So much for staying away from a most addicting website during final exams time! lol :unsure:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-02 18:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Thanks for the info.. I went and clicked on the case, and the message is still the same... I'm just glad I've finally been touched.

Hang in there hun! You know we are all rooting for you!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-02 17:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I had Sprint and I was just paying 34 cents a min to JA b/c I had the int'l plan and only paid $4.99 a month but now I have switched to T-Mobile and everyday I'm missing Sprint more and more. Does it cost more to text him? What about if you have a text package?

Well, with T-Mobile I only pay 15 cents per text message I send to Marlon. When he texts me he pays I guess. I have the text package unlimited here in the States. Hey! If we call each other we get free mobile to mobile :dance:

Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-01 16:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello family!!!

The interview was actually painless. I was only asked two questions 1) When we met? 2) Where did we meet? They asked Verton a total of six. The only one he couldn't answer was do I have any pets and he told them he didn't know but I never talked about any. Which was true because i don't have any :lol: . They also asked when did he propose and he said on my first visit :blush: . She then asked how was he so sure i was the one and he answered that when we met we connected and it felt like we had know each other a life time already. After she loked at several 200.00 cell phone bills there was no question about the truth of a relationship. Thank you family for all you information and advice. I will be posting a review of the embassy as soon as my feet touch the ground I am so happy.

Woo-hoo! Congrats! I am so excited for you!

I just wanted to thank everyone for the answers to my questions! Everyone is so helpful here! I won't be online again until next week, I have to buckle down and study for my finals.

To those of you with pending interviews, good luck! I can't wait to read some good news when I return!

Sonshyne: I am in the same boat as you. My cell phone provider was Cricket but I spoke to customer service and they told me I could request a copy of international long distance calls for $5.00. I will try and let you know if this works. There is ALWAYS a solution, just keep bugging your provider and explain to them what and why you need something! I just recently switched to T-mobile and now I have lists of text messages sent to Marlon and calls I make. The only thing that sucks is that I pay $1.09 per minute :( But, it will all be worth it when he is finally here with me :P So good luck and don't get discouraged or overwhelmed!

To those waiting to be touched etc., hang in there, my thoughts and prayers are with everyone!

Bye for now, until next week!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-12-01 09:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello FutureMrs

1. If you cannot be there for his interview, make sure he is overprepared. I didn't attend but I sent hubby a 5+ pound binder (with a color indexed table of contents with matching dividers to match the colors on TOC - yes I know ####### :wacko:), and before the interview call him and spend time with him going over the sections so come interview date he knows where everything is and can be located when the interviewer asks for something.

2. Yes, he can fly through NY for stamp and you can either get a separate ticket for him to come to AZ or find a route that has a layover in NY. And yes, he can visit his father while in NY.

3. We had 12 passport photos :wacko: - again better to be overprepared (he paid about $200JA for all of them).

4. EAD and AOS (lumped in with postal service fees) cost us about $700.00. We didn't apply for advance parole travel so that saved us some money. Because our AOS interview was local, we didn't have any travel costs. Getting the medical supplement was only $35.00 - start searching the board NOW for low-cost doctors to do this for you - this will be one less headache for you later.

Phew! Thank you so much! I guess you can say that I have the "pre-K1 Visa jitters"! :lol: As far as ####### goes, I am usually well prepared when it comes to presentation! You should see my ENG102 term paper on the pyramids of Giza and how the stars in the belt of Orion match up, it even had transparencies on top! lol A couple more questions if you do not mind:
How will I know where the AOS interview will be?
What is the medical supplement, is it aside from the medical exam Marlon will receive in Kingston?

Again, thanks so much, I really appreciate this site and the people, I don't feel so alone!

Oh and Nanny:
The whole time I was in Jamaica and eating patties, fried chicken & "peas & rice", I was yearning for a burger and fries. When Marlon took me to Ochi, he bought be Burger King and that Whopper was the best I have EVER had in my life! :o I came back here and the first thing I did was get a Whopper, sadly it just wasn't the same :crying: lol

Edited by FutureMrs, 30 November 2006 - 12:17 AM.

Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-11-30 00:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I will admit finally that I have spent a lot of time thinking about the K1 and getting it started. I even think that I am obsessed with the VJ website! I am going nuts waiting to hear from Marlon that he got his divorce decree. Even though I have read so many posts and guides, I have some questions for those of you who have completed the K1 and AOS process:

1.) I cannot be in Jamaica for Marlon's interview, does it matter whether I am there or not?
2.) Can I set up the plane ticket for him to go to New York for his POE and then here to Arizona? And if his POE is New York, can he visit his father while he is there?
3.) Exactly how many passport photos do me and Marlon need all together?
4.) How much is it for the EAD and AOS? Are we done completely after that? If not, how much more money will we have to spend until we are done?

Arrrrggghhh! LOL That's it for now.

Thanks for putting up with me! I am just a little stressed about 2 final exams next week and wanting to file the K1 before the end of December.
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-11-29 20:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

guess who came home last night FINALLY....... :P
well he got the visa early yesterday morning and called me and said book the i called kelly and she got him a ticket and i called him back and said ok are you packed....dumb question he has been packed since last week :lol: :lol:
so he got to the airport a little before 3 checked in got the exit row cause he is 6'8.....and came home....he said the officers at the POE were ok not nice but not mean either....and everything was fine....
so as we are driving he says i am hungry i want a burger...and big his first meal was take thru from Mc Donalds :lol: :lol:
then he tells me i LOVE the roads....they are SO bumps or anything :lol: :lol: he is tooo cute....

CONGRATS! Yay he is finally home! I bet Marlon will make a comment on the roads too! lol
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-11-29 13:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
FM...u do not need the form with your original submission of the won't need it until after the Embassy receives your approved petition which could be a few months...but you WILL need's just a form stating that he is legally free to be married or something...Good luck on your petition! What service center will you be filing from? Usually those who file through Vermont get through a lot quicker than most... :thumbs:

Phew! Thanks, I will be sure to let him know now to get in gear since it seems as if that one takes awhile. I will be filing with the CSC :( I live in Arizona and that one I think is the one I need. I wish I could file with the VSC!

Darlene: Marlon is from Clarendon, the veranda is on his front porch. He took me to Dunn's River Falls and I absolutely adored it! :luv:

Nanny: Keep going girl, you know he will be with you very soon!!!! :thumbs:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-11-27 21:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Well let's hope I don't need another form! Arggghhh!!! lol

Anyway, here is the link for the pics from my trip to Jamaica that I was unable to upload. Enjoy!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-11-27 19:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Ok, so it appears that I have a SERIOUS looks as though the Non-Impediment to marriage form might not be ready for our interview next week...what should we do? Will they deny the visa because of it? I mean, there's a receipt that says that it's been paid for and what not...but I don't know what to do, and those people at that place aren't telling him anything!! :help:

Yikes! I am not too familiar with this form and now you got me worried! How much is it and where do I send Marlon to obtain it? Marlon is still waiting on his divorce decree from England, we talked yesterday and he thinks he should have it this week. We will be filing our I29 as soon as he sends me what I need. Do I need to submit the Non-Impediment to marriage form with my I29 submission?

Good luck on your interview!!!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-11-27 16:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Ok, so I was on the other forum again just browsing to see if the lady had responded to my inquiry..and she hadn't...but while I was looking, another forum member had informed everyone on the site that she had come across the VJ website and how great it was and thought others should check it out, and the lady responded with:

It didn't help me as much as I would've liked it to. Ended up finding out more info on my own.

She also went on to say that someone had recommended her to the site, but she found it basically useless to her....well naturally, I took offense, because I think this entire website has been one of the best things that I have ever found, and everyone in this forum has been extremely open and I responded by just letting everyone know all the different kinds of helpful and useful information that could be found up here, how there was a network just for folx from the caribbean, and how everyone on the site has been helpful and how it is probably one of the best places to go if you want to know ANYTHING about the immigration process, before during, and after!! I really kinda think of this place as another family, and I'm actually surprised at how defensive I felt!!! Anyhoo, I'm off to work, so I'll talk to you later. Hope everyone has a nice day!!

Hey! I was the one that recomended this site on ETJ! lol

Hey!! I'm glad you recommended this site up there!! Like I said on ETJ, this site is SO full of helpful information!! I can point you in the direction of the forms you need to fill out and show you where you can find examples of how to fill them out! I (and everyone else here for that matter) can share our experiences with you...Like I said on ETJ, this site has been the most helpful site in regards to immigration that I've ever seen...ETJ is a great forum for meeting and talking to people and discussing the Jamaican culture as a whole...don't get me wrong, I like it...but this site in particular provides a lot more pertinent and useful information in regards to the actual immigration process...

Thanks and I am so glad that I posted that link as well! I agree with you on the ETJ being a great site to learn about JA culture, on the other hand it just seems hard to get positive vibes about the hole visa process that I oftentimes get discouraged. Congrats to you and Gregory on your journey! Any help I can get at this point is appreciated. A good pep talk wouldn't hurt either! :unsure:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-10-05 21:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Ok, so I was on the other forum again just browsing to see if the lady had responded to my inquiry..and she hadn't...but while I was looking, another forum member had informed everyone on the site that she had come across the VJ website and how great it was and thought others should check it out, and the lady responded with:

It didn't help me as much as I would've liked it to. Ended up finding out more info on my own.

She also went on to say that someone had recommended her to the site, but she found it basically useless to her....well naturally, I took offense, because I think this entire website has been one of the best things that I have ever found, and everyone in this forum has been extremely open and I responded by just letting everyone know all the different kinds of helpful and useful information that could be found up here, how there was a network just for folx from the caribbean, and how everyone on the site has been helpful and how it is probably one of the best places to go if you want to know ANYTHING about the immigration process, before during, and after!! I really kinda think of this place as another family, and I'm actually surprised at how defensive I felt!!! Anyhoo, I'm off to work, so I'll talk to you later. Hope everyone has a nice day!!

Hey! I was the one that recomended this site on ETJ! lol
Dwarf_OgressFemale02006-10-05 12:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow did you meet?
We met on a singles website.
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-02-27 17:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americayardie
Welcome to our VJ Yardie family! (F)
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-04-05 16:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaINTERVIEW IN KINGSTON
I'm sorry that happened to you! Hang in there, it is only a couple of more weeks! (F)
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-04-27 16:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaINTERVIEW IN KINGSTON
Good luck! I know that you guys will have an approval today! (F)
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-04-27 10:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNew to VJ
Welcome! :thumbs:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-05-03 21:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAmerica, Here I Come!!!!!!!!
OMG! Congrats girl! :dance:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-05-15 18:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling all Jamaica VJ members

Hope recent yardies to the process can verify or modify this information?
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-06-04 18:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaOriginals or copies

I am going to have the copies notarized just to be on the safe side as I was advised to by another VJ member.

Why? What will notarizing of the tax returns do? Notarization does not attest to the validity or accuracy of any document. I am always curious as to why people do this.....

That is merely what the other VJ member reccommended as she had gone through the K1 process last year.

FWIW, I have been through the process to and I notarized absolutely no documents....

I know you have and I appreciate all your advice! BTW, welcome back! Anyway, bottom line is I want to make sure that all my ducks are in a row and that the embassy in Kingston has no room to mess with us! lol
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-06-05 12:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaOriginals or copies

I am going to have the copies notarized just to be on the safe side as I was advised to by another VJ member.

Why? What will notarizing of the tax returns do? Notarization does not attest to the validity or accuracy of any document. I am always curious as to why people do this.....

That is merely what the other VJ member reccommended as she had gone through the K1 process last year.
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-06-05 12:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaOriginals or copies
I am glad someone asked this question as I was about to! I understand that I can send in copies of my W2's and tax return information from last year. I also have the IRS transcripts for the last 3 years. I am going to have the copies notarized just to be on the safe side as I was advised to by another VJ member.
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-06-05 12:23:00
Buen suerte! :thumbs:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-05-31 20:55:00